Presentation: "Periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev. Structure of the atom." Presentation - Mendeleev's periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements Creation of the periodic system of Mendeleev presentation

28.11.2023 Psychology
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“Extracurricular activity in chemistry” - Come up with quatrains. What are chemical indicators used for? Match the name of the substance with the formula. Goals of the event. Law of conservation of masses. Basic laws of chemistry. The outstanding naturalist of antiquity Pliny the Elder. Peter the Great said: “I have a presentiment that the Russians, someday, eh. The labyrinth has been completed. This element is called the king of living nature. Salts of which cations color the flame.

“Crystal lattice of matter” - The law of constancy of the composition of substances. Motivation. Atoms. Crystal lattice model. Give characteristics of amorphous substances. Summarizing. Laboratory experience. Solids. Crystal. Substances with an atomic crystal lattice. Aggregate state of substances. Crystal lattices. Sulfur crystals. Rating scale. Cognize existence. Sublimation. Aggregate state of water. Dictation. Answer the questions.

“Chlorine” - Chlorine is one of the most active non-metals. Forms compounds with other halogens. Chlorine molecule. Chlorine. Chlorine is a poisonous gas of yellow-green color with a pungent odor. Use of chlorine. Production of organochlorine insecticides. Excitement. Chemical properties. Chlorine in organic matter. Chlorine dissolves in water. Physical properties. Minerals. Distribution in nature. Cu+Cl2=CuCl2. Receipt. The structure of the atom.

“Nucleic acids in the cell” - Complementarity problems. Properties of the genetic code. Anticodons. Composition and structure of RNA. Full turn. Biological role of mRNA. Structure and functions of RNA. Erwin Chargaff. Friedrich Fischer. DNA content in a cell. Genetic code. Watson James Dewey. DNA replication. Deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA molecules. Structures of DNA and RNA. Similarities. Adaptation of an organism to its environment. Sugar. Nucleic acids.

“Variety of substances” - The name of the hydrocarbon. Formulas of substances. General formula. Functional group. Variety of inorganic and organic substances. Names of substances. Name of carbohydrate. Name of the oxide. Match. Esters. Name of the substance.

“Problems” chemistry grade 11” - Division of a cube. Microphotographs of gold nanotubes. Formation of a single-walled tube. Thermal nanomotor. Volumetric structure of diamond. Structure of a graphene monolayer. Solving problems in nanochemistry and nanotechnology. Nanowire structure. Application of nanomaterials. Two approaches to obtaining nanoparticles. Detection of metastasis. Dependence of the color of gold (a) sols on particle size. Gold nanoparticle. Possible nanocluster structures.

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Element of the periodic system of Mendeleev No. 110-Darmstadtium Darmstadtium (lat. Darmstadtium, designation Ds; formerly Ununnilium) is an artificially synthesized chemical element of group VIII of the periodic system, atomic number 110. Atomic mass = 281 (g/mol) History. The element was named after its discovery site. First synthesized on November 9, 1994 at the Center for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, by S. Hofmann, V. Ninov, F. P. Hessberger, P. Armbruster, H. Folger, G. Münzenberg, H. Schott and others. The discovered isotope had an atomic mass of 269. Preparation Darmstadtium isotopes were obtained as a result of nuclear reactions: Properties Radioactive.

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Element of the periodic system of Mendeleev No. 111 - Roentgenium Roentgenium (Latin Roentgenium, designation Rg; formerly unununium) is an artificially synthesized chemical element of the side subgroup of the first group, the seventh period of the periodic system, with atomic number 111. The simple substance roentgenium is a transition metal. Atomic mass 280 (g/mol) History Element 111 was first synthesized on December 8, 1994 in the German city of Darmstadt. The authors of the first publication were S. Hofmann, V. Ninov, F. P. Hessberger, P. Armbruster, H. Folger, G. Münzenberg, H. Schött, A. G. Popeko, A. V. Eremin, A. N Andreev, S. Saro, R. Janik, and M. Leino. In addition to the German physicists, the international team included three scientists from the Russian Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The first synthesis was carried out according to the reaction: 209Bi + 64Ni = 272Rg + n

