A little fairy tale about winter for children. Russian folk tales about winter. A fairy tale about winter for children of your own composition

08.06.2024 Brain Research

Winter is the most amazing and magical time of the year, partly because it is during this season that we celebrate the most magical holiday -. Poems, fairy tales, and songs are dedicated to winter. Every second fairy tale, one way or another, touches on this time of year.

Loving mothers are happy to tell or read fairy tales to their children, and rightly so, as this allows them to develop their children’s imagination, teaches them kindness, honesty, and mutual assistance. Below we provide a list of stories that cannot be ignored.

List of the best winter stories for children

  1. "Snow Maiden"(folklore). This is a story about a girl made of ice and snow who magically appeared to a childless old man and woman and melted from the warmth or spring sun.
  2. "Morozko"(Russian folklore). This story perfectly teaches children correct behavior and kindness; it can have many different variants, but in all of them there must be an evil stepmother, her own daughter and stepdaughter.
  3. "The Snow Queen"(H.H. Andersen). This is a complex author’s story, the meaning of which is quite difficult to explain to a small child, because even Kai cannot be called a uniquely positive hero.
  4. "Twelve months"(Slovak folklore retold by S.Ya. Marshak) - a good fairy tale about helping your neighbor, friendship and kindness.
  5. "Winter in Prostokvashino"(E. Uspensky) - a well-known and beloved filmed story.
  6. "Magic Winter"(T. Wagner) - a story based on the Moomins, one of whom did not sleep in the winter, as he should, but experienced a lot of adventures, amazing meetings and even a fun holiday.
  7. "Planet of Christmas Trees"(J. Rodari) - a fabulous story about a planet where the year lasts only 6 months, and each of them has no more than 15 days, and every day is New Year's.
  8. "Chuk and Gek"(A.P. Gaidar) - the action takes place in winter. This story is considered by many to be one of the brightest and most homely.
  9. "Magic colors"(E. Permyak).
  10. "Christmas tree"(V.G. Suteev) - based on this story, an instructive animated film “The Postal Snowman” was created.
  11. “How I celebrated the New Year”(V. Golyavkin).
  12. "Sparklers"(N. Nosov).
  13. “How a hedgehog, a bear cub and a donkey celebrated the New Year”(S. Kozlov)
  14. "New Year's story"(N. Loseva)
  15. "New Year"(N.P. Wagner)
  16. "Why is snow white"(A. Lukyanova)

A fairy tale about winter for children of your own composition

If you want to keep your child busy with something useful and interesting on one of the cold evenings, you can come up with a fairy tale about winter together with your son or daughter. This will certainly be a memorable and fruitful pastime, because children love to fantasize, and even more so they like to do it with their parents.

Writing a fairy tale about winter is not at all difficult. The main thing is to give free rein to your imagination. You should not correct your child if he goes a little wrong in his writing. Let him feel like a real storyteller. Don't forget to reflect the problem or meaning of your tall tale, show the struggle between good and evil, emphasize the need to choose the right path. You should not include frightening or very negative characters in it - let everything be as bright and kind as possible, so that later you and your baby will want to retell your work many times to everyone who is not indifferent to your joint work.

If you already have a winter fairy tale created together, children’s drawings will help you express it, remember it, and complement it. Ask your child to draw how he imagines what you just composed. You can help him with this, suggest or remind him of some important plot points. You are sure to have an amazing presentation of your masterpiece.

Teacher helping Alexander: Natalya Yurievna Kozlova, teacher at MBDOU Central Children's Educational Institution No. 4 “Freckles”, Kolomna, Moscow region.

The fairy tale is intended for children of older and preparatory preschool age. This material is the creative work of Sasha Nikonorov, 5 years old.

This fairy tale was invented by Sasha during an individual lesson on speech development for children in the intensive group. A short story was proposed for Sasha on the topic “Why do I love winter?” The initial text, the first five sentences, were also offered to the child as an initial stage. Then Sasha himself developed the story about how he went for a walk, what he saw there, what he did, how the children played.

All characters in this tale are real.

