Biography of Kalcheva Sofia. Sofia Kalcheva - about Nikolai Baskov: He dressed me in a mini, and I burned with shame Kaltseva Sofia

06.06.2024 Symptoms

Nikolai Baskov's beloved Sophie Kalcheva shared racy photos in which they are naked.

In the bitter cold of winter, Sophie desperately misses summer and the hot embrace of the “natural blond.” The bride and groom are photographed in a hammock. The half-naked Basque, clinging to Kalcheva, looks thoughtfully into the distance, while she luxuriates in his arms with obvious pleasure. The singer even closed her eyes in pleasure.

“Oh summer!!!”, the performer whom Nikolai chose as his bride signed the memorable frame, and added a crying emoticon.

Kalcheva's followers literally doused the beautiful couple with sugar syrup. “How cool you are”, “Unrealistically cool photo! Favorites”, “you suit each other very well... and even look alike in some way!”, “How cool you are!!! Such a Cute, Gentle, Romantic photo!!! Insanely Beautiful!!,” “Kolenka, Sonechka! You are the most gorgeous couple in the world!!! It’s so nice to see you together!!!”, “Sonya, cool photo!!! So sweet and tender!!!”, “So much tenderness in one photo”, “Touching to the point of tears”, “So much passion and love in one photo, let it always be so, you are the perfect couple”, “You are Beautiful! Sonechka, from the bottom of my Heart I wish you and Kolya Absolute Happiness and Absolute Love!”, “You can admire ad infinitum,” enthusiastic Internet users praise the lovers in every possible way.

There is no hint of criticism in the comments. It seems that fans completely approve of Sophie's choice, or she promptly deletes comments from spiteful critics. Although she still missed one. “Photoshop specific... Why do people fool with their relationships????”, a certain girl tried to ruin the mood of the account owner. But her remarks quickly disappeared.

By the way, earlier Baskov’s beloved spoke in an interview about their relationship with the artist. Kalcheva explained why they were having a guest marriage, and for what reason the performer refused to eat his mother-in-law’s cooking.

The lovers have been together for three years. The artist suggested that the reason for their long relationship was diversity. “Kolya has a peculiarity: he really likes to surprise and make surprises. It's never boring with him. Once I was driving, he called and said: “Come to my place for a shoot.” From there we went to the airport and flew to the Maldives. The only things we had were two passports and his credit card. And we had a great time. It is important for him that the person who is next to him understands him,” the singer explained.

However, many do not believe in the couple’s relationship, considering it PR. However, Sophie said that everything was serious with them. True, they live as guests. "Many people cannot understand: “How do they live like this: he is in an apartment, and she is in her own house?” But you need to exist in this schedule in order to understand that there is no other way. Kolya works crazy hard... He tells me often calls and says: “We won’t meet today, or tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.” Not every woman can accept this, because I understand what kind of hard work he has,” Sophie said.

The artist admitted that her mother, a professional chef, cooks at home. It is noteworthy that Nikolai refused his mother-in-law's cooking. The singer said: “Everything that mom cooks is not allowed for Kolya. He's on a diet all the time. That’s why lately he categorically refuses to visit us.”

For three years now, Nikolai Baskov has been with a sultry brunette named Sophie. With all the publicity, little is known about the “natural blonde’s” companion. It so happens that Sophie has never given a big interview. The girl made only “ProZvezd” an exception, frankly telling our correspondents about her life together with Nikolai Baskov, his habits, which took a long time to adapt to, and about her difficult character.
“He doesn’t remember our meeting!”

“This is really my first big interview,” the girl smiles. “It so happened that I had never communicated so openly with journalists before. Our meeting with Kolya turned out to be prolonged in time. We first met ten years ago at Dima Bilan’s birthday. Then I was married, he was married. I remember when Kolya arrived, the holiday was in full swing. He walked in, and I had a complete feeling that the atmosphere around me had changed. It seemed to me that at that moment the space expanded. I realized this only later: he always brings in a new stream of air. By the way, I even have a photograph somewhere in which he feeds me sushi from his hands. I’m not a bore and I don’t like to blow men’s minds, but I constantly ask Nikolai: “Don’t you remember that meeting of ours?” As is typical for representatives of the stronger sex, he still cannot remember her. Then, of course, I followed the development of his dizzying career, but we did not communicate. The second time we met completely by chance was at karaoke. We sang together so much that we still sing to this day.

– He already presented it to me. So that you understand, Kolya can just give me absolutely any earrings, for example, but not for my birthday, for him it’s too banal. For my birthday, he bought me a song that I had already recorded, and shot a video for it with a very expensive director. I like to sing: I’ve been getting into it lately. I even got myself a vocal coach. I understand that I will never become Alla Pugacheva. But I don’t pretend to do so: as it turns out, so it turns out! Kolya supports me in my hobby. He told me: “Don’t be afraid to sing. The stage is big, there’s enough room for everyone!” By and large, he is right.

– But they say that it’s not easy to survive in show business, that it’s a terrarium of friends!

