Numerological horoscope for the day, month and year. Numerological horoscope for the day, month and year Numerological forecast by date of birth for

01.06.2024 Drugs

By date of birth.

The basis of Zoroastrianism as a belief is the three “elephants”: humata (good thoughts), hutha (good words), hvartsha (good deeds). In addition to the name “Zoroastrianism,” others are often found in literature, for example: Avestism, Mazdaism, and even the religion of sun worshipers. The latter name became widespread due to the fact that followers, worshiping Light and fighting Darkness, resorted to the help of Fire.

Today, Zoroastrianism is more widespread as horoscopes and legends, but there are not many of its true followers left; they can be found in some regions of India and Iran.

Zoroastrian horoscope for 2017: essence and rules of calculations

As a horoscope, Zoroastrian beliefs arose early in the development of Zoroastrianism as a religion. It is generally accepted that this particular horoscope formed the basis for many others. However, unlike the other popular eastern horoscope (Chinese), this one uses solar cycles rather than lunar cycles in its calculations. Thus, the full cycle of the horoscope for 2017 by date of birth is as much as 32 years. Each year has its own animal or bird, which is not just the patron of the year, but also its totem. Therefore, another common name for this horoscope is totemic.

Another peculiarity of the Zoroastrian horoscope is that each totem has a corresponding antitotem. An animal that reflects all negative qualities. After all, a person comes into the world equally filled with Good and Evil. In Christianity, this is reflected in the image of an angel and a demon sitting on the shoulders of a sinner. The totem of the year is determined by the date of birth, but only the person himself decides which qualities develop more strongly in him: “good” or “evil”. The path of a true follower of Zoroastrianism is to get as close as possible to your totem.

You cannot tame your totemic essence, nor can you tame your antitotem. But you can devote yourself to self-improvement: do good deeds, maintain purity of thoughts, watch your speech.

Another difference between this type of horoscope: the year begins on the day of the vernal equinox - March 21 (but the date is floating). It is noteworthy that on this day the Sun is under the influence of Aries - the first of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Those who were born before this date feel the influence of two totemic years: the one that leaves, and the next one that comes into its own.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Camel

Totem years: 1921, 1953, 1985, 2017

The totem animal of the coming year, the Camel, is distinguished by its excellent endurance and ability to survive even in the most extreme conditions. He endows the same qualities to those born in his year. It also leaves an imprint on other totem signs.

At first glance, Camel people are superficial and tactless. In fact, this is how they protect themselves from the world around them, trying to protect themselves from disappointment. They are prone to some quarrelsomeness and do not choose expressions during a quarrel, therefore they have the reputation of brawlers and backbiters. This is partly true, because the Camel shows its real face only to those closest to it: family and childhood friends. He is good-natured and funny in good company, easy-going. Very purposeful and persistent, he always moves towards his goal, achieving it at any cost. He is very thrifty and economical, knows how to properly spend not only money, but also his strength. The year ruled by this animal is usually calm - without any natural or man-made disasters. But his antitotem - the Hyena - inevitably breaks through throughout the year. People born in the year of the Camel achieve success and new heights in their totem year, but on the condition that over the past years they have cultivated in themselves the qualities of the totem animal.

Now let’s look at what the year of the Camel will be like for the other signs of the Zoroastrian horoscope.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Deer

Totem years: 1906, 1938, 1970, 2002

Deer people, endowed with intuition by nature, will feel its manifestation even more strongly in the year of the Camel. You will be very shrewd and no one will be able to drag you into a scam or deceive you. But you may become a victim of those who indirectly try to use you, or rather, the fruits of your labors: someone else may appropriate your work. Most likely, such a person will be in your close circle, try to get rid of him in time. In any case, you will be surrounded only by friends, and the black sheep will quickly show his true black nature. Unfortunately, you won’t find a partner this year, but you won’t be bored alone either.

Born idealists, Deer will put a lot of effort into changing the world, making it fit their own framework and criteria. The exercise, of course, is in vain, but the Deer must realize this on its own. The only advice that the horoscope gives him is not to refuse help. The straightforwardness of the Deer can also have a negative impact: the inability to tactfully express one’s dissatisfaction or the opponent’s shortcomings can be beneficial in a dispute, but it has a detrimental effect on friendly and closer relationships. It’s good that your family has already learned to accept criticism from you adequately.

But you still need to learn to accept people with all their shortcomings and imperfect character traits, otherwise you will face too many disappointments.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of the Ram

Totem years: 1907, 1939, 1971, 2003

According to the calendar, the horoscope for 2017 by date says that it will be very difficult for Rams to separate themselves from the family: you will be involved in all possible disputes and conflicts between relatives - from a dispute over a toy between children to more serious disputes between brothers and sisters. Meanwhile, dissolving in family squabbles, you risk losing your own self. Of course, you will feel your close connection with your family and roots in general, but this does not mean that you need to devote all your time to your parents.

But this also has a downside: the Universe gives you a hint - it’s time to arrange your own family nest. And for personal development, return to your desk. Not literally, of course, but definitely start learning something new: get an education, complete courses, acquire a new skill. This will be useful for two reasons: you will be able to expand your horizons and prepare for the realization of your karmic destiny.

Your experience in resolving family disputes will lead to you earning fame as an excellent “negotiator” and adviser. Your friends will repeatedly involve you in resolving controversial situations. Treat such requests with understanding and a bit of humor. And don’t refuse, pretty soon you will need help in return.

To avoid becoming overtired throughout the year, take two short holidays: preferably in early spring and towards the end of autumn: not during the holiday season. You need to take a break from a lot of people and gain strength. It is best to spend these days at home.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of the Mongoose

Totem years: 1908, 1940, 1972, 2004

Mongoose people will spend the whole year on the move: constant changes in situation, work or environment will flash before their eyes like pictures in a children's kaleidoscope. However, the natural ability to quickly respond to any changes and make lightning-fast decisions will be very useful to them during this period. They will be very energetic and full of strength, but the main question will be where to direct this flow? The horoscope recommends taking up active sports: tennis, football, running, cycling - anything that requires the accumulation and release of a large amount of energy is suitable.

