There are a lot of black flies in the dream. Why do you dream of flies - interpretation of sleep. Why do you dream about a lot of flies in the house, toilet, window, ceiling?

02.04.2024 Brain Research

Annoying flying insects do not evoke particularly good feelings. Therefore, when you dream about insects, such a dream can hardly be called pleasant. However, there is no need to panic, you just have to listen to the clues to figure out what flies mean in your dreams.

Dream Interpretation: seeing flies in a dream

Most interpreters share a general negative attitude towards these insects, but there are alternative options for deciphering dreams. The main thing is to take into account all the details of the dream.

Miller's Dream Book warns of the danger of contracting an infectious disease if you dream of flies. In addition, in the immediate environment there are many envious people and slanderers. However, if you manage to kill an insect in a dream, you should expect things to improve soon.

Russian dream book interprets flies as dirty tricks from ill-wishers. Unscrupulous and hypocritical people will seriously annoy the dreamer.

Ukrainian dream book contains a similar interpretation: the enemies are very close. Of particular importance is to drive away insects. This plot promises a journey.

According to Vanga's dream book When you dream of flies, you need to remember deceased relatives and friends. If the insect in the dream is the only one, and very annoying, this is a sad symbol of loss.

Dream interpretation of esotericism Tsvetkova deciphers that numerous flying flies in a dream mean meetings with friends. One insect symbolizes sadness and boredom.

Flies in a dream that got into food or drinks, according to Madame’s version Hasse mean sudden fear in reality. Catching insects with your hands is a warning that you can end up in a very delicate situation due to your own carelessness. Being able to swat an annoying fly is a favorable sign. Problems can be dealt with without damaging your reputation.

According to Sigmund Freud's dream book The interpretation of sleep with insects is original. According to the famous psychiatrist, when flies are dreamed of, this means the dreamer’s subconscious perception of children or the younger generation if insects are annoying with their buzzing in a dream. To mutilate insects (tear off legs, wings), according to Freud's interpretation, means to experience a passionate desire for intimate relations with minors.

According to the Tarot dream book white flies mean slander. Someone is preparing to present the sleeping person in front of his superiors and relatives in the most unsightly form.

Dream book of the 21st century warns that flies appear in dreams as an image of upcoming troubles. Annoying individuals in a dream symbolize bad premonitions. Easily dealing with insects is a joyful event, but eating flies is unpleasant symptoms of deteriorating health, possibly poisoning. If insects land on clothes, in reality someone is gossiping about the dreamer.

Flies in a dream are deciphered depending on who dreamed about them, how many there were, and where the insects were located. Therefore, it is important to remember the details of the dream.

When you dream about a lot of flies on the street or in nature man, this means meeting with friends. The meaning of sleep is favorable if insects do not interfere with the sleeper in any way.

If Roy flies cause discomfort, in reality there will be disputes. Such a plot warns that it is necessary to reconsider your relationships with others. Conflicts do not always occur solely through the fault of others; the reason for some is the stubbornness of the sleeper.

When there are a lot of flies in the air are annoying with their buzzing, this portends a lot of trouble. Worries will consume all your free time.

If you dream of flies in large numbers indoors, this means that your reputation is at risk. Ill-wishers have become more active and are diligently spreading rumors. I dreamed a lot large flies - expect trouble. The larger the size of the insects, the more difficult the problems will be to deal with.

Why do women dream of flies?

A lot of flies to a woman mean intrigues that weave around her. There is a high probability of contracting an infection, so you should avoid visiting potentially dangerous places with large crowds of people.

Big A fly in a woman’s dream almost always means decreased immunity and illness. Killing a circling and annoying fly is a favorable sign regarding the personal sphere. Thanks to an extraordinary solution, it will be possible to brilliantly improve romantic relationships.

Why do you dream about flies in the house?

If flies fly into your home in a dream, then sometimes such a plot means a wedding party. But if an insect sits on a stove or fireplace, you should be careful with fire. In order to correctly interpret why you dream of flies in a house in a dream, you need to remember and figure out whose home it was.

I dreamed about a lot of flies in the room sleeping - a bad sign. There are many unpleasant rumors circulating around the personality of the sleeper. The noisy rumble of wings means that the matter is already quite serious, and it’s time to deal with the slanderers.

If insects in his sat on the ceiling in the house, then this should alert you. In reality, a hypocritical, insincere person got too close. He uses the trust that is given to him for his own selfish purposes. It's worth reconsidering your social circle. Flies sitting on the window glass mean an unexpected situation has arisen. You can cope only with the help of friends. Finding insects in food means trouble will simply stun you with its suddenness. So that they don’t take you by surprise, it’s worth analyzing your “weak points” and adjusting your lifestyle.

flies in someone else's in the house means the occurrence of troubles due to the involuntary interference of the sleeper in the affairs of others. This is the very case when helping others can bring trouble to a kind person.

Interpretation of sleep by type and color of flies

Depending on what kind of flies you dream about, the interpretation has different meanings. The role has color, size and other details.

It will be possible to painlessly part with unpleasant people from your environment if dead flies in a dream. For girls, dead insects portend getting rid of an annoying and unpleasant admirer.

In the same time dead flies in a dream mean a pleasant date. An unexpected meeting is possible, which will bring pleasure.

As a reflection of everyday worries and fears of not being able to do something, appear black flies in a dream. It is advisable to consider such a dream as a recommendation to worry first about yourself, and only after that, figuratively speaking, to save the whole world.

If you dream big black flies flying around annoyingly, or even landing on a sleeping person, it is advisable to pay attention to your well-being. There is a high risk of exposure to a viral disease. A black insect of enormous size means that you should abandon a new project. There will be no benefit from working on it. If the big fly in the dream is not black, this is a reflection of unfavorable circumstances that have arisen in reality. The dreamer is trying hard to find a way out, and a distant look will help him. Perhaps the danger of the situation is greatly exaggerated by him, and the solution to the problem is easier than it seemed.

Dreams of a serious health hazard warning green flies. If you don't take care, a simple illness can develop into a chronic disease with complications.

There are also dreams about deterioration of well-being. dung flies. It is advisable not to tempt fate and avoid visiting places where there is a high probability of contracting an infection.

White insects warn that you have to remember the past. A mistake or action once made will unexpectedly require correction.

Red flies are a sign of the influence of dark forces. The evil eye and magical damage are possible. Yellow insects are a symbol of vampiric influence. Someone around him shamelessly uses the energy of the sleeper.

