What is best to eat if you have high cholesterol? What foods reduce blood cholesterol quickly and effectively. Mediterranean diet and its effectiveness

01.11.2023 Drugs

In the field of modern medicine, a substance such as cholesterol is divided into dangerous for humans and beneficial. The main feature of this substance is that it is practically insoluble in liquid at normal body temperature, like any fat that is insoluble in cold water.

As cholesterol moves through the body, it naturally attaches to proteins. These structures can be of high or low density. The latter belong to the category of dangerous and are precisely those substances that can quickly lead to life-threatening atherosclerosis.

This occurs due to the fact that fatty and protein formations accumulate on the walls of blood vessels and veins, gradually closing their lumens. Based on this, a person’s organ nutrition decreases, and in the most acute form of the patient’s disease, if a diet to lower cholesterol is not followed, dangerous phenomena such as heart attack and stroke can occur.

Important! To protect yourself from these deadly dangers, you should contact a specialist when the very first signs appear and together with him reconsider your lifestyle and diet. It is imperative to ensure that you follow a diet to lower cholesterol.

A well-structured diet and diet to lower blood cholesterol are necessary for everyone, especially older people, who are most susceptible to various complications based on elevated blood cholesterol levels. To improve your health and strengthen blood vessels, it is important to know which harmful foods you need to exclude and which ones to add to your diet.

What to eat to lower cholesterol?

To protect against atherosclerosis, it is important not only to ensure that you follow a cholesterol-lowering diet
in the blood, but you also need to undergo regular medical examination, in particular, from time to time take a special blood test.

They are referred by a doctor, to whom the patient turns when the first adverse symptoms appear in the body. This is an ideal scheme of action to prevent the development of various dangerous vascular and cardiac problems.

A diet for high cholesterol is very important, since one of the main reasons for its development is poor nutrition, daily intake of junk food, and adding healthy foods to the diet will help avoid the appearance of fatty formations on the veins and arteries. Moreover, a well-designed diet will effectively remove excess and very harmful cholesterol.

So, what simple and effective foods should you consume to reduce the total amount of cholesterol that is harmful to humans?

Here you can highlight the following effective and affordable products that a cholesterol-lowering diet should contain in your weekly menu:

  1. A fish that lives in the seas of the northern hemisphere. This could be tuna, all types of salmon, trout, cod. The product contains omega-3, that is, acids that effectively reduce the total amount of cholesterol in the blood by about 30%.
  2. Various grain products, as well as all types of beans. These products have a detrimental effect on cholesterol through the presence of coarse fiber. A diet aimed at rapidly reducing cholesterol should contain the required amount of such important foods as lentils, beans, oats and peas. Daily consumption of one of these products will reduce the harmful substance by 20%.
  3. Different types of vegetable oils. The product contains a lot of unsaturated fats, which, unlike animal fats, help reduce cholesterol. Among the many oils, the most effective is flaxseed.
  4. Fruits. They ideally reduce the amount of cholesterol and quickly cleanse numerous blood vessels of fatty deposits. Fruits and berries benefit the body through the antioxidants they contain. If you eat these foods every day, your cholesterol will drop by 10%. Bee pollen and bee bread. Such products of modern beekeeping should be taken one spoonful, in the morning and strictly on an empty stomach.
  5. Seeds and various nuts. This is a special food containing many special monounsaturated fatty acids, which effectively maintain the amount of good cholesterol and reduce the amount of dangerous substances. The healthiest ones are pumpkin and flax seeds, almonds, and various hazelnuts. Such products are characterized by high fat content, so it is not recommended to eat them every day, optimally twice a week.
  6. A variety of greens and different vegetables. A diet aimed at reducing dangerous cholesterol is meaningless without daily consumption of dietary fiber and lutein. Components and substances quickly reduce cholesterol, affecting cardiac activity.
  7. Green tea has a good effect. A properly brewed drink contains polyphenols, which are excellent for removing cholesterol plaques from the arteries.
  8. Mushrooms. A healthy diet to lower cholesterol and blood sugar should contain this food product. Most mushrooms contribute to the complete normalization of ongoing lipid processes. Mushrooms contain lovastatin, which slows down the synthesis of cholesterol in the blood, that is, dangerous cholesterol decreases in volume, and good cholesterol increases. Among the numerous types of mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and popular champignons are more effective. Their daily use can quickly reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body by approximately 10%.

