Exercises for clubfoot in children 6. Review of gymnastic exercises and exercise therapy for correcting clubfoot at home. Contraindications for carrying out

15.10.2023 Brain Research

What kind of massage is used for clubfoot in children? The doctor, whom parents should contact when the first symptoms appear in the baby, will tell you about this.
Clubfoot is a congenital or acquired defect. With it, the feet are completely or partially turned inward. The consequences of this defect can be very severe (even leading to disability).

To avoid them, it is necessary to begin the fight against pathology immediately after the birth of the baby. It is during this period that the ligaments are elastic and pliable. The foot can be placed in the correct, natural position through massage.

Indications for massage sessions

Clubfoot is diagnosed in the maternity hospital by a neonatologist. There are certain signs that help identify this defect. Among them:

  • the big toes are turned inward;
  • axial indicators do not match;
  • If you place the leg on a flat surface, the upper edge of the foot or heel rises.

Massage is prescribed if a mild or moderate degree of illness is diagnosed, when joint mobility is preserved as much as possible. The procedure must be carried out by a specialist (in a clinic); parents must repeat the massage exercises at home and exactly those that the doctor showed them.

Many parents believe that clubfoot may disappear on its own, especially after the child begins to walk. This is why they ignore therapy. This is absolutely the wrong approach. Untreated clubfoot leads to the development of scoliosis, foot defects and many other problems, including lameness.

If the situation is very severe, then massage is not prescribed; doctors resort to other methods of treatment (this could be plaster casting or surgery). Clubfoot can develop in a child at a later age. It can be caused, among other things, by improperly selected shoes.

Massage at this age is prescribed for:

  • dysplasia (underdevelopment of bones);
  • rickets (when bone development is affected by a lack of vitamin D).

The procedure is prohibited if:

  • the child has a temporary viral disease, accompanied by general weakness and fever;
  • there are dermatological rashes on the skin;
  • acute bone diseases were diagnosed;
  • there are congenital heart diseases, neuralgic diseases;
  • there is a hernia that falls into the massage area.

It is important to remember that incorrect and unprofessional massage can only harm the patient and lead to a worsening of the condition.

Impact technique

Types of massage manipulations for clubfoot in a child have a certain sequence. Before prescribing the procedure, the doctor must diagnose the muscles of the lower leg and feet to identify areas of increased hypertonicity. Massage should not cause pain to the child.
The following types of manipulations are used for the legs:

  • point pressure.
  • spiral movements with rubbing.
  • pressing and stroking the foot.
  • deep rubbing accompanied by light stroking.
  • pats.
  • corrective movements.
  • slight vibration and light tapping.
  • finishing light movements.

It is best to undergo a massage course in the first month of a child’s life. At this time, the legs and feet respond well to correction and clubfoot can be completely corrected. If this period is missed and the pathology is diagnosed, then it is necessary to carry out massage procedures before six months. At this age, the child’s bones are soft and amenable to the necessary correction.

The following exercises are used:

  1. 1. Place the child on his stomach and carefully bend his knees, while simultaneously massaging his feet and legs with light movements.
  2. 2. Turn the child onto his back, fix the leg in the correct position and massage the area from the lower leg to the feet with pointed movements.
  3. 3. Be sure to treat the thigh area (from top to bottom, movements should be more intense). In areas of increased muscle tone, it is also necessary to apply more force when pressing.
  4. 4. Massage your feet, but very carefully, with light movements.
  5. 5. Treat the knee joint with light circular movements.

It is best to watch the doctor do the massage several times, and only then try to carry out the exercises and manipulations yourself. It must be remembered that there are areas that cannot be touched during manipulation (for example, the groin).

A properly performed massage helps:

  • relaxation of a certain group of muscles located in the back of the lower leg (where there is increased tone with clubfoot);
  • increasing muscle tone on the front surface of the lower leg and strengthening them;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • increasing the conductivity of nerve impulses;
  • improving lymph flow;
  • strengthening exactly those muscles that will hold the foot in the correct position.

Clubfoot can be diagnosed in children over 1 year of age who have already begun to walk independently. If it is pronounced, then the defect is visible even to the naked eye (the ankles do not touch when walking).

One of the most severe foot defects in children is a combined deformation of their soft tissues - clubfoot. It can be congenital or acquired; it manifests itself in the incorrect position of the feet: their inner part is raised, the toes are turned towards each other. If timely measures are taken, the pathology is successfully corrected using a set of various methods and procedures prescribed by the doctor.

Massage is an excellent treatment for club feet in children. In case of congenital pathology, it must be started from the very first days of the baby’s life, carried out in parallel with therapeutic passive gymnastics and fixation of the feet.

The benefits of massage in the treatment of clubfoot in children

When clubfoot is detected in children, the procedure of massage manipulations is necessarily included in a set of measures intended to correct the position of the feet. Its systematic implementation provides the following results:

  • The anterior calf muscles are strengthened.
  • The conductivity of nerve tissue is stimulated.
  • The muscle tissue on the back and inner parts of the legs relaxes.
  • Blood circulation in deformed tissues is normalized.
  • A flexible, healthy leg is formed.

If clubfoot in children is not treated with massage, this can lead to:

  • Formation of awkward gait and posture.
  • Stumbling on feet, surface.
  • Further deformation of the feet, the occurrence of joint contracture.
  • Developmental delays.
  • Arthritis in the future.

Features of massage for clubfoot in children

The greatest effectiveness of manipulations carried out to correct the feet is when they are combined with procedures for the entire leg and torso. For this, various massage movements are used:

When children have clubfoot, the muscles on the outer and front side of the lower leg and feet are stretched and weak, they need to be toned. Therefore, massage applied to this area should be vigorous. Their goal:

  • Increase muscle tone.
  • Help them shrink.
  • Stimulate increased mobility of ligaments and tendons.
  • Improve blood circulation.

The muscles of the back and inner areas of the foot and lower leg have increased tone. They need to be relaxed. Massage in these areas should:

  • Improve metabolism.
  • Pain relief.
  • Stretch muscle tissue.

Do not put pressure on the shin. This can cause pain because the bone in this area is not protected by muscle tissue.

After studying all the features of the massage procedure for babies, you can begin to start it. It is carried out once a month for 15 sessions, repeated until complete recovery.

The best option is to contact a specialist who knows the technique of treating clubfoot in children using massage. If this is not possible and the pathology is not severe, parents can carry out the procedure themselves, having learned the necessary manipulations from a doctor.

Massage technique for clubfoot in children

All movements are simple, they need to be performed affectionately, gently:

When treating clubfoot in children with massage, it is necessary to strictly follow medical prescriptions. After the massage procedure, it is recommended to begin special exercises aimed at correcting the feet. To successfully get rid of anomalies, massage is always used in combination with other therapeutic procedures.

It is a defect in which the feet are partially or maximally turned inward. It can be congenital or acquired. To avoid serious consequences, including disability, it is necessary to take urgent measures immediately after the birth of the child. In the first months of a baby’s life, ligaments and muscles are easily stretched and can be corrected, so the foot can be quickly returned to its natural position. Next we will tell you what types of clubfoot can be treated with massage and how to deal with them.

Indications for massage

Massage can help with mild or moderate clubfoot; in more complex situations, other methods are used

Massage is recommended for children diagnosed with mild or moderate clubfoot. An initial examination by a neonatologist of a newborn in the maternity hospital will suggest existing clubfoot based on the following signs: the big toe is turned inward, the axial indices of the lower leg and heel do not coincide, the inner edge of the foot or heel rises when the leg is placed on a flat surface. If the child’s clubfoot is mild and mobility in the ankle joints is preserved, then massage is prescribed. Preventive treatment is carried out by a doctor in a clinic, and at home parents repeat the massage movements indicated by a specialist.

Clubfoot may be a consequence of improperly selected shoes

Some parents believe that clubfoot will go away on its own over time, especially when the child begins to actively walk and run, regularly loading the leg muscles. However, this is a big mistake. Ignoring treatment for clubfoot will lead to distortion of gait, and in the future can provoke the development of scoliosis. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to alarming symptoms and begin treatment immediately.

Indications for massage at the age of 2-3 years are underdevelopment of bones (dysplasia), weakness and improper formation of bones as a result of lack of vitamin D (rickets) . Incorrectly sized shoes worn by a child can also trigger the development of the disease. Clubfoot has a negative effect on the ankle: when walking, the external muscles become overstrained and stretched, while the internal muscles, on the contrary, find themselves in a relaxed state. As a result, extensive deformation of the foot occurs, leading to lameness in severe cases.