Nasty small flies in a dream mean that unsavory rumors are being spread about the sleeper. A very tiny midge reflects dreams of a leadership position. To get it, you have to try very hard.

Why dream of hitting flies in a dream?

The plot in which I dream kill flies, there are several interpretations. The most common is getting rid of unpleasant people in your environment and successfully resolving all issues. However, an alternative version warns that the sleeper is overwhelmed with irritability. Expressing an overly emotional point of view can lead to a quarrel. It is worth thinking about both the meaning of the words spoken and the intonation. Otherwise, you can seriously and permanently offend friends, relatives and colleagues.

A good omen if you dream poison flies You will be able to clear your environment of two-faced people and slanderers. But the meaning of the dream becomes unfavorable if adhesive tape is used to kill insects. This is a harbinger of disagreements with your closest friends. Catching insects with traps means that you can get into trouble by setting up a trick for another person.

Meaning of sleep – flies and other insects

If you dream flies and spiders in a dream, this means that in reality you will have to work hard. But the result will be very pleasing. To symbolize mutual love, you dream of an insect caught in a web.

But if you dream at the same time worms and flies, personal life will be overshadowed by troubles. These could be omissions, quarrels due to rumors that have come to attention.

Dreamed larvae flies portend a serious showdown of relationships with a loved one.

Flies and cockroaches seen at night portend profit if they did not interfere with the sleeper in any way. Otherwise, the income will be less than expected, or it will be obtained through too much work.

Flies in a dream are not always a bad sign, because you need to take into account the day of the week when you saw them. In addition, after a warning it is easier to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation.

A fly is an annoying insect that people are trying to get rid of. A fly that has flown in from the street flies around the house for a long time and buzzes obnoxiously, transmits germs, and a cluster of flies is unpleasant to look at. This insect can often be found in fairy tales, and it is often a negative character.

Why do we dream about flies? Oddly enough, a fly even in a dream does not promise anything good to a person. Usually, upon waking up, the dreamer experiences an unpleasant aftertaste from the vision. And the meaning of sleep is similar - it is a harbinger of worries and anxieties.

Of course, a lot depends on the details of the night vision - on the number of men, their size, color. The actions of a person in a dream and emotions are also important. This article will help you find out more precisely what the flies were about in your dream.

General interpretation

Seeing annoying insects in a dream means a boring and dull course of the dreamer’s life: it’s time to change something. If flies stick and bite the dreamer, this symbolizes future troubles.

Moreover, the events will be beyond the dreamer’s control, and it will not be easy to cope with them. Seeing a lot of dead flies is a sign of hassle: you will have to be very nervous about some event. Flies also symbolize an unpleasant person in your immediate environment, who causes a lot of trouble.

The plot seen changes interpretation in accordance with the features of the picture:

  • where the flies were;
  • what size were the insects;
  • what color were the backs of the insects;
  • what events happened in the dream.

If you remember that you saw flies on the window, it means that you have many enemies in life. Flies in the house mean trouble, or even fire. Seeing insects crawling on food means fear, on the ceiling means betrayal of a loved one, on hair means poor health.

The more insects you saw, the more tense your relationship with your immediate environment will be. Many flies in a dream - the sleeper is surrounded by gossip, speculation and rumors.

  1. Huge flies are a symbol of bad thoughts, the influence of dark forces on the dreamer (Beelzebub is the prince of flies). You need to reconsider your life: are you going the right way? It wouldn’t hurt to visit a temple, confess, and pray to the saints.
  2. Seeing swarming insects means unpleasant people will annoy you. Try to get rid of them. Flies fell into honey - you are surrounded by flatterers who should not be trusted.

Flies in women's dreams

Often, a fly in the dreams of female representatives is an annoying suitor in reality.

  • If she kills her with her foot in a dream, then in the near future she will expect a declaration of love from a young man.
  • If she kills her with her hand, the chosen one will be an order of magnitude older than her.

Dreams with flies do not mean a quick marriage, but just a pleasant time spent together, flirting.

Flies in men's dreams

Most often, enterprising men see flies in their dreams.

Business requires a lot of effort and does not give you peace even in your sleep. Midge means professional troubles, many goals and an upcoming choice in favor of profitable prospects.

A lot of insects in a dream means workers who strive with the manager towards the same goal. If flies bite, it means that colleagues do not agree with the upcoming changes at work.

Color of flies in a dream

Large flies, whose abdomen has a tint of green, are called corpse flies or dung flies. And here the popular rumor is right, a dream about such flies does not foretell the most rosy situations in life. Seeing fat green flies on glass - such a dream warns of the danger of a wrong choice, an erroneous decision.

In Vanga’s dream book, such a dream serves as a warning about deteriorating health and loss of vitality.

Meneghetti's dream book gives a paradoxical interpretation: circumstances will develop in such a way that you will feel your own attractiveness, charm someone, and do it to your advantage. Seeing fat flies on food means that you will improve your affairs in a not the most noble way.

Velesov's dream book gives several interpretations of the dream about large black flies:

  1. Flies are annoying, crawling over your body and clothes - commit an unseemly, shameful act.
  2. Creepy flies flying into the house are a sign of illness, and the older generation of relatives will be especially vulnerable to illnesses.
  3. A swarm of large black flies - the most alarming premonitions may come true in the foreseeable future.
  4. Watching flies in the wild (on the street) is a fleeting communication with an extremely unpleasant person.
  5. Hearing the buzzing of large dung flies - the desire to brag, show off and take credit for other people's merits will result in failure.
  6. If in a dream you saw a fly in your ear - in reality, beware of hypocritical people, they will hang noodles on your ears.
  • Black flies warn of worsening relationships with colleagues. Insects with green backs portend a lot of unpleasant troubles and fuss, sadness and frustration; a green fly on your hand means the loss of something valuable.

  • I dreamed of red flies - a boss, a senior person in years, will rule over a person, someone else’s opinion will be more significant than the personal feeling of the current situation.
  • Yellow - to the manifestation of anger, the search for support in life, disappointment.

Insect size

  1. Almost every dream book interprets small midges in a dream as caring for one’s children. They can get sick, get into trouble, become the center of gossip and strife.
  2. A giant individual indicates an unbearable burden - there is no need to take on work that the sleeper is unlikely to cope with.

Why do you dream about a big fly?

A fly seen in a dream foretells the dreamer the appearance of problems, the solution of which will take a lot of effort and time. Typically, the larger the fly, the more complicated the situation will be.

