Inflammation of the foreskin in a newborn. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of acute balanoposthitis in children. Features of treatment in childhood

10.10.2023 Psychology

Every mother of a boy faces the male problems of her son. The most common ailments are inflammation of the head or foreskin of the penis. The disease occurs quite often in children, which is associated with the development of the genital organs. The disease is not dangerous, but if left untreated, the consequences can be severe.

Delicate problem: the boy has an inflamed penis

Inflammation of the head and foreskin of the genital organ is a fairly common acquired problem in boys. Despite the fact that the disease looks scary, it is not dangerous for the baby, but in the absence of treatment it becomes chronic.

All future men have physiological phimosis from birth. This is a normal condition in which the head of the reproductive organ is covered by a fold of skin connected to it by adhesions, or synechiae. A cavity forms under the foreskin where smegma accumulates - a mixture of sebaceous gland secretions and desquamated epithelial cells, which is washed out with urine. However, if the synechiae have not completely resolved and the natural cleansing procedure is disrupted, inflammation may develop (we recommend reading:).

The pathological process most often occurs as a result of injury, infection (including intrauterine), allergies, or an attempt by parents to retract the foreskin ahead of schedule, which leads to a violation of natural protection. The disease manifests itself gradually when more and more pathogenic bacteria accumulate between the head and the fold of skin covering it.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of pathologies

Inflammation of the penis occurs acutely or has a chronic course, but the first form of the disease is more common. To make a diagnosis, a specialist just needs to interview the parents and examine the baby. In case of a stable pathological process, urine and blood tests are necessary. The chronic form of the disease is more difficult to treat, the inflammatory process subsides from time to time, but poorly healing cracks and scars may remain on the penis.

Posthitis (inflammation of the foreskin)

Posthitis occurs in children for several reasons:

  • skin irritation due to accumulated smegma or urine;
  • penetration of bacteria due to the baby’s habit of fiddling with the genitals;
  • allergic reaction;
  • kidney diseases;
  • diabetes.

The process of inflammation of the foreskin is accompanied by swelling of the surrounding tissues - parents notice that the baby’s penis is swollen. Other symptoms are also present:

When parents discover the development of the inflammatory process, they must carry out a number of procedures:

  • Make a bath with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, a Furacilin tablet or a few drops of Sangviritrin. Antiseptics will destroy pathogenic flora and wash away particles of accumulated organic substances.
  • Use Streptomycin or Levomekol to lubricate the reddened area of ​​the skin.

If there is a tendency to reduce inflammation, the above procedures should be followed until recovery. To reduce discomfort, you can use decoctions of chamomile and oak bark.

If after 4 hours after the manipulations there is no relief, or the swollen foreskin has blocked the urethra, you need to go to the hospital. Based on the test results, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

Balanitis (inflammation of the head)

Balanitis is quite common in infants, but can also appear at an older age. The glans penis becomes inflamed due to accompanying factors:

  • poor hygiene;
  • incorrectly selected diaper size or tight underwear;
  • rare diaper changes;
  • aggressive substances used in washing clothes;
  • frequent use of soap;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • fungal infection;
  • endocrine disorders.

The incubation period of the disease lasts up to three days, after which symptoms begin to appear. Mothers rarely pay attention to the fact that the head of the reproductive organ turns slightly red, but then a small rash forms on the tip, merging into spots over time. Further signs become more pronounced:

  • edema;
  • pain;
  • the head acquires a burgundy-red, sometimes bluish tint;
  • discharge of purulent exudate;
  • itching (sometimes the child scratches the area around the genitals);
  • problems with urination;
  • fever or fever;
  • When an illness occurs due to a yeast infection, a white coating is visible on the penis.

Balanitis at the initial stage of development does not require complex treatment. Therapy includes:

The procedures are performed 2–3 times a day for 5 days. At an advanced stage, antibiotics and even surgery may be needed. During the operation, the foreskin is cut, and sometimes circumcision is performed (we recommend reading:).

Balanoposthitis (inflammation of the head and foreskin)

Balanoposthitis develops due to the following reasons:

  • lack of hygiene;
  • deposition of urine salts in skin folds;
  • the formation of constrictions between the head and foreskin;
  • rubbing the skin with linen;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hypothermia.

There are several forms of the disease:

  • acute – develops spontaneously without any accompanying pathologies;
  • gangrenous - during the inflammatory process of the preputial sac, the head is pinched by the adjacent tissue, blood flow is disrupted;
  • purulent - develops when the urethral opening is partially blocked, accompanied by the release of pus;
  • erosive - when the epithelium is destroyed, cracks appear, forming scars after healing.