Contraindications to massage

If clubfoot is not treated, the consequences for the child can be very sad.

Massage is undesirable in the following cases:

  • temporary course of infectious diseases associated with elevated temperature and general weakened condition of the child;
  • dermatological skin diseases;
  • acute bone diseases;
  • congenital heart and neurological diseases;
  • the presence of a hernia in close proximity to the massage area;
  • , hepatitis, atrophy, tuberculosis of the osteoarticular system.

Improper massage can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. Massage is considered ineffective for severe forms of clubfoot. In these cases, the doctor prescribes plaster correction or surgery.

Types of massage movements

Before choosing massage movements, the doctor diagnoses the child’s legs and feet by palpation. This allows you to assess the condition of the muscles and identify areas of hypertonicity that require increased attention. The massage is performed in such a way that the child does not experience pain.

The following types of movements are used for the lower extremities:

  • point pressure with fingers;
  • massaging rubbing in a spiral direction;
  • stroking the foot with pressure;
  • light touch followed by deeper rubbing;
  • corrective movements with patting;
  • final strokes.

Exercises during

Massage for clubfoot helps best in the first month of a baby’s life.

The best time to massage the feet using massage is the first month of a child’s life.. If this time is missed, then you should try to undergo massage procedures for up to six months, while the bones on your feet are soft and amenable to correction.

  1. Place the baby on his stomach. With your left hand, bend the leg at the knee, with your right hand, using stroking movements, move from the lower leg to the foot. The right hand applies pressure to the baby’s foot, slightly pressing the toes downwards.
  2. Turn the baby onto his back. With one hand, fix the position of the leg, with the other, begin to perform acupressure on the area from the foot to the lower leg.
  3. To help blood flow better into the small arteries of the sole, alternate stroking the lower leg and massaging the thigh area.
  4. Massage of the inner thigh is carried out in the direction from bottom to top. The thickened skin of the back of the thighs requires more intense kneading and rubbing.
  5. In those areas where increased tone is observed, stronger hand pressure is used.
  6. Work with the feet is carried out with extreme caution, since there are about 90 points on the soles of the feet, which, if pressed inaccurately, can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.
  7. The front of the thigh is stroked, the knee joint responds well to cyclic movements, then rubbing. Any movement is suitable for the ankle.

Clubfoot after one year of age

Herringbone pattern

Hallux valgus can be found in a child who has already begun to walk. Visually, it is determined as follows: with the knees tightly clenched, the inner ankles of the legs cannot approach each other. To strengthen muscles and ligaments, the orthopedist recommended a certain set of exercises performed in a medical institution, wearing orthopedic shoes or a specially made insole that corrects the position of the foot and heel.

Massage of the back, lower back, gluteal region and limbs is prescribed.

First, the legs are stroked, then the thighs are warmed up with energetic movements, lowered to the knees, and the legs, heels and feet are grasped. The massage is especially active with the feet.

Children 3-6 years old can do some of the exercises independently. For example, rotating the foot, sitting in frog pose, standing on your heels, squatting with your back against a wall or holding onto a chair. It is advisable to carry out these exercises under the supervision of an adult, as the child may forget something or refuse to do it. The “Christmas tree” exercise arouses children’s interest. To do this, you need to draw a Christmas tree on the floor with chalk the way little children do: an even trunk and branches going in different directions. You can place pencils, pens, and rulers on the floor like a Christmas tree. The child’s task is to place the leg so that the inside of the foot is parallel to the branch.

Diseases in themselves are an unpleasant phenomenon, and disease of the most important organs and parts of the body is a real disaster. The legs, namely the feet, bear all the weight. To always be healthy and on your feet, you must carefully monitor your health.

  • Foot diseases in adults
    • Thumb bone
    • Treatment of calluses and corns
    • Warts on the sole
    • Symptoms and treatment of gout
    • Eliminating an ingrown toenail
    • Fighting flat feet
  • Foot diseases in children
    • Treatment of calcaneal feet
    • Adducted feet
    • Symptoms and treatment of congenital clubfoot
    • Children's flat feet
  • Reviews

In humans, the foot is the lowest part of the leg that comes into contact with the surface of the earth. The human foot is conventionally divided into several parts - arch, dorsum, heel, instep and sole. The components of the foot are muscles, ligaments and bones. The foot moves thanks to the joints. Muscles attached to bones by tendons allow the toes to flex and extend. The bones are connected to each other by ligaments. They also support muscles. Bones and muscles are connected by tendons.

Painful sensations in the foot can indicate a variety of diseases that are treated with different methods. And also pain in the foot under certain circumstances accompanies internal diseases. Therefore, before using one or another method of treating pain, it is imperative to identify the cause of the pain.

Pain in the foot is divided into acute and chronic. Acute pain appears suddenly and bothers you for a short time, while chronic pain lasts for several days, weeks, and if not treated, even months over the years. Accompanied by pain in the foot:

  • Burning.
  • Tumor.
  • Edema.
  • Numbness.
  • Change in skin color on the leg.

If pain occurs, you should contact a traumatologist, orthopedist, neurologist, surgeon, rheumatologist or therapist. After all, only a specialist can truly correctly diagnose the emerging disease.

Foot diseases in adults

In adults, the occurrence of foot diseases is associated with improper care, shoes that are uncomfortable to wear, and lifting and carrying heavy objects. It is necessary to carefully monitor the legs, because they are what enable a person to walk.

Thumb bone

The change and deviation of the big toe from the normal growth rate is called a bunion. With this deformity, the big toe slopes toward the inside of the foot. For this reason, the joints become crooked and a kind of lump is formed on the outside. The activators of this foot disease are tight, uncomfortable shoes and foot diseases (for example, arthrosis, arthritis).

The initial and middle stages of the disease are treated by wearing the right shoes. Good, proper shoes have a wide toe box. It is the wide toe that reduces pressure on the toes, which eliminates inconvenience while walking. And also, together with a specialist, specialized orthopedic means, which also help reduce tension and friction.

In the treatment of bunions, the following are used: instep supports, interdigital bolsters, orthopedic insoles and correctors. With the help of all these aids, pain is eliminated, the progression of the disease is slowed down, and gait is corrected.

Drug treatment used to eliminate the stone is physical therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In cases where the disease has entered the advanced stage, it can only be corrected through surgical intervention. The process for removing a thumb bone is as follows:

  • The surgeon removes the resulting growth.
  • Deformed bones undergo reconstruction.
  • Surgically, the periarticular muscles are balanced.
  • The angle between the bones of the foot changes.
  • Arthrodesis is performed, during which the foot joint is fixed.
  • Tendon transplantation.

A person who notices a growth on the foot in the area of ​​the big toe should contact a specialist. During the examination, the doctor will examine the symptoms, the process and advise on the necessary treatment, which will allow you to maintain the ability to move independently in the future.

Treatment of calluses and corns

Calluses and corns are a common occurrence on human feet. This is a kind of protection against damage. The reason for their appearance is often wearing tight shoes. To avoid the appearance of calluses and corns, you must avoid buying tight, uncomfortable shoes, and if you do buy them, use a patch during the first wear.

Treatment methods for corns and calluses:

  • Take hot baths with apple cider vinegar for two weeks. It is best to carry out this procedure before bedtime. After completion, lubricate the legs with salicylic ointment.
  • For calluses, use special plasters. In the evening, in order to soften the callus, you can apply baked onions in the evening.
  • Leave a compress of honey and radish on the callus overnight. Make a mixture of honey and radish, grated on a fine grater. Place the mixture on the callus, cover it with film, and bandage it on top or put on a thick sock.
  • In the evenings, take warm baths to which a few drops of tea tree oil are added. After completing the procedures, be sure to wipe your feet dry.
  • If there are a large number of calluses on the feet, it is necessary to take warm baths with apple cider vinegar. Then take clean socks that you don’t mind. Soak them in a mixture of lemon juice and vegetable oil in equal proportions. Put on socks, wrap your feet with film, and wrap a bandage on top. In the morning, wash your feet with penza.

Warts on the sole

The cause is a virus. Penetrates into the soles of the feet through microcracks in a humid environment (for example, in public baths or saunas).