If you just see an insect of gigantic size, it means that in real life you will recklessly take on a task that you cannot bring to its logical conclusion. Such a dream will be more of a warning, because after dreaming, you can assess the situation and abandon an obviously failed business.

I dream about a lot of flies

Usually these annoying insects are a harbinger of grievances and unfair persecution, so a dream in which many flies were flying in a room belonging to the sleeper promises him to be ousted from the pedestal that was previously occupied by him. It is quite possible that evil, envious people will want to take possession of something valuable that belongs to the dreamer, and how circumstances will develop in the future directly depends on his behavior in the dream.

  • If you believe the Summer Dream Book, then a successful fight against buzzing annoying insects by any means will sooner or later lead to the fact that a person will find the strength to put the presumptuous insolents in their place.
  • At the same time, lazy brushing aside a swarm of flies, which does not give a quality result, is a sign of laziness, melancholy and complete loss of strength.
  • Running out of your own home in horror from a black cloud of flies in a dream means losing something very important in reality: we can talk not only about professional achievements, but also about the personal property of the sleeper.

However, you should not lose heart ahead of time, because many other forecasters are more optimistic about this image, strongly not recommending giving it such importance. Moreover, some interpreters describe the fly as an exceptionally good harbinger.

  1. A striking example of this is Veles’s well-known dream book, in which a large fly prophesies the dreamer’s participation in a cheerful wedding, while a swarm of these insects predicts a quick meeting with old friends and a joyful pastime in their company.
  2. Events will turn out even better for the dreamer if he happens to kill or drive out flies in a dream, because then he will easily overcome all his ill-wishers in reality.
  3. Watching a buzzing swarm of flies from afar in night vision is a sign of a quick trip that will help you finally get rid of all hardships and misfortunes.
  4. Things will be bad in real life for the person sleeping in that situation if he was bitten by flies in a dream, because then he will have to enter into an extremely unpleasant conflict with his closest and dearest people. Sometimes this dream foreshadows communication with a quarrelsome, grumpy woman who will give the dreamer a lot of the most unpleasant emotions.

What does such a dream portend?

This image is also considered very bad for older people. In the same dream book of Veles, a night scene in which a man saw a large number of flies circling above him is described as a harbinger of mortal danger. Insects buzzing near a stove or fireplace are also bad dreams, often foreshadowing a fire in the sleeping person’s house.

In the Russian folk interpreter of dreams, flies are described as the personification of importunity and uncleanliness in thoughts and deeds. It is possible that soon the sleeper will have to deal with a very dishonest, hypocritical person who will cleverly disguise his true character as virtue.

  1. The unnaturally huge size of flies in a dream often indicates that in his real life the dreamer is accustomed to exaggerating everything. “Making a mountain out of a mountain” is how one can characterize this night look.
  2. A fly caught in a web dreams of troubles that will overtake the enemies of the sleeper, giving him a feeling of deep satisfaction.

In the Wanderer's dream book, the image of a fly is not given much importance, because its authors considered that it symbolizes an overly boring interlocutor who will torment the dreamer with his speeches. A similar meaning is given in the Autumn Dream Book, in which the fly is described as an overly talkative interlocutor.

Why do you dream of a swarm of flies?

A large number of flies means that it would be good for you to change your environment, since soon unreliable, deceitful people will begin to weave intrigues against you, thereby preventing your business from developing, or even leading it to decline.

If you are attacked by a swarm of flies and some manage to bite you, you should expect an infectious disease that will be painful and long-lasting for you.

Limited space with insects

It is important to pay attention to the place you dream about, where they fly. This is on the street, in your home or other premises that are not perceived as your own home. If this detail of dreams is remembered very easily - good, then it will be clear the main direction of interpretation.

  • Buzzing arthropods in your own home are annoying guests with excessive demands. You shouldn't go out of your way to please them, they will still be unhappy.
  • A swarm of insects that looks like large berries, especially bird cherry, is on the street and is constantly chasing you - someone in your environment has begun to weave intrigues against you. Gossip will soon reach its climax and reach you.
  • To be in an incomprehensible, strange room and see them on the walls and ceiling - you will be involved in other people’s unpleasant affairs, and you may have to help at a funeral.
  • Dreaming of a bird cherry tree surrounded by insects means gossip around your family life.

Why do you dream of killing and poisoning insects?

In the most popular dream books you can find various, sometimes directly opposite, interpretations of a dream in which flies are poisoned or killed.

  • In the ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi, a dream of such a theme foretells that in reality you will hear truthful speeches, and this new knowledge will help you make a decision.
  • Velesov's dream book: hitting flies - in reality you will defeat your enemies, pacify your enemies.
  • English dream book: a dream in which you are trying to drive flies out of your room foreshadows a conversation with a sad interlocutor and wasted time in these idle conversations. To see such a dream for a girl means a hopeless acquaintance.
  • The Great Modern Dream Book gives an interesting interpretation: for a young woman to kill flies in a dream means that she will be able to show ingenuity in love affairs and will manage to turn obviously losing situations in her favor.
  • The witch's dream book presents the interpretation of a dream in which you kill flies in a positive light: you will be able to get rid of a burden, from painful obligations and burdensome relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: this dream is a harbinger of efforts and endeavors that will not bring the expected result, and at the same time you will experience a full feeling of annoyance.

Loff's Dream Interpretation: the usual course of business will stall, unexpected obstacles will arise, and solving these problems will require spending a lot of resources, both material and energy.

Longo's Dream Interpretation: poisoning, destroying flies is bad news, but at the same time you will be able to keep the situation under control. Poisoning flies in your house - you will find a decent way to put envious people and ill-wishers in their place. Seeing dead flies on the table means routine worries, a feeling of hopelessness and fatigue.

Gypsy dream book: dead flies - such a dream foreshadows stupid conversations in which gossip, resentment and misunderstandings are born.

Where are flies in a dream?

In the house

If a fly flew into your house in a dream, it means that you should be prepared for the fact that a dishonest person will appear on the horizon who will interfere with your plans in every possible way, interfere with your personal life, slander and weave intrigues against you. Moreover, this person may be allowed into your home. The more flies you dream about, the more ill-wishers will appear in your environment.

  1. If you successfully drive these flies out of the house, in reality you will be able to get rid of unpleasant people very quickly.
  2. In a dream, flies crawl on your hands and get into your mouth, which means that a cunning, envious person will bring trouble on the sly. If there are a lot of flies in such a dream, the situation will take you by surprise.

