Calcium content in food products. What foods contain calcium? Where is there a lot of Ca?

24.10.2023 Brain Research

Everyone knows that calcium (Ca) is a very essential mineral for the body and is often associated with healthy bones and teeth. However, it performs many other important functions.

For example, scientists have found that its low level in the blood is a risk factor for the development of hypertension. It also helps control appetite and facilitates the process of losing weight. It is believed that products made from this mineral can increase the feeling of fullness after eating.

There are various alternatives to dairy foods, which are often mistakenly considered the only source. Vegetables, fruits, seeds and seafood also contain a lot of calcium.

In order for the body to use it properly, it also needs other nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin D (we will discuss these in detail in the article). This is why it is best to get Ca from food rather than from dietary supplements.

The amount of calcium you need to consume every day depends on your age and gender.

  • up to 50 and below -1000 mg/day.
  • from 51 and older - 1200 mg/day.
  • up to 70 and younger - 1000 mg/day.
  • from 71 and older - 1200 mg/day.

Now it's time to find out which products contain it the most. So let's get started!


Topping the list is milk. This is one of the most popular and simple sources of Ca. A cup of whole milk contains about 276 mg, while skim milk contains 316 mg.

If you are lactose intolerant, try drinking soy, rice or coconut milk.

It's simply a versatile product that can offer a lot of nutrients - protein, vitamins, phosphorus, zinc and, of course, calcium. There are about 100 different types of cheese, some of which, shown below, have it in very large quantities.

Swiss 1144
Parmesan 1009
Camembert 954
Cheddar 952


Whole milk yogurt is another source of a healthy element, which also contains vitamins A and C, proteins, potassium, phosphorus and healthy fats.

A cup (250 g) of yogurt contains about 296 mg.

It is also rich in microorganisms that aid digestion and cleanse the intestines.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are known to have high levels of the mineral. Below is a list of commonly used and available vegetables.

Legumes and beans

They are excellent sources of calcium, protein, iron, zinc, potassium, folic acid, magnesium and fiber.

Available in canned, dried and fresh forms, they can be prepared in a variety of ways. Here are some of them.

Green leafy vegetables

Spinach, kale, kale and watercress are rich in vitamins, iron and oxalates. Below is the amount of Ca per serving.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits also have high levels of calcium.

Dried fruits Calcium content per 100 g, mg.
Almond 251
Figs 241
Raisin 82
Dried apricots 71


These small juicy fruits contain it not in such large quantities, but still.


One serving of seeds can meet your daily requirement.


Listed below are the seafood foods that are highest in calcium.

What diet should you have for osteoporosis?

The most important nutrients for people with osteoporosis are calcium and vitamin D, which helps the body absorb it.

  • from 1 to 70 years - 600 IU/day.
  • after 70 years - 800 IU/day.

To determine its levels in the body, you should perform a 25-hydroxyvitamin test called a 25-OH test.

Food is the best source of these two micronutrients.

Milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products are rich in Ca and other essential nutrients for bone health, such as phosphorus and protein.

If you are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy foods, then replace it with:

  • soy and almond milk;
  • cereals;
  • green leafy vegetables such as kale, broccoli and spinach;
  • seafood (salmon, oysters, grouper, shellfish, sardines and shrimp).

Sources of vitamin D include orange juice, cereals, and certain types of fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, and mackerel.

Olive oil, soybeans, blueberries and omega-3 rich foods - fish oil and flaxseed oil are good for increasing bone density.

People with osteoporosis also need protein for joint pain and general health, but not in too much quantity. Many older people do not have enough of it in their diet, which can lead to weak bones. In this case, it is useful to eat dairy foods with a high amount of protein.

Remember that eating salty foods leads to calcium loss. You should also limit your consumption of processed and canned foods.

Alcohol and caffeinated drinks can also reduce the absorption of the substance and contribute to bone loss. Therefore, you should drink them in moderation.

Where is magnesium, potassium and calcium found at the same time?

Magnesium, potassium and calcium are substances that are necessary to maintain healthy joints and ensure proper muscle function. They are all electrolytes that conduct electrical impulses in the body, affecting the functioning of the heart, muscles and nerves. These minerals help maintain fluid balance in the body and control blood pressure.

Their deficiency or imbalance can provoke muscle cramps, muscle pain and the development of arrhythmia. To meet your body's needs for all three of these substances, eat the following foods.

