Speech games for preschoolers. Consultation for parents "intellectual games for developing the thinking of older preschoolers" Verbal game complete the sentence for preschoolers

05.06.2024 Brain damage

Game "What is round?"

Tossing the ball to children in various ways, the teacher asks a question to which the child who catches the ball must answer.
1. What is round?
2. What is long?
3. What is tall?
4. What is green?
5. What is cold?
6. What is smooth?
7. What is sweet?
8. What is wool?
9. What is prickly?
10. What is spicy?
11. What is easy?
12. What is deep?

*Game “Who Was Who?”

The teacher, throwing the ball to one of the children, names an object or animal, and the child, returning the ball, answers the question of who (what) the previously named object was:
A chicken is an egg, a horse is a foal, a cow is a calf, an oak tree is an acorn, a fish is an egg, an apple tree is a seed, a frog is a tadpole, a butterfly is a caterpillar, bread is flour, a wardrobe is a board, a bicycle is iron, a shirt is cloth, boots are skin, a house - brick, strong - weak, etc.

* Game “Say Kindly”

The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the first word, and the child, returning the ball, calls the second.
Table - table, key - key.
Hat - cap, squirrel - squirrel.
A book is a little book, a spoon is a spoon.
Head - head, picture - picture.
Soap - soap, mirror - mirror.
Doll - doll, beet - beet.
Braid - braid, water - water.
Beetle - beetle, oak - oak.
Cherry - cherry, tower - turret.
Dress - dress, chair, armchair.
A feather is a feather, glass is a piece of glass.
A watch is a watch, a mustache is a mustache.

*Game “One - Many”, “Many - One”

The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the word in the singular, and the child - in the plural (and vice versa). You can use nouns, adjectives, verbs.
House - houses Pencil cases - pencil case
Book - books Leaves - leaf
Tree - trees Cakes - cake
Table - tables Christmas trees - Christmas tree
Chair - chairs Dogs - dog
Window - windows Okontsa - window
Strong - strong Trees - sapling
Phone - phones coming - coming

*Game “Add a word”

The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks him to add a word to the sentence, putting it in accordance with the genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional case.
Natasha draws with green (pencil).
The squirrel jumps on the branches (trees).
The boat floats along the (river).
Near the school, Vitya saw (Anya).
Ira composed a fairy tale about (fox).

*Game “Choose the word with the opposite meaning”

The teacher, throwing the ball, asks to name the word opposite in meaning to the given one. You can use nouns, adjectives, verbs (singular and plural), adverbs (also based on phrases).
For example, day - night, laughs loudly - quietly cries, lightly - heavily, black dress - white dress, etc.

The game “Who moves how?”

The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, asks a question, and the child, returning the ball, must answer the question.
Teacher: Children:
Birds, butterflies, beetles, flies fly...
Fish, dolphins, whales swim...
Snakes, caterpillars, worms crawl...
Hares, grasshoppers, toads...etc are jumping.

*Game “Who is doing what?”

When throwing the ball to the child, the teacher names the profession, and the child, returning the ball, must name a verb denoting what the person in the named profession does.
Teacher - student: builder - builds, cook - cooks, porter - wears, worker - works, artist - draws, photographer - takes photographs, seller - sells, hunter - hunts, hairdresser - cuts, painter - paints, doctor - treats, teacher - teaches, the washerwoman washes, the pianist plays, the shepherd grazes, etc.

*Game “Hot - Cold”

The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, pronounces one adjective, and the child, returning the ball, calls another - with the opposite meaning. You can invite children to make sentences with words.

*Game “Animals and Their Cubs”

When throwing the ball to the child, the teacher names an animal, and the child, returning the ball to the teacher, names the baby of this animal.

a tiger has a tiger cub, a bear has a bear cub, a cow has a calf
a lion has a lion cub, a camel has a camel, a horse has a foal
the elephant has a baby elephant the wolf has a wolf cub the pig has a piglet
a deer has a fawn, a hare has a little hare, a sheep has a lamb
the elk has a calf, the rabbit has a baby rabbit, the chicken has a chicken
The fox has a little fox, the squirrel has a little squirrel, the dog has a puppy

*Game “Who Talks How”

The teacher throws the ball to the children one by one, naming the animals. Children, returning the ball, must respond as one or another animal gives a voice.
Teacher: Children:
The cow moos
Tiger roars
The snake hisses
Mosquito squeaks
The dog barks
The wolf howls
The duck quacks, etc.

*Game “Whose house?”

Throwing the ball to each child in turn, the teacher asks a question, and the child returns the ball and answers.
Who lives in a hollow? Who lives in a birdhouse? Who lives in the nest? Who lives in the booth? Who lives in the hive? Who lives in the hole? Who lives in the lair? Who lives in the den?

*Game “Sound Chain”

Teacher: We will connect a chain of words. The ball won't let you put a point.
The teacher says the first word and passes the ball to the child. Next, the ball is passed from child to child. The ending sound of the previous word is the beginning of the next one.
For example: spring-bus-elephant...

*Game “A syllable and a syllable - and there will be a word - we will play the game again”

Option 1. The teacher says to the children: I will say the first part of the word, and you will say the second:
sa-har, sa-ni. Then the teacher throws the ball to the children one by one and says first
syllable, children catch it and throw it back, calling out the whole word.

*Game “Throw the ball and name the animals”

Depending on the theme of the game, options are possible: name fruits, vegetables, berries, etc.
Option 1.
The teacher names a generalized concept and throws the ball to each child in turn. The child, returning the ball to the teacher, must name the objects related to this general concept.
General concepts: vegetables, fruits, berries, trees, pets, wild animals, migratory birds, wintering birds, furniture, dishes, clothing, shoes, toys, tools, transport.
Option 2.
The teacher names specific concepts, and the children name generalizing words.
Teacher: cucumber, onion, turnip, and children - vegetables.