Salicylic acid works well for plantar warts. In the case of a severe stage of the disease, treatment is carried out by a specialist, resorting to freezing, cauterization, and so on.

Symptoms and treatment of gout

Gout is a unique type of arthritis. Symptoms include severe pain, skin may become red, swollen, or hard.

The causes of gout are the deposition of salts in the joints and increased levels of uric acid in the blood. To alleviate the condition and reduce pain, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that reduce uric acid levels. After the acute pain is relieved, the specialist continues treatment as follows:

  • take a course of medications that reduce salt and uric acid levels.
  • therapeutic procedures - therapeutic massage and exercise, physiotherapy, drinking mineral waters.
  • Drink two to three liters of alkaline water daily.
  • Preparing the right diet. Excluded completely: coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, alcoholic beverages. And you will also have to give up fried and overly fatty foods. Give preference to plant and dairy foods.

If you strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions, gout can be treated and your foot can be restored to health.

Eliminating an ingrown toenail

Anyone who has encountered this unpleasant disease knows what unbearable pain this very nail causes. Additional symptoms include foot swelling, redness, and infection.

Causes of ingrown toenails include tight shoes and improper nail trimming.

If the pain is unbearable, the doctor will surgically remove the ingrown toenail. In other cases, treatment occurs by steaming the foot and placing a cotton pad under the nail. The cotton pad should be carefully placed so that the nail does not touch the skin of the leg.

Fighting flat feet

Causes of flat feet: heredity, injury or rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms: pain in the legs after prolonged walking or standing. With a lot of weight, acute pain in the feet.

Treatment: mandatory wearing of orthopedic insoles with arch supports and performing physical exercises aimed at strengthening the leg muscles.

Foot diseases in children

The health of children must be closely monitored. If your baby begins to complain of pain in the leg and you know for sure that this is not some kind of bruise or sprain, then you should immediately see a doctor. After all, the sooner a problem or disease is detected, the greater the likelihood that your child will not have problems with his legs in the future. Only a specialist can conduct correct and necessary examinations and report on the cause and treatment methods of the disease.

Treatment of calcaneal feet

A common disease in children that develops due to the special position of the foot during fetal development. Treatment of this type of deformation occurs with the help of physical therapy and the installation of special splints on the feet.

The heel position of the feet sometimes appears with a neurological disorder of the feet. In this case, the spine must be diagnosed for the presence of bone deformities. In this case, treatment is carried out not only with orthopedic means, but also with therapy that corrects the functioning of the spinal cord.

Adducted feet

This pathology can be diagnosed in a baby as early as one month of age. It looks like this - the front part of the foot is turned inward, and the outer part is, as it were, rounded. The distance between the toes is increased, and the big toe faces inward. In the early stages of detection of the disease, and this is approximately up to three years, the deformity is cured without surgical intervention.

The foot is adjusted manually and then fixed with plaster splints. This correction is performed once every seven days. It must be carried out by a specialist. After two to three months, the pathology is eliminated.

Symptoms and treatment of congenital clubfoot

Most often, congenital clubfoot affects males. With clubfoot, the position and even the shape of the leg bones generally changes, and the soft tissues of the lower leg are also shortened.

Clubfoot is a hereditary disease, however, it may well develop due to improper development of the spinal cord. By the age of seven, a child’s legs become different lengths, the difference ranges from one to two centimeters.

Treatment of congenital clubfoot must be carried out from the first month of the baby’s life. The specialist performs all the same manipulations as with adducted feet. As an additional measure to improve blood supply to the legs, they are prescribed physiotherapeutic treatment of the lumbar spine.

At three months the feet are fixed using plaster casts. Complete cure of congenital clubfoot requires five years of continuous therapy.

Children's flat feet

A widespread disease in children. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose flat feet. Treatment of children's flat feet consists of performing certain physical exercises and using orthopedic insoles in shoes.


Clubfoot is quite common in newborns. Boys are often targeted (girls get sick half as often). According to various sources, approximately 3–5 children per 1 thousand have a congenital pathology.

Information about the disease

Congenital clubfoot is one of the most common defects of the musculoskeletal system. Many factors can cause this pathology. In 30% of children it is a hereditary disease. The development is also caused by the occurrence of pathology in the intrauterine state, associated with illnesses of the mother or bad habits, or incorrect positioning of the child during gestation. For the rest, it is insufficient development of the muscular system and nervous system. Congenital clubfoot is manifested by pathology in the development of joints, ligaments and bones of the ankle.

The upper edge of the talus is especially often affected. Changes in the structure of the joints of the legs, ligaments and muscular apparatus of the limb occur due to insufficient development, shortening and displacement of attachment points.

Successful treatment of clubfoot depends on how quickly this defect can be identified. Doctors classify the disease according to stages:

  1. Mild – minor deformation of the foot; the defect can be eliminated without consequences.
  2. Moderate – when there is limited movement of the ankle joint, difficult, but treatable.
  3. Severe – severe limitation in the movement of the foot, correction is possible only with surgical intervention. Full recovery is impossible. As a rule, consequences remain after a full course of rehabilitation.

Diagnosis of deviation

Diagnosis of congenital clubfoot is carried out at the stage of pregnancy and the first deviations can be noticed by doing an ultrasound. Club feet in children can be noticed at an early stage of life. The best thing you can do at this time is to contact a pediatrician or pediatric surgeon and decide on the tactics and program to combat the disease.

The acquired disease often manifests itself as limping. In the early period, it is necessary to pay attention to the functionality of the child’s joints and, at the first suspicion, inform the doctor. You can also notice the wear of shoes in certain places: at the edges of the foot on one side or the other.

This pathology is easy to correct in the early stages, and it is much more difficult to treat when the joints become stronger and the ligaments become strong.

But in the current century, medicine is progressing and every year it becomes possible to do things that could not be treated before.

Treatment tactics

In the past, recovery and elimination of defects consisted of a series of complex surgical interventions, which did not always meet the expectations of the parents and the little patient. But the development of technologies and methods of therapy makes it possible to influence the healing process from different angles.

If it is possible to identify the deviation in the early stages, this allows almost complete removal of the curvature of bones, ligaments and joints. Modern equipment makes it possible to diagnose clubfoot during the period of intrauterine development. Depending on the symptoms, rehabilitation and timely intervention can correct complex forms of deformity.

Conservative therapy

Clubfoot in a child can be noticed when he begins to walk. Although everything might have been fine before, for some reason there was an imbalance in the growth of muscle groups, joints, bones and the child begins to limp.

In this case, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and understand in detail the cause of the pathology. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a number of necessary procedures. Among them:

  1. Plastering is a special procedure that involves applying several layers of plaster to a limb requiring intervention, combined with paraffin applications. The foot is fixed with a cast in the correct position. Initially, the dressing is changed once a week, then two or more times as it copes with the defect. Experts to this day use the method of the famous orthopedist Ponseti. He was the first to figure out how to correct clubfoot without surgery in the early stages. The essence of the method is that the child’s ligaments are easily stretchable and by fixing the foot, the defect can be correctly repositioned. The treatment period is 4–8 weeks, during which time the position of the foot in the cast changes several times.
  2. The use of special orthopedic devices (splints, orthoses) that are attached to the deformed limb. They have the shape of a boot and are fixed along the entire limb with Velcro and straps, giving the foot the correct position. Widely used by orthopedists in the early stages of the disease. To be effective, apply up to 20–22 hours a day. Can only be used when the child turns 2 years old.
  3. Properly selected orthopedic shoes in combination with thermal procedures, followed by massage. It gives a good effect if the stage of the disease is not higher than the average stage. With timely use of the complex, the likelihood of surgical intervention is reduced. Allows you to get rid of early clubfoot.
  4. Medicines and physiotherapy. Vitamins and minerals and collagen are used. Warm baths are used to improve blood circulation, increase stretchability and relax muscles.
Features of baby treatment

Clubfoot can be treated immediately after discharge from the hospital. Not the least important place here is occupied by massage and therapeutic exercises:

  1. The massage is performed in a gentle manner so as not to cause unnecessary pain to the baby. It requires systematic implementation to achieve positive results.
  2. Gymnastics takes second place and is done in combination with massage, approximately 15 classes per month.

The treatment is mainly carried out by an orthopedist. But with his permission, you can perform the complex at home. If the defect is not very pronounced, then massage and gymnastics will be enough.

