Constipation in children. What to do if your child is constipated? A 4-year-old child has frequent constipation

25.10.2023 Psychology

Constipation is a common problem in children of any age. But most often it is diagnosed at the age of 4-5 years and has its own distinctive features. They are associated with differences in the diet and daily routine of preschoolers and, for example, babies under one year old. We'll talk about the features.

There are organic and functional constipation. Organic constipation arise due to congenital anomalies or acquired diseases, leading to the closure or narrowing of the lumen in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Congenital malformations (Hirschsprung's disease, atresia, narrowing at various levels, dolichosigma, etc.) are usually detected at an early age (ideally within a few days from birth), so they are not relevant in children 4-5 years old. But acquired diseases, although rare, are diagnosed. These include adhesions, scars, tumors, polyps, etc.

Reasons functional constipation are:

  • improper organization of the child’s nutrition, when the meal schedule is not followed, the diet lacks plant fiber, vitamins and minerals, fermented milk products and fatty and protein foods predominate. Often a child eats dry food: sandwiches, cookies, crackers, nuts, etc.;
  • insufficient drinking, which causes fluid deficiency. Another option: the child drinks a lot, but mostly soda, juices, lemonades, tea, and not water;
  • diseases of the digestive tract, characterized by a lack of enzymes, as a result of which food is not processed normally;
  • dysbiosis that disrupts the digestive process. In addition, prolonged dysbacteriosis causes dyspeptic disorders: bloating, weak peristalsis, putrefactive processes, etc.;
  • deficiency conditions (rickets, anemia, hypovitaminosis) cause weak peristalsis, decreased tone of the intestinal wall in the child, resulting in constipation;
  • helminthiasis also disrupts the normal functioning of the intestines;
  • diseases of the nervous system, thyroid gland, food allergies;
  • treatment with drugs: probiotics, enzymes, sorbents and other drugs that fix the stool;
  • Frequent and unnecessary enemas and suppositories lead to the body becoming accustomed to external stimulation. Without enemas, the intestines will no longer be able to remove feces on their own.

Psychological causes of constipation

In children over 2-3 years of age, psychological constipation is classified as a special group. The baby perceives any stress: starting to attend kindergarten, family conflicts (criticism of parents, especially the mother, towards the child, misunderstanding between parents and child, quarrels and simply arguments between parents, etc.).

This affects the functioning of the nerves, slowing it down. And the process of bowel movement in babies after a year is regulated precisely by the nervous system: the rectum fills and stretches, the receptors are irritated, the impulse from which goes to the central nervous system. This way the child learns that it’s time to go big.

This type of constipation occurs more often in boys. This condition is explained by a stricter upbringing: the boy is caressed and pampered less, but is punished more often.

And some children, for example, are afraid to empty their bowels in an unfamiliar environment: in kindergarten, at a party, or in another strange place. Prolonged restraint of bowel movements “looses” the mechanism, constipation becomes chronic.

The problem can also be caused by character traits. Let's say the baby is slow by nature. Slowness and unhurriedness is expressed in everything: in movements, conversation, metabolism and intestinal function. Lack of understanding of the child’s psychology by parents and constant criticism only make the situation worse.

Another psychological factor: fear of pain. Once having experienced pain during defecation, the baby is already afraid to sit on the potty (toilet), even if subsequently the consistency of the stool becomes normal and should not cause any discomfort.

Symptoms and consequences of constipation

The main symptom of constipation is the absence of stool. Children under 6 months of age empty their intestines after each meal, and when complementary feeding begins, they begin to do this less frequently. Starting from a year, the stool becomes formed, but soft. The frequency of bowel movements varies from 2 times per day to 1 time in 2-3 days.

Another sign of constipation: the baby’s behavior. If he behaves as usual, is active, cheerful, despite the absence of stool for 3 days, and the process of defecation itself is painless and without discomfort, then there is no need to worry. But if you complain of abdominal pain, severe pain in the anus, or bloody discharge during bowel movements, you need to sound the alarm.

The consequences of long-term ignored and untreated constipation are:

  • intoxication with decay products, manifested by weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite and other symptoms;
  • deficiency of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other substances that cannot be absorbed in sufficient quantities - manifested by symptoms of anemia, hypovitaminosis, decreased immunity;
  • too much distension of the intestines with feces is the cause of poor circulation of the intestinal wall, pain, and inflammation;
  • violation of the microflora composition - leads to increased dyspeptic symptoms and decreased immunity in the child;
  • pain and bleeding during defecation, cracks that form as a result lead to neurological problems.