Game "Catch the word"

The adult calls the child words. The child must
clap your hands if you hear a word that is different from the rest.

House, house, house, treasure, house.
Mouth, mouth, sandwich, mouth, mouth.
Winter, winter, summer, winter, winter.
Snow, snow, snowfall, snow, snow.
Bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny,
little wolf


day Night;
big small;
black White;
good bad;
heavy - light;
cheerful - sad;
bitter - sweet;
hot Cold;
dirty – clean;
healthy – sick;
short – long;
speak - remain silent;
remember - forget;


wet – dry;
new - old;
sharp - dull;
smart - stupid;
wide narrow;
close - distant;
fast – slow;
high Low;
full – empty;
thin - thick;
open close
loud quiet;
many - small;
right left; difficult - easy

Game "Catch the word"

Leaf, leaf, leaf, whistle, leaf.
Sea, sea, sea, mountain, sea.
Face, face, egg, face, face.

Frame, frame, lama, frame, frame, Roma.
Pooh, pooh, rooster, pooh, pooh, pooh, pooh.
Pine, cone, bear, cone.

Braid, braid, goat, braid.
Bangs, bangs, crack, bangs.

Silk, silk, click, silk.
Drain, drain, drain, stack, drain, drain.


brother - sister;
boy - girl;
mother, father;
man Woman;
grandfather grandmother
enter exit
grief - happiness
city ​​- village
good evil
joy - sadness
above under
beginning – end
smile - tears
youth - old age
true False
straight - curved
deep - shallow
useful - harmful


weak – strong
brave - cowardly
throw - catch
take - give
go to bed - get up
freeze - warm up
buy – sell
help - hinder
lose - find
break - build
laugh - lap
inside Outside
in front - behind
above - below
affectionately - rudely
early late


winter summer
spring – autumn
friend - enemy
heat - cold
breakfast - dinner
peace - war
son daughter
morning evening
descent – ​​ascent
same – different
full - hungry


child - adult
east – west
North South
Sunrise Sunset
light - darkness
meeting - parting
departure - entry
lazy - hardworking
neat – sloppy
dexterous - clumsy


rough – smooth
bright – dim
warm - cool
moving away - getting closer
raise - lower
cloudy - clear
first – last
fresh – salty
ugly - beautiful
fragile - durable
frequent – ​​rare

Say the opposite

Take a lot - give little;
Cheerful grandfather - sad grandmother;
Younger brother - older sister;
early morning - late evening;
noisy city - quiet village

Game "One - Many"

house - houses, chair - chairs,
brother - brothers
son - sons,
haystack - haystacks,
place - places,
sea ​​- seas
forest - forests,
meadow - meadows,
eye - eyes,
stake - stakes,
friend - friends

Game "One - Many"

Bunny - bunnies,
Teddy bear - cubs,
Chicken - chickens,
Duckling - ducklings,
Piglet - piglets,
Lamb - lambs,
Foal - foals,
Calf - calves

Game "One - Many"

Nest - nests,
Letter - letters,
Ring - rings,
Day - days
Stump - stumps,
Resident - residents,
Messenger - messengers,
Cucumber - cucumbers,
Ear - ears,
Metro - metro,
Cocoa - cocoa,

Game "One - Many"

Coat - coat,
Cockatoo - cockatoo,
Coffee - coffee,
Piano - piano,
Trousers - trousers,
Jeans - jeans,
Scissors - scissors,
Cereals - flakes,
Eskimo - popsicle,
Cafe - cafe,
Necklace – necklace

Game "Many-one"

you can also play the reverse game: adult
names the plural, but the child names the singular.
It is very useful for a child to train parental education
case in the plural: “We had one hare, but now there are many -
...hares”, “We had one popsicle, now there are many -...popsicles”, etc.

Game "He, She, It, They"

Rules of the game: the driver throws the ball to the child, calling the word

- House..
- He.
- Cat.
- She.
- It.
- Cars.
- They. Rules of the game: the driver throws the ball to the child, calling the word
(noun), the child returns the ball, calling the pronoun,
suitable words for this word: he, she, it, they.

- He
- The cherry is ripe.
- She will sing.
- The egg is rolling.
- It's rolling
The chairs are standing.
- They are standing.

"Say kindly"

Daughter, daughter, daughter
Son - son, son
Dad - daddy, daddy
Grandfather - grandfather, grandfather
Grandmother - granny
Sister - little sister
Grandson - grandson
Granddaughter - granddaughter
Brother - little brother

"Say kindly"

Progress of the game: ask the child to complete the sentences with the correct word.

Start the phrase, and the child will finish it.
The plate is clean, and the plate is... (clean).
The teapot is beautiful, and the teapot is... (pretty).
The frying pan is round, and the frying pan is... (round).
The knife is sharp, and the little knife is... (sharp).
The soup is delicious, and the soup is... (delicious).
Fish salad is delicious, but potato salad is... (tastier).
The tomato soup is spicy and the gravy is...(spicier).
The plate is beautiful, but the dish is... (more beautiful).

Game "Give me a word"

The magpie has white sides, which is why it is called... white-sided.
The tit has a yellow breast, ... yellow-breasted.
The woodpecker has a long beak, ... long-billed.
The bullfinch has a red breast,...red-breasted.
The sparrow has thin legs,... thin-legged.

Game "Give me a word"

There's only one answer
Some know, some don't
Salt lies in (salt shaker)
Bread lies in (breadbox)
Sugar lies in (sugar bowl)
The oil is in the (oil can)
The salad lies in the (salad bowl)
The herring lies in the (herring box)
And in the dining room, and in the kitchen, in the restaurant - and everywhere:
If they boil it, it’s in a saucepan, if they fry it, it’s in... (a frying pan).

Game “What are they for?”

Spoon - for eating soup;
Knife - …
Plate - …
Frying pan - …
Fork - …
Cup - …
Pot - …
Kettle - …

Didactic game "Which one, which one?"

