Fedor Dobronravov actor matchmaker biography. Fyodor Dobronravov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. The early years, childhood and family of Fyodor Dobronravov

01.03.2024 Psychology

Dobronravov Fedor Viktorovich is a charismatic and eccentric theater and film actor, producer. People are known for his vivid images in the television series “Matchmakers”, “Kadetstvo”, the sitcoms “6 Frames” and “Dear Transfer”. He holds the honorary title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. It has successors to the family business, both sons of the actor followed in their father’s footsteps, and now the Dobronravov dynasty is represented in theater and cinema by three talented people. Where did this bright actor begin his creative career, where did he develop his love for art? Let's try to figure it out.

Height, weight, age. How old is Fedor Dobronravov

The most common questions asked by Dobronravov’s fans online are the following: Height, weight, age. How old is Fedor Dobronravov? Let's sort it out in order. All this information can be easily found on the Internet, but for those who are lazy, we did it for you. Fyodor Dobronravov is already 57 years old today, quite a respectable age for an actor, but a person is exactly as old as he feels, and in the case of Fyodor Viktorovich, it’s only 18; his energy and cheerfulness can truly be envied by every second young person. The actor's height is 186 cm, weight - 90 kg.

Biography and personal life of Fyodor Dobronravov

Fyodor Viktorovich Dobronravov is a very diverse and versatile personality, as evidenced by the biography and personal life of Fyodor Dobronravov. Well, judge for yourself, this man served in the Airborne Forces, and at the same time dreamed of becoming a clown. A variety of traits and talents came together in him, this is what distinguishes him from other actors, and this explains the people’s love for him. And our hero was born on September 11, 1961 in Taganrog. Contrary to popular belief, the artist has no acting roots. As a child, Fedor was actively involved in a variety of sports and dreamed of becoming a clown. After failing exams at a circus school, he went to serve in the army, ended up in the Airborne Forces, and served there for 2 years. After returning to civilian life, he searched for himself for several years, and in 1988 he entered the Voronezh State Institute of Arts. As a student, he created the student theater "Ruble", where he was noticed by Arkady Raikin, who in 1990 invited him to move to the capital. However, Moscow did not submit to Fedor right away. Before becoming famous, he had to do a variety of jobs, including cleaning the Tretyakov Gallery. But he was helped by his faithful life partner - his only wife Irina. Their childhood school sympathy grew into love and a marriage that has lasted more than two decades. Married, Irina and Fyodor are raising two sons; the eldest son of the Dobronravovs has already given them two granddaughters.

Dobronravov began his creative activity at the Satyricon Theater. He gave 13 years of his life to him. He left it only because his schedule was too busy after the fame of a film actor fell on his head. He started acting in films back in the early 90s. His debut film was “Secrets of Palace Coups.” Then, one after another, films with this talented actor are released; today there are already more than a hundred of them. The real fame of a movie star came to him in the early 2000s. It was then that the sitcom “6 Frames” quickly burst onto television, revealing the versatility of Dobronravov’s talent. However, he very quickly realized that he could not live without theater and, without hesitation, answered Shirvindt’s offer to become an actor at the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. Today he is the leading actor of the institution and has already made his debut as a director.
In 2008, a new round of popularity for film actor Dobronravov was associated with the role of Ivan Budko in the television series “Matchmakers.” At the same time, his work on dubbing films and cartoons remains unnoticed. Meanwhile, in the voice of Dobronravov, the heroes of the films speak: “Welcome”, “We are Legends”, “Zambezia”, the cartoons “Kolobok”, “The Amazing Adventures of Khoma”, “The Boy - Chapaichik”, “The Adventures of the Cat Boy”, etc.
In addition, in the 2000s, Dobronravov actively took part in television projects. At various times he was a participant in the shows “Two Stars”, “Dear Program”, “Big Difference”.

Few people know Dobronravov’s producing talents, and yet, today he is the head of the production center “Fyodor Dobronravov”. The main activity is the creation of films and television series.

This spring, information about the actor’s death began to appear online. Fortunately, it was not confirmed; Dobronravov had some health problems, but in the summer, he returned to the theater stage.

