If you dreamed that you were robbed. Dream interpretation: bank robbery, apartment robbery, catch a robber. Interpretation of dreams. Why do you dream about a store robbery?

02.04.2024 Drugs

When there is aggression within one sex, there is no intervention from the other sex, especially for conflicts between women.

The attack is preceded by the dehumanization of the enemy, which facilitates the direct manifestation of the conflict.

In psychoanalysis, this behavior is associated with passive homosexuality.

Probably, in this case, the replacement of the symbolism of aggression with the symbolism of a safety valve, for example, a sports game in which, as is known, there are gender differences and competitions take place within the same gender.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Attack

Attacking someone in a dream with unfair accusations and reproaches is a warning not to be undeservedly insulted. Being attacked by biased criticism means that you will soon receive the long-awaited money.

If someone suddenly attacks you in a dream from an ambush, it means that you are in danger on the road. A dream in which a drunk man attacks you with a pitchfork means that you have or will have personal enemies who will begin to annoy you in every possible way.

A dream in which you are attacked by witches and other evil spirits foreshadows the disruption of affairs both at work and at home. Defending yourself with a spear from the evil dwarfs attacking you means that in reality you will refute all accusations against you, proving your honesty. Attacking someone with a knife in your hands means that in reality you will show bad traits of your character by treating your friends unfairly.

A dream in which sharks attack you predicts failures that will plunge you into extreme despair. If a whale attacks the ship you are sailing on board in the ocean and overturns it, in reality this will result in an accident or illness for you.

Snakes attacking you means that you will find yourself a powerless victim in the hands of your enemies. If an angry cat attacks you, biting hard and trying to scratch out your eyes, this is a threat of loss of property and reputation in the course of an unequal litigation that will cost all your savings.

Interpretation of dreams from

Robbery, robbery - an attack with the aim of taking possession of the property of a potential victim, theft of funds using crude and primitive violent methods. Robbery in a dream means some internal conflict, which, quite possibly, continues in reality.

Scenes with violence, chases, beatings, and robberies in dreams are the most common. Yet, under the veneer of civilization, politeness and good manners, humanity at its core remains an aggressive and evil savage tribe. And that's great. The ability to violence, to achieve goals through overcoming, provides the very progress that takes us into space, forces us to build, invent, master and conquer nature. Not a single humanistic idea has a creative beginning.

If you dream that you are being robbed, this is a reason to strengthen security measures, think through your defense, and take a closer look at the people who were involved in the robbery in your dream. If you are the one robbing, it is quite possible that you are really ready to take the most extreme measures. Think about what you really want to get, and whether it is possible to get what you need with minimal risk, without direct exposure.

Mostly, dreams of robbery mean money. Beggars are not afraid of robbery. Seeing a warning in a dream, you will be able to prepare for aggressive actions and prevent theft.

  • If you dream that someone is robbing you in your house, rummaging through tables, safes and drawers in your absence, looking for jewelry, documents, designs, manuscripts - someone in reality is hunting for your designs, property and what you value it more than anything. Robbery of a home is a sign of self-doubt and vulnerability. Consider your security policy. It may be a good idea to separate the location of any public meetings from your place of residence.
  • In some cases, robbery is not associated with material assets. For example, someone has his eye on your wife, for whom you buy diamonds, has pity on her tender heart and dreams of improving his financial well-being at her expense. Perhaps she herself will ask for a nice and hard-working guy. In this case, you may well see in a dream how a nice guy is rummaging through your pockets. Pay attention to such moments.
  • If you dream that a robbery scenario is happening at work, they are trying to trick you and steal your achievements and successes. Perhaps the robber does not belong to your company, but to your competitors.
  • Rob a bank in a dream. Perhaps you have watched Westerns and become infected with the romance of the Wild West. Enter gracefully, shoot at the ceiling - This is a robbery! Everyone lie down! Darling, please put the money in this bag - a tempting get-rich-quick scenario. You are a romantic person. It is a pity that such scenarios do not work in the modern world. But in your sleep you can enjoy it. This is a dream about a dream and light childishness. In reality, guys with big guns rarely lived past 25. A dream about a bank robbery can mean lucrative business offers.
  • A store robbery is a wonderful dream, especially if there is a good selection of goods and a cash register. In reality, this means entering new markets and advising you to adhere to an aggressive marketing policy.