With severe changes in the foot, more radical measures are necessary, possibly surgical intervention.

Surgical intervention

There are times when exercises and various conservative treatment methods may not produce results. This is due to the severity of the deformity. Surgery will help eliminate congenital imbalances in the joints and ligaments. It is advisable to carry out such an intervention before the child begins to walk. And together with other methods, influence the improvement and correct formation of posture in case of clubfoot in children.

All over the world, hundreds of thousands of children are born with clubfoot, and not all of them receive timely medical care. The prognosis for recovery depends on the degree of clubfoot. Neglected pathology can ultimately lead to disability. In severe cases, only 10–12% of patients can do without surgery.

With paralytic clubfoot, the causes are mainly injuries or damage to the peroneal nerve and muscles. In this case, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. Sometimes doctors have to use a method to fix the bones in the joint (arthrodesis). Often, with severe deformation of the feet, after surgery on ligaments and muscle tissue, the Ilizarov compression-distraction apparatus is used. In this case, orthopedists need to work together with neurologists to eliminate innervation disorders. You need to know that for a successful operation it is necessary not only to eliminate the defect that has arisen, but also its cause.

Subsequently, children must wear special orthopedic shoes or braces for walking for a year.


Sometimes congenital clubfoot in severe cases does not allow surgeons to achieve the desired result. Several operations are performed, but the required effect cannot be achieved.

Good results come from hard work to eliminate clubfoot at home. Of course, this method may not give a 100% positive result, but it is possible and possible to correct and improve the functioning of some joints and tendons. Daily exercises and exercises, various types of exercises and massage are necessary.

First of all, you need to remember that the exercises start small. It is necessary to consolidate skills and ensure that simple exercises turn out better and better. After this, it is necessary to move on to more complex exercises, use various types of weights, and work with deformed feet every day, otherwise this part of the body will atrophy over time and the patient will not be able to move.

You have to do a lot of work on yourself, your joints and ligaments, and get, although not a 100% result, a significant improvement in the functioning of your limbs.

When an illness has overtaken a child, he needs to be given regular help, not forgotten and not left alone with the problem, not allowed to withdraw into himself. He should feel that he is not alone in this world and that thanks to exercise, he can get rid of clubfoot. The first place in the treatment of this disease is to restore the function of the joint, tendons and muscles.

Exercises and massage

In order for exercises to be more effective, discipline, desire, perseverance and parental attention are important. Exercises must be selected taking into account age characteristics and the degree of deformation. In cases of moderate severity, it is best to consult an orthopedic traumatologist. The purpose of the exercises is to get rid of atrophy of non-working muscles and give them tone. For greater benefit, perform exercises 2-3 times a day, and change training programs several times every six months.

It is important not to miss the moment when the child’s joints and tissues begin to lose elasticity. Then getting rid of clubfoot will be much more difficult, especially if this process was congenital. As your child grows, you need to choose the right orthopedic shoes. Mild clubfoot can be eliminated in a fairly short period of time if you do not forget to systematically perform a set of exercises.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the process of placing the child’s foot on the surface, the first steps, explain, correct and teach the correct movements.

Exercises for kids

Leg exercises:

  • Squats. The child holds your hands with his hands, and you and he begin to squat on the command “sit down and stand up.” Repeat 10–20 times.
  • Squat with lifting toys. Place the toys on the floor in different parts of the room; you need the baby to approach the toy, squat down, pick it up and bring it to you. Repeat 2-3 times, use 5-10 toys.
  • Swaying legs. The feet are parallel to each other, the arms are lowered, it is possible to hold the child or for him to hold on to the back of the chair. First he swings one leg in a completely relaxed state, then the other. The first couple of repetitions need to swing the leg back and forth, the next couple of repetitions swing it left and right. First, you need to do the exercise together with your baby.

Exercises with the ball:

  • Rolling the ball. A simple exercise to perform. Sit opposite each other, roll the ball in any direction so that the baby can stretch as much as possible. The required number of repetitions is 12–20 times.
  • Throwing the ball. This exercise requires a large ball. The child needs to throw it in different directions or at some target. 10–15 repetitions will be enough.
  • After the child warms up, you need to gently massage the defective area.
  • It is necessary to use the simplest exercises. Stroking and kneading will be enough.

Carefully and gradually add more complex exercises to this complex, and the positive effect will not take long.

For older children

In preschool age (5–6 years), a child can start a lesson with a light jog. Attention should be paid not to speed qualities, but to the correct placement of the feet. If the baby understands and is starting to succeed, then the exercise can be complicated by adding running with added steps and warming up the upper shoulder girdle on the go.

Children will be happy to play with a ball, ride a bike, or swim in the pool if their parents devote proper time to them. It is necessary to monitor the child’s fatigue and gradually increase classes to 30–45 minutes. You should also add different types of walking: “like a bear”, “like an elephant”, “like a bunny”. It is necessary that the exercises have a playful overtone, so the child will practice with a smile and be happy during the lesson. Positive emotions are very important when working with children.

After warming up, do wall squats (20–30 repetitions). It is necessary to monitor the technique of execution, the feet should not come off the floor and be completely flat on the surface, the back should be flat.

Then the exercise “lowering the heels from the step” is applied. It is convenient to do it while holding onto a support. Place your toes on the step and pull your heel as low as possible. It is very good to practice where there is a gymnastic ladder. Various types of climbing strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the legs and spine.

In combination with massage and orthopedic shoes, the result will not take long to arrive; the main thing is to develop the child’s habit of stepping on his foot correctly.

Massage for the treatment of club feet in children

This form of foot deformity in children, such as clubfoot, can be easily treated in the initial stages of development. In babies, the bones and ligaments are still soft and pliable, so the earlier treatment is started, the better the prognosis. Congenital clubfoot is characterized by changes not only in the bones, but in the muscles and ligaments. As a rule, it is bilateral, so when the child begins to walk, it will be much more difficult to correct the deformity.

Among the main methods of treating this pathology, massage stands out. In combination with gymnastics, it helps to correct the deformity at the initial stage. If treatment is started when the first symptoms of clubfoot are detected in a newborn, the feet can be quickly placed in the correct position. Massage is prescribed for 10-15 sessions daily. The course of procedures must be repeated every month until complete recovery.

Features of this treatment method

Massage for clubfoot in children is considered one of the most effective treatment methods. It must be carried out in courses, repeating several times until the functions of the foot are completely restored. The first course of massage must be done by a specialist, then the mother can massage the baby on her own. Such treatment will be most effective if it is carried out in the first six months of the baby’s life. This is the period when the bones are still soft, and the muscles and ligaments are flexible, so they can be easily corrected. It is best to start massage from the very first days after birth.

Massage and gymnastics for clubfoot in children aged 2-3 years are also prescribed, but in combination with other treatment methods. This acquired form of the disease can be due to injuries, improper bone formation, or uncomfortable shoes. In severe cases of pathology, massage can only be an auxiliary method. It performs mainly the functions of stimulating blood circulation, stretching and relaxing muscles and ligaments. This type of clubfoot is treated with casting or surgery.

Massage is prescribed as part of complex therapy for any degree of clubfoot. It is one of the most effective methods of rehabilitation after surgical treatment or casting. Massage is also an excellent preventative against foot deformities. It helps strengthen muscles and ligaments, improve the functioning of the ankle joint, activates blood circulation and metabolic processes in cells.

Massage functions

Clubfoot is characterized by increased muscle tone in the back of the leg and weakening in the front. The child's feet are turned inward, and their insides are slightly raised. Therefore, massage is used to normalize muscles and ligaments, as well as prevent bone deformation. Before the first session, the doctor palpates the child’s legs to determine which muscles need attention. A properly performed massage performs the following functions:

  • relaxes the muscles in the back of the leg, the triceps and tibialis muscles, the Achilles tendon and the flexors of the fingers;
  • strengthens and tones the muscles on the front surface of the lower leg, finger extensors, peroneal muscles;
  • stimulates blood circulation and conduction of nerve impulses, normalizes lymph flow;
  • relieves pain due to strong muscle tone, relaxing them;
  • strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the foot that will hold it in the correct position.