Filmography: films starring Fyodor Dobronravov

Fyodor Dobronravov is more of a theatrical figure; in films, he often got episodic supporting roles. And although he starred in hundreds of film projects, he is remembered and known only for a few of them. In general, filling the gap in the artist’s biography, we bring to your attention information on the issue: “Filmography: films starring Fyodor Dobronravov.” There are actually quite a few of them; there is no point in listing them all; we will limit ourselves to only the most striking film works of Dobronravov. Speaking about the filmography of Fyodor Dobronravov, first of all it is worth remembering the films and TV series: “Secrets of Palace Coups”, “Impostors”. “Code of Honor”, ​​“Kadetstvo”, “Liquidation”, “Matchmakers”, “Moms”, “Wonderland” and others. In addition, he starred in several issues of the children's humorous film magazine "Yeralash".

Family and children of Fyodor Dobronravov

Dobronravov got married immediately upon returning to civilian life. 28 years have passed since then, but the Dobronravov couple has maintained the same warm relationship that began in childhood. Fyodor's wife, Irina, studied with him at the same school. With age, Dobronravov realized that this was his destiny, and Irina did not think twice and married the then aspiring theater actor Fyodor Dobronravov. Today they are raising two sons and two granddaughters. However, in the case of sons, the word educate sounds somewhat incorrect; both boys are already adults and have followed in their father’s footsteps, becoming independent creative units. Today, the family and children of Fyodor Dobronravov are the stronghold of his activities; his wife and sons support Fyodor in all his endeavors. Maybe this is the secret of the actor’s success. On the Internet, at the request: “Fyodor Dobronravov with his wife and children, photo” you can find many photographs of this happy family

Dobronravov's parents were simple hard workers. His father was a builder, and his mother worked at a bread factory. Dobronravov has - Love.

Son of Fyodor Dobronravov - Ivan Dobronravov

The son of Fyodor Dobronravov, Ivan Dobronravov, is the youngest son of Fyodor Dobronravov, born in 1989. He grew up as a calm and intelligent child and was one of the best students at school. He decided to connect his life with cinema after the role of Suvorov soldier Levakov in the television series “Kadetstvo”. For this purpose he graduated from the Shchukin School. Today, Ivan has dozens of film roles and thousands of fans behind him, who are looking forward to new creative works from him. Several times Ivan worked on the same set with his father. We are talking about the series “Matchmakers -4″ and Kadetstvo.” Many people appreciated this family contract of the Dobronravovs.

Son of Fyodor Dobronravov - Viktor Dobronravov

The son of Fyodor Dobronravov, Viktor Dobronravov, was born in 1983. Victor's childhood was spent in love with music and sports. Of course, he tried to learn some skills from his father, to adopt his talent, but he did not plan to seriously connect his life with theater and cinema. Unexpectedly for everyone, after graduating from school, he announced his intention to enter a theater university, which he did the first time. The guy’s talent was appreciated by directors; to date he has starred in more than 60 films. He is married and has two daughters, whom his grandparents literally dote on.

Fedor Dobronravov's wife - Irina Dobronravova

The wife of Fyodor Dobronravov, Irina Dobronravova, is the first and last love of Fyodor Dobronravov. They had known each other since school, she accompanied the future actor to the army, waited for him for two years, and then accepted his marriage proposal. After more than 20 years of marriage, Irina and Fedor retained exceptionally good feelings for each other. Irina became Fedor’s real guardian angel, supporting him in any of life’s difficulties, for which he thanked her with his loyalty and devotion, carried through the years. Irina gave Fyodor two sons, today they are happy grandparents.

Fedor Dobronravov passed away. Is the date of death true?

At the beginning of this year, the Internet space exploded with the news of the death of Fyodor Dobronravov. Concerned fans with enviable regularity entered the query into the search engine line: “Fedor Dobronravov has passed away. Is the date of death true?” It turned out that this information, fortunately, is not true. Fyodor Dobronravov suffered a stroke, but recovered quite quickly from his illness. The artist’s fans breathed a sigh of relief after the information about their idol’s death was refuted, and already in the summer they applauded him in the theater hall, where he again delighted everyone with his acting skills. According to his personal statement, he owes his recovery to his caring wife and professional doctors.