Goal: to teach how to form adjectives from nouns.
Material: ball.
Garden and apple. Apple orchard.
Garden and pear. Pear garden.
Pear and jam. Pear jam.
Peach and juice. Peach juice.
Pomegranate and juice. Pomegranate juice.
Apple and pie. Apple pie.
Apple and puree. Applesauce.
Pineapple and jelly. Pineapple jelly.

Didactic game “Find out by description”

Goal: learn to write descriptive riddles about berries and fruits.
Ask the children to independently create a descriptive riddle about berries or fruits: “Oval, hard, yellow, sour, put in tea” (Lemon).

Didactic game “My favorite fruit (berry)”
Goal: learn to write descriptive stories about berries and fruits.
Invite children to compose descriptive stories about fruits and berries according to the plan:
What is this?
Where does it grow?
What does it taste like?
What is made from it?

Material: text of the poem.
One day, early on, it suddenly began to rain…mushroom rain.
And at that very moment, a mushroom picker left the house for the forest.
To bring the catch, I took a basket for... mushrooms.
He walked for a long time into the wilderness of the forest - he was looking for a clearing there... for mushrooms.
Suddenly, under the tree on a hummock, he sees a small... mushroom.
And our lucky... mushroom picker was instantly delighted.
How can he not have fun if there is a mycelium in the ground here!
I began to look under the fir trees, under the birches and oaks,
Collect all edible...mushrooms in your basket.
And when he collected a lot of them, he went home,
And all the way he dreamed of how he would cook soup... mushroom soup.
He collected a lot of mushrooms, and mushrooms, and mushrooms,
And those who search for a long time will come across... a mushroom spot!
(T. Kulakova)

Didactic game “Whose, whose, whose?”

Goal:: to develop the ability to form possessive adjectives.
Trail (whose?) – fox, wolf….
Ears (whose?) – fox, wolf….
Head (whose?) – fox, wolf….

Didactic game "Who was who"

Goal: expand and activate vocabulary. Learn to form the instrumental case of nouns. Fix the name of the baby animals.
Material: subject pictures depicting adult domestic animals and their cubs.
- Who was the bull? - The bull was a calf.
- Who was the dog? – The dog was a puppy.
-Who was the goat?- The goat was a kid

Didactic game “Guess who it is?”

Goal: to teach how to select an object for action.
(The adult asks a riddle, and the child guesses it.)

Guards, chews, barks? -….
Grunts, digs? -….
Neighing, running, jumping? -….
Meows, laps, scratches? -….
Moos, chews, walks? -….
(Then the child makes similar riddles.)

Material: subject pictures of migratory birds, ball. An adult throws a ball and says a word.
Singing Singing
Chirping Chirping
Flying away Flying away
Feeding Nursing
Floating Floating
Screaming Screaming
Starving Starving

Material: ball.
Birch. Berezonka, birch, birch, boletus.
Aspen. Aspen, aspen, boletus.
Oak. Oak, oak, oak, club.
Rowan. Rowan, mountain ash, rowan.
Maple. Maple, maple.
Pine. Pine, pine, pine.
Spruce. Christmas tree, Christmas tree, spruce forest, spruce tree.

Didactic game “Related words”

Forest (what?) – spruce, pine, cedar….
Cone (what?) – spruce….
Needles (what?) – spruce….

Didactic game “Name which one”

The cabinet is made of wood, which means it is wooden.
The bed is made of iron,...
The sofa is made of leather,...
The chair is made of plastic,...
Boots made of rubber - rubber boots.
Wool hat – wool hat.
Leather gloves – leather….

Didactic game “What dish is this?”

What soup made from... (beans, peas, fish, chicken, beets, mushrooms, vegetables)?
What porridge is made from... (millet, rolled oats, semolina...)?
What kind of jam is made from... (apples, plums, apricots, raspberries...)?
What juice from... (carrots, pears, oranges...)?
What kind of dishes are... (glass, metal, ceramic, porcelain, clay, plastic)? Give examples. Why is it called that? (Glass - made of glass.)

Didactic game “Choose related words”

Purpose: to practice the formation of related words.
Snow - snowball, snowflake, snowy, Snow Maiden, snowman...
Winter – winter, winter, winter, winter hut….
Frost – frosty, freeze, freeze….
Ice - icebreaker, ice floe, ice, glacier, ice....

Didactic game “Form words”

Material: ball.
Iron nail. Iron nail.
Wooden board. Wooden plank.
Metal scissors. Metal scissors.
Boots made of rubber. Rubber boots.
Leather gloves. Leather gloves.
Paper napkin. Paper napkin.
Clay pot. Clay pot.
Glass glass. Glass glass.
Plastic bottle. Plastic bottle.

Didactic game “Finish the sentence”

Goal: to strengthen children's ability to compose sentences using conjunctions in order to... Develop imagination.
Material: subject picture “Christmas tree holiday”, ball.
Mom took out a box of Christmas tree decorations in order to...(decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the room).
We decorated the Christmas tree to...
Santa Claus came to the holiday to...
The girls put on snowflake costumes to...
The Snowman came to us for the holiday in order to...

Didactic game “Name the toy”

Purpose: to practice the formation of relative adjectives.
Wooden toy (what kind?) – wooden (matryoshka, pipe)
Clay toy (what kind?) – clay (whistle)
Ceramic toy (which one?) – ceramic (doll)

Didactic game “Who needs what”

Purpose: to practice using the dative case of nouns.
A hockey player needs a stick
The figure skater needs skates
The sleigh driver needs a sled...
Skis are needed - ...a skier
The washer is needed -…. hockey player

Didactic game “Say in one word”

Material: ball.
The magpie has white sides, which is why it is called... (white-sided).
The tit has a yellow chest, so it is called ... (yellow-breasted).
The bullfinch has a red chest, which is why it is called... (...).
The woodpecker has a red head, which is why it is called... (...).
The crow has black wings, so it is called... (...).
The woodpecker has a sharp beak, which is why it is called... (...).
The owl has a large head, so it is called... (...).
The waxwing has a sonorous voice, which is why it is called... (...).
The woodpecker has a long beak, which is why it is called... (...).
The magpie has a long tail, which is why it is called... (...).
The owl has large wings, which is why it is called... (...).