Product, 100 g Content of magnesium, potassium and calcium, mg.
Pumpkin seeds 262, 919, 55
Pistachios 121, 1025, 105
Sunflower seeds 325, 645, 78
Spaghetti 18, 44, 7
Swiss cheese 38, 77, 791
Apple 12, 35, 10
Spinach 79, 558, 99
White rice 12, 35, 10
Celery 50, 430, 72
Chinese cabbage 8, 11, 29
Blueberry 6, 1, 6
Egg 11, 163, 7
Leek 2, 4, 6
Honey 2, 52, 6
Milk 11, 150, 125
Yogurt 11, 141, 110
Beet 23, 325, 16

What foods contain vitamin D and calcium?

Did you know that you need vitamin D to better absorb calcium? Most of the Ca we consume is in an inactive form, and in order to transfer it to an active form, vitamin D comes to the rescue.

When these two micronutrients interact, they improve nutrient absorption, strengthen bones, and support heart, muscle, nerve, and digestive health.

There are many food sources rich in them, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, sour cream, tofu, cabbage, broccoli, eggs, grains, shrimp, kale, Swiss cheese, fish oil, margarine, nuts, grains, cereals and mushrooms. Fish include cod, salmon, tuna, sardine and herring.

If there is a shortage of them, you can use supplements as an alternative option. But still, food remains the best source, since it also contains other useful micro- and macroelements, as well as fiber.

Table of food sources of phosphorus and calcium

Phosphorus (P) is another element that must go in tandem with Ca. New research shows that he simply needs it to better strengthen bone tissue.

Experts even say that taking calcium without enough phosphorus may be a waste of time.

Taking calcium carbonate may block the absorption of most phosphorus. If this happens, then Ca will not bring much benefit, because the basis of bone tissue consists of both elements.

Here is a table with their quantitative content in food products.

Product, 100 g Phosphorus content, mg Calcium content, mg
Processed cheese 1000 712
Pumpkin seeds 843 55
sunflower seed 642 78
Hard cheese 610 1004
Almond 500 264
Walnuts 507 101
Egg yolk 501 129
Hazelnut 291 114
Cottage cheese 222 164
Oatmeal 380 92
Red beans 504 143

As you can see, high levels of calcium are found not only in dairy foods, but also in many other healthy food sources. By consuming foods from a varied list, you can simply satisfy your need.

Hi all!

Usually people do not attach much importance to calcium until it is no longer available in the body.

So I wondered where this element is contained in products in order to prevent its deficiency in my body.

I am sharing with you what products with calcium exist, how to use them correctly and create good prevention and protection for yourself against diseases caused by its deficiency.

From this article you will learn:

The best foods with calcium

What is calcium and its main functions in the body?

Calcium is very important for the body, it is the basis of health and quality of life.

The human body contains more calcium than other trace elements and 99 percent of it is found in bones, the skeleton, thanks to which we can move, in teeth, hair and nails.

The remaining one percent in the blood and cells is far from one percent in importance: it is responsible for the beating of our heart, for blood clotting, for the functioning of cells and the transmission of impulses along neural connections.

Its deficiency leads to cardiovascular diseases, disorders of cellular functioning, destruction of bone tissue, sleep disorders and reproductive function.

Not immediately, but you will notice symptoms of a lack of this element: your teeth will begin to hurt and crumble, your legs will begin to ache, constipation and headaches will appear, your general condition will worsen, your bones will become more fragile.

Doesn’t it really look like the “symptoms” of old age?

Calcium intake standards

  • Calcium norm for adults

That’s right, with age we lose more and more useful microelements, older people should consume at least 1200 mg of calcium per day, women during pregnancy and lactation - the dose can be increased to 2000 mg, during menopause 1400 mg.

Well, “just” for adults, 1000 mg per day is enough.

  • Calcium norm for children

What about the children?

A child’s body is constantly growing, developing, building up bone and muscle mass, so calcium is extremely necessary, and the need for it grows with the child.

Up to three years it is 600 mg, at the age of 3 to 6 – 800, teenagers already need 1300 mg. These are WHO recommendations.

Features of calcium absorption in the body

Calcium is obtained through food, but if for some reason it is impossible to build a proper diet or there are indications for illness, calcium is given in the form of supplements.

The irony is that such an important element is very poorly absorbed by humans.

To absorb it, you also need a sufficient amount of vitamin D, which is abundant in fish oil, egg yolk, butter, but the most important source is the sun. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, this vitamin is synthesized in the body.

Children especially benefit from walks and sunshine; for very young children born in winter, pediatricians usually prescribe this vitamin in drops so that there are no problems with the formation of the skeleton.

You should also get rid of habits that reduce calcium absorption! This includes smoking, drinking large amounts of caffeine, salt and fried foods.

In general, as always, the secret of health is a proper lifestyle and balanced nutrition!!!

Let's see what 1000 mg of calcium per day is, which I and, I think, you need. This is a liter of milk or sour cream, or 100g of sesame seeds, or 200g of hard cheese, 2 kg of raw cabbage.