This method of work is very effective for the development of children’s speech and creative activity. In addition, children really like this method of work; they willingly get involved in the work and invent various interesting stories. After completing the fairy tale, you can invite the child to draw illustrations and put them in a small book of fairy tales. Our friendly group is called “Forget-Me-Nots,” so our book, in which we collect stories, is called “Tales of Forget-Me-Nots.” It is very interesting. Children love to reread it several times, compete with each other, and create new fairy tales. This is the method I use in my work to develop children’s coherent speech. I haven’t come up with a name for this technique yet, but I think by the time of certification everything will be ready, including the methodological recommendations.

Winter fun

Winter came. She brought with her a lot of snow and snowdrifts. It swept away houses and roads, and turned the water in the river into ice.

“Everyone is afraid of winter,” reasoned the boy Sasha, sitting by the window, “animals are hiding in the forest, birds are flying to warmer lands, but I’m not afraid!”

Sasha decided to go into the yard for a walk. He dressed warmly: a hat, overalls, mittens, felt boots - he put everything on as his mother ordered. Sasha was an obedient boy.

There were many children in the yard. Nastya, Sonya and Seryozha were making a snowman together with their parents; Timofey played snowballs with his dad, and Yulia went ice skating. Sasha wanted to play with them and couldn’t choose who to play with. Sasha felt sad. Sasha’s dad went out for a walk with his twins Sonya and Matvey and suggested that everyone build a big slide and everyone agreed. Children helped carry snow on sleds, and adults used shovels to make a smooth mound. Everyone tried.

They made a slide. The slide turned out to be big, very high, high - very high. Sasha’s dad went down first to check the slide for safety and strength. Then he explained to the children how to ride down the slide, and also talked about the rules of conduct on the slide, so that there would be no injuries and no one would crash.

“My dad is the smartest,” Sasha thought and happily slid down the slide. Then the twins Sonya and Matvey and everyone else rolled in. The children took turns skating, as Sasha’s dad ordered.

And the parents looked at their children and rejoiced. Everyone had fun. This winter has brought such winter fun for children and adults and those who are not afraid of frost.

Fairy tale "Merry Snowball" for children 3-7 years old.

Author of the work: Vostryakova Tatyana, 7 years old
Supervisor: Svetlana Vitalievna Vostryakova, music director of the Yasnaya Polyana kindergarten, Vologda region.
Description of work: All children love to compose and imagine. And we, adults and teachers, must guide them, encourage them, and develop them. This tale can be useful for educators, music directors, and parents; Perhaps it will be useful for theatrical performances at home and in kindergarten.
Goal of the work: development of creative abilities.
- develop fantasy and imagination;
- expand your vocabulary;
- learn to write short stories.

Winter came. Lots and lots of snow fell. The guys ran out into the street, joyful: they could play in the snow. They made a lot of snowballs and started throwing at each other. The parents called the children for dinner, and all the children went home, and the sticky lumps remained lying in the snow. Suddenly something happened! One little snowball got tired of lying, he opened his eyes, smiled cheerfully and rolled along the path. He really wanted to see everything around him. For him, everything was new and unusual everywhere, and he really liked everything. He rolled and rolled along the path and ended up in the forest. Snowball really liked it in the forest in winter! The snowball rolls and rolls, and a hare meets it. The hare asks him: “Who are you?” “I am Snowball. The guys fashioned me out of snow and ran home. “Well, I wanted to see everything around me, to know everything, otherwise then spring will come - I’ll turn into droplets, I won’t walk along the paths anymore,” Snowball answers, “Who are you?” " “I am the Hare, I live here in the forest, I chew carrots, I play the balalaika,” says the Hare. "ABOUT! how great this must be!” - exclaimed Snowball, “play the balalaika for me.” The hare happily played him a cheerful melody on the balalaika. Snowball really liked it.

He said goodbye to the Hare, wished him all the best, and rolled on. He rolls and rolls, and a Wolf meets him. Snowball also met the Wolf and told him his story. And the Wolf at this time was learning to sing in a thin voice, he wanted to become a great artist. Snowball asked to perform something for him, and the Wolf sang “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” for Snowball. Snowball really liked it.