Seeing insects in a dream is a kind of impetus to action. Often such a dream can be seen if in reality you are worried about something, are afraid of something, or your state of health is not encouraging. After the vision, it is best to double-check the “weakness” that you know about and resolve all the accumulated questions.

If in a dream in your house flies flock to honey and wallow in it, expect that in your environment there will be people who will gently lay down, suck up, but at the same time weave intrigues behind your back. The more insects you see, the more people are involved in unclean deeds against you.

Midge in the house

Flies in the house indicate the well-being of the home environment or the arrival of trouble in the house.

  • On the stove - to a fire.
  • Flies in the room - if they fly - means the arrival of uninvited guests; if they feast on crumbs from the table - a change in work; if they hover over the table - a quiet and happy life surrounded by family and friends.
  • Flies on the window - to failures, illness, disappointing news, difficulties.
  • On the ceiling - to expose enemies.
  • There is a change of owner of the property in the apartment.

In the toilet

From the point of view of the compiler of the Noble Dream Book N. Grishina, toilets and restrooms are dreamed of by those who are related to black magic.

  1. If in a dream a lot of flies in the toilet hover in a swarm over the dreamer, it is likely that someone cast a spell on him that causes illness and quarrels.
  2. A swarm of flies in the toilet also symbolizes gossip behind your back and discussion.
  3. But if in a dream a person went into the restroom and found himself among feces and flies, most likely guests will come to him who will give him gifts and enrich him.

On the street

A person may dream of flies on the street on the eve of an outbreak of an infectious contagious disease, which he should be wary of. A swarm of insects may indicate relief from the disease.

A girl or young woman dreams of flies on the street can speak of unreasonable jealousy; for men - of a quick meeting with old friends.

On the window

Flies on the window - this dream can serve as a sign that you are surrounded by enemies.

But this is also a warning that someone is looking too closely at you, and the interest of this person or group of people is completely unkind.

Flies flying into the window - expect trouble, rumors, trouble. And those flying out and leaving your home mean a change in the situation for the better.

On the ceiling

Flies crawling on the ceiling - this dream is almost universally interpreted as a hypocritical person in your life, whom you treat too well. Soon this person will show his dark intentions, be vigilant.

Flies in food

Seeing a fly in the house in a dream means problems with household members. Someone close to you may become seriously ill or get into an unpleasant situation.

Seeing flies in food in your night dreams is a bad omen. The interpretation of the dream depends on the product in which the winged insect was located:

  1. Raw fish. You think too highly of yourself and exaggerate your capabilities. This behavior makes people around you angry. Keep it simple and people will be drawn to you.
  2. Raw meat. The situation became a dead end. There was a desire to give up everything and turn back. Before doing this, subject the situation to a detailed calculation. You will be surprised to find that the answer was right there.
  3. In the ear. Get ready to help a friend who is having a hard time.
  4. In the soup. The financial situation is at risk.
  5. In borscht. To the loss of trust of a loved one.
  6. In porridge. To a quarrel, after which there will be a desire to take revenge on the offender.
  7. In the stew. You suffer from low self-esteem.
  8. In aspic. To unpleasant surprises.
  9. In honey. There is a flatterer around you whom you consider a friend. However, in reality, this person is simply using you for his own purposes. According to Aesop’s dream book, you will find yourself in a difficult situation, from which it will not be easy to get out.
  10. In the drink. To conflicts and defeats.

Dreaming of a fly on the body

If in a dream a fly crawls into your ear, then you will receive false information. Therefore, you should not believe everything they say. Remember the saying: “Trust, but verify.” A fly crawling into your eyes in your night dreams promises obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. To overcome them, you will need to make some effort.

Seeing winged insects in your hair in a dream means humiliation that you will have to endure in the near future. If flies tried to get into your mouth in a dream, then try to be less frank. Gossipers discuss your personal life.

Seeing flies on your body in your night dreams is a sign of troubles that will take you by surprise. According to Miller's dream book, you will encounter betrayal from friends.

This is interesting. If you saw flies under your skin in a dream, then a loved one is deceiving you. He can “put a pig” at any moment.

Insect behavior in sleep

Flies in a dream can:

  • bite - if a midge bites, you need to wait for aggression from imaginary friends; expect betrayal, betrayal or a setup at work, if you are bitten on the face by a midge, the bite of the midge is painful, causing swelling - deep spiritual doubts and worries, feelings of guilt; rapid subsidence of swelling after a bite - forgiveness and understanding of loved ones; a person bitten in a dream exposes his enemies in reality;
  • bother - annoying insects foreshadow unwanted communication or an unloved activity;
  • buzz - to be an involuntary listener to gossip about people you know, friends and relatives;
  • attacking - if flies have settled in a person - can mean quick profit, changes, as well as difficulties that cannot be solved without outside influential help;
  • block the path - you should not take on a new business, most likely it will turn out to be unprofitable;
  • swarming - hard physical labor to achieve a goal.

Non-living insects

Why do you dream of dead flies? The interpretation of dreams with dead insects comes down to the following:

  1. dead flies - risky business;
  2. dead flies on sticky tape are possible traps that can be avoided;
  3. lifeless insects in the web - a visit from unwanted friends.

Interpretation depending on your actions

In a dream, you can try to get rid of insects in the following ways:

  • Killing means victory over difficulties.
  • Hitting flies with a newspaper in a dream means achieving success.
  • Poison - get rid of enemies.
  • Catching is a favor of luck, pleasant changes for the better.
  • Why do you dream of eating flies in a dream - good luck, a happy family life, prosperity.

Dreaming of a fly is rare, but very reckless; it can appear in your dreams before important life events - a wedding, funeral, getting a new position, pregnancy, purchasing real estate or a car.



  1. Such a dream means that you will eventually be able to cope with existing problems.
  2. For a young girl, such a plot is a favorable sign, indicating good luck in a love relationship.

Strength of emotional response to arthropods

The way in which one had to react to them in a dream speaks of the scale of influence on the dreamer of the situation that may arise in the future; this is the interpretation of dreams given by the esoteric dream book.

If you dream that an insect is buzzing and it practically drives the dreamer crazy, this is one of the most annoying dreams; it means that minor troubles and caustic gossip will make you so angry that you will then be very ashamed of your incontinence.

  • Dreams in which you have to drive them to the point of your own powerlessness - the subconscious desire will please everyone, but this is impossible, and trying to please everyone, you bring yourself to a nervous breakdown. The berries on the victory pie will still have to go to you.
  • To be indifferent to annoying insects - none of your ill-wishers will be able to make you angry. Whether they will succeed in their plans is unknown, but you will not lose your authority and reputation.
  • A dream where you managed to catch up and kill an annoying individual - improved health, the opportunity to avoid many troubles thanks to your own invention.