At the beginning of the development of the disease, parents notice that the penis near the head is swollen and inflamed. The child may complain of pain and itching in the groin area. The disease is also accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • sudden onset of problems emptying the bladder;
  • rise in temperature;
  • burning when urinating;
  • peeling of the affected area;
  • rash and microcracks;
  • whitish coating and yellow cheesy discharge;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin;
  • enuresis;
  • refusal to eat.

It is better to treat balanoposthitis in the initial stage using baths - they are the most effective remedy against inflammation. They are prepared using a decoction of chamomile and Furacilin. Dryness and irritation are relieved by regular baby cream or Bepanten. At night, the penis should be treated with Levomekol, or even better, a bandage soaked in medicine should be wrapped around it.

When a fungal infection occurs, Clotrimazole ointment is used, and when a bacterial infection occurs, Erythromycin, Nitroxoline, Biseptol and other drugs are used. An abscess with purulent discharge that forms when the disease is advanced is a dangerous condition, since it can provoke tissue necrosis. Therefore, it is better to start treatment at the first signs of the disease.

Phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin)

Phimosis is normal for a newborn. By six months the head opens in a fifth of children, and by 3 years – in 90%. At the age of 7, she should be completely freed from the foreskin, but cases are recorded when this happens after 10–11 years. Due to the tight fit of the foreskin, hygiene becomes difficult, as a result of which balanoposthitis develops. Physiological phimosis transforms into pathological.

When trying to expose the head, the child complains that the penis hurts. The head does not open or is exposed with force, and swelling occurs. A closed urethral opening makes urination difficult. This condition threatens constant relapses of balanoposthitis. Phimosis can also be caused by prolonged inflammation of the foreskin, as the delicate tissues become scarred, become rough and tighten.

Allergic reaction

Sometimes the appearance of inflammation is associated with allergies. It can be caused by:

  • lack of hygiene;
  • using hygiene products and diapers that are not suitable for the baby;
  • allergens contained in urine due to taking medications or eating foods.

The disease is manifested by redness of the penis, which is localized at the urethra or spreads to the entire genital area, rash, itching, and tearfulness of the child. To eliminate discomfort, the first step is to identify and eliminate the irritant, and local therapy is carried out using the means described above (baths, ointments). Parents should change baby care products and diaper brands.

In case of a violent response caused by food or drug allergens, the doctor prescribes oral antihistamines: Suprastin, Zyrtec, Cetrin, etc. The course of therapy almost never lasts more than 2 weeks.

Prevention of inflammation of the penis in children

To prevent inflammatory processes in the penis, it is important to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • Wash your baby every day after bowel movements without using soap;
  • change the diaper every 4 hours, regardless of how full it is;
  • use hypoallergenic skin care products;
  • leaving babies naked more often;
  • select diapers according to weight;
  • buy cotton linen without rough seams;
  • do not try to retract the foreskin until physiological phimosis disappears;
  • twice a month, bathe the baby in water with the addition of chamomile decoction.

Students should be taught the importance of keeping their genitals clean and develop the habit of washing their penis themselves. The boy must use personal hygiene products, including a towel. If symptoms of inflammation appear, antiseptic treatment of the skin should be performed.

Balanoposthitis in a child is an inflammatory disease that spreads to the foreskin and glans penis in boys. This disease is characterized by symptoms such as swelling, burning, and redness of the foreskin. At the same time, urination becomes difficult; with a complicated course of the disease, purulent contents may be released from under the foreskin.

According to its etiology Balanoposthitis in a child can be traumatic, infectious and allergic. As a rule, the most common are infectious and traumatic balanoposthitis, as well as their combination. Diagnosis of balanoposthitis in a child consists of data from a clinical examination, collection of a thorough medical history from the mother and child, and laboratory tests such as OAM, UAC, and culture of the discharge.

Lack of necessary care for the male genital organ is the main reason for the occurrence of this disease. As a result, the secretion of the prepuce glands accumulates under the foreskin, which is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms that cause inflammation.

However, difficulty in hygienic procedures with the penis can cause physiological phimosis. This is a common phenomenon for boys under 5-6 years old. Due to the inability to completely expose the head when retracting the foreskin, pathogenic microflora accumulates under it, which subsequently causes inflammation.

Symptoms and clinical picture of balanoposthitis in a child

The first symptoms of balanoposthitis in a child are pain and toothache in the area of ​​the glans penis, burning sensation and difficulty urinating. On clinical examination, redness and swelling of the glans are clearly visible; when the foreskin is pulled back, accumulated smegma is visible, which has an unpleasant odor. In the purulent form of balanoposthitis, purulent-inflammatory contents of the sac are released from under the foreskin.

