Online fortune telling on the heart. Fortune telling with hearts online: a simple and free way to tell fortunes about a guy’s love

28.05.2024 Psychology

Fortune telling with hearts is a simple way to find out whether there is a future in a relationship with a specific person. In its principle, it is similar to fortune telling by chamomile. The final result of the prediction largely depends on the thoughts, desires and expectations of the person in love at the moment.

Basic Rules

  1. You should not perform the ritual on the same person more than once a day.
  2. It is very important to concentrate on the image of the person.
  3. During the ritual, it is important to be completely alone, no one should interfere. This applies to both family members and pets.
  4. There is no need to resort to magic too often and only for the sake of curiosity, telling fortunes about different people.

Prediction on paper

Fortune telling for a loved one can be done on checkered paper.

This simple ritual will allow the lover to find out about the feelings of his chosen one and whether there is a future for the relationship.

Most often, this prediction option is used on Valentine's Day.


  1. The first step is to think of the name and image of the guy (or girl).
  2. Take a piece of squared paper.
  3. With your left hand, draw a heart in the cells (the size or shape of the figure does not matter), while you need to represent your lover. Usually the outline of the drawn figure is uneven and unclear, but this does not affect the meaning of fortune telling.
  4. Next, you need to mark in the drawn heart those whole cells that are inside it. Select 4 at a time - they usually make squares, rectangles, zigzags and other intricate shapes.
  5. The final stage is when the remaining cells (if there are three or fewer) are not isolated. You need to count how many of them are left (or none left at all).
  6. View interpretation meaning.

The number of remaining cells indicates what feelings the chosen one experiences and what his true attitude is.

Interpretation of meanings

The meaning of fortune telling can be interpreted as follows:

  • if there are no cells left at all, you are loved by your soulmate;
  • one cell remains - the object of love is indifferent to you;
  • if there are two cells left - a signal that the object of love has another girl or guy;
  • the remaining three cells signal that he feels sympathy and is sincerely disposed to communicate. Such relationships have a future.

It is recommended to perform this ritual on Valentine's Day. It is very important to clearly represent your chosen one at the time of performing all actions. Having completed all the steps correctly, you will find out what is hidden in the heart of your loved one.

Online fortune telling

You can also tell fortunes online.

With its help you can get answers to the following questions:

  1. Does (name) love me?
  2. Will we kiss?
  3. How long will our relationship last?
  4. Is there anyone else in (name)’s heart?
  5. Will we have a future?
  6. Is happiness waiting for us?
  7. Are (name)'s intentions serious?
  8. Does (name) guess my feelings?
  9. Will we make peace with (name)?
  10. Will we meet (name) again?
  11. Does (name) think about me?
  12. Does (name) have a soulmate?
  13. Can we start a family with (name)?

The steps are very simple. On the monitor screen there are 13 hearts and a field to fill out. You need to enter the name of your lover, concentrate on his image, ask one of the questions above and click on one of the hearts that you like the most.

This fortune telling can also be used no more than once a day, otherwise the result will not be true.

If the answer does not suit you, do not be upset, this is only a momentary attitude towards you. Perhaps after time everything will change.

Fortune telling with 10 hearts

This is also online fortune telling for relationships. With its help, you can get an answer to the question of how your chosen one treats you, what awaits you in the future.

To perform the ritual, you need to imagine the image of your loved one, click on the “fortune” icon. 10 hearts will appear in front of you. By clicking on one of them, you will discover the meaning.

Or you can draw them on paper and number them in random order from 1 to 10. Next, you need to close your eyes, imagine the image of your loved one and randomly put a dot anywhere. See the number for the value.


  1. The chosen one is a very good and kind person. But your passion is fleeting. Very soon you will meet a person on your way who will sincerely interest you.
  2. He really loves you. A marriage proposal is possible in the future.
  3. He likes you. But he has many hobbies, he loves female attention and is not deprived of it. For the relationship to have any future, everything will need to be done by you. Take the initiative and constantly keep him near you. This will be difficult due to his character and behavior.
  4. He is not known for his generosity. This applies to both feelings and money. He is used to receiving, but not giving. If you are willing to do anything to be with him, remember that he is difficult to change. It is very easy to pity you, but it is completely impossible to make him.
  5. There is love and strong passion between you. And on his part there is strong jealousy. Be careful, don't give anyone reasons to be jealous.
  6. No, he has nothing against you. It’s just that before making the only correct, final decision, you must weigh all the pros and cons.” Therefore, he suffers from insomnia due to uncertainty.
  7. Your relationship is just a flirtation.
  8. Serious and long-term romantic relationships await you in the future.
  9. The relationship will be very tender, but short-lived.
  10. He doesn't love you. Can deceive in his feelings. Be careful.

