Cream for bedbug bites. Ointment for bedbug bites: how to choose the right one? A serious condition can be recognized by the appearance

30.10.2023 Drugs

If a person’s body often experiences itching, it is imperative to look at the skin and understand what causes this phenomenon. This could be an allergic reaction to food or pollen, or maybe real bloodsuckers have appeared in the house, which leave bites during the “night hunt”. They may be. These unpleasant insects are very cunning, and the famous Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy endowed them with this characteristic in one of his works. These nocturnal residents choose bed linen, sofas, furniture, clothes, pillows and other items as their refuge. Bed bugs attack humans around 3-5 am. It is difficult to notice them, especially since at this time the person is fast asleep. They feed on blood and love to bite the body, leaving behind marks that cause itching on human skin. You need to get rid of them so that they cannot bite a person; simply scaring them away will not help. For this, there are various ones that help destroy them. Afterwards the body is very itchy. Therefore, many people are interested in what to put on to prevent bedbugs from biting.

Remedies for bedbug bites

In order to prevent bedbug bites and protect yourself from possible infection, preventive measures should be taken. odors of substances containing alcohol. Therefore, it is recommended to use colognes and perfumes before going to bed. They can be used to anoint any part of the body. Essential oils and fish oil can help repel insects. They lubricate exposed skin areas. Often people use repellents for these purposes - chemical substances that repel insects, including bedbugs.

Creams, ointments and gels

In order to avoid bed bug bites, it is necessary to use special preparations. These are gels, ointments and creams for bedbug bites that are produced by industry. They differ in the forms of medicines, but all of these types contain active substances dissolved in certain proportions.

  • Ointment. This drug is a dosage form in which the active ingredients do not dissolve completely in the fat base. It is better to add to them those components that interact well with fats. They are absorbed slowly, so their effect on damaged skin is quite long.
  • Cream. Unlike ointments, they contain less fat, and their absorption process is faster than that of creams. Both of these remedies for bedbug bites leave greasy marks on clothing and various surfaces.
  • Gel. Unlike an ointment, the active substance in it dissolves well in the base, most often it is aqueous. Therefore, hydrophilic substances are easily introduced into its composition. It washes off well from the skin and washes off clothes.

If the skin is dry, crusts appear on it after bites. In this case, it is better to apply cream or ointment. With normal skin and no peeling, you can use the gel if redness occurs. It has a drying effect, so it can be applied to wet wounds. When choosing a gel, cream or ointment for bedbugs, you must carefully read the instructions, look at the composition of the drug and its contraindications.

Effective drugs used for bedbug bites


This is a gel that has proven effective in relieving itching. It contains dimethindene maleate, an active substance that blocks histamine receptors. They are responsible for the appearance of itching, pustules, painful discomfort, and inflammation in areas of the skin after insect bites. If the child is not yet one year old, this remedy cannot be used.

Elena, Moscow


The active component in this gel is diphenhydramine, which also blocks histamine receptors. As a result, swelling at the bite sites decreases and the permeability of blood vessels decreases. Itching becomes less noticeable, and the skin feels the cooling effect of the gel. Therefore, it is recommended to apply this balm immediately after bedbug bites. This remedy is well suited for healing pustules, pain relief and against itching. The balm is good for drying the crusts that have formed.

“For bedbug bites, Psilo-balm was recommended at the pharmacy. It helped us: absorbs quickly, has a pleasant smell. Now there are no bedbugs, but they left the balm just in case, as it may be needed after trips to nature.”

Irina, Krasnodar

Psilo - Balm

Cream Elidel

It should not be used immediately after bedbug bites, but only if it appears on the skin in the form of eczema or dermatitis. Pimecrolimus is the active ingredient contained in the product. It has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. The cream can be used for adults and children if they are already 3 months old. But if a wound appears on the skin and there is an infection in it, you cannot use this remedy.


Ointment for bed bug bites contains the active substance - dexpanthenol. It heals, restores and moisturizes skin after a bite. The advantage of the drug over other means is that it can be smeared on the body of a newborn. It is generally recommended for use by babies to eliminate diaper rash, heat rashes, and treat inflammatory processes and dermatitis in babies. The ointment is effective after insect bites if the body shows redness, swelling, scratches, cuts, or inflammatory processes.

Svetlana, Vladivostok

Other ointments

Ointments with a high content of propolis are available on sale. They should be treated with caution. They can cause allergies in people of any age. Therefore, if a child or adult has had allergic reactions to plant pollen, they may reappear, but this time to royal jelly, wax or propolis.