Helping a baby with constipation

Symptoms inherent in constipation are a reason to seek the advice of a specialist: pediatrician, gastroenterologist. The doctor will find out the cause and prescribe treatment aimed at eliminating it. But there are several important rules:

  • First of all, parents need to adjust their diet and ensure sufficient drinking: they need to drink raw water (or special water for children), without gas. A child with constipation (and not only) requires fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, rich in plant fiber. Fermented milk products and vegetable oils are useful. Not allowed: fatty soups, baked goods, pasta, rice porridge, whole milk, caffeine-containing products, jelly, etc.
  • An important aspect in treatment is adherence to a daily routine. In other words, eating and going to the toilet should occur at the same time every day.
  • Physical activity, which promotes intestinal motility, is of great importance. It is necessary to teach the child to do exercises in the morning, to introduce him to sports (any kind).
  • For psychological constipation, you need to consult a psychologist. It is also important to establish emotional contact with the baby. Under no circumstances should you scold him, even if, for example, he did not have time to get to the potty. Punishment will only make it worse, and the child will begin to fear bowel movements even more. On the contrary, you should provide him with comfortable conditions psychologically (encouragement, emotional intimacy, understanding) and physical (a comfortable and cool potty or toilet seat).

Using medications to relieve constipation

Of the drugs used for constipation, the safest and therefore indicated in childhood are syrups containing lactulose and suppositories with glycerin. You should consult your doctor regarding dosage. Suppositories cannot be used continuously - these are emergency medications.

Doctors also do not recommend doing an enema at home: without knowing the anatomy, you can easily damage the intestinal wall, which can cause severe bleeding. If an enema is necessary, it is better to contact a specialist.

Laxatives (suppositories, drugs taken orally), although not contraindicated, are not recommended in early childhood. Constipation cannot be treated for a long time even if prescribed by a doctor.

The use of folk remedies

Folk remedies are considered safe, but their use is limited in childhood. The reason for this is the impossibility of precise dosage and the risk of allergic reactions. And the taste of many drugs is not entirely pleasant, and few people will agree to take them.

The most acceptable folk remedies are: raisins, prunes and dried apricots. It is allowed to give it in its pure form, brew tea, and make decoctions. Dried apples and cherries have laxative properties.

P.S. Getting rid of constipation in children is a long process. Sometimes it takes years to normalize your diet, daily routine, and at the same time your bowel movements. Therefore, parents should not delay visiting a doctor if they discover a similar problem in their child. The sooner treatment begins, the faster the results will appear!

Constipation in a 4-year-old child is a typical occurrence for children of this age. Improper bowel function and poor diet lead to constant bowel problems.

Up to one year old, babies receive all the necessary substances and immunoglobulins from mother's breast milk, which makes it resistant to adverse environmental factors and increases the body's protective properties. Then the problems begin. The older the baby is, the more questions there are in his nutrition. The normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract depends on proper food.

Common causes of constipation in children aged 4 years include:

  1. Small children do not like to drink water. The liquid thins the stool and replenishes internal water reserves.
  2. Intake of foods containing heavy fats, complex carbohydrates, low in fiber. Dry food is a problem for modern children.
  3. Many medications have side effects such as difficulty defecating. It is recommended to give them to the child after consulting a doctor.
  4. Intestinal obstruction and inflammatory diseases of the pancreas are common causes of the disease.
  5. Worm infestation may be accompanied by constipation.
  6. Problems with the thyroid gland.
  7. Psychological problems at home or in the garden.

Overview of home treatment methods

Constant constipation is a dangerous symptom for children and adults. Feces accumulate in the intestines, which harden and irritate the mucous membranes. Pain appears during defecation, and a fissure in the anal area may form. The child begins to resist going to the toilet due to unpleasant sensations. Mental and nervous disorders develop that need to be treated.

Mothers can try to cope with the problem at home so as not to injure the child. Treatment of constipation in children 4 years of age requires complex therapy, which includes normalization of nutrition, laxatives and enemas.


The pharmacy provides a huge number of drugs. They are divided into three pharmacological groups:

  1. Irritating the intestinal mucosa, stimulating intestinal peristalsis.
  2. Osmotic laxatives cause fluid to accumulate inside the intestines and soften the stool. Hardened masses become soft and are easily removed from the body.
  3. Medicines based on probiotics. Such medications have a laxative effect and normalize intestinal microflora.

Effective drugs for children include:

  • Guttasil is a laxative medication that, when it enters the intestines, is immediately activated and begins to work on the nerve endings of the mucous membrane. Intestinal motility turns on and peristalsis increases. When taking a laxative, tenesmus or pain does not occur during bowel movements. Before using the medicine, it is recommended to understand the cause. If the symptom is caused by intestinal failure, it should not be used so as not to further intensify the pathological process. Guttasil is prescribed to children from four years old, 10 drops per day;
  • Glycelax - glycerin suppositories. They irritate the intestinal villi, which are responsible for peristaltic contractions. The suppository is mixed with stool and liquefies it. Additionally, the medicine lubricates the sphincter, making defecation painless. Children can go to the toilet in half an hour. The drug should be used with caution in the presence of diabetes mellitus. Glycelax is involved in gluconeogenesis and increases sugar levels. Pediatricians prescribe 1 suppository per day.
  • Senade is a herbal laxative that promotes rapid removal of stool. The hay passes through the stomach unchanged. In the intestines, the drug is broken down into substances that enhance peristalsis. Senna is a cheap folk medicine that has treated all generations of people. The effect is observed after 30 minutes;
  • Carlsbad salt is a strong osmotic drug that helps relieve constipation for a long time. The medicine replenishes the children's body with minerals and electrolytes. It prevents dehydration and intoxication with harmful substances. There are only positive reviews about the effect of the medicine. It is not recommended to be treated constantly with one remedy; it is better to alternate;
  • Norgalax softens stool and promotes its movement through the colon. Available in gel form. The laxative effect is observed after 10-15 minutes;
  • Sodium sulfate is a cheap osmotic agent. The drug attracts additional fluid into the intestines and increases acidity, helping to soften stool. Apply once a day;
  • Microlac is produced in the form of a one-time enema, which contains 5 ml of the drug. Refers to fast-acting laxatives. Treatment is aimed at relieving constipation hygienically and without discomfort. The tip is inserted halfway, the contents are injected and after 10 minutes defecation occurs;
  • Castor oil is an irritant laxative. Acts on the nerve endings of the inner lining of the intestine, stimulates peristaltic movements.


If a 4-year-old child has constipation that constantly bothers him, you need to pay attention to his diet. Modern children and adults love to eat unhealthy store-bought foods. They do not provide any beneficial substances and only contribute to digestive problems and obesity. A diet for constipation should contain:

  1. Fresh vegetables, fruits, dried fruits. They help to enhance peristalsis, normalize intestinal microflora, and increase the protective properties of the body. Apples, plums, apricots, beets, cucumbers should always be on the table. Teach your kids from childhood to fortified, easily digestible foods.
  2. With homemade fermented milk products, the baby will never know about the existence of constipation. Milk, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk strengthen the skeletal system, increase the performance of the colon and the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
  3. Vegetable oil and fish oil envelop food and promote better movement through the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Homemade jam, jam, honey are universal cures for constipation.
  5. Rhubarb and aloe have an irritating effect on the intestinal mucosa.
  6. Compotes from dried fruits, freshly squeezed fruit juices will cure all unpleasant phenomena.
  7. Buckwheat porridge will help cope with the problem.
  8. It is forbidden to feed a child with constipation fatty broths, rice/semolina porridges, pasta, sweets, pastries, and fresh bread. They take a long time to digest and reduce peristalsis.


They are a classic treatment option for constipation. We must not forget that they are administered to children in smaller volumes than to adults. In pediatrics, different types of cleansing procedures are used:

  • Therapeutic enemas are used for inflammatory bowel diseases. They may contain antibiotics, antiseptics, and homeopathic medicines. The composition is determined by the doctor, manipulations are carried out according to strict indications;
  • cleansing enemas are used at home and in the hospital to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. They are asked to conduct instrumental studies of diseases of the colon (colonoscopy, irrigography). For infants, the procedure is performed lying on their back, and for four-year-olds - on their side with their knees bent. Take boiled, warm water (cold water is not allowed, so as not to cause a spasm). The volume of the pear ranges from 100 to 150 ml;
  • oil ones are used at any age. Practiced as a treatment for bleeding and inflammatory bowel disease. With their help, provoking factors are determined that slow down intestinal motility. Before the procedure, the anus is lubricated with Vaseline oil, and vegetable oil is poured into the enema (temperature - 38). The volume is similar to liquid. It is better to carry out the manipulation at night, and get the effect after 8 hours.

What to do if constipation keeps recurring

Frequently recurring constipation requires consultation with a pediatrician. Significant symptoms include:

  1. The child does not go to the toilet for three or more days. The situation can only be resolved by an enema or laxatives. The problem keeps recurring. The inability to go to the restroom leads to changes in the structure of the intestines, the formation of megacolon. Constant constipation may indicate a congenital pathology that requires diagnosis and treatment.
  2. The baby becomes lethargic, irritable, and lies flat.
  3. Delays in physical and mental development.
  4. The appearance of an allergic rash.

Prevention and possible complications

Basic measures to prevent constipation:

  • proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins and fiber;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • physical activity (games, gymnastics);
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • regular light abdominal massage increases peristalsis and prevents stagnation of feces in the intestines;
  • Persistent constipation requires consultation with a doctor, diagnosis, and treatment.

Complications of constipation include:

  1. Secondary colitis.
  2. Intussusception, intestinal obstruction.
  3. Long-term constipation leads to the reflux of intestinal contents into the esophagus, the formation of reflux - esophagitis.
  4. Inflammation of the lower parts of the colon.
  5. Acquired megacolon.

Young children, due to the poor environmental situation and unhealthy food products, are increasingly exposed to various diseases. Constipation is a typical symptom for the younger generation.