The Mongoose's sense of justice will become more acute, it will literally become inflamed, and any wrongful action will cause them sharp discontent. Therefore, he will not only act according to his conscience, but also encourage others to do the same in every possible way. It is a pity that he still does not know the measures in this matter and will quickly make enemies for himself who consider his moral teachings to be unnecessary chatter and a desire for utopia.

Natural resourcefulness will help you avoid problems - in most cases this is a negative quality that is sharply condemned by society, and Mongoose himself considers it a manifestation of an antitotem. But in the current circumstances, this will help you not only avoid negative consequences, but also teach offenders a lesson who will fall into their own trap.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Wolf

Totem years: 1909, 1941, 1973, 2005

Freedom-loving Wolves are recommended to spend this year traveling abroad: be it business trips or simple tourist trips. Go on a journey from the beginning of the year so that by the end you can return with accumulated experience and knowledge. But you will have to learn a lot, and if you yourself do not want to learn the lesson, the Universe will repeat it repeatedly for you to learn.

Your main task this year is to learn to be “in the pack.” Collective activities and teamwork will give much greater results than your individual efforts. And although for you this means giving up the basic rules and pushing your pride aside, submit to this necessity, otherwise the year will be too difficult for you. Test after test will be thrown at you. You are, of course, a fighter and know how to analyze a situation soberly and from the outside, but it is better to avoid situations where these qualities of yours will be needed.

You also risk ruining your relationship with your partner if you display the qualities of the antitotem - excessive aggression and violence against the individual. Learn to compromise, take into account the opinions of others, and especially your lover. Otherwise, you will lose all support and be left alone with all your problems.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of the Stork

Totem years: 1910, 1942, 1974, 2006

Just as the Stork is a family bird, you will feel like you are under the protection of a wing – a family – all year round. You will spend a lot of time with your loved ones, surrounded by comfort, warmth and care. But this can also do you a disservice: you will become less likely to get out of your cocoon and earn a reputation as an unsociable recluse. And although at home you will truly feel like you are in the most reliable fortress, even there troubles lurk for you - in the middle of the year there is a high risk of betrayal by a loved one. You will not recover from this injury soon, try to avoid such a set of circumstances.

When getting out into the world, communicate as much as possible: new acquaintances will help you keep yourself in good shape and quickly restore your communication skills, which will “rust” during communication only with loved ones who understand you perfectly.

This year will be a breakthrough year for you if you are engaged in scientific activities. The horoscope predicts new discoveries and achievements in this area for you. Your efforts will finally be rewarded and appreciated by the public. But don’t get too cocky, you’ll only get all this if you really put in enough effort into it, and not just make plans. In this situation, you need to be wary of the manifestation of antitotem traits: arrogance and temporary superficiality will turn important people and sponsors away from you.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Spider

Totem years: 1911, 1943, 1975, 2007

Spiders will turn into idea generators in 2017. You will unite like-minded people around you, attracting them to you and your plans, like a real spider, into a web. Already at the beginning of the year, you will receive remarkable support and recognition, but only if your thoughts are pure: any scam will be immediately exposed, as will an attempt to manipulate people.

This year, devote all your resources - mainly mental ones - to increasing your capital. Even if any form of trade or other methods of making money are alien to you, well-paid work will not hurt. Find an activity that will bring you more income than you currently have, since by the end of the year you will be able to improve your living conditions if you have enough money for it. Make sure you have them in advance.

You will become the soul of your family this year: your unconditional authority will be respected from young to old. People will come to you for advice or with their troubles, just to tell you and get support. Enjoy it, but don't overuse it: the robe of the eminence grise is not for you. Although one of the traits of your antitotem is the desire to manipulate, hold your horses and curb the beast.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Snake

Totem years: 1912, 1944, 1976, 2008

It is not for nothing that the snake is credited with wisdom, because it can recognize deception almost immediately. The ability to analyze human behavior and his actions is very pronounced in this sign. Thanks to these qualities, Snake people will be able to avoid not only awkward situations, but also not fall into the clutches of swindlers. And yet, carefully study the documents that are submitted to you for signature, even a small mistake can lead to big trouble.

Next year you will have the opportunity to correct mistakes made in your youth or the distant past. However, you can do this only after careful work on yourself. For you, the Year of the Camel is a period of spiritual growth and introspection. Apply your skills to yourself, and you will win on all counts. You are also recommended to take up meditation, yoga or any other art that allows you to better know yourself and your needs.

If you've been waiting for your finest hour, then it has come: career advancement is guaranteed to those who have worked hard for this goal. Your success will be reflected not only in getting a new position, but also in increased pay and improved overall financial well-being. But don’t rush to spend your hard-earned money, your success will be fleeting if you didn’t get it deservedly. It’s better to gain a foothold in a new place, win the respect of the team again and then rest on your laurels.

Your antitotem can become a real obstacle: stop suspecting everyone and everything, and even more so, you should not achieve your goal by deception. Your intrigue will be revealed very quickly.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of the Beaver

Totem years: 1913, 1945, 1977, 2009

To be successful this year, Beaver doesn't need to do anything decisive. More precisely, nothing that he doesn’t do every day. He is very hardworking and therefore all his actions are logical and economical - this will be his ticket to a better future. If you belong to this sign, know that to get even more, you just need to learn something new. Your current skills have already been honed to perfection and will not raise you higher either on the career or social ladder. And new, accumulated knowledge, on the contrary, will open new doors for you.

In an effort to achieve a long-set goal, you risk missing very important events in the life of your family: children's matinees and holidays, your spouse's birthday or her recognition at work. In pursuit of material wealth, you will be known as a mercantilist and a cold person. Yes, behind your thick skin no one sees your experiences, but you don’t show them. A little more attentiveness to your family and colleagues and the situation will improve on its own, just don’t forget that nothing worldly is alien to you or other people who surround you.

Your straightforwardness is also not suitable for the realities of this year; become more labile and resourceful. This way you will not only easily find a way out of difficult situations, but you will also be able to avoid many quarrels. This year is also ideal for strengthening your will - start fighting bad habits.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Turtle

Totem years: 1914, 1946, 1978, 2010

Turtles will strictly follow a pre-planned plan: this will give them a feeling of security, stability and calm. But any plan needs to be adjusted under the influence of current events and circumstances. Remember that you also need to analyze the path you have traveled from time to time, so as not only to avoid going astray, but also to turn back in time if necessary. Your self-confidence will be a beacon to many friends and family, but you may be the one who ultimately needs help.

