Presentation on literature on the topic “The main motives of A. Fet’s work” (grade 10). Presentation on literature on the topic “The originality of the lyrics of A.A. Feta" Presentation of feta main motives of the lyrics

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The main motives of A.A.’s lyrics Feta.

Lesson in 10th grade

Lesson objectives:

1. Continuing to study the work of A Fet, introduce students to the main motives; teach analysis of a poetic work;

3. Cultivate a sense of beauty through high literature.

Today we will talk about the main motives of A.A. Fet’s lyrics. Let's remember what a motive is? In the works of any poets one can find a number of objects, concepts, phenomena, for example: candles, fortune telling, beauty, water, etc., whichfound in their works. A motif is a semantic element of a literary text, repeated within a number of works... As a rule, the theme of motives is a synthesis of the poet’s creativity and his love.This pattern can be identified in the poems of A. Fet, which were greatly influenced by the internal experiences of the author himself, his worldview and attitude to the environment. We will look at the main motifs: firstly, the motif of fire, and secondly, this is the motif of the seasons.

So,fire motif in Fet's work - one of the main motives in the poet's poems. By fire we mean the moon, sunset, dawn, lamp, fire (that is, fire in the literal sense) and stars. The fire in Fet’s life left a dark imprint: his beloved Maria Lazic died from the fire - she carelessly set fire to her white dress with a burning match. Perhaps this hurt the poet so much that he devoted most of his poems to such a terrifying element as fire.

Like on the line of midnight distance

That light

Under a haze of sadness

I'm lonely…

In this poem, the poet compares himself to fire, but not to the elements. Fet is a lonely little man among all humanity. The 2nd and 4th lines are different from the 1st and 3rd - they are shorter, which creates a special rhythm of the poem, when you read, it feels like you are stumbling. This passage is dominated by sounds such as “o”, “l”, “i”, which mean tenderness and sadness, longing. At the same time, fear.

But here are lines from another poem by A. Fet (“The spring sky looks ...") paint us a similar picture:

A lonely light in the distance

The sticky trees tremble under the darkness;

Filled with cruel mystery

The soul of dying violins...

Here the “light” is represented by a small particle of something big and terrible, but this particle does not frighten us, but, on the contrary, evokes a feeling of pity. The predominant sounds of the poem are “o”, “e”, “k”, which gives us the right to judge easy and sad, lazy actions. And when we hear the word “violin,” we think of something sad and crying. The epithet “fading soul” is beautiful and sad. A picture of loneliness appears before us.

The motif of “dawn and sunset” can be correlated with the motif of fire, which identify the fire of the sun.

In the silent fields I love the crackling frost

In the sunlight I have a prickly shine on the snow,

Forests under the caps or in gray frost,

Yes, the river is ringing under the dark blue ice...

-Remember the poem “ Whisper, timid breathing …»: Of all Fet's early poems, this poem is the most unusual and unconventional.

-What year was it written in? Which cycle is it included in?

In 6th grade we worked with this poem: we talked about images, color and sound solutions, syntactic structures...

What is unusual about the form of this poem? How does the poet manage to convey the process of changes in the nature and mental state of a person? (The first sentence is 1 word, nominal, uncommon; the second is 2 words, the next is 3 words, but they are incomplete; and against their background, sentences of 5 words stand out: “silver and the swaying of a sleepy stream”, “A series of magical changes in a sweet face.” The final stanza consists of one sentence, its intonation increases, although the sentence has homogeneous members, but the verbs in it are omitted. The final stanza plays the role of an emotional conclusion.

Remember, you have already encountered this in the poem “Wonderful picture »:

Wonderful picture

How dear you are to me:

White plain,

Full moon,

The light of the high heavens,

And shining snow

And distant sleighs

Lonely running.

We also encounter this construction of the poem in the poem “This morning, this joy..."

