Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said. Olga Golodets: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Biography of Olga Golodets

03.06.2024 Symptoms


In 1984-1997, she worked at the Central Research Laboratory of Human Resources of the Labor Research Institute, the Institute of Employment Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1997-1999 - director of social programs of the Reformugol Foundation.

In 1999-2008 - Head of the Department of Social Policy and Personnel, Deputy General Director for Personnel and Social Policy of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.

In 2001 - Deputy Governor of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug for social issues.

After leaving Norilsk Nickel, until December 16, 2008, Golodets continued to head the board of its non-state pension fund (NPF), which was part of the assets of the ONEXIM group. In accordance with the pension program previously developed by the social policy service of MMC Norilsk Nickel, Olga Golodets, among other managers of the NPF, was assigned monthly lifetime pension payments in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. Subsequently, Norilsk Nickel asked former functionaries of the corporate non-state pension fund to voluntarily renounce these pension payments, but Golodets’ reaction to this proposal was not reported in the press.

In 2009, Golodets was mentioned in the media as a member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs - together with her long-time head of Norilsk Nickel, Mikhail Prokhorov, who in the same year joined the bureau of the board of the RSPP. In 2010, Golodets was mentioned by the media as Prokhorov’s deputy as chairman of the Committee on the Labor Market and Personnel Strategies of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

In 2008-2010 - President of the All-Russian Inter-Industry Association of Employers - Producers of Nickel and Precious Metals, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Soglasie insurance company.

Since December 2, 2010 - Deputy Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin in the Moscow Government on education and health issues. On December 30, 2011, she was appointed Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Issues, expanding her range of powers at the expense of Lyudmila Shvetsova, who resigned. She held this position until May 21, 2012.

Since May 21, 2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Supervises healthcare, circulation of medicines and medical products, ensuring their quality and safety, pharmaceutical activities, social development, demography, employment, labor relations, social partnership, social and medical insurance, pensions, education, science, culture, tourism, state youth policy and support for socially oriented non-profit organizations.

In December 2012, public attention was drawn to a letter from Golodets to V.V. Putin criticizing Dima Yakovlev’s law adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, prohibiting the adoption of Russian children by American citizens. With her demarche, she tried to explain to the head of state that the law adopted by parliament violates not only the agreement between Russia and the United States, but also the Vienna Convention, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Later, Russian Prime Minister D. Medvedev explained that the letter was sent at his request.

On January 14, 2013, she was appointed responsible for the implementation of the “Decree on measures to protect orphans,” signed by President V.V. Putin on December 28, 2012.

She led the reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, the purpose of which was to separate economic and scientific directions and transfer the economic and property complex to a specially created Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations. Some experts perceived this reorganization as an attempt to liquidate scientific institutions. Heads the government council for the Russian language.

On June 1, 2014, Golodets instructed Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova to ensure the provision of high-tech medical care to sick children in Russia, and not abroad. Later, in a conversation with blogger Anton Buslov, who wrote her an open letter about the state of Russian medicine, she explained that she meant more effective interaction between doctors and charitable foundations, and not at all limiting treatment abroad.

On September 15, 2014, Golodets, with the participation of the Russian Language Council under the Government of the Russian Federation, opened the “Education in Russian” portal.

Scientific works, titles and awards

Property and income

According to Golodets’ declaration published in April 2011, her income in 2010 amounted to more than 57 million rubles. Owns two apartments and half a dacha in Switzerland. In 2011, Golodets’s income decreased 5 times and, according to the declaration, amounted to 11.19 million rubles.

According to the Vedomosti newspaper, in addition to real estate in Switzerland, Golodets also owns a home in Italy. In 2013, this information was confirmed after the publication on the website of the Russian government of information about the income and property of ministers.


Married, has two children.

Olga Yurievna Golodets - photo

From the very beginning, Olga Golodets was called “Prokhorov’s man” in the new government. Indeed, for many years she worked for a businessman, and later in the Moscow government she was considered the richest official of the city hall. Details of the career of the new Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs are in the material of the Interlocutor.

From coal to nickel

Olga Golodets An economist by education, she graduated from Moscow State University in 1984 with a degree in population economics. After that, I studied science for more than 10 years. In 1990, she completed her postgraduate studies at the Labor Research Institute, then worked at the Institute of Employment Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1997, Golodets moved from theory to practice - she headed the social programs department at the Reformugol non-profit foundation.