Didactic game “Add the word – enemy”

Goal: to train children in the use of antonym words. Promote understanding and memorization of proverbs.
Material: ball.
The native side is the mother, and the alien side is ... (stepmother).
There is warmth from the Motherland, and from a foreign land ... (cold).
The dog barks at the brave, but bites... (the cowardly).
A bad world is better than a good one...(quarrel).
Peace builds, but war...(destroys).
A person gets sick from laziness, but from work...(gets healthier).

Didactic game “Form words”

Material: ball.
The soldier loves his homeland. Loving soldier.
A border guard guards the border. Border guard.
A sailor fights at sea. Fighting sailor.
An infantryman fights for his homeland. Fighting infantryman.
The tankman wins the battle. The winning tanker.
Citizens live in Russia. Living citizens.

Didactic game “Finish the sentence”

Material: ball.
Wool jacket. He (what?) - Woolen.
Silk dress. It …
Jersey T-shirt. She …
Leather jacket. She …
Fur coat. She …
Coat for grandma. It …
Clothes for the street. She…
Boots made of rubber. They …
Calico scarf. She …
Sundress for summer. He …
Raincoat for spring. He …
T-shirt for children. She …
Pants for Men. They…

Didactic game “Whose, whose, whose, whose?”

Head (whose?) – lion’s
Tail (whose?) – lion’s
The body (whose?) is that of a lion
The ears (whose?) are those of a lion.


Didactic game “Count the animals”

One walrus, two walruses, ... five walruses.
One seal, ... five seals.
One dolphin, two dolphins... five dolphins, etc.

Didactic game “Form words”

Material: ball.
Field of cornflowers. - Cornflower field.
The smell of the meadow. - Meadow smell.
Rose oil. - Rose oil.
Poppy seeds. – Poppy seeds.
The scent of flowers. – Floral aroma.
Bouquet of lilies of the valley. – Lily of the valley bouquet.

"Who has.."

Who has paws? - A dog, a cat.
Who has hooves? - A cow, a pig, a goat, a horse.
Who has horns? Who has wool? Who has a mane?
Who has a piglet? Who has an udder?

"Give me a word"

The children have cheerful faces, they are now (how?)... (having fun).
They have loud voices, they speak (how?)...(loudly).
Katya has a ringing laugh, she laughs (how?)…(ringing).
Masha has fast legs, she runs (how?)…(fast).
The sleds are heavy, it’s hard to carry them (how?)...(hard).
The felt boots are warm, you can walk in them (how?)…(warm).

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 72"

Material developed by:

teacher-speech therapist of higher education

qualification category

Kopylova Natalya Sergeevna

Berezniki, 2015

Explanatory note to the didactic material

"Card index of deformed texts"

The didactic material “Card Index of Deformed Texts” was compiled on the basis of the methodological developments of S.V., V.V. Konovalenko, I.N. Sadovnikova, L.N. Efimenkova.

The purpose of the manual: the formation of lexical and grammatical components of speech, the prevention of written speech disorders in preschoolers. The material was compiled taking into account complex thematic planning in senior and preparatory speech therapy groups for children with severe speech disorders.

Methods of working with deformed texts in preschool age:

    The concept of deformed text is not given when working with preschoolers. The following techniques are used: “Correct the mistakes”, “The sentence is broken”. At the very beginning of correctional and developmental work, visualization (subject and plot pictures) is necessarily used. When children master the skill of working on deformed sentences and texts, work can be done by ear.

The manual can be used by teachers and parents in working with children of senior preschool and primary school age.


    Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech in primary school students. - M.: Education, 1991.

    Konovalenko S.V., V.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in the senior group for children with ODD. – M.: Gnome, 2001.

    Konovalenko S.V., V.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in the preparatory group for children with ODD. – M.: Gnome, 2001.

    Sadovnikova I.N. Disorders of written speech and their overcoming in younger schoolchildren. – M.: Vlados, 1997.

Topic: Vegetables. Numerals “One”, “One”.

Game "Correct the gnome's mistakes"

Growing in the garden one bulb, one eggplant

one radish. They ripened in the garden one apricot and one cherries.

Lies on a platter one orange and one lemon.

Sold in the store one watermelon and one pumpkin.

Topic: Nominative case

plural nouns.

Game “Say the sentence”.

Sits on the fence and crows...

In the village in the morning they sing loudly...

Tanya has a white... on her head.

The store sells children's summer...

Sitting on a piece of paper...

There are webs weaving in all corners...

In a vase on the table there is...

Scarlet flowers bloomed in the meadow...

Grazing in the meadow...

In our house there are large, bright...

On the main street there are multi-storey... .

Topic: Accusative case

Game "Confusion"

The cup washes Katya.

The bunny sculpts Vitya.

The cup drops Petya.

The hare catches the fox.

The fish catches the fisherman.

The fish catches the old man.

The old woman spins yarn.

The fish called the old man.

The old man scolded the old woman.

Butterfly draws a girl.

Game “Lost words” - completing sentences

with nouns in the accusative case


The old man was catching with a seine…. The old woman was spinning her... Once the old man threw his... into the sea. He began to click...

Topic: Genitive case

singular nouns.

Game "Make sentences"

Lena, don't be afraid, it's a thunderstorm. Workers, perform, work. Alyosha never saw an elephant. A mushroom grows in the forest. We pick a lot of ripe raspberries. Natasha take a piece of sugar. The table has one leg. Misha drink a glass of jelly.

