Medicinal plant cat's claw leaves. Cat's claw (root) - description and method of use. How to choose cat root preparations

17.10.2023 Symptoms

I will consider further the instructions for using cat’s claw, reviews, indications and contraindications for the drug, especially for readers of “Popular About Health” to familiarize themselves with this remedy.

Composition of cat's claw and release form

The medicine is available in tablet form, with the tablets placed in plastic bottles of 45 pieces and 100 pieces. The container comes with instructions for using this product, which you can read in detail. In addition, the pharmaceutical product is produced in blister packs of 10 pieces.

Another dosage form is capsules, they are packed in foil and polyvinyl chloride blisters. Instructions for their use are included. On the packaging you can see the expiration date, which is three years from the date of pharmaceutical release of the drug, after which it should be disposed of. In addition, the pharmaceutical should be kept away from children.

The active component of the Cat's Claw product is a dry extract of the lyophilized bark of Uncaria tomentosa, in terms of mitraphiline - 20.0 mg. There are excipients: corn starch, sodium benzoate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, and silicon dioxide. As for the shell, it contains hypromellose, in addition, propylene glycol, and deionized water is also present.

Cat's claw capsules contain the following substances: 4-0-B-d-galactopyranosyl-B-glucose monohydrate, as well as silicon dioxide, magnesium silicate, and magnesium octadecanoate. In addition, there is pharmaceutical gelatin type A or B, D&C blue dye, D&C yellow dye, and titanium dioxide.

The tablets are round in shape, their color is interspersed, it varies from light brown to brown. The product emits a weak and specific odor. The capsules are hard, gelatinous, cylindrical in shape, the body is painted white, and the cap is green. Inside the capsules there is a fine powder from pink-grayish to light brown in color with a specific odor.

Pharmacological action of cat's claw

The product Cat's Claw is of plant origin; it has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect on the human body, and also has an antioxidant effect.

Indications for use of cat's claw

The remedy Cat's Claw is indicated for use in certain diseases associated with metabolic disorders, for example, the drug is effective for arthritis, for diagnosed arthrosis, and it is also effective for rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, the remedy Cat's Claw is used for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, for colitis, in addition, for gastritis and other diseases. In addition, the drug is effective for diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Contraindications to the use of cat's claw

There are a number of conditions when Cat's Claw is contraindicated for use, I will list these conditions: hypersensitivity to various components of the pharmaceutical drug, do not use it during pregnancy, in addition, during breastfeeding, and also do not use it until the age of eighteen.

Application and dosage of cat's claw

The remedy Cat's Claw is taken orally as a tablet or one capsule approximately thirty minutes before a meal, and the drug is washed down with water in the required amount. The duration of use of the pharmaceutical product is approximately three months. After consultation with the treating doctor, it is worth increasing the duration of therapeutic measures.

Side effects of cat's claw

Sometimes taking Cat's Claw can cause allergic reactions. If a person experiences any other side effects that are not listed in the instructions, then he should consult a doctor for a consultation; symptomatic treatment may be required.

Overdose from cat's claw

Currently, there is no information about an overdose of the pharmaceutical drug Cat's Claw. If such a situation does arise, then it is worth performing a gastric lavage, and then it is recommended to take several tablets of activated carbon; if necessary, you should consult a specialist. No interactions with other medications have been identified.

In this article you will learn about the instructions for using cat's claw and the beneficial properties of this unique plant. After reading, you can easily and correctly use it to get the greatest effect and where it is more profitable to buy a cat’s claw without overpaying.

Benefits of cat's claw

Officially, the plant is called “Uncaria” and is a South American vine reaching a length of 40 meters. On average, it grows up to 30 years, after which it dies. Cat's claw ( cats claw) nicknamed for the twisted shoots from the trunk. They do not differ in color from wood, but have a bizarre shape. It really resembles a claw, although it is sometimes compared to the mustache of an animal.

By the vine Una de gato– all parts have therapeutic properties, right down to the rhizomes, but... It accumulates a huge amount of oxindole alkaloids. These are unique natural compounds, not to use which is a crime. The plant also contains essential compounds, flavonoids, organic acids and other valuable components.