In addition to local manifestations of balanoposthitis, general reactions of the body to the inflammatory process occur. Increased body temperature, malaise, drowsiness, irritability, aggravated by itching.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in an infant

Balanoposthitis in children of the first year of life is a fairly common disease. This is due to the fact that even with good hygiene of the external genitalia of a newborn, microorganisms from the intestines enter the foreskin and glans penis and cause inflammation. Also, physiological phimosis, present in almost 100% of children in the first year of life, complicates hygiene procedures for the child.

Another common cause of the development of balanoposthitis in newborns is the improper use of diapers: infrequent changes, incorrect selection of sizes, etc.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in an infant are always clearly visible. The glans and foreskin become swollen, bright red, and bright red dots appear on the penis itself. The child becomes restless. When urinating, you may notice an increase in the child’s aggressiveness and irritability due to pain.

Balanoposthitis in children of preschool and school age

The spread of this disease in this age group has almost the same reasons as in earlier periods.

  • physiological phimosis, which has now become pathological;
  • poor penile hygiene;
  • the addition of pathogenic microflora, in particular, at this age, candidiasis microflora is quite common.

To the already described causes of inflammation, it is worth adding the use of tight underwear, which constantly rubs the foreskin. Constant mechanical impact on the sensitive area leads to inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in adolescents

The most common cause of balanoposthitis in older boys is the addition of staphylococcal, streptococcal, candidal infections due to poor penile hygiene. The constant mechanical impact of tight underwear on the penis also plays a significant role in the occurrence of this disease.

Adolescents are characterized by the development of balanoposthitis against the background of existing specific diseases, such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, herpes, etc. Although rare, phimosis also occurs at an older age. It is necessary to understand that physiological phimosis in adolescents already has the nature of a pathology, therefore, if by the age of 6-7 years the foreskin does not expose the head of the penis, then this problem must be solved surgically.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in a child: review of basic techniques

Treatment of balanoposthitis in a child directly depends on the degree of the disease. Mild cases can be treated at home. In more severe forms of balanoposthitis, you must consult a doctor for the necessary treatment recommendations.

So, let's consider the treatment of mild degrees of this disease. It is characterized by slight irritation of the skin of the foreskin, without affecting the head of the penis. In this case, you can get by with treatment at home.

  • Careful hygiene of the external genitalia, especially after bowel movements and changing diapers (in children of the first year of life);
  • Every 2-3 hours it is necessary to use baths with chamomile solution. It is worth noting that during the baths there is no need to expose the head; the components of the solution are independently penetrated under the foreskin;
  • Use a moisturizer to reduce dryness and irritation of the skin.

Usually, 2-3 Days of such care for the child’s penis help to completely cure this disease.

For more severe forms of balanoposthitis, it is strictly recommended to consult a doctor.

For productive treatment, you must do the following:

  1. All the same hygienic measures as for mild illness.
  2. Every 2-3 hours, baths with chamomile solutions (2-3 tablespoons of the plant per 1 glass of boiling water). An alternative to herbal infusions can be a solution of furatsilin (2-3 tablets per glass of water). It is necessary to lower the diseased organ into a glass with the prepared solution for 10 minutes.
  3. In between baths and at night, ointment applications with antimicrobial agents should be used. The most common is Levomekol. The penis is wrapped in a napkin soaked in this drug. Also, do not forget about careful hygiene of the affected area before this manipulation. 3-4 days of this treatment will contribute to complete recovery.
  4. If balanoposthitis is of fungal origin, it is recommended to use ointment applications with drugs such as clotrimazole or candida. In this case, treatment continues for 2-3 weeks until complete recovery.

All the symptoms and treatment methods described above refer to acute balanoposthitis. But there is also a purulent form of this disease. Of course, it occurs much less frequently, but it still occurs. It develops due to purulent lesions of the glans and foreskin of the penis.

Often the purulent form is a direct complication of phimosis. Complete narrowing of the foreskin causes stagnation of urine and ismegma. After some time, they cause inflammation and begin to fester under the foreskin.

The following are characteristic of purulent balanoposthitis:

  1. Duration of the disease. If treatment of the acute form is ineffective, or if treatment is completely absent, the disease can become chronic.
  2. Yellow (purulent) contents with an unpleasant odor are released from under the foreskin.
  3. As a result of abundant suppuration, swelling appears, itching and burning occur, which are the main symptoms of purulent balanoposthitis.

Treatment of the purulent form of this disease differs from the acute form. The main causes of purulent balanoposthitis are the addition of a staphylococcal, streptococcal or yeast infection. After identifying a specific pathogen, a type of medication is prescribed for treatment.

The main method of treating the purulent form is circular excision of the foreskin of the penis. This is the only way to get rid of this disease for sure.