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Element of the periodic table of Mendeleev No. 112 - Copernicium Copernicium (Latin Copernicium, Cn; Copernicus is also used as the Russian name) is the 112th chemical element. The nucleus of its most stable known isotope, 285Cn, consists of 112 protons, 173 neutrons and has a half-life of about 34 seconds. Belongs to the same chemical group as zinc, cadmium and mercury. History Copernicium was first synthesized on February 9, 1996 at the Heavy Ion Institute in Darmstadt, by S. Hofmann, V. Ninov, F. P. Hessberger, P. Armbruster ), H. Folger, G. Münzenberg and others. Name GSI scientists proposed the name Copernicium (Cn) for element 112 in honor of Nicolaus Copernicus. On February 19, 2010, Copernicus's birthday, IUPAC officially approved the name of the element. Previously, the names proposed for it were Strassmannium St, Venusium Vs, Frischian Fs, Heisenbergium Hb, as well as Laurentium Lv, Wyxhouseium Wi, Helmholtzium Hh.

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Element of the periodic system of Mendeleev No. 113 - Ununtrium Ununtrium (lat. Ununtrium, Uut) or eka-thallium - the 113th chemical element of group III of the periodic system, atomic number 113, atomic mass, the most stable isotope 284Uut. History of the discovery In February 2004, the results of experiments carried out from July 14 to August 10, 2003 were published, as a result of which the 113th element was obtained. The research was carried out at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia). Preparation Ununpentium isotopes were obtained as a result of the α-decay of ununpentium isotopes: as well as as a result of nuclear reactions:

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Element of the periodic system of Mendeleev No. 114 - Ununquadium Ununquadium, the officially proposed name is flerovium (Latin Flerovium, Fl) - the 114th chemical element of group IV of the periodic system, atomic number 114. The element is radioactive. History The element was first obtained in December 1998 by isotope synthesis through the fusion reaction of calcium nuclei with plutonium nuclei. Origin of the name Officially proposed, but not approved, the name flerovium or flerovium is given in honor of the Russian physicist G. N. Flerov, the leader of the group that synthesized elements with numbers from 102 to 110. After approval procedures between Russian and American scientists, on December 1, 2011, the commission on A proposal was sent to the IUPAC nomenclature of chemical compounds to name the 114th element florovium. Chemical properties Some studies have indicated that ununquadium has chemical properties not similar to lead, but to noble gases. Ununquadium is presumably capable of exhibiting the +2 and +4 oxidation states in compounds, although since the stability of the +4 oxidation state decreases with increasing atomic number, some scientists suggest that ununquadium will not be able to exhibit it or will only be able to exhibit it under harsh conditions.

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Element of the periodic system of Mendeleev No. 115 - Ununpentium Ununpentium (lat. Ununpentium, Uup) or eka-bismuth - the 115th chemical element of group V of the periodic system, atomic number 115, atomic mass 288, the most stable nuclide. An artificially synthesized element, not found in nature. History of the discovery In February 2004, the results of experiments carried out from July 14 to August 10, 2003 were published, as a result of which the 115th element was obtained. The research was carried out at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia). Preparation Isotopes of ununpentium were obtained as a result of nuclear reactions:

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Element of the periodic system of Mendeleev No. 116 - Unungexium Unungexium (Latin Ununhexium, Uuh), the officially proposed name is Livermorium (Latin Livermorium, Lv) - the 116th chemical element of group VI of the periodic system, atomic number 116, atomic mass 293. Discovery history Statement about the discovery of elements 116 and 118 in 1999 in Berkeley (USA)[ turned out to be erroneous and even falsified. Synthesis according to the announced method was not confirmed in the Russian, German and Japanese nuclear research centers, and then in the United States itself. Unungexium was discovered by synthesis of isotopes in 2000 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia). Name Officially proposed, but not approved, the name Livermorium is given in honor of the city of Livermore (California), where the Livermore National Laboratory is located. JINR scientists proposed the name moscovium for the 116th element - in honor of the Moscow region. Preparation Isotopes of unungexium were obtained as a result of nuclear reactions:

