Body number 5 meaning. Description and meaning of the number “5” in numerology

17.02.2024 Symptoms

The number 5 represents innovative solutions, deviations from generally accepted rules and unlimited freedom. People with this number are capable of giving birth to a real revolution and are never afraid to move along unexplored paths. These are individuals with a capital “P”, inventors and innovators with the talent to adapt the world to their own needs.

The mysticism hidden in the top five

The ancient Chinese were sure that male power was hidden inside her. Philosophers say that the number represents creativity and enjoyment of bodily pleasures. The ancient thinker Agrippa associated it with family happiness and prosperity, and the Romans always used this figure in marriage ceremonies. The teachings of the Cabal claim that the ideal person is the personification of the five. We have exactly this number of fingers, and the senses available to a person fit into the specified number. These include the perception of smell, the ability to see visual images, developed hearing, sense of smell and the ability to identify flavors.

As a rule, carriers of the A do not show leadership qualities. But the desire for everything new allows you to gather around you a huge number of passionate people. This figure appears in most financiers and successful businessmen. In addition, among its bearers you can find journalists and fighters for the rights of disadvantaged people.

Benefits bestowed by the Five

These include restlessness and a desire for active activity. This also includes the desire to learn new things and a passion for travel. Carriers of this number do not know fear and can show true heroism. They tend to idealize their idols and life values, and after achieving their goal, they choose a more difficult task for themselves. They are born optimists with well-developed intellectual abilities. There are many excellent storytellers and journalists among the A's. Thanks to their unusual type of thinking, they are able to cope with non-standard situations: this quality is in demand in the profession of intelligence and detective.

The dark influence of this figure

Five people do not know fear, and therefore move forward without preliminary reconnaissance and preparation. They do not always keep their word, and therefore can fail at the most crucial moment. It is quite difficult to build long-term and fruitful relationships with such people: constant mood swings and an active search for new adventures do not allow them to work in the financial sector. Carriers of the number 5 do not like to listen to advice and instructions, and therefore often make serious mistakes. Instead of listening to the opinions of other people, they actively impose their own position.

Sometimes even people far from numerology have a question, what does the number 5 mean? When we were in school, we revered the A as some kind of sacred symbol of intelligence and abilities. And if, since the days of your apprenticeship, you have fallen in love with this number, then this may mean that you are a person striving for independence and fame, who considers it necessary to do all your work perfectly, with an A plus. People associated with the number 5 are very lively and energetic in all respects, they are always trying to learn something new and have increased curiosity.

A person who can be associated with this number does not sit still, he is always striving somewhere, always on his feet, constantly on the road. It is very easy for these people to find a way out of the most difficult situation; they are able to quickly make the necessary decisions and just as quickly implement them in reality. All people associated with this number like scientific progress; they do not try to stand still in time and use outdated things, unlike a person of a conservative mindset.

Negative aspects of the number 5

Despite such wonderful qualities and character of such people who love number 5, there are several negative aspects that prevent them from fully taking advantage of all the advantages of their position.

As a rule, such citizens are very irritable and hot-tempered, they are unable to sit in one place for a long time and are very impatient. They may suddenly develop severe anxiety. They cannot resist criticizing both their loved ones and complete strangers, and they have a highly changeable character. It is for this reason that most of them experience a strong feeling of dissatisfaction.

So, what to do in this case, if not to go down an inclined path, but rather try to achieve success? How to stop blaming others for your failures and problems? They have a very useful trait, they are very eloquent, and this circumstance can stop the downward spiral and magically push a person to success. They have the talent to win people over, and their oratory is reassuring and captivating. Therefore, not using such abilities is simply a sin! After all, such a gift is not given to everyone. If you use this approach wisely, you can achieve great success in life.

This means that such people have the opportunity to become leaders, but their desire for power is so great that they are not satisfied with managing people, they want to influence their thoughts and actions.

Positive aspects of the number 5

People associated with the number five love to work, although despite their busyness, they love to have a good time. They feel great in the company of strangers; the most important thing for them is that they find it interesting and fun. They sit at home with a bottle of beer next to their old home theater, this is not their choice. They cannot stand gray everyday life, they adore everything bright and passionate, spending the weekend on the couch is not for them. At home, A's will begin to feel as if they are imprisoned, since feeling free is the most important thing for them. Lovers of this number easily accept changes in their lives and adapt to the necessary circumstances.