M.L. Gasparov drew attention to the fact that in Fet’s “verbless” poems, the seemingly randomly existing figurative series are strictly organized, thanks to the clear rhythm of “extensions of the lyrical space”, this is “emotional saturation”.

Look in the text: from what we heard and saw - to actions, passion (“kisses and tears”).

What is the theme of the poem? (2 motives: love and nature. Images of nature in verses 2-6 are included within the love motive:

Whisper, timid breathing,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A series of magical changes

Sweet face, organizing love motive)

What tropes underscore this motif? Metaphors: “nightingale trills” - songs of love; “silver stream”, “sleepy stream” - evening comes, then night. Love is born, magical secret feelings)

What does the third stanza indicate? What are the images in this stanza, can they be considered symbols? (It contains a clear indication of the time - dawn! The unclear colors were replaced by contrasting, bright ones: red-yellow - “purple of a rose”, “glimmer of amber” - this is the apotheosis of love!

The images in this stanza are symbolic: 1) the image of a rose (scarlet, red) is often used to symbolize youth and beauty; in another poem by Fet we see this symbol of love:

Full sleep: two roses for you

I brought it at dawn.

Through silver tears

Brighter than the bliss of their fire.

2) the purple of the rose turns into the color of dawn - “and kisses and tears.” Human feelings merge with the natural whole. This is one of Fet's poetic ideas.

What style is it written in? (Entry in the dictionary: “Impressionism – impressionism in poetry is the depiction of objects not in their entirety, but in instantaneous, random snapshots of memory: the object is not depicted, but is recorded in fragments, and does not form a whole picture.”

Teacher: "The night was shining. The garden was full of the moon...", "Former sounds with white charm...", "With what bliss of desires I …” - wonderful poems, Fet created them in his old age. And all the poems are young. There is a freshness of feeling in them. Fet writes “about love from memory.” Poetry and memory are internally close, related concepts. A poet is one who is able to vividly remember and revive his memories with words. With the power of memory he is able to bring back to life people dear to him, events and feelings that are significant to him.

At home, analyze for yourself A. Fet’s poem “The night was shining. The garden was full of moonlight. They were lying..." , these questions will help you do that:

Who is this poem dedicated to? What is it inspired by?

How do you feel when reading? What do you hear in it?

What are the main themes of the poem?

How is the musicality of a poem achieved?

What wonderful image affects us?

What can you say about the composition? How does this affect the reader's feelings?

To whom do the final words of the poem refer?

What poem (and whose?) could this poem remind you of with its essential features?

There is onemotive , which can be found in a number of works by many poets,- this is the theme of the seasons:

The willow is all fluffy

Spread out all around

It's fragrant spring again

She blew her wings...

The seasons can be compared with the inner world of the hero. In this example, Fet describes spring, which gives the right to judge that at the moment nothing is disturbing the poet’s soul. The predominance of the sounds “e” and “i” confirms this fact; the reader or listener has a feeling of affection and tenderness.

The motif of flight is often found in Fet's poems:

Can you hear the angular herd rustling above?

The cranes fly screaming across the dock to the warm fields,

The yellow leaves are rustling, the birch forest is whistling.

You say that we will wait for a warm spring again...

This poem symbolizes hope for better times.The bird, bee and flight motif is an ancient soul motif. Nature helps solve riddles, mysteries of human existence. Through her, Fet comprehends the subtlest psychological truth about a person. In this sense, the poem “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch "(reading by heart by the student).

Nature is man's wise adviser and his best mentor. N.N. Strakhov called this poem“a diamond of the purest water with incomparably polished edges.”

The poem “There are brilliance and strength in winter nights” was written about the truth of nature’s existence that elevates man, about the opportunity through nature to understand the eternal secrets of life:

What do you see as the power of a winter night?

What is the “omnipotence of the lights of cloudless skies”?

How to understand, or perhaps imagine, a “worldwide dream”?