Sometimes, in order to prevent bedbugs from biting, ointments containing hormones are used. These include Alfroderm cream and hydrocortisone ointment, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, they reduce itching and relieve an allergic reaction. But it is not recommended to use them yourself, as there may be contraindications. They should not be used by pregnant women and children under one year of age. Only a doctor can make a prescription. If swelling, itching, or purulent ulcers appear after a bite, the doctor may recommend using antibiotic ointments, such as erythromycin. It actively resists infection in the wound.

“The bugs came to us and immediately we noticed bites on the body. In the first few days we used hydrocortisone ointment. She was a great help. Then they decided to switch to another, safer drug. But as a “standby” means, he helped us out!”

Olga, Omsk

What ointments can you prepare yourself?

If bedbugs appear in the house, they will constantly bite a person until they are destroyed. We should not forget that bites cannot go unnoticed. They cause irritation, the resulting itching forces you to scratch the bite site and redness and wounds appear on it that need to be treated. In addition to ready-made medications, you can prepare your own ointment for bedbugs. The following tools are used for this:

“I don't trust modern medicine. There are too many chemicals in even the simplest drugs. Therefore, I decided to use soda-based ointment for bedbug bites. It helps a lot! At the same time, it’s cheaper than in a pharmacy and definitely safer for the health of adults and children.”

Alexandra, Moscow

If the ointment doesn't help

Not all ointments and folk remedies can help against bedbug bites. They are usually used for redness, itching, and slight swelling. If, after a bedbug bite, symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, general weakness, a rash occupying a large area of ​​skin, large swelling, fever, chills appear, you should immediately call a doctor at home. The human body can react completely differently to a bug bite. In addition to the listed signs, shortness of breath, joint pain, increased or decreased blood pressure and other manifestations may appear. In these cases, it is impossible to do without qualified medical care. You need to call an ambulance immediately.

When going on vacation to a country cottage, you should definitely have ointment with you against bedbug bites. This is especially true when you are planning to rent a home. After all, as a rule, the owners of such establishments save on absolutely everything, and furniture is no exception. And bedbugs love to settle in old, cozy sofas, where the seams fit tightly enough to each other, and besides, no one is in a hurry to fight the insects.

Attention! Red spots that appear on the body after a night's rest are often confused with mosquito bites. But they bite their victims randomly, and bed bugs leave trails on the body.

Ointment is not the only medicinal form that helps fight the consequences of bites. In addition to it, there are preparations such as gels and creams, which differ from ointments in the proportions of their components. And, since these differences are quite small, all of the above drugs are popularly characterized as ointments.

How to distinguish between ointment, cream and gel?

The method of application for ointments, creams and gels is the same - they are applied to the affected areas of the skin, lightly rubbed in and left until completely absorbed. But these drugs can be distinguished by appearance, consistency and composition.

  1. Ointment is a dosage form with a fat base in which the particles of the active substance do not completely dissolve. The ointment is absorbed slowly, due to which it has the longest lasting effect.
  2. The cream contains a much smaller portion of fat, but despite this, it is capable of leaving visible grease stains on clothes. The cream is opaque and, unlike ointment, is absorbed much faster.
  3. The gel is made on a water base, in which the active substance is completely dissolved. This makes it easy to wash it off clothes and wash it off the skin.

When choosing one or another product, you need to take into account the condition of the skin and the age of the bites. For example, if the skin is dry and a hard crust has already formed at the site of the bite, then it would be more advisable to use ointment. It will be absorbed slowly, dissolving the dead part of the epidermis. If the bugs have bitten you recently and you have normal skin, then you can get by with a light gel.

List of the most effective means

As you know, bedbugs are blood-sucking insects, so for healing wounds, products aimed at getting rid of the consequences of bites from fleas, mosquitoes and others are suitable.

So, let's look at what to smear bedbug bites with.


Important! It should be remembered that Fenistil gel is not recommended for use in children under 1 year of age.


This drug can be found on sale in two dosage forms - ointment and cream. Thanks to dexpanthenol, which is its active substance, the affected areas of the skin quickly heal and are restored. This remedy is not specifically intended for the treatment of wounds caused by bedbug bites, but since it has an anti-inflammatory effect, it can be used in this situation.

Important! This remedy is used for dermatitis, diaper rash, to heal scratches, abrasions and cuts. But after bedbug bites, it can only help with a minor skin reaction.