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Element of the periodic table of Mendeleev No. 117 - Ununseptium Ununseptium (lat. Ununseptium, Uus) or eka-astatine is a temporary name for the chemical element with atomic number 117. Temporary designation is Uus. Half-life - 78 milliseconds. Halogen. Receipt Was obtained at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia in 2009-2010. To synthesize the element, the following reactions were used: Origin of the name The word “ununseptium” is formed from the roots of Latin numerals and literally means something like “one-one-seven” (the numeral “117th” is constructed completely differently). The name will be changed in the future.

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Element of the periodic table of Mendeleev No. 118 - Ununoctium Ununoctium (Latin Ununoctium, Uuo) or eka-radon is a temporary name for the chemical element with atomic number 118, the synthesis of isotopes of which was first carried out in 2002 and 2005 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna) in collaboration with Livermore National Laboratory. The results of these experiments were published in 2006. Temporary designation - Uuo. The element is the heaviest non-metal that can exist and is probably classified as a noble gas. History of discovery The statement about the discovery of elements 116 and 118 in 1999 in Berkeley (USA) turned out to be erroneous and even falsified. Synthesis according to the announced method was not confirmed in the Russian, German and Japanese nuclear research centers, and then in the USA. The first event of the decay of element 118 was observed in an experiment conducted at JINR in February - June 2002. Preparation Ununoctium was obtained as a result of a nuclear reaction:

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Interesting facts: Elements numbered 110, 111 and 112 were discovered by German scientists back in the 1990s. Previously, they were given the unpronounceable names of ununnilii, ununinii and unubii. On Friday, IUPAC approved new names for these artificially synthesized elements - darmstadtium, roentgenium and copernicium. The official symbols of elements in the periodic table are Ds, Rg and Cn. The names of the 114th and 116th elements have not yet been approved. In nature, there are no elements with atomic numbers (the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom) greater than 92, that is, heavier than uranium. Heavier elements, such as plutonium, can be produced in nuclear reactors, and elements heavier than 100th (fermium) can only be produced in accelerators, by bombarding a target with heavy ions. When the nuclei of the target and the “projectile” merge, the nuclei of a new element appear. Where is the end of the table? Academician Oganesyan, in an article published in the journal Pure and Applied Chemistry, writes that the theory of quantum electrodynamics and the theory of the atom created by Rutherford allows for the existence of atoms with the number of protons in the nucleus equal to 170 or even more. That is, theoretically, the periodic table can continue until the 170th cell.

Prerequisites for the discovery of the Periodic Law

  • Berzelius classification
  • Döbereiner's triads
  • Helix-axis of the Chancourtois screw
  • Newlands Octaves
  • Meyer tables

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was born on February 8, 1834 in Tobolsk, in the family of the director of the gymnasium, Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev, and was the last, seventeenth child.

He was the closest adviser to the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Sergei Witte, who actually directed Russia along the path of state capitalism. And Mendeleev greatly contributed to this development.

Mendeleev was the ideologist of the oil industry in our country. His phrase “drowning with oil is like burning banknotes” became an aphorism. He understood the importance of petrochemicals and convinced Witte to build the first petrochemical plant in Russia

S. Witte

D. I. Mendeleev entered into a conflict with the Nobel brothers, which lasted throughout the 1880s. Ludwig Nobel, taking advantage of the crisis in the oil industry, and striving for a monopoly on Baku oil, on its production and distillation, for this purpose speculated on rumors about its depletion .

L. Nobel

Discovery of the Periodic Law by D.I. Mendeleev

  • Classification of chemical elements according to characteristics: atomic mass and properties of substances formed by chemical elements.
  • I wrote down on cards all the known information about the discovered and studied chemical elements and their compounds and compiled natural groups of elements with similar properties.
  • Discovered that the properties of elements within certain limits change linearly (monotonically increase or decrease), then after a sharp jump repeat periodically , i.e. After a certain number of elements, similar ones occur.

