Why do you dream about a pill according to the dream book? Why do you dream about a lot of pills? Why do you dream about giving pills to drink?

09.06.2024 Symptoms
  • Taking medications in a dream means addiction, disappointment, poverty.
  • Taking a pleasant-tasting medicine in a dream means there may be difficulties ahead that will nevertheless change your life for the better.
  • Taking an unpleasant, bitter medicine - this portends unpleasant events in your life, or a protracted illness that will cause you anxiety.
  • Take medicine willingly, with joy - in joy and security.
  • To buy medicine - you are too unsure of yourself.
  • Buying medicine at a pharmacy means financial difficulties.
  • Giving medicine to someone means harming someone who trusted you. Giving someone a potion means big profits.
  • Prescribing for patients means financial growth.
  • Heart medicine (Corvalol, Validol, etc.) to see - passion, love experiences, intensity of feelings. If “heart patients” had a dream, then the dream may foreshadow an exacerbation of the disease in reality.
  • Vomiting medicine, throwing up medicine - to ruin, big expenses.
  • Throwing out medicine in the toilet in the form of feces is a profit.
  • A dream about a first aid kit with medicines foreshadows an unpleasant matter in which you will find yourself involved due to your own carelessness.
  • Buying medications at a pharmacy means ruining your own affairs.
  • A prescription for medicine is an expensive gift.
  • If in a dream you take highly effective imported drugs, this means deep sadness or losses, due to which your life will turn into a dull and dull existence.
  • Taking a laxative means you will be in a cheerful mood in the morning.
  • Cold remedies mean a loss that you will experience completely painlessly.
  • Medicines for headaches are a sign that in the near future you will achieve material wealth and thereby ensure family well-being.
  • Heart drops or pills portend an important event, the consequences of which will depend on your reaction to it.
  • Giving medicine to other people portends success in business. If your husband appears under other people, in reality you will not avoid a family quarrel; if you have children, you will cause irreparable damage to the one who entrusted you with his funds.
  • Counting out medicinal drops in a dream foreshadows a forced change of job or place of residence in the very near future; take medications - a new family member may enter your home if the family has nothing against your choice.
  • Medicine in tablets portends you success in small matters and small doses.
  • If a large tablet gets stuck in your throat, this means that your life will be overshadowed by petty envy.
  • Taking medicine in pills means that in reality you have to look after someone, but this will give you the joy of communicating with an intelligent and sincere person, which is exactly what you have been missing until now.
  • Seeing that a child spits pills out of his mouth, refusing to take them - in reality you will be judged for being harsh and unfriendly, which is simply a consequence of fatigue and absent-mindedness.
  • An ampoule or ampoules with medicines seen in a dream means that frequent but insignificant joys await you.
  • Expired medicines foretell that you will give a warm welcome to people, but will be confused, unable to recognize which of them are friends and which are secret enemies.
  • To smell the persistent smell of medicine in a hospital, clinic or pharmacy in a dream - in reality you will not be able to overcome the temptation to taste the forbidden fruit.
  • If you dream that you are taking a witch doctor’s medicine, it means that seemingly insignificant events will cause you painful anxiety and long-term troubles.
  • Studying the instructions for the medicine means that your unlucky companions will lead you to the monastery.
  • Collecting medicinal plants means making a significant profit soon.
  • Roots and roots of medicinal herbs portend a deterioration in physical and spiritual health; being treated with them means that you will miss an interesting event due to being extremely busy.
  • Selling medicine - you will soon give wise advice to someone close to you.

See interpretation: hospital, health, illness, pharmacy, first aid kit, aspirin, antibiotics, antiseptics, balm, ammonia

Eastern women's dream book

  • Medicine - Taking a medicine that tastes good in a dream foreshadows complications that will soon change your life for the better. A bitter medicine foretells suffering from a lingering illness, deep sadness or loss that will deprive you of self-control. Giving medicine to others means actually harming someone who trusted you.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Taking medications is a symbol of addiction, which can easily get out of control. You can proceed with the treatment carefully. Carefully review the medications you take. If sleep prescribes a special medicine for you, check with your doctor to see if you really need it.