Cikaderma is an ointment that is used to heal superficial wounds, including bedbug bites. Before using it, the affected skin area must be washed. Apply ointment 1-2 times a day. Cikaderma stops the inflammatory process and gradually heals the wound.

Attention! It must be remembered that after applying this product, direct sunlight should be prevented from entering the treated areas of the skin.


The dosage form of this product is gel. It contains diphenylramine or, in other words, diphenhydramine, the action of which is aimed at blocking H1 receptors. Psilo-balm almost immediately after application reduces itching, reduces swelling of tissues, slightly cools and dries the affected areas of the skin.


Elidel is a cream that is prescribed, as a rule, for extensive manifestations of an allergic reaction, atopic dermatitis and eczema. This drug should not be used immediately after a bug bite.

The course of treatment with Psilo-Balm can be quite long. It is prescribed to adults, as well as to children aged three months and older.

Attention! The wounds should not be inflamed, and if there is a suspicion of the development of a fungal infection, then the use of the product is not recommended.

Important! Remember that some remedies for bedbug bites may contain bee products (pollen, wax, royal jelly). These components are strong allergens, so they must be used with caution, especially for the treatment of skin diseases in children.

Erythromycin ointment

This drug contains an antibiotic, so its independent use is not allowed. You must first consult a doctor. Erythromycin ointment is prescribed for severe swelling at the site of bites, as well as for obvious inflammatory processes expressed in the form of ulcers, ulcers and other infected wounds.

Advantan and Afloderm

These medications are hormonal, so they are not recommended to be used independently without first consulting your doctor. Such drugs are prescribed for severe allergic reactions to insect bites and atopic dermatitis of various origins.

Advantan and Afloderm can be used by children over 1 year of age and adults. But use requires extreme caution, since in the case of purulent inflammation that has already appeared, hormonal drugs are contraindicated.

Antipruritic ointments

The leading symptom of a bug bite is severe itching, which makes you want to constantly scratch the skin. The insect bites through the epidermis and then releases saliva saturated with bioactive substances. Most of them are foreign to the human body, which is why it reacts to their introduction with such a peculiar reaction.

Itching is not harmless, because when scratching the skin is micro-traumatized. Pathogenic bacteria can penetrate into wounds and cause acute inflammation. Therefore, it is advisable to get rid of itching immediately after it appears with the help of ointments. How to smear bedbug bites to prevent itching - gels and creams with a delicate structure are ideal.


Nezulin is a white cream-gel with a pleasant aroma of medicinal plants. The composition of the drug is represented by phytoextracts of celandine, chamomile, licorice, plantain, essential oils of basil, lavender, mint. And for accelerated regeneration of skin damaged by bedbugs, dexpanthenol is added to it. Nezulin is characterized by the following therapeutic properties:

  • antipruritic;
  • wound healing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • pain reliever;
  • decongestant.

The cream-gel is good for the skin - it moisturizes and softens it, saturates it with useful substances. The drug has only one contraindication for use - individual intolerance to one of the ingredients. It is recommended to apply it to the area of ​​bedbug bites up to 4 times a day. It is not advisable to use Nezulin in the treatment of children under 3 years of age.


To form a dense thick cream, the manufacturer used phytoextracts of violet, birch buds, calendula, dropsy, milkweed, and speedwell. Gistan also contains dimethicone, lily of the valley oil, betulin, and lupine. Together, these herbal ingredients provide not only an antipruritic effect. They exhibit pronounced therapeutic activity:

  • stimulate the resorption of edema;
  • reduce the severity of pain;
  • accelerate tissue restoration.

Gistan is used 2 to 3 times a day, rubbed into bedbug bites. It is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients. But it should be borne in mind that pharmacies sell Gistan-H with a glucocorticosteroid. This remedy for bedbug bites is not used during pregnancy and lactation, in childhood and adolescence.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

The inflammatory process that occurs in the skin after bug bites is especially dangerous for humans. It is quite mild and goes away without medication in people with good immunity. But when the body’s defenses are weakened, the pathological process may spread to healthy areas of the skin, forming ulcers and erosions. Therefore, dermatologists recommend not to hesitate, but to immediately use external agents with anti-inflammatory effects.


This is a homeopathic remedy in the form of a thick cream and an ointment of less dense consistency. Its pharmacological action is based on the properties of a single active ingredient - Cardiospermum halicacabum, which belongs to tropical vines. The medicinal plant contains a huge amount of bioactive organic compounds:

  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • phytosterols.

