What is accounts receivable and earnings on receivables. Earning money by purchasing other people's debts Ways to make money on receivables for individuals

02.05.2024 Drugs

Hi all!!! Today the topic more than all others is simply trash. Making money by buying other people's debts is easier than collection. Of course, I’m not delighted with this income, but I don’t blame anyone who earns cash as best they can. Moreover, it is not prosecuted by law, unless, of course, everything is done within the framework of the law. Okay, it’s not for me to judge the collectors. If you borrowed money, you need to return it. It’s the truth of life and there is no need to scold anyone, everyone has a head and brains! And since I thought of this topic. No way)) I met my classmate and had a “what’s about what” conversation. Here he is engaged in collection. And since this is a type of income and is also connected to the Internet (our topic), there is a place to discuss it, in case someone finds themselves in this topic. The money is not very bad.

How to make money from collections

The essence of making money is quite simple. You buy other people’s overdue debts and competently force the debtor to pay. But in reality it is not so easy. You need experience in such matters. But don’t despair, the Internet and smart books on manipulation and psychology can help you). And in my opinion, there is nothing difficult with documents and licenses (if you are interested, contact a specialist). And so, to get started, you need to go to the debt sales exchange and sort the sales lots. Because if you are a newbie, companies will not be willing to cooperate with you. And online exchanges make this easier. The choice is very large; according to statistics, up to 80% of the population has taken out loans and there are unscrupulous comrades. Which you future collectors should force you to pay. What you need to pay attention to is that the debt must be on average 30 to 60 days overdue. There is a high probability of repaying the debt.

Sorting debtors

And so you have collected the number of debtors you need, now you need to break them down into types. After calling, they can be divided into several types.

Fraudsters who initially did not want to give.

The aggressive ones yell that they were illegally charged high interest rates, but they didn’t know about it.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, job loss, illness, moving, etc. Frostbitten)) (I don’t understand this) who forgot about their debt. And accordingly, each group of debtors needs its own special approach. It happens that one You talk on your mobile phone twice and the debtor understands and returns the debt. But from experience there are few such people. You have to communicate with the rest of the debtors live and explain. This is communication and calling relatives and friends of the debtor. Posting information about the debtor at the entrance. From the conversation... There are many ways to complicate the life of a debtor. What experience and imagination allows. Well, the last one is an appeal to the court, and according to my friend, the court basically takes the side of the collectors.

P.s I didn’t have much time to talk about the bankruptcy service and how collectors solve it. If you are interested, write to me, I will definitely find out and write to you and add it to this article. I look forward to your comments.

Ah..yes..here are a couple of sites where you can buy or place (sell) debts.


dolgi.ru (debt auction)

Otherwise, you can type in debt exchanges in a search engine and that’s it)

How can you make money by writing off debts? At first glance this is nonsense. Once the debt is forgiven, then this is at a minimum a lack of benefit, and at a maximum a net loss. But the rule does not work when it comes to big politics.

Every time the question of building another pair of Russian nuclear units on credit is raised, the question of the advisability of such an investment of “capital” is raised in Russia. And opponents immediately recall the $140 billion in debts of the former USSR that Moscow had to write off over the past 25 years.

And in recent months people have begun to speculate about “how long it would be possible to pay pensions to Russian pensioners with this money.”

How debts were made

First, we need to figure out what Russia actually wrote off for the debts. The overwhelming majority is money owed to Moscow by countries that purchased large quantities of military equipment and equipment from it (Cuba, Nicaragua, Syria, Iraq, Angola, Ethiopia, Algeria, Vietnam, etc.).

And then the first moment emerges. In fact, the net loss from such operations was much less than the amount of official debts. As practice shows, the cost of Soviet-made military equipment that the Union supplied to its partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America is much higher than the cost of its production. For some types of technology, markups were 100 percent or more.

Why is that? It's simple. The fact is that the cost of Soviet military equipment was cheap and often differed significantly from foreign analogues.