You should radically reconsider your environment and finally remove from it those who have not deserved either respect or attention from you for a long time. You could not muster up the courage to take decisive action, but the totem of the year will give you the courage to take these achievements.

This year should also be devoted to fighting one of the negative traits of your antitotem - indecision. After all, behind the external solidity and self-sufficiency lies a lot of doubts about one’s strengths and actions. You can overcome this obstacle only by strengthening your faith in yourself through another person: it’s time for you to start your own family. As a couple, choose someone who not only loves you, but will also support any endeavors.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of Magpie

Totem years: 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011

The active and active Magpie will be everywhere and nowhere at the same time: with constant troubles, you risk missing really important things and events. You need to take it for granted that you won’t have time everywhere anyway, so it’s time to decide on your priorities. Your bright personality will always find a “warm” place for itself, so just choose what you like best.

This year your bosses will completely rely on you, especially in solving complex and tricky work issues. Perhaps you will be entrusted with the management of a large project. But you shouldn’t do everything alone, no matter how much you want to take all the credit for your beloved. Gather a team and give instructions, giving each colleague enough attention, discussing his task with him. This will create the illusion of collaboration. You are not afraid of defeats in advance, so even if the business fails, you can easily start over.

By the way, having achieved your goal, keep secret at least the amount at which your success is valued, robbers are not asleep, and you can easily become a victim of one of them.

Don’t make empty promises and blurt out less personal information to strangers. Otherwise, you invite trouble on yourself, and the reason for this will be the negative influence of the antitotem.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of Squirrel

Totem years: 1916, 1948, 1980, 2012

Squirrels will spend the entire year very active, very much like an animal on a wheel. It will always seem to you that you are missing out on life in the hustle and bustle, but this is exactly what your life is this year. But in subsequent years you will be able to have a great rest and enjoy the rewards of your labors. Serious changes in your way of life await you, do not be afraid that the ground will disappear from under your feet - things are exactly the opposite, you will firmly take root in a new position.

You need to take a broader view of things, not focus on the little things, and celebrate the positives in your life more than the negatives. There is a high risk of short-term depression and depressed mood. Your family and loved ones will pull you out of a state of apathy, surrounding you with care and love.

You also need to build harmonious relationships in 2017: you will benefit more if you turn a blind eye to some of your partner’s shortcomings, and in return he will make you happy, appreciating your efforts. But beware of the manifestation of the antitotem - fears and panic can drive you into depression, fight them.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Raven

Totem years: 1917, 1949, 1981, 2013

Due to the desire to measure everything and everyone by himself, Raven will find himself isolated and feel lonely. He will be disappointed in relatives and friends who never lived up to his hopes. But you shouldn’t become discouraged and withdraw into yourself for a long time. The image of a recluse does not suit you, so draw conclusions and treat everything philosophically and with a healthy dose of irony: the world is not perfect, but that makes it no less beautiful.

You really need to be simpler and take things simpler - it will make you happier. Be patient with other people's mistakes and help prevent them with friendly advice. But your insight will help you achieve success in financial matters: deals that require your personal presence will be especially successful - no matter how good the terms of the agreement, you will easily discern the true intentions of a potential partner. But even this will not help you avoid painstaking work - show patience and diligence here too and you will be rewarded.

Communicate more and spend time in company, go to holidays and general celebrations, visit friends and invite them to visit you. This will certainly benefit you.

Despite the fact that this year you will choose lonely evenings instead of noisy meetings and parties, think about getting married. The year is favorable for romantic meetings and pragmatic marriages of convenience; it will be successful if you manage to combine both. Fight for your happiness with yourself - you are an excellent opportunist, but it’s time for you to take the reins into your own hands and direct the horses in the direction you want.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Rooster

Totem years: 1918, 1950, 1982, 2014

The constantly carried away Rooster will rush from one thing to another, easily being carried away by new ideas and trends. But in such turmoil, he risks never finishing anything. Everything, of course, is interesting and exciting, but you need to learn diligence and tolerance. If something didn’t work out the first time, it will work out the second, third, and so on. Remember, your year will be successful if you begin to struggle with your shortcomings.

The activity of the sign will also manifest itself in the desire to protect those who cannot stand up for themselves. Your friends, of course, will appreciate your help, but you don’t always need to go into battle with heavy artillery; sometimes it’s enough to use diplomacy, which you also master perfectly. Just don't let out your emotions after the first objection. In your work, you will experience increased rivalry and a competitive spirit, which will be an excellent incentive for new achievements, but remember about diligence and tolerance.

Your efforts in the professional field will be noted by management almost immediately, but don’t turn your nose up too much, mention several colleagues in your thank-you speech, and you will be able to appease the malicious envious people.

Your antitotem can make you show excessive cruelty towards people: you will easily kick them out of your life when they cease to be useful. Try to neutralize the negative influence of your sign.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Ox

Totem years: 1919, 1951, 1983, 2015

The Ox managed to work hard in previous years, so in the year of the Camel he has every right to complete rest, even if everyone around him is running around without rest. But the hardworking Ox will not be able to sit still, offering his help to loved ones. And they, in turn, will answer him with practical advice on an important issue.

In your work, you will receive recognition and financial encouragement from your superiors. This will be a well-deserved reward for your many years of work and effort, but do not rush to spend your profits, you may be deceived with a large purchase. The antitotem will manifest itself in your excessive stubbornness - learn not only to compromise, but also to offer it.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Badger

Totem years: 1920, 1952, 1984, 2016

The badger needs to learn to open up to people. Because they behave mysteriously and never reveal their plans, people tend to think that the Badger does not trust them. This leads to many problems in communicating with other people. Nobody demands maximum openness and frankness from you, but a little more smiles and stories about yourself will resolve all controversial issues.

The year will be stable for you on all fronts: you are not prone to risks, both financial and social. On the one hand, you stand firmly on your feet, the soil under your feet is tested and not loose, but you don’t move from your spot. On the other hand, you can also be easily caught in a trap, knowing exactly where to find it. Show a little ingenuity and your ability to analyze the situation. No one is asking you to take a spontaneous, rash step, but now is the time to add some zest to your life.