In this article:

The symbol of the heart, which is known to everyone today, has roots in the deep past, however, its exact origin is still not known for certain. Fortune telling or prediction on hearts is an interesting method of prediction, characterized by ease of implementation and the veracity of the information received.

How to tell your heart

There are various methods of prediction, in the process of which heart symbols are used.

Fortune telling on the heart of a loved one

This is a simple technique that allows you to tell fortunes about the guy you like. To carry out the ceremony, you must make a wish for a person with whom you are interested in a future. After this, a heart of any size is drawn on a blank sheet of notebook paper in a box (drawn not with the main hand, that is, a right-handed person draws with his left, and a left-handed person with his right).

When the figure is drawn, inside it you need to select all the cells that are completely included in it. After this, cells need to be crossed out 4 at a time until there are 3 or less whole cells left inside the drawn heart, this number is the answer to the question you are interested in.

  • Three cells - the guy likes you, which means there are all the prerequisites for starting a new relationship.
  • Two cells - he likes another girl.
  • One cell - he is indifferent to you.
  • There are no cells left - strong feelings, love.
This method is very popular among young girls

Ritual “Hearts of Love”

This magical ritual will allow you to find out how this or that person treats you. To carry it out, you need to prepare 13 paper hearts in advance. One side of each heart should be pure, and the other should have a feeling or attitude written on it. For example, today 13 hearts are often used with the following meanings:

  • 1 – Love.
  • 2 – Sympathy.
  • 3 – Passion.
  • 4 – Friendship.
  • 5 – Indifference.
  • 6 – Jealousy.
  • 7 – Hatred.
  • 8 – Kindness.
  • 9 – Anger.
  • 10 – Busy.
  • 11 – Doubts.
  • 12 – Lie.
  • 13 – Emptiness.

Once each heart is signed, they are all laid out on the table, clean sides up. The performer must extinguish all light sources in the room, light three church candles and sit down at the table with hearts. You need to close your eyes, imagine the guy you are interested in, and then quickly take the first heart you see from the table. It is believed that the information contained in the selected figure is the answer to the question.

Fortune telling - how to calm the heart

This is an ancient magical card ritual for the future, which anyone can perform at home. There are several main options for carrying it out, in particular, on playing cards and Tarot cards. Tarot fortune telling on the heart is a more complex option, intended more for experienced esotericists. For beginners, a ritual with playing cards is better suited.

In order to tell fortunes for two hearts, you need to carefully shuffle the deck of cards, remove them from it with your left hand, and then lay rows of three cards on top. This procedure is carried out until the card on which you wished for the person you are interested in is removed from the deck. When this happens, you need to carefully study the remaining two cards, they will indicate what is currently happening in the life of this person, and what will happen to him in the near future. Depending on the question asked, the information may concern both the guy’s feelings and his fate in general.

What's in your loved one's heart - fortune-telling, which determines a person's feelings and intentions, helps you gently and delicately adjust your behavior, on the condition that this develops and does not destroy your personality. You can start reading the layout by determining what is in your heart.

Have a nice session!

  • Before fortune telling, focus on the request.

  • It is important to be in a calm environment.

  • You can take a couple of deep breaths and breaths.

  • It is useful to think about the time of the fortune telling in advance.

  • You should not often guess at the same situation.

  • See the answers as an opportunity for personal growth.

  • You decide how wonderful your future will be.

Have a nice session!

  • What is in your heart towards your Partner?
  • What is in his heart towards you?
  • What will help you keep your Partner with you?
  • What repels your Partner from you?
  • Your Partner's immediate plans for you. Near future
  • Partner's distant plans for you. Distant future
  • Surprise or force majeure on the part of the Partner
  • The outcome of the relationship: what will the next level be?


  • What is in your heart towards your Partner?
  • What is in his heart towards you?
  • What will help you keep your Partner with you?
  • What repels your Partner from you?
  • Your Partner's immediate plans for you.
    Near future.
  • Partner's distant plans for you. Distant future.
  • Surprise or force majeure on the part of the Partner.
  • The outcome of the relationship: what will be the next level?

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


Features of the interpretation of the layout

Pay attention to 1 personal card. We often ignore its meaning, rushing to find out the feelings and plans of our Partner. We are confident that we understand ourselves, our desires and know exactly what we feel for a person. Together with 3 and 4, the first card is the key that opens the door beyond the limiting situation.

Tarot arcana with swords or restless wands, inverted cards in 1st position ask you to listen to yourself, express your feelings if they are suppressed, recognize your needs. The Major Arcana in this position also deserves special attention (usually it is signed with an English name).

Such a card encourages you to live, to trust a certain experience (the one that symbolizes), not to reject (if it is inverted), but to use the power that you receive with this experience. By looking at yourself, it’s easier to understand what you’re experiencing and how your partner copes with feelings.