For example, in the late 1980s, the R-73 air-to-air missile (analogous to the American AIM-9 Sidewinder) cost only 5,000 rubles, which in terms of the official dollar exchange rate was 8.5 thousand dollars. The American analogue in those same years cost at least 30-40 thousand dollars.

By the way, Soviet weapons achieved such good economic indicators, among other things, thanks to massive supplies of weapons abroad. This means that even having received 20-30% of the debts from the “partners”, the USSR was already a net winner.

And this does not take into account the geopolitical advantages that the country had thanks to the support of the allied regimes. At the same time, the constantly hanging debt made the politics of these countries very manageable.

Irrecoverable debts

But by the beginning of the 1990s, such a scheme stopped working, and many debts of the Third World countries became irrecoverable.

Why? Everything is very simple here too. Firstly, the Soviet military-industrial complex collapsed. And secondly, Russia quickly lost its status as a great power, which means it could not repay its debts.

I would divide Russia's practice of writing off debts into three periods. The first period was the 1990s, when Yeltsin’s “democratic regime” lined its pockets using every opportunity. The second, 1999-2003, and the third, starting in 2004, when fundamental changes occurred in the debt write-off policy.

What happened in the 90s. Moscow wrote off debts to countries such as Nicaragua, Angola, and Ethiopia. In return, they bought equipment from her from Soviet warehouses. The sums were colossal at that time. Hundreds of millions of dollars a year, but one can only guess how much money remained in the pockets of the officials who lobbied for such a decision.

The second stage of “write-offs” cannot be considered in isolation from the parallel process of restructuring Russia’s debts to its Western “partners.” The Yeltsin regime drove the country into debt bondage and the revision of the debt agreements of the 1990s became one of the most important foreign policy tasks for Russia.

In the end, she managed to rewrite the debts using a new formula. Moreover, some of them were written off (30% of the amount), and the rest could be repaid on much more lenient terms. African countries had to pay for this with part of their debts to Russia. But this was considered a very profitable agreement, since by that time it became absolutely clear that there was no way to return them.

The second practice of that time was the writing off of debts under the obligation to pay at least part of them, but immediately (or with small installments). So Moscow “parted ways” completely with Vietnam, Ethiopia and Mongolia.

How can you make money on write-offs?

And then the third began, which for me is the most interesting stage of writing off old debts. And we will consider it in two of the most illustrative cases, Syria and Iraq.

By the mid-2000s, Damascus and Baghdad were among Moscow's most important debtors. The first owed more than 13 billion dollars, the second more than 12 billion. As we remember, these were all old Soviet debts, which no one was in a hurry and had no intention of paying off. Moreover, the new Iraqi regime installed by the Americans had no intention of talking to Moscow about this.

In November 2004, Moscow proposed writing off half of Iraq's debt. In return, she expressed a desire to gain access to part of the country's oil wealth. The bidding took a long time. As a result, in 2008, Iraq’s debts were written off, and in return, Rosneft and Lukoil became almost the main foreign investors in the country. Moreover, the first company worked in the risky northern Kurdish territories, and the second received access to the largest field in the south, West Qurna-2, and the right to develop other promising areas.

At the same time, already in 2017, Lukoil reported that the project had reached self-sufficiency (that is, all 6 billion dollars of investment had already been recouped, and then there was net profit). As for Rosneft, information about its activities in Iraq is not advertised. But taking into account the fact that the Russian company buys oil from the Kurds at a very discounted price, one can assume that the profit from such cooperation is simply colossal. At the same time, in the case of Moscow, the Iraqi government only sometimes reminds that all decisions on Kurdish oil must be coordinated with it, which in diplomatic translation means “where are our kickbacks?”

It is significant that when, at the end of 2017, a significant part of the Kurdish oil in the Kirkuk region came under the full control of Baghdad, Rosneft had another controversial situation (worth $1 billion), which Russian diplomacy settled within a couple of months.