Instagram and Wikipedia Fedor Dobronravov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Fyodor Dobronravov are sources from which you can get all the truthful and up-to-date information about the actor’s life. Despite his advanced age, Dobronravov is an active user of social networks. On his pages, he communicates with fans and delights them with new photographs from filming and family photo archives. The actor’s official page on Wikipedia provides comprehensive information about the life and creative path of the star, has a complete filmography, as well as a list of all theatrical productions with Dobronravov’s participation.

A wonderful actor, a talented author of humorous stories, a good singer, Fyodor Dobronravov, whose biography will be discussed in this article, actually never dreamed of a career in cinema. He always wanted to be a clown, to bring laughter and joy to people. And despite the fact that his dream did not come true, he manages to please the audience very well!

Actor Fyodor Dobronravov. Biography: childhood

The future comedy actor was born on September 11, 1961 in Taganrog into a family of ordinary workers (his mother worked at a bakery, his father at a construction site). The boy sang well and at a young age learned what it was like to perform on stage. In his hometown, he attended a circus studio and was intensely involved in sports (basketball, diving, volleyball, boxing), as he understood that a good clown must always be in excellent physical shape. And everything was going to ensure that the happy clown Fyodor Dobronravov would soon appear in the circus arena.

Biography of the actor: a series of trials

When Fedor came to Moscow in 1978 with the goal of enrolling in a circus school, it turned out that they did not accept young men who had not completed military service. He was advised to come two years later with “soldier’s” experience.

Fedor went to military service in After the army he worked as a fitter at a factory in Taganrog, and as a janitor in a kindergarten. Soon he got married, and the long-standing childhood dream seemed never to come true. But he still did not give up.

Together with similarly creatively minded friends, he created the rock opera “Thirst over the Stream” (based on Francois Vignon) and traveled to the capital several times. Twice he again tried to enter the Moscow Circus School, but fortune was not favorable to him.

Then, already in despair, on the advice of one of his acquaintances, Fyodor Dobronravov decided to enter the Voronezh Institute of Arts. The biography contains information that in 1988 he graduated and began working at the Youth Theater.

Career at Satyricon

Having once arrived on tour in Voronezh and seeing Dobronravov on stage, I immediately decided to invite him to the Satyricon Theater. Fedor worked there for 10 years (1990-2000), gaining invaluable experience.

Fedor Dobronravov. Biography: film career

While working at Satyricon, his film career began. At first these were small cameo roles in the films “Russian Ragtime” and “Shooting Angels”. In 1995, the film “Summer People” was released, in which Fedor played the role of Dudakov.

This was followed by participation in the projects “Your Own Director” (voiceover for commercials), “Six Frames” (as an actor).

Fedor Dobronravov. Biography: first big success

The actor successfully played roles in various performances at the Satire Theater. But his first success was brought to him by the film “Kadetstvo” (2006), where he played Father Perepechko. And real fame came after playing the role of Ivan Budko in the serial film “Matchmakers.”
This was followed by the films “Liquidation” and “Radio Day”. Now TV viewers already knew who Fedor Dobronravov was.

Biography: actor's family

The artist’s wife is kindergarten teacher Irina Dobronravova. There are two sons (Victor and Ivan) who followed in the footsteps of their father, an actor, and have also already begun their film careers. Fyodor Dobronravov is a happy grandfather; he already has a granddaughter, Varvara.

Fedor Dobronravov is a popular comedic actor who has already become familiar to millions of viewers in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. A truly “star” role for our today’s hero was the role of Ivan Budko in the famous TV series “Matchmakers”. It was this cinematic work that opened the name of the bright comedian to millions of television viewers in different parts of the CIS. But is it possible to say that besides the legendary “Matchmakers” there is nothing more interesting in the list of works of Fyodor Dobronravov? Of course not. After all, during his career, this actor managed to try on a huge number of unforgettable images.

The early years, childhood and family of Fyodor Dobronravov

Our today's hero was born into the most ordinary working-class family, about which it is difficult to say anything unusual. Fedor’s parents were typical Soviet people, and that, in fact, says it all. The only creative person in their family was Fedya himself. Since childhood, he performed at various competitions, concerts and creative evenings, where he delighted the audience with his excellent... singing. Yes, yes, in early childhood Dobronravov had a very beautiful high soprano, and therefore almost not a single creative evening in Taganrog could take place without his participation.