You are excellent advisers, and that is why there is always a queue for you for a practical hint or a wise word of support. But don’t try to turn this into a way to make money. Your antitotem will manifest itself at the most opportune time: you will become mired in lies and greed.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Hedgehog

Totem years: 1922, 1954, 1986, 2018

Hedgehogs who have learned from mistakes made in the past will achieve true success this year. Active and very active, they will be constantly in everyone's sight and ear, which will allow them to achieve what they want almost without much effort. Those around them will look with envy at how easily they get everything, not suspecting that the basis of this success lies in the long and painstaking work of previous years.

The greatest success awaits Hedgehogs in the financial sector. If you are not a stockbroker yet, get this profession immediately, you will break the bank next year. But your success will be a reproach to other market participants, and you will quickly make enemies and ill-wishers for yourself. In addition, you have enough courage to fight back against bigwigs, which will also have negative consequences.

Your natural distrust of everyone will a priori negatively affect not only your business connections, but also personal relationships. The opposite sex will be attracted by your charm and sharp mind, but the coldness and detachment with which you behave towards people will quickly scare them away from you. Don't try to manipulate people - you will succumb to the antitotem.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of Lani

Totem years: 1922, 1923, 1955, 1987, 2019

Lan is a very artistic person and only she manages to play a role in life as if she were a prima singer at the Bolshoi Theater. Thanks to this trait, they will be surrounded by fans from the very beginning of the year, and it is at this time that they are advised to decide on the object of their passion. Bathing in love and gifts is certainly very good, but the horoscope strongly recommends that you choose one person and devote yourself to him. Or rather, let him devote himself to you, because he will be the one who will surround you with care, attention, love and affection - the same one you have been waiting for in previous years. The rest of the suitors need to be turned away immediately. Attacks of jealousy and mistrust on the part of a partner can ruin everything, so just don’t give reasons.

Carefully analyze any issues related to finances and especially investments. You will be given several offers that seem advantageous at first glance, but take a closer look and you will quickly recognize a fake. Try to spend less this year and risk money, you can lose all your hard earned money in an instant.

You need to try your hand at team play and somewhat curb your ego, your individuality and desire to prove that you are better are just the negative influence of the antitotem, you can rein it in.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Elephant

Totem years: 1924, 1956, 1988, 2020

Calm and slow-moving Elephants will feel quite comfortable and relaxed all year, encountering problems only in communicating with strangers or unfamiliar people. Being very suspicious by nature, they will be wary of all words spoken around them.

The horoscope recommends that you move a little more: you need to have time to quickly react to any changes. Several times this year you will be given wonderful opportunities to change your life for the better. Also, excessive conservatism will not benefit your business - competitors will quickly seize the initiative and get ahead.

You need to go out more often. It is not necessary to communicate with everyone, shower you with compliments or take part in heated discussions. It is enough to make a few important acquaintances that will be useful to you not only this year, but also in the next few years.

This is a great time for the Elephant to change his marital status. Families created during this period will be very strong and durable, full of love and tenderness. But do not get angry when resolving conflict situations, only diplomacy, otherwise your antitotem will take over and all your plans will go downhill.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Horse

Totem years: 1925, 1957, 1989, 2021

The beginning of the year will be difficult for the Horse, because he is accustomed to the fact that his organized life proceeds according to a proven plan, which has not changed for several years, only being adjusted. But the New Year will begin with a number of surprises that will completely destroy the proven way of life of the Horses. At first he will be somewhat confused and will stagnate in one place, but he will quickly come to his senses and regain his former confidence in his abilities.

Your newfound ability to adapt to the changes of the year will help you move up the career ladder, achieve a promotion and the desired position. In order not to arouse the envy of your colleagues, make the merit collective: your friendliness and goodwill will rally the most desperate enthusiasts around you. This will lead you to success. But the horoscope also recommends that you take a closer look at your surroundings; there is an envious person hiding near you who wants to use your merits for his own purposes.

When taking aim at a big target, remember that although you have stamina, your resources are not endless. You need to calculate and measure your strength, otherwise you may run out of steam at the very finish line. The antitotem may manifest itself in you as inconsistency - both in words and in actions. Be careful - this will turn your loved one away from you.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Cheetah

Totem years: 1926, 1958, 1990, 2022

Finally, the Cheetahs will be able to rest on their laurels and reap the fruits of their efforts. The year will not be very active and eventful, but it will seem to others that everything is working out in the hands of the Cheetah and working out by itself. In fact, it is the result of past lessons, experiences and skills learned. Cheetahs have a keen mind and well-developed intuition, making them difficult to deceive or confuse. In addition, these people are self-sufficient and rarely seek help from others, but this year do not refuse friendly help or support. Sometimes you need to speak up too.

The situation will be especially difficult at work, where your envious people will spread rumors or start squabbles. All this can bypass you if you cunningly reveal the enemy’s plan in advance - before it comes true. But despite the fact that you will be surrounded by deceivers and schemers, you yourself must remain as honest as possible. This is especially true for communication with superiors. If you don't have time to complete a task on time, say so right away, and don't come up with a “valid” reason.

Communicate with older relatives more often - their experience will help you avoid your own mistakes in such situations. Pamper them with little things and fulfill their requests. It will pay off handsomely. In any fight, you can also emerge victorious thanks to your ability to recognize a trap in time. But don’t give it to someone else, you’ll please yourself. Your antitotem will turn you away from honest actions, but you need to fight this.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of the Peacock

Totem years: 1927, 1959, 1991, 2023

Peacocks will fully correspond to their totem animal, attracting attention with their brightness and charisma. Always in the spotlight, people of this sign will be passionate about creativity and everything that is in one way or another connected with self-realization through the materials at hand. Perhaps you will open a new direction in art or make a revolution in an existing one. You will be greeted with applause and a red carpet.

Finally, your talent will receive real recognition, but only you know that behind it lies many hours of work, grueling and difficult. This year you will enrich yourself through your own creativity, so even if you have a boring profession, but an exciting hobby, spend more time doing handicrafts. This will become your financial leverage in 2017.

Peacocks will settle down this year and lock themselves away for a while in their love nest with their partner. However, the idyll will not last long if the representative of this sign gets bored with everyone’s attention and adoration. Curb your impulse to remember the old days and go all out - the delights of a quiet and calm life together are yet to be appreciated, just wait a little.