This fund was created then by the government with money from the World Bank to mitigate the consequences of industry restructuring and mine closures,” Vladimir Tregubov, who oversaw economic programs at the same fund, tells me. - We were engaged in retraining miners, business development, microcredit in extremely depressed industrial cities. It was a difficult project and often encountered bureaucracy. But Olga Yuryevna showed herself to be a very purposeful person. She devoted a lot to her work, delved into all the details and brought everything to the end. Although before that she was a scientist, she never dabbled in any theories, she always traveled actively, met the mayors of mining towns, and met with Tuleyev.

Perhaps on these trips she met representatives of another, more profitable industry. And after the fund was closed in 1999, she went to work at Norilsk Nickel under the then general director of the company, Alexander Khloponin.

Olga Golodets headed the department of social policy and personnel. In 2001, she took a break from her business career, changing it to work as an official. She followed Khloponin, who was appointed governor, to Taimyr, where she spent almost a year as his deputy, also on social issues. “We built schools, hospitals, laid the foundation for the creation of a serious social infrastructure - and I am not ashamed of it,” - this is how Golodets herself characterized that “amazing period in her biography.”

According to her, she was “sorry to leave” back to Norilsk Nickel, but “couldn’t refuse.” And in the end she returned to the company - already under the leadership of Mikhail Prokhorov and already to the position of deputy. General Director for Personnel and Social Policy.

We collaborated with her on both Taimyr and Norilsk Nickel,” recalls the head of the trade union, Valery Glazkov. - A lot of programs were introduced for employees; it’s unlikely that any other company had a better social block than under her leadership.

Comfortable life

But in the end the company was not so grateful. In 2008, Prokhorov, having divided the assets of Norilsk Nickel with Potanin, left the company. Most top managers, including Golodets, quit following their boss. But at the same time, Olga Golodets remained the head of the board of the Norilsk Nickel pension fund (the NPF was a controversial asset). In July, she changed the charter of the NPF in such a way that Norilsk Nickel and its new management effectively lost control of the fund.

The controversial situation around the NPF lasted six months, and only after Norilsk Nickel filed a claim in arbitration in December 2008, Prokhorov’s ONEXIM finally abandoned it. And during these six months, the management of the ex-owner managed to secure a good “pension fund”. Former members of the NPF council received lifetime monthly pensions of 125-150 thousand rubles, the head of the council Olga Golodets - 200 thousand rubles.

This money was essentially taken from the pensions of ordinary employees and residents, says the source, a former employee of Norilsk Nickel. - We are talking about damage in the hundreds of millions of rubles.

Having earned money for their old age, almost all of the same persons moved from the NPF to the Soglasie insurance company - already 100% of Prokhorov’s assets. Olga Golodets became the head of the board of directors of the company, one of the twenty best insurance companies.

Golodets was not an insurer, but she still has a slightly different profile,” says one of the participants in the insurance market. - But the company showed good growth in the market under her. Although, in my opinion, more thanks to the name and influence of the owner than to Golodets herself.

They say that thanks to the influence of her boss Prokhorov, Olga Golodets eventually ended up in the capital’s mayor’s office. As vice-mayor, she again oversaw the social sector - healthcare and education in the first place. On new post she had to declare her income, and at the end of 2010 she became the richest official of the city hall with an annual income of more than 57 million rubles. True, in 2011 the figure dropped sharply to a more respectable 11.2 million rubles. The vice-mayor did not deny the foreign real estate she owned - she declared a third (250 sq. m) of an apartment in Italy and half (220 sq. m) of a dacha in Switzerland. Although for a person who has worked as a top manager of a major company for more than 10 years, such benefits and income are not surprising.

Hull roll

However, on new, Olga Golodets’s more public position was no longer perceived so positively. She was much criticized for the process of consolidating the capital’s schools, which, by the way, was a federal idea. Just on the eve of her promotion, the image blow to the vice-mayor was dealt by the scandal surrounding the First Cadet Corps in Moscow, where city officials began anti-corruption checks in an attempt to remove the director of the institution. Not only the director himself was indignant against this, but also the parents.

They tried to accuse parents of allegedly giving bribes for admission, says Vladimir Chernilov, head of the parent community council of the corps. - But in the end, no facts of corruption were revealed. And the real goal of all this was to capture the corps building.

By the way, a similar situation occurred with the vice premiere even earlier with another cadet corps - Norilsk.