Family dream book

  • Medicines (drops) - Take - change apartment.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • Good value: Mayan symbols in the dream book are adapted to our time. If a man has a dream, you will have a very successful day. Your very first wish that arose today will definitely come true and, most likely, no later than tonight. To make the whole day go well, you should not shave today, and try to use knives as little as possible today.
  • Bad value: If a woman had a dream, then in the near future you will have problems with sleep - insomnia, nightmares, chronic lack of sleep... To avoid this, look at the stars for a few minutes every evening before going to bed for a week.

Ancient Russian dream book

  • Medicine - To take with difficulty and unpleasantness means a quarrel with one of the people close to you; accepting it willingly means carelessness; giving it to another portends an unexpected benefit; spewing medicine from the upper passage means hearing about bankruptcy, and from the lower passage means a successful course of affairs.

Erotic dream book

  • Medicine - Buying medicine in a dream means you are subconsciously afraid that your partner will be dissatisfied with you for some reason. And therefore you show extreme indecisiveness, while he (she) expects the exact opposite from you. Taking medicine - in the near future you will need the help and support of a loved one. Be careful when dating members of the opposite sex.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Medicine - Taking medicine in a dream means that you will be trusted by an influential person or boss, perhaps a responsible assignment or an important task. Bitter or disgusting - to a quarrel or disagreement with loved ones or relatives. Seeing pills in a dream is a harbinger of your success in small matters. For a woman to swallow or throw away a pill in a dream, it means that she will not be bothered by petty envy or other insignificant worries. Swallowing pills one after another in a dream means reprimands from superiors. Taking pills in a dream means traveling, taking them means a quick solution to problems, losing pills means harm from frivolity, giving them to others is a sign that someone needs advice. Seeing bloodletting cups in a dream promises you trouble in reality, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Autumn dream book

  • Medicine - Drinking medicine in a dream means a short-term illness, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Spring dream book

  • Analgin - Drinking analgin means depression.
  • Why do you dream about taking medicine? It means getting sick.

Summer dream book

  • Drinking medicine - Drinking medicine in a dream means recovery if you were sick.
  • Analgin - Seeing in a dream how you take analgin for a headache and do not feel relief is a clear recovery.
  • Why do you dream of Analgin - Using this medicine in a dream means illness.

Azar's Dream Book

  • Medicine - If you take medicine in a dream, disappointment, poverty, and need await you. If you take the medicine willingly, with joy, the dream promises you a carefree, happy existence. Giving someone a potion is to your great benefit.

Dream Interpretation of Ivanov

  • Medicine – Seen as a sign of poor health or peace of mind (see also PHARMACY) Taking medicine means worsening health, loss of money. Giving medicine to someone is overcoming difficulties.

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • Medicine (heart) – Seeing – to heart (love) experiences. “heart patients” - to a possible exacerbation of their illness in reality.
  • What does it mean when you dream about Medicine - Taking - see Separately, taste. Giving, prescribing to others is income. Buying is a malaise; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

The dream book says that everything you dream of about the packaging in which the pills are located, the instructions for them, as well as any manipulations with these objects, foreshadows only minor events. The small size of the tablet indicates that we are talking about solving an unprincipled issue, the body’s need for vitamins, minerals or proper rest, or minor incidents.

However, almost every plot of such a dream implies a hint or advice for the near future. Having learned how to interpret what you dreamed, you will be able to understand yourself more clearly and navigate the surrounding reality.

If you dreamed of pills, the instructions for which interested you, what you saw in the dream speaks of your scrupulousness. In a dream and in reality, you prefer to think twice before doing anything.

Further, the interpretation depends on your decision: if, after reading the instructions, you put the medicine aside, the dream book believes that you do not need outside help. If you do need pills, you will receive the support you need.