(OST-Matchmakers-6) Fedor Dobronravov -Bread

Thus, by the age of ten, our today's hero had become quite popular in his hometown. Singing and music gave him great pleasure. However, deep down in his soul, the young guy cherished a completely different dream - the dream of a circus career.

Accustomed to the stage, from an early age Fyodor Dobronravov began to develop and perform his own acts at the Taganrog summer theater as part of a local dance and circus group. Clearly understanding that in order to achieve his goal, he needed to work a lot and hard, Fedor signed up for several sports sections at once, where he subsequently studied boxing, volleyball, basketball, diving and some other disciplines. Having developed strength and dexterity, after graduating from school, our today's hero went to Moscow, where he applied to the circus school. However, an unexpected circumstance arose on the way to the cherished goal - only those who had already served in the army were accepted into this institution.

Understanding the comical nature of such a requirement, Fyodor Dobronravov nevertheless decided to serve in the army. After this, for two years the future actor served in a special airborne division, but after demobilization he suddenly decided to abandon all past plans. In the early eighties, he returned to his native Taganrog and got a job as an ordinary worker at a factory. Establishing life and helping his family, our today's hero worked sparingly. Over the course of several years, he changed several different specialties at once, leaving behind a winding path from a fitter to a paint-spray machine operator.

During these years, Fyodor traveled to Moscow twice, trying to enroll in a circus school, but both times he returned with nothing.

Seeing the futility of all efforts, at some point Dobronravov decided to abandon plans to conquer the Russian capital and went to enter the Voronezh Institute of Arts. Here he was accepted immediately, and very soon he finally became a student at a theater university.

After graduating, he stayed in Voronezh for a couple of years, where he performed at the local Youth Theater. It was here that he was noticed by the famous Soviet comedian Konstantin Raikin, who came to the city on tour. Seeing Dobronravov on stage, the recognized master was so amazed by his acting that very soon he invited him to perform with his Satyricon theater.

From that moment on, a truly stellar career began for our today's hero.

Acting career of Fyodor Dobronravov, filmography and theater

Our today's hero worked at the Satyricon Theater for almost a whole decade. During this period, he played many bright roles, among which there were truly stellar works. Recognized theater stars became his stage partners. Playing with them, the actor gained invaluable experience and also managed to make a name for himself.

Leonid Agutin and Fedor Dobronravov - Turn - Two stars Final

In 1993, Fyodor Dobronravov made his film debut with a small role in the film “Russian Ragtime”. This was followed by new film work. It is quite noteworthy that during this period the actor starred in both comedy and dramatic films, often appearing even in action films.

In the early 2000s, the actor left Satyricon and began performing at the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. In parallel with this, Fyodor Dobronravov successfully built a career in cinema, starring in a wide variety of projects. During this period, the actor tried himself in a variety of characters, however, in the end, he returned to the comedy genre that he loved so much.

Fedor Dobronravov now

In 2005, the comedy sketch show “6 Frames” began airing on the Ren-TV channel, which very soon migrated to the STS channel. As part of this project, Fedor Dobronravov was able to fully reveal his talent, as well as prove to eminent producers that he was worthy of more significant roles. Thus, already in the late 2000s, such famous films as “Kremlin Cadets”, “Daddy’s Daughters”, “Liquidation”, “Happy Together” and many others appeared in the actor’s filmography.

In 2008, Fyodor Dobronravov received the main role in the comedy series “Matchmakers,” which is still a kind of “calling card” of the actor. He is still filming in this project to this day.

For his outstanding contribution to Russian cinema in 2011, our today's hero was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Personal life of Fedor Dobronravov

For many years now, Fyodor Dobronravov has been happily married to a woman named Irina Dobronravova (she works as a children's teacher). The couple have two sons -

For example, standing next to your adult children and being proud of their successes. It was the touching family photo that fans of the acting dynasty saw. Fans believe that he raised worthy children.

Photo of Fedor Dobronravov with his sons

The famous actor is respected by many television viewers for his talent, positive attitude towards others and professionalism. And after we saw the famous Vanya from the series “Matchmakers” performed by Fyodor Dobronravov, we completely fell in love with the actor.

But the artist raised no less talented sons, the elder Victor and the younger Ivan, who decided to follow in their father’s footsteps and made a successful career in cinema and theater. This is the case when the saying, “an apple comes from an apple tree,” fully justifies itself.

