The child's pupils are constantly enlarged. Dilated pupils in a child. What to do if a child’s pupil is dilated

26.05.2024 Psychology

The vulnerability of a child’s body to various environmental factors is difficult to overestimate. The process of the final formation of his body implies low protection from any external influence. It is quite difficult to find out about any problems, especially in the early stages of the onset of diseases.

Most often, the alarm signal is given by the baby's eyes. If this signal is caught in time, dire consequences can be avoided. That is why any malfunctions in the functioning of the child’s visual apparatus should be identified and studied as quickly as possible.

The most common of these problems is the problem of dilated pupils in a child. Often this problem goes unnoticed, because depending on the intensity of light, the healthy pupil of the human eye can change its size during the day.

So, in bright light, the pupil narrows to 2 millimeters in diameter, and in insufficient light it expands to 6-8 millimeters. A sign of the disease is considered exclusively when the pupil of a child’s eye remains dilated, regardless of the intensity of ambient light. If this occurs, you should consult a doctor immediately, because it can be a sign of a number of diseases and malfunctions of the body.

How is pupil diameter adjusted?

The main regulator of pupil diameter in the human body is the autonomic nervous system and all its elements.

This system gives commands to any of the internal organs of a person and acts in several directions at once:

As mentioned above, basically a change in the diameter of the pupil of the eye occurs as a result of a change in lighting intensity.

It is worth noting that pupil constriction occurs tens of times faster than pupil dilation. Thus, the process of reducing its diameter may take only a few seconds, while expanding does not take less than five minutes under any normal circumstances.

From a physiological point of view, control over the processes of changing pupil diameter is carried out:

  • elements of the hypothalamus;
  • cranial nerves;
  • some areas of the cerebral cortex;
  • muscles responsible for the mechanics of changing pupil diameter.

That is why damage to any of these two “details” of the human body in most cases is manifested by inadequate dilation of the pupil of the eye.

Classification of mydriasis

Mydriasis is a scientific term for dilated pupils in humans. In this case, dilation of the pupils can be caused by both pathologies and ordinary natural causes; it will still be mydriasis.

This phenomenon has several main subtypes:

It is also worth mentioning a rather rare phenomenon when the pupil acts inadequately in relation to lightening: if it is dark, then it decreases in diameter, and if it is light, it narrows, although everything should be the other way around. This phenomenon is one of the most accurate symptoms of severe neurosis and tuberculosis.

Physiological causes of dilated pupils in a child

There are several main reasons for dilated pupils in a child that are not associated with any existing diseases:

You need to understand that the above reasons rarely lead to really serious consequences. They are also not symptoms of any disease, and can be completely eliminated in the shortest possible time if adequate measures are taken.

Still, even in this case, consulting a doctor should not be neglected. It can help identify real health problems if the physiological causes of dilated pupils are simply combined with other diseases.

If both pupils are dilated

The likely cause of dilated pupils can initially be determined by a normal reaction to light. That is why often in a hospital, if a disease is suspected, the doctor checks the patient’s eye reaction to light, even when the possible disease does not affect the eyes.

There are two scenarios here:

  • first option- when the reaction of dilated pupils to light is their almost instantaneous narrowing;
  • second option- when there is simply no reaction to bright light: the pupils do not narrow or dilate more, they remain in the same state under lighting of any brightness.

The data below is relevant only if an anomaly is observed in the functioning of both pupils. First, it’s worth talking about the first option, and what diseases this situation might indicate.

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Brain contusion

You need to understand that a slight bruise of the cerebral cortex, which is accompanied by a maximum of short-term loss of consciousness, will not lead to any long-term reaction of the pupils.

Dilated pupils are a sign of serious damage to the tissue of the human brain, which is accompanied by multiple and pronounced symptoms:

  • prolonged loss of consciousness;
  • loss of understanding of the reality of what is happening and the adequacy of actions;
  • disruptions in the swallowing process;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the functioning of the limbs;
  • strange uncontrollable movements of the eyeballs.

If several of these symptoms appear at once after a head injury, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Various chronic encephalopathies

Encephalopathy- this is any of the diseases of the human brain that are in no way related to inflammatory processes and tumors in the brain.