Strange robberies in dreams

Since a robbery is a sign of confusion, uncertainty, and doubt, dreams often appear with an absurd mixture of plots, when robbers make threats, steal a car, try to come to an agreement “on good terms,” demonstratively damage and break property, and behave illogically and inconsistently.

Such dreams generally show a complex attitude towards oneself, disdain for material values ​​and at the same time a lack of funds and internal struggle. You need to calm down, buy yourself some ice cream, relax, go to the movies. If your sleep continues to bother you, go to a psychologist and sort it out together with a professional. Help from a professional is always a great time saver. Almost everything can be done on your own, but it will take longer and worse.

Interpretations of robbery according to authoritative sources

  • Miller's dream book claims that a robbery in a dream means your own helplessness and insolvency, your readiness to act on the advice of others, and to listen too much to outside recommendations.
  • Hasse's dream book believes that a robbery in a dream will allow you to avoid the wrath of the big boss in reality. Keep your nose to the wind and the storm will pass by. Don't talk about premonitions and prophetic dreams - everyone will run away and you will be left alone with an angry boss.
  • Longo's dream book pays attention to street robberies. If you are interested in a professional whose approach you didn’t even notice, this promises good career prospects. If you are the robber, be extremely careful in reality and, of course, refuse illegal measures. Finally, go to training on “how to manage people” and practice regularly on your own boss.


Robbery is a common dream plot, characteristic of difficult, turning points in life. Perhaps your worldview needs to change. Some people will lose your trust, you will make new friends and, quite possibly, make enemies.

The best enemies are made from former friends who suddenly lose access to free benefits. Hold your tongue, don't talk too much.

Robbery is an unpleasant situation that many people find themselves in, but sometimes such an incident can even be a dream. If a person is interested in the question: “Why did I dream that I was robbed?”, he should carefully read this article.

What if I dream about being robbed?

“Why do I dream that I was robbed?” - a question that worries many people, because a dream is unlikely to evoke positive thoughts. In fact, a vision in which a person is robbed does not necessarily have a negative interpretation. Rather, on the contrary, such a dream often means that in reality a person will experience major acquisitions and sudden joys. The most important thing is not to miss the very expected positive moment.

If in a dream a robbery is committed with the help of a weapon, it means that in real life a person will face sudden and serious dangers. These hazards may be predictable or unexpected, but if not prepared for, they can cause serious harm to your health.

A dream in which a person himself is a participant in criminal acts means that in reality the owner of the vision will receive a tempting offer. It’s just because of this tempting offer that you can end up in an uncomfortable and stressful situation. It is worth carefully considering every decision you make so that you do not end up facing the consequences of your own frivolity and short-sightedness.

In many dream books, robbery is a sign of acquisitions and future wealth that will overtake a person unexpectedly. Perhaps such a vision predicts financial success, but the person himself will have to work on realizing the dream in real life.

A dream in which a person was robbed on the street means that there are several suspicious personalities in his life. Perhaps excessive kindness towards others will play a cruel joke on the owner of the dream, making him bitterly regret his own soft heart in the future.

If in a dream the apartment of the owner of the vision is robbed, it means that in the future uninvited guests will visit his home. Most likely, these people will not bring the most joyful news and emotions, but hospitality will force them to be accepted. Also, such a vision can mean sudden crises in your personal life. Relations with family members will become very tense, and in order to get out of this difficult situation, the owner of the vision will have to show all his wisdom.

A vision in which a person is robbed, but retains all the most valuable things that he had with him, has an excellent interpretation. Such a dream means that minor problems and everyday failures will not affect the positive picture of the future. Also, this vision may mean that the machinations of ill-wishers will not affect the life of the person himself, allowing him to continue to achieve success.

What does it portend?

A dream in which several people are robbed at once usually predicts trouble on all fronts. Most likely, in the near future, both family relationships and career prospects will be under serious threat.