F. Fet always worshiped beauty and beauty. Beauty is one of the key themes of “Evening Lights”. Along with love, which for Fet was the brightest manifestation of the feelings of beauty, beauty, its omnipotence, its eternal power over a person are developed in the poem “She came and everything around her melted..." And you can see for yourself how it develops by analyzing this work.

The answers to these questions will help you:

What is the tone of the poem?

How do you experience the “space” of a poem?

Is the lyrical hero static? How does it “move”?

How might the structure of the poem surprise you?

How does Fet’s “humanized” nature meet “human naturalness”? What trope helps us understand this?

What is the intonation-syntactic organization of the poem?

Why Fet, including this poem in the collection "Evening lights ", removed the title "Spring"?

Concluding the lesson, I would like to remember the words of the great Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev, he wrote them about Fetov’s poems about Russian nature:

Others got it from nature

Prophetically blind instinct:

They smell them, hear the water

And in the dark depths of the earth...

beloved by the great mother,

Your destiny is a hundred times more enviable:

More than once under the visible shell

You saw it right away.

Homework: written analysis of a poem (optional).

V. Bryusov dedicated a special article to the poet “A. A. Fet. Art or Life" (1903) The epigraph to it was the words of Fet: “I will become a living echo of the violence of life.” According to Bryusov, Fet glorified the greatness of man: “No matter what great claims poetry expresses, it could not do more than express the human soul.”

“Sad birch...” Sad birch tree At my window, And by the whim of the frost It has been dismantled. Like bunches of grapes, the ends of the branches hang, - And the whole mourning outfit is joyful to look at. I love the game of the morning star I notice on it, And I feel sorry if the birds shake off the beauty of the branches. 1842

Autumn How sad are the gloomy days of silent and cold autumn! With what languid, joyless languor they ask to enter our souls! But there are also days when, in the blood of the burning golden-leafed headdresses, autumn looks for the gaze and sultry whims of love. The bashful sadness is silent, Only the defiant is heard, And, fading so magnificently, She no longer regrets anything

“I came to you with greetings...” I came to you with greetings, To tell you that the sun has risen, That it fluttered with hot light across the sheets; Tell me that the forest has woken up, The whole forest has woken up, every branch, every bird has roused itself, And is full of spring thirst; To tell you that with the same passion As yesterday, I came again, That my soul is still happy And ready to serve you; To tell me that joy is blowing at me from everywhere, That I myself don’t know that I will sing - but only the song is ripening. 1843

Fidelity to nature as a source of poetic inspiration was welcomed by F. I. Tyutchev in a poem addressed to A. A. Fet: Others inherited from nature a prophetically blind instinct: They smell it, hear the waters And in the dark depths of the earth, the Great Mother beloved, Your destiny is enviable a hundred times : More than once, under the visible shell, You have seen the very thing.

In the 50s, Fet's romantic poetics was formed, in which the poet reflected on the connection between man and nature. Fet creates entire cycles of poems “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Snow”, “Fortune-telling”, “Evenings and Nights”, “Sea”. The landscapes in these poems express the state of the human soul. Dissolving in nature, the hero Fet gains the opportunity to see the beautiful soul of nature. This happiness is a feeling of unity with nature: Night flowers sleep all day long, But as soon as the sun sets behind the grove, the leaves quietly open, And I hear my heart blooming.

Nature helps solve riddles, mysteries of human existence. Through nature, Fet comprehends the subtlest psychological truth about man. In this sense, the poem “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch” is typical. Winter is all around, it’s a cruel time! In vain the tears froze on them, And the bark cracked, shrinking. The blizzard is getting more and more angry and with every minute it angrily tears up the last sheets, and a fierce cold grabs your heart; They stand, silent; shut up too! But trust in spring. The genius will rush to her, Breathing warmth and life again, For clear days, for new revelations The grieving soul will recover.