A person associated with the number five is able to feel alive only in public, busy places; they love people. Even from an official meeting they manage to make a bright show. This means that such citizens have a place in the circus or theater, in pedagogy or journalism, trade or business, in ballet or on stage, in sports or medicine, etc. This means that A’s will be comfortable where they are able to fully reveal themselves, so that their talent was seen and heard.

Number 5 lovers love communication, so they have no trouble with their friends, they are very charismatic and people accept their ideas. Another disadvantage for such people is that it can be very difficult for them to start a family. After all, freedom comes first for them, and family ties are like steel shackles for them. On the other hand, having such a person as a partner is sometimes very useful, because they are resourceful and cheerful, and you can hardly get bored with them. They are able to amaze and surprise, even every day. And if you can understand your partner and adapt to him, then she will become a happy symbol for you, and in the end you will have a chance to create a strong real unit of society.

Fives believe that they have the right to demand the best for themselves, not only from their loved ones, but also from the people around them, so they are often considered overly selfish. In addition, they will not hide their impressions and emotions and can express everything to their interlocutor’s face, despite the fact that these may be the people closest to them. This doesn't make them better than they are, but what can you do, that's their nature

If a lover of the number five tries to learn to take into account and respect the interests of other people, then the attitude towards him will quickly change in a favorable direction. After all, such a person is able, with the help of his oratory, to talk even to the most notorious and uptight person.

Number 5 in Chinese cosmogony

According to Chinese cosmogony, there are five natural elements in the world - Wood, Metal, Fire, Earth and Water. In addition, the Chinese consider the number 5 to be a sacred number, since there are five goals that every person strives for. These are natural death, health, longevity, virtue and wealth.

Number 5 in the Rosicrucian system

For ministers of the rose and cross, the number five represents decay, decay, death, the burden of the cross and disorder. Most likely, such a negative attitude towards the number 5 is caused by the impulsiveness inherent in it, which can often lead to death and collapse. However, in the light of the New Era, this approach is invalid. After all, it was noticed that any consistent approach can lead to a similar result, because there is a certain element of unpredictability everywhere.

Number 5 in alchemy

Alchemists consider the number 5 to be the very quintessence, which includes the maternal source of the four elements (Water, Earth, Fire, Air). It is considered a volatile component of an unknown element, which can only be seen in a state of altered consciousness. Alchemists gave the name to the fifth element, the so-called quintessence of everything - “Sun of the sun”.

Number 5 in Thelemic mythology

For Thelemites, the number 5 signifies will. Five represents the beginning of the Great Work. If the number four is considered an enemy to the human will (since it is a direct and limited number), then the next five is a symbol of the human will, which is capable of overcoming material limitations.

Probably, almost everyone in their life has at least once heard that numbers can not only rule the world, but also change human life. However, few people thought about how serious this is, because, it would seem, it’s just a number. Thanks to the scientist Pythagoras, the world became aware of such a science as numerology. Today, numerology is very popular among more people. And this is not surprising, because according to it, each number has its own sacred meaning.

Number 5 and its psychology

The meaning of the number 5 in numerology is not only mysterious, but also largely contradictory. This number consists of two opposites, namely:

  • ​the number three, which is a symbol of three times unity;
  • the number two, symbolizing duplicity and division.

In general, the number five is a symbol of faith, love and long life. The main secret of the number 5 is directly related to the magical world, since according to the layouts it corresponds to two pentagrams:

  1. Straight type with a five-pointed star at its top pointing upward. This pentagram is a symbol of the great Spirit. Its essence is that even an ideal person can have his shortcomings.
  2. A reverse type pentagram - the top of such a pentagram is placed downwards and is a symbol of great evil. The center in the reverse pentagram has a pentagonal figure directed upward, which means that even the worst person has a piece of warmth and goodness in his heart.

The meaning of numbers in numerology

What does the number 5 mean in numerology is a question that many scientists have been trying to answer for a long time. By turning to philosophers and religious scholars, you can learn that the five are capable of occupying leading positions in the definition of human essence. In general, this number is quite complex in numerology., because it speaks of victory the hard way. Thus, to achieve success, everyone needs to go through many steps.

In addition, the number five is a component of the number 32, since it is its root, which is obtained as a result of theosophical addition. It is also a symbol of the individuality of Divine origin and the Perfect man.