Iricar has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects. After using it 3 times a day, thickening and flaking of the skin caused by continuous scratching disappear. The drug is not used if the components are intolerant. Ointment for bedbug bites in pediatrics is indicated only from 12 months.


One of the most effective ointments for bed bug bites is Sinaflan. The drug is used to relieve inflammation and inhibit allergic reactions. The skin condition improves immediately after the first use of Sinaflan. Along with inflammation, pain, itching, and skin irritation disappear.

But the ingredients of hormonal ointment penetrate the systemic bloodstream, so it is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. It is not used in the therapy of children either. In the presence of severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys, Sinaflan should be used only under medical supervision.


The active ingredient of the ointment is refined naftalan oil. The drug is characterized by antifungal, softening, absorbable, analgesic, and antiseptic activity on the skin. It is used to reduce inflammation, accelerate wound healing, and eliminate itching. It is not recommended to use Naftaderm on the face.

The product is distributed in a thin layer 2 times a day. The course of treatment can last up to 4 weeks or more. Treatment with Naftaderm is not carried out in case of hypersensitivity to the components of naftalan oil.

Ointment doesn't always help

But it’s not always enough to know how to treat bedbug bites. Sometimes the body’s reaction is too strong, and the ointment is no longer able to cope with it. In fact, such external remedies become effective only with slight swelling, moderate itching and slight redness of the affected skin area. If the allergy is accompanied by the following symptoms, you should immediately see your doctor:

  • Severe tissue swelling has formed at the site of the bites;
  • the body is covered with frequent rashes;
  • blisters appeared;
  • severe itching that cannot be tolerated;
  • the bite site became inflamed and hot;
  • nausea appeared.

This reaction occurs infrequently, only if the person is allergic to insect bites.

Attention! If such symptoms appear and do not go away within several days, then seeking qualified medical help becomes necessary.

Gels and folk methods also help against bites; our ancestors used them. For example, plantain leaves help well.

Which product to choose

In pharmacies you can find drugs in different forms, ointments, creams, they differ only in structure and active ingredients, which have different effects on the source of trouble.

What is the difference?

  • Creams - often used for cosmetic purposes, but there are creams that can reduce swelling of the skin and eliminate inflammation. The cream can be purchased at pharmacies and skin care stores.
  • Ointment is a medicinal product consisting of a base and a medicinal substance distributed in it, which affects the skin and relieves symptoms of inflammation and heals the skin. The ointment consists of a large part of fat, so it is slowly absorbed into the skin and acts on the damaged area of ​​​​the skin for a long time.
  • Gels - completely dissolve medicinal components in themselves and consist of water and a substance that gives it certain properties. Unlike ointments and creams, gels are easily washed off clothes because they do not contain fat. Gels can also dry out wounds.

If you have dry and itchy skin in the area of ​​the bite, it is better to use an ointment or cream that will relieve inflammation and moisturize the skin, but if your skin, on the contrary, is too oily, you should give preference to gels.

For bed bug bites, ointments that are used for bites of other blood-sucking creatures (mosquitoes) help. Therefore, the choice of drugs is quite large; you can also use ointments that relieve inflammation and wound healing drugs. It is enough to treat the bed bug bite site with special ointments several times to get rid of the unpleasant sensations.

How to apply bedbug bites:


This product helps speed up the healing process of wounds (cuts, scratches). For bedbug bites, the ointment relieves redness, itching and irritation of the skin. The active substance in the ointment is dexpanthenol, which quickly restores the skin after bites and other injuries. The drug is sold as a wound healing agent, but it can be used in cases of bedbug bites.

Fenistil gel

This remedy is used for bites of bedbugs, mosquitoes and other insects; the gel also helps with allergic reactions of the body: swelling, hives and severe itching.

The active component located in the gel and playing the main role is often found in vasoconstrictor drugs; it is this effect that helps reduce irritation and allergic reactions to various irritants. The gel blocks histamine receptors, which cause itching and redness of the skin when exposed to various factors.



The ointment has wound-healing properties and relieves inflammation well. Before applying the drug, rinse the bite areas with cold water, after which you can apply the ointment to dry skin. The product is used to treat wounds twice a day.

In serious cases, when a person has a severe allergic reaction to bites, he should consult a doctor, he can prescribe hormonal ointments (hydrocortisone ointment, Advantan, Afloderm), they cause a strong anti-allergic effect and relieve symptoms and discomfort.