Contraindications for carrying out

Despite the fact that massage is the most effective treatment for clubfoot in children, in some cases it cannot be done. The following cases are contraindications for the procedure:

  • various skin lesions, scratches, dermatitis;
  • infectious or inflammatory diseases with high fever;
  • the presence of a hernia or acute diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, diathesis or hepatitis;
  • if the child has congenital pathologies of the functioning of the cardiovascular or nervous system.

If the massage is performed by a mother, she should know that it is advisable not to touch some areas or to influence them only with light stroking. This is the groin area, the inner surface of the thigh and lower leg near the knee, the popliteal cavity.

There are many blood and lymphatic vessels in these places. And the front part of the lower leg is not protected by muscles, so when pressing on it, the child may experience pain. You should also try to avoid moles and other formations on the skin. To have the correct effect on the circulatory and lymphatic system, all movements must be carried out from the bottom up.

Massage techniques

The specialist chooses the order of movements and their intensity depending on the individual characteristics of the baby. Only the right technique can have a beneficial effect. The following techniques are most often used for clubfoot in newborns:

  • stroking with the whole palm;
  • massaging spiral rubbing with three fingers;
  • point pressure, especially attention should be paid to biologically active points on the surface of the foot;
  • deep kneading with the thumb;
  • rubbing with pressure;
  • corrective movements;
  • slight vibration and tapping;
  • pats.

Massage rules

Procedures must be performed in such a way that the child does not experience pain. To do this, the massage begins with warming up the muscles. This can be achieved using special massage oil or by performing a massage after thermal procedures (for example, paraffin baths). It is necessary to pay attention to ensure that during all movements the child’s foot is fixed in the correct position. To do this, hold it with one hand while rubbing or kneading with the other.

In order for the procedure to help correct the deformation of the baby’s legs, massage movements are combined with special passive exercises. It is especially important to gently stretch the muscles on the inner surface of the foot. Each exercise must be performed 5-7 times, fixing the leg in the correct position for 15-20 seconds.

During the massage, slow rotational movements are performed in the ankle joint. At the same time, slowly lower the inner edge of the foot, lifting its outer part. They also do its adduction and abduction, flexion and extension. In this case, you need to hold the ankle joint with one hand, the other hand, with the palm of your hand, rests on the sole of the baby’s foot and moves the foot, turning it into the correct position.

Leg massage for clubfoot in children should be carried out in combination with a tonic massage of the body, except for the upper limbs. This will help improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. Sometimes the doctor recommends bandaging the child’s feet after the procedure, fixing them in the correct position. It is necessary to ensure that such a bandage does not compress the blood vessels, and it should be changed 3-4 times a day, each time performing several massage and corrective movements.

For babies under six months old, the procedure should last 5-10 minutes. It is better to repeat it 2-3 times a day. You need to work with your child every day, simultaneously performing other procedures prescribed by the doctor along with the massage. After 2 weeks you need to take a break for the same amount of time, then repeat the massage course.

Massage technique

There are many massage options for correcting foot deformities, so only a doctor can select the right technique, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. For children older than one year, the procedure is effective only in combination with gymnastics and orthopedic correction. You need to perform the movements more intensively, paying special attention to the foot, kneading and rubbing it, while simultaneously fixing it in the correct position.

And with congenital clubfoot, movements should be soft and smooth, they should not cause pain or discomfort to the baby. You can use, for example, this technique:

  • put the baby on his stomach and bend his leg at the knee, with the other hand stroke the shin towards the foot;
  • gently press on the foot, slightly pressing the toes down;
  • the Achilles tendon is affected by pinching and vibration; stretching it by smoothly turning the foot perpendicular to the shin is very effective;
  • Next, you need to turn the child onto his back and use point pressure to work the front surface of the lower leg, paying special attention to the ankle joint;
  • stroking the shin should be alternated with rubbing the thigh, this will help better blood circulation;
  • intensive kneading and rubbing is required on the back of the thigh, the inside needs only to be lightly stroked;
  • where there is increased muscle tone, stronger pressure and kneading are necessary;
  • the knee joint is stroked in a circular motion and gently rubbed;
  • acupressure massage of the lower leg and ankle joint is useful;
  • at the end, be sure to stretch the inner surface of the foot for several minutes.

After a massage session, it is advisable to perform several exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot and fix it in the correct position. The most effective exercise is to rotate the foot along the longitudinal axis. All movements must be performed gently and carefully so as not to cause pain to the baby.

Children's clubfoot is easily treated in the initial stages. Especially if you use a set of methods: massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy. To completely correct your foot, you need patience and a lot of effort. Parents should be more attentive to the baby’s health and not expect that the foot deformity will go away on its own. Only timely treatment will help prevent disability in a child.

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Clubfoot in children is one of the types of deformation of the musculoskeletal system. It occurs relatively often - out of 1000 children it is found in 1 baby.

Deformities of the feet, heels and joints of the lower extremities are those visual pathologies, without treatment of which restrictions on mobility when walking and disability occur. Why and how is delay in eliminating such a disease dangerous?

A disorder of the musculoskeletal system in a child, such as clubfoot, requires mandatory long-term treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Classification of clubfoot

There are several classifications of clubfoot, but taking into account the latest data, it is customary to divide the pathology into 3 categories:

  • nature of manifestation - typical and atypical;
  • origin – congenital and acquired;
  • the manifestation is unilateral or bilateral, that is, it is diagnosed on one or both feet.

There is also a division according to the severity of clubfoot, taking into account certain signs:

  • Easy. The ankle is mobile, there is no bone deformation. Can be treated at home.
  • Average. There are deformations of bone, muscle tissue and ligaments, and the ankle joint. Requires professional treatment in a hospital.
  • Heavy. Congenital deformation of the musculoskeletal system on both feet.
  • Very heavy. Risk of child's disability. Often resistant to surgery.

Causes of deformation

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The news of a child’s clubfoot should not always be taken as a sentence to surgery. For mild degrees of foot deformation, conservative treatment methods will be quite effective. In this case, the decisive factors for success will be discipline, perseverance and parental attention.

Who can assess the child’s condition?

Congenital pathology of the child’s musculoskeletal system is detected in the maternity hospital, and in some cases even before birth by ultrasound. At the slightest suspicion of clubfoot, the mother will definitely be advised to show the baby to an orthopedic traumatologist. You should not delay your visit to the doctor for too long, since treatment can begin from the second week of the baby’s life.

Mild cases of foot deformity may go unnoticed by pediatricians at the maternity hospital. Over time, the defect is discovered during periodic examinations in the clinic. Alert relatives can also pay attention to the baby’s inverted feet.

In addition, clubfoot may appear when the child takes his first steps. Overweight children with weak legs prefer to curl their toes inward to feel more confident. This type of gait should not cause concern unless it becomes habitual. After several months of trials, the baby should learn to place his legs straight.

In any case, parents should not neglect consulting an orthopedist. He will assess the condition of the baby’s foot, identify the cause of the pathology, prescribe a course of treatment and give a preliminary prognosis for recovery.

The orthopedist will begin examining the small patient by assessing the degree of clubfoot. Today, two methods are used for this purpose: the Pirani scale and the Dimeglio scale.

Conclusions about the severity of clubfoot according to Pirani (Fig. 1) are made based on six clinical signs:

  • curvature of the outer edge of the foot;
  • depth of the medial fold;
  • depth of the back fold;
  • the possibility of palpating the lateral part of the head of the talus;
  • the ability to palpate the heel bone;
  • foot mobility.

Severities of clubfoot according to Pirani

Table 1. Scheme for accruing points using the Pirani method

According to Dimeglio, the angles of possible correction are analyzed in all possible planes, taking into account additional signs (Fig. 2):

A – equinus of the foot;

B – heel varus;

B – internal rotation of the foot relative to the anterior surface of the knee joint;

D – adduction of the forefoot.

Rice. 2 Assessment of the main signs of clubfoot in degrees

Table 2. Definition of foot type and degree of severity clubfoot

Both methods accurately characterize the severity of the disease and make it possible to predict the success of conservative treatment.

How are foot defects treated?

Orthopedic efforts to treat clubfoot are successful in 96% of cases. Another thing is that the path to healthy feet and a beautiful gait lies through hard work, and maybe even surgery. In any case, parents should be patient.

In mild cases of foot deformity, the orthopedist will prescribe:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • orthopedic shoes.

Moderate to severe clubfoot will require:

  • bandaging;
  • plastering;
  • wearing orthoses and braces.