He said goodbye to the Wolf and rolled further along the path. And towards him is the Fox. She was surprised: who is this? Snowball told her his story too. And Lisa was just about to go to the children’s Christmas party; she was supposed to play the role of a fox at the New Year’s party. The fox invited Snowball to go with her. “It’s always so interesting at holidays,” said the Fox, “dances, songs, round dances, games. And most importantly, gifts!” Snowball, of course, really wanted to attend the guys’ party.

So they came with Lisa to kindergarten. Snow became very hot and began to melt, but he really wanted to see the show! The guys sat him on the window near the window, and so Snowball was able to see the whole show. And then the children had fun playing with Snowball in the yard.

It was completely quiet. Everyone in the forest knew that Aunt Winter was coming and were waiting for her arrival. Little Fox, Little Hare and Little Squirrel have never seen the winter mistress before. Still would! After all, when they were born, it was warm, the whole earth was covered with a soft green carpet. So the animals have not yet had a chance to see winter, they only listened to the stories of their elders about frosts and blizzards, and could not imagine that one day it would be cold and chilly.

Finally, a snow cloud appeared over the forest. The fleet-footed white hare saw her first. He looked forward to the arrival of the new season, but it never came. Finally, a snow cloud lingered over the forest, and Aunt Winter descended to the ground.

First of all, Little Fox, Little Hare and Little Squirrel saw white, silvery snow. Wow! The snowball is coming from somewhere above, as if a machine is turned on. And through the snow, the winter hostess herself walked towards them.

- Well, are the forest dwellers afraid of me?
“No, Auntie, Winter,” the Little Bunny was the first to answer. “I’ve been trumping in a white fur coat for a long time, and I’m waiting for your arrival.”
- Well done! And you, little squirrel?
“I made a supply of nuts, hid them in a hollow tree and buried a few nuts in the ground.
“Commendable,” said Winter. - What will Fox say? - she asked sternly.
“I didn’t make any supplies, because I’m a hunter, my mother told me so, and I hunt all year round,” said the Little Fox. “Mom explained to me that I could hear the squeak of a field mouse under the snow and be sure to catch it. Because I am clever and my ears are sensitive. But I’m also ready for your arrival, Aunt Winter. Look what a fur coat I have, what long winter fur it has, thick and lush. In the summer my fur coat was completely different. And now I am not afraid of either snowstorms or cold.

Aunt Winter was very glad that the animals were well prepared for her arrival. She decided to give them a small gift. She generously sprinkled snow on the clearings, forest edges, and slopes and asked the sun to shine brighter.

Until the evening, Little Fox, Little Hare and Little Squirrel frolicked in the snowy clearing. They played snowballs, jumped into snowdrifts, rode downhill, ran races and jumped off snowy slopes. They have never had such a wonderful holiday - the Winter Festival.

Read the continuation of the tale

Very soon it will snow, winter will cover it with snow, cold winds will blow and frosts will hit. We will watch the mischief of winter from the windows of the houses, and on fine days we will arrange winter photo sessions, sledding, sculpting snow women and organizing snow fights. But long winter evenings seem to be meant for reading winter fairy tales together, filled with adventures, miracles and magic. We have prepared a list of just such fairy tales to make reading truly interesting and exciting.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