Game "Finish the sentences"

In late autumn there are no... leaves on the trees. There are no...chairs in the hall. There are no... people in the field. There are no... pictures in the book. The voices of... birds are not heard. There are a lot of... mosquitoes in the swamp. There are no... snakes in our forest. In the distant forest there are a lot of... snakes. Birds don't have... teeth. There is no forest in the desert. There is no... water lily in our river.

Topic: Prefixed verbs.

The game “On the contrary” is the transformation of prefixed antonym verbs according to the model.

Pour water into a glass - pour water out of the glass.

Enter the room -

Open the door -

Bring a toy -

Come to the table -

Come to visit -

Arrive at the port -

Drive up to the gate -.

Game "Lost Words".

    Vanya (crosses) the street. Vanya (approaches) to the house. Vanya (enters) the house. Vanya (leave) the house. Vanya (walks around) the house.

    Tanya (jumps) on the playground. Tanya (jumps) over the stream. Tanya (jumps) off the bench.

    The bird (flies) out of the cage. The bird (flies) to the cage. The bird (flies) into the cage.

    Vanya (pours) water into a glass. Vanya (pouring) water from a glass. Vanya (pours) water from glass to glass. Vanya waters the flowerbed.

    The car (drives) to the garage. The car (move) out of the garage. The car (drives) around the garage. The car (move) the river. The car (drive) along the road between the houses.

Topic: Preposition "On".

Game "Make a proposal".

Landed, lake, ducks. Cucumbers are ripening in a garden bed. The puddles on the road are large. There are apples hanging on the branches. They planted it in a potato garden. Cranberry ripened in the swamp. The fish bites the bait. There is a picture hanging on the wall. Birch, beautiful, earrings. Hunted, wild ducks, hunters. Don't draw on the cover .

Game "Insert Preposition"

The children rode... on a boat. ...a pine tree grew on the bank. Storks built a nest... on the roof. ... there was a sentry on the tower. ... the cranberries are ripe in the swamp. The portrait hung... on the wall. The chickens sat down... to roost. …. in the north they ride... on reindeer. Sasha plays... balalaika .

Topic: Preposition "B".

Game "Make a proposal".

Slept in a squirrel hollow. In, birches, grove rustled. The cars in the field began to honk. The boys found a hedgehog in the bushes. People lived in primitive caves. A clean classroom is a pleasure to work in. A stream babbled in a clear ravine.

Game "Insert Preposition"

The wolf lives... in a den. ... the lilies of the valley bloomed more often in the forest. ... the chicks squeaked. Machine dad works... in a bakery. Trout is found... in mountain rivers. Eagles live... in the mountains. The puppy was dragging a stick... in his teeth. ... the stars sparkle in the blue sky, ... the waves splash in the blue sea. There is snow high up in the mountains. ... the grasshoppers were chattering in the silence.

Topic: Prepositions “S (SO)”.

Game "Insert Preposition"

I have seven sisters.

I have seven sisters.

I will help everyone.

Olya sow,

plow to reap.

Dasha to dress up the doll.

Lena to cook.

Nyura sew,

Shura to stir up the hay.

Sing songs... to Marusenka.

The smallest one.


The dishes were cleared... from the table.

Wipe off the dust... of books.

Lena...Sveta are friends.

The spoon fell... on the table.

Masha loves strawberries... cream.

Mom loves strawberries... with milk.

Lena will go... for a walk with me.

The guys went for a swim and took…the dog with them.

The foal... clung to its mother in fear.

Topic: Prepositions “FOR, BECAUSE OF.”

Game "Make a proposal".

Game "Insert Preposition"

I went... for berries. Fuck... nuts. Let's go... mushrooms. I observed... ants. Followed... the work. Got... a job. Completed... half an hour. I was sitting... at the table. Disappeared... by the horizon.

The guys didn't go camping due to bad weather. .. the sun appeared in the forest. Lena did not go to the theater due to illness. ... the cold wind made it impossible to continue the journey. The little monkey looked out... Trainer's shoulder.

Theme: Autumn. Verbs of the 3rd person singular and plural present tense .

Working on deformed text based on a painting :

It's the last warm days of autumn. Yellow leaves fall to the ground from maples, lindens, oaks, and birches. Tanya and Petya are walking in the autumn garden. The birds are no longer singing. They fly south. Tanya picks up fallen leaves from the ground. They want to make a beautiful bouquet for mom.

Topic: Past tense verbs.

Game "Correct the gnome's mistakes"

Vanya woke up, did her exercises, washed her face, drank tea, and went to school.

Tanya got up, after exercise and breakfast, he went to the store for groceries, bought bread, butter, cheese, returned home, cleaned the apartment.

Topic: Accusative case

singular nouns.

Game “Find the mistakes in the story”


Timosha and Grisha were in the forest. Timosha was catching bugs. Grisha was found by a hedgehog. Grisha brought the hedgehog home. There were mice in the house. Hedgehog catching a mouse .

Story "Zoo".

The children went to the zoo. There they saw a huge elephant and a striped zebra. Funny monkeys. The elephant was pouring cold water. Zebras chewed fresh grass. The monkeys made funny faces.

Game "Correct the sentence"

Mom bought a saucepan. Kolya saw the toad. The toad caught a mosquito. Swallows eat midges. The carpenter made a stool. Tanya knitted a sweater. Vitali made a boat. The hawk carried away the chicken. Sasha cast his fishing rod .

Game "make sentences"

Sister, cook some jam. Captain, serve, command. Sailors, wash the deck. Brother, welcome, sister. Rain, wet, earth. Masha and Lena see a rainbow. Grass, dew, cover. Tree, break, wind. Carp, catch, pike. Train, wait, passengers.

Topic: Genitive case

singular nouns.

The game “Lost Words” - finishing sentences with nouns in the genitive singular.

Tanya and Vanya collect leaves (chestnut) for a bouquet. Tanya picked up a leaf (maple). Vanya saw a leaf (birch). There were dry leaves (aspen) lying in the clearing. There were dry leaves (poplar) in the grass. There were acorns (oak) lying on the grass. The wind rustled the leaves (poplar). The branches (willow) bent towards the water. The berries (viburnum) turn bright red. Cones (pine, spruce) fell into the grass.