Constipation in a four-year-old child and a five-year-old child is of an organic and functional nature. Organic causes are associated with the presence of congenital pathologies of the structure of the gastrointestinal tract and acquired diseases.

Congenital anomalies:

  • Hirschsprung's disease;
  • dolichosigma;
  • narrowing of various parts of the intestine;
  • atresia.

Acquired pathological processes include tumors, polyps, and scars.

Constipation in a child - functional reasons:

  • non-compliance with diet;
  • fiber deficiency and vitamin deficiency;
  • insufficient water intake;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • the presence of worms in the body;
  • sensitization to food allergens;
  • conditions that reduce intestinal motility - anemia, hypovitaminosis;
  • central nervous system diseases;
  • taking medications.

Constipation in a 4-year-old child also appears due to frequent use of laxatives and the use of cleansing enemas. External stimulation leads to the fact that the intestines cannot independently digest food and remove waste from the body.

Constipation in children aged 4 and 5.5 years appears due to psychological factors. Little patients feel embarrassed and uncomfortable when going to the toilet in unfamiliar places, in kindergarten.

Many babies wait until they go home, during which time the stool accumulates and becomes hard and dense. Difficulty defecation develops as a result of any stress in young children.

Symptoms and consequences

Constipation in children 4 years of age is manifested by the absence of stool. For this age, the frequency of defecation is typical: from 1 time within two days, maximum 3, and up to 2 times a day.

If stool does not appear within three days, this indicates the occurrence of difficult bowel movements.

Additional signs of constipation in a child aged 4 and 5 years:

  • behavior - if constipation causes severe discomfort in the child, pain in the abdomen, in the anus during defecation, the child is capricious, complains of pain, is nervous;
  • blood impurities in the stool - hard feces damage the anus, resulting in cracks and blood in the stool;
  • lack of appetite.

If constipation treatment is not started in time, constipation can be dangerous to the patient’s health.

Consequences of long-term constipation:

  • intoxication of the body with waste products;
  • deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients;
  • distended intestines, which causes disturbances in blood flow in the walls of the organ;
  • increased dyspeptic symptoms as a result of disturbances in the composition of the intestinal microflora;
  • cracks and bleeding during bowel movements;
  • neurological disorders resulting from severe pain.


If a 5-year-old child has constipation, what to do is the answer to the question that worries many parents. In order to know how to treat constipation, you need to consult a pediatrician and gastroenterologist. When examining a small patient, the doctor will find out the cause of constipation and prescribe adequate treatment.

If your baby experiences constipation for 1-2 days, use home methods to treat it. First of all, the child’s diet is corrected - the menu includes fresh vegetables and fruits, bran, grains and foods high in fiber.

Prunes, dried apricots, nuts, bananas are given as laxative products, and sea buckthorn oil is used.

The drinking regime is of particular importance; ordinary water dilutes stool and activates the work of all organs, including the intestines. It is necessary to ensure that the little patient has constant access to clean water.

You should not let your baby drink coffee, carbonated drinks, jelly and whole milk.

Treatment for constipation in a four-year-old child includes exercise. Exercising in the morning and any physical activity improves blood circulation, as a result of which metabolism accelerates.

For psychological reasons, treatment for constipation in a 5-year-old child includes consultation with a psychologist. You cannot scold your child for not being able to go to the toilet.

For severe and prolonged constipation, you can give your child a laxative. Young patients are prescribed medications containing lactulose; the most popular drug from this group is Duphalac. To treat constipation, medications with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are used - Linex and Hilak Forte. To eliminate constipation, glycerin rectal suppositories or suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are used.

Note! Before using medications, consult a doctor. The doctor will select the appropriate medication and the correct dosage.

To eliminate constipation in the patient, parents do abdominal massage and cleansing enemas. Constipation is treated with infusion of senna leaves, plum decoction, and freshly squeezed beet and carrot juices.

Intestinal problems in young children and preschoolers are not uncommon. Even if a child is bothered by his stomach, he cannot always complain to his mother. It is important for parents to notice in time if the baby has not had a bowel movement for a long time or if going “big” causes him pain, and try to help him get rid of constipation.

Constipation is a consequence of slow transport of stool through the intestines. There are many causes for this condition, and it can occur at any age. In children, this is the most common disease of the digestive tract, although many parents do not attach much importance to this problem and do not consider it necessary to show the child to a doctor. Moreover, not all mothers know what frequency of trips to the potty is normal for a child of a given age, and do not particularly pay attention to the nature of the child’s stool.

From the age of one and a half years and older, the child poops 1-2 times a day, and his stool is no longer mushy, but formed. If you are prone to constipation, the intervals between bowel movements become longer, and the act of bowel movement itself can be difficult. Constipation is also considered to be bowel movement with normal frequency if it is accompanied by pain and hardened stool.