It was founded by Norilsk Nickel in 1998, when the company was still headed by Khloponin, said the parent of one of the former cadets. “The building has been considered exemplary for many years both in terms of technical equipment and in working with children. But when the board passed to the Prokhorov team, problems began. The same Golodets told the director that the corps should be disbanded, since these are non-core assets. He refused, but Golodets persistently followed someone’s instructions. Checks began, which revealed nothing. But in the end, the director was removed, and the building was divided into two new institutions, reducing the number of students by almost half. Why it was necessary to destroy everything, given that Norilsk Nickel had enough money to maintain the building, we still do not understand.

Apparently there were reasons. Olga Golodets did not avoid radical and unpopular decisions in her career. But as an “effective manager” and a “good performer” - according to the reviews of her former colleagues - she always quickly and accurately carried out the will of her superiors. In her new position, she has different bosses, now with a much larger scope. And if he, the boss, comes up with unpopular and radical measures, Olga Yuryevna will certainly carry them out just as clearly.

Olga Yurievna Golodets
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
from May 21, 2012
Birth: June 1, 1962
Education: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Profession: economist
Occupation: politician, statesman

Olga Yurievna Golodets(born June 1, 1962, Moscow) - Russian statesman, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation since May 21, 2012.

Education of Olga Golodets

In 1984 Olga Golodets Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Olga Golodets - Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Career of Olga Golodets

In 1984-1997 Olga Golodets- worked at the Central Research Laboratory of Human Resources, Research Institute of Labor, Institute of Employment Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In 1997-1999 Olga Golodets− Director of social programs of the Reformugol Foundation.
In 1999-2001 and 2001-2008 Olga Golodets− Head of the Department of Social Policy and Personnel, Deputy General Director for Personnel and Social Policy of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.
In 2001 Olga Golodets− Deputy Governor of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug for social issues.
After leaving Norilsk Nickel, until December 16, 2008, Olga Golodets continued to head the board of his non-state pension fund (NPF), which was part of the assets of the ONEXIM group. In accordance with the pension program previously developed by the social policy service of MMC Norilsk Nickel, Olga Golodets, among other heads of NPFs, were assigned monthly lifetime pension payments in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. Subsequently, Norilsk Nickel asked former functionaries of the corporate non-state pension fund to voluntarily renounce these pension payments, but about the reaction Olga Golodets This proposal was not reported in the press.

In 2009 Ms. Golodets was mentioned in the media as a member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs - together with her long-term head of Norilsk Nickel, Mikhail Prokhorov, who joined the bureau of the board of the RSPP in the same year. In 2010, Mrs. O. Golodets was mentioned by the media as Prokhorov’s deputy as chairman of the Committee on the Labor Market and Personnel Strategies of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
In 2008-2010 Olga Golodets- President of the All-Russian Inter-Industry Association of Employers - Manufacturers of Nickel and Precious Metals, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Soglasie insurance company.

Since December 2, 2010 Olga Golodets- Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for education and health care. On December 30, 2011, she was appointed Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Issues, expanding her range of powers to include Lyudmila Shvetsova, who resigned. She held this position until May 21, 2012.
Since May 21, 2012 Olga Golodets- Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In December 2012, public attention was drawn to Golodets letter V. Putin with criticism of the Dima Yakovlev law adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, prohibiting the adoption of Russian children by American citizens. With your demarche Olga Golodets tried to explain to the head of state that the law adopted by parliament violates not only the agreement between Russia and the United States, but also the Vienna Convention, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Later, Russian Prime Minister D. Medvedev explained that the letter was sent at his request.

Scientific works, titles and awards of Olga Golodets

Olga Golodets- author of more than 30 scientific papers, participant in international and Russian projects in the field of personnel management, development of social and labor relations and institutions.
Olga Golodets repeatedly included in the ranking of the best top managers in Russia by the Association of Managers of the Russian Federation, laureate of the ARISTOS award in the category “Best HR Director in Russia”, has industry awards.

Olga Golodets is a famous domestic politician and statesman. Today it plays an important role in the country's social policy. At various times she oversaw issues of health, education, demography, culture and science. Since 2018, she has held the post of Deputy Prime Minister, in her sphere of influence issues of sports and culture.

Childhood and youth

Olga Yuryevna Golodets is Russian by nationality. She was born in Moscow in 1962. Her father was a teacher at the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy, his name was Yuri Solomonovich. Mother Valentina Grigorievna worked in the restaurant business.

Olga Golodets was the first child of her parents; seven years later her sister Tatyana was born. Now she is an employee of the management staff of the Bank of Moscow, which was merged with VTB a couple of years ago. The uncle of the heroine of our article, her father’s brother, is also known: Adamas Golodets was a famous striker, played for Dynamo Moscow and Kiev, as well as for the team from Baku “Neftyanik”. Then, for several decades, intermittently, he coached the capital's Dynamo.