It is clear that sitting and drinking liters of milk and nibbling cabbage is not so healthy, especially since more and more people are now found to be lactose intolerant and milk in its pure form is contraindicated for them.

Food should be as varied as possible! Below I will talk about the main foods that are high in calcium.

I repeat, we need them for strong bones and for the proper physiological functioning of the body, do not neglect this.

Eat enough of them: that is, make sure you eat foods from different categories every day.

If you are a vegetarian, be especially careful about the composition of the dishes you eat to ensure you get enough of this element.

Foods with calcium - which foods have a lot of calcium?

  • Dairy

This also includes fermented milk.

Milk, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk - you can choose to suit your taste. The richest source of calcium is cottage cheese. 100 grams contain up to 300 mg of calcium!

We are, however, talking about real cottage cheese, and not its derivatives such as cheese curds and sweet curds.

And yet, do not get carried away for the sake of your diet with products with 0% fat content: there is much less calcium and nutrients and they are absorbed much worse.

Hard varieties, such as Parmesan, are especially useful. 100 grams can satisfy the daily requirement for this microelement! Other cheeses are also rich in calcium.

It’s not always possible to eat 100 or 200 grams of cheese, but a sandwich with cheese and butter, 2 glasses of kefir and yogurt throughout the day - and we’ve got the 1000 mg we need))

  • Vegetables

We need green vegetables and leafy herbs, broccoli, as well as roots and parsley.

The amount of calcium in them ranges from 60 to 200 mg per 100 grams; with the help of salads and vegetable soups it is quite possible to build a competent diet. Calcium from beans is also well absorbed.

  • Seeds and nuts

Its content is high in sesame seeds, almonds and walnuts are not far behind. Just be careful, it is not recommended to consume nuts more than a handful per day, they are difficult to digest.

  • Eggs, fish, shrimp

Dried fish contains 3000 (!) milligrams per 100 grams, sardines - 350. Salmon contains approximately 180 mg, eggs - 60. Rich bone broths are also very healthy.

  • Tofu

I hope this short list of calcium-rich foods will help you build your diet correctly!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!


The principles of a balanced diet require knowledge of the body's activities. It works like a clock: all processes have their own time, and there are certain conditions for receiving and absorbing food. This is important to understand when the body transmits signals through symptoms that it is missing something. Especially when it comes to the batteries that support the entire skeleton. What does calcium contain, what is its role, and under what conditions is it absorbed?

The macroelement, entering the intestines, combines with nutrients, minerals and vitamins. The result of the formation of new elements is a constructive or destructive effect on the body. Soluble complexes form bone tissue, control cholesterol levels, and participate in all metabolic processes. Insoluble compounds settle on the walls of blood vessels or form stones in the kidneys and liver.

Properties of calcium:

  • reacts with other chemical elements;
  • delivered to the body with food and excreted through the intestines or kidneys;
  • activates enzymes.

Functions of calcium:

  1. Construction and support – responsible for the structure of bone tissue and their proper development. 99% of the macroelement is deposited in the skeleton, nails, and teeth. The remaining percentage enters the blood.
  2. Neuromuscular – ensures the transmission of nerve impulses, regulates muscle contraction, including the heart. The rhythm of contractions affects the functioning of the brain, memory, reaction speed and muscle performance.
  3. Cellular - plays the role of building material for the nuclei and membranes of cells.
  4. Vascular - involved in blood clotting.

The benefit of calcium lies in the smooth performance of all these functions. Not a single system or organ can do without this macronutrient. It is important to maintain the rate of its supply. The deficiency forces the body to take reserves from bone tissue and send them into the blood. This leads to diseases: rickets in children - a flexible skeleton, and osteomalacia in adults - fragile and easily fractured bones.

Among the consequences of excess content are the development of urolithiasis, impaired metabolism of magnesium, zinc and sodium, cardiac dysfunction due to thick blood, up to a stroke or heart attack.

How much calcium a person needs to consume per day is influenced by:

  • gender, age, weight;
  • Lifestyle;
  • current health status;
  • region of residence.

Macronutrient dosage is periodically reviewed. This is due to new research that has shown that too much of the substance is also harmful. High levels cause severe muscle spasms, pale skin, confusion, and interfere with kidney function.

Calcium, the benefits and harms of which are obvious, requires clear rationing. Therefore, it is so important to know the daily need for salts, the conditions for their absorption and leaching.

What foods contain calcium?