List of winter tales for children

  1. V. Vitkovich, G. Jagdfeld “A Tale in Broad Daylight” (Labyrinth). The adventures of the boy Mitya, who met the unusual snow girl Lelya and now protects her from the evil Snow Women and the Old Year.
  2. M. Staroste "Winter's Tale" (Labyrinth). The Snow Maiden baked a gingerbread man - Khrustik. But the inquisitive Khrustik did not want to lie in the basket with other gifts, he got out... and decided to go to the guys under the Christmas tree ahead of time. On this path, many dangerous adventures awaited him, in which he almost disappeared. But Santa Claus saved the hero, and he, in turn, promised not to go anywhere without asking.
  3. N. Pavlova “Winter Tales” “Winter Feast” (Labyrinth). The hare fed the squirrel with a broken leg all summer, and when the time came to return kindness to the squirrel, he began to feel sorry for his supplies. She came up with all sorts of tasks to ward off the hare, but in the end her conscience tormented her and they had a real winter feast. A dynamic and child-friendly plot and N. Charushin’s illustrations will be a good reason for discussing with your child issues of generosity and mutual assistance.
  4. P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof” (Labyrinth). A good story about the orphan Darenka and Kokovan, who told the girl about an unusual goat with a silver hoof. And one day the fairy tale became reality, a goat ran to the booth, beat with its hoof, and precious stones fell out from under it.
  5. Yu. Yakovlev “Umka” (Labyrinth). A fairy tale about a little polar bear cub who discovers the huge world in all its diversity, about his mother, a polar bear, and their adventures.
  6. S. Nordkvist “Christmas in Petson’s house” (Labyrinth). Petson and his kitten Findus had big plans for this Christmas. But Petson twisted his leg and can’t even go to the store or buy a Christmas tree. But is this an obstacle when there is ingenuity and friendly neighbors?
  7. N. Nosov “On the Hill” (Labyrinth). A story about a cunning, but not very far-sighted boy, Kotka Chizhov, who ruined the slide that the guys had been building all day by sprinkling it with snow.
  8. Odus Hilary "The Snowman and the Snow Dog" (Labyrinth, Ozone). The story is about a boy who recently lost his dog. And, having found “clothes” for the snowman, he decided to make both: the snowman and the dog. The snow sculptures came to life and a lot of amazing adventures awaited them together. But spring came, the snowman melted, and the dog... became real!
  9. Tove Jansson "Magic Winter" (Labyrinth). One day in winter, Moomintroll woke up and realized that he no longer wanted to sleep, which meant it was time for adventure. And there will be more than enough of them in this book, because this is the first Moomintroll who has not slept all year.
  10. W. Maslo “Christmas at the Godmother’s” (Labyrinth). Kind and magical tales about the adventures of Vika and her fairy godmother, who works miracles for her goddaughter with her own hands. Just like us, passionate mothers :-)
  11. V. Zotov “New Year’s Story” (Labyrinth). On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus visits the children to find out what they really want for the holiday. And so grandpa found himself visiting the boy Vitya, who was rude at home, quiet at school and at the same time dreamed of a real car. And he received a film projector that shows the boy’s behavior from the outside. Great teaching move!
  12. Peter Nikl "The True Story of the Good Wolf" (Labyrinth). A tale about a wolf who decided to change his fate and stop being just a frightening and terrifying beast. The wolf became a doctor, but his previous glory did not allow him to fully reveal his talent until the animals were convinced of the wolf’s good intentions. A multi-layered, philosophical tale. I think that readers of different ages will find something of their own in it.
  13. (Labyrinth). A folk tale about a cunning fox and a short-sighted, gullible wolf, who suffered the most, was left without a tail, and never understood who was to blame for all his troubles.
  14. (Labyrinth). A folk tale about friendship and mutual assistance, in which animals built themselves a hut and together defended themselves from forest predators.
  15. (Labyrinth). A folk tale in which the grandfather lost his mitten and all the animals that were cold came to warm up in the mitten. As is usual in fairy tales, many animals fit into the mitten. And when the dog barked, the animals ran away, and the grandfather picked up an ordinary mitten from the ground.
  16. V. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich” (Labyrinth). The adventures of the Needlewoman, who dropped a bucket into a well and discovered at its bottom a completely different world, in which its owner, Moroz Ivanovich, gives everyone justice. For the needlewoman - silver patches and a diamond, and for Lenivitsa - an icicle and mercury.