Yes, the strong in the east are respected and feared. And their debts are always repaid.

No less revealing was the story regarding the writing off of Syrian Soviet debts. In 2005, Moscow “gifted” Assad almost 10 billion dollars. It was precisely at this time that Moscow began to build its new strategy for returning to big politics. Its main “argument” was supposed to be a monopoly on the European and world energy markets, and one of those who could interfere with it were Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who wanted to lay their gas pipelines through Syria.

Actually, Assad’s reluctance to play in this game against Moscow became one of the main reasons for the outbreak of war against him.

As a result, Assad survived, the Qatari gas pipeline was not built, and Russia was able to occupy more than a third of the European gas market. It is impossible to assess how important this is for Russia with money. We can only say that the cost of Syria's debts written off can simply be neglected.

It turns out that you also need to be able to write off debts. After all, if you approach this matter correctly, then the profit from such a write-off can be very good.

Yuri Podolyaka

During a crisis, the number of bankrupt companies increases many times over; hundreds of lots are put up for auction every day, growing exponentially.

    • Where to buy accounts receivable
    • What receivables can be purchased at auction and from bailiffs
    • Analysis of receivables before purchase - how to weed out 80% of illiquid receivables
    • Video - the whole truth about collection of receivables
    • How to make money by collecting accounts receivable

At the time of writing, according to one of the bankrupt aggregators 564 lots were added per day sold through bankruptcy proceedings or through bailiffs.

The most remarkable thing is that You can do this business without leaving your home, simply selecting receivables on aggregator sites and selling debts or collecting them through lawyers for a small fee. The essence of the idea is that unpaid debts are also growing, companies are holding back their turnover and are in no hurry to pay their bills. As a result, their counterparties are forced to go bankrupt because they were not repaid on time.

These debts can be bought for 1-5% of the real value and a debt of 1 million rubles can often be bought at auction for 50,000 or even less:

  • Pre-trial settlement (for example, you or your lawyer agree for a small commission to return half the cost and write off the entire debt)
  • Refund through court and bailiffs (used less frequently)
  • Selling debt on specialized sites

Where to buy accounts receivable

Receivables can be purchased from bailiffs or from bankruptcy trustees at bankruptcy auctions.

There are specialized aggregator sites, as well as official platforms where all information on trading is published, including accounts receivable - FedResurs and the Saturday edition of the Kommersant newspaper.

We have prepared a PDF book for you, in which we discuss this process in more detail, download it now.

What receivables can be purchased at auction and from bailiffs

List of lots at bankruptcy auction:

  • Bills of exchange are debt obligations subject to unconditional collection; they are more interesting from the point of view of legislation, but are not used as often.
  • Overdue accounts receivable.
  • Unaccounted receivables.
  • Packages of debts from bankrupt banks (mortgage debts, debts on consumer loans).
  • Accounts receivable from utility companies.

Analysis of receivables before purchase - how to weed out 80% of illiquid receivables

In order not to miss the receivables, it is important to conduct an analysis before purchasing. There are several options - quick scoring - at this stage more than 80% of all receivables are eliminated and a more thorough analysis.

Detailed instructions we will send you along with the book.

As for primary scoring, it is important to consider before purchasing receivables:

  • The debtor company (debtor) is not bankrupt by court
  • The debtor company does not plan to go bankrupt; the organization is operating and the termination of activity has not been registered with the tax authorities.
  • The statute of limitations for receivables has not been exceeded
  • Check the debts of the bailiffs and especially the grounds for terminating previous enforcement proceedings (the debtor may not have been found or found, but could not be collected)
  • Check car fines and understand whether the organization has car property
  • Check tax records for changes
  • And also a few more important points

Video - the whole truth about collection of receivables

As a result, out of 10 receivables, you will find 1-2 that are realistically collectable, and of these, collect one, but you will earn at least half of the nominal value.

Hundreds of percent on just one simple transaction!

The first step is to gain knowledge and experience in this matter.