After removing the fixing bandages, children are prescribed rehabilitation procedures.

If conservative treatment methods are powerless, achilloplasty is used, followed by exercise therapy, massage, and hardware rehabilitation methods.

Therapeutic gymnastics is included in all therapeutic courses practiced for clubfoot. In cases of mild deformities, it, along with massage and physiotherapy, plays a decisive role in recovery. After casting or surgery, exercise therapy will be the key to quickly restoring walking skills and strengthening the correct fixation of the foot.

The first lessons with children are conducted by a trained trainer. Due to the fact that gymnastics for young patients should become a daily activity, exercise therapy techniques are taught to parents. Exercises are selected taking into account the age of the children and change over time. The decision to switch to the next complex of exercise therapy is made by an orthopedist-traumatologist.

The purpose of physical exercise is to train atonic muscles and relax contracture. For classes to be successful, they are conducted 2-3 times a day. Since only a specialist can accurately determine the groups of spasmed and relaxed muscles, he prescribes a complex of exercise therapy.

Gymnastics for newborns

At first, the parents’ implementation of all exercise therapy techniques is supervised by a specialist. Exercises for babies are combined with massage movements. In this case, they are in the nature of passive gymnastics, but the benefits are no less than from independent training of older children.

Main principles:

  • the complex is performed after thermal procedures;
  • be careful not to cause pain;
  • all movements should be smooth and soft;
  • activities should be enjoyable.

Shortened muscles and ligaments are stretched by rubbing, hypertonicity is relieved by stroking, patting, and light vibration. Atony is countered with intense flexion-extension and rotation.

The duration of work with the feet is at least 5-7 minutes. Each technique is performed 10-12 times for one leg and the same number for the other. First, the baby is placed on the changing table on his back. To warm up, bend and straighten your knees alternately, straight legs are raised to an angle of 90° together and one at a time.

  • Exercise 1

Starting position “on your stomach”, leg bent at the knee (Fig. 3). Hold the shin with one hand and use the palm of your other hand to gently press the baby's foot toward the back. This exercise helps stretch the heel tendon and eliminate plantar flexion of the foot.

Rice. 3 Exercise 1

  • Exercise 2

For the same purpose, an exercise is carried out with the child lying on his back (Fig. 4). With one hand, press the child's shin to the table surface, securing it in the ankle area. With the other, grab your foot so that your palm rests on the sole. Gently bend your foot dorsally while applying pressure to the outer edge. An effective combination of flexing the foot with simultaneous acupressure at the transition point of the dorsum of the foot to the lower leg.

Rice. 4 Exercise 2

  • Exercise 3

Prescribed to eliminate forefoot adduction.

Starting position “lying on your back” (Fig. 5). Secure the child's foot at the ankle joint. With your other hand, gently make straightening movements, gradually moving the forefoot outward.

Rice. 5 Exercise 3

  • Exercise 4

Rotational movements of the foot outward along the longitudinal axis (Fig. 6). Rotational movements of the foot outward are carried out very carefully, gradually lowering the inner and raising the outer edge of the foot.

Rice. 6 Exercise 4

If the baby can walk

For children aged 2 to 3 years, a special course of exercise therapy has been developed, aimed at general strengthening of muscles and ligaments, improving blood circulation. It takes into account the child's increased abilities and his desire to play. Exercises are performed at home without shoes. At the initial stage, perform the exercises three times, eventually increasing the number of repetitions to eight.

Rice. 7 Warm-up before gymnastics

As a warm-up (Fig. 7), walking options are used, each of which lasts 1-3 minutes:

  • “ballet step” - with the toe moving to the side and the heel moving forward;
  • “clown step” - walking from the position of heels together, toes far to the sides while maintaining the direction of the feet;
  • “on the heels” - with the toes pointed to the sides;
  • “on the inside of the foot”;
  • “soldier's step” - with high knees.

After warming up:

  • Exercise 1

The child should stand on the outer and inner sides of the feet for 20-40 seconds. The first tests can be done with the support of parents.

  • Exercise 2

The baby places his feet parallel and, without lifting his heels from the floor, raises his toes as high as possible (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8 Heel exercise

  • Exercise 3

Starting position is the same as in exercise 1. You should tuck your toes without lifting your heels from the floor.

  • Exercise 4

Each foot individually needs to lift a pebble, rope or piece of paper from the floor.

  • Exercise 5

Learning to walk backwards. From the “feet together” stance, we place our right foot on the toe far behind. We transfer the body weight to the outstretched leg, while lowering the foot onto the heel. We repeat the movement with the left leg.

  • Exercise 6

In the “sitting” position, the child alternately rotates his feet outward (Fig. 9)

Rice. 9 Rotation of the feet

  • Exercise 7

Corrective pose “sitting between the heels” (Fig. 10). The child is on his knees, feet spread apart with toes apart. Slowly lower yourself and sit between your heels. Sitting this way, the child can play for quite a long time.

Rice. 10 Landing "between the heels"

  • Exercise 8

The child squats without lifting his heel off the floor (Fig. 11). Alternatively, you can practice cross-legged squats. To maintain balance, the first tests are done while holding the parents' hands or the back of a chair.

Fig 11 Squats with support

  • Exercise 9

To train and massage the arch of the foot, walk across a gymnastic stick with a diameter of up to 2 cm. The heels touch the floor.

  • Exercise 10

Walking on a stick with your arms spread to the side.

It's good to practice on the wall bars. Even simple climbing on the bars is a good workout for your legs.

In bed in the morning and before bed, in the “supine” position, children can move and rotate their feet in directions opposite to the deformity.

Preschooler consolidates the result

At the age of 5-6 years, children can begin their daily activities with a light jog. In this case, attention should be focused not on speed, but on the correct positioning of the legs. If clear success is achieved and the child does not forget to monitor the position of the feet, the task can be complicated. To do this, the complex includes exercises for the shoulder girdle, which are performed on the go.

Older children will enjoy playing with a ball, lifting objects with their toes, sitting “like a frog,” practicing with a stick, swimming, and riding a bicycle.

At this age, all the exercises described above are performed 20-40 times, and the total duration of classes is increased to 30-45 minutes. The following exercises can be added to the complex:

  • Exercise 11

Wall squats. The leg rests on the full foot (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12 Wall Squats

  • Exercise 12

Lowering the heels from the step (Fig. 13). It is more convenient to do these exercises while holding onto a support located at chest level, or with the help of an adult.

Rice. 12 Exercise step

With clubfoot, the chances of a complete recovery in children are very high. Physical therapy plays an important role in this process. In addition to the effects of physical activity, exciting games and the desire to be beautiful will help in treatment.

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Every third child has an incorrect gait or posture. Clubfoot is the most common congenital malformation, occurring in 37% of newborns.

Flat feet and scoliosis are interconnected, and they need to be solved together. It is easier for a newborn to correct incorrect foot position, but success can also be achieved at an older age. This is hard work that both the child and the parents have to do every day. The main thing is a genuine desire to help the child and patience.

Be prepared for the fact that it will take several months to achieve results. But the problem can be solved: clubfoot can be corrected to the proper position of the feet. And the sooner you start treatment, the greater the likelihood of success.

You will learn about all possible exercises to correct this pathology from our article.

You will need:


  1. We take the baby's leg by the ankle joint. Using your palm, gently straighten your foot, turning it outward.
  2. We continue to adjust the position of the foot with rotational movements. In this case, you need to direct the inner edge of the foot down, and the outer edge up.
  3. We put the baby on his tummy. We bend the limb at the knee joint, holding it by the shin. We place our palm on the baby’s foot and gently press on it, turning it inward. This exercise stretches the heel tendon and eliminates plantar flexion of the foot.
  4. We turn the child onto his back. We press the baby’s limb to the tabletop, holding it by the ankle. Using the second hand, we grab the foot so that the sole touches the palm. Now we delicately turn the foot inward, while simultaneously pressing on its outer side. Favorable results are obtained by using a one-time acupressure massage of the area where the back of the foot passes into the ankle, and arching the foot.