How do his feelings for you on card 2 combine with his immediate plans for you in position 5, does he have distant plans for you and a relationship with card 6? What unpredictable things can you expect from a person in point 7? Where will your feelings take you with card 8? Does this level satisfy you?

Reversed or conflicting arcana in positions 5 and 6 mean the absence of clear plans, the uncertainty in which the Partner finds himself. Figure cards (Kings, Queens, Knights, less often Pages) indicate the influence of other people, the fact that the development of the issue depends on the expression of specific qualities of yours or your Partner.

Wands represent temperament, passions, the desire to achieve, the need for recognition and respect. Swords are associated with independence, insight, rationality. Cups need tenderness, understanding, and complicity. Pentacles - reliability and stability.

Turn the interpretation of your reading into an exciting reading story about Relationships. Where, instead of fictional characters, you and your Partner are real people with their own quirks and merits, alive, real. Please consider a Tarot reading as the art of noticing the unseen, making connections, getting to the heart of what is meaningful.

New project coming soon!

Red Book of Love

Online practices

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Fortune Telling Heart

Fortune telling online using playing cards “Heart” will reveal the secrets of the mystery person’s relationship to you. It is enough to type in the field the name of the person you are interested in, click on the card and fortune telling will answer questions such as “How does he (she) feel about me?”, “How does he (she) feel about me?”, “What is my relationship with will they be with him (her)?”, “What awaits me in the future with this person?”

When starting the “Heart” fortune-telling, do not forget that the result of the fortune-telling will change depending on how you indicate the name of the person you are interested in: in its full version, in an abbreviated version, diminutive, or in the form of a first name, patronymic and last name.

Enter name:

click on the map


The one you wished for feels only friendly sympathy for you, and nothing more. He sees in you only a faithful comrade, a friend and an interesting interlocutor with whom to have a pleasant time. You can be united by some common professional and business interests, aspirations for high achievements and growth. The most likely development of a relationship with this person is general cooperation, or, on the contrary, secret rivalry in the professional sphere.


The person you're interested in loves you very much, but you need to be patient and wait for things to fall into place. Elementary haste and the desire to speed things up can become an obstacle to love and the development of relationships. In this case, any forcing of events in a relationship can ruin plans for a future together, so be patient and avoid sudden and unexpected changes.


The person you are interested in has not yet made up his or her mind about you. The main obstacle in developing a relationship with this person is the envy of other people and “noble” attempts at intervention on the part of others, relatives and friends. Try to listen more to your intuition and do not take outside advice to heart. The card advises you to beware of intriguers and conspirators, people capable of meanness.

Queen of Hearts

Be careful - the person you are interested in has his heart already taken, or someone else has designs on him. You will have to make a lot of effort to endear yourself and finally win him over. The main obstacle in developing a relationship with this person is his former partners, some of whom still do not lose hope of reuniting.


You should think about the correctness of your choice. Most likely, the person you are interested in is a real egoist and does not have any feelings for you. He only cares about his own desires and interests, which you will have to indulge if you want to enter into a relationship with him. Serious relationships weigh heavily on this person, and the mere thought that he will have to spend many years in marriage terrifies him.


Most likely, this person really likes you. However, do not expect anything good from him - he is capable of resorting to any means, wanting to achieve his goal - from gallant courtship to brute force. He can take cruel revenge on you, commit unpredictable acts in order to subjugate you to his will. Be careful not to anger him, but don't let him get too close either. Even if you are together, neither of you will be happy.


The person you are interested in is very serious about you. He will do everything for you - he will not spare any money or time to bring you joy. If you want your relationship with this person to succeed, never interfere in his affairs, do not give him advice, do not try to decide anything for him and never give him reasons for jealousy.

Each of us represents love in our own way. For some, this is a beautiful courtship, romantic gatherings under the moon. And for some, home comfort, reliability and stability. This unique runic spread will help you understand how you and your significant other understand love. This way you will check your compatibility and also learn to understand each other better. This runic fortune telling will help you improve your own relationships, better understand yourself and what you subconsciously look for in a partner.

Make a layout

My vision of love

The first position, “My Vision of Love,” will tell you what is most important to you in a relationship. Pay attention to the general description of the rune and the separate line “Feelings”. She will describe how you subconsciously see a love union. Negative meanings indicate various psychological complexes and problems.

Partner's vision of love

The second position, “Partner’s vision of love,” will provide information about his perception of love relationships. The fallen rune will answer the question of what is most important to him in love and how he subconsciously sees it for himself.

Key to my heart

The third position, “The Key to My Heart,” will tell you how your loved one should behave in order to win your love. This rune describes the ideal partner for you.

The key to his heart

The fourth position, “The Key to His Heart,” will explain how he wants his partner to be. By behaving in the way this rune describes, you will win his heart forever.