The causes of such diseases can be many processes:

  • chronic alcoholism;
  • significant injury to any of the hemispheres of the head (for example, in boxers after a fight);
  • diabetes mellitus of any severity;
  • a consequence of a previous illness with meningitis or encephalitis;
  • long-term active smoking (at least 1 pack of cigarettes within 24 hours);
  • diseases of a hypertensive nature;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels associated with the human brain;
  • drug addiction of any degree of dependence;
  • problems with stable increased intracranial pressure;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Encephalopathy greatly affects a person’s character and behavior. The patient becomes withdrawn, absent-minded, he is irritated by everything around him, he stops showing any initiative, very often experiences pain and noise in his head, and prefers to sleep at least once during the day.

In the case of children, such changes are extremely noticeable, so parents should pay more attention to the child if he exhibits similar symptoms and take him to the doctor.

In schizophrenia, dilated pupils will necessarily be associated with a whole host of other symptoms:

  • frequent states of delirium;
  • frequent hallucinations;
  • disorientation in the surrounding space;
  • apathy towards what is happening around;
  • frequent psychotic states;
  • isolation from the surrounding society, sociopathy.

These symptoms, coupled with dilated pupils, can also be a sign of drug addiction, but in the case of schizophrenia they are more pronounced and more systematic.

So, for example, sociopathy in schizophrenics- a constant phenomenon that haunts them throughout their lives, while the sociopathy of drug addicts is variable in nature and depends on mood swings and doses of the drug taken.

Brain tumor

Dilated pupils are the first of many consistent signs of eye problems, which together indicate a possible progressive tumor in the occipital lobe of the human brain.

Everything happens in the following order:

  • symptom of dilated pupils;
  • symptom of loss of 50% of visual fields in each eye;
  • a symptom of loss of understanding of the basic structure of sentences and words;
  • a symptom of loss of the ability to recognize similar things and associate pictures and words.

A progressive tumor becomes more noticeable over time. It is impossible not to notice constant headaches, problems with eating and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Nevertheless, It is very important to detect the tumor early, therefore, even minor symptoms should be looked at with double attention, because in this case, treatment of this very tumor has a much greater chance of a positive result.

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Acute alcohol or nicotine intoxication

If the cause of unnaturally dilated pupils is an overdose of alcohol or nicotine, then the symptoms of this will be similar to the symptoms of the above diseases:

  • loss of attention and short-term memory lapses;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • problems with the speech apparatus.

A distinctive symptom is a strong odor from the patient’s mouth, which is difficult to confuse with anything other than alcohol or nicotine.

This condition is not critical, because unlike the case of chronic encephalopathy, the pupils will return to normal immediately after the body removes the remaining breakdown products of alcohol and nicotine from the blood.

The appearance of these symptoms also indicates that in order to avoid more serious consequences in the future, you should completely stop taking nicotine and alcohol.


Hyperthyroidism- a condition of the thyroid gland in which it cannot function normally and produces much more hormones than the body needs. Problems with operation thyroid gland may be associated with malfunctions of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

In addition to dilated pupils, in this case the following symptoms may be observed:

  • accelerated pulse;
  • uncontrolled weight loss;
  • abnormally increased appetite;
  • constant abdominal pain;
  • trembling of the muscles of the whole body;
  • restless state;

In adults, libido also decreases (in men) or the timing of menstrual cycles changes (in women).

If both pupils are dilated and do not react to light

As for situations where the pupils show absolutely no reaction to light, in these cases the list of possible diseases is even more impressive and serious.

Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) or its membranes (meningitis)

These diseases are quite similar to each other, so they can also be considered together.

Additional signs of these pathologies are:

  • stable body temperature above normal;
  • severe intermittent headache;
  • inability to reach your chin with your chest;
  • problems with the process of eating, nausea and vomiting;
  • hallucinations and inadequate perception of reality.

In the case of meningitis, pain in the lower back is also observed, and a symptom of encephalitis is a drooping eyelid and corner of the mouth, and a displacement of the tongue from its central axis.

Taking narcotic, poisonous or psychotropic drugs

If it is not known whether a person is taking any drugs or other potent drugs, then the following series of symptoms will help determine this if these symptoms are combined with dilated pupils, regardless of the brightness of the light:

  • Changes in behavior, mood swings;
  • Signs of imbalance, nervous inappropriate behavior;
  • “Missing” eyes or red whites of the eyes. The eyes do not react to light at all;
  • Intense thirst, regardless of the amount of liquid drunk;
  • Dry skin on lips;
  • Problems with sleep, inability to get enough sleep;
  • When drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco, no odor of these substances comes from the mouth.