Topic: Prefixed verbs.

Game "Correct the mistake."

Children pour flowers on the flowerbed.

Mom pours soup into a plate.

Vanya pours water from a watering can.

The cook pours gravy over the casserole.

Tanya pours water into a glass

Topic: Dative case of nouns.

Game "Make a proposal".

Give grandpa a scarf. Buy mom flowers. Give comrade a book. Give the dog food. Give the cat milk. Comb your sister's hair. Braid your friend's hair. Make a birds birdhouse. Change fish water. Chop the chicken egg.

Game "Finish the sentence"

Tell me... (fairy tale, sister).

Give me... (carrot, rabbit).

Read... (book, Vitya).

Give me back... (book, Dima).

Give... (medicine, grandfather).

Pour... (water, dog).

Draw... (picture, sister).

Sing... (Teddy bear, song).

Call... (aunt, Vera).

Take... (grass, goat).

Bring... (towel, brother).

Make... (cage, rabbits).

Help... (Natalya Sergeevna).

Help... (mom and dad).

Topic: Instrumental case."

Game "Finish the sentence."

The grass is being cut... They eat soup... Cutlets are eaten... Onions are cut... The soup is being stirred... The grass is cut...the nails are pulled out.... The fire is poured... The dough is kneaded... The driver controls... The pilot controls...

Game "Make a proposal"

Cover the paths with snow. The street is illuminated by a lantern. The roof is covered with iron. Wash hair with shampoo. Rake the grass. The grass is cut with a mower. The pond is covered with thin ice. Wash your hands with toilet soap. Trim bushes with garden shears. Sprinkle the paths with sand. Decorate the Christmas tree with Christmas decorations.

Topic: Prepositions “under, from under.”

Game "Make a proposal".

The root of the tree was cut down. A small sprout made its way out from under the ground. The big pike went under the water. The dress was visible from under the coat. A snake crawled out from under the stump. We found mushrooms under dry leaves. There were a lot of apples under the apple tree.

the chicken rushed under the porch.

Game "Insert Preposition"

A large white mushroom has grown... spruce. ...the first snowdrops were breaking through the snow. The metro is being built... using earth. ... a little kitten jumped out of the table. Underground rivers flow... earth. The kitten crawled out... hats. A big dog jumped out... into the gateway. ... the treetops were cool. During a thunderstorm, do not stand... in trees.

Topic: Prepositions “above, below.”

Game "Make a proposal".

The sun peeks out from behind the clouds. A hare jumps out from behind the bushes. Guests rise from the table. A car comes around the corner. Grandfather Egor is coming from behind the forest, from behind the mountains.

Game "Insert Preposition"

The mole dug a passage... with earth. ... a thick fog rose like a river. ... the grass rustled with my feet. The firewood was removed... the shed. The mole lives... on the earth. The dog was sleeping... on the table. The swallow made a nest... with a roof. ...dragonflies frolicked around the lake. The gray wolf... does not let us go home. The plane was flying... through the forest. ... we were surrounded by butterflies.

Target: introduce parents to some game techniques for developing the thinking of preschoolers; give practical advice on organizing play activities at home.

All parents of future first-graders dream of their child having a successful start to school. Entering school is an extremely important moment for both the child and his parents. Practical experience of psychological examination of children shows that not all children are fully prepared for painless and successful entry into educational activities at school. Understanding the importance of preparing for school, even a few months before the start of the school year, you can organize targeted developmental activities with children that will help them in this new stage of life.

Parents, the first and most important educators, can do a lot for a child in this regard.

Readiness for schooling requires multicomponent education. First of all, the child must have a desire to go to school. In the language of psychologists, this is motivation to learn. He must also be able to interact with peers, control his behavior, and fulfill the teacher’s requirements. It is important that the child is healthy and resilient so that he can withstand the load during the lesson and the entire school day. And, perhaps, most importantly, he must have good mental development, which is the basis for successfully mastering school knowledge, skills and abilities. This largely depends on how well the child’s thinking is developed.

Thinking- this is the process of human cognition of reality with the help of mental processes - analysis, synthesis, reasoning.

There are three types of thinking:

Visually effective. Cognition occurs through the manipulation of objects and toys.
Visual-figurative. Cognition occurs through the representation of objects and phenomena.
Verbal-logical. Cognition through concepts, words, reasoning.

Visual and effective thinking develops especially intensively at a young age. On the basis of visual-effective thinking, a more complex form of thinking is formed - visual-figurative. The child can already solve problems based on ideas, without the use of practical actions.

By the age of six or seven, a more intensive formation of verbal and logical thinking begins, which is associated with the use and transformation of concepts.

All types of thinking are closely related to each other. When solving problems, verbal reasoning is based on vivid images. At the same time, solving even the simplest, most concrete problem requires verbal generalizations.

Various games, construction, modeling, drawing, reading develop in a child such mental operations as generalization, comparison, establishment of cause and effect relationships, and the ability to reason.

If special classes are conducted with the child, then the development of thinking occurs faster. And the thinking indicators themselves can improve 3-4 times. Parents can provide great help to their child. Learning is best carried out in a natural activity, the most attractive for preschoolers - play.

An important advantage of gaming activity is the internal nature of its motivation. Children play because they enjoy the gameplay itself. Educational games make learning an interesting activity and generate interest in the world around us.

Work on developing thinking should be carried out systematically. You can develop your thinking not only at home. This can be done on the way home, while walking, and even while doing household chores. The most important thing in this matter is to create a positive emotional mood. If for some reason the child does not want to study, reschedule the lesson for a more suitable time.

I want to introduce you to some playful exercises that help develop thinking. These exercises can be turned into an interesting game. In the game, you can set a rule - for the correct answer, the child receives a chip or some other reward. This creates additional interest in the game.