This figure symbolizes not only the human body, but is also a symbol of all the physical properties inherent in it. It can represent the desire to achieve new heights. To achieve a certain level in life, every person has five necessary senses, namely:

  • sense of smell;
  • touch in all its manifestations;
  • vision;
  • sense of taste;
  • hearing.

The main colors of this number can be considered all existing variations of red: raspberry shades, cherry and pink. That is, we can safely say that the main colors are the colors that are ready to push a person to take active actions.

Besides, every digit, including the five, has the influence of a certain planet. For number 5, the key planet is Jupiter. Therefore, for everyone who is under the protection of Jupiter, it is recommended to give preference to clothes with a predominance of red and its shades.

Numerologists say that the five is the opposite of its neighbor the four, since it is quite straightforward. Five is capable of having a fairly strong influence on a person’s life and his character, because it has quite strong energy.

According to the research of scientists in the field of ancient numerology, the number 5 symbolizes human life. It's all about the numbers. introverted in character and has strong power over everything that surrounds her.

Five, like many other numbers, has both positive and negative sides.

The positive aspects of this number include the following: high level of curiosity, interest, high energy and activity. People under the auspices of the number five are unique and quite freedom-loving natures; in addition, they have independent views on any situation. Men and women not only have strong thinking, but also a high level of management abilities.

The negative aspects of this number can be safely said that people under its protection are characterized by excessive impulsiveness and impatience, and are quite often restless and nervous. Being in this state, they can not only criticize others, but also influence their own destiny.

In general, five is a favorable number; people only need to strive as much as possible for internal harmony and balance.

Influence on a person's character

As mentioned above, this number is one of the most powerful numbers and can influence a person’s character and life in different ways. People under his protection not only have a strong influence on the world around them, but can also connect a person’s life. As a result, such people have enormous respect and authority. . It is also worth noting the fact that A+ people are often able to trust their life experience rather than magic or intuition.

Such representatives pave their own path in life only on their own, while they do not pay any attention to other people’s achievements or failures. Such people connect their lives with constant movement; staying in one place or at one job for a long time is not for them. Quite often you come across information where you can find out that people with A grades combine several types of activities in their lives. Moreover, they will be completely opposite.

A person born under the auspices of this number is capable of not only having a pronounced individuality, but can also be successful in any field of activity.

5 as birth number

It is common for a person born under this number to rely only on his own experience, which he happily shares with others if necessary. This figure makes everyone look something new that allows them to achieve many heights and successes. Even people in adulthood can quite easily change their favorite job and profession. If there is a five in the date of birth, difficulties of any nature are not terrible. What family life will be like will also largely depend on the A. Basically, this number speaks of a successful life that will pleasantly surprise you every day.

Children under this number require special attention, since even from birth they show their complex character and secrecy. Such a child can surprise not only with his amazing knowledge, but also ask extraordinary questions, so parents need to be prepared for anything.

Those born under this auspices always value friendship highly. and simple human relationships, so you can safely make such friends: they will accompany you throughout your life.

Attention, TODAY only!

All numbers have their own meaning and influence our lives and destiny. This is what the esoteric science of numerology believes - a philosophical concept created by Pythagoras in ancient Greece and gained recognition among a large number of people. According to her, numbers and numbers are directly related to what happens in our lives. And knowing their sacred meaning, you can correct your destiny, avoid difficulties and solve important problems. Numerology is not an official science, but it still occupies an important place in our world among esotericists, magicians, philosophers, and astrologers.

It is believed that numbers have their own energy, vibration, with which they influence people and the events that happen to them. By the numbers of your birth date you can find out what fate awaits you, what events are predetermined for you and how you can influence them.

Five in numerology determines the essence of a person, as it symbolizes his body and its inherent properties. Openness to space, a craving for everything new and unknown are the distinctive features of this figure.

It symbolizes the 5 human senses:

  • vision,
  • hearing,
  • smell,
  • touch
  • taste.

It is with their help that the process of cognition and learning is carried out. Five is:

  • spiritual development;
  • movement;
  • progress;
  • personal growth.

With all this, people with 5 are introverts - they live inside themselves, and not outside, their inner world interests them more than what happens outside.

Five people have enormous versatility, high levels of energy and charisma, which attracts people so much. Their life is full of bright events and adventures. If they do not deviate from their plans, then they succeed in everything they undertake.