The need to take pills in a dream is sometimes caused by physiological reasons that exist in reality. The body needs some substances, which it tries to signal with the help of the symbol of an instant panacea, which is well known to modern people.

As the dream book explains, when interpreting why you dream of taking pills, the dream may reflect concerns about your health. It is possible that this is nothing more than suspiciousness making itself felt. At the same time, there are many known diseases that occur in a latent form at the initial and most treatable stage; perhaps, in fact, it would not be superfluous to take action.

If in a dream you suddenly needed pills for insomnia, the dream book offers a very interesting interpretation: it is quite possible that you are not just sleeping, but traveling in the astral plane. In this special state, dreams often occur, the main character of which cannot fall asleep or wake up, sometimes observing himself from the sleeping side.

When someone who is already asleep dreams of sleeping pills, it is not difficult to guess that the dream can be interpreted as a projection of self-deception, of which the dreamer is a victim in real life. A similar symbol is often seen in dreams by beautiful but unconfident women.

Why does a sleeping person dream about taking pills and other sleeping pills? Sometimes it indicates extreme fatigue, working at the limit of one’s capabilities, and also about chronic lack of sleep. This is how the body tries to let you know that it needs double sleep.

Dream books offer versatile interpretations of sleep

The esoteric dream book does not doubt the physiological origin of such images. A modern person can dream of pills only in case of illness or lack of vitamins or minerals.

The White Magician's Dream Book claims that the pills you dreamed about will soon cause headaches for those around you, if not literally, but figuratively. The source of this headache will be none other than the dreamer himself.

According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, the pills reflect the dreamer's real habits of darkening his own existence. Often we are talking about anxiety over trifles or envy. If you reconsider your outlook on life, things will go more successfully.

The women's dream book believes that seeing pills in a dream does not prevent you from listening to the advice of others - they sometimes contain a grain of common sense. And, at the same time, it is unreasonable to shift responsibility for your actions onto advisers, so you will have to make the decision yourself.

Dream Interpretation Tablets

In order to correctly interpret night visions, it is necessary not to deprive attention of all the actions that occur in the dreamed plot.

Do you have a question: “Why do you dream about pills?” or: “Why dream of drinking it yourself or giving it to another person?” This means that you need to look into the dream book, it will definitely give a transcript of the dreamed plot.

Dream about pills

Did you see pills in a dream? The interpretation will be twofold; it can simultaneously dream of both health and illness.

The meaning will directly depend on the details you dreamed about.

If night vision is dreamed by people who get sick very often in real life, then for them it means the need to fight illnesses and diseases in reality, and for absolutely healthy people this dream can be interpreted as an easy and simple solution to accumulated problems.

A plot in which medicine was simply seen foreshadows a speedy recovery from a hidden or chronic illness. The dream also indicates that your plans will be successfully implemented.

Did you drop it in a dream? In real life, difficulties will arise with loved ones or friends.

If you saw a lot of pills, events will happen in reality that will make you think that you yourself must make an important decision.

Did you happen to buy it at a pharmacy? The subconscious mind indicates: the dreamer is suspicious, cowardly and always sets himself up for worry in advance. According to another interpretation, the plot indicates that the sleeper is constantly trying to find a non-existent disease in himself in real life.

But what were they and what did they look like?

What pills did you see in your dream?

If in a dream you saw a whole package containing pills and instructions, then this vision indicates that small events await the dreamer in reality. If you dream that you are reading instructions, the dreamer is a scrupulous person. Read it and put it aside? In reality, your family and friends will lend a helping hand to you. Let's look at more specific details.

Little ones

Did you see small pills in your dream? You need proper rest.

Were they big or small


Seeing large tablets in night vision means that the dreamer is not in vain worried about his health.

For insomnia

In the case when the dreamer dreamed of pills for insomnia, this is a sign of self-deception. Very often, such a vision can be seen by women who have low self-esteem.


Buying vitamins at the pharmacy means taking care of your health, but take medications only strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Selling vitamins is a troublesome undertaking that will eventually become profitable.