The antitoteme of the sign will manifest itself in the desire to embellish circumstances; you should not do this - you will make more enemies and envious people than you think.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Swan

Totem years: 1928, 1960, 1992, 2024

Swans will spend this year towering over other signs, soaring high in the sky. While others will be busy resolving financial and material issues, Swan will be busy with self-improvement and spiritual search. And if for others victory will consist in career growth, then for this bird it will be in spiritual growth.

The work he managed to do in earlier years will allow Lebed to live comfortably. But this time is better spent on learning: improve your qualifications, master a new skill, improve your knowledge of a foreign language. In a year, you will be back at work and will not be able to rest, and the more you invest in yourself now, the easier it will be in the future.

As you get to know yourself and your needs, also look at your relationships with members of the opposite sex. Your emotional attachment and dependence, first of all, hinders you, but also suffocates your partner. Less jealousy and more trust will help keep your couple together.

Curb your arrogance. You, of course, are a very beautiful bird, but others also have their own beauty. Trying in every possible way to prove your superiority, you succumb to the influence of the antitotem.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of the Lynx

Totem years: 1929, 1961, 1993, 2025

Brave and always ready for change, Lynx will feel very comfortable this year, full of sudden events and spontaneous decisions. Their ability to keep their nose to the wind will be repeatedly rewarded with new opportunities both for earning money and increasing their social status. But in addition to surprise, Lynxes also need regularity and calm. Try to plan at least the most important events for the day.

For you, this is also a kind of period of growing up and achieving a new stage in your development. The spirit of rebellion is strong in you, therefore you often have very extraordinary and original personalities next to you, but if you want to move on a new route, you need to know who you will take with you and who will remain on the sidelines - reconsider your connections and inner circle of communication. Turn your attention to family and relatives. If you are not in a close relationship, now is the time to start. Just visit them occasionally.

Lynx does not like to deal with everyday issues, but this year he will have to pay a lot of attention to them. If you show due diligence in working on yourself and your negative character traits, there is a high probability that your unusually rare totem will manifest itself - the Nightingale, whose goal is to teach nobility and self-sacrifice. He will teach you to enjoy what you already know and how to be happy at a given moment in time.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Donkey

Totem years: 1930, 1962, 1994, 2026

Donkeys will be ridden again throughout the year. This hardworking animal, in addition to its endurance, has another important virtue - the ability to be grateful for everything that is done for it. Even for busy tasks. They will dump the most difficult work on you, knowing that only you can handle it. Consider this a kind of recognition of the value of your skills and abilities.

Pathological workaholics work for the sake of work itself; laziness and idleness are alien to them. And the bosses, knowing this trait of theirs, often take advantage of this, without paying extra or without providing a proper bonus. But this year everything will change, if only Donkey himself gently hints to management that he could use an extra couple of days of vacation or a salary increase.

Thanks to kindness and natural peacefulness, everything in the Donkey’s house will be quiet and calm; no storms or quarrels are expected throughout the year. The family definitely knows how to appreciate the treasure that they have received. A vacation abroad is recommended for you - to restore new strength and replenish your collection of impressions. Go on a trip with your loved one.

The antitotem can aggravate your modesty to the point of cowardice, which will result in your slave position both at work and at home. Defend your opinion if circumstances require it, learn to refuse if an offer or request contradicts your principles or plans.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Polar Bear

Totem years: 1931, 1963, 1995, 2027

Polar bears are generous and very open people; they have their own special approach to everything. And they will take on the tasks proposed to them in 2017 with pleasure and carry them out on a grand scale. And the effort put into the work will be directly proportional to the reward received. Therefore, bears are not advised to shirk or do anything unscrupulously if they want to make a good profit at the end of the year. However, they do not know how to work half-heartedly.

The leadership qualities of the sign will be manifested in the desire to organize your own business and find your niche in business. Don't be shy - this year you are doomed to success. But think over not only the business plan for the event, but also prepare in advance a list of qualities that your team members should have. Having put together a team, you have already done half the work.

Bears are kind-hearted by nature and therefore they often make excellent nannies, godparents and aunts and uncles. They are usually in no hurry to start their own family, but in the year of the Camel there will be a favorable opportunity to change their status, take advantage of it.

When resolving conflicts, remember that you are a Polar Bear, not a Brown Bear, and vindictiveness is not about you. You resolve the dispute peacefully and without leaving any unresolved issues.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Eagle

Totem years: 1900, 1932, 1964, 1996

Eagles are proud birds that soar high in the sky in splendid isolation. Which is no wonder, because this is how they achieve all their peaks - hard work and effort, without anyone’s help. This year will be the same. However, Orel is not used to sharing his success with someone outside. You will be busy solving serious, global issues, rarely being distracted by trivial, generally accepted things.

Be wary of any offers that relate to financial investments. You need to increase your capital, and not lose it in one minute. You don't expect any special changes in your work. But your family will literally demand your presence, especially growing children. Go with them to distant relatives - learn the traditions and customs of your family.

This year, the deception of which you have become a victim will also be revealed: you are being used as a weapon or a shield. Or both together. One of your friends is systematically pitting you against their enemies, hiding behind you and your authority. Get rid of the leech, this man is no match for you. But don’t get discouraged and don’t close yourself off, you still have true friends.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of the Fox

Totem years: 1901, 1933, 1965, 1997

The always cunning and resourceful fox will achieve success this year only by playing fair and beating her competitors according to all the rules. This year the multi-step campaign that they started many years ago will be completed and the reward will be worthy. You will occupy a leading position in your field for a long time and will be able to rest on your laurels for several years in a row.

The Fox knows how to achieve her goal by any means, however, in the year of the Camel, all her intrigues and intricacies will be revealed quite quickly. And if you don’t want to fall out of favor with your bosses and colleagues, leave all sorts of games until better times. Moreover, everything will work out well for you without it.

Your circle of acquaintances will expand significantly, mainly through business contacts and meetings. You should hold your tongue and not make fun of the shortcomings of others in public. You will not only ruin your reputation, but also lose partners that are very important to your work. Control yourself.