First version of the periodic table

Based on his observations on March 1, 1869, D.I. Mendeleev formulated the periodic law, which in its initial formulation sounded like this: the properties of simple bodies, as well as the forms and properties of compounds of elements, are periodically dependent on the values ​​of the atomic weights of the elements

Periodic table

DI. Mendeleev

The weak point of the periodic law immediately after its discovery was the explanation of the reason for the periodic repetition of the properties of elements with an increase in the relative atomic mass of their atoms. Moreover, several pairs of elements are arranged in the Periodic Table with a violation of the increase in atomic mass. For example, argon with a relative atomic mass of 39.948 ranks 18th, and potassium with a relative atomic mass of 39.102 has an atomic number of 19.

Periodic law

DI. Mendeleev

Only with the discovery of the structure of the atomic nucleus and the establishment of the physical meaning of the atomic number of an element, it became clear that in the Periodic Table there are located in order of increasing positive charge of their atomic nuclei. From this point of view, there is no disturbance in the sequence of elements 18 Ar – 19 K, 27 Co – 28 Ni, 52 Te – 53 I, 90 Th – 91 Pa. Hence, modern interpretation of the Periodic Law sounds like this:

The properties of chemical elements and the compounds they form periodically depend on the charge of their atomic nuclei.

Periodic table

chemical elements

Periods are horizontal rows of chemical elements, 7 periods in total. The periods are divided into small (I, II, III) and large (IV, V, VI), VII - unfinished.

Each period (except for the first) begins with a typical metal (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr) and ends with a noble gas (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn), which is preceded by a typical non-metal.

Periodic table

chemical elements

Groups are vertical columns of elements with the same number of electrons in the outer electronic level, equal to the group number.

There are main (A) and secondary subgroups (B).

The main subgroups consist of elements of small and large periods. Side subgroups consist of elements of only large periods.



Change in the radius of an atom in a period

The radius of an atom decreases with increasing charges of atomic nuclei in a period, because the attraction of the electron shells by the nucleus increases. At the beginning of the period there are elements with a small number of electrons in the outer electron layer and a large atomic radius. Electrons located further from the nucleus are easily separated from it, which is typical for metal elements

Changing the radius of an atom in a group

In the same group, as the period number increases, the atomic radii increase. Metal atoms give up electrons relatively easily and cannot add them to complete their outer electron layer.

  • In the Middle Ages, scientists already knew ten chemical elements - seven metals (gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead, and mercury) and three non-metal (sulfur, carbon, and antimony).

Designation of chemical elements by alchemists

Alchemists believed that chemical elements were associated with the stars and planets, and assigned astrological symbols to them.

Gold was called the Sun, and was designated by a circle with a dot:

Copper is Venus, the symbol of this metal was the “Venus mirror”:

And iron is Mars; As befits the god of war, the designation of this metal included a shield and a spear:

  • Associated with the myths of the ancient Greeks - Tantalus and Promethium.


In honor of the hero of the ancient myth Prometheus, who gave people fire and was doomed to terrible torment for this (an eagle flew to him, chained to a rock, and pecked at his liver), chemical element No. 61 promethium is named

Geographical origin

  • Germanium Ge
  • Galium Ga
  • France Fr
  • Ruthenium Ru
  • Polonium Po
  • Americium Am
  • Europium Eu

In honor of scientists

  • Curium Cm
  • Fermium Fm
  • Mendelevium Md
  • Einstein Es
  • Lawrence Lr

Names indicating the properties of simple substances

  • Hydrogen (H) - giving birth to water
  • Oxygen (O) – acid-producing
  • Phosphorus (P) – carrier of light
  • Fluorine (F) - destructive
  • Bromine (Br) – smelly
  • Iodine (I) - violet

  • Mess in my head
  • Not even a kick
  • Bright head

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Mendeleev's periodic law and the periodic table of chemical elements