Parents should pay attention to the following “bells” signaling a violation of intestinal function in a child:

The systematic appearance of such symptoms should be a reason to contact a pediatrician. The duration of signs of constipation for more than 3 months already indicates a chronic course of the disease.

Why do children get constipated?

If the causes of bowel retention are not identified and eliminated, constipation can become chronic, and then it will not be easy to get rid of them. Many adults suffer from constipation for years, which begins in childhood. It is pointless to achieve regular bowel movements using enemas and laxatives if you do not get rid of the factors that provoke the disease.

Organic constipation

Among the causes leading to constipation in children, organic ones are considered unlikely. In this case, defecation disorders - a consequence of intestinal abnormalities, congenital or acquired. Congenital pathologies, such as elongation of the sigmoid colon and lack of innervation of the large intestine, are usually detected and treated by the age of 2-3 years, since they manifest themselves acutely and almost from the first days of a child’s life.

Organic constipation in a preschooler should be ruled out if the lack of independent bowel movements occurs in the context of a normal diet and lifestyle and is accompanied by symptoms of indigestion. Bloating, gurgling, and abdominal pain can be caused by the accumulation of feces and gases in the intestines due to an obstruction formed in it. It can be tumors, polyps, adhesions leading to acute or chronic obstruction. Treatment in this situation is usually surgical.

In most cases, intestinal problems in children are functional and psychological nature.

Functional constipation

Functional constipation can be a consequence of:

  • poor nutrition of a child for a long time, with a predominance of protein and fatty foods in his diet and a lack of plant fiber;
  • chronic fluid deficiency in violation of the drinking regime, when the child drinks little or gets moisture exclusively from the “wrong” drinks (not water, but juices, tea, lemonades, etc.);
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora, which develops against the background of antibacterial therapy and nutritional disorders and leads to putrefactive processes and weak peristalsis;
  • food allergies, as a result of which the released histamines damage the intestinal walls;
  • enzyme deficiency, when due to congenital pathologies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this or that food is poorly processed in the intestines;
  • helminthiases, in which helminthic infestations disrupt intestinal function;
  • rickets, which is accompanied by decreased tone of muscle tissue, including those located in the intestinal walls;
  • iron deficiency in the body, due to which oxygen starvation of the intestinal muscles develops;
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland, the clinical manifestation of which is constipation;
  • violations of the emptying reflex due to damage to the nervous system;
  • abuse of drugs that affect the digestive tract (enzymes, probiotics, fixatives, antacids);
  • frequent use of laxatives and enemas, which leads to the disappearance of the urge and the intestines getting used to external stimulation, losing their ability to independently get rid of feces.

These factors lead to disruption of intestinal motor function: they reduce peristalsis, wall tone, and damage the mucous membrane. As a result, the movement of digestive waste slows down and a “congestion” forms.

Psychological constipation in children

Constipation due to psychological reasons is also functional in nature, but is classified as a separate group due to the difference in approaches to treatment.

The urge to “big” occurs after feces, thanks to intestinal motility, reach its lower sections and irritate the nerve receptors located there. Unlike babies under one year old, in older children the process of defecation occurs consciously and is under the control of the central nervous system. But if a child is in uncomfortable conditions, he can hold back the urge for a long time, preferring to be patient than to go to the toilet in an unusual place. Suppression of the reflex to defecate leads to the accumulation of feces, its compaction, which at the time of defecation results in pain and injury to the anus.

Such problems often arise in children during the period of getting used to kindergarten, when they find themselves in an unfamiliar place (in a hospital, at a party) and in other situations. Constipation may accompany potty training in 2-3 year olds. Conscious restraint of defecation and prolonged ignoring of the urge sooner or later leads to the “losing” of the bowel movement mechanism itself, and constipation becomes chronic. A child may be afraid to poop even under normal conditions, since he reflexively expects pain.

Transient constipation

Each child can experience a “one-time” constipation when he ate something constipating, fell ill with a fever and signs of dehydration, or overheated outside in the heat. In this case, stool compaction is associated with errors in nutrition and temporary fluid deficiency in the body, the correction of which in itself leads to the restoration of normal consistency and frequency of stool. In such a situation, there is no need to take radical measures to eliminate constipation; it is enough to establish the “correct” diet and drinking regimen.

Why is it necessary to treat constipation in a child?

Constipation in a child means more than just difficulty going to the toilet. Systematic untimely bowel movements can have a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole. Chronic constipation to varying degrees can cause the following consequences:

  1. Impaired digestion of food due to constipation leads to poor absorption of nutrients, vitamins, microelements, which threatens the development of anemia, weakness, and decreased immunity.
  2. At the same time, decay products from accumulated feces are absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls and poison the body. Signs of intoxication can manifest themselves in lethargy, drowsiness, decreased activity, loss of appetite, etc.
  3. Stagnation in the intestines introduces disharmony into the balance of beneficial and pathogenic microflora, which cannot but affect body's resistance to diseases and on the process of digestion.
  4. Feces stretch the intestinal walls, further aggravating constipation and causing inflammation of the mucous membrane, cramping pain, increased gas formation, impaired local circulation.
  5. Persistent constipation leads to rectal cracks, bleeding from the anus, and pain. The child is afraid to go to the toilet, he has neurological problems develop.