Such drugs should not be used without the consent of a doctor, as they may be contraindicated in certain cases.

In cases of severe suppuration or the appearance of ulcers at the site of the bite, antibiotic ointments can be used. Such ointments will destroy the infection that has entered the wound and causes suppuration.

It should be remembered that before using the most harmless ointment, you should carefully read the instructions. Many ointments are prohibited for use on the skin of young children.

If the ointment doesn't help

In most cases, after bed bug bites, it is enough to treat the bite site with an ointment that relieves itching and swelling, but there are cases when a strong reaction occurs to the substance that entered the body along with the bite. In such cases, the body may become covered with redness and swelling. To avoid danger, you should take an antihistamine (diazolin, suprastin, tavegil). Below we will describe the symptoms for which you should seek help from a clinic or, if your health deteriorates significantly, call an ambulance.

  • Large swelling;
  • Rash on different parts of the skin;
  • Blisters that appear after bites;
  • Severe itching;
  • increased temperature, chills and fever;
  • nausea and vomiting.

This reaction is observed to the bites of some types of insects, but if you have an allergy, they can occur with the bites of bedbugs that are safe for most people.

If, after a bedbug bite, you experience a rash all over your body, fever, high or low blood pressure, or a severe headache, you should seek medical help immediately. In such cases, a person can be seriously injured and faint, and there are rarely cases with a fatal outcome.

If you do not use ointment

Bedbugs are harmless creatures to human health. Bedbugs are not carriers of infectious diseases, since viruses do not spread throughout the body of insects, but are released along with the feces of bedbugs.

Therefore, if your skin is not sensitive to bites and you are not allergic, you can simply leave the wound unattended, and it will go away on its own within two days.

How to distinguish bedbug bites

Unlike other insects that sting or suck blood from the body. Bedbugs select a small area of ​​the body and leave 3-6 puncture wounds from which the blood has been sucked. Usually such wounds are located at a close distance of 2-4 centimeters.

Other insects bite indiscriminately and leave marks all over the body.

Bedbug bites are dangerous to humans, since the toxic substances released by insects can provoke a serious allergic reaction. Measures should be taken especially quickly if numerous bites are found on the child’s body. To eliminate the consequences, many drugs have been invented that have a local effect. What product - ointment, gel or cream - should I buy to eliminate unpleasant sensations on the skin? Let's try to figure it out.

All these forms of drugs are united by the presence of a base and an active substance, which is dissolved in a specific proportion.

An ointment is a product in the structure of which small particles of a substance are not completely dissolved in the base. She herself is most often fatty. Ointment, unlike cream or gel, is absorbed somewhat more slowly, but has a longer lasting effect on the condition of the skin. Convenient to use.
Creams have a lower percentage of fat than ointments. Just like ointments for bedbugs, any of the creams usually leaves greasy marks on clothes. But this is perhaps the only drawback of the product.

To treat dry crusts that have formed on damaged areas or if you have dry skin, it is recommended to use ointment or cream. It is better to use the gel when the skin is not yet peeling, but there is only slight redness. To dry wet wounds, you can also apply the product in gel form, as it has an excellent drying effect. When choosing a topical drug, be sure to read its composition and indications for use.

Popular ointments

They are responsible for the appearance of inflammation at the bite sites, the formation of painful and itchy ulcers. The product will be needed to treat the consequences of insect bites, including bedbugs, eliminate allergies in the form of urticaria, and relieve tissue swelling and itching. The use of the drug is not recommended for children under one year of age, as stated in the instructions.

The gel called “Psilo-balm” contains the component diphenhydramine, also known as diphenhydramine. Its effect is the same as the substances in the drug "Fenistil". What can the product do? It reduces tissue swelling at bite sites and reduces the permeability of blood vessels. The drug gives the skin an antipruritic and cooling effect. It has excellent analgesic properties and dries out crusts formed after bites.

Another remedy to help the skin is Elidel cream. It will be needed not to combat the symptoms of bites, but to treat manifestations of eczema or atopic dermatitis as a result of bedbug bites. The active component of the cream is pimecrolimus, which has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the skin.

If you have been bitten by bedbugs and there is a suspicion that a fungal or bacterial infection is developing in the wounds, you should not apply the cream. It is not recommended for children under 3 months of age.

"Bepanten" is another effective drug offered to manufacturers in convenient ointment and gel forms. It is not specifically antipruritic or anti-inflammatory. But, having the active component dexpanthenol, it has the ability to restore the skin, moisturize it and heal wounds. Such drugs can be used even for newborns. "Bepanten" is effective if you have recently been bitten by bedbugs - to eliminate redness, swelling, as well as for cuts and scratches.