– When Nikolai and I were just beginning, I was also told such horrors about our show business. Like, this is a terrarium of like-minded people, where everyone hates each other, that I won’t survive there and they’ll eat me. But I probably entered there with such support that there were no fools to devour me (smiles). Although in general all the terrible stories are greatly exaggerated. When our video for the song “You are my happiness” was released, people stopped me backstage and completely sincerely admired me. Although this clip almost cost us our health. We filmed it in Ireland, in the wild cold and were terribly frozen!

“If God gives us children, I will be glad”

– Sophie, why do you think you and Nikolai have been together for so long?

– Recently I realized why relationships fall apart: because of habit. Kolya has a peculiarity: he really loves to surprise and make surprises. It's never boring with him. Once I was driving, he called and said: “Come to my place for a shoot.” From there we went to the airport and flew to the Maldives. The only things we had were two passports and his credit card. And we had a great time. It is important for him that the person who is next to him understands him. He can arrive at three in the morning from an airplane, wake you up and say: “Sonya, they sent me such a song! You should listen to her!” And we listen to it together. He loves to surprise, arrange surprises. He can walk around Barcelona, ​​see shoes or a dress in a window and immediately buy them. He buys things without trying them on and gets the size absolutely right! Everything looks great on me.

– How do you feel about the rumors that are circulating regarding your couple? Some people think that you are in a marriage of convenience. Doesn't this offend you?

– We definitely don’t have a marriage of convenience: both I and he have everything in life. We do not support each other financially at all. We are having a guest marriage. Many people cannot understand: “How do they live like this: he is in an apartment, and she is in her own house?” But you need to exist in this schedule to understand that there is no other way. Kolya works incredibly hard. We recently filmed Saturday Night. Filming lasted for a whole week. Every day he entered the frame at 12 noon and left it at 2 am. And so on for a whole week. He often calls me and says: “We will not meet today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow.” Not every woman can accept this. But I accept because I understand what hard labor he has.

– It’s not easy with Nikolai: he has a lot of fans. Are you jealous of them? Do you check your phones after separation?

- Never! Do you know what I've noticed lately? Many couples, cooing at a table in a cafe, put their phones with their screens down, and when they go to the toilet, they take them with them. So that, God forbid, their significant other does not read anything unnecessary. Kolya and I don’t have that. I can easily give him my phone so that he can find some kind of track or letter there. And he does the same: we don’t hide anything from each other. Sincerity and trust are the most important things in our relationships. When we celebrated two years of our lives, I caught myself thinking that we never talk about what happened before us. We don't discuss the past at all. Neither he remembers nor I am interested. I am very grateful that Nikolai is not trying to poke around in my past. It is not necessary. It's better to turn the pages and move on. I often get asked questions: “What will happen next? Now you are together, you are happy. What then?” To be honest, I don’t even want to know what will happen. I like to live for today. Today I am absolutely happy. I have a son, a beloved man, parents. I feel comfortable like this. Comfortable and without going to the registry office. I believe that a girl should only have a wedding once. I already had it. And then it doesn’t have the same value as the first time.

– Do you think about having children together?

– You know, we do not set such a task. But if this happens, we will be only happy. I don’t insist because I have a son, Bogdan. I was worried for some time that some friction might arise between him and Kolya. But, thank God, everything went well.

“You write him 388 messages, but he doesn’t respond to them”

– Your relationship with Nikolai seems ideal from the outside. Do you have quarrels?

- Quarrels most often happen when he is tired. At such moments, Kolya becomes incredibly irritable. According to his horoscope, he is Libra: this is generally a very difficult case. He's always shaking. He may flare up, scream and leave, slamming the door. But it never comes to insults. Although most often I am the cause of quarrels. Sometimes I understand that I started out of the blue, but I can’t stop. When I'm furious, I start calling him and texting him. Do you know what he does? Takes a day out. You write him 388 messages, but he doesn’t react to them at all. He will wait a day until I have cooled down and come to my senses, and then he calls and, as if nothing had happened, says: “Hello, bunny, how are you? How are you feeling? Did the courier bring you flowers?” At first I was speechless. And then I realized: this is his strategy. And I accepted it.

– As you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. How do you surprise Nikolai?

– This is not our story at all. Being next to Nikolai, I realized that he did not need home-cooked food at all. He loves restaurants and loves trying different cuisines from around the world. Kolya is the type of man who needs a woman for pleasure and care. In this care he is realized. In terms of a hostess, he doesn’t need me. I’m not in demand in this regard at home either: my mother runs it there. She is a professional chef and an excellent cook. As a housewife, I am not yet fulfilled at all.

– Nikolai, by the way, told us the other day that visiting your mother is a serious headache for him!

- Yes, this is a wild problem. So you understand, we have two ovens in our kitchen. And when he arrives, they both open. This hospitality and hospitality comes naturally to us. In Kazakhstan, where we are from, this is how we greet guests. Plus mom has such a character. For her, feeding people is a holiday. She enjoys it. But Kolya can’t eat everything his mother cooks. He's on a diet all the time. Therefore, lately he categorically refuses to visit us.

I like to live for today. Today I am absolutely happy. I have a son, a beloved man, parents.