If you saw contraceptives, it means that in reality the dreamer is satisfied with his intimate life.

Drinking medicine in a dream

In a dream, did you feel the need to take medicine? The dreamer's body is in dire need of something.

Taking medication is a dream that foreshadows a meeting with ill-wishers, but if you refuse to take pills, reconsider your behavior, perhaps very soon you yourself will become the reason that you lose the trust of the people around you.

If you chew it with your teeth, you will get sick in reality.

Swallowing a whole handful of medications means problems and conflicts await you at work.

Drinking a panacea for insomnia means your body is screaming about your fatigue. Go on vacation immediately and change your surroundings.

Did you feel what the taste was?

  • A bitter pill - for a cold;
  • Sweet - to poor health due to digestive problems.

According to the dream interpreter: in the plot the dreamer drinks medicine - which means that in reality he is worried about his state of health. But the plot advises us to think: perhaps suspiciousness is simply a symbol of the fact that the dreamer is a weak-willed person.

If you took pills

Minor troubles are prophesied by a plot in which the dreamer gives pills to a child.

An unmarried girl in her dream takes pills - this means that in real life she will face problems and troubles.

Giving them to another person is a sign of success.

Interpretations of dream books about pills

Not all dream books interpret dreams with medications in the same way. Very often, the interpretation of the same plot has a radically opposite meaning.

Dream Book of G. Miller

According to Miller's interpretation, pills seen in a dream foreshadow the dreamer's success in minor endeavors.

For a representative of the fair sex to drink or throw away medicine in a dream - in reality she will experience petty envy.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Seeing any pills in the plot means finish what you started and then start something new.

What does the plot mean if a woman dreams about it:

  • drinking medicine means envy;
  • throwing away the pill means worries in real life, but they will be empty and insignificant.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

According to the interpretation of this dream book, if the dreamer dreams of a vision with pills:

  • Take them - worry about your health. Go to the hospital and get a medical examination. Perhaps the disease is lurking or occurring in a latent form.
  • Buy - in this case, the interpretation, on the contrary, advises a person not to be suspicious and not to look for illness in a healthy body.

Not a single event about which a pack of pills is dreamed, or everything connected with it, can be considered very significant. It will leave your life without leaving noticeable traces. If the pill was small, then the meaning of sleep will be equally small for you. Maybe your body is tired and needs vitamins and additional nutrients. Or, according to the dream book, you just need to have a good rest.

But you shouldn’t completely throw such a dream out of your head. It is quite possible that it may contain a solution to a problem that you have been struggling with for several days. Or advice on how to solve it. Having understood what such a dream means, you will be able to act more confidently in real life.

Instructions for the medicine

If in a dream you saw pills, the instructions of which you looked at very carefully, the dream book says that in life you are a pedantic and thorough person. Before making any decision, you will weigh the pros and cons more than once.

What did you do after finishing reading? If you don’t take your medicine, it means you’re at that wonderful stage in your life when you don’t need anyone’s help. But if you decide to eat it, it means that support is still needed and it will not be slow to appear.

Are you healthy?

Sometimes the meaning of such a dream can be very literal and related to physiology. Maybe your body requires treatment and this is how it lets you know. This is the interpretation of the Modern Dream Book.

The meaning of the dream book about what you might dream about taking medications may also be a reflection of your fears about your own condition. Perhaps the fears are far-fetched and there is nothing to worry about, but we should not forget that some diseases, if identified at an early stage, are much easier to treat. Think, does it make sense to check your health?

But the meaning of the dream in which you take medications for insomnia is very curious and unusual. There is a possibility that you are no longer asleep, but have made an astral exit, while your physical body remains lying on the bed. This is a very unusual condition. During it, you may dream that you cannot fall asleep, or you see yourself sleeping, dream books explain.