Game "Finish the word"

You will begin the word by pronouncing the first syllable, and the child will finish it.

"Guess what I want to say"

10 syllables are suggested: po-, for-, on-, mi-, mu-, do-, che-, pry-, ku-, zo-.

If the child copes with the task easily and quickly, then invite him to come up with not just one word, but as many as he can.

For example: by the summer, by the towel, by the pillow.

Record not only the correctness of the answers, but also the time, which is an indicator of thought processes, intelligence, and speech activity.

To develop the mental processes of generalization and highlighting essential features, you can play a game “Find the extra word.”

Read a series of words to your child. Each series consists of four words. Three words are combined based on a common feature, and one word differs from them and should be excluded.

Offer to define the word that is “extra.”

  1. Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.
  2. Spoon, plate, pan , bag.
  3. Dress, sweater, shirt , a cap.
  4. Birch, oak, strawberries, pine.
  5. Soap, toothpaste, broom, shampoo.
  6. Bread, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream.
  7. Hour, minute, summer, second.
  8. Swallow, crow, chicken, forty.

Game "Say the word" promotes the development of mental flexibility.

Invite your child to name as many words as possible that denote a concept.

  1. Name the words for trees (birch, pine, spruce, rowan, aspen...)
  2. Name the words for domestic animals.
  3. Name the words for animals.
  4. Name the words for vegetables.
  5. Name the words for fruit.
  6. Name words for transport.
  7. Name words related to sports.
  8. Name the words denoting ground transport.

You can select task options at your own discretion. If the child made a mistake and named the word incorrectly, then it is necessary to discuss his mistake and correct it.
The following games help develop thinking and intelligence. They also help increase vocabulary.

Game "How can I use it"

Invite your child: “I will say the words, you can say them too, but just the other way around. For example: big - small."
The following pairs of words can be used:

Cheerful - sad
Fast – slow
Empty - full
Thin - fat
Smart - stupid
Heavy - light
Brave - Cowardly
Hard – soft
Rough – smooth

Game “It happens - it doesn’t happen”

To play you will need a ball.
You name some situation and throw the ball to the child. The child must catch the ball if the named situation occurs, and if not, then there is no need to catch the ball.

Different situations can be proposed:

Dad went to work.
The train flies across the sky.
A man builds a nest.
The postman brought a letter.
Salted apple.
The house went for a walk.
A wolf wanders through the forest.
Cones grew on the tree.
The cat is walking on the roof.
The dog is walking on the roof.
The girl draws a house.
The boat floats across the sky.
The sun shines at night.
There is snow in the winter.
Thunder rumbles in winter.
The fish sings songs.
The wind shakes the trees

Game "Guess the description"

The adult offers to guess what (what vegetable, animal, toy) he is talking about and gives a description of this item.

For example: this is a vegetable, it is red, juicy. (Tomato)

If the child finds it difficult to answer, pictures with various vegetables are laid out in front of him. The child finds the desired image.

Game "Who will be who"

The adult shows or names objects and phenomena, and the child must answer the question: “How will they change, who will they be?”

Who (what) will be: egg, chicken, seed, caterpillar, flour, wooden board, brick, fabric.

There may be multiple answers to one question. It is necessary to reward the child for several correct answers.

Game "What's inside?"

The leader of this game names an object or place, and the child in response names something or someone that may be inside the named object or place.

For example:

house - table;
wardrobe - sweater;
refrigerator - kefir;
bedside table - book
saucepan - soup;
hollow - squirrel;
hive - bees;
hole - fox;
bus - passengers;
ship - sailors;
hospital - doctors,
store - customers.

When going for a walk, take a ball with you. You will need it to play the game. "Answer quickly."

An adult throws a ball to the child and names the color. The child, returning the ball, must try to quickly name the object of this color.

You can name not only color, but also any quality (taste, shape) of an object.

In the evening, in a quiet home stop, play the game "Come up with a name". For her it is necessary to prepare several small children's poems. Read the poem to your child without naming the title. Invite him to come up with a title for each poem himself. This game will teach your child to generalize and highlight the main idea in a poem. Often children come up with even better names than the author's.
Dear parents! A preschool child has truly enormous developmental opportunities and cognitive abilities. It contains the instinct of knowledge and exploration of the world. Help your child develop and realize their potential. Don't waste your time. It will pay for itself many times over. Your child will cross the threshold of school with confidence, learning will not be a heavy duty for him, but reality, and you will have no reason to be upset about his performance.


Dear parents! To make your efforts effective, use the following tips:

1. Don't let your child get bored during classes. If a child has fun learning, he learns better. Interest makes children truly creative individuals and gives them the opportunity to experience satisfaction from intellectual activities.
2. Repeat the exercises. The development of a child's mental abilities is determined by time and practice. If an exercise doesn't work out for you, take a break, return to it later, or offer your child an easier option.
3. Do not become overly anxious about not making enough progress and not making enough progress or even some regression.
4. Be patient, do not give your child tasks that exceed his intellectual capabilities.
5. When working with a child, moderation is needed. Do not force your child to do the exercise if he is tired or upset. Give your child the opportunity to sometimes do something he likes.
6. Avoid unkind assessments, find words of support. Praise your child more often for his patience and perseverance. Never emphasize his weaknesses in comparison with other children. Build his confidence in his abilities.
Try not to perceive working with your child as hard work. Rejoice and enjoy the communication process. Remember that you have a great opportunity to make friends with your child.

Good luck to you and have more faith in yourself and your child’s capabilities!

Number of players: any
Additional: no
Shiritori is a Japanese version of the word game: players take turns naming words, each next word must begin with the same syllable on which the previous one ended.
Only nouns can be named. Words should not be repeated.

Where is your circle? - game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: chalk
The presenter draws two circles. The first circle includes those children whose names have the stress on the first syllable, the second – those whose names have the stress on the second syllable. The presenter suggests thinking about how you can change the names in order to move to the second circle (Lyuda - Lyudmila, Galya - Galina, Grisha - Grigory, etc.).