This year, Foxes need to seriously take care of their health and strengthening their immunity. You are not characterized by hypochondria, but you also do not monitor your well-being, preferring to spend your time more constructively. But now even a common cold caught on the legs can cause a serious illness.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: year of the Dolphin

Totem years: 1902, 1934, 1966, 1998

The dolphin will spend this year hand in hand with his Muse. Throughout the entire period, he will bask in the rays of love and adoration from fans. The horoscope is especially favorable for those Dolphins who are associated with theater or cinema, art or any other creative activity. Your original ideas will win a lot of praise and will be appreciated by critics.

Thanks to this, you will get a little richer and will be able to afford a larger apartment and even in another city. But remember that you need to be wary of rash decisions and scammers who will flock to your fortune like bees to honey.

Introspective Dolphins will be subject to frequent mood swings and a belief in fatalism and the inevitability of failure. Don't give up and give in to obstacles. True friends will come to your aid, who will help you out and support you in time. Don't try to find joy in casual relationships. A kaleidoscope of faces will not bring you any satisfaction or desired peace of mind. On the contrary, take a break from love affairs.

Perhaps you will begin to confuse the concepts of good and evil, so the totem of the year will influence you - do not give in, the Universe has big plans for you.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Boar

Totem years: 1903, 1935, 1967, 1999

The boar will feel like the master of the year. Having quickly begun to act at the beginning of the year, he will achieve his goal so quickly that he himself will not have time to blink, let alone those around him. No obstacles will be able to withstand the pressure and energy of the Boar, and therefore even intriguers and noble manipulators will shy away when they see the approach of a ferocious animal.

The year will not be easy for this sign, since everything they will have in the end is the result of painstaking work. And yet, they will be happy with the gifts of fortune - just a favorable opportunity for an investment or a chance meeting with a beloved is enough, and then the Boar will do everything himself. In any case, you need to rely only on your own strength, especially in matters of finance - no investors or loans, use only your personal funds.

In relationships with loved ones, be patient, but do not let them control you or sit on your neck. They will settle there for a long time, and you don’t need such ballast. You shouldn’t spoil the relationship with harsh statements; you are diplomatic enough to refuse politely.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Owl

Totem years: 1904, 1936, 1968, 2000

Perhaps only Owls will be able to prepare in advance for the ups and downs of the future in 2017. Possessing wisdom and analytical skills, they will quickly calculate the trends of the year and will be able to predict some events even before they occur. Separately, the horoscope notes Owls who are involved in science, success will await them in this area, and if they point out their achievements to their superiors, they will also receive a cash bonus.

You will have to work on yourself and your habits. Unfortunately, not everyone can adapt to your biorhythms and work at night, so you solve a lot of problems at the expense of sleep, but you also have no rest during the day. Try to solve the most important issues during working hours, and devote not five minutes a day to rest, but several hours. This year there is a high risk of health problems: neuroses, overwork, professional burnout. Try to spend your weekends with your phone turned off and without thinking about work emergencies. The world will not collapse without you.

To avoid apathy and depression, the horoscope recommends that you spend more time with friends: go to parties, visits, to the cinema together, on picnics and walks. Friends will not let you get bored and succumb to apathy. But remember that you are also subject to the influence of the antitotem: aggression splashed out on loved ones can turn them away from you for a long time. Control your emotions, especially negative ones.

Horoscope for 2017 by date: Year of the Falcon

Totem years: 1905, 1937, 1969, 2001

Falcon never deals with trifles and ordinary things. He builds his own happiness and career, aiming at large-scale projects. However, he always implements them. A reformer by nature, he is subject to frequent mood swings and some eccentricity. This is why many people don’t immediately take him and his ideas seriously. They do not know how to expend their strength and often drop out of the fight halfway through. In a sports analogy, the Falcons are more likely to be sprinters than marathon runners, but this year they need to learn to adapt, so they won’t have to count on quick results. The flight will be long.

This year, Falcon needs to take more seriously everything that is dangerous: adrenaline-pumping sports, extreme driving. You risk getting into serious trouble if you ignore the warning from the stars. If you value your life, follow the rules.

You may feel like an outcast if you don't become a team player. It will be difficult for you to recognize a leader in someone else, but you are not yet ready to lead your own project. Your disrespect for your manager will be noticeable to others and will negatively affect your reputation. See teamwork as a new experience that will bring you closer to your goal.

The antitotem will manifest itself in excessive grumpiness and aggression. You will not lash out at strangers or those responsible, but at your family and friends close to you. You risk being left completely alone if you don’t curb yourself in time.

The Zoroastrian horoscope for 2017 by date of birth can be viewed for free online or in a special calendar. This will allow you to predict the possible future in advance and prepare for its surprises.

The pseudo-religion Discordianism, which emerged in 1963, proclaimed that all processes occurring in the Universe are directly related to the number 5.

Calculation of numbers:

You can bring the required number to a single digit by simply entering it in the field below in any format(for example, your date of birth: 05/22/2019 or date and time: 05/22/2019 12:45)

Numerology by date of birth for 2017

We want to look into the future, draw up an action plan and get rid of mistakes in advance. But how can you know the future events coming in 2017? Just parsing the numbers 2,0,1,7 is not enough - you will only get the general picture. But if we add to it the decoding of your date of birth, we will get what we are looking for.

What awaits us in the new year?

Deuce symbolizes vigorous activity and aggressive events, and constancy will give way to radical change.

Zero tells us about infinity, which means the world will retain its integrity. Global disasters and wars will bypass him.

Unit symbolizes an acute feeling of loneliness: most likely, established connections will be destroyed.

Seven- a symbol of good luck, and it will smile on enterprising people. This is the year of innovators, inventors and businessmen. Connoisseurs of calm and orderliness will lose to more determined competitors.

Leave your innate peacefulness in the past: in the new year the world will become tougher. Victory will go to people who are able to go ahead and formulate new solutions.

The coming year is the best time to build a career. Collect your best ideas, highlight the weaknesses of your competitors: they will become the weapon of your success.

Business forecast

Business people are in for difficult times: every contract will have to be examined for a catch. There will be no easy money from a unique idea: a clear calculation and many days of thinking about the development plan will be required.

Your date of birth and 2017

To make a forecast, you need to find out the numerical value based on your date of birth. To do this, add up all the numbers and turn them into a simple number. For example, the number for the date of birth November 10, 1982 is 5. The calculation looks like this: 1+0+11+1+9+8+2=32. Then we get the required number: 3+2=5

1 . All started business will be successful, and incredible luck will allow you to get rich. It is possible to meet with a life partner or an experienced mentor. Beware of rash decisions and sweet offers: the likelihood of deception is especially high.