Like other poets, in Fet’s life there were specific meetings with extraordinary women who inspired him to create poetry. The poet praised female beauty in his poems. This photograph of female beauty is especially vividly embodied in the poem “An Appeal to Beethoven’s Beloved.” Understand at least once the melancholy confession, At least once hear the soul’s pleading groan! I am before you, beautiful creature, inspired by the breath of unknown forces. I catch your image before separation, I am full of it, and I am thrilled and trembling, And, without you, languishing in death throes, I treasure my melancholy as happiness. I sing it, ready to fall into dust. You stand before me like a deity - And I am blessed; and in every agony of Your new beauty I foresee triumph...

On May 22, 1891, Sofia Tolstaya wrote in her diary: “Fet was with his wife, reading poetry - all love and love... He is 70 years old, but with his ever-living and ever-singing lyrics, he always awakens in me poetic and untimely young thoughts and feelings . It may be untimely... but still good and innocent.”

The night was shining. The garden was full of moonlight. The Rays lay at our feet in the living room without lights. The piano was all open, and the strings in it trembled, Just like our hearts behind your song. You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears, That you alone are love, that there is no other love, And you wanted to live so much, so that, without making a sound, I could love you, hug you and cry over you. And many years have passed, weary and boring, And now in the silence of the night I hear your voice again, And it blows, as then, in those sonorous sighs, That you alone are all life, that you alone are love, That there are no insults from fate and a burning heart torment, And there is no end to life, and there is no other goal, As soon as to believe in the sobbing sounds, To love you, to hug and cry over you!

Smoothly at night, a soft haze falls from the brow. A.A. Fet's metaphors are based on associations. Metaphor. Specificity and innovation of A.A. Fet's poetry. For the first time, Fet's works will bring practical benefit. What conclusions can we draw about the features of A.A.’s creativity? Feta. Many of the most talented writers and critics did not accept poetry. A.A. Fet is characterized by an improvisational style of writing. Find poems by A.A. Fet.

“A.A.Fet” - Both in Western and Russian. Parallel to impressionism in painting, something similar arose in literature and poetry. The suicide attempt failed: the poet died earlier from apoplexy. Thinking of finding relief in the clean air, the girl ran out onto the balcony. About the poem “Whisper, timid breathing...”. Fet retired and after a long trip abroad settled in Moscow.

““Autumn Rose” Fet” - In spite of cruel trials and the anger of the fading day. There is only you, Queen Rose. Analysis of the poetic text. In defiance. The garden exposed its brow. The forest has crumbled its peaks. You blow on me with your outline and breath of spring. Beauty will save the world. September has come. Application is a definition expressed by a noun. Alexander Blok. The dahlias were burned by the breath of the night. Myatlev I.P. Ideas and emotions. A lesson in philological reading of a lyric poem.

“Brief biography of Fet” - Family life of the poet. Autograph. Fet's house. Collections and translations. Biography. Wedding. Military service. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. Last years of life. Attempt at writing. Studies. Buying an estate. Contemporary.

“The Poetry of Tyutchev and Fet” - Pictures of spring rain. Rainy evening. The final version of the poem. Theme of the poem. Additional sensations. Approaching rain. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Spring thunderstorm. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. Spring rain. Which of these paintings by I.I. Levitan corresponds to the mood presented in the poem. Artistic media. Spring waters. Highlight the verbs. Folk sign.

“Biography and creativity of Fet” - Collection “Lyrical Pantheon”. Student years. Marriage. The only love. Translation activities. Confession. Friend and comrade. Foreign trips. Poetry in music. Fet's family. Blessing. Death of poet. Fet or Fet. Service. Collection "Evening Lights". Birth story. Lyrical self-portrait. Fet the landowner. Last years of life. Love has words, those words will not die. Collection "Poems".

V. Bryusov dedicated to the poet
special article “A. A. Fet.
Art or Life" (1903)
The epigraph to it was the words
Feta: “I will become a riot of life
a living echo."
According to Bryusov, Fet
glorified the greatness of man:
"No matter how great the claims
poetry expressed, she could not
I wish I could do more like
express the human soul."