Other sleep details

I dreamed of the buzzing of flies

If you dream of the buzzing of a large number of insects, then this means that in reality you are surrounded by annoying and boring people. It is quite easy to avoid such a society. All you need to do is get to know the person well first before being alone with him for a long time.

Shaking insects off your loved one

When, in addition to seeing a lot of flying insects in a dream, you also brush them off the hand of your loved one, this foreshadows a cooling of the relationship between you and focuses on the fact that there has been no mutual understanding between you for a long time.

The consequence of such a dream may be separation.

Insects attack

If flies attack the dreamer in large numbers and it is not possible to drive them out in the dream, then this is a bad omen. Moreover, problems that arise in real life will be very difficult to resolve on your own.

Insects bitten in a dream

  • If, when you wake up, you remember that flies bit you painfully in a dream, then in real life you will have disagreements with your business partners.
  • Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the betrayal of close friends.

I dreamed that a fly flew into my mouth

According to dreamers, a frequent dream is in which a husband flies into a person’s mouth.

It can be interpreted in different ways:

  • If the fly immediately flew out of your mouth, then small but very pleasant surprises will soon await you;
  • If a fly flies in your mouth and buzzes for a long time, then expect complete mental relaxation and celebration;
  • If you swallow a fly, it means you will have the opportunity to successfully implement important negotiations;
  • If you happen to spit out a fly, then prepare yourself for the fact that in the near future you will be able to do a lot of difficult work.

Interpretation of sleep in different dream books

Modern interpreter

The modern dream book believes that flies are harbingers of an incident that will make you nervous. But, if you killed them, then you will still be able to cope with the piled-up burden of problems. In this case, sleeping with arthropod carriers of infections is a kind of impetus to action.

A similar plot can also be dreamed of if you are tormented by internal anxiety. This could be anxiety about your own health or fear of something. In addition, a dream can become a real signal of an approaching disease or some kind of infection.

Seeing a lot of flies or even a whole swarm in a dream means conflicts, disputes and disagreements. Their source, without even knowing it, can be you. The modern dream book advises bringing a stream of fresh air into life, that is, changing something in your own environment.

Universal dream book

The appearance of a fly in a dream may indicate that much in your life has become stagnant and stale. It's time to change something. And first of all, pay attention to your circle of friends and acquaintances. Among them may be dishonest people, slanderers and gossips who skillfully weave a web around your reputation.

  1. The larger the dreamed insect, the more difficult it will be to cope with the problems that have fallen on your shoulders or to weed out annoying annoying people.
  2. The universal dream book warns that the situation becomes darker if the fly bites or you cannot catch or kill it. If you dream about the opposite, you will cope with problems.
  3. If in a dream an insect touches you - sits on your clothes, climbs into your mouth or swarms around you - it means that trouble can take you by surprise.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book states that seeing a flycatcher in a dream means being slandered in reality. They gossip about you, and even weave intrigues. If a large number of insects are caught in a flytrap in a dream, you will cope with the difficulties that arise, but they will remind you of themselves for a long time in real life.

If, instead of a flytrap, the unfortunate ones are stuck on sticky paper, then this foreshadows either an upcoming quarrel or troubles with health, or its deterioration.

Miller's dream book predicts problems in love affairs for a young girl.

Opinions of Kananite and Zhou-Gong

Simon Kananit believes that flies are friends who do not give a quiet life and cause a lot of trouble.

  • If you dream that you are catching winged ones, then you can get involved in the story yourself and find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
  • If you kill, save yourself the trouble. Seeing them in a dream in large numbers means learning about gossip in your direction.
  • Did you dream about flies in your food or drink? In reality, you will have to be afraid of something.
  • The Zhou-Gong Dream Book warns that if flies land on your clothes, be prepared for slander, intrigue and gossip.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant believed that flies remind us of the dead. This is a symbolic designation of the souls of loved ones who have either passed away or will leave this world in the near future.

A dream about an annoying fly, which you cannot get rid of in any way, symbolizes the loss of a loved one who is very dear to the dreamer. He means a lot to the dreamer, and therefore his death will be a real grief and will bring a lot of mental suffering.

  1. If you dreamed of a swarm of flies, then you should remember the deceased. Their souls need a funeral rite.
  2. If the dreamer killed an insect in a dream, this dream does not mean anything bad. A fly in a dream represents the dreamer’s mental torment, which he cannot come to terms with the bitter loss. The sooner he did this, the sooner the relief would come.
  3. Thoughts about a close relative, friend, loved one haunt you. You need to pray for the soul of the deceased and accept what can no longer be corrected.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If the fly appears alone, sadness awaits you. There are a lot of flies - wait for a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

If you try to catch flies, you will be the culprit of your troubles. If you observe flies in food or wine, you will soon become very frightened. Kill flies - you can get away with unpleasant things.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

A fly that was extremely annoying and buzzed loudly - a person who is dear to you and with whom you have been on friendly terms for a long time will doubt your intelligence, will think that you did something stupid. If you do not want conflict situations, then forget about your pride and pride; do not try to refuse explanations: the best thing would be a frank heart-to-heart conversation, it will relieve you of tension, you will simply clarify the situation about what exactly prompted you to such actions.

Trying to catch a fly and kill it - if you confidently believe that the method you have chosen can solve problems - you are deeply mistaken. Without finding another way, you risk remaining in the abyss of this problem for a long time.

Tearing off the wings of a fly in a dream means you are being excessively cruel to someone who is guilty of something in front of you. Thinking about all sorts of plans for revenge, you somehow forgot that there is such a property as a “boomerang” and all your atrocities will come back to you.

Freud's predictions

According to Freud, flies in dreams represent children. Beating, driving out, killing flies in a dream means experiencing hatred and negative emotions towards children.

If you dream that representatives of the order Diptera are buzzing around, this means that you have problems, the anger from the inability to solve which you will take out on your children.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

In the treatise, flies symbolize people from the close circle of the person having a dream, and they will commit unseemly acts in search of their own benefit and self-interest.

  • Flies are circling and bothering you - there will be an unpleasant conversation in reality, touching on material interests.
  • Flies fly in the house - a sign of a visit from unpleasant guests.

Slavic predictions

In the Ancient Slavic dream book it is written that flies dream of melancholy and sadness. But if there were a lot of insects, then this is a symbolic embodiment of some people surrounded by a sleeping person. After all, sometimes we compare unceremonious, arrogant people with nasty, annoying flies.