This should consist of a diet to lower blood cholesterol and recipes for the week. Consumption of these products allows you to quickly reduce the amount of cholesterol, reduce the overall viscosity of the blood, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots.

In the process of organizing proper nutrition, you need to completely exclude all types of fatty meat, fried foods, sweets and canned foods.

It is in these products that there is a huge amount of cholesterol and if they make up the main diet, you should urgently change your diet and fill your diet with healthy and dietary products and high-quality prepared dishes.

Thanks to careful adherence to a well-designed diet, it is quite possible to quickly get rid of excess weight, normalize and activate the general speed indicators of metabolic and metabolic processes. There is a decrease in the amount of sugar, which is important for people who suffer from diabetes.

An anti-cholesterol diet must be designed so that the body receives the required amount of useful minerals, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements every day. The diet should contain a minimum amount of foods that contain a large amount of cholesterol.

Important! You should definitely include natural products in your daily diet. It is advisable to exclude from the diet non-natural components, that is, with a large number of harmful stabilizers and dyes. It is necessary to completely eliminate various semi-finished products and fast food systems.

It is not so easy to radically change your eating habits. Those who have never encountered the rules of rational and healthy nutrition simply do not know what dishes can be prepared. Below are the most basic and useful of them, that is, a menu for reducing blood cholesterol for 7 days.

This is one of the main meals, so there is no need to neglect the rules for preparing it. The main healthy breakfast options include:

Lenten porridge, toast with a little honey, low-fat milk;

You can choose one of the suitable options and fill your body with healthy foods in the morning.

There are many healthy lunch options here, filled with foods that effectively reduce the amount of unhealthy cholesterol.

Here are the most accessible and time-efficient ones:

The cholesterol-lowering diet includes a wide variety of healthy lunch options.

You can build a nutritious and balanced diet that you will want to follow throughout your life.


The evening menu for lowering cholesterol for every day is no less varied, but food should be set aside three or four hours before bedtime. This is an important rule in the process of fighting cholesterol and will help you lose weight at the same time.

Among the most basic options are the following:

If you need a quick and effective reduction in cholesterol, this diet is ideal.


Doctors allow everything from drinks while following this diet. The only exceptions are milk and cream with high fat content; it is desirable that the total amount of fat does not exceed 2%.

Many patients begin to feel good with just one drink, simply by eliminating sweet, carbonated and other canned drinks from their diet. A diet to reduce blood cholesterol gives even greater results.

Basic Rules

Between meals, you can treat yourself to delicious dietary desserts. This could be fruit-based ice cream, jelly, waffles, oatmeal cookies, crackers.

When following a healthy, cholesterol-lowering diet, special attention should be paid not only to foods and dishes, but also to nutritional rules:

Summing up

Regardless of the products that are preferred, the diet and menu for lowering blood cholesterol can be varied and tasty. There are no strict prohibitions or restrictions here; products and dishes can be varied as desired.

What menu will be on the table every day will depend solely on the person himself. The most important thing is that everything is fresh, cooked and healthy, that is, low in cholesterol.

Cholesterol is an organic compound necessary for cell membranes. It promotes the production of vitamin D, female and male sex hormones (estrogens, progesterone and testosterone), and also takes an active part in the functioning of the immune system.

As a result of many studies, a connection has been established between cholesterol levels and human health. In particular, with an excess of cholesterol, the risk of developing atherosclerotic disorders and the formation of plaques in blood vessels increases significantly, which is the cause of ischemic stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular complications.

Thus, to avoid the development and progression of these diseases, you should follow a high cholesterol diet.

Hypocholesterol diet menu

To reduce blood cholesterol, the diet should be followed constantly. At the same time, the consumption of saturated fats should be reduced by about one third, which will ensure a lasting reduction in “bad” cholesterol, and will also avoid drug treatment.