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The basic law of chemistry - the Periodic Law was discovered by D.I. Mendeleev in 1869 at a time when the atom was considered indivisible and nothing was known about its internal structure. The basis of the Periodic Law D.I. Mendeleev laid down atomic masses (formerly atomic weights) and chemical properties of elements.
D. I. Mendeleev

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Having arranged the 63 elements known at that time in order of increasing atomic masses, D.I. Mendeleev obtained a natural (natural) series of chemical elements, in which he discovered the periodic repeatability of chemical properties. For example, the properties of the typical metal lithium Li were repeated in the elements sodium Na and potassium K, the properties of the typical nonmetal fluorine F were repeated in the elements chlorine Cl, bromine Br, iodine I.
Discovery of the Periodic Law

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Discovery of the Periodic Law
Some elements have D.I. Mendeleev did not discover chemical analogs (for example, aluminum Al and silicon Si), since such analogs were still unknown at that time. For them, he left empty spaces in the natural series and, based on periodic repetition, predicted their chemical properties. After the discovery of the corresponding elements (an analogue of aluminum - gallium Ga, an analogue of silicon - germanium Ge, etc.), the predictions of D.I. Mendeleev were completely confirmed.

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The periodic law as formulated by D.I. Mendeleev:
The properties of simple bodies, as well as the forms and properties of compounds of elements, are periodically dependent on the atomic weights of the elements.

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The graphic (tabular) expression of the periodic law is the periodic system of elements developed by Mendeleev.
Periodic table of elements

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The discovery of the periodic law and the creation of a system of chemical elements was of great importance not only for chemistry, but also for philosophy, for our entire understanding of the world. Mendeleev showed that chemical elements form a harmonious system, which is based on a fundamental law of nature. This is an expression of the position of materialist dialectics about the interconnection and interdependence of natural phenomena. Revealing the relationship between the properties of chemical elements and the mass of their atoms, the periodic law was a brilliant confirmation of one of the universal laws of the development of nature - the law of the transition of quantity into quality.

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Monument to D.I. Mendeleev in St. Petersburg

Mandatory minimum knowledge

in preparation for the OGE in chemistry

Periodic table DI. Mendeleev and atomic structure

chemistry teacher

Branch of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School in the village of Poima

Belinsky district of the Penza region in the village of Chernyshevo

  • Repeat the main theoretical questions of the 8th grade program;
  • Consolidate knowledge about the reasons for changes in the properties of chemical elements based on the provisions in the PSHE D.I. Mendeleev;
  • To teach to reasonably explain and compare the properties of elements, as well as the simple and complex substances formed by them, according to their position in the PSCE;
  • Prepare for successful passing of the OGE in chemistry

Serial number chemical element

shows the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

(nuclear charge Z) of an atom of this element.

12 rub. +

Mg 12


This is

his physical meaning

12th -

Number of electrons in an atom

equal to the number of protons,

since the atom

electrically neutral

Let's secure it!

Sa 20


20 rub. +

20th -

32 RUR +

32e -


Let's secure it!

Zn 30


30 RUR +

30th -

35 RUR +

35e -


Horizontal rows of chemical elements - periods




Vertical columns of chemical elements - groups



An example of writing a diagram of the structure of an atom of a chemical element

Number of electronic layers

in the electron shell of the atom is equal to the number of the period in which the element is located

Relative atomic mass

(value rounded to the nearest whole number)

written in the upper left corner above

serial number

11 Na

Atomic charge (Z) of sodium

Sodium: serial number 11

(written in the lower left corner

next to the chemical element symbol)

2∙ 1 2

2∙ 2 2

11th -

11r +

The number of neutrons is calculated

according to the formula: N(n 0 ) = A r – N(p + )

12n 0

Number electrons at the outer level for elements of main subgroups equal to group number , in which the element is located

Maximum number of electrons

at the level calculated by the formula:

2n 2

Let's secure it!

13 Al

Atomic nuclear charge (Z) of aluminum

2∙ 1 2

2∙ 2 2

13th -

13r +

14 n 0

Let's secure it!