  1. If representatives of the order Diptera in a night dream busily settled on your clothes, arms, shoulders, legs, and other parts of the body, then most likely the enemies have started another trick against you, or your body has weakened, which means it will easily succumb to any infection.
  2. A fly in a dream book is considered a rather dangerous omen. It is believed that it predicts fires and other dangers.

Ukrainian interpreter

The ancient Slavs also give an explanation of why flies dream. The Slavic dream book is convinced that such a plot portends sadness and melancholy.

  • If there were a lot of flies in the dream, they are most likely the embodiment of your friends.
  • A fly is an obsessive person with whom you would really like to break off any relationship. If insects land on you, this either means an infection, or means that the enemies are not asleep and are ready to hurt you. And not necessarily physical. Killing a fly in such a dream means dealing with your enemies.
  • The Ukrainian dream book warns that this creature can warn of the likelihood of a fire.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

This dream book interprets flies seen in a dream as concern about one’s own health.

  1. If you see a whole swarm of flies circling near a trash can or garbage can, then get ready to learn about gossip, the topic of which will be your personal life. An attempt to catch a fly predicts that the dreamer himself will fall into a trap that he has prepared for someone else.
  2. If you are driving these annoying buzzing insects out of your apartment or house, then you are in for trouble and minor troubles.
  3. If you managed to kill a fly, then you will soon be able to successfully resolve all personal problems by resorting to some cunning method. The fly swatter symbolizes the conspiracy brewing around you.
  4. Biting flies dream of a happy resolution to some serious problem. But despite the successful outcome of the case, your pride will suffer greatly.
  5. Why do you dream of a lot of flies stuck to adhesive paper to catch insects? Such a dream foreshadows a serious disagreement with a loved one or a quarrel with a close friend.

Dream Interpretation of the White Mage

  • If you dream of an annoying, loudly buzzing fly, then your close friend, for some reason, will condemn some action you have committed.
  • If you are confident in the correctness of what you did, then you should not conflict and “get into a pose”; it is better to have a heart-to-heart talk with your friend and thoroughly explain what prompted you to do this and not otherwise.
  • If in a dream you are trying to catch or kill a fly, then you have chosen the wrong way to solve some important pressing problem. Rethink the situation and find another way.
  • If you dream that you are tearing off the wings of a fly, then you should be a little softer towards others, and especially towards your subordinates. Also, such a dream may indicate the wrongness of your decision to take cruel revenge, since this act can harm you yourself.


Flies in a dream represent, first of all, internal anxiety and accumulated negativity, which can take the form of irritation with others, illness, or interference in the implementation of plans. A dream in which you drive away or kill flies suggests that you are trying to cope with your problems and harmonize your environment.

A very unpleasant dream is in which flies sit on your body or clothes - this portends a serious health disorder and losses. Also very ominous is a dream in which heaps of flies are swarming in your house - according to popular beliefs, this foreshadows a fire or a funeral.

Various predictions

  1. If a young girl dreamed that she was killing flies, then everything would work out for her in love.
  2. The Indian interpreter believes that such a dream symbolizes the sorrows that will be caused by the ill-wishers around you.
  3. The Persian dream book is sure that a fly is a symbol of annoyingness and importunity, which is very difficult to get rid of on your own.
  4. If the dreamed creatures do not cause you any inconvenience, then you are too diligent in surrounding the children with your attention.

Why do you dream of a fly from a psychological point of view?

Getting rid of mental anguish and hardship is predicted by a dream in which flies flew far away from you. It is important that you have only positive or neutral emotions from this.

A pursuing fly indicates that the dreamer is tormented by forebodings. You should do something to make your life easier.

  • The dreamer’s excessive cruelty is indicated by a dream where he tore off the wings of a fly. You sometimes forget that the evil you commit will definitely come back to you. There is no need to take revenge on people, even those who once offended you. The dream also encourages you to learn to forgive others.
  • A dream speaks of moral and physical fatigue if a swarm of flies circled above you, but you just couldn’t brush them off. An insect in a drink shows that you have some kind of great fear that does not allow you to lead your usual lifestyle.
  • A fly withered in honey indicates your flattering nature, which often results in misfortunes. On the other hand, a dream can act as a warning that one of your friends is a hypocrite and a traitor.

Have you brushed a fly off your loved one? It sounds like you want to end your relationship with him. However, you don't have the courage to tell him this honestly. Don’t delay, as it will only get more difficult, save yourself from the mental burden. A fly on the ceiling, on the contrary, indicates that you love your chosen one very much, however, you need to understand that you need to maintain the relationship at the proper level and avoid quarrels.

  1. When she crawled on food in a dream, this means that your excessive persistence and stubbornness will lead to the loss of a valuable patron. As a result, the goals will not be achieved, but material problems will arise.
  2. A dream where you yourself have turned into a fly means that someone is very tired of you. Be careful not to get hurt because of this.
  3. A lot of flies may indicate your desire to change your environment. You think that your life is boring and uninteresting, so you try in every possible way to change something.

Signs about flies

Flies have been annoying people for a long time; over the course of many centuries, signs have been formed about them; a sign, for example, telling that a deceased person can be reminded of himself by a large accumulation of insects in the house, still evokes a responsible feeling - to remember the deceased and return cleanliness to the house .

  • A fly lands on a dinner plate - to success, profit, prosperity, great benefit, an expensive gift.
  • A fly flying in the house in winter means an imminent thaw.
  • Biting flies - to cold weather, to unfavorable weather conditions.
  • The loud buzzing of flies is unlucky.
  • A lot of midges in the house - to joy and prosperity.

  • A fly in a woman’s plate - for a wedding, pregnancy.
  • In a glass or glass - to cheerful festivities, carelessness.
  • In tea - for the arrival of guests.
  • Catching it means good luck in business.
  • Bitten by a fly - to be engaged by spring.
  • If you get it in your mouth, you will accidentally get rich.
  • If you hit it in the eye, it will lead to unfriendly gossip from neighbors.
  • Flew into the window - to the news.

Dreams warn and advise you to pay attention to existing obstacles or dangers. Remember that you can always come out of the most difficult situation with honor if you are not afraid to fight difficulties.

Why do you dream about flies? What to do if you dreamed of flies? how to interpret this dream. Any kind of insect seen in a dream causes fear in everyone. In life, we tend to struggle with them, because they interfere with a comfortable stay not only indoors, but also outdoors. But what can men portend in the world of illusions - in a dream? For an answer, it is better to turn to dream books written by famous and respected healers, astrologers and psychologists.