If you have high cholesterol levels, your diet should be based on the following:

  • Unsaturated fats (of plant origin) help reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • Saturated fats (synthetic and animal) increase blood cholesterol;
  • Monounsaturated fats (fish and seafood) help normalize cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Healthy and unhealthy foods for lowering cholesterol levels

When compiling a menu for a hypocholesterol diet, the following properties of products and their effects on the body should be taken into account:

  • Dairy products should only be low-fat (milk - no more than 1.5%, yogurt and kefir - no more than 2%, cheese - 35% and below), while it is recommended to avoid cream and sour cream;
  • The consumption of margarine and butter should be significantly reduced;
  • Among vegetable oils, preference should be given to olive oil, as it helps reduce cholesterol levels. In small quantities, you can use vegetable oils such as peanut, sunflower, corn and soybean in your diet;
  • It is better to choose lean beef, veal and lamb for your diet to reduce blood cholesterol. Fat should be trimmed off before cooking. Nutritionists do not recommend completely giving up meat, since completely abstaining from red meat can lead to anemia, especially in young women. It is better not to include processed meats such as sausages, sausage and bacon in the diet;
  • Organ meats, including kidneys, liver and brains, contain large amounts of “bad” cholesterol, so they are not recommended for use in a low-cholesterol diet;
  • As for poultry meat, preference should be given to turkey meat, since it contains only 3-5% fat;
  • It is recommended to eat fish daily in a diet with high cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids contained in it, according to the results of numerous studies, can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular complications. The most saturated omega-3 fatty acids are tuna, cod and flounder, while fish roe and squid, on the contrary, contain large amounts of “bad” cholesterol and are not recommended for use in a low-cholesterol diet;
  • Egg yolks contain a lot of cholesterol, so during a diet you should not eat more than 3-4 eggs per week, while egg whites can be eaten without restrictions;
  • When consuming 400 g or more of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet, a significant decrease in blood cholesterol levels is observed. The lowest mortality rates from hypertension, ischemia and cancer in Europe are observed in countries where people traditionally eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. If you have high cholesterol, grapes, beets, pumpkins, avocados and eggplants are considered the most useful for your diet, since the flavonoids they contain help remove “bad” cholesterol from the body;
  • During a diet for cholesterol in the blood, it is recommended to eat wholemeal bread and pasta rich in carbohydrates. They are not only an alternative source of energy, but also help bind and remove “bad” cholesterol from the body;
  • Legumes contain a lot of vegetable protein. Soy, peas and beans should be included in the diet for high cholesterol, especially if meat consumption is limited;
  • Alcohol in moderate doses helps protect against atherosclerosis, as it reduces blood viscosity and prevents the development of thrombosis;
  • Nuts are a source of unsaturated fatty acids. According to the results of many studies, walnuts are especially useful for reducing blood cholesterol levels.

If you have high cholesterol, your diet should exclude all kinds of sweets, since high blood sugar levels increase cholesterol.

During a diet with high cholesterol, preference should be given to stewed and boiled foods, while it is recommended to stew with a minimum amount of fat and oil, and their deficiency can be compensated for with water.

In addition to changing your diet, to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, you should regularly engage in physical activity (morning exercises, walking and sports), stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption.

You can supplement your diet for high cholesterol with herbal teas from rose hips, corn silk, horsetail, hawthorn, buckthorn, mint and motherwort, which are useful for the prevention and complex treatment of atherosclerosis.

Sample daily diet menu for high cholesterol

For the first breakfast on a low-cholesterol diet, you can eat 150 g of buckwheat porridge, one serving of fruit (grapefruit, apple, pear or orange) and drink a glass of coffee or tea without sugar (with honey and low-fat milk).

Lunch includes 300 ml of vegetable soup with olive oil, 150 g of steamed chicken cutlets, 150 g of grilled vegetables, 1 slice of wheat bread and a glass of orange juice.

For an afternoon snack, you can eat 120 g of oatmeal and drink a glass of apple juice.

Dinner includes 200 g of lean fish, grilled, 150 g of stewed vegetables, 1 slice of bran bread and a glass of tea (black, green or herbal).

Cholesterol is a substance in the human body that is part of the cell membranes of all organs and tissues. But if the cholesterol level is high, then this can easily cause harm, because ideal conditions are created for the formation of atherosclerosis. To avoid exceeding normal levels of “bad” cholesterol, there is an anti-cholesterol diet. Compliance with it will allow you to regulate your diet and eliminate the risk of atherosclerotic plaques and heart disease. A diet for high blood cholesterol is a nutritional option for all people who care about their health.