TOP 7 useful properties

The main discovery for scientists was its unique oncoprotective property. The herb actually inhibited the growth of tumors, prevented the development of cancer, and prevented metastases from spreading to other parts of the human body. Doctors prescribed this remedy for oncology, and it gave positive results. But this is far from the only effect of the dietary supplement.

Other useful properties:

  • treats genital herpes, hepatitis, chlamydia, prevents relapses;
  • improves digestion, promotes healing of the gastric mucosa;
  • relieves menstrual pain, the remedy is indicated for gynecological diseases, especially fibroids and other benign formations;
  • increases immunity;
  • cleanses the blood, improves chemical indicators;
  • prevents blockage of blood vessels, thrombosis, the drug is indicated for varicose veins;
  • helps with hypertension, it is the best remedy against changes in blood pressure.

The benefits are not limited to medicinal properties. The product has a pronounced cosmetic effect. It is indicated for problem skin, disruption of the sebaceous glands, and rosacea. The product helps reduce the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, prevents the appearance of pigmentation, rejuvenates the body, and increases overall immunity.

How to use

You can find natural cat root bark on sale, but after brewing or preparing a decoction at home, most of the beneficial substances are lost. Therefore, it is wiser to purchase ready-made drugs. The method of administration and dosage depend on the form of release. For example according to this link You can find instructions for use of Una de gato from the company.

What forms does cat's claw come in?

  • Tincture. Alcohol preserves, preserves valuable substances and compounds, improves penetration and absorption, and allows you to obtain a high-quality drug through cold extraction. It is recommended to drink 1 ml 3 times a day with the addition of water.
  • Pills. Herbal supplement with a high concentration of plant extract of the Peruvian liana “Una de gato”. It is enough to take 1-2 tablets per day.
  • Capsules. Convenient release form that is easy to take with you and use outside the home. It is recommended to take 1 capsule 2-3 times a day with meals. Read more about methods of use on the manufacturer's website.

The undeniable advantage of the finished preparations is the high concentration of alkaloids, the exact dosage of the product in each capsule, regardless of the age of the vine, and a convenient form of use.

Contraindications and side effects

As for harm, this is a relative concept. Any, even the most useful medicine will do harm if it is abused. It is important to study the instructions, pay attention to the recommendations for use from the manufacturer, recommended dosages, and how to take it.

Main contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

It is not recommended to give medications based on cat's claw to children under 12 years of age. Also contraindicated is the presence of donor organs, colostomy, or implants. A cat's claw can provoke rejection of foreign objects and foreign tissues.


The cost of the drug depends on the form of release, package size, and place of purchase. It ranges from 8 to 25 dollars. You can find prices and descriptions of dietary supplements on the health products website Santegra Shop

Where can I buy

Today there is no need to brew the bark or extract extract from the vine, or to prepare useful raw materials for future use. The manufacturers took care of everything. The drugs are available in convenient forms, accompanied by instructions and dosage regimens, which prevent overdoses and the occurrence of unpleasant side effects.

It is especially important when products are made according to the international GMP standard. You can buy Cat's Claw on the official website of the distributor

Consumer reviews are mostly positive; the effectiveness of cat's claw has been confirmed by laboratory tests. After the first week of use, 70% of people experience an increase in energy and activity, drowsiness disappears, and their well-being improves. What else are consumers saying?

2 years ago

In America there grows an amazing plant with a mysterious name - cat's claw. It has general strengthening and immunostimulating properties. In our country, we can only find cat's claw as an active biological additive. Indications for its use and other important aspects will be discussed in today’s article.

The liana grows on the Amazon coast and in other parts of the tropical regions of the American continents. Its shoots resemble the claws of a cat in appearance, hence the name of the plant. The inner part of the bark has healing properties.

Cat's claw has a unique component composition, but most of all this plant extract contains organic acids, bioflavonoids, and steroids.

The properties of cat's claw are inextricably linked with the component composition. This remedy is recommended for people who are exposed to grueling physical and mental stress every day.

On a note! In practice, traditional healers and supporters of alternative medicine recommend cat's claw for the treatment of malignant diseases. This supplement also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

What benefits does the product contain?