So, why do you dream about flies? Can they foreshadow something bad, or vice versa - a fly in a dream foretells goodness and prosperity?

Why do flies dream - Freud's dream book

The famous grandfather Freud is sure that flies seen in a dream promise events that will be associated with children. They are the personification of children, but there are some nuances.

If you dreamed that you were hitting flies that were annoyingly landing on your body, then this indicates that you dislike your children. And, conversely, if flies do not bother you in your sleep, then you should slightly reduce your control over them.

Tearing off the wings and legs of flies in a dream means you feel a desire to have sex with minors. If you dreamed of annoying flies that you constantly brush away, then failures in love await you in life. You take out your anger in one way or another on your children. If you see an object in a dream that flies have stuck to, be prepared for an unpleasant surprise.

Dreaming of flies - Miller's dream book

According to Miller’s dream book, the appearance of flies in a dream is a signal of the development of the disease. Visit the clinic and get all tests done. If in a dream you are trying to count flies, then this indicates that you are wasting your time and doing something that will soon bring you nothing but disappointment. Clean up your home and workplace, visit a beauty salon and change your hairstyle. Look at yourself in the mirror with new eyes and then everything in your life will improve.

A fly in a dream is, first of all, a warning that you should change your lifestyle. Now is the time when everything is in your hands.

I dreamed about flies according to Vanga’s dream book

The famous seer Vanga interprets a dream with flies as a warning that you may soon lose a friend close to you. Light candles in the church and ease your state of mind.

Flies that climb into your bed signal separation. If you are trying to kill a fly in a dream, it means that on a subconscious level you want to change everything in your life. It's time to think about this seriously.

dream book of Nostradamus - dreamed of a fly or flies

The fly is the personification of such qualities as hypocrisy, importunity and envy. Why might a fly dream? Most likely, at this stage you often communicate with such a person who has such qualities.

Seeing a fly or a lot of flies on the ceiling in a dream is a warning that a person close to you is hypocritical. He can't make you happy. It's time to have a serious conversation and decide for yourself whether you need such a companion in your life.

flies - Hasse's dream book

Hasse's dream book interprets the appearance of flies in a dream as a signal of impending trouble. Take a closer look at those around you. Maybe an ill-wisher has appeared in your circle of friends. Killing flies in a dream is a desire to avoid trouble.

Why did you dream about a swarm of flies that are circling annoyingly - they are gossiping behind your back. Be more vigilant.

Seeing a fly in a glass of wine means you will be frightened.

dreamed of flies - Loff’s dream book

What are flies in a dream for? often appear to people who are overcome by anxiety in their lives. Most often, he is concerned about his well-being or the well-being of people close to him.

If you dreamed that a fly flew into your mouth, then there is a high risk of contracting an infectious disease. A dead fly in food has the same meaning.

Chasing flies around the room is a desire to get rid of annoying thoughts.

Seeing flies on sticky tape means all worries and concerns are behind you. You are a strong personality and you managed to get rid of problems yourself.

Why do flies dream - Longo's dream book

According to Longo’s dream book, to see flies in a dream or what flies mean – a loved one will be disappointed in you. If you want to save your relationship, you should now reconsider your behavior and forget about pride.

Catching flies in a dream signals that a business that you consider winning may greatly disappoint you. Review all the pros and cons and make the right choice.

Tearing off the wings of flies in a dream means that in reality you are too cruel to those people who have stumbled a little.

Dreaming of flies is usually interpreted as negative. Unpleasant people, evil slanderers, annoying misunderstandings, unnecessary troubles - this is what flies mean in a dream. Depending on how exactly the insects were dreamed about and what actions the dreamer took, the dream may have other interpretations.

Why do you dream of flies according to the family dream book?

Dreaming about flies portends losses, troubles and harm. The source of trouble in real life will be the dreamer's enemies.

One fly is a symbol of grief or a harbinger of a meeting with a boring person. If an insect ends up in the dreamer’s food, then trouble and fear await him.

Why do we dream of flies that bite the dreamer? Such a dream foretells that a person will suffer from slander. Envious people will spread unpleasant and even dangerous rumors. Sometimes a dream warns that the dreamer may contract a contagious disease.

Why do you dream about a lot of flies? The dream warns that you should beware of slander. After waking up, it is better for the dreamer to take the necessary precautions.

Catching flies in a dream is a sign of trouble, which the dreamer himself brings on. Killing flies is a harbinger of great trials that can be overcome with great effort. However, after such a dream, you can count on the fact that the troubles will end after some time.

If you dreamed of sticky paper for catching flies, then in reality you may encounter intrigue. The dreamer will be drawn into them and may suffer.

Seeing a fly swatter in a dream is a reminder that enemies are closely monitoring the dreamer’s life and will strike at any opportunity. You can't sit idly by.

Why do flies dream according to Freud's dream book?

According to Freud's dream book, flies, like many other insects, symbolize children. Chasing infection carriers around the house, killing, beating, getting angry means in reality experiencing negative emotions, irritation and even hatred towards children (your own or others).

If flies do not evoke negative emotions in a dream, then in reality you should reconsider your attitude towards children, give them more freedom, and reduce control.

Why do we dream of flies hovering and buzzing around the dreamer? The dream predicts unpleasant problems that will cause anger. The dreamer will most likely take it out on the children. If insects are very annoying in a dream, but you can’t do anything with them (drive them away, kill them), then in real life you should be wary of a fiasco in the sexual sphere.

If the dreamer tears off the legs or wings of flies in a dream, it means that in reality he is prone to pedophilia.

Why do you dream of a lot of flies clinging to a certain object? To unpleasant and stern changes in life. You should prepare for a long period of failure and exercise extreme caution in intimate matters.

Why do you dream of flies according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Miller's dream book, girls dream of flies as a sign of love experiences and troubles. After such a dream, romantic relationships will become more complicated, so you should prepare for problems.

If the dreamer dreams of a flytrap, then in real life someone is spreading gossip. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings: the slanderer is nearby and is ruining the dreamer’s reputation with all his might. Moreover, intrigues can lead to material losses and real difficulties.

Why do you dream of many flies caught in a flytrap? The dream should be understood as favorable. It means that a person will eventually overcome all difficulties, although he will face their consequences more than once.

If you dream that flies are stuck to adhesive tape or paper, then you should be wary of health problems or a major quarrel. Both illness and conflict will occur in the near future.