The poet really composed enthusiastic hymns of personality...
Two worlds have ruled for centuries,
Two equal beings:
One envelops a man,
The other is my soul and thought...

Love and nature are A. Fet’s favorite themes. For the poet, nature is a source of joy, philosophical optimism and unexpected discoveries:

Sounded over the clear river,
It rang in a darkened meadow,
Rolled over the silent grove,
It lit up on the other side

What a night! Everything is so blissful!
Thank you, dear midnight land!
From the kingdom of ice, from the kingdom of blizzards and snow
How fresh and clean your May leaves!
("Still May Night")

If you compare Fet’s landscape sketches with impressionist paintings, you can see a lot in common: the same desire of the artist

show the ordinary unusual.

Fet's colors are dominated by light, cheerful tones.

The poet sees in nature what was not noticed
others: he reveres the birch tree,
admires the endless expanses,
listens to the silence...

"Sad birch..."
Sad birch
At my window
And the whim of frost
She's dismantled.
Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, and are joyful to look at
All mourning attire.
I love the game of Lucifer
I notice on her
And I'm sorry if the birds
They will shake off the beauty of the branches.

How sad the dark days are
Soundless and cold autumn!
What joyless languor
They are asking to enter our souls!
But there are also days when there is blood
Gold leaf decorations
Burning autumn looks for the eyes
And the sultry whims of love.
Bashful sadness is silent,
Only the defiant is heard,
And, freezing so magnificently,
She doesn't feel sorry for anything anymore

“I came to you with greetings...”
I came to you with greetings,
Tell me that the sun has risen
What is it with hot light
The sheets began to flutter;
Tell me that the forest has woken up,
All woke up, every branch,
Every bird was startled
And full of thirst in spring;
Tell me that with the same passion,
Like yesterday, I came again,
That the soul is still the same happiness
And I’m ready to serve you;
Tell me that from everywhere
It blows over me with joy,
That I don’t know myself that I will
Sing - but only the song is ripening.

Loyalty to nature as a source of poetic inspiration was welcomed
F. I. Tyutchev in a poem addressed to A. A. Fet:
Others got it from nature
Prophetically blind instinct:
They smell them, hear the water
And in the dark depths of the earth
Great beloved mother,
Your destiny is a hundredfold enviable:
More than once under the visible shell
You've seen it all.

In the 50s, Fet's romantic poetics was formed, in which the poet
reflects on the connection between man and nature. Fet creates entire cycles of poems
“Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Snow”, “Fortune telling”, “evenings and nights”, “Sea”.
The landscapes in these poems express the state of the human soul. Dissolving into
nature, the hero Fet gains the opportunity to see the beautiful soul of nature.
This happiness is a feeling of unity with nature:
Night flowers sleep all day long,
But only the sun will set behind the grove
The leaves are quietly opening,
And I hear my heart bloom.

The blossoming of the heart is a symbol of spiritual connection with nature.
The characteristic state of the hero Fet is a state of aesthetic
How tenderly my chest shuddered
Above this shadow is golden!
How to cling to these ghosts
I want an instant soul!

Nature helps solve riddles, mysteries of human existence.
Through nature, Fet comprehends the subtlest psychological truth about man. IN
In this sense, the poem “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch” is typical.
Winter is all around, it’s a cruel time!
In vain their tears froze,
And the bark cracked, shrinking.
The blizzard is getting angrier and every minute
Angrily tears up the last sheets,
And a fierce cold grabs your heart;
They stand, silent; shut up too!
But trust in spring.
A genius will come rushing to her,
Breathing warmth and life again,
For clear days, for new revelations
The grieving soul will get over it.

Almost all poems about love by A. A. Fet are written in the first person, in the form
monologue, like a memory left in the past:
Where are you?
Really, stunned,
Seeing nothing around, standing up, driven by the blizzard,
Am I knocking at your heart?