In the biography of Olga Yuryevna Golodets, successful studies at school, from which she graduated with a gold medal, play an important role. Then she entered the Faculty of Economics. There she also became one of the best students, passing almost every session with straight A's.

After university

Having received a diploma from Moscow State University, Olga Golodets entered graduate school at the Labor Research Institute. Here she continued to follow her image, soon defending her dissertation. In 1990, in the biography of Olga Golodets, an entry appeared about the awarding of the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Over the next seven years, she has been working at the Institute of Employment Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Then he goes to work for the Reformugol company, which seeks to solve the problems of miners that have accumulated as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Professional activity

Olga Golodets’ significant career growth followed after she began to specialize in social policy. This happened in 2001, after she went to work at the open joint-stock company Norilsk Nickel, which at that time was already headed by Mikhail Prokhorov. Position Olga Golodets - Head of the Personnel and Social Policy Department. Here she gains serious work experience, as over time she becomes deputy general director of Norilsk Nickel.

In this position, Olga Yuryevna Golodets achieves significant results; she is often awarded various awards, including “Aristos” in the category “Best HR Director.”

Investment fund

Golodets left Norilsk Nickel in 2008, but continued to work in Prokhorov’s structures. She holds the post of executive director of ONEXIM, which is essentially an investment fund. The main field of activity of ONEXIM is related to energy, metallurgy, nanotechnology and media.

At the same time, the heroine of our article takes on the leadership of the board of directors of an insurance company called “Consent”. In a short time, she takes it to a fundamentally new level, which impresses its owners.

Political activity

Golodets entered the public service in 2010. Her experience in government structures begins with the position of Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Health and Education.

In 2012, along with other politicians, Olga Yuryevna Golodets joined the government of the Russian Federation. She gets the portfolio of Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy. The range of responsibilities in this position is quite wide. These are healthcare, culture, science, pension policy, education, tourism, and the activities of public and religious organizations.

In its sphere of direct influence are the ministries of labor and health, which traditionally remain among the most significant in the apparatus system.

Over the years that she has been working in the government of the Russian Federation, Olga Yuryevna Golodets has managed to achieve certain results. In particular, funding has begun for the promotion of domestic universities in world rankings, which has a positive impact on the prestige of Russian education abroad. The process of reforming the Academy of Sciences has begun actively. Work is underway to index pensions to the level of inflation.

Reorganization of the RAS

It was Golodets who led the process of reforming the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main goal was to separate scientific and economic directions, transferring the economic and property complex to an agency specially created for these purposes.

Some experts perceived these changes as an attempt to completely eliminate scientific institutions in Russia. However, the process of work of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations was nevertheless launched.

Golodets is also known for advocating the provision of high-tech medical care to children in Russia, and not in foreign countries.

Public performance

In 2016, Olga Golodets made a well-known report at Russian Business Week, which was dedicated to the state of income of the population. The event took place in Moscow.

As part of her speech, Golodets emphasized that everywhere there is a decline in the purchasing power of money, and therefore in the well-being of Russians. At the same time, the number of our compatriots with incomes that fall below the subsistence level is increasing at an alarming rate. In her opinion, it is necessary to draw up a special agreement with trade unions and employers, which will allow the government to directly regulate the level of wages.

A few months later, Olga Yurievna Golodets made an important statement to the government. At a board meeting at the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, she spoke about the launch of a fundamentally new management principle in the medical care system. With its help, it is planned to increase the life expectancy of Russians to an average of 75 years. Currently, this figure is about 71 and a half years. Olga Golodets’ main work in the government has recently been devoted to this.

Personal life

Golodets is among the number. At the same time, she tries in every possible way not to advertise her private life. From the little information that is in official sources, you can find out that the heroine of our article was married. Her chosen one's name is Pavel Brunovich Mrdulyash. He heads the Federal Resource Center for organizing management training. This structure is part of the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Mrdulyash is a fairly well-known specialist in his circles, considered one of the most authoritative experts on game theory in Russia.

Golodets does not talk about the peculiarities of her personal life; there are no photos of her with her husband anywhere. They divorced in 2003; we can only guess about the reasons for the dissolution of the marriage.