The patron of this figure is the royal planet Mercury, which bestows strength and power on its wards. It is also called the “planet of great happiness.” The five also symbolizes the five natural elements: fire, water, wood, earth, metal, which is why the capabilities of these people are so diverse.

The more fives a person has in his code, the greater the number of properties characteristic of this number. If there are more than three of them, then such a person may have psychic abilities; his level of awareness is much higher than that of any other. Such people often have secret knowledge and special skills. Among such geniuses are soothsayers and clairvoyants. But often they don’t even realize it and don’t develop their gift. But if they decided to engage in healing, treating people, predicting, then they would do great.

Positive qualities of an A

These are people called to teach, to pass on knowledge; they make excellent teachers, artists, and journalists. They strive for ideals in their affairs and are prone to perfectionism. Their determination and analytical mind allow them to be successful in all areas of life.

  • kind by nature;
  • love to help and give advice;
  • dream of being useful to humanity;
  • Serving people is in their blood.

More than anything else in the world, people who have an A in their matrix code love freedom, therefore they strive to occupy high official positions and travel a lot.

Improvement is one of the main goals in the life of a five. Therefore, 5 are rich in different talents, they are versatile personalities whom people are ready to follow. Creation, creation, giving - this is their credo. They are never bored even when alone, because they are constantly learning something new and interesting.

Consistency is one of the positive traits of these people. If they have something in mind, they will definitely follow through with it; this is fundamentally important for them.

Negative aspects of the number 5

To be afraid of responsibility and the limits that society sets. They are self-willed and do not tolerate teaching, which is why they are often irritable and nervous. Pressure from outside leads to the fact that their interest quickly fades. In an effort to accomplish as much as possible, they show impulsiveness, excessive activity and impetuosity. He suffers if he remains idle, becomes angry and irritable.

They have high self-esteem, selfishness, and deep introverts, which is why it is extremely difficult for them to build relationships with others. They consider themselves unique individuals and sincerely believe in it. Someone else’s opinion is an empty phrase for them, if it does not coincide with theirs, they consider themselves better and smarter than others. This is partly true, but who will like it? It is absolutely impossible to impose something on the five against its will; the matter will most likely end in conflict. He does not tolerate outside interference in his personal life, and can become aggressive in defending his boundaries.

They have difficulty communicating, so they are very closed in on themselves. If you are friends with a 5, know that you are a special person to them, as they choose their surroundings very carefully and do not open up to everyone.

Meaning of 5 in life

Five means success. If you are planning any important event or event, calculate the date according to the principles of numerology so that the result is 5. Then your planned plan will go off without a hitch.



What is the psychology of number 5

The number 5 is mysterious and contradictory. After all, it consists of opposites: 3 is a symbol of trinity, and 2 is a symbol of division, two-facedness (from which, as the Pythagoreans believed, all the troubles came: they simply hated this number, which instilled so much discontent in human souls and separated people).

The number 5 symbolizes the Spirit of Eternal Life, Universal Love and at the same time earthly life and earthly love. It is five that symbolizes the spiritual mind, which in Sanskrit is called Manas.

Psychology of the number 5. The number 5 has many meanings. One of the secrets of the number 5, for example, is associated with magic. Both divine and satanic. Everything in the manifested world has two faces. All! The decompositions 3 + 2 and 2 + 3 correspond to two pentagrams (direct and reverse).

God gave man (and animals) 5 fingers and 5 toes. Why? What did he mean by this?

Another example of (obtaining) pentarity: there are three types of statements, but narrative and incentive can also have an exclamatory mode! The resulting scheme is: 3 + 2 = 5.

Thus, all of this (which is more than 3) would seem to be entities derived from God (after all, God himself is trinity). But on the other hand, God, too, was first 1, then became 2, and only after that - 3. It turns out that 5, and 7, and 11, etc. are also indications of certain properties of God. Which we do not yet see in God. But we see in the world, and therefore in God. Because the world is God. But for now we are turned to the inert side of God. On which we already see all this. All his clues are about the truth.

It is as if life is just being born in plants. Here is the scheme: 2 - 3.

Entities attract symbols. Symbols attract entities.

Conclusion: manipulation of symbols (in this world) influences events. This is magic. And it can be done. But in the name of God. For the glory of God. To his will.