Most often, teenagers and young men fall under the influence of drugs. However, the symptoms of this problem are pronounced, and attentive parents will definitely notice them.

Each type of drug also has its own unique symptoms:

  1. Hemp affects the eyes and lips primarily. They turn red and become inflamed, and his sudden, brutal appetite will tell for sure that a person is using cannabis;
  2. Morphine will manifest itself by constricting a person’s pupils as much as possible for a long time;
  3. Psychostimulants coupled with dilated pupils will lead to sudden hyperactivity of a person. He will not be able to sit normally in one place for even a minute;
  4. Hallucinogens will lead to apathy and inappropriate behavior of a person who will try to touch something that does not exist or will begin to talk to himself;
  5. Inhalation of glue or acetone vapors will lead to headaches and severe aggression on the part of the person.


Botulism is an infection, the first sign of which is dilated pupils. This disease is associated with pronounced pain and other symptoms. Botulism toxin affects the condition of the human intestines and nervous system.


The presence of at least three of the above symptoms is a sign for immediate hospitalization. Even if there is only one symptom, but it appeared after eating dried fish or meat, you should still go to the hospital urgently. Any delay is fraught with irreparable consequences.

Brain swelling

There are a great many causes of cerebral edema: poisoning of the nervous system before a stroke. Lack of response to light is one of the signs of possible edema in a severe clinical situation.

Additional symptoms are extremely pronounced, so in most cases, cerebral edema with dilated pupils, coupled with these symptoms, makes it possible to diagnose cerebral edema as soon as possible. In a state of coma, a person’s pupil also does not react to light in any way.

What does the dilation of one pupil indicate?

This phenomenon is called anisocoria and is considered only when the difference in pupil size is from 0.4 to 1 mm in diameter. It may be accompanied by obvious deformation of one of the pupils.

Checked the presence of anisocoria by an ordinary action: it is necessary to focus the gaze on an object.

Then look at the reaction of the pupils, one of which will narrow and dilate, and the other will not change its size.

However, even in cases of pupil deformation, this phenomenon is almost always caused by normal reasons and does not threaten human health.

However, along with 90% of ordinary cases, there are also 10% unusual ones, when anisocoria, coupled with other symptoms, is a clear sign of a serious defect in the functioning of the human body.

The normal origin of anisocoria will be indicated by:

  • absence of serious accompanying symptoms;
  • high visibility of the anomaly in the dark;
  • drops that dilate the pupil instantly correct the situation;
  • the eye responds adequately to the intensity of light.

This can happen, for example, if the child has a cold. Against the background of a cold, the lymph node becomes inflamed and is observed. This phenomenon is completely normal and disappears after the child has completely recovered from the flu.

More alarming cases are divided into 2 types, as in the options described above: with a normal reaction to changes in lighting; and with the absence of any reaction to these same changes.

It is worth understanding that this pathology is almost always characteristic only of children, and is seen extremely rarely in adults, so parents who notice this anomaly in their child should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Unilateral mydriasis with normal reaction to light

In the case when the pupils, between which there is a significant difference in diameter, react normally to changes in light intensity, this may indicate the following diseases:

Unilateral mydriasis with no reaction to light

In the case when the eye does not react to light, the list of diseases with a large difference in pupil diameter may be as follows:

Again, in any case, it is extremely important to look closely at other symptoms in order to understand the seriousness of the situation and consult a doctor in time.

How to dilate the pupil?

There are several ways to dilate the pupil. They are divided into 2 types: drug options and non-drug options. The first ones are achieved simply, but have a short-lived effect. The latter are more reliable, but require money and a doctor’s consultation.

Non-drug ways to dilate the pupil:

  • Turn off the lights and ensure complete darkness in the house for 10 minutes;
  • Indulge in thoughts about the person you love;
  • Try to experience fear;
  • Tighten your stomach and keep its muscles tense for several minutes (the mechanism of operation of this dependence of the abdominal muscles on the width of the pupils of the eyes is unknown, so the result is not guaranteed);
  • Focus your gaze on a distant object or try to defocus your gaze to such an extent that everything before your eyes blurs.