The heroine of our article has two twin daughters. Their names are Tatyana and Anna. It is known that they graduated from Moscow State University. Anna is an orientalist by profession, she works in Moscow. Tatyana received a law degree, interned for some time in Geneva, Switzerland, and then returned to Russia. She works as deputy general director of the Tretyakov Gallery and bears her father's surname.

In his free time from work, Golodets enjoys ballet and also writes scientific works on social and labor relations. At the moment, the civil servant has already published about thirty articles and monographs, which were highly appreciated by foreign and domestic experts.

Financial position

On average, Golodets’ income is about 15 million rubles per year. In 2016, it amounted to 15.6 million, which allowed her to become the richest official in Russia.

At the end of 2017, Golodets officially declared 11.4 million rubles. She owns:

  • Three apartments with a total area of ​​more than two hundred square meters.
  • Half of a dacha in Switzerland is 220 square meters.
  • And also a third of the apartment in Italy, the area of ​​which is 250 square meters.

It is noteworthy that the income statement does not contain any information about cars and other vehicles that belong to the official.

Recent political activity

In 2017, Golodets’ main activity was aimed at indexing pensions. Moreover, the task was to maintain one-time payments. So, at that time, the average pension in the country was 13,620 rubles, which was twice the subsistence level. For 2018, she predicted an increase in the salaries of medical workers by 200 percent.

At the coordination council, which was dedicated to the implementation of the National Strategy for Action for Women, she spoke about the existing gender inequality in the salaries of women and men. She emphasized that this difference persists for quite a long time, reaching 60-70 percent. Some equality is observed only in certain areas, for example, in education and science.

Also in 2018, Golodets advocated the abolition of a regulatory act issued by the Ministry of Labor. It removed the requirements for the service life of buses that are used in children's tourism. She noted that this will inevitably lead first to a rise in prices and then to the disappearance of the very concept of “children’s tourism.” Experts stated that the age of buses does not have a significant impact on the quality of transportation, because regular maintenance of the vehicle itself and its careful operation are more important.

After the elections

After the completion of the presidential elections in 2018, in which Vladimir Putin won a landslide victory, Golodets retained the post of deputy chairman during the formation of a new government. True, the range of her responsibilities has changed somewhat: now the heroine of our article is entrusted with overseeing sports and culture. And her portfolio of Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy went to Tatyana Golikova.

Almost immediately after this appointment, Golodets met with the head of the Ministry of Culture under her supervision, Vladimir Medinsky. Communicating with the team, she emphasized that Russia now occupies one of the leading places in the field of culture in the world, and it is important to preserve it. In response, Medinsky spoke about the phased implementation of government programs that are aimed at increasing the share of domestic cinema in the box office to 30%.

At a meeting with the Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov, Golodets said that the main task that the department’s employees must accomplish is to improve the development and popularization of mass sports. The goal is to involve 55 percent of the population in active life. National elite sport also faces an important task. It is necessary to restore trust in domestic athletes in the world community, as it was lost after a number of doping scandals.

Olga Golodets is a statesman with an impressive work biography and a modest personal life. For the seventh year now, Olga Yuryevna has held one of the key positions in the Government of the Russian Federation - she is its deputy chairman.

Childhood and youth

Olga is the eldest of the two daughters of the Golodets couple, her sister Tatyana is 7 years younger than her. The woman, who by the age of 50 received the post of Deputy Prime Minister, was born on June 1, 1962 in the capital, and is Russian by nationality. Her mother ran the Cheryomushki restaurant, and her father taught at one of the main economic universities in the country, the famous Pleshka. The Golodets sisters followed in the footsteps of their parents, received an economic education and succeeded in life.

Tatyana Yuryevna is now part of the top management of the Bank of Moscow, and Olga Yuryevna is at the helm of power.

Olga Golodets performing in Tatarstan

Olga immediately after school, from which she graduated with a gold medal, entered Moscow State University. In 1984 she received a diploma with honors in the specialty “population economics” and continued her studies in graduate school, by the age of 28 she defended her PhD on labor efficiency. The object of her research was the production activities of the KAMAZ plant.

In parallel with receiving her education, Olga Golodets arranged her personal life; somewhere in the mid-80s she had a husband, and then children. Until the end of the 90s, Olga Yuryevna was engaged in research activities within the framework of her specialty, and began working in the field of social policy in a non-profit organization - the Reformugol Foundation. In subsequent years, her career was associated with the activities of large commercial enterprises.

Olga Golodets and Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova


The turning point in Golodets’ work biography was 1999, when she joined the mining and metallurgical company Norilsk Nickel, where she worked on issues of social policy and personnel under the leadership of first Khloponin, then Prokhorov.