Thus, for the most rational and prompt treatment of balanoposthitis in a child, it is necessary to consult a urologist or surgeon. Based on clinical analysis and examination data, he will determine the form of the disease and select the correct treatment.

The condition of the genital organs of young children often becomes a cause for concern for young parents. This is especially true for inflammation in boys. In most cases, they are successfully cured and are not considered a serious pathology.

Anatomical features

The causes of inflammation of the genital organ of a boy and a man are different. If in adults the disease occurs from untreated sexually transmitted or fungal infections, then in children it is associated with a violation of the microflora. Everything is explained by anatomical features: a newborn is born with temporary phimosis, when the head of the penis is covered by a fold of skin (foreskin), which is tightly held by a connecting commissure - synechia. A large amount of smegma, desquamated epithelial cells, accumulates under it. Normally, they wash out on their own. But under unfavorable conditions, pathogenic flora multiplies in the “pockets” of the foreskin and inflammation begins - balanoposthitis.

Prerequisites for the development of the disease in infants and young boys:

  1. Insufficient genital hygiene.
  2. Inappropriate size or poor quality diapers.
  3. Dirty or poorly washed panties.
  4. The bad habit of touching and fiddling with the genitals.

The risk group for inflammation includes children suffering from overweight, diabetes, and immune disorders after infectious diseases.

Boys with food or drug intolerance are prone to balanoposthitis: irritation of the child’s head and foreskin occurs during the excretion of the allergen in the urine.

The body also reacts to synthetic detergents and hygiene products with redness.


In most cases, inflammation begins spontaneously and quickly. The baby is bothered by pain when urinating, and scanty yellowish discharge from the urethra is visible. Inflammation in a newborn is accompanied by anxiety and crying.

Redness on the head and foreskin often frightens parents, but does not pose a serious threat to the child’s health. After adequate therapy is carried out on time, the symptoms of balanoposthitis disappear without a trace already on the third day.

In advanced, severe cases, the disease is accompanied by itching and redness of the glans penis, discharge of drops of pus from under the foreskin, and pain when urinating.

In acute balanoposthitis, the child’s temperature rises to 39 °C, the head of the genital organ is red and swollen, small white spots of a rash or dense yellowish deposits are visible.

There are a large number of nerve endings on the head of the penis. Therefore, if a child has redness, rough manipulations on the boy’s weeny at home, or forcibly opening the foreskin, should not be carried out. Pain can frighten or cause mental trauma in the baby.


To relieve acute symptoms, it is necessary to organize warm baths for 5 minutes three times a day.

As anti-inflammatory solutions, you can use furatsilin (2 tablets per 250 ml of water), chamomile infusion or string.

After the procedure, you need to apply a small amount of ointment (Levomekol, Levosin, Streptomycin emulsion), line it with a sterile napkin and put on clean underwear. During an exacerbation, a boy should drink as much as possible and urinate more often so that an ascending infection does not enter the urethra.

If after two days of home treatment there is no positive dynamics, you need to contact a pediatric urologist.

In case of acute urinary retention, pronounced changes in the foreskin due to severe inflammation and swelling, emergency hospitalization of the child in a surgical hospital is necessary.

With proper care for babies, balanoposthitis does not happen. Careful hygiene is required, washing after each bowel movement and daily air baths.

Regular showers, clean hands and underwear are the key to the health of a future man.

The genital organs perform urinary and reproductive functions, which is why their health is so important. Inflammation of the foreskin in boys occurs at different ages and, despite the fact that the disease does not pose a great threat, it causes significant discomfort to the child.

At the first symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin, you should contact a urologist who will diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

What causes inflammation of the foreskin?

A similar phenomenon is designated by the medical term “balanoposthitis”. With it, the inflammatory process spreads to the glans penis and foreskin. In childhood, the disease is diagnosed in 6% of boys, mainly in children 4 years old.

The statistics are explained by the fact that in children under 5 years of age physiological phimosis is observed, that is, the head of the penis is not exposed, the tissue is motionless. After six months, the boy develops a lubricant - smegma, which reduces friction between the penis and the tissues surrounding it. Failure to produce such a secretion leads to irritation and inflammation. Other reasons include:

  • poor hygiene;
  • using diapers that are the wrong size;
  • wearing tight underwear;
  • high sugar content in urine (mainly in diabetics);
  • use of aggressive laundry detergents;
  • frequent use of soaps or intimate hygiene gels with various fragrances.

The use of low-quality intimate hygiene products is one of the indirect causes of inflammation of the foreskin in a baby

Infections that affect smegma and cause inflammation should be included in a separate group. Pathogenic organisms include:

  • coli;
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • fungi of any kind.

In rare cases, balanoposthitis becomes a complication of other pathologies. Depending on the causes and nature of the inflammation, several types of the disease are distinguished.