How to help a child with constipation?

If all attempts to poop end in vain, the parents’ task is to alleviate the child’s condition and help him cope with constipation. Although many laxatives are allowed for preschoolers, parents need to make an effort do not resort to them without a doctor’s prescription.

As first aid for a child, glycerin suppositories and. Rectal suppositories with glycerin are given even to newborns; they are safe and effective.

If there are no candles, you can make an enema from a glass of boiled cool water. It is recommended to add 1-2 small spoons of glycerin to the enema water. Sometimes a saline enema is recommended, but it can cause burning and pain.

When administering an enema, safety precautions must be observed.

  1. The pear must be disinfected and the tip lubricated with oil or baby cream.
  2. Water can only be used cold, no warmer than room temperature, otherwise it will be absorbed into the intestines, carrying with it toxic products released by stagnant feces.
  3. You should not pour a lot of liquid into the rectum, as it can be injured or stretched, causing pain and sharp spasms.

These measures should be enough to obtain a laxative effect at home, after which the child needs to call a doctor or take him to a pediatrician at the clinic. You should not often resort to such remedies, since this is not a treatment, but a temporary elimination of the symptoms of difficult bowel movements.

Urgently need to consult a doctor without attempting an enema if the child:

  • severe abdominal pain, gurgling, symptoms of intoxication;
  • blood from the anus;
  • involuntary stool, when, against the background of persistent constipation, liquid stool leaks out.

Treatment of childhood constipation

If a child is bothered by constipation, parents should not ignore this fact and try to cope with the problem on their own. This issue should be addressed by a pediatrician who will prescribe tests (blood, urine, coprogram, feces for helminths) and refer the child to the necessary specialists: a surgeon, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, etc.

A set of therapeutic measures should be aimed at achieving regular and natural cleansing of the child’s intestines (daily or at least every other day), preferably at the same time. The baby should defecate without straining, with stool of normal density and consistency.

Treatment of constipation in a child is an individual case, which takes into account all available factors: the severity of the disease, its causes, the presence of pain, the age and psychological characteristics of the baby, and concomitant diseases. Parents need to be prepared that the treatment will last more than one month. Complete restoration of intestinal functions and elimination of the child’s associated psychological problems can take up to 2 years.

As a rule, the first measure for constipation is a laxative diet. This is one of the most important links, without which the fight against constipation is impossible. However, organizing therapeutic nutrition for a child is not so simple. Most often, doctors ask parents to change the eating habits of the whole family - this will make it easier for the child to endure “deprivation” and adapt to the new diet.

  1. Avoid foods that cause stool thickening. These are baked goods, rice porridge, pasta, whole milk, and fruits - bananas and unpeeled apples.
  2. Exclude gas-forming foods: cabbage, legumes, mushrooms, tomatoes.
  3. Avoid eating foods that reduce intestinal motility. These are tannin- and caffeine-containing products (tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, blueberries), enveloping soups and cereals, jelly.
  4. For rapid transport of fecal matter through the intestines, they must be formed in sufficient quantities. To achieve this, the menu is based on dishes containing coarse fibers. These are vegetables, fruits, grains. It is useful to add bran to food and eat whole grain bread. The amount of fiber recommended for consumption by children over 2 years of age is calculated based on the child’s age: it is equal to the number of full years of the child plus 10 grams on top.
  5. The rest of the diet is supplemented with “neutral” products: lean meat, chicken eggs, oils.
  6. The child should drink a lot; the drinking regime is based on clean, unboiled water (filtered, bottled), without gases, without additives.
  7. Be sure to include a sufficient amount of fermented milk products in your diet. These are yoghurts without additives, kefir, yogurt, bifido drinks.
  8. If a child is diagnosed with inflammation in the intestines, he is transferred to strict adherence to the diet - table No. 3 or No. 4 for children.

Daily regime

Importance in the treatment of childhood constipation is given organizing a stable daily routine. It is necessary that meals, trips to the toilet, etc. always happened at a certain time. This way, the child will develop the habit of emptying his bowels every day at approximately the same time, preferably in the morning. At the same time, he will be ready for the act of defecation both psychologically and physiologically.

Parents should also instill in their child the habit of starting the morning with one glass of cool water and exercise. If, after drinking water, the urge to go to the toilet does not occur, the child needs to warm up, have breakfast and try to poop again.

Physical activity should also occur during the day. Gymnastics helps to activate intestinal motility and move leftover food through the digestive tract. The following exercises are especially useful:

  • squats;
  • bends;
  • swings with straight and bent legs;
  • bringing the knees to the stomach;
  • abdominal exercises

Skating, cycling, running, outdoor games - any movement engages the anterior abdominal wall and forces the intestinal muscles to work. Young children can be invited to practice in a playful way: scatter beads on the floor and collect them, fully unbending, lifting each of them, etc.