Normal blood cholesterol levels

The level of cholesterol in the human body is the main indicator of lipid metabolism. But when a person takes tests and receives the answer, he cannot immediately determine how high his cholesterol level is. Different laboratories use their own blood test determination systems, so the values ​​may vary.

The average level of normal cholesterol in men and women also depends on age. In young girls, the levels are lower than in men, and in women of post-menopausal age, the level is higher than that of men, but is considered normal.

In men, blood cholesterol levels range from 2.9 mmol/l (20 years) to 7.0 (after 60 years). In women, the rates are higher, which is associated with hormonal changes that occur in connection with pregnancy, and then with the approach of menopause: from 3.11 (20 years) to 7.82 (over 70 years).

Cholesterol levels of 3.5 – 5.2 mmol/l are considered the safest for health. If the concentration approaches 7.0, then this is already a high level (moderate hypercholesterolemia), at which a special diet is necessarily prescribed.

Who is the anti-cholesterol diet indicated for?

A diet for high cholesterol is recommended for people with cardiovascular pathologies or those who are at risk of stroke, heart attack, or poor circulation. It will also benefit people with an individual predisposition to metabolic disorders, but it is advisable to follow the diet throughout your life, starting from a young age, to avoid damage to the kidney and heart muscles. A diet for high blood cholesterol is not very different from the basic principles of a healthy diet, so it will not hurt a healthy person in order to prevent many diseases.

Rules and principles of compliance

Following a diet will significantly reduce high cholesterol levels and improve your overall health. The basic rules of the diet are:

  1. Exclusion of high-fat foods, lard, sweet pastries, alcohol, smoking.
  2. During the diet, you need to reduce salt intake as much as possible, and eat foods only boiled, stewed or baked, so as not to increase cholesterol.
  3. Meals on an anti-cholesterol diet should be divided into several times during the day, and the last time should be eaten 3 hours before bedtime.

What can you eat if you have high cholesterol?

A diet to lower cholesterol will enrich the body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins, as it includes foods containing complex carbohydrates (see full list and table) and fiber: grain bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits. The amount of carbohydrates in a cholesterol diet is 60% of the total daily diet, but bread (bran, rye) is limited to 200 grams per day.

During the diet, one third of fruits and vegetables should be eaten raw. The main sources of protein for high cholesterol should be foods such as fish, nuts, and cottage cheese. It is advisable to consume lean red meat in minimal quantities, as it contains cholesterol.

If you have high cholesterol levels, it is better to give preference to consuming white poultry meat without skin. Stewed vegetables or vegetable salads are ideal as a side dish - this way protein is absorbed better. Eggs in their entirety are allowed no more than 3 pieces per week, but egg whites can be eaten unlimitedly during the diet, since they do not contain cholesterol.

Fermented milk products are only suitable in low fat content and in moderate quantities, and nutritionists allow sugar to be eaten up to 50 grams daily, and only on the condition that the person does not suffer from diabetes mellitus with high cholesterol. In the presence of this disease, only 3% of sugar from the total daily calorie intake is indicated.

What foods should you not eat?

If you have high cholesterol, you should immediately give up fast food, processed foods, carbonated drinks, milk chocolate, and coffee. Also, reducing blood cholesterol levels is impossible if the following foods are not removed during the diet:

  • ham, sausage, beef, liver;
  • hard cheeses, sour cream, high-fat butter;
  • squid, shrimp, fish roe;
  • animal fats;
  • flour sweets;
  • industrial sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup.

Menu for high cholesterol for a week

Following an anti-cholesterol diet does not mean limiting yourself in everything and eating bland foods. Dietitians have compiled a diet for any cholesterol level so that a person experiences discomfort after excluding their favorite dishes from the menu. Here is an approximate dietary menu, to which you need to add fresh fruits or berries every day, using instead of snacks between main meals:


  • Breakfast - oatmeal
  • Lunch - soup with oatmeal and celery, mushrooms stewed with zucchini
  • Afternoon snack - beetroot salad with green peas
  • Dinner - boiled chicken with vegetables in a slow cooker.


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese with fruit
  • Lunch - steamed fish with rice, 2 slices of rye bread
  • Afternoon snack - glass of kefir, banana
  • Dinner - vegetable soup with Brussels sprouts.