The rich component composition makes cat's claw very useful for the human body. Reviews from doctors about the use of this dietary supplement are different. But most qualified experts believe that it is possible to take cat's claw to strengthen the immune system.

Do not forget that herbal supplements are not classified as pharmacological drugs. You can take cat's claw in combination with prescribed pharmaceuticals.

The beneficial properties of cat's claw include:

  • relief from allergic reactions;
  • activation of the body's immune defense;
  • fight against pathogenic microorganisms, viruses;
  • improvement in inflammatory processes of various origins and localization;
  • restoration of hormonal balance;
  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • treatment of gastric ulcers.

As part of complex therapy, cat's claw is used to cure a number of ailments and pathological conditions, in particular:

  • arthritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of a gynecological nature;
  • myalgia;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • intoxication;
  • dermatological ailments;
  • thrombosis

Important! Cat's claw is often used in the treatment of cancer. This biological supplement improves overall well-being and increases the body's defenses. Cat's claw is especially useful after radiation or chemotherapy.

About dosage in detail

A dietary supplement with an unusual name is sold over-the-counter. Despite the environmental friendliness and absolute herbal composition of cat's claw, it should be taken only after consultation with a specialized doctor and careful reading of the annotation.

Today, cat's claw is produced in various pharmacological forms. You may find the supplement in the form of a dried herb, oil extract, ointment, tablets, or capsules.

Which of the given forms to choose is up to you and your doctor to decide. For preventive purposes, to strengthen the body's immune system and increase endurance, cat's claw is taken twice a day, 1 capsule. It is advisable to take the supplement with meals so that all the components contained in the cat's claw are better and more fully absorbed.

The daily dosage and duration of the treatment course are determined only by the treating specialist, taking into account the patient’s age, physiological characteristics and health status.

Important! People suffering from malignant diseases should pay special attention to taking cat's claw. But there is no need to self-medicate. To ensure that medications and other treatments are effective, strictly follow all instructions from your doctor.

Cat's claw: contraindications

Even ancient healers who lived on the banks of the Amazon discovered the amazing properties and healing power of a cat's claw. The inner bark of the vine, which is used today to prepare a dietary supplement, was regarded by many as an effective contraceptive.

In the modern world, no one has conducted such experiments, but during pregnancy it is strictly prohibited to take such a supplement. Experts who studied this dietary supplement came to the conclusion that it has a contracting effect on the reproductive organ, and therefore spontaneous abortion can occur during pregnancy.

It is not recommended to take cat's claw during breastfeeding. Do not forget that the product contains alkaloids, which are considered plant poisons. This dietary supplement should not be taken by children at an early age.

Experts also warn people who have undergone surgical interventions related to the use of donor organs. Of course, the side effects of cat's claw are not so dangerous, but if you have donor organs, you need to be careful not to provoke their rejection.

On a note! In some European countries, cat's claw is classified as a potent substance, so it is not available for free sale. For example, in Germany you will have to take a doctor's prescription to purchase the supplement.

At the base of the leaves, these plants bear strong, curved spines that cling to the bark of the twining trees of the tropical rainforest. Hence the unofficial name uncarii - cat's claw. The genus includes more than a dozen species, but only two are used in medicine - Uncaria tomentosa (U.tomentosa) and Guiana (U.guianensis), which are collected mainly in Peru and Brazil. Their inner bark and roots are used, often sold at farmers' markets in South America.

Useful properties of uncaria

Scientists have discovered several biologically active substances with immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties in uncaria. This probably explains the traditional use of these vines to treat cancer, arthritis, dysentery, peptic ulcers and other infections and inflammations. However, the effectiveness of uncaria has not yet been verified in clinical trials.

Main benefit

In Germany and Austria, cat's claw is recommended to strengthen the immune system of cancer patients whose immune system has been weakened by chemotherapy or radiation. Antitumor and immunostimulating effects are associated with several uncaria compounds. A number of them have been studied for decades. In the 1970s, scientists discovered so-called procyanidol oligomers (PCOs) in its inner bark and roots, which suppress the development of cancerous tumors in experimental animals. In the 1980s, German scientists isolated other compounds from Uncaria that strengthen the immune system, partly by stimulating phagocytes, cells that absorb pathogens that have entered the body. In 1993, Italians reported another class of bioactive agents in cat's claw, the quinovinic acid glycosides. Their action is multifaceted. As antioxidants, they neutralize oxidizing free radicals, and in addition, kill viruses, reduce inflammation and prevent malignant cell degeneration.