Restoration of bowel movements

If you have problems with constipation, you need to teach your child, no matter how strange it may sound, to poop correctly.

  1. You need to explain to the baby that the doctor will soon cure his butt, so going to the toilet will not hurt. Even if it’s unpleasant now, you should still try to poop at the same time.
  2. The child needs to create comfortable conditions. If he goes to the potty, then buy a comfortable potty, make sure that it is not cold. Leaving a child alone in the toilet or morally supporting him - every parent knows better than his child. The main thing is not to scold him under any circumstances and to praise him when he succeeds.
  3. The most effective posture for bowel movements is squatting, with your legs pressed to your stomach. If sitting, then place a stool under your feet. You can massage your stomach with your hands. The child can help the process of defecation if he quickly retracts and relaxes the anus or presses his finger on the point between the anus and the tailbone.

Pharmacological assistance: what to give a child for constipation?

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment with laxatives. Since laxatives can be addictive, as well as side effects such as allergies, drug-induced diarrhea and other troubles, their therapy in children should not last more than 2 weeks.

For children based on lactulose, for example, Duphalac and its analogues. This is a safe drug prescribed even to pregnant women to increase the volume of feces and gently stimulate intestinal motility. The dosage of Duphalac is increased gradually, starting with 5 ml of syrup, and then gradually reduced.

Medicines of two groups are designed to eliminate sluggish bowel function and relieve spasms in it: prokinetics and antispasmodics. The former significantly activate the digestive tract, starting with the expulsion of food from the stomach and ending with toning the entire intestine. One of these drugs is Domperidone, which normalizes stool, relieves abdominal pain and eliminates gas. Children are prescribed 0.5 - 1 tablet before meals 3 times a day for a month. Children are given the medicine in liquid form.

In case of intestinal dysfunction, expressed in spasms (), children are prescribed antispasmodics - No-shpu, Papaverine, belladonna in suppositories for one to one and a half weeks.

Also, children with a tendency to constipation are shown herbal choleretic drugs, such as Chofitol. Their task is to replenish the deficiency of digestive juices, stimulating the production of bile and pancreatic secretions. This allows the child to better absorb food and quickly remove unprocessed remains from the body.

Preparations containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, are recommended for all children with constipation to treat dysbiosis and restore healthy intestinal flora. These include Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte and others.

Treatment of constipation in children with folk remedies

You can help your child’s body cope with constipation and establish normal bowel movements using traditional methods.

  1. Natural laxatives are wheat bran and seaweed. They can be added to food or taken directly from a spoon with plenty of water. In the intestines, they swell with water, increase the volume of feces and dilute them, facilitating effective excretion. Dosage of bran – 15 – 50 g per day, kelp powder – 1-2 tsp.
  2. An infusion of senna leaves (1 tablespoon per glass of water), brewed in the evening, strain in the morning, give the child 1 spoon up to 3 times a day. Has a laxative effect without causing abdominal cramps.
  3. Grind rosehip leaves with sugar or squeeze juice from flowers into spring water, give to baby several times a day.

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of folk recipes for laxatives. But do not forget that not all natural medicines are suitable for children. It is unlikely that a child will agree to drink a bitter, astringent, fresh onion or potato juice. He may refuse the infusion, which must be taken in glasses.

When choosing a prescription for a child, you need to look for one that is gentle, painless, and will not be unpleasant to take. Universal products that all children like are dried fruits(prunes, dried apricots) and decoctions from them (raisin water). Here are a few more recipes that normalize bowel movements, which are applicable in the situation of constipation in children:

  • grind the peas into powder and give the child a teaspoon every day;
  • take oatmeal jelly or a rich plum decoction 3-4 times a day;
  • Children who love salty foods can be given cabbage brine;
  • brew tea from dried cherries or apples;
  • 3 times a day, eat a “dessert” made from a mixture of honey and aloe juice (infuse 100 g of both for at least 3 hours, take 1 spoon an hour before meals).

All these measures are what every parent can do. If a child has developed psychogenic constipation, which, despite symptomatic treatment, continues to plague the baby, one should not neglect the consultation of a psychologist. Perhaps a specialist will be able to identify the true causes of situational constipation and help with solving this problem.

Constipation in children 4-6 years old is as common as in adults, and no less dangerous. The accumulation of feces can lead to intestinal inflammation, anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

If you see that a preschool child has problems with bowel movements, you need to take immediate action. However, before giving him medicine, you need to determine the causes of constipation and consult with your pediatrician.