Valery Glazkov, who headed the Norilsk Nickel trade union in those years, remembers her as the most effective HR manager with whom he had ever worked. Under Golodets, progressive social programs for employees were introduced.

For many years Olga was Prokhorov's right hand

In 2008, Mikhail Prokhorov resigned from the board of the MMC, taking part of the assets. Almost his entire staff, including Olga Golodets, left for the general director. While working at Norilsk Nickel, she determined its pension policy and headed the non-state pension fund of this joint-stock company. Golodets remained the head of the fund even after the division of assets, and the PF turned out to be a controversial asset.

Thanks to her efforts, control over it was lost for six months by the new management of MMC and passed to the ONEXIM investment fund headed by Prokhorov.

In the same 2008, Mikhail Prokhorov received 100% control over IC Soglasie and Olga Golodets continued to work in this structure. Despite the lack of experience in insurance activities of the newly appointed head of the board of directors, the company showed excellent performance under her leadership. At the same time, Olga Yuryevna headed the inter-industry association of employers in the production of non-ferrous precious metals, and in 2009 she joined the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Olga Golodets and Dmitry Azarov during a visit to the regions

In 2011, Golodets declared her income as a government official for the first time; her income in 2010 amounted to 57 million rubles; the declaration also reflected her ownership of real estate in Italy and Switzerland. After moving to the civil service, the amount of declared income decreased by 5 times.

Political activity

Although Golodets has been involved in social policy for many years, her political career at the state level began in 2010 when she served as vice-mayor of the capital.

Olga Golodets and Dmitry Medvedev

At first, Olga Yuryevna oversaw only health and education issues, then a wider range of social issues. And in 2012 she joined the Government of the Russian Federation as Deputy Prime Minister and continued to resolve various social issues on a state scale.

Personal life

Information about Olga Golodets and her work biography is not difficult to find, but little is known about the personal life of the government official. Photos published in open sources show her in a working environment.

Golodets on a visit to the University of Baltiysk

It is known that Olga met her husband while studying at Moscow State University; Pavel Brunovich Mrdulyash is 2 years older than his ex-wife. The exact date of marriage is unknown; most likely, they got married shortly after graduating from university or during their senior years. In 1986, they had 2 twin daughters, Tanya and Anya. In 2003, the couple separated.

Olga Golodets does not advertise intimate details of her biography; more is known about the personal lives of her children; both daughters have Facebook pages where they post their photos.

Today Tatyana Mrdulyash, who graduated from Moscow State University in 2009, works at the Tretyakov Gallery as Deputy General Director for Development. Her sister Anna married Pavel Vlasov, who works in the media business, in 2005. The couple has a daughter with the same name as her aunt and great-aunt.

Olga's daughter Tatyana

Grandmother Olya is proud of the success of her granddaughter Tanya, who studies rhythm-blues vocals. In June, a video of the girl’s reporting concert appeared on YouTube.

Much more is known about the work activities of the current Deputy Prime Minister than about his personal life. The following points deserve mention:

  • Olga Yuryevna’s father’s brother, Adamas Solomonovich, master of sports, was a famous football player in the 50-60s, then engaged in coaching, awarded the title of Honored Coach of the RSFSR;
  • The official in charge of sports issues in the state is herself fond of sports and choreography;
  • during the period when the fate of PPF Norilsk Nickel was being decided, the head of its council rewarded herself for her efforts with a lifelong pension, which amounted to 200 thousand rubles. monthly. Now many blame her for this step, regarding it as a robbery of ordinary employees;
  • Golodets is known as the author of a critical letter about the “Dima Yakovlev Law,” in which she defended the right of Russian orphans to find a family in the United States;
  • the reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Minister caused criticism; the impression was created that these institutions simply wanted to be liquidated;
  • the creation of the portal “Education in Russian” is the merit of Olga Yuryevna;
  • in 2014, the government official took 4th place in the hundred most influential women in Russia according to Ogonyok magazine.

A woman holds the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Olga Golodets now

After the 2018 elections, Golodets re-entered Medvedev’s government. Now the attention of the Deputy Prime Minister for Sports and Culture is focused on holding the World Cup. Before its opening, she expressed faith in the success of the Russian team.

Olga Golodets and Vladimir Putin at the Tretyakov Gallery

In her latest speeches, Olga Yuryevna promises in the near future to use the infrastructure created for the championship to hold cultural events and develop children's sports.