The following medications can be used to dilate the pupil:

  • "Tropicamide";
  • "Pentoxifylline";
  • "Phenylephrine";
  • "Mydriacyl";
  • 5-HTP supplements (in most cases, they are harmless to the body, but you should still consult a doctor before taking them).

As mentioned above, before using medications, you should definitely consult a doctor.

What to do if a child’s pupil is dilated?

Having understood the causes and consequences, it is worth learning about the measures that need to be taken first if a child has dilated pupils:

  • if there are accompanying symptoms, an ambulance should be called immediately;
  • if the symptoms are minor, you can simply make an appointment with a neurologist;
  • if dizziness is present, you need to bring the child into horizontal tension;
  • if the reason is a long stay at the PC or TV, it is worth limiting the child’s access to the monitor as much as possible;
  • if the reason is stress, you need to arrange a fun holiday for the child, which will “unload” the sick person.

The main thing is to act quickly, especially if significant symptoms of other diseases are observed. The sooner the parents go to the hospital, the sooner the examination will begin and the disease will be identified.


Abnormally dilated pupils in a child that do not change in size, especially in combination with other symptoms, are a clear sign that you need to contact an ophthalmologist.

Their cause may not be serious, and the pathology may have a short-term effect without consequences, but often it is a symptom of a more serious disease. In any case, a medical check cannot be neglected.

All the most important things from this article can be summarized into a few basic tips:

The eyes of children are a true reflection of the soul, which can show not only his emotional state and feelings, but also all kinds of ailments. For example, regularly enlarged pupils in children can indicate serious problems or be the norm.

For what reasons does a child's pupils dilate?

The pupil is a notch in the iris through which the retina of the eye interacts with light. The size of the pupil is determined by the muscles that actually regulate it; they can contract for various reasons. When the lighting is not good enough, the pupils enlarge so that the retina receives the maximum amount of light rays.

In addition to lighting, the size of the pupil can be influenced by the emotional state of each person, well-being, mood and many other factors. For this reason, a child’s pupil is capable of decreasing and enlarging all the time; this is the norm and should not cause concern in adults. If a child’s pupil is chronically dilated and its condition does not change for several hours or regularly bothers the child, then this is a reason that should cause concern among parents. Enlarged pupils may indicate poisoning of the body with toxic drugs, metabolic disorders, or brain injuries.

Enlarged pupils in children: physiology

There are three main physiological explanations for why a child’s pupils are dilated:

  1. Newborns. During the first 3 months after birth, the baby’s vision focus develops, so the pupils are constantly enlarged and dilated, and the eyes begin to squint, “wander,” or generally look “inward.” In the first two weeks of a newborn’s life, this is a completely normal phenomenon and occurs as a result of physiological development. Chronically dilated pupils may continue until the age of three months and should not cause concern to parents.
  2. Insufficient lighting. If a child spends all the time in an insufficiently lit room, rarely spends time in the fresh air and regularly spends long periods of time watching TV or playing games on a PC, you should not be surprised. It is these factors that provoke constantly enlarged pupils. The child’s eyes begin to adapt to the conditions, the pupil is dilated all the time and cannot return to normal in the shortest possible time.
  3. The emotional and mental state of the child. Any emotions, regardless of their nature, be it joy, anger, interest or irritation, appear not only on the psychological state of the baby, but also on his eyes with a look. During severe emotional shocks, hormones are released into the blood, resulting in increased heart rate and dilated pupils. If your baby constantly has dilated pupils, then pay attention, perhaps he has problems with friends or domestic scandals have a strong impact on his emotional state.

Dilated pupils in children: pathologies

Alas, parents usually begin to pay attention to eye problems in their children’s pupils only when the problem is characterized by accompanying symptoms of poor health. Pupil dilation in children occurs in the following cases:

  • taking narcotic drugs and some other medications. This problem most often occurs in teenagers. If your child constantly walks around with enlarged pupils and behaves unusually, then you should talk to him as soon as possible and try to completely eliminate the use of such drugs;
  • Enlarged pupils are often caused by serious infectious diseases, for example, high body temperature or intoxication;
  • Traumatic brain injuries also affect babies' eyes. If a child complains of constant headaches, vomiting or nausea, then you should contact a medical facility for help to eliminate the possibility of a concussion. Kids may not even remember that they hit or fell, and after a couple of hours the first symptoms of pathology may appear;
  • dilated pupils, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting indicate poisoning of the body with toxic substances. Moreover, this can be either low-quality food or insect bites;
  • Metabolic disorders often cause chronically dilated pupils. The problem also becomes chronic in cases of problems with the thyroid gland, diabetes, intolerance to certain foods and gluten;
  • eye injuries are another provocateur. As a result of mechanical impact on the eyeball, not only the pupils can dilate, but also blood vessels can be damaged and vision impaired;
  • The most serious cause of constantly dilated pupils is a number of such ailments: epilepsy, aortic aneurysm and even brain tumors.