Why do flies dream according to Vanga’s dream book?

The Bulgarian clairvoyant believed that flies remind us of the dead. This is a symbolic designation of the souls of loved ones who have either passed away or will leave this world in the near future.

A dream about an annoying fly, which you cannot get rid of in any way, symbolizes the loss of a loved one who is very dear to the dreamer. He means a lot to the dreamer, and therefore his death will be a real grief and will bring a lot of mental suffering.

If you dreamed of a swarm of flies, then you should remember the deceased. Their souls need a funeral rite.

If the dreamer killed an insect in a dream, this dream does not mean anything bad. A fly in a dream represents the dreamer’s mental torment, which he cannot come to terms with the bitter loss. The sooner he did this, the sooner the relief would come. Thoughts about a close relative, friend, loved one haunt you. You need to pray for the soul of the deceased and accept what can no longer be corrected.

Why do you dream of flies according to Hasse’s dream book?

Hasse's dream book interprets the dream of infectious insects negatively. Why do you dream about flies? To the approaching troubles. This signal should not be ignored. Take a closer look at your surroundings: maybe you can notice the ill-wisher and prevent his actions.

If the dreamer killed an insect, then in reality he wants with all his soul to avoid the danger or trouble known to him. Under favorable circumstances this will be possible.

A buzzing swarm of flies circling overhead and around the dreamer is a symbol of the gossip that entangles a person in real life. He himself and his actions are actively and unkindly discussed by others. You need to be very vigilant and not let yourself be offended.

If you dreamed of a fly in a glass of wine, the dreamer will experience severe fright. Don't do anything reprehensible, otherwise you will have to repent.

Why do you dream of flies according to Longo’s dream book?

A dream about flies warns that a loved one or close relative will be disappointed in the dreamer. If relationships are dear to you, you will have to step on the throat of your pride, change your behavior and, perhaps, be the first to take steps towards reconciliation or restoration of mutual trust.

If the dreamer caught flies in a dream, then in reality he himself may be very disappointed in the business he is busy with. This matter only outwardly seems to be advantageous and profitable, but in reality it is not. It's worth weighing the pros and cons again to avoid serious disappointment.

If the dreamer in a dream tore off the wings and legs of insects, then in real life he is too cruel. You shouldn’t judge others harshly: every person has the right to make a mistake, anyone can stumble.

Why do flies dream according to Loff’s dream book?

Flies mean the mental anxiety that the dreamer experiences. Most often it is associated with one’s own health or the health of loved ones.

Why do you dream of a fly flying into your mouth? To an infectious disease. A dead insect has a similar meaning.

If the dreamer chases flies around the room, he wants to get rid of obsessive thoughts and achieve agreement in his soul.

If flies stick to the adhesive tape, you can breathe a sigh of relief. In real life, the period of unrest and anxiety is a thing of the past. The dreamer managed to change his life thanks to his strength of character.

Why do you dream of flies according to the universal dream book?

Dreaming about flies is a sign of stagnation in life. Following old stereotypes will not bring joy; life will still remain gray and inexpressive. After awakening, you need to make a strong-willed decision and understand your life, change the sphere of communication. It is possible that the inner circle includes unworthy people - dishonest people, slanderers, weaving threads of intrigue. To avoid damaging the dreamer's reputation, it is necessary to get rid of ill-wishers and gossips.

If you dreamed of a large insect, then coping with the problems will not be easy. The larger the fly, the more weight an unpleasant person has, trying to annoy the dreamer. A particularly unfavorable dream is one in which a huge fly bites the dreamer. But if the insect was killed, problems can be avoided.

A dream about a fly landing on your hands, body, clothes, face, and trying to fly into your mouth is extremely unfavorable. After waking up, you need to be alert in order to react to the situation in time. The dream of a swarm of insects that surround the dreamer has the same interpretation.

Why do you dream of flies according to the modern dream book?

A lot of flies in a dream is a warning about disputes, conflicts, and disagreements. The dreamer himself will become the initiator of discord.

It is possible that after such a dream some unpleasant incident will happen in the dreamer’s life. To resolve the problem, you will have to be pretty nervous. If the insect can be killed, the situation can still be brought under control if you act quickly and decisively. The focus of internal anxiety can tell you where to direct your attention.

Another interpretation of a dream about an infectious insect is a warning about an approaching disease. If you dream of a big black fly, then the disease will be serious. The dream may also mean that the dreamer is surrounded by a person with black energy. In addition, a dream about a giant fly may mean that the dreamer has taken on an impossible task.

If you dream of a green fly, then in real life there is a risk of losing a relationship with a loved one. Another interpretation of the dream is material losses. The larger the insect, the more money you will have to part with.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Dreaming about flies means harm, troubles and losses caused by your enemies. If you dream that flies have bitten you, then you will suffer from the slander that your envious people will spread about you. Sometimes such a dream warns you that you may catch a contagious disease.

Seeing a lot of flies in a dream means that you should be wary of slander and take the necessary precautions for this. One fly in a dream means disappointment or a meeting with a boring person.

Catching flies in a dream is a sign of trouble, which you yourself will cause. Killing flies in a dream is a harbinger of great trials that you can overcome with great effort. However, after such a dream, you can count on the fact that your troubles will end after some time. Seeing sticky paper for catching flies in a dream is a sign of intrigue into which you may be drawn. If a fly ends up in your food in a dream, then trouble and fear await you.

A fly swatter in a dream reminds you that your enemies are not asleep and you should not sit idly by. See insects, bite.

Why do you dream of flies according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

A fly is a reminder in a dream of the deceased.

An annoying fly in a dream:
If in a dream you are annoyed by an annoying fly, it means that in reality you will have to see off on your last journey a person close and dear to you, with whom you spent a lot of time and whose loss will be a great grief for you.

Kill a fly in a dream:
To kill a fly - you forget about the past, try to erase painful memories associated with death from your memory, but the more you want to forget, the more vividly the pictures of the past arise again. It is necessary to pray and come to terms with losses, and not try to get rid of thoughts about them.

A swarm of flies in a dream:
Seeing a whole swarm of flies - such a dream reminds you of the need to think about your family and friends who have left this world, their souls are waiting for your remembrance.

Why do you dream of flies according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of flies - to annoying friends; catching flies in a dream means getting into trouble through your own fault; if a fly fell into food - to severe fright; kill a fly in a dream - avoid major troubles; seeing a lot of flies in a dream means gossip, and for a patient - death; If you dream of flies, it means that sadness and grief await you in life.