  • Breakfast - pumpkin porridge with millet
  • Lunch - chicken broth with egg and herbs, fish stew with buckwheat porridge
  • Afternoon snack - salad with apples and white cabbage
  • Dinner - low-fat cottage cheese.


  • Breakfast - rice porridge, yogurt
  • Lunch - mushroom soup, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes
  • Afternoon snack - cheesecakes
  • Dinner - fish with vegetables and rice in a slow cooker.


  • Breakfast - omelet, grapefruit
  • Lunch - pumpkin puree soup, pilaf
  • Afternoon snack - freshly squeezed juice
  • Dinner - steamed mackerel, fresh vegetables.


  • Breakfast - couscous with cranberries and pumpkin
  • Lunch - boiled chicken fillet, rice
  • Afternoon snack - walnuts, yogurt
  • Dinner - bean salad with asparagus, pureed pea soup.


  • Breakfast - vegetable salad, scrambled eggs
  • Lunch - tomato puree soup, lentils with vegetables
  • Afternoon snack - cottage cheese with a spoon of honey
  • Dinner - baked vegetables.

Diet recipes

For people with imagination, it will not be difficult to prepare an original dish for high cholesterol while following an anti-cholesterol diet. We offer several simple recipes that will help lower cholesterol levels and diversify your diet.

Couscous with pumpkin

You will need

  • 250 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 1 cup couscous;
  • 1 cup cranberries;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 tsp dried thyme.


  1. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and fry in oil until tender (15 minutes).
  2. Pour boiling water over the couscous, leave for a minute, then add a little sour cream. oil and salt (optional).
  3. Add pumpkin, thyme, and cranberries to the couscous and leave covered for a couple of minutes to allow the flavors to infuse the ingredients.
  4. Then add 200 ml of water, put on fire and cook for 5 minutes after boiling.
  5. When ready, leave the food in a warm place for another 7 minutes so that the liquid is completely absorbed, then serve.

Beetroot salad with walnuts

You will need

  • 1 kg beets;
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. rast. oils


  1. Boil the beets over low heat in the skins until tender, then remove the skins and grate the beets.
  2. Chop the nuts and garlic, add to the beets along with the oil and mix thoroughly.

Broccoli soup

You will need

  • 200 g broccoli;
  • 200 g potatoes;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g onions;
  • 5 g garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil.


  1. Fry the onions and carrots until soft, then transfer the products to a saucepan and cover with water.
  2. Cook the vegetables for half an hour covered, then cool.
  3. Then beat until smooth in a blender and heat again to the desired temperature.
  4. Add salt and spices as desired.

The presence of cholesterol in the body is vital. It is he who promotes the production of vitamin D, the main female sex hormones, and without cholesterol, normal immune function is impossible.

Numerous medical studies have shown that there is a definite connection between a person’s well-being and the level of cholesterol in his blood. If there is an excess of fat-like substance, then the risk of developing atherosclerosis and the formation of vascular plaques immediately begins to increase.

Such changes can cause heart attack, ischemic stroke and other problems with the human heart and blood vessels. In other words, to prevent the onset of the development of these ailments, it is important to adhere to a special diet that prevents an increase in blood cholesterol in women.

To qualitatively reduce blood cholesterol levels, you must constantly adhere to a special diet. It is characterized by a minimal consumption of saturated fat, which will make it possible to reduce the level of low-density cholesterol (also called bad cholesterol) and avoid treatment with medications.

If the fat-like substance in the blood is too high, then the diet should be formulated based on the following requirements:

  • Vegetable fats (unsaturated) can lower cholesterol levels;
  • animal and synthetic fat leads to a jump in cholesterol (saturated);
  • fish and seafood normalize triglycerides and cholesterol (monounsaturated).

When drawing up a rational hypocholesterol diet, it is important first of all to take into account all the properties of food products and their ability to influence the female body.

Grocery list

Milk products. It must be with a minimum amount of fat. Milk is limited to no more than 1.5 percent fat content, kefir and yogurt - a maximum of 2, and cheese - 35 percent. It is necessary to protect yourself as much as possible from eating sour cream, butter and cream. The use of margarine is strictly contraindicated; the diet excludes all these products at once.

Vegetable oil. It would be good to choose vegetable oils, ideally olive oil. It is this that qualitatively lowers the level of bad cholesterol. If used in doses, you can afford the following oils:

  • soy;
  • peanut;
  • corn;
  • sunflower.