The eyes are often called the mirror of the soul, and for doctors they are also an indicator of health. Wide pupils can cause interest and attract the eye, and in some cases this may indicate the presence of various pathologies in the body.

The pupil is a black circle that is located in the middle of the eye. By changing the diameter of the pupil, the iris can regulate the amount of light that should reach the retina. When measuring pupil diameter, the level of illumination is taken into account.

In the dark it expands, and in bright light the black circle shrinks as much as possible. Moreover, in absolute darkness they almost double in size. Thus, the brain, with the help of the pupils, tries to obtain maximum information about its environment. If, regardless of the level of light, the pupils are always dilated, this is a serious reason to consult a specialist.

Enlarged pupils can be both an indicator of normality and an alarm signal. If you notice that the iris holes remain enlarged over a long period of time, it is better to consult a specialist. Experts call enlarged pupils mydriasis.

Why does it arise?

Physiological reasons

The diameter of the black circle of the iris is influenced by the following factors:

  • change of lighting. Our eye is designed in such a way as to protect the retina from aggressive environmental factors, including ultraviolet radiation;
  • increased physical activity;
  • painful sensations;
  • emotional outburst. Aggression, anger, malice - all this causes an attack of adrenaline, to which the pupils cannot help but react. A person can experience a similar state when he is frightened at a moment when he is completely concentrated on some process. Negative emotions do not always cause mydriasis. The release of endorphins due to positive emotions also causes a change in pupil diameter;
  • some medications: Atropine, Adrenaline, Gomatropine, Scopalamine;
  • smells.

Important! According to psychologists, open and sociable people are more likely to have large pupils, while pessimists are more likely to have narrowed pupils.

Increased interest in something is another provoking factor for mydriasis. A study was once conducted in which it was found that women's pupils dilated when viewing illustrations of small children, and in men a similar condition was observed when viewing pictures of naked women.

In addition, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, taking psychotropic and narcotic drugs can cause mydriasis.

Black circles get bigger in the dark

Why does a child develop mydriasis? The pupils of a child in the first months of life are almost always enlarged, and this should not be a cause for concern. Newborns become more aware of the world around them. This can also happen on a subconscious level, when the baby wants to attract the mother's attention.

Pathological causes

Mydriasis is not always caused by physiological factors. Unfortunately, a change in pupil diameter can indicate all sorts of disorders in the body:

  • damage to the optic nerve;
  • head or eye injuries;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • stroke;
  • epilepsy;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • neoplasms;
  • artery aneurysm;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • intoxication.

Psychological problems can also cause mydriasis in humans. Horror, severe fear, exposure to extreme conditions - all this can lead to changes in the diameter of the pupil.

An emotional outburst is another cause of mydriasis

If you notice the following signs in a person, this means that, most likely, the cause of mydriasis was narcotic substances:

  • red eyes with reflections in the light, or they are also called “glass eyes”;
  • in bright light, the pupils practically do not constrict;
  • weight loss;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • thirst and dry mouth;
  • red blood vessels are clearly visible in the eyes.

The problem of drug addiction is relevant in our time, especially among young people. If you notice a change in a teenager’s mood, he has become nervous, irritable, his pupils are constantly dilated, then it makes sense to find out whether he has become a victim of drugs.

If mydriasis is accompanied by a headache, this may be a sign of a migraine-like condition. In this case, one pupil is larger than the other, and pain is observed only from one part of the head.

In case of thyroid diseases, the diameter of the pupil increases in the morning

If the condition was provoked by a traumatic brain injury, in addition to mydriasis, patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • impaired coordination;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Problems with the thyroid gland are another reason why pupils begin to enlarge. In this case, the following symptoms appear: rapid pulse, panic, anxiety, poor sleep, irritability, increased appetite. These signs indicate excessive production of thyroid hormones.