Symptoms and types of disease

The term “balanoposthitis” consists of two parts, and the types of disease are divided in the same way. Balanitis is a condition when only the head of the penis is swollen, posthitis is an inflammatory process affecting only the foreskin. More often the process spreads to both parts, and the doctor diagnoses “balanoposthitis”.

According to the duration of the course, there are 2 types of balanoposthitis: acute and chronic. In the acute form, inflammation lasts no more than 3 months, in other cases it is a chronic disease.

In turn, the acute course is classified into the following types:

  • simple (characteristic signs are thinning of the penis, burning and discomfort);
  • erosive (ulcers appear on the head);
  • gangrenous (ulcers contain pus, fever is possible).

The most dangerous form is the latter. If the inflammation does not go away for months, then subsides, then arises with renewed vigor - we are talking about a chronic type of disease. It can occur in two forms. In the first case, small, frequent ulcers appear that do not go away for a long time, in the second, bloody wounds and characteristic discharge are observed.

Usually it is not possible to completely cure the chronic form of the disease, and after several relapses a decision is made on surgical intervention. The boy will be circumcised, after which the balanoposthitis will disappear.

The presence of a disease can be determined by its symptoms. Common features include:

  • red skin around the genitals;
  • the penis is swollen and inflamed;
  • the condition of the skin has changed;
  • There was a feeling of itching and burning, pain.

As the disease progresses, you may experience:

  • erosions and ulcers;
  • pus from wounds;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area.

Sometimes a rash, diaper rash, abscesses and mechanical damage appear on the mucous membrane of the penis (more details in the article:). The temperature may rise. If we are talking about an infant, then against the background of redness of the genital organ, the baby becomes restless and capricious. Urinating and touching the organ will cause him pain.

What is the danger of the disease?

Despite the fact that inflammation is local in nature, without comprehensive treatment it can cause a number of complications:

  1. spread of infection to the urinary system;
  2. scarring phimosis, i.e. the head of the penis will not be able to become exposed;
  3. decreased sensitivity of the penis, which will negatively affect sex life in adulthood;
  4. the appearance of peptic ulcer;
  5. paraphimosis is a pathological infringement of the head of the genital organ.

The disease itself is not dangerous, but in the absence of proper treatment it entails a lot of serious complications, for example, the infection can spread to the urinary system

Treatment of balanoposthitis in children at home

Usually, treatment prognosis is always favorable; with timely diagnosis, the disease can be easily cured. In young boys, inflammation often goes away on its own, but this does not mean that if symptoms appear, you should postpone a visit to the doctor. Treatment comes down to proper care, drug therapy and folk remedies.

The first and most important thing is to teach your child how to properly care for himself. For infants, this hygiene is carried out by the mother. Important rules:

  • hygiene must be carried out daily, the genital organ is washed with warm water without detergents, additional care is carried out after each toilet;
  • panties are changed every day, it is important to observe the size of the underwear, diapers are changed at least once every 3-4 hours;
  • After water procedures, it is important to wipe the body dry.


Medicines will help speed up the healing process. They are prescribed by the attending physician, in this case a pediatric urologist or surgeon. The therapy is based on topical creams and ointments.

Commonly prescribed medications include:

  1. anti-inflammatory ointments, such as Prednisolone, Hydrocortisol;
  2. antiseptics: Miramistin, Levomekol, Sintomycin (we recommend reading:);
  3. regenerating preparations: Sudocrem, creams and ointments with zinc, preparations based on dexpanthenol (Bepanten, D-panthenol) (see also:);
  4. antifungal ointments: Lamisil, Lamicon and Clotrimazole.

Ointments are prescribed depending on the form of the disease and the cause of its occurrence. Many drugs have strict age restrictions, but for drugs such as Levomekol, the minimum age of the patient is not specified, so consultation with a specialist is required. Your doctor may also recommend combination medications.

If the inflammation site is very painful, it is possible to use antipyretic and painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Augmentin is used in the presence of ulcers; for disinfection, the affected areas are treated with Chlorhexidine.

Augmentin is prescribed for bacterial etiology of the disease

An important point in the treatment of swelling of the foreskin are baths. They can be made with the addition of pharmaceuticals or based on herbs. The first include a solution of furatsilin and a weak solution of potassium permanganate.


Various herbs will help treat the problem; they will soothe the tissues, promote their healing, and have an antiseptic effect. All baths are prepared from the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers per 200 ml of boiling water. You don’t need to prepare a whole bath; a small container is enough. Often used:

  • chamomile - a well-known antiseptic, also soothes, relieves itching and burning;
  • sage – valuable for its medicinal properties;
  • calendula – heals wounds and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
  • oak bark – relieves swelling.