The right leg is natural female sexuality. The left leg is female homosexuality. The right hand is natural male sexuality. Left hand - male homosexuality. Finally, the head is bisexuality (sexual self-sufficiency and lack of self-sufficiency).

Isn’t God showing us his pentarity in this way? But this is already a kind of imbalance, disharmony, and has a mortal beginning. Therefore, it seems that the fivefold nature of God is the face of Satan.

A characteristic feature is the canonization of the number five, which has become the standard for describing the most important characteristics of the macro- and microcosm (cf. the multiplicity of division of the world, the number of elements, classes of animals, sense organs, internal organs, passions, musical notes, “basic” numbers, etc. .; cf. pentads in Buddhism and the Upanishads, 5 elements, aspects of existence, lights, faces of Shiva, etc., in Manichaeism and some other traditions). The prominence of the fifth place in space is associated with the special position of the center in which the Middle Kingdom (“Zhong-guo”) is located. The second feature associated with the doctrine of elements is the establishment of a symbolic correlation between the main 5 elements and members of other leading semantic spheres (cf. also the series: tree - spring - east - sour - goat (smell) - tiger - hare - etc. P.). Such classification series are, in fact, a semblance of a network of relationships, a kind of code for describing the world and the basis of the so-called “coordinating” or “associative” thinking, characteristic of a number of cultures.

The straight pentagram symbolizes the Spirit (the top of the five-pointed star) and its dominion over the four elements. This is the designation of “Spiritual Man”, “Perfect Man”. The ancient Jews called this symbol the “Star of Solomon.” Inside the straight pentagram there is a pentagon pointing downward. He reminds that even a perfect person has flaws, and there is a need for self-improvement.

The symbol of Evil, Satan, the Mad and Spiritless Man is a reverse pentagram, with its top pointing down. Its two corners, facing upward, symbolize the constant war of evil with good, the antagonism that dominates the Divine Spirit and common sense (the top is turned down). But here, in the center of this satanic star, there is a pentagon with its apex up. He says that even in the most evil, insane and soulless person, in Satan himself, there is Good and the Spark of God. Therefore, we should not strive to defeat Darkness and Evil, but we should try to reveal the sources of Light and Good in people.

1914 (= 6) - First World War. The best representatives of the state are dying. In 1932 (= 6), the special forces of the NKVD began repressions against healers,*" sorcerers, and magicians. It was this year that the first pentagram was installed on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. The five-pointed star is the working symbol of the 5th magical lasso (therefore, the pentagram is necessarily present in the army symbols of all countries).

The number 5 symbolizes taking risks, reaching its final outcome through journey and experience. Lack of Stability, on the one hand, can lead to uncertainty, but, on the other hand, this number is both the happiest and the most unpredictable, because it symbolizes constant search and self-improvement.

The Five is charming with lively spontaneity, inventive, does not respect authority, is tactless, loves freedom and independence and manages to escape the pressure of the imperative in the most unexpected way. Everyone is interested in her, but where she is bored, she does not linger. Despite all this, he does not have much strength and needs support.

A number five person is an adventurer who believes that everything in life needs to be tried at least once. His sphere of interests is the whole world, and he is ready to go even to the ends of the earth to learn, experience, feel, and see something new and exciting. Boredom is unknown to the Five, because she has so many interests and abilities that you can always find some interesting activity for yourself. Her versatility allows her to feel great in any company, and her diversity of life experiences very quickly places the Five in the center of everyone's attention. The problem of the Five can be excessive changeability and superficiality - those around them often simply do not have time to react to the change in her plans and intentions. However, the charm inherent in this number helps overcome misunderstandings. The main thing is not to lose yourself, not to waste your potential and still achieve something. There is a big temptation here - to simply sort through the possibilities and enjoy freedom and abundance.

Vibrations of the number 5


Love of freedom, change, diversity, mobility, instability, adaptation, progress, communication, contact, independence, curiosity, versatility, rationality, fun; energy, activity, changeability, desire for variety, love of adventure, travel and innovation; quick-witted, resourceful, sensitive, has numerous interests and abilities in many areas.


Slowness, unreliability, irresponsibility, contradiction, carelessness, bad manners.


Passion, whims, promiscuity, intemperance in alcohol and drugs.

Interestingly, if you cut an ordinary apple in half, you can see five closed scales in which the seeds are hidden. One of the scales will be longer than the others. And when apples hang on an apple tree, all the long scales are oriented in one direction.