If mydriasis is accompanied by hyperemia, this may be a sign of glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure). Along with this, pain and blurred vision appear. If glaucoma is not treated in time and its cause is not removed, you can completely lose your vision.

The fact that mydriasis is not caused by pathological causes can be understood by the following signs:

  • the pupils react to changes in light: when directed towards bright light, the pupils narrow;
  • it will not be difficult for a person to puff out his cheeks, make a grin or close his eyes, and all actions will be symmetrical;
  • there will be no pain, redness and lacrimation;
  • absence of nausea and vomiting;
  • sensitivity of the limbs is preserved;
  • body temperature is normal.

Pupils may be large due to drug addiction

Dilation of one pupil

Experts call this condition anisocoria. If there is a reaction to light, the difference is better visible in the dark, and there is no double vision, blurred vision, or photophobia, then anisocoria is physiological. Along with this, if you drop drops into the eye that dilate the pupil, the difference disappears.

An enlarged right or left pupil with a normal reaction to light may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • oculomotor nerve palsy;
  • migraine;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • iridocyclitis - inflammation of the iris;
  • glaucoma.

You can dilate your pupils at home using the following methods:

  • go into a dark room and stay there for about ten minutes;
  • look at the one you love or imagine this person in your mind;
  • watch a scary movie to get scared.

What to do if the pupil is dilated?

If the following symptoms appear, call an ambulance immediately:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • asymmetrical face;
  • impairment of motor activity and sensitivity.

An experienced specialist knows what to do. Even if it seems to you that mydriasis is normal in your case, make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and let him confirm your assumptions.


Mydriasis is a condition in which the pupils of the eye dilate. Physiological reasons can cause such a change, but sometimes a person with a large pupil needs a serious examination. The causes of mydriasis can be quite dangerous, for example, glaucoma, brain tumors, and aortic aneurysm can provoke its appearance.

Mydriasis can appear on both sides, but if only one pupil is enlarged, it is better to visit an ophthalmologist to avoid the development of dangerous disorders. Medications can also cause pupil dilation, which is why self-medication is unacceptable. A specialist will be able to answer the question of how to eliminate mydriasis in your particular case after an examination.

The pupils appear as round black dots in the center of the iris, but they are actually holes that allow light to enter the retina. With the help of special muscles, the pupils constantly change size depending on lighting, focal length to the object in question, and even emotions.

They typically expand in the dark to allow more photons to hit sensitive receptors. Joy, anger, and interest can also cause the pupils to dilate for a short time.

Large pupils in a child may be due to genetic characteristics and are considered a variant of the norm. If they react to light and always remain the same size relative to each other, most likely, in this case there is no need to worry. But if the size of a child’s pupils increases sharply, this may signal health problems, including serious ones.

So what could be some of the reasons for this phenomenon?

Age up to 3 months

During the first months of life, a child learns to focus his vision. During this period, his pupils may be dilated, “squint” or “wander” without any additional reason.


Unfortunately, this disease occurs not only in adults, but even in primary schoolchildren. It manifests itself as attacks of slowly increasing or acute headaches. In this case, the pupils can dilate both symmetrically and asymmetrically.


It may be the result of an unfortunate fall or a blow to the head, from which, of course, any child is not immune. Some signs of a concussion appear immediately, others take several hours to appear. By this time, the child may even forget where he could have been injured. Be alert and seek medical attention if the victim exhibits the following signs:

  • Constantly dilated or constricted pupils that do not respond well to changes in lighting.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Dizziness or balance problems, headache.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Nausea or vomiting.

It should be noted that although a concussion is quite common and usually goes away without any consequences, it should not be taken lightly: only a doctor can adequately assess the situation.


Dilated pupils can also signal poisoning. Henbane, belladonna, datura vulgare, poisonous mushrooms and some other “gifts of nature” can provide this effect in addition to other symptoms of poisoning.

Danger lurks not only in the wild forest. Some products from a home medicine cabinet that a child can find and eat can be no less dangerous than toadstools in the event of an overdose. Unusually dilated pupils can be a sign of poisoning with a number of drugs: analgin, antidepressants (such as Amitriptyline, Tizercin, Doxepin, Melipramine), allergy pills (Tavegil, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine), drugs containing atropine.