Parsley's riddle - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: letter from Petrushka
The presenter reads the letter that the first grade students received: “Dear children! I am your friend, Petrushka, now I am relaxing at the dacha, walking in the forest, picking mushrooms. I bring a lot of mushrooms home. Guess what kind of mushrooms they are, if their names have a sound ( p) (saffron milk caps, russula, boletus), sound (s) (boletus, chanterelles), etc.

Greedy cat - game for children

Number of players: any
Additional: no
A leader is chosen. He's a cat. The cat sits in the corner and says:
- I’m a terribly greedy cat, I catch all the mice - and in my mouth.
The rest of the children are mice. They pass by the cat and whisper:
- Hush, hush, the cat is getting closer.
Children say these words twice. With the last words, the cat jumps out and catches the mice. Whoever falls into the cat's paws names a word with a certain sound.

Find your square - game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: chalk
The presenter draws several squares on the ground together with the children and reports that the children’s names are “hidden” in them. The first square contains those that contain the sound (k). You are asked to think about which of the children can stand in this square. In the second square are names in which the sound (u) is heard, etc.

The engine from Romashkovo - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: a picture of a train from Romashkovo, trailers for it, which are attached separately
A train and several spare carriages are attached to a metal base, and a word made up of syllables is attached to the board on top. The children read it and help seat it in the trailers, i.e. They divide the word into syllables and attach each syllable above the trailer, and then count how many trailers are needed.
The trailers are of different colors; they can be used to highlight a stressed syllable. Also for highlighting a syllable with a soft consonant and with a hard one. For example, the syllable “ma” should be placed in a blue trailer, and the syllable “me” in a green one. A stressed syllable can be placed in a red trailer, etc.

Moving to a new apartment - a game for children

Number of players: 6-9
Additionally: subject pictures (paired): cup - glass, mug - cup, butter dish - sugar bowl, kettle - coffee pot, saucepan - frying pan, scarf - scarf, cap hat, dress - sundress, sweater - sleeveless vest, coat - jacket, fur coat - winter coat, trousers - shorts, knee-high socks, stockings - socks, gloves - mittens, shoes - sandals, slippers - sandals, satchel - briefcase, chandelier table lamp; boxes for folding pictures
The presenter gives each child 2-3 pairs of pictures, for example: cup - glass, scarf - scarf, satchel - briefcase. Says:

Identify the first sound in a word - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: cards with subject pictures according to the number of children. Each card has 4 or 6 images (animals, birds, household items, etc.). The leader has circles (for children in speech therapy groups - cards with letters - 4 for each letter). Subject pictures on cards:
a - bus, stork, pineapple, watermelon
y - fishing rod, mustache, duck, iron
and - oriole, needle, turkey, frost
p - tent, saw, dress, briefcase
ts - heron, compass, numbers, chicken
h - teapot, clock, bird cherry, cherry
k - pencil, kitten, grasshopper, paints
x - robe, cotton, hockey player, hamster
s - hay (tog), lilac, starling, dog
z - castle, hare, umbrella, strawberry
g - acorns, giraffe, beetle, crane
w - hut, rose hip, cone, closet
l - swallow, ladder, skis, frog

Tatiana Morozko
Didactic game for speech development for children 3–4 years old “Finish the sentence”

A game« Finish the sentence»

Target: teach children make sentences, develop attention.

Inventory: subject pictures(1 group: mushrooms, berries, fish, apple, textbooks; 2 group: cones, flowers, pear, pike, notebooks)

Progress of the game:

Lay out the pictures of the first group in front of the child and ask him to use complete the following sentences - you pronounce the sentence, the child shows the picture and repeats offer, but already repeats what was missed word:

Masha was collecting in the forest (mushrooms).

Katya was collecting sweets in the clearing (berries).

Natasha picked a large and juicy one in the garden (apple).

Kolya cast his fishing rod and pulled out a small... (fish).

Pasha put it in his briefcase (textbooks).

Next, place the second group of pictures in front of the child and ask them to say the same offers, but so that at the end of each there is a different word - item, shown in the picture. Tell your child that some offers will have to change a little. That's what should turn out to be:

Masha was collecting pine cones in the forest.

Katya collected beautiful (fragrant, red, etc.) flowers.

Natasha picked a large and juicy pear from the garden.

Kolya threw out a fishing rod and pulled out a big one (huge, toothy) pike.

Pasha put his notebooks in his briefcase.

Answer the following questions together with your child: questions:

What else can you collect in the forest? (Twigs, leaves, acorns)

What else can you collect in the clearing? (Grass, leaves)

What else can you pick from the garden? Catch it with a bait? Put it in your briefcase?

Suggest compose a story for the child so that one of the proposals was the end of it.

Publications on the topic:

“Birdbird Birdhouse” Didactic game for speech development. Goal: to develop the child’s speech. Tasks: - enrich vocabulary, - consolidate.

Objectives: to teach children to distinguish by ear and pronunciation all the sounds of their native language; identify the first sound in a word; develop children’s ability to generalize.

The use of stories with pictures promotes the development of higher mental functions (imagination, memory, attention, speech, facilitates.

Goal: Development of all components of oral speech in preschool children. Objectives: Improve coherent speech - dialogical and monologue.

Didactic game “Continue the sentence” (selection of antonyms) Didactic game “Continue the sentence” Purpose: to select antonyms when comparing objects, to practice the formation of adjectives in comparative.

The purpose of the game: to expand and activate children’s vocabulary, the ability to coordinate the pronouns “mine”, “mine”, “mine”, “mine” with nouns.

Summary of GCD for speech development. Didactic game for pronunciation of sounds [M]-[M’], [B]-[B’]. Didactic game “Who left?” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. Objectives: 1. To develop the ability to clearly pronounce the sounds mm, b-b in sound combinations, to distinguish.