The bath should have a temperature of 37-38˚. For infants, the duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes; for older boys, the time can be extended to 30 minutes.

Chamomile can also be used in the form of compresses - to prepare the mass, take flowers and boiling water in a 1:1 ratio, put the pulp in gauze and apply to the sore spot for a few minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day.

Disease prevention

Prevention of balanoposthitis lies in proper care. It is important for the mother of a newborn to know that:

Famous pediatrician O.E. Komarovsky believes that phimosis, which is not the cause of problems with urination, can be observed until adolescence. If the phenomenon is accompanied by swelling, itching, or the boy’s foreskin simply turns red, then it is important to show the child to a specialist in time. Remember that when it comes to children's health, the main thing is timely treatment.

Balanoposthitis is an acute inflammation of the glans penis and the upper part of the foreskin. Every second male encounters this disease, and balanoposthitis is much more common in boys than in adult men.

We’ll talk about what balanoposthitis is, why boys suffer from inflammation more often than adults and how the disease manifests itself - we’ll talk about this in more detail in the article.

Boys of primary preschool age and preschool children suffer from phimosis, that is, a narrowing of the foreskin of a physiological nature - this is a normal phenomenon that does not in any way prevent the child from emptying the bladder and taking care of personal hygiene of the genital organ. As a rule, by the time of puberty, this phenomenon goes away on its own, and the foreskin is easily separated from the head, exposing it.

With the onset of puberty (12-14 years), the secretion of the preputial glands, smegma, begins to be actively released. This substance is white or yellowish in color, with a thick consistency, which is easily washed off from the head of the penis during hygiene procedures.

If by the age of 12 the foreskin is not separated from the head of the penis, smegma accumulates under the skin, creating an excellent breeding ground for the active growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. As a result of this, both the foreskin and the glans become inflamed, which indicates the development of balanoposthitis.

Of course, the accumulation of smegma under the foreskin itself is not the cause of the development of an acute inflammatory process; this condition is accompanied by a number of predisposing factors:

  • failure to comply with the rules of personal intimate hygiene– young children especially often touch their external genitalia, not always with clean hands;
  • wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics, tight, out of size;
  • use of aggressive detergents for washing children's underwear, including the use of various scented fabric softeners and conditioners;
  • choosing the wrong size diapers for your baby(too tight);
  • elevated urine glucose levels– sugar crystals excreted in the urine severely irritate the mucous membranes of the genital organs, causing unbearable itching. A child, scratching his genitals, often gets an infection under the foreskin and balanoposthitis occurs;
  • washing the child's genitals with detergents too often, which leads to the washing away of the upper lipid layer, which acts as a protective barrier.

The most common causes of inflammation of the head and foreskin are the accumulation of smegma and urine under the skin and the penetration of microbes there. In infants, the development of the inflammatory process can be facilitated by diaper rash and diaper dermatitis, most often if the mother does not carefully monitor her son’s intimate hygiene and rarely changes the baby’s diaper.

Important! When washing boys after a bowel movement, try to move from front to back. This is necessary so that E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria excreted in feces do not get from the perianal folds to the urethra.

Types of inflammation

The inflammatory process can affect only the head of the penis - in this case, balanitis occurs, or only the foreskin - posthitis, but most often both the head and the foreskin are involved in the pathological process, which leads to the development of balanoposthitis.

Depending on the duration of the disease, there are:

  • acute form - the inflammatory process lasts from 3 to 7 days;
  • chronic form - the inflammatory process continues for more than 1 month with frequent relapses and short-term subsidence of the pathology.

The acute form of balanoposthitis is divided into several types, which is presented in more detail in the table:

Type of disease What is it characterized by?
Erosive balanoposthitisUlcerative lesions of varying sizes and depths form on the surface of the glans and under the foreskin, which heal poorly and can become secondarily infected.
Purulent balanoposthitisUlcerative neoplasms fester, become inflamed, and pus is released from the wounds. The tissues of the foreskin and the head are swollen, sharply painful, urination is impaired and causes severe pain. In addition, the child’s body temperature most often rises to 38 degrees or above.
Simple balanoposthitisRedness and swelling of the glans penis and foreskin, accompanied by cramps and pain in the patient

How to recognize the disease: the first symptoms of balanoposthitis

Acute inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin, as a rule, occurs suddenly and sharply; clinical symptoms can be pronounced or blurred, depending on the degree of tissue damage and the individual characteristics of the body.

The main signs of balanoposthitis in boys are:

  • severe swelling of the glans penis and foreskin;
  • tissue hyperemia and increased local temperature;
  • itching and severe pain at the site of inflammation - young children constantly strive to touch the genitals, thereby causing even greater pain;
  • enlarged inguinal lymph nodes;
  • pain during urination – urine coming into contact with inflamed areas of tissue causes a strong burning sensation and increased pain in the child.