If a child is poisoned by any of these substances, you should immediately call an ambulance and, if possible, use simple first aid methods: induce vomiting, give activated charcoal and try to reduce the concentration of the toxin in the body by giving more water. It is recommended that a small child be placed on his side to prevent him from choking if he vomits.


As many people well know, dilated pupils are one of the typical signs of a drug addict. For example, the use of LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamine, perevintin (“vint”) enlarges the pupil. However, contrary to the myth, this symptom will not necessarily appear after using any drug. Spice, hashish and marijuana can not only dilate, but also constrict the pupils. Morphine, heroin, and codeine-containing substances constrict the pupils and make them less sensitive to changes in lighting conditions.

Therefore, if you suspect that a child is taking drugs, you should pay attention not only to the pupils, but also to a whole range of other signs.


A serious disease caused by anaerobic bacteria. Most often it is infected through the consumption of low-quality, spoiled canned food or homemade preparations. In very rare cases, under poor sanitary conditions, the pathogen can be contained in household dust and in this form it is dangerous for newborn children (up to 12 months).

Symptoms of the disease are blurred vision, enlarged pupils (usually uneven), constipation, drowsiness, poor appetite, swallowing disorders, ptosis. Botulism requires hospitalization and treatment in a hospital.

Adi syndrome (Eidi)

A neurological disorder, sometimes congenital and sometimes due to a viral or bacterial infection affecting the autonomic nervous system. Its other symptoms are impaired deep tendon reflexes and sweating.

Frey's syndrome

A very rare neuralgic disorder, one of the symptoms of which may be pupil enlargement. Distinctive signs are pain in the depths of the ear and temple, redness of the skin in the cheek area, increased sweating and salivation during an attack. The attacks themselves are provoked by some food product or external irritants.

Other reasons

Other serious causes of dilated pupils that are life-threatening in nature include brain aneurysm, skull damage, brain tumors, epilepsy, optic tract disorders, diabetes, stroke and cerebral edema. In such cases, the pupils are usually not dilated symmetrically, and other symptoms of related health problems are present.

If the cause of a child’s dilated pupils cannot be determined, the best solution would be to consult a professional ophthalmologist.

A fairly common phenomenon in children is dilated pupils. If no other alarming manifestations are detected, then there is no need to worry too much.

The child may have a genetic trait. Moreover, it is also possible that newborn children have pupils of different sizes. This phenomenon cannot be the basis for confidence in the presence of any disorder.

However, if the dilation is more than 1 mm, and the pupil does not return to its previous size, then this may be a sign of diseases, blood vessels or the brain. Dilated pupils in a child, especially if the dilation varies across the eyes, can be symptoms of infection or a brain tumor.

Everyone knows how the pupil should react when a beam of light is directed at it or when it is in pitch darkness. The reflex reaction of constriction or dilation of the pupil is an important test of proper brain function.

When the optic nerves are damaged, permanent dilated pupils are observed. In this chronic disorder, bright light causes discomfort and even pain.

In addition, the reasons that cause dilated pupils in a child may be overwork, impaired vision functions, diseases that affect the appearance of a person as a whole. Don't forget about medications. The use of a number of medications can cause pupil dilation.

Whatever the reason, you should not do any lotions or traditional medicine procedures. Moreover, there is no need to rush headlong to the pharmacy for eye drops. The best and only correct option is one that specializes in this area. An ophthalmologist will be able to figure it out and identify, among many reasons, the only source of the appearance of dilated pupils in a child. It would not be a bad idea to go for a consultation with a neurologist, since neurological abnormalities can also be the cause of dilated pupils.

Parents should pay attention to the baby's room. Wallpaper and curtains should be pastel colors. Delicate colors do not strain the eyes and have a positive effect on the child’s psyche. During the daytime, the penetration of sunlight also has a beneficial effect, the main thing is that it does not shine directly into the eyes. If, due to certain conditions, the room is dark, then lamps should be installed.

Parents should think about their behavior in the family. Family conflicts can cause fear, fright or a nervous breakdown in a child. In such a stressful state, the muscles of the iris react, which leads to dilation of the child's pupils.

The pupils dilate with a sharp surge of adrenaline. This is due to pain caused by a burn, serious cut or fracture. The cause may also be headaches, excess weight and ailments of the body as a whole.