Watch a special video by Vadim Kuklin about his experience in collecting receivables:

How to make money by collecting accounts receivable

Dozens of new receivables are put up for auction every day.

To start purchasing them and making money from it, all you need to do is:

  • Electronic signature for participation in auctions
  • The ability to evaluate accounts receivable before purchasing (without leaving their home) directly from the computer
  • Find lawyers to work with receivables in the fields (collection through court, pre-trial collection, sale on specialized sites)

But the main secret of all money is knowledge, click here to download our book, in addition, we have prepared for you a series of training lessons in which you will be able to go step by step through all the stages from assessment to collection of receivables and receiving the first money.

Kim Ahan

Entrepreneur, investor
Co-founder of 6 companies
Author of a blog with an audience of over 400,000 people

The crisis turned out to be a difficult time for enterprises in the region. To survive, organizations borrow and work on debt. Making payments often seems like a big problem. Many people face difficulties in repaying current loans. And here the fish, which begins to float to the surface with its belly, is swallowed by a shark that specializes in eating its own kind, only with decent debts and, an obligatory condition, attractive assets. In short, the difficult economic situation in the country and region gives rise to predators who are fattening on the crisis.

FEB was interested in the question: what method of collecting debts from legal entities is most popular in times of crisis? Expert opinions have shown that there are a number of official, civilized methods: debt restructuring, reducing loan interest, voluntary sale of collateral, repaying debt in installments. According to the unequivocal judgment of many banking experts and employees of collection agencies, problem loans have increased. They are fought with all the methods listed above. Currently, the number of cases involving the sale of pledged property has increased. However, the crisis forced bankers to see a lot of interesting things in their client base - unscrupulous borrowers who are getting away from debt, as they say, cleanly. For this purpose, a bankruptcy procedure is used, when introduced, a moratorium is imposed on the payment of debts to creditors, and if the enterprise is declared bankrupt, accounts payable to bankruptcy creditors are completely canceled. However, in a civilized bankruptcy, the debtor retains a collateral, which, when sold, can cover the debts and at least somehow satisfy the creditors. But often civilized methods are unacceptable and uninteresting for our country. There are other ways in which debtors and creditors remain in the red, and third parties (?!) remain in the black. Like this?

If you follow Federal Law No. 127 of October 26, 2006, a legal entity whose obligations to creditors amount to more than 100 thousand rubles, and whose debt payment is overdue for three months, is subject to bankruptcy proceedings. Agree, during a crisis, a lot of companies have such problems. According to a representative of the Arbitration Court of the Orenburg Region, not just every second, but every first enterprise can, if you want, be completely legally bankrupt. The main thing, when pursuing the goal of profit, is to take on a “living” company that has attractive assets - a good building, modern working equipment, a decent piece of land, for example. In a word, a good property fund. So, a special organization is looking for a similar enterprise that finds itself in debt like silk, and buys out accounts payable, while acquiring the assets of the debtor. The further goal is to bankrupt the legal entity. As a result, the debtor is deprived of assets that he could use to cover his accounts payable by selling them. The company, frankly speaking, remains naked - there is nothing to pay its debts. Neither financial recovery procedures nor external management help. Most often, after the implementation of the monitoring procedure, it is clear that all the tools for getting the enterprise out of debt are ineffective. The court declares such a company bankrupt and bankruptcy proceedings are introduced against it. All! Unpaid debts to creditors turn to dust. And the predator who eats the fish is left with the assets of the bankrupt enterprise in its teeth. Now you can use them as you wish.

Arbitration managers are also involved in this process. During the monitoring procedure, they do everything possible to help bring the enterprise to the final stage of bankruptcy. That is why they receive a substantial sum in addition to the fixed salary of the arbitration manager, which according to the law is more than the average salary in the Orenburg region, namely an average of 30 thousand rubles per month. According to experts, this scheme is popular in the Orenburg region; serious business is being done on it, or, most likely, what every second person does in Sicily. Although buying up the debts of legal entities is not prohibited by law. So it turns out to be an ugly business on completely legal grounds. What to do in these cases? No answer. The human desire to earn money by any means is stronger than Russian law. In addition, some enterprises, realizing their insolvency, go bankrupt themselves. By law, a debtor can file bankruptcy for himself and cancel his debts.