If at this stage the child is not provided with qualified assistance, then simple balanoposthitis may become complicated by erosive, and then purulent. With an erosive pathological process, the skin around the glans penis begins to peel off, and bleeding, weeping, painful wounds appear on the surface of the glans and under the foreskin.

Associated symptoms of inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin in a child are:

  • moodiness;
  • constant crying;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • difficulty urinating – this often results in acute cystitis or urethritis;
  • increase in body temperature.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you notice any of the symptoms described above in your child, do not delay visiting your doctor. A pediatric surgeon deals with similar diseases of boys, who conducts consultations in any clinic in the city.

As a rule, making a diagnosis is not difficult - when examining the external genital organs of a boy, the doctor notices a sharp swelling and hyperemia of the head of the penis and foreskin, their pain when trying to palpate, and when retracting the foreskin around the head, an accumulation of a thick mass of yellow or white color with a pronounced unpleasant smell.

To clarify the situation and select high-quality medications, it is additionally necessary to conduct a number of studies:

  • urethral smear;
  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • PCR;
  • Ultrasound.

At the appointment, the doctor assesses the severity of the pathological process and prescribes treatment for the child, which can be carried out on an outpatient basis (most often) or in a hospital, if the inflammatory process has become purulent and there are signs of general intoxication of the body. In the video in this article, a specialist explains in what cases it is necessary to place a child in a hospital, and what treatment will be given to the boy.

Methods of treating the disease

If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, treatment of balanoposthitis is not difficult and can easily be carried out at home. The basis of therapy for simple acute balanopolstitis is washing the foreskin and head of the penis with antiseptic solutions - Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, and a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Below are detailed instructions for the procedure:

  1. Before any manipulations with the boy’s inflamed genitals, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water twice - this will prevent additional infection from occurring to the child.
  2. Prepare in advance an antiseptic solution at room temperature and a sterile syringe without a needle.
  3. Draw 2 ml of antiseptic into the syringe.
  4. Carefully insert the tip of the spitz into the hole in the foreskin at the head of the penis and slowly release the solution - during the procedure you will see how the antiseptic spreads over the entire surface of the head and penis under the foreskin, causing the penis to increase slightly in size. Do the procedure 3-4 times.
  5. Apply a sterile gauze pad to the head of the penis and put clean, ironed cotton panties on the boy.

In most cases, such actions are enough to help the child forget about pain and inflammation. If all the doctor’s recommendations are followed and the boy’s personal intimate hygiene is maintained, balanoposthitis disappears in 3-5 days without a trace.

Important! If you use a solution of potassium permanganate for rinsing, prepare it in advance and be sure to filter it through several layers of gauze before use. This is necessary to prevent potassium permanganate crystals from coming into contact with the delicate mucous membranes of the child’s genitals, which can cause severe tissue burns. The solution should have a faint pink color.

Antibiotic therapy

How to treat purulent balanoposthitis? If the treatment methods described above do not help and the disease progresses, complicated by a purulent process, then the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics cannot be avoided.

Important! Before prescribing an antibiotic to a boy with balanoposthitis, the doctor will necessarily give a referral to take a smear (smegma) from under the foreskin for bacterial culture. Such a study will make it possible to accurately identify the causative agent of the infection and select an effective antibacterial or antifungal agent (if the inflammation is caused by yeast-like fungi, for example).

Sometimes only local treatment, for which Levomekol ointment is used, is sufficient. The drug contains the antibiotic Methyluracil, which effectively destroys gram-positive and gram-negative flora.

If purulent balanoposthitis is accompanied by pain and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes and is complicated by cystitis or urethritis, the boy is prescribed an antibiotic for oral administration - in the form of tablets, suspension or capsules, depending on age and tolerance. The duration of the course of antibiotic therapy in this case is at least 5 days, sometimes up to 10 days, depending on the pathogen and the severity of the disease.

Symptomatic treatment

Since inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis in a child is accompanied by severe pain and general moodiness of the patient, to relieve discomfort it is recommended to give the baby one of the painkillers based on Paracetamol or Ibuprofen:

  • Nurofen;
  • Nise;
  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Cefekon D (rectal suppositories).

Analgesics can be used for no longer than 3 days, making sure to maintain an interval of 4 hours between doses.

Transition of the disease into a chronic form

Chronic inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin in boys occurs if the acute form of the disease was not fully treated or the therapy was initially incorrect. This often happens when parents self-medicate or immediately start giving their child an antibiotic without knowing the results of bacterial culture of the discharge.