Meat. Preference is given to lean varieties: beef, veal and lamb. Before cooking, it is better to trim off the fatty layers on the meat. It is not recommended to completely deny yourself the product.

Without red meat, anemia can occur, especially in young women. Let's not forget about the bird. The ideal diet would be turkey. It’s better to treat semi-finished products with caution and not include them in your diet.

Offal. It is better to stay away from the liver, brain and kidneys, because they contain excessive amounts of bad cholesterol, which leads to thick blood in women.

Fish. If cholesterol in the blood is high, then fish should be on the table every day. It contains omega-3 acids, which qualitatively reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. High amounts of saturated acids contain: flounder, tuna, cod. It would be better to avoid squid and fish roe.

Eggs. Yolks may contain excessive amounts of cholesterol. It is recommended to consume no more than 4 pieces per week, but you don’t have to limit yourself in protein.

Vegetables and fruits. Every day you need to include at least 400 g of fresh vegetables and fruits in your menu. Thanks to them, it is possible not only to reduce cholesterol in women, but also to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If the level of this substance in the blood is high, it is best to eat beets, avocados, eggplants and grapes. It is these products that contain a high concentration of special substances - flavonoids, which help remove low-density cholesterol from the body.

Flour products. In this category we will include those food products that are rich in carbohydrates - durum wheat pasta and wholemeal rye bread, because they are an excellent source of energy, by the way, this also applies to wonderful futures, for which it is important to control.

Legumes. Beans, peas, soybeans and other beans contain quite a lot of vegetable protein. We must not forget about them, especially if there is a strict restriction of oneself in meat.

Alcohol. Strange as it may sound, alcohol is recommended for a low-cholesterol diet, but (!) in minimal moderate dosages. It helps reduce blood viscosity and prevent the onset of thrombosis.

Nuts– an excellent source of fatty acids. According to numerous studies, it was walnuts that took the lead in reducing bad cholesterol levels.

If a woman of any age has high cholesterol, then she must exclude sweet foods, especially baked goods and chocolate.

To normalize blood composition, it is necessary not only to monitor your diet, but also not to forget about moderate physical activity on the body. This could be mandatory exercise in the morning or fairly quick walks. In addition, it goes without saying that if you have a bad smoking habit, then it is best to get rid of it.

What dishes does a woman's diet allow?

During such a diet, it is best to prefer boiled, stewed and steamed food. Braising should occur with a minimum amount of fat. If there is not enough liquid to prepare a dish, then the oil can be replaced with water, but in combination you can use it.

Breakfast diet - it may include 150 g of buckwheat cooked in water, a portion of unprocessed fruit, tea or coffee without sugar (possible with its substitutes),

The second breakfast can be spent with a portion of salad, seasoned with lemon juice or olive oil. It is recommended to drink it with freshly squeezed carrot juice. Approximate portion of the dish is 250 g.

For lunch, it would be good to eat 300 ml of vegetable soup, steamed meat cutlets (150 g), the same amount of grilled vegetables, a slice of toasted bread and a glass of orange juice; this is a fairly common diet.

For an afternoon snack, a woman with high blood cholesterol can afford a serving (120 g) of oatmeal and a glass of apple juice.

For dinner, it would be good to prepare 200 g of steamed or grilled fish, stewed vegetables, a piece of toasted bread and a glass of any tea.

In addition, the diet can be qualitatively supplemented with various herbal teas, for example, from:

  • rosehip;
  • buckthorn;
  • corn silk;
  • motherwort;
  • horsetail;
  • hawthorn;
  • mint.

These plants are useful not only for increasing general tone, but also become excellent means of preventing thrombosis.


As a goal of dietary nutrition, you can set the result not only to lose weight, but also to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. To do this, you also need to eat certain foods. What is the diet for high cholesterol? Check out the recommendations below to create your personal weekly diet.

How to lower blood cholesterol through nutrition

Eating for high cholesterol involves excluding foods that contain it in large quantities - these are foods of animal origin, i.e. fish, milk, meat, offal. The main rule of the diet is to minimize dishes with saturated fats. So, meat portions should be reduced to 100-150 g, the skin should be removed from the chicken, and fatty sour cream and cream, butter and mayonnaise should be discarded. In addition to these rules, you need to listen to a few more tips:

  1. use lemon juice or olive oil as a salad dressing;
  2. use healthy cooking methods: boiling, stewing, baking, steaming;
  3. include more fiber in your diet, which can be found in vegetables;
  4. eat more often, but in small portions with a break of 3 to 4 hours;
  5. With the usual 3 meals a day, make snacks.