The bankruptcy procedure, which is largely due to the convenience of implementing an “uncivilized” scheme, is becoming increasingly widespread. Statistics also prove this. According to the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, in the first half of 2009, the number of bankruptcy applications accepted for processing increased by 24.1% compared to the same period last year (Expert magazine, No. 37). The dynamics are significant. Statistics from the Arbitration Court of the Orenburg Region say that over the past two years, several times fewer applications for bankruptcy of enterprises have been filed with the court. Thus, in the first half of 2009, 215 applications were received, for the same period in 2007 – 962 applications. However, the reason for the sharp decline is not that someone stopped bankrupting enterprises. It’s just that a few years earlier the arbitration court received bankruptcy petitions against absent debtors. As a rule, tax authorities submitted applications to shell companies that were created and registered to carry out any calculations. The business was immediately abandoned, and the accumulated debts were simply not paid. It was impossible to find the ends. And in order to clear the register of debtors, the tax office filed bankruptcy petitions with the regional arbitration court. Then a law was passed obliging such companies to be liquidated administratively, without going to court. Therefore, the influx of applications stopped, and, consequently, the volume of such cases settled at 250-300 for six months of the year. According to the regional arbitration court, in the first half of last year, 372 applications were filed with the court to declare a legal entity bankrupt. This is above average. Such growth can be directly related to the beginning of the crisis in the country, when many enterprises began to lose ground from under their feet, wage arrears formed and grew, and difficulties arose in paying obligations to suppliers and creditors. Mostly agricultural enterprises and housing and communal services enterprises began to go bankrupt (or they began to go bankrupt!).
According to experts, we should expect an increase in the number of bankruptcy filings in the second half of the year, which is associated with the ongoing crisis in the region. Currently, there is a tendency for individual entrepreneurs to go bankrupt. Moreover, individual entrepreneurs liquidate themselves, unable to pay their debts. A business founded on bankruptcy has every chance to develop.

A banker's nightmare

Today in the afternoon it is impossible to find a company that does not have credit obligations to banks. Banks treat some proven and reliable clients who find themselves in a difficult situation with understanding: they restructure the debt, make concessions on interest, of course, in response to an increase in the collateral mass. In a word, they help to survive during a crisis. However, there are unscrupulous borrowers - they hide, do not pay, do not negotiate and, in the end, bankrupt the business using asset diversion schemes. This is an extreme situation caused simply by the arrogance of the borrower. I wonder how, after the crisis, these people are going to develop their business after such relationships with creditors?

The bankruptcy of a debtor is a difficult case for a bank. Firstly, the procedure itself takes a very long time, sometimes years. At the same time, a moratorium is established on the payment of debts to creditors. But no one thinks that the credit institution gave a loan to the enterprise not only at the expense of its own funds, but also at the expense of the funds of its investors. And at a time when the loan to the bank is not repaid, the bank is obliged to pay its customers monthly interest on deposits. The question often arises: at what cost? The situation, according to bankers, is aggravated by the adoption of amendments to the law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy),” which were approved by the Federation Council on December 29, 2008. Financiers have the following opinion on this matter:

“The amendments to the bankruptcy law contain such a position that it is possible to get out of bankruptcy through the financial rehabilitation of an enterprise, without necessarily closing the organization or going bankrupt. But from practice, I do not remember a case where such a procedure was introduced at Orenburg enterprises. This is just another prolongation of debts. It is believed that lenders will wait as long as they like for the loan to be repaid. But in this case, it is not taken into account that banks fulfill their obligations to their depositors, including through the repayment of loans and interest on them. I think that if these changes are adopted, then the banking system can simply collapse in this way. In general, bankruptcy legislation has always been on the side of the bankrupt enterprise,” a representative of the management of one of the regional banks comments on the situation.