Like other poets, in Fet’s life there were specific meetings with
extraordinary women who inspired him to create poetry.
The poet praised female beauty in his poems. This one is especially bright
a photograph of female beauty is embodied in the poem “Appeal to
Beethoven's beloved"
Understand at least once the sad confession,
Just once hear the soul's pleading groan!
I am before you, beautiful creature,
Inspired by the breath of unknown forces.
I catch your image before separation,
I'm full of it, and I'm thrilled, and I'm trembling,
And, without you, languishing in death throes,
I value my melancholy as happiness.
I sing it, ready to fall into dust.
You stand before me like a deity -
And I am blessed; and in every new torment
I foresee a triumph of your beauty...

May 22, 1891 Sofia Tolstaya
wrote in her diary:
“Fet was with his wife, reading poetry, that’s all
love and love... He is 70 years old, but
its eternally living and eternally singing
with his lyrics he always awakens in me
poetic and untimely
young thoughts and feelings. Let
untimely...but still good and

The night was shining. The garden was full of moonlight. were lying
Rays at our feet in a living room without lights.
The piano was all open, and the strings in it were trembling,
Just like our hearts follow your song.
You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears,
That you alone are love, that there is no other love,
And I wanted to live so much, so that without making a sound,
To love you, hug you and cry over you.
And many years have passed, tedious and boring,
And in the silence of the night I hear your voice again,
And it blows, as then, in these sonorous sighs,
That you are alone - all life, that you are alone - love,
That there are no insults from fate and burning torment in the heart,
But there is no end to life, and there is no other goal,
As soon as you believe in the sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug you and cry over you!


Write a miniature essay on
topic: “How do I imagine
A. A. Fet."

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Features of the poetry of A.A. Fet The literature lesson in the 10th grade was prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature of the Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 46 of Belgorod Zakharova L.N.

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Goal To introduce the features of A.A. Fet’s lyrics To analyze the poem “Whisper, timid breathing...” (1850)

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Features of A.A. Fet's poetry Fet's poetry is limited to a narrow range of topics. The main themes of his poetry are nature and love. Nature in Fet’s work is only an object of artistic delight, aesthetic pleasure; its images are in no way connected with human needs and labor. This distinguishes Fet’s poetry from the poetry of, for example, N.A. Nekrasov. Natural phenomena are described in more detail and detail than other poets. Fet's poetry lacks civic motives and social issues - he is a poet of pure art. In Russian poetry it is difficult to find a more positive and life-affirming poet. The main motive and idea of ​​Fet's work is beauty. He believed that the purpose of poetry is to help a person escape the world of suffering and sadness and plunge into the world of beauty. Fet argued: “It is impossible not to sing, praise, or pray in front of eternal beauty.” The poet sought to capture not the movements of love and nature themselves, but the impressions of these movements. His poems create a mood, like impressionist paintings. His main artistic technique is psychological parallelism.

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Spring rain It’s still light in front of the window, The sun shines through the gaps in the clouds, And a sparrow flutters with its wing, bathing in the sand. And from heaven to earth, the curtain moves, swaying, and as if in golden dust, the edge of the forest stands behind it. Two drops splashed onto the glass, the linden trees smelled like fragrant honey, and something approached the garden, drumming on the fresh leaves.

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Again the autumn shine of the morning star... Again the autumn shine of the morning star Trembling with a deceptive fire. And the birds make an agreement to fly away in a flock for warmth. And with sweet-severe pain, the heart is so happy to ache again. And at night the maple leaf turns red, That, loving the night, is unable to live.

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"What a night! How clean the air..." What a night! How pure the air is, How a silver leaf slumbers, How the black shadow of the coastal willows is, How serenely the bay sleeps, How the wave does not sigh anywhere, How the chest is filled with silence! Midnight light, you are the same day: Only the shine is whiter, the shadow is blacker, Only the smell of juicy herbs is subtler, Only the mind is brighter, the disposition is more peaceful, Yes, instead of passion, the chest wants to breathe in this air.