  17. (Labyrinth). An original folk tale about Emel, who caught and released a magic pike and now strange and unexpected things are happening throughout the kingdom at his command.
  18. Sven Nordqvist "Christmas Porridge" (Labyrinth). A fairy tale by a Swedish writer about how people forgot traditions and decided not to serve porridge to their dwarf father before Christmas. This may anger the dwarves, and then people will face a whole year of trouble. The gnome decides to save the situation; she wants to remind people of herself and bring porridge for the gnome.
  19. S. Kozlov “Winter Tales” (Labyrinth). Kind and touching stories about Hedgehog and his friends, about their friendship and desire to help each other. The original decisions of the main characters and the author's kind humor make this book understandable for children and interesting for older children.
  20. Astrid Lindgren "The Jolly Cuckoo" (Labyrinth). Gunnar and Gunilla had been sick for a whole month and dad bought them a cuckoo clock so that the children would always know what time it was. But the cuckoo turned out to be not wooden, but alive. She made the kids laugh and helped with Christmas gifts for mom and dad.
  21. Valko "New Year's Trouble" (Labyrinth). Winter has come in the hare valley. Everyone is preparing for the New Year and making gifts for each other, but then there was a snowfall and Jacob the Hare’s house was completely destroyed. The animals helped build him a new house, saved the stranger and celebrated the New Year in a big friendly company.
  22. V. Suteev “Yolka”(a collection of winter tales in Labyrinth). The guys gathered to celebrate the New Year, but there was no Christmas tree. Then they decided to write a letter to Santa Claus and deliver it with the Snowman. The snowman faced danger on his way to Santa Claus, but with the help of his friends he coped with the task and the guys had a festive tree for the New Year.
  23. E. Uspensky “Winter in Prostokvashino” (Labyrinth). Uncle Fyodor and dad go to celebrate the New Year in Prostokvashino. The plot is slightly different from the film of the same name, but in the end the mother still joins the family, coming to them on skis.
  24. E. Rakitina “The Adventures of New Year’s Toys” (Labyrinth). Small adventures told on behalf of various toys that happened to them throughout their lives, most of which they spent on the Christmas tree. Different toys - different characters, desires, dreams and plans.
  25. A. Usachev “New Year at the Zoo” (Labyrinth). A fairy tale about how the zoo residents decided to celebrate the New Year. And near the zoo, Father Frost had an accident and his horses ran away in all directions. Zoo residents helped deliver gifts and celebrated the New Year with Grandfather Frost.
  26. A. Usachev “Miracles in Dedmorozovka” (Ozone). A fairy tale about Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and their assistants - snowmen and snowmen, who were sculpted from snow and brought to life at the beginning of winter. The snowmen have already helped Santa Claus with the delivery of gifts for the New Year and organized a holiday in their village. And now they continue to study at school, help the Snow Maiden in the greenhouse and play a little mischief, which is why they end up in funny situations.
  27. Levi Pinfold "Black Dog" (Labyrinth). “Fear has big eyes,” says popular wisdom. And this fairy tale shows how brave a little girl can be, and how humor and games can help cope with even great fear.
  28. "Old Frost and New Frost". A Lithuanian folk tale about how easily you can freeze in the cold, wrapped in warm blankets, and how the frost is not scary while actively working with an ax in your hands.
  29. V. Gorbachev “How Piggy spent the winter”(Labyrinth). The story is about Piggy the boaster, who, due to his inexperience and gullibility, went north with a fox and was left without provisions, ended up in a bear’s den and barely escaped with his feet from the wolves.
  30. Br. and S. Paterson “Adventures in the Fox Forest” (Labyrinth). Winter had come in the Fox Forest and everyone was preparing for the New Year. Hedgehog, Little Squirrel and Little Mouse were preparing gifts, but they had little pocket money and they decided to earn extra money. New Year's songs and collecting brushwood did not help them earn money, but helping a carriage that had an accident gave them an acquaintance with a new judge and a New Year's masquerade ball awaited them.
  31. S. Marshak “12 months” (Labyrinth). A fairy-tale play in which a kind and hardworking Stepdaughter received a whole basket of snowdrops in December from the month of April.

Let's tell you a secret that we decided not just to read fairy tales, but to read and play based on their plots in anticipation of the New Year 2018. Adventures, quests, games and creative tasks await us. If you want the same fabulous Advent that lasts all December, then we invite you to New Year's quest "The Dog Saves the New Year."