Therefore, a joint photo of the dynasty of actors, which was shared by Fyodor Dobronravov, aroused the genuine admiration of his subscribers. In the photo, the proud father puts his arm around the shoulders of his adult children. He did not talk about his care and love, but simply wrote: “With my sons!” (The authors' spelling and punctuation have been preserved, editor's note).

Followers share their impressions after viewing the photo and note that Fedor, Victor, and Ivan are gorgeous men.

“beauties!!!”, “Power... strength... and support for happiness...”, “Happy dad!”, “how they both look like their dad! everyone is beautiful”, “It’s nice to see real men! Good luck in everything and health!!!”, “A worthy family. Talented father and sons", "Real men!" (The authors' spelling and punctuation have been preserved, editor's note).

We remind you that Fyodor Dobronravov has known his wife since childhood. They went to the same school together. Over time, the actor decided that this girl should become his wife. And he was right - Irina gave the artist two beautiful children.

It is worth noting that the actor is not only a father, but also a happy grandfather. Not long ago he shared a photo with his granddaughter. Readers decided that the baby was a copy of her grandfather.

Fyodor Dobronravov is an incredibly popular actor. Most of his life he played on the stage. After the release of the television series “Matchmakers,” our hero becomes a popular film actor. He is invited to film various films. Currently, Fedor Dobronravov and many of his colleagues who took part in “Matchmakers” are prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine. The man treats this with humor. He says that the time will come and everything will work out.

The star of “Matchmakers” is a monogamous person. Fyodor has lived with his beloved wife since his youth. Dobronravov tries never to upset his beloved wife. A man on tour often brings his beloved surprises.

Height, weight, age. How old is Fedor Dobronravov

After the release of the television series “Matchmakers” on the screens of the country and nearby countries, the popular film actor became incredibly famous. He gained fans. They have all the information about Fedor Dobronravov’s height, weight, age, and age.

It is known that the artist was born in 1961. In 2018, the man will celebrate his 57th birthday.

Fyodor Dobronravov, whose photos in his youth and now are presented in small quantities, has a height of 186 cm. He is considered one of the tallest actors. Our hero weighs about 90 kg. From a young age, a man performs a series of exercises every day, thanks to which his physical shape is maintained at normal levels.

Biography and personal life of Fyodor Dobronravov

The biography and personal life of Fyodor Dobronravov is incredibly interesting and colorful.

The boy was born in the early 60s of the last century. He was a late child. My father was involved in construction. Mother worked at a bread making factory. Fyodor has an older sister, Lyuba, who was born several years earlier than our hero.

From a young age, the boy played basketball and volleyball. He actively boxed and also attended a section in the Taganrog swimming pool, in which he jumped from a tower into the water. At the age of 4, at the circus, I saw the humorous performances of the sunny clown Oleg Popov, after which I began to dream of becoming a clown. Fedor developed his talent by visiting a circus studio. Our hero’s performances with humorous numbers at school parties invariably created a sensation.

Having received a certificate, the young man goes to the capital of the Soviet Union to fulfill his dream of becoming a circus clown. But Fedor fails in his exams. A year later he tried again, and again failed.

The young man is drafted into the Army. He became a paratrooper. Returning from military service, Fedor becomes a husband. To support his wife and new child, Dobronravov gets a job as a mechanic at a factory. In his free time, the man performs the duties of a janitor in a kindergarten.

Fedor decided to become an actor. He becomes a student at the Voronezh State Institute. Already during his student years, the performances of the student theater he created were a stunning success.

Soon the young actor was noticed by Konstantin Raikin and invited to his theater. To earn money, the aspiring artist had to clean the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery. The 90s were difficult. There was not enough money, so our hero arranged his life in his theater dressing room. Spectators admired the artist’s work in “Schweik, or a hymn to idiocy,” “A Perfect Murder” and many others.

Fyodor Dobronravov decided to leave his native theater at the beginning of the new millennium. The actor explains his departure due to terrible fatigue. But he cannot live without a stage, so in response to an offer from Alexander Shirvind to become an artist in his satire theater, the star agrees. Since that time, he has invariably performed on these theatrical stages.