The situation with the sale of the collateral of a bankrupt enterprise is also difficult. Article 138 of the Federal Law under the heading “Claims of creditors for obligations secured by a pledge of the debtor’s property” states that: “1. Of the proceeds from the sale of the pledged item, seventy percent is used to pay off the creditor's claims under the obligation secured by the pledge of the debtor's property, but not more than the principal amount of the debt on the obligation secured by the pledge and interest due. 2. If the pledge of the debtor’s property secures the claims of the bankruptcy creditor under a loan agreement, of the proceeds from the sale of the subject of the pledge, eighty percent is directed to repay the claims of the bankruptcy creditor under the loan agreement secured by the pledge of the debtor’s property, but no more than the principal amount of the debt under the obligation secured by the pledge and the interest due. If the repeated auction is declared invalid, the bankruptcy creditor for obligations secured by a pledge of the debtor’s property has the right to retain the pledged item with an assessment of it in the amount of ten percent below the initial sale price at the repeated auction.” Thus, the sale of collateral when the debtor is declared bankrupt is not profitable for the bank. The creditor receives only the principal amount of the debt and the interest due, while when a settlement is reached and the collateral is sold to cover the loan without bankruptcy, the bank, as a rule, receives twice as much, because when issuing a loan, the credit institution requires a collateral amount that is twice the amount of the loan.

The problem is that in the Orenburg region there is no well-functioning scheme for the sale of collateral property. Bailiffs only seize the debtor's collateral; there is no one to sell it at auction, although in theory there are selling companies for this. So it turns out that banks themselves are beginning to engage in non-core activities, which cause many problems. Firstly, the collateral of debtors - legal entities - is, as a rule, commercial real estate. According to experts, the regional market for the purchase and sale of commercial real estate is currently too weak. Moreover, during the crisis, the problem of a sharp decline in the cost of a square meter of real estate emerged. Often, when accepted as collateral, before the crisis, objects were valued an order of magnitude higher than what they are worth today – at the time the collateral was sold. That is, again, lost profit for banks. With all this, when accepting a pledge on its balance sheet, the bank bears the responsibility for maintaining the property, which is also associated with additional taxation. Moreover, the sale of this type of collateral, such as goods in circulation, imposes big problems on the bank. It requires specific solutions. For example, the sale of alcoholic beverages requires an appropriate license. Where can a financial institution get it? These and many other awkward situations are placed in banks by unscrupulous borrowers or those who have not calculated their strengths. Reserves are created for problem loans, loans are transferred to a low quality category, the quality of the bank’s loan portfolio decreases, and accordingly the business reputation of the credit institution loses its strength.

All these difficulties resulted in the fact that lenders’ requirements for new borrowers became more stringent during the crisis. Some banks do not consider loan applications from new clients at all, they work only with old, proven enterprises - this is their truth. Control over the activities of companies under existing loan agreements has been seriously strengthened. There is even a practice in the region where, after issuing a loan, a loan officer goes to the borrowing company every day, like going to work. He works there, lives in a team, communicates with management, and in the event of the slightest sign of the borrower’s insolvency, sends an alarm signal to the creditor bank. Probably, such measures are justified in times of crisis. The tightening of banks' credit policies is also proven by statistics. The growth rate of lending to legal entities in the first half of 2009 compared to the same period in 2008 decreased by exactly a quarter (from 115.5% to 80.2%).

Thus, it is clear that the situation is in a time of crisis, when the financial activity of credit enterprises in relation to potential borrowers has faded, companies cannot get a loan, and many enterprises are experiencing great difficulties not only with the development, but also with keeping their activities afloat, cunning profit schemes In this situation, they are developing faster than financial support measures. Experts seriously complain about this in their conversations, arguing that it is very difficult to conduct business in such uncivilized conditions.