Constipation in a child 4-6 years old: causes

What causes this problem with stool in children 4-6 years old? There can be many of them. Doctors name several common causes of trouble. This:

  1. Eating disorder. This is the main cause of constipation in children and adults. Monitor your child's diet carefully. Perhaps he eats a lot of flour and sweets. Hardening of stool is caused by rice, fatty meat, and cookies. If his menu contains few vegetables and fruits, main sources of fiber and vitamins, then constipation will not take long to occur.
  2. Lack of water. Parents, caring about their child’s nutrition, sometimes forget to control the amount of liquid they drink. This can be easily determined by the number of urinations and the concentration of urine.
  3. Taking medications. If a child is undergoing treatment that requires medication, constipation may be a side effect or the result of an overdose.
  4. Psychological problem. Often the cause of constipation is nervous overexcitation and stress. Perhaps this was facilitated by moving, visiting kindergarten or problems in the family.
  5. Congenital or acquired intestinal diseases. Sometimes constipation is caused by intestinal dysfunction. In this case, you cannot do without examination by a specialist and prescribed treatment.

How to identify symptoms?

Determining the presence of constipation in children is very simple.

Pay attention to these factors:

  • hard stool, sometimes in the form of lumps;
  • baby grunting;
  • sitting on the potty or toilet for a long time;
  • redness of the facial skin during and after bowel movements;
  • encopresis - the presence of fecal traces on underwear that are not associated with incontinence;
  • blood in the stool or on toilet paper is bright scarlet, indicating the presence of an anal fissure.

What to do and how to help children at home?

There are several ways to solve the problem of constipation. Many of them can be performed by parents at home without the use of drugs, for example, using an enema or folk remedies. However, the parent should know that in some cases it is impossible to do without laxative suppositories.


Many children benefit from massage for constipation, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. To make the intestines work correctly, you do not need to complete special massage courses.

You can alleviate the condition of a small tummy as follows:

  1. Wash and warm your hands.
  2. Make stroking movements on the stomach from top to bottom.
  3. Make a few circles clockwise around your belly and around your navel.
  4. Place a warm diaper on the stomach and give the child a glass of kefir.


If you need to get rid of constipation urgently, then a regular enema will help.

It is done as follows:

  1. Step 1. Prepare the “pear” for the enema, rinse it thoroughly from the inside and sterilize its spout with boiling water.
  2. Step 2. Take half a glass of boiled water, add one tablespoon of any vegetable oil to it.
  3. Step 3. Fill the bulb with water and oil.
  4. Step 4. Place the baby bottom up and carefully insert the nose of the “pear” into the anus, previously lubricated with baby cream.
  5. Step 5. Inject water and oil into the rectum and ask the child to lie down for 10-15 minutes.

This time will be enough for the enema to work and for the child to be able to safely go to the toilet.


For severe constipation, it is better to use laxative suppositories. This tool will quickly help solve the problem. Which candles to choose? Pediatricians recommend using safe medications, such as glycerin suppositories. This drug has many advantages:

  • Safe, have no adverse reactions, it can be used even for infants.
  • Act quickly– in half an hour the result will appear.
  • Inexpensive and accessible. It can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription.
  • Universal– can be used by adults.

If constipation in a 4-6 year old child is accompanied by anal fissures, then in this case it is better to use Sea Buckthorn suppositories. They have a disinfecting effect, quickly relieve inflammation, and heal.

Folk remedies

Long-term constipation can be treated with folk remedies. Of course, children will not drink many useful infusions in this case, however Some products will appeal to them:

  1. Kefir with added oil. Before going to bed, let your child drink a glass of kefir with the addition of one teaspoon of vegetable oil. You will see, in a few days the result will appear.
  2. Delicious pumpkin dessert. Grate the pumpkin and mix with honey. Grease a muffin tin with vegetable oil and place the mixture there. Bake for 20 minutes. This dessert is only suitable for those children who are not allergic to pumpkin and honey.
  3. Rosehip drink. Rose hips have a laxative effect. Prepare tea and compote for your child from this plant. To do this, grind the dry fruits in a coffee grinder, pour one tablespoon of powder with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain and sweeten.


Constipation in children can and should be prevented. To do this, you must first monitor the child’s nutrition and follow his drinking regime.

Add foods that have a laxative effect to your menu. These include:

  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkin;
  • plums;
  • apples;
  • pears.

Don't forget that your child needs to drink a lot of water and eat liquid meals to keep the body hydrated. The menu must include first courses every day.

If constipation is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain in the intestines, fever or vomiting, you need to call an ambulance or show the child to a pediatrician. In this case, you cannot give him any medications or perform procedures without the doctor’s permission. Such self-medication can be dangerous to health.

Stories from our readers

Conquered hemorrhoids at home. It's been a month since I forgot about my bumps. Oh, I tried so many methods - nothing helped. How many times did I go to the doctors, but they prescribed me useless medications over and over again, and when I returned, the doctors recommended surgery. I finally got over my illness, all thanks to this article. Anyone who has hemorrhoids should read it!

Video: how to treat hemorrhoids?