Exercises for club feet

  1. We ask the child to stand at the wall bars. Taking hold of one of the bars, the baby should place his legs at shoulder level. Now the baby squats very deeply with her knees together. At the same time, the position of the feet should be such that they turn towards the inner arches. Then the child straightens up. Repeat 10 times.
  2. The baby should walk on his heels for about half a minute.
  3. Place a gymnastic stick or rope on the floor. You need to walk along them, moving your feet apart.
  4. Place any long straight object on the floor. We place shorter sticks there at a distance of small steps to make it look like a Christmas tree. You need to walk so that your foot is leaning against the short stick, and your heel is facing the long stick.
  5. We stand the child upright with his legs together. We place our hands on the waist. Now you need to swing your right foot to the right and, when the heel touches the floor, move your foot to the right side, slightly squatting on your left leg. After this, we return to the starting position and do the same with our left foot. Repeat 10 times.

Bandaging using the Fink-Oettingen method

If a child’s clubfoot is mild, then his legs are fixed with bandages.

This is done only after massaging and gymnastic exercises have been done. Bandages need to be changed three times a day, and passive corrective gymnastic exercises with simple massage are always performed.

It is carried out with a flannel bandage 6 cm wide with a footage of 2 m.

  1. Bend the baby's leg at the knee so that it forms a right angle.
  2. We start bandaging from the little toe to the big toe along the sole, lifting the foot from the outside.
  3. After this, we throw the bandage over the shin, wrap the outer surface and the kneecap on top.
  4. Then we go down to the shin again and pass the bandage along its back surface, making a figure eight under the knee joint.
  5. We take the bandage to the big toe, wrap it around the foot and again direct it to the knee. We fix it above the kneecap.
  6. This way, several loops should form above the knee, which need to be lowered onto the shin and secured with a bandage.
  7. Now you can straighten the leg.

We watch the fingers under the bandage: if their color turns bluish, loosen the bandage.

Plastering (Vilna "boot" method)

Most specialists in the treatment of clubfoot choose the method put forward by Vilensky. It gives a good effect in correcting pathology not only in infants, but also in older children.

  1. The doctor uses massaging movements to relax the muscles on the baby’s feet and legs. After such manipulations, plaster bandages are applied to the legs, like boots. The child spends time in such a bandage for about a week.
  2. The doctor removes the cast and turns the foot a little more, giving it a more correct position. After this, a plaster cast is applied again.
  3. Such actions are repeated until the result is achieved when the leg takes the desired position.

To consolidate the result, after the final removal of the cast, you need to regularly massage the child, do gymnastics and wear orthopedic shoes.

The use of orthopedic shoes

You should purchase these shoes only after consultation with an orthopedist. Such shoes are available in specialty stores or are sewn to order.

The therapeutic effect of anti-varus shoes is that they do not allow the baby to tilt the foot to its outer edge while walking, fixing it in a normal, undistorted position.

  • In the back of such shoes there is a special recess under the heel, which prevents the foot from losing balance while walking;
  • Uniform distribution of the load on the limb when walking, fixing the leg in a healthy position, eliminating the possibility of it sagging;
  • In anti-varus orthopedic shoes, the heel position is rotated approximately 10 degrees, and the front and center of the foot are securely held.

Anti-varus shoes do not have an instep support. But it has laces, adjustable fasteners at the front that provide special support for children's feet, preventing destabilization and bending of the feet when walking.

An indispensable condition for such shoes is the presence of a strong heel, shaped like an ankle boot that tightly covers the leg.

For the manufacture of anti-varus orthopedic shoes, only hypoallergenic, natural materials are used. It has a stable, wide sole with anti-slip properties, ensuring a strong foot position.

Use of splints (splints)

For their manufacture, a special material containing a nickel-titanium alloy is used.

The splints look soft, but they have enough elasticity to keep the limbs in the desired position.

Each such elastic structure consists of three separate parts: a splint for the thigh area, for the lower leg area and for the foot (for the front and back).

Physiotherapeutic methods


Its use serves as a stimulus to improve blood circulation, which is especially impaired in this pathology. This procedure is performed on the area of ​​the feet and legs; there are no contraindications to it.

The main thing is to follow the procedure for implementing the technique and use only those medications that age allows.

  1. Using electrophoresis, the medicine penetrates to the required point, which eliminates injections and tablets from the process.
  2. The procedure involves applying special napkins or bandages soaked in medication to the limbs.
  3. After this, a current of a certain frequency and power is connected.


It is considered the most gentle way to treat clubfoot, but it can be prescribed to a child no earlier than two years.

The procedure involves applying an electromagnetic field to the ankle or lumbar spine.

  • It stimulates the blood circulation process;
  • Regulates the degree of contractility and extensibility of muscle tissue in the foot and lower leg;
  • Strengthens the immune system.

Magnetic therapy also relieves pain well.

Electrical muscle stimulation

With this procedure, muscle tissue contraction is stimulated. To do this, cutaneous electrodes are used and electrical impulses are then passed through them.

Electrical stimulation targets those muscles in which it is necessary to increase tone in order to give the foot the correct position.

Paraffin application

The most effective procedure in the treatment of clubfoot. The properties of paraffin help it, like wax, to retain heat for a long time.

  1. During the procedure, heated paraffin is placed on the required place and kept for a certain period of time.
  2. The heat penetrates deeply, warming up the internal organs and muscles.
  3. Thanks to heating, blood vessels and capillaries expand, metabolism increases, and smooth muscles relax.

The use of paraffin applications on the lower leg and ankle joint improves the health of the muscular-ligamentous system, while the amplitude of the swing in the joint increases.

Surgery for pathology

Prescribed when clubfoot therapy with other methods has not brought results or in particularly difficult situations with severe defects.

  1. With the help of surgical intervention, the position of the deformed foot is corrected, and if necessary, it is fixed with knitting needles.
  2. Another type of surgery involves lengthening the tendons in a crooked leg.
  • A plaster cast or orthosis is applied. In this case, not only the foot is captured, but also the lower leg and the lower third of the thigh;
  • After the stitches are removed, the leg is placed back in plaster after two weeks;
  • It is removed after a month and the spokes are removed;
  • Next, the limb is cast again;
  • The leg is freed from the plaster cast after three months and a new one is immediately applied, this time covering only the foot and lower leg;
  • After five months, the plaster is completely removed and is replaced by an orthosis, which must be worn continuously for a year.

The doctor emphasizes that clubfoot does not go away on its own and without proper treatment can lead to worsening of the condition. An advanced form of the disease is much less treatable than one identified at an early stage. In addition to the therapeutic measures that the doctor prescribes to undergo in the hospital, you need to find time for home activities with your baby. Relatives of a sick child should learn massage techniques and therapeutic exercises.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, parents should remember that:

  • In case of childhood clubfoot, it is necessary to wear orthopedic shoes;
  • It is advisable for the baby to run barefoot on the floor at home;
  • If clubfoot occurs due to bone disease, do not self-medicate;
  • The use of massage has an effect only if the clubfoot is mild or moderate in nature;
  • Treatment of clubfoot should be mandatory and should be carried out by a doctor;
  • Untreated clubfoot can make a child disabled and significantly complicate his life.



Although the prognosis for treating clubfoot in children is quite favorable, you should not delay visiting a doctor if you have discovered abnormal development of the feet.

The progression of the disease must not be allowed; this can lead to lameness, scoliosis, flat feet and other problems with the musculoskeletal system.

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Congenital clubfoot, mostly bilateral, occurs more often in boys. Here, too, massage and gymnastics are the basis for prevention and treatment. In most cases, the bones of the feet do not change, only the development of soft tissues is disrupted, which, in turn, leads to improper development of the bones of the feet: the muscles seem thickened, the tendons shortened; the ligamentous apparatus along the posteroinner edge of the foot is shortened and thickened.

With congenital clubfoot, the plantar surface of the foot turns inward with the outer edge of the foot lowering while the arch of the foot increases. This is accompanied by plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle joint, in which mobility is significantly limited.

The earlier you start massage and gymnastics, the easier it is for the soft, pliable tissues of a newborn’s foot to be stretched. Through careful corrective movements, the foot can be moved out of the incorrect position without much difficulty. Then the foot is fixed with a soft flannel bandage and, finally, if indicated, with a plaster splint.

Massage the anterior outer surface of the foot and lower leg (Fig. 80): rubbing the outer part of the foot (1); stroking the outer part of the shin (2); rubbing the outer part of the shin with the palm of the hand (3); rubbing the outer part of the shin with the ends of the fingers (4); ring-shaped rubbing of the shin (5); kneading the external muscles of the lower leg with one hand (6).