A dream in which the owner of the vision is beaten and robbed has a negative interpretation. Such a dream foreshadows imminent and unexpected troubles. These problems can be related to both personal life and career success.

If, as a result of a robbery, a person receives a knife or bullet wound, it means that in reality he will face serious trials. Such tests can strengthen character, and after going through them, a person will finally achieve the long-awaited success.

A dream in which a person is robbed by a friend and loved one foreshadows a breakdown in relations with this person in reality. Moreover, a breakdown in relationships can occur on personal grounds, and will have serious consequences. If one of the family members becomes a robber, then some kind of disaster will happen in the house. Such a nuisance can be caused by a simple everyday problem or a serious quarrel between family members.

Robbery in a dream almost never foreshadows a similar incident in real life, but it often has a negative interpretation. It is quite possible that a person will have to go through many trials, but a correctly interpreted dream will prepare its owner for future problems.

Robbery symbolizes your softness, which will lead to many misfortunes. The robbery of your home in a dream signifies the need to defend your views on life in the near future. If in a dream you were accused of committing a robbery, then in reality you will be a participant in an unpleasant incident that will prevent you from achieving what you want. Because of the current situation, you will be very nervous and worried, but after a while everything will work out and you will get what you want. A dream in which you are being persecuted for committing a robbery means approaching failures at work and a deterioration in relationships with others. If in a dream you were catching up with a robber, then in reality you will prevail over your ill-wishers. If the robbers were catching up with you, relations with enemies will worsen; be vigilant towards new acquaintances.

Robbery in Miller's dream book

A dream in which the police were pursuing you for robbery promises difficulties in business and aggravation of relationships with others. Chasing or catching a robber means you will be able to defeat your enemies. A dream in which you are robbed by a servant is a warning. Someone from your circle of acquaintances does not take into account property inviolability. Being accused of robbery means that some stupid misunderstanding will become an obstacle in business. If another person has been accused of robbery, then you need to be more vigilant in your judgment in relation to others. A dream in which your home was robbed indicates future troubles; you will need to defend your principles.

Robbery in Vanga's dream book

Catching a burglar in your home means that you are inherently cautious and distrustful of others. A dream in which you were robbed promises big troubles, insults and disappointment. If you robbed someone, then in reality be vigilant about your health, you can get seriously ill. A dream in which you were able to prevent a robbery promises you an inheritance that you can keep only if you help those in need. A dream in which you punished a robber reminds you that you must not forget about justice towards others. Watching a robbery means that you are an honest and principled person in life, because of this you have many enemies.

Robbery in Freud's dream book

The robber symbolizes the penis. A dream in which a woman was the victim of a robbery, and there was only one robber, speaks of her desire to acquire a sexual partner. If there were several robbers, then she wants to have many sexual partners or even provoke sexual violence. For a man, a dream in which he was robbed represents a desire for homosexual relations. A dream in which you bravely fought back against robbers may mean that someone is meeting your desires. Also, robbery and robbers can personify your relationship with your parents; the threat of an attack by robbers indicates disagreements with them. If you managed to avoid being robbed, then your goals may remain unachieved.

It is unlikely that this word evokes pleasant memories in your subconscious. The image of a thief is presented as something dark and unpleasant.

If this symbol appears in your dream, then do not rush to hide valuables and install new locks on the door, because in a dream this symbol can have several meanings.

In the old days, it was believed that part of the blame for theft goes to the one who leads people into temptation with his carelessness. “What is poorly placed is not protected by fear.” “Don’t put it in a bad place, don’t lead a thief into sin.”

A dream in which you saw a thief sneaking into your house means that in reality you made an unforgivable mistake that will cost you very dearly.

Seeing in a dream how you caught a thief is a sign that in real life you will do everything possible to not miss the chance.

To see in a dream how a thief stole a personal and valuable thing from you means that in reality you are being deceived and your personal well-being is under threat.

Seeing in a dream how you are offered to buy a stolen item is a bad sign. Someone will try to take advantage of your personal and intimate.

A dream in which you found an item stolen by a thief symbolizes well-being and prosperity created by your personal labor.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a thief, this promises you problems and emotional distress.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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