Cat's claw is potentially useful in preventing cancerous growth and fighting chronic infections such as sinusitis.

Additional benefit

Previous publications.

Cat claw has found wide use in official medicine in Europe and the USA as part of drugs - dietary supplement NSP in capsules to enhance immunity, as an additional remedy in the treatment of arthritis, cancer, and even AIDS. The medicinal properties of the medicinal plant are used as part of a natural preparation, a dietary supplement Cat claw in capsules.

Latin name: Uncaria tomentosa.

English name: Cat's Claw, Una de Gato.

Family: Rubiaceae - Rubiaceae.

Synonyms: Uncaria pubescent, Una de Gato.

Cat Claw Parts Used: inner cortex.

Botanical description: cat's claw is a perennial woody climbing plant - a giant vine up to 30-50 meters in length and up to 20 cm in diameter with dark red bark. This forest grapevine got its name because of the thorns, which are shaped very much like a cat's claws. Yellowish or white flowers bloom on the vine. Short curly shoots on the surface of the vine gradually harden and turn into hooks. It takes more than twenty years to grow and mature.

Habitat: Cat's claw grows in the tropical forests of South and Central America, along the banks and foothills of the Amazon in Peru.

Collection and preparation: The inner bark is used as a medicinal raw material. The roots of the cat's claw are carefully protected in order to preserve the plant and ensure its further reproduction.

Compound: The biologically active components of cat's claw are: alkaloids - pteropodine, isopteropodine, mitraphylline, isomitraphylline, rhynchophylline, isorhynchophylline, uncarine, etc., quinic acid glycosides, triterpenes and plant steroids (stigmasterol and campesterol), phenols and polyphenols, bioflavonoids, tannins - epicatechin, quartzite. , proanthocyanicins (procyanidin), tannins and organic acids.

Cat's claw - medicinal properties and uses

Inner bark of cat's claw included in the preparations - dietary supplement NSP Cat claw , Glucosamine NSP in capsules manufactured in the USA according to the international GMP quality standard for medicines.

Drug - dietary supplement NSP in capsules Cat's claw

The Amazon Indians have long known about this medicinal plant. Its bark was used to strengthen the body's defenses, to treat diseases of the digestive tract, colds, impotence, arthritis and even cancer. Locals consider Uncaria tomentosa a sacred plant.

Currently, cat's claw is widely used in Europe and the USA as an additional remedy in the treatment of arthritis, cancer, and even AIDS. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the plant has one of the most powerful plant components in terms of its impact on the immune system, which, working at the cellular level, stimulates immune modulation and is involved in restoring the functional activity of the whole organism. The plant gives strength to successfully cope with arthritis, bursitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, prostatitis, and helps cure diseases associated with the accumulation of poisonous and toxic substances in the intestines: colitis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, ulcers, hemorrhoids.

In its healing and beneficial effect on the immune system, cat's claw is far superior to such well-known plants as Siberian ginseng and other medicinal plants.

Photo of the medicinal plant Cat's claw

It has been established that the active principle responsible for the unique healing properties of the plant is a group of oxyindole alkaloids, in particular isopteropodine. It activates the functions of T-lymphocytes, which destroy emerging tumor cells. Studies have also shown that phagocytosis in organs is activated and the level of immunoglobulins in the blood serum is normalized. The alkaloid rincofilin improves the rheological properties of blood, reducing the likelihood of thrombus formation in the vascular bed. The polyphenols, triterpenes, and plant styrene that are part of the vine have anti-inflammatory and cytostatic effects. Glycyrrhizin and glycyretinic acid are able to block the reproduction of viruses in cells by disrupting the synthesis of their DNA.

Warning. It should be noted that dietary supplements, the main substance of which is Cat's Claw, have a strong immunostimulating effect. To avoid exhaustion of the body, you should follow the recommendations of doctors or instructions for use.