9 F

Nuclear charge of fluorine atom (Z)

2∙ 1 2

9r +

9e -

10n 0

Within one period

1. Increasing:


Li Be B C N O F Ne

+3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8

  • Charge of the atomic nucleus
  • Number of electrons in the outer layer of atoms
  • Highest oxidation state of elements in compounds

Li +1 Be +2 B +3 C +4 N +5

  • Electronegativity
  • Oxidative properties
  • Non-metallic properties of simple substances
  • Acid properties of higher oxides and hydroxides

Within one period

2. Decreased:


Li Be B C N O F Ne

+3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8

  • Atomic radius
  • Metallic properties of simple substances
  • Restorative properties:

Li - only reducing agent , C – and oxidizer , And reducing agent ,

F - only oxidizer

  • Main properties of higher oxides and hydroxides:

LiOH – base ,Be(OH) 2 amphoteric hydroxide,

HNO 3 - acid

Within one period

3. Does not change:


Li Be B C N O F Ne

+3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8

Number of electronic layers

(energy levels)

in an atom -

equals period number

Let's secure it!

In periods

left right

atomic nuclear charge

  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Doesn't change

Let's secure it!

In periods

on right left

number of energy levels

  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Doesn't change
  • First increases and then decreases

Let's secure it!

In periods

left right

reducing properties of the element

  • Intensifying
  • Weaken
  • Do not change
  • First weakens and then strengthens

Let's secure it!

Atoms of chemical elements

aluminum And silicon

have the same:

  • Number of electronic layers;
  • Number of electrons

Let's secure it!

Atoms of chemical elements

sulfur And chlorine

have different:

  • The value of the charges of atomic nuclei;
  • Number of electrons in the outer layer;
  • Number of electronic layers;
  • Total number of electrons

Within one A group

1. Increasing:

  • Charge of the atomic nucleus
  • Number of electron layers in an atom
  • Atomic radius
  • Restorative properties
  • Metal properties

simple substances

  • Basic properties of higher oxides and hydroxides
  • Acid properties (degree of dissociation) of oxygen-free acids non-metals

2 8 18 8 1

Within one A group

2. Decreased:

  • Electronegativity;
  • Oxidative properties;
  • Non-metallic properties

simple substances;

  • Strength (stability) of volatile hydrogen compounds.

2 8 18 7

2 8 18 18 7

Within one A group

3. Do not change:

  • Number of electrons in external electronic layer
  • Oxidation state elements in higher oxides and hydroxides (usually equal to the group number)
  • Be +2 Mg +2 Ca +2 Sr +2

2 2

2 8 2

2 8 8 2

2 8 18 8 2

Let's secure it!

  • In the main subgroups

from below up

atomic nuclear charge

  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Doesn't change
  • First increases and then decreases

Let's secure it!

In the main subgroups

from below up

number of electrons in the outer level

  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Doesn't change
  • First increases and then decreases

Let's secure it!

In the main subgroups

down up

oxidative element properties

  • Intensifying
  • Weaken
  • Doesn't change
  • First increases and then decreases

Let's secure it!

Atoms of chemical elements

carbon And silicon

have the same:

  • The value of the charges of atomic nuclei;
  • Number of electrons in the outer layer;
  • Number of electronic layers;
  • Total number of electrons in an atom

Let's secure it!

Atoms of chemical elements

nitrogen And phosphorus

have different:

  • The value of the charges of atomic nuclei;
  • Number of electrons in the outer layer;
  • Number of electronic layers;
  • Total number of electrons

  • § 36, test pp. 268-272

  • Table D.I. Mendeleev
  • Gabrielyan O.S. "Chemistry. 9th grade,” - DROFA, M., - 2013, p. 267-268
  • Savelyev A.E. Basic concepts and laws of chemistry. Chemical reactions. 8 – 9 grades. – M.: DROFA, 2008, - p. 6-48.
  • Ryabov M.A., Nevskaya E.Yu. “Tests in chemistry” for the textbook by O.S. Gabrielyan "Chemistry. 9th grade." – M.: EXAM, 2010, p. 5-7