How to stick to a diet for high cholesterol in women and men

A cholesterol-lowering diet is especially indicated for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system or are at risk for such pathologies. If there is an imbalance in the weekly diet menu to reduce cholesterol, you need to include polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are found in seafood, fatty fish and fish oil. The standard amount of cholesterol entering the body is 300 g, but to reduce the level it is necessary to reduce it to 250 g and create a menu according to this condition.


This substance in moderate quantities is beneficial for the body, because it is an integral element in the construction of cell membranes and is involved in strengthening the immune system. The first thing you need to do is calculate the number of foods that are recommended to be included in your weekly diet menu to reduce cholesterol levels:

  1. Protein dishes should be slightly limited: the daily protein intake should be 80-100 g. A hypocholesterolemic diet should be based on skinless chicken breast, fish, vegetable proteins contained in beans, nuts, peas or soybeans.
  2. The daily fat intake is 40-50 g. This includes vegetable oil: olive, flaxseed, sesame and sunflower.
  3. Carbohydrates should only replenish energy reserves, so you need to eat only slow ones: fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, cereals, durum pasta.


This diet option is indicated for impaired lipid metabolism, i.e. fats in the body. In addition to cholesterol, these include triglycerols and phospholipids. A diet to restore fat metabolism consists of increasing the amount of vegetable fats and reducing or completely eliminating animals. The foods on the menu for the week to lower cholesterol should be low in calories, but still nutritious. Servings should include small amounts of protein in the form of lean meats, complex carbohydrates found in cereals, and fiber from fruits and vegetables.

Foods for cholesterol

All foods can be divided into those that increase and decrease cholesterol levels. The former are recommended to be completely or partially limited to consumption, and the latter to be included in the diet in large quantities. By making a list of recommended and prohibited foods, you can plan your daily menu and diet for the whole week in advance, because you can eat it for an unlimited amount of time to reduce cholesterol.

Raising blood cholesterol

List of prohibited products

Fat meat

  • cutlets
  • pork
  • mutton
  • beefsteaks
  • meatballs
  • sausages
  • meat by-products, i.e. lungs, liver, kidneys and brains
  • smoked meats
  • canned meat
  • sausages
  • sausages
  • red meat
  • bird skin

Fish products and seafood

  • fish caviar and liver
  • shellfish
  • shrimps
  • crabs
  • sturgeon

Premium bread


  • cakes
  • cakes
  • biscuits
  • cookie


Carbonated drinks

Coconut and palm oil, pork and cooking fat, margarine, refined vegetable oil

High fat dairy products, especially sweet ones


Removes cholesterol from the body

Foods that lower cholesterol levels

Fatty fish

  • sardines
  • mackerel
  • salmon
  • anchovy
  • sea ​​bream
  • cod
  • navaga
  • sprat
  • halibut
  • tuna

Fruits with skin, except banana and grapes

Brown pasta

Low fat dairy products

Fresh, boiled or baked vegetables

  • almond
  • walnuts
  • tahini
  • rabbit meat
  • chicken
  • turkey
  • beans
  • peas

Wholemeal bread

  • celery
  • salad
  • spinach
  • brown rice
  • oatmeal
  • millet
  • mineral water
  • fresh juices
  • pure water

Vegetable oils

  • olive
  • rapeseed
  • peanut

Weekly menu for high cholesterol

Orange juice

Vegetable salad

Some berries

Chicken with rice

A piece of bread

Low-fat borscht


Vegetable soup

Dried fruits

Skim cheese

Vegetable salad

Green tea

Vegetarian borscht

Greek salad

Baked fish

Porridge with honey

Chicken with vegetables

Cabbage salad

Vegetable casserole

Fresh juice


Steamed cutlets

Green vegetables

Fruit salad

Steamed fish

Rice portion

Millet porridge

Cabbage salad

Steamed fish


Some berries

Borscht with lean beef

Cup of coffee without sugar

A handful of nuts

Shchi with chicken


A glass of kefir

Vegetable stew