- Mom is probably in shock?

Sofia Kalcheva is a Russian singer, former model and ex-lover. Just after an affair with a popular opera singer, she became known to the general public.

Little is known about Sofia's childhood. For a long time, journalists did not even know the exact place of her birth - some believed that she was from Moldova, others claimed that she was from a deep Russian province. All these speculations were dispelled by Sofia herself. It turned out that she was originally from the city of Kokshetau, which is located in Kazakhstan. Russian by nationality.

They also said a lot about her parents, but no one saw them or knew who they were by profession. This “ignorance” continued until March 2017. Then Sofia posted in “ Instagram» video from a family celebration where her father and mother are dancing. Her subscribers immediately noted her resemblance to her mother. And in June 2018, she again lifted the veil of secrecy over her family - on social networks she congratulated her parents on the 50th anniversary of their marriage.

Since childhood, Sofia attended dance clubs and studied vocals. In her youth, the girl began to regularly participate in music competitions and perform at city events.

Kalcheva moved to Moscow after school. She studied at the Variety and Circus School named after. Rumyantseva. By the way, her classmate was the current lead singer of the Revolvers group, Alexey Elistratov. Having received a diploma in education, Sophie decided to move in the same direction and entered the State University of Management to study the department of producing in the music business.

The girl also repeatedly participated in beauty contests and even tried herself as a model. Fortunately, both height and weight allowed.


Almost no one knew the singer Sofia Kalcheva, as well as the music she performed. Everything changed after Nikolai Baskov appeared in her life. At first, Kalcheva worked as its director and producer. Then the girl starred in his video and sang the song “You are my happiness” in a duet with him. In 2015, they received the Muz-TV award for the video for this composition.

Clip by Sofia Kalcheva and Nikolai Baskov “You are my happiness”

However, even before they met, the girl was studying music. It is known that at first she performed under the pseudonym Sofia Bogdan. To break into Russian show business, the girl got a job as a backing vocalist in a band. Then she collaborated with, then a video clip was shot for the song “I’ll wave my hand to you.” But somehow all her work went unnoticed.

Before meeting Baskov, Sofia mainly gave concerts in clubs and corporate events.

Clip by Sofia Kalcheva “I’ll wave my hand to you”

But after they met, the girl even toured with her lover. By the way, in April 2017, at a concert in Voronezh, an incident happened to her on stage. In front of an audience of thousands, Sofia accidentally stumbled and fell off the pedestal. True, eyewitnesses say that at first the audience did not understand that the singer had really fallen from the stage. Many thought that this was a director's trick, because the girl fell very gracefully, suddenly falling down, as if going underground. Basque stopped the performance, seriously afraid for his chosen one. But after a while they appeared on stage together. She reported that everything worked out as she landed successfully. Like true artists, they continued the show and delighted the audience with their compositions.

Personal life

Sofia has a son, Bogdan, born in 2005. Journalists were unable to find out who the child's father is. Kalcheva's classmates say that while she was still working with Leshchenko, the girl met a wealthy Muscovite, began an affair, and had a son. Whether this is true or not, Kalcheva does not comment in any way.

For the first time they appeared before the public at the New Wave 2014 competition. Since then, the couple often appears together. Soon after their joint appearance, Basque and Kalcheva made a statement that they were going to get married. True, a little later Basque said that they were satisfied with the guest marriage, because both had divorces behind them, so for them the stamp in the passport was unimportant. But some representatives of show business doubted the sincerity of this union and considered it just another commercial project.

At the same time, news about the star couple regularly appeared on the Internet - Nikolai introduced the bride to his parents, and they came to the concert with her son Bogdan.

And then, as if out of the blue, Nikolai Baskov, during a gala dinner at the residence of the head of Chechnya, asked the hand of a socialite and “Miss Russia 2003”. The girl agreed. Of course, some fans thought it was a joke. But the situation was gaining serious momentum, and now it was announced that the celebration would take place in October.

On Instagram, everyone asked Baskov about Sofia. But the singer did not comment on this matter. Kalcheva herself decided to explain the current situation. She gave an interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda during her visit to Baku, where she flew to the Heat festival.

The singer said that they had long decided to break up. The fact is that Sofia wants her man to spend more time with her, and Kolya is constantly on tour. And she cannot give him what he wants. And Basque wanted the woman to give birth to him. But Kalcheva is not ready for this, according to her, while her own child is enough for her.

Sofia Kalcheva now

Despite everything, Sofia has “Napoleonic” creative plans. In 2017, she released a video for the song “And I was looking for you,” and in May 2018, the video “Red Lipstick” was in rotation on all popular music TV channels.

Clip by Sofia Kalcheva “And I was looking for you”

And judging by her Instagram, it’s clear that the girl is not sitting idle. At the end of May, the singer attended the awards of the Ru-TV channel. She regularly posts photos from popular TV programs and shows; joint photos with stars of domestic show business - and others - constantly appear on her account.

Video by Sofia Kalcheva “Red Lipstick”

In general, Sofia Kalcheva actively set about conquering the Russian stage. There are no music albums in her arsenal yet, but she still has more to come.