There is another interpretation of why you dream of taking sleeping pills. He says that the sleeper is subject to self-deception, which gives rise to uncertainty and weakness in reality. Sometimes such a dream occurs to women who are very beautiful, but are not confident in themselves or their own attractiveness.

Taking sleep medications in a dream can also mean that in reality the sleeper is very tired and on the edge. Perhaps he works tirelessly, sleeps little and has almost exhausted his own resources. With such sleep, the body tries to tell it that it needs a good rest.

Various interpretations

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, what pills may mean in a dream means the physiological needs of the body and nothing more. It needs vitamins and additional nutrients.

According to the White Magician's dream book, pills in a dream foretell that the sleeper will soon have a headache, but not in the literal sense, but in a figurative sense, and the main problem will be himself.

Miller's dream book interprets dreamed medications as the dreamer's habit of making his own life worse and worse. Very often the cause of everything is anxiety over nonsense and banal envy. If you try to change your position, life will change for the better.

But the Women's Dream Book hints that pills in a dream ask the sleeping person to listen to what his friends and relatives advise him. There is a very high probability that they can help solve certain problems. But don’t “go off the deep end” by giving responsibility to other people. Try to figure it out on your own.

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A dream about a first aid kit with medicines foreshadows an unpleasant matter in which you will find yourself involved due to your own carelessness. Buying medications at a pharmacy means ruining your own affairs. A prescription for medicine is an expensive gift.

Taking medications against your will means a quarrel with loved ones; if you take them willingly and without hesitation, in reality you will show carelessness. A pleasant-tasting medicine promises complications that, at least a little, will change your life for the better. An impossibly nasty medicine portends a long illness.

If in a dream you take highly effective imported drugs, this means deep sadness or losses, due to which your life will turn into a dull and dull existence. Taking a laxative in a dream means you will be in a cheerful mood in the morning. Cold remedies mean a loss that you will experience completely painlessly. Medicines for headaches are a sign that in the near future you will achieve material wealth and thereby ensure family well-being. Heart drops or pills foreshadow an important event, the consequences of which will depend on your reaction to it.

Giving medicine to other people portends success in business. If your husband is acting as other people, in reality you will not avoid a family quarrel; if you have children, you will cause irreparable damage to the one who entrusted you with his funds.

Counting out medicinal drops in a dream foreshadows a forced change of job or place of residence in the very near future; taking them means a new family member may enter your home if the family has nothing against your choice. Medicine in tablets portends you success in small matters and small doses. If a large tablet gets stuck in your throat, this means that your life will be overshadowed by petty envy.

Taking medicine in pills in a dream means that in reality you will have to look after someone, but this will give you the joy of communicating with an intelligent and sincere person, which is exactly what you have been missing until now. To see that a child spits pills out of his mouth, refusing to take them, in reality you will be judged for being harsh and unfriendly, which is simply a consequence of fatigue and absent-mindedness.

An ampoule or ampoules with medicines seen in a dream means that frequent but insignificant joys await you. Expired medicines foretell that you will give people a warm welcome, but will be confused, unable to recognize which of them are friends and which are secret enemies.

To smell the persistent smell of medicine in a hospital, clinic or pharmacy in a dream means that in reality you will not be able to overcome the temptation to taste the forbidden fruit. If you dream that you are taking a witch doctor’s medicine, it means that seemingly insignificant events will cause you painful anxiety and long-term troubles. Studying the instructions for using this or that medicine in a dream means that your unlucky companions will lead you to the monastery.

Collecting medicinal plants in a dream means making a significant profit soon. Roots and roots of medicinal herbs portend a deterioration in physical and spiritual health; being treated with them means that you will miss an interesting event due to being extremely busy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Medicine

Taking medicine means quarreling with loved ones, losing money, suffering from illness.

Sometimes - change your place of residence.

Giving someone medicine is a disappointment.

You can harm someone and benefit from it yourself.

Pleasant-tasting medicine means change for the better.

Medicinal herbs - to a serious illness.

Buying medicine means trouble in business.

Interpretation of dreams from