2 . It's time to improve family or love relationships. There is a high probability of a wedding, the birth of a child or a new romantic acquaintance. It is better to postpone building a career to another period of your life. Focus on love.

3 . The most peaceful period in your life awaits you. It is better to devote it to household chores and caring for a loved one. Plan a romantic getaway or a trip to visit close relatives. Beware of physical exertion and difficult work. Health problems and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible.

4 . Long trips await you in the coming year. Most likely, they will be related to business activity or a planned move. Pay attention to your health: chronic diseases will make themselves felt.

5 . A difficult year awaits you, full of various events. Get ready for obstacles on your way and a lot of small problems. Focus on work: It's time to show off your best qualities to your boss.

6 . Difficulties and a test of fortitude await you. There are dozens of problems ahead that require your personal participation. They will affect both family relationships and professional activities. Problems will be concentrated at the beginning of the year, the remaining 3/4 of the time can be devoted to your development.

7 . Expect unexpected acquaintances: ordinary friendships will turn into strong romantic relationships or business connections. Beware of being too gullible: check all the facts carefully.

8 . The coming year will be marked by romance. Don't hold back your feelings: flirt, fall in love, build a family. Take a close look at your loved one: he may be your life partner. Learn to manage your family budget and avoid unnecessary spending. The money will be useful for more important purchases.

9 . For nines, 2017 will be marked by health. Take time to eat right, go to the gym and walk in the fresh air. New achievements and useful acquaintances await you in your working life. Use them to increase your salary and develop professional skills.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts suggested below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

The date of birth plays a big role in our destiny, therefore, from the point of view of numerology, in which everything is logical and reasonable, our future depends on when we were born. So 2017 is the year of the One, which means we should expect widespread, total changes that will affect each of us. But if you want to know what awaits you personally in 2017, then turn to numerology.

First of all, you need to calculate the individual number. To do this, you need to find the sum of the date of birth, month and year. For example, your birthday is January 6, 1975, which means you need to carry out the following calculation - 6+1+1+9+7+5=29=2+9=11=2. Now we add the number of the year to this number - 2+1 (2+0+1+7=10). It turns out that you need to determine your destiny based on the three.

Great luck, exciting and eventful events, as well as good luck in life await you. There is a possibility of meeting a person who will completely change your life. Career growth, a stable financial situation and a vibrant personal life are expected. Perhaps you decide to change your occupation - you will show your skills in completely new areas, or your lifestyle - start a family or become parents. In a word - this is your year!

If you are associated with creativity - journalists, bloggers, musicians, designers and others, then you will be incredibly lucky - you will realize your plans, a great triumph is expected, thanks to which you will be able to climb the social ladder. But not only creative individuals are at the peak of success, but also bankers, entrepreneurs and other “money” specialists - lucrative offers, lucrative deals, etc. The main thing this year is to get rid of natural suspiciousness, it is now only harmful.

Fate will present you with a great chance, just don’t miss it. Thanks to him, you can radically change your life for the better. Now you need to listen to your intuition, and very carefully, it will help you realize even your most cherished desires. Huge changes await family people - a new addition to the family, the wedding of children, or moving to a new place of residence. Just don't overload - health problems may arise.

A business year awaits those who get a four. Career growth and achievement of your goals, unless the inability to keep your word gets in your way. You should not make promises if you are not sure that you can fulfill them, but if you still give your word, then try with all your might to fulfill it. If children grow up in your family, they will become the source of your pride, having achieved great success in many matters. For those who are not yet parents, it’s time to hurry up - this is a good time to conceive a genius.

This year you will be traveling a lot - business trips, vacations or busy weekends on wheels. You are given a chance to start over with a clean slate, take advantage of it, but just don’t put all the obligations on yourself; joint projects will bring great success. Watch your health - there is a possibility of exacerbation of a cold, if left to chance - serious complications may arise.

A harmonious year in all plans: career growth, romance, financial stability, as well as the implementation of creative plans. Your hobby can bring stable material income in 2017. The only thing that can fail is relationships with friends due to disagreements on political or religious grounds. Your restraint will help preserve the friendship.

A dynamic year awaits you - to achieve success, you will have to work a lot and hard. Every decision you make, no matter what it concerns - moving to another country or changing jobs, getting married or getting pregnant, should first of all come from the heart, and not be based on logic. Your incomprehensible behavior may surprise and alienate your loved ones, causing disagreements. You need to explain to your family that you yourself have not changed, you are just influenced by circumstances. After a frank conversation, everything will work out. In 2017, pay more attention to sports activities - don’t overwork yourself.

The hard times are over. Now only good things await you - success in your professional field, new relationships, as well as an interesting financial offer that you should not refuse. Now you are surrounded by honest people, so you don’t have to worry - you won’t be drawn into intrigues and adventures. 2017 will give you a chance to find something new in yourself, so try to devote more time to self-development - advanced training courses, learning a foreign language or getting a driver's license. In the future, you will become a professional in a new field.

This year you should not start new projects or completely change your life - you will only worsen the situation. Avoid adventurous activities, especially in material terms. In controversial situations, turn to your family for help; at home you will be like behind a stone wall.

Our world is built on various mathematical sequences and codes encrypted in the proportions of our bodies, the ideal golden ratio, examples of which we constantly encounter in everyday life. Among the mysteries, a special place is occupied by the mysteries of numbers, their origin and influence on people. And numerology reveals this information encoded in numbers. We encounter them at every step, they accompany us from birth to our last days. The date of birth reveals a lot of interesting things to us, from personality characteristics to prognosis in life situations. We offer you one of these horoscopes for next year.

To find out your numerological forecast, first determine your personal number for 2017:

add the date and month of your birth so that the result is one number.

To this number you need to add 1 - this is the number of 2017 (2+0+1+7=10=1+0=1). So, 3+1=4, and if we get a two-digit number, we simplify it again.

The end result is 4 - this will be your personal number for 2017.