Perhaps balanoposthitis was provoked by a fungal nature and the antibiotic is not only ineffective in this case, but also helps the fungi to multiply more actively, as it kills the child’s immunity. To avoid getting into such a situation, it is important to immediately seek medical help and strictly follow all medical recommendations - the cost of self-medication may be too high.

Chronic balanoposthitis occurs in two forms:

  • hypertrophic ulcerative– long-term non-healing ulcers appear on the head of the genital organ, which lead to modifications in the tissue structure;
  • adhesive balanoposthitis– bleeding wounds appear on the surface of the head of the penis, covered with painful crusts that stick to the healthy skin of the foreskin and prevent it from moving. This condition is accompanied by severe pain, swelling and general malaise of the patient.

The insidiousness of the chronic inflammatory process is that the disease is practically not curable by conservative methods (washing, lotions, ointments, etc.). Of course, the symptoms of inflammation may disappear for a short time, but at any “convenient” opportunity the disease makes itself felt again. As a result of this, the child becomes nervous, irritable, and suffers from insomnia.

It is possible to save a boy from chronic balanoposthitis only through surgical intervention - during the operation, the doctor incises the foreskin or removes part of it, which makes it possible to carry out hygienic procedures for the genital organ in full and thoroughly wash off the smegma, without giving microbes a chance to provoke an inflammatory process.

Important! Surgery is performed on boys only after the acute inflammatory process has subsided. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and after a few hours the mother can take the child home.

Possible complications

Many mothers are too frivolous about inflammation of their son’s foreskin, especially if the disease occurs not for the first time.

Lack of treatment not only leads to the risk of balanoposthitis becoming chronic, but is also fraught with the development of the following complications:

  • urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis - when the infection spreads in an ascending way (through the urethra and above), the organs of the urinary system are involved in the pathological process, which will require expensive and lengthy treatment in the future;
  • a long-lasting inflammatory process leads to the formation of erosions and ulcers, which, after scarring, leave scars on the surface of the foreskin and glans - in the future, such a condition can cause the development of cicatricial phimosis;
  • chronic balanoposthitis leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the head of the penis, which in the future may negatively affect the sexual function of an adult man.

Prevention measures

Rather than treating balanoposthitis in a child on a regular basis, it is better to take care of its prevention. You can prevent the development of inflammation if you follow certain recommendations.

Prevention instructions include the following measures:

  • regular hygiene procedures, in particular after each bowel movement;
  • the use of special cosmetics to care for the baby’s genitals;
  • using powders and baby creams to prevent irritation and diaper rash;
  • the use of gentle detergents for washing children's clothes;
  • correct selection of diapers and underwear;
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • protection of the genital organs from damage;
  • preventing hypothermia;
  • general monitoring of the boy's health.

Circumcision is the most reliable protection against balanoposthitis. In childhood, this procedure is very easily tolerated, so if there are indications for it, you should not refuse it.


Good afternoon. My son is 1 year old and the head of his penis is still not exposed. A friend advised me to try to forcefully push the skin down after each bath, so she managed to expose the head of her child’s penis. I would like to consult with you first, is it possible to do this and will it hurt my son?

Hello. Your child has a physiological narrowing of the foreskin, which is the absolute norm at this age. There is no need to forcefully move anything away and try to expose the head. Such actions can provoke a rupture of the frenulum, and the child will require surgical help.

If nothing bothers the baby and he has no problems with urination, then until the age of 5-6 years there is no need to open anything specially; in the future, if something bothers you, you can seek the advice of a surgeon or pediatric urologist.

Hello, Doctor. I am the mother of a 5 year old boy. My son was diagnosed with balanoposthitis and was recommended to inject Furacilin solution with a syringe, but the problem is that the child categorically refuses such manipulations and screams hysterically every time. What should I do, I don’t know how to rinse my penis if it won’t even let me get close??

Good afternoon. In order not to traumatize the child’s psyche, ask him to lower his penis into a glass with Furacilin solution and pee at the same time. This will be enough for the accumulated smegma to be washed away with urine, and for the antiseptic solution to reach the site of inflammation.

Hello, Doctor. For the first time, my 2-year-old son’s penis became inflamed - everything was red, swollen, the baby was crying and not sleeping. We can only see the doctor tomorrow afternoon, and there is no antiseptic at home. Tell me, is it possible to replace it with something popular? I would be very grateful to you for your answer.

Good afternoon. Brew chamomile flowers, strain, cool to body temperature and place the child in a basin with the decoction. Chamomile has a natural anti-inflammatory property and can relieve tissue swelling in the baby. This will be enough until the boy is examined by a doctor tomorrow. You can repeat the procedure in the morning, but just don’t ignore the visit to a specialist.