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Impressionism in the lyrics of A. Fet The term “impressionism” is derived from the French word impression, which means impression. The reproduction not of an object, but of an impression about it, first appeared in Fet’s lyrics. Painters working in this manner are called impressionists. Fet consciously depicts not the object, but the impression it makes. He is not interested in details, motionless forms, he conveys the variability of nature or the human soul: (Here the night is windless, it is the glare from the fire that gives the impression that the trees are shaking. It is not the giant spruce trees that are captured, but the impression of the poet. A fire is blazing in the forest with the bright sun, And, shrinking, the juniper crackles; Like a crowded choir of drunken giants, the spruce forest staggers, flushed... The poet widely uses personification: Flowers look with the longing of a lover, sinlessly pure, like spring... He does not so much liken nature to man, but fills it with human emotions.

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Impressionism in the lyrics of A. Fet Admiration for pure beauty Interest not in objects, but in impressions The main features of impressionism in Fet’s poetry Frequent use of epithets: Magic, Tender, Sweet, Wonderful Deliberate beauty, even leafiness A striking example of impressionism in poetry is the poem “Whisper, timid breathing..."

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Whisper, timid breathing... Whisper, timid breathing. The trill of the nightingale, the silver and swaying of the Sleepy stream. Night light, night shadows, Shadows without end, A series of magical changes in a sweet face, In the smoky clouds the purple of a rose, A glimmer of amber, And kisses, and tears, And dawn, dawn!..

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Edgar Degas Ballet rehearsal Claude Monet Spring Trees by the Lake Camille Pissarro Place de la Théâtre Française Henri Toulouse-Latrec Self-portrait Paul Cezanne Pierrot and Harlequin Let's compare Fet's poem with the works of impressionist artists

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Whisper, timid breathing. The trill of the nightingale, the silver and swaying of the Sleepy stream. Night light, night shadows, Shadows without end, A series of magical changes in a sweet face, In the smoky clouds the purple of a rose, A glimmer of amber, And kisses and tears, And dawn, dawn!.. Three stanzas about a love date. Without a single verb, only short nominal sentences convey an intense lyrical experience. This poem is compared to the paintings of the impressionist Paul Signac: written with light strokes, even dots, they create a variety of sensations associated with the law of optical perception. By combining light rays, the viewer himself synthesizes the desired color. Roughly the same thing happens when reading Fet’s poem. Paul Signac Port of Marseille Paul Signac Pine in Saint-Tropez Paul Signac. "Seine at Herblay"

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Whisper, timid breathing. The trill of the nightingale, the silver and swaying of the Sleepy stream. Night light, night shadows, Shadows without end, A series of magical changes of a sweet face, In the smoky clouds the purple of a rose, A glimmer of amber, And kisses and tears, And dawn, dawn!.. In the first quatrain a description of the evening is given in small strokes-nouns (whisper , breath, silver, swaying). Combined with epithets, they convey the feeling of a meeting between lovers. In the second quatrain there is a description of the night of love. In the first line, the epithet night enhances the magic of the night, which magically changed the features of the beloved. In the third quatrain we see morning, tears of happiness and parting. The technique of psychological parallelism is used: pictures of nature in the colors of dawn correspond to the state of mind of lovers: And kisses, and tears, And dawn, dawn... The ellipsis does not end the night of love. Each stanza has its own colors and sounds, and everything together merges into the beauty and magic of a night of love and a love date. Alternating long and short lines are used - this enhances the melodiousness and musicality. Although there is not a single verb in the poem, there is a feeling of constant, uninterrupted movement. 15 Homework: Analyze the poem “I came to you with greetings...” Learn by heart one of A. Fet’s poems about love or nature.