If your personal number is 1

If you have a significant other, now is the time to clearly express your opinion: you are no longer a small child to be decided for you! You have every right to stand your ground and have enough arguments to support your opinion. If your partner listens to you and understands you, great! If not, then you don’t have to ask permission for everything that concerns your life.

If you are not yet in a permanent relationship, now is the moment to show your Amazonian spirit. Follow your desires - they will show you the right path.

If your personal number is 2

At this stage, you lack confidence. But in whom? In yourself or in your partner? Your feelings are constantly racing, you want to find solace and gain hope. If there is tension between you, it is best to start a dialogue. Try to find a compromise and a path to reconciliation. Choose diplomacy over open challenge, patience over passivity, and a smile over irritation.

If you don’t have a permanent partner yet, the chances of meeting again are high.

If your personal number is 3

Everyone has days when their mood drops, but this in no way means that you should withdraw into yourself. If you're a couple, offering your man something you've never done together will inspire both of you. Surprise him - he will love it. Seduce, joke and laugh - and your desire will return!

If you don’t have a permanent partner yet, experiment with new situations, try different options - this experience will bring you many discoveries and a lot of positive things!

If your personal number is 4

If you are in a couple, perhaps the time has come to take responsibility, test the strength of your union and prove that in any situation you can count on each other. Don't lose sight of your goal. Remember that sometimes it is better to listen to the voice of common sense than to succumb to an emotional impulse, to appreciate small signs of attention right now, and not to wait for great passion to visit you.

If you don’t have a permanent partner yet, remember the saying: “They don’t joke with love...”

If your personal number is 5

There are times when relationships seem like a routine, a habit, and the list goes on. Surely you want changes, fresh impressions, new sensations - including sexual ones. Try to change the rhythm, plan a trip together to the very ends of the earth, realize your fantasies. All means are good if it makes the familiar world spin a little faster!

If you don't have a permanent partner yet, get ready for a rollercoaster on a personal level.

If your personal number is 6

Your relationship will become even stronger this year. If you are in a couple, you will be able to appreciate the relationship that exists between you more than ever. You understand each other perfectly - but you want to communicate more and more; you are already close - but you want to share everything with each other, even in small things. And you are absolutely right: we create true love every day with our own hands!

If you don’t have a permanent partner yet, don’t worry: a decisive meeting awaits you soon: you will literally recognize each other at first sight.

If your personal number is 7

“Be yourself and be happy” - it seems that this main motto has been sounding louder in your life lately. It doesn’t matter so much whether you are in a couple or you don’t yet have a permanent companion - you want to hear your desires and follow them, be in harmony with your feelings and express them without regard to what others will think and say about it. This position gives you great inner strength: even moments of crisis will not frighten you - after all, any test gives you a chance to understand yourself even better and understand your relationships.

If your personal number is 8

You feel with unprecedented acuteness that life is as beautiful as it is short, and therefore you cannot miss a single moment of it. If you have love in your life, you want to enjoy it without any restrictions. Of course, it’s not easy to control your own emotions at such speed - be careful when turning.

If you don’t have a permanent partner yet, then you’re unlikely to regret it now!

If your personal number is 9

Whether you have a permanent partner or not, periodically it is very useful to ask yourself key questions: “What do I want?”, “Which of this is already in my life, and what is still missing?”, “How do I see my (or ours) ) future?”, “Which direction is best to move?”, “What else can I do right now to get closer to my goal?”... Such periodic “personal check-in” reduces the influence of chaotic emotions and allows you to look at yourself more objectively, and At the same time, it is better to understand your relationships and love affairs.

What does the new year 2017 have in store for us? According to numerology, this is a year that has a total number of “1”.

2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 1+0 = 1

That is, this is a year that will carry the vibration of the number “1”.

It should be said that a year under the sign of such vibration is characterized by a powerful energetic impact.

Universal Year One marks changes on a global scale, long-term transformations, the consequences of which will begin to manifest themselves after three nine-year cycles. In a year whose vibration is equal to “one,” important changes occur in the political structure of the world. Public administration and development vectors of large geographical regions are undergoing changes.

There are crises in the economy, with sharp fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate, oil, grain and gold prices. This expresses a leap to the new and diverse, and although, at first glance, such changes look negative and retrograde, their final effect is always positive and reflects the stage of renewal.

In such a year, important scientific discoveries, technological leaps, progress in medicine and space exploration take place. Natural disasters contain karmic messages and balance causes and effects until the next cycle occurs.

The negative side of such a year is associated with military conflicts, coups, aggression, disasters and terrorism. Tensions on an ethnic basis are always increasing, and manifestations of extremism and fanaticism are noted.

For people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month, this year will bring important life-changing events. It will also affect the fate of people whose (day + month + year) births add up to one. This year will not bypass people born in January, that is, in the first month of the year.

How will this year be special for them? The fact is that this year old karmic programs may surface, which will have to be worked through, repaying old debts. Important fateful meetings and partings may occur this year. This is a time of internal transformation and important coordinated changes in fate. Time to make important decisions. However, these changes may not always be with a minus sign, but also with a plus sign. After all, karma can reward. Therefore, some of you may turn out to be the happy owner of incredible karmic gifts! Someone can gain long-awaited wealth, someone can meet incredible love, someone can make a dizzying career. It all depends on your inner spiritual maturity, on your attitude towards the world and people. After all, karma always follows the principle: “what goes around comes around.”

For people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th, this year may require them to gain internal integrity, overcome internal conflicts through achieving internal harmony and unity with themselves.

For those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th, this is a year of new creative projects, new experiences and meetings. However, the success of talented triplets will sometimes irritate others.

For people born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st, the key word this year will be “balance”. This is not the time to manifest your Ego; on the contrary, try to listen more to other people and take into account their opinions. Only through balance, both internal and external, will you achieve success.

For people born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd, this is an enchanting year that will be full of incredible events and meetings that can radically change your entire destiny.

For those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th, this year will require you to turn all your attention to yourself and your inner world. The energies of this year will require you to give yourself more time and care.

For people born on the 7th, 16th and 25th, this year can be unforgettable and happy. It can take you to a qualitatively new level in various areas of life, bringing with it many interesting and joyful changes.

For people born on the 8th, 17th and 26th, this year can turn into a lot of surprises. Try to avoid conflicts. For you, this year's motto is “collaboration.” Only by collaborating can you achieve success and prosperity this year.