What to do when the consequences of bites are quite severe? It is best to consult a specialist who will prescribe an ointment for bites containing hormones. Among such products are hydrocortisone ointment, Advantan ointment and cream, Afloderm.

Such drugs are used in the presence of severe atopic dermatitis, manifestations of complex allergic reactions to insect bites, including bedbugs. They have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antiallergic effects on the skin. Hormonal ointments should not be used if purulent inflammation of the skin occurs.

They are also not recommended for pregnant women and infants under 1 year of age. When there is severe swelling and itching, ulcers, and ulcers, the doctor may recommend purchasing an antibiotic-based ointment, such as erythromycin. It copes well with infection that gets into the bite sites.

What to do if the ointment does not help

What should you do if you were recently bitten by bedbugs, and the product you purchased turned out to be ineffective? Sometimes modern ointments and creams can only eliminate local allergic reactions in the form of swelling with obligatory itching and redness. To get help if you have a strong reaction to substances in the bedbug's saliva, you should take an antihistamine containing cetirizine or loratadine.

But it is best to visit a doctor, especially when there is severe swelling, a profuse rash on the skin, blisters at the bite sites, unbearable itching, nausea and fever, accompanied by chills and fever. Typically, this reaction is observed in a person who has been bitten by bees or wasps, if he suffers from allergies. The same thing happens when the skin is damaged by bed bugs - there is a burning sensation, swelling of the tissues, and pain that does not go away for several days.

It is especially worth taking the victim to the hospital quickly when he has a high temperature, difficulty breathing, pressure surges, swelling in the joint or limb, near which the most bites occur. When there are people in the family who suffer from special reactions to insect bites, it is imperative to have an ampoule of dexamethasone in the medicine cabinet.

Video “How to get rid of skin problems with allergic dermatitis”

Dr. Komarovsky advises how to properly get rid of skin problems with allergic dermatitis.

The topic of today's article is bedbug bites: how to treat a person, symptoms, prevention. How to treat bedbug bites in a child? What ointment can be used for insect bites, the names are in the article.

Domestic bed bug bites

Initially, you need to determine that it was a house bug that bit you. The main feature is the presence of a large number of red itchy welts on the human body, and they are either lined up or arranged as closely as possible.

You must also remember that you should not scratch the blisters - this can cause infection in the wound.

After this, you can begin treating bed bug bites at home.

For accurate identification, here are a few photographs of bites:

Photos of bedbug bites and how to get rid of them are described below:

How and with what to treat?

In order to get rid of itching and damage to the skin, you can use both folk remedies and specialized medical creams or ointments.

How to treat bedbug bites? First you need wash the affected area cool water with soap or soda solution. This will relieve the itching a little. After this you can apply an ice cube, wipe the skin with parsley or potato juice.

ATTENTION! Ammonia, ointment for bedbug bites “Fenistil” or cream “Rescuer” help well. The last two remedies for bedbug bites will also act as anti-allergens.

How to get rid of itching? It is best to anoint the damaged areas with Afloderm ointment or Zvezdochka balm.

In case of a severe allergic reaction, you can use antihistamines - Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil. However, before using them, it is best to consult a specialist doctor.

Bedbug bites on humans - treatment with folk remedies:

  • Handle mint leaves;
  • Applying softened dandelion stem;
  • Lubricating damaged areas garlic juice which relieves irritation and swelling;
  • Usage plantain or bird cherry leaves;
  • Applying the cut bulbs;
  • Lubrication aloe juice.

What to do to avoid being bitten?

They only bite at night, leaving behind a trail of intensely itchy blisters. They can cause discomfort and even cause allergies. In order to ease the sensation, the bites are washed with cold water, and then apply anti-itch ointments such as “Fenistil” and “Rescuer”, or use a large number of folk methods.

We hope now you will not have the situation: you were bitten by bedbugs, what should you do? Now you know exactly what to do if you are bitten by a bug and you can help yourself and your loved ones in such a case.

However, such remedies will not act constantly - the bloodsuckers will either find a new one, or due to hunger they will not pay attention to the irritant.

So, today we looked at the following issues - bedbug bites: treatment and prevention in adults and children. How to treat bed bug bites and their symptoms? Did you tell us what to put on bedbug bites to relieve the itching? What to put on to prevent bedbugs from biting?