Rice. 80. Exercises for congenital clubfoot for children

For congenital clubfoot, the following exercises are recommended (Fig. 81): alternating leg bending (1); bending both legs (2); alternately raising legs (3); raising both legs (4); flexion of feet (5); circular movement of the feet (6); assisted walking (7).

Rice. 81. Exercises for congenital clubfoot for children

It is necessary to select special exercises in walking and squats with support on the entire foot, for older children (up to 2 years) - walking with the forefoot abducted outward, walking with “rolls” of the foot, climbing stairs, walking on heels.

Treatment of clubfoot is a lengthy process and requires systematic massage and gymnastics at home.

If congenital clubfoot does not respond to conservative treatment, then children aged 2-3 years undergo surgery, then keep the foot in a plaster cast for several months. After removing the bandage, it is necessary to resume massage and gymnastics to restore foot mobility and teach the child to walk correctly. It is useful to walk along the “footprints” drawn on the carpet, getting the child to place his feet correctly.

Children 2-3 years old are offered (Fig. 82): walking with their feet apart (1) and on their heels (2); jumps (3) and squats with support on the entire foot (4); climbing a ladder with feet apart (5); walking on a stick lying on the floor (6).

Rice. 82. Exercises for congenital clubfoot for children

Exercises must be selected strictly individually. The doctor takes into account not only the child’s age and physiological characteristics, but also development and health status.

During classes, parents need to monitor their child’s behavior when performing exercises, his activity and changes in health.

There must be contact between the mother and the doctor monitoring the baby at all stages of the child’s physical education

The main thing to remember is that you should not increase the load excessively: this should be done gradually.

Clubfoot is a common developmental abnormality of the musculoskeletal system in young children. The disease is expressed in a persistent violation of the physiological arrangement of the bones of the talonavicular joint, which is responsible for flexion and extension of the foot. Lack of timely therapy can lead to the development of muscle atrophy, curvature of the spine, and impaired mobility of the lower extremities. Comprehensive treatment of clubfoot in children with exercises is the preferred method for correcting congenital and acquired deformities.

Purpose of training for clubfoot

Almost 12% of infants are diagnosed with clubfoot of varying severity. It has been established that congenital pathology may be a consequence of genetic predisposition or excessive mechanical impact on the lower limbs of the fetus during intrauterine development with oligohydramnios or malpresentation. Acquired clubfoot in children at an early age occurs in approximately 3-5% of cases and most often develops after injuries or certain infectious and inflammatory diseases. As a result of anatomical disorders, a persistent deformation of the feet is formed: the soles turn inward, a bend forms in the center of the feet, and the volume of the legs is significantly reduced.

The pathology does not cause the baby any pain, but is accompanied by limited mobility of the talonavicular joint and a change in gait. In severe cases, if left untreated, clubfoot can cause disability. The main method of therapy is therapeutic exercises, the main goals of which are:

  • Restoration of mobility and physiological structure of the foot;
  • Normalization of muscle tone of the lower extremities;
  • Preventing atrophy of the muscles of the lower leg and thighs;
  • Activation of local blood flow and tissue nutrition.


When diagnosing congenital clubfoot, it is necessary to begin therapy from the first days of life. The older the child, the less elastic and pliable his muscular-ligamentous apparatus becomes, and it takes much longer to restore the natural position of the foot.

Rules for conducting exercise therapy

When performing exercises for clubfoot in children of all ages, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Training is required at least 5-6 times a week. The duration of work with each foot for newborns is 5-7 minutes, for school-age children - at least 15-20 minutes;
  • All movements should be smooth and painless. If discomfort or fatigue occurs, you should take a break;
  • Classes for children of all ages are conducted without shoes. Thin socks are allowed;
  • Exercises for clubfoot should be done after thermal procedures (bath or shower, warm compress). It is recommended to complete each complex with an intensive foot massage using oil or a special cream. After finishing the workout, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, and insulate your feet with woolen socks or tights;
  • To increase the effectiveness of treatment, exercises should be combined with physiotherapy, swimming, sports and wearing orthopedic shoes as prescribed by a doctor.

Gymnastics for newborns

Before starting the lesson, the baby must be undressed and placed with his stomach on a changing table or other flat, hard surface. As a warm-up, it is recommended to bend each leg at the knee several times and warm up the muscles with stroking and rubbing movements in the direction from the foot to the thigh. The complex includes:

  • Heel tendon stretch. Lying on your stomach, bend one leg at the knee, holding your shin with your left hand. Using the palm of your right hand, use soft springy movements to press on the baby’s sole, directing it to the back;
  • Elimination of plantar flexion. Turn the baby onto his back, pressing his shin firmly against the surface of the changing table. With the other hand, grab the foot and press on its outer edge towards the back;
  • Eliminate forefoot adduction. In a supine position, fix the baby’s shin with one hand, and with the other make smooth straightening movements, moving the front arch of the foot to its outer side;
  • Relaxation of contracture. Having grabbed the baby's foot, carefully make rotational movements with a small amplitude in both directions.

The exercises for bilateral clubfoot must be repeated for the other leg. Classes should be postponed if the baby is hungry, fussy or not feeling well.

Exercises for children from 2 years old

When the child begins to walk, the training becomes more complicated and includes exercises aimed at strengthening the muscle corset, improving blood circulation and correcting gait. It is recommended to conduct classes in a playful way. Each movement should be repeated 6-8 times:

  • Free warm-up (running, marching, jumping);
  • Ballet step. Walk in a straight line with your toes pointed outward, trying to push your heel as far inward and forward as possible;
  • Soldier's step. Walk, raising your knees high and rolling from heel to toe;
  • Development of the lateral surfaces of the foot. Stand for 20-40 seconds on the outer and then on the inner arches of the foot. It is allowed to hold onto any fixed support with your hands;
  • Development of the forefoot. Stand straight, legs together, feet parallel to each other. Holding the back of the chair, raise your toes as high as possible, lingering at the top point for 15-20 seconds;
  • In the same position, tuck your toes without lifting your heels from the floor;
  • While sitting on a chair, rotate your feet in different directions, roll balls of different diameters, grab with your fingers and move small objects (pencils, scraps, crumpled paper, toys);
  • Squat deeply without lifting the soles of the floor.

Experts recommend that children with club feet walk barefoot on uneven surfaces as often as possible, exercise on the wall bars, swim in the pool, and ride a bicycle. If you have free time, you should take the corrective position “sitting between your heels.” To do this, you need to kneel on the floor, spreading your feet with your toes out, then sit between your heels, maintaining the position of your legs.

Activities for teenagers

Therapeutic gymnastics for clubfoot in older children includes performing all of the listed exercises in random order. Exercises should be supplemented with a light jog lasting at least 20-30 minutes. When running and walking, you need to pay special attention to the correct placement of your feet.

In adolescence, it is necessary to additionally strengthen the muscles of the lower back and shoulder girdle. To do this, it is recommended to train with a heavy gymnastic ball with a diameter of 45-60 cm:

  • Squat with a straight back, holding the fitball in front of you with outstretched arms;
  • Do push-ups from the floor with your feet on the ball;
  • Pump up your abs by resting your lower back on the surface of the fitball and turning your feet with your toes out;
  • Do lunges with the knee and shin of one leg on the ball.

It is also recommended to supplement the exercise therapy complex for clubfoot with exercises with elastic gymnastic bands (can be replaced with a thick, wide elastic band). The most effective exercise is stretching. To perform it, you need to sit on the floor, stretching your legs straight forward, and wrap the tape around both feet just below the level of your toes. Try to spread your feet as wide as possible, holding this position for 20-30 seconds. Repeat at least 12 times.

Exercise effectiveness and prognosis

The younger the child is and the earlier classes to correct the defect are started, the more favorable the prognosis for the patient. In mild forms of the pathology, visible improvements are noticeable within 1-2 months. Experts recommend regularly performing physical therapy exercises for clubfoot in children for at least 2-3 years, even with complete recovery.

Therapeutic gymnastics is effective only for mild to moderate clubfoot, when the angle of the foot does not exceed 45° and the mobility of the joint is preserved. In case of severe impairment, young patients are advised to apply plaster casts or surgery.

In almost 90% of cases, clubfoot in children of all ages is completely cured with the help of physical exercise. To achieve a quick and lasting result, complex therapy is required taking into account the doctor’s prescriptions.