Filmography: films starring Fyodor Dobronravov

The filmography of Fyodor Dobronravov is less intense than his theatrical career. But after appearing in “Matchmakers,” the film actor becomes incredibly popular. Viewers admire his work in “Force Majeure,” “Crimea,” “Girl with a Scythe” and many others. The star of Russian cinema makes each of his roles incredibly interesting and memorable.

In 2014, Fedor Dobronravov was banned from entering the territory of Ukraine. Our hero met this innovation of the authorities with constant humor. He said that it was unpleasant for him to feel like an enemy of his native people.

The man voiced several cartoon characters. For example, he gave his voice to the king of the trolls in the cartoon “The Snow Queen. Refreezing." The actor also showed himself to be a master of dubbing. His voice can be heard in the films “Zambezi”, “We are Legends” and others.

The popular actor is happy in his personal life. He is monogamous. He remained married to his wife from his youth to the present day, which is a rarity today.

Family and children of Fyodor Dobronravov

The family and children of Fyodor Dobronravov support the popular film actor in all his endeavors.

Our hero’s family was formed in his youth. Fedor married for the first and only time immediately after his military service. Despite the fact that the marriage has lasted for more than 20 years, the couple have maintained a tender relationship. Fedor Dobronravov, whose photo with his wife and children can be viewed on social networks, devotes a lot of time to his loved ones. He is a loving grandfather, who can often be seen on the playground with his granddaughters.

The “Matchmakers” star raised his children to be real men. Both sons decided to follow in their father's footsteps. Currently, they are starring in various films. Fedor evaluates each of their work. He honestly says what he liked and what is worth paying attention to.

Son of Fyodor Dobronravov - Viktor Dobronravov

For the first time, Fyodor Dobronravov became a father in his youth. His beloved wife gave him a son, whom they decided to name in honor of his maternal grandfather. In his childhood, the boy showed interest in music and sports, he thought of developing in this direction. After receiving the certificate, to the surprise of many, he decided to connect his life with theater and cinema. From the first time, the talented young man became a student at one of the capital’s universities.

Already during his studies, the eldest son of Fyodor Dobronravov, Viktor Dobronravov, began acting in films. Currently, he has played in a large number of films, the number of which has exceeded 60.

The man is married. He has daughters who are raised in the love of their parents and grandparents.

Son of Fyodor Dobronravov - Ivan Dobronravov

8 years after the birth of his first son, Victor, another boy was born into the family of the popular actor. His parents decided to name him Ivan. The boy tried to repeat everything after his older brother. Vanya studied well at school, he was one of the best students in his class.

The son of Fyodor Dobronravov, Ivan Dobronravov, despite his age, is no less popular than his father and older brother. As a teenager, the young man played in the film series “Kadetstvo”. It was at this time that he decided to connect his life with cinema.

Currently, Ivan is acting in various films. He has his own fans who follow his activities.

Fedor Dobronravov's wife - Irina Dobronravova

The popular film actor met his future wife in his youth. The girl accompanied him to the Army and waited faithfully for two years. After demobilization, our hero proposed to Irina. Soon a son was born into the family.

The wife of Fyodor Dobronravov, Irina Dobronravova, became a real guardian angel for the actor. She supported her husband in his desire to become an actor. A woman is waiting for her beloved to return from tour. She attends all the theatrical performances of her beloved husband.

A woman works in one of the capital's kindergartens. Many people don't know that she is the wife of the "Matchmakers" star. Irina is modest, non-public, simple.

Fedor Dobronravov passed away, date of death

Many fans know that Fedor Dobronravov suffered a stroke. After this, articles appeared in a number of media outlets in which it was written that Fyodor Dobronravov had passed away. The date of death was reported quite officially. Although notes were soon published refuting this information, many fans are looking for information on the question of whether it is true that the popular film actor has passed away.

The star of “Matchmakers” managed to recover from the illness. Now nothing reminds me of the stroke he suffered. He says that the care of his beloved wife and the professionalism of the doctors helped him recover, to whom our hero wishes success in their lives.

Instagram and Wikipedia Fedor Dobronravov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Fyodor Dobronravov are the best sources of information about the life path and creative destiny of the popular film actor.

Wikipedia gives an idea of ​​how our hero came to drama. It contains complete information about his family, participation in performances, roles in films. The page lists all the works in cinema and provides a complete list of awards received by Fedor Dobronravov.