  1. Cheese, milk and lactic acid products are invariably included in the children's diet. At an early age, it is useful to consume these foods to form and strengthen the skeleton. Cheeses are especially rich in useful macronutrients, followed by cottage cheese, milk and Varenets.
  2. Poppy and sesame seeds contain the nutrient in large quantities. There is much less of it in sunflower seeds and mustard seeds.
  3. Fish and seafood. The element is present in all types of river and sea inhabitants. The richest foods in calcium are canned and dried foods. This is explained by the fact that they contain non-food waste, which contains the most salts.
  4. Nuts occupy one of the last positions. This is due to poor absorption of Ca from nuts. But the mineral content is high - 273 mg per 100 g of almonds.
  5. Legumes are sources of calcium, but at the same time interfere with the absorption of potassium. When including them in the diet, green beans are preferred to raise Ca levels.
  6. Vegetables, fruits, and berries are rich in vitamins and minerals. These plant crops contain little calcium. But they contain other elements that have a beneficial effect on the digestibility of the salt under study.

Below is a table with a list of products selected according to the principle of the most indicative of the amount of substance in the group or those most frequently used. Vegetable and animal cooking fats are excluded from the list; they do not contain Ca or it is not absorbed.

Table of calcium content in various foods

NameCa(mg/100 g)
Pasteurized milk, kefir 1.1 - 3% fat content120
Varenets 2.5%118
Yogurt 1.5%112
Cottage cheese 18%150
Sour cream 20%86
Russian Camembert510
Sheep's milk cheese780
Salad (greens)77
Green onion feather100
White cabbage48
Greenhouse cucumbers39
Fish products
Sprats in oil300
Atlantic herring, medium salted80
Natural canned pink salmon185
Cold smoked mackerel80
Dried bream274
Sea bass120
Chum salmon caviar granular90
Non-fish objects of the sea
Kamchatka crab100
Far Eastern shrimp100
Cereals and legumes
Cereals "Hercules"52
Barley groats80
Bean pod65
Seeds and nuts
Fruits, berries, fresh and dried
Dried apricots with bone166
Dried figs144
Red garden rowan42
Pork boneless/fat8/6
First/second category turkey12/18
Chickens 1/2 category16 / 18
Depending on the region and production technology, deviations from the norm reach 20%. Among the foods rich in calcium, there are those that are not recommended in diets to increase the level of the nutrient. This is due to the peculiarities of its assimilation.

Calcium supplements and vitamins

In addition to medications for osteoporosis, pharmacies sell dietary supplements and fortified macronutrients. The products are intended for athletes, the elderly and ordinary citizens suffering from a deficiency of mineral salts.

  1. Marine calcium biobalance - the supplement is available in 5 different formulations. The basic formula contains Ca and vitamin C. To this composition add: a) iodine; b) ; c) iron, copper and manganese; d) selenium, zinc, magnesium.
  2. Calcium from oyster shells. Affects the development of the skeleton, normalizes muscle function, protects bones and teeth.
  3. Mountain Ca-D3 – ensures the recovery process after muscle damage, promotes the normal development of nails, teeth, and bones. Will help women with menopause.
  4. Ca Magnesium Chelate - the mineral ions in this preparation have a form that is easily absorbed by the intestines. This increases digestibility.
  5. Vitamax is a complex of macroelements.

A popular additive is eggshells. It consists of 90% calcium carbonate. The shell is soaked for 10 minutes in a 1% soda solution, thoroughly cleaned with a brush, washed and crushed into dust. It is necessary to completely crush the shell so that the fragments do not injure the intestines. Vitamins D and A are necessary for absorption; it is better to consume them in combination with seafood, liver or fish.

It is better to take calcium and replenish reserves with dietary supplements, tablets and food in the afternoon, between lunch and dinner. This is due to biorhythms. Bone destruction occurs in the evening and at night. Therefore, dairy products in the morning have no effect. After breakfast, the macronutrient will settle as a kidney stone or be thrown out by the body as unnecessary. Also, in the morning, corticosteroid hormones interfere with the absorption of Ca and P.

Daily calcium requirement

In world practice, there are no general consumption standards for the entire globe. Residents of North America are recommended 1.2 g/day; Japan and China - 0.35 g. Citizens of eastern countries practically do not eat dairy products, and the number of patients with osteoporosis does not exceed European indicators. The reasons for doctors are not completely clear.

  • from 18 to 50 years, as well as during menopause (for those receiving HRT) - 0.8 - 1 g;
  • during periods of pregnancy and lactation, menopause (without hormone replacement therapy) – 1.3 – 1.5 g.

For children:

  • up to six months – 0.4 g;
  • up to one year – 0.6 g;
  • up to 10 years – 0.8 g;
  • up to 12 years of age for girls and up to 14 years for boys – 1 g;
  • teenagers – 1.5 years

For men under 65 years of age, the daily recommended calcium intake ranges from 0.8 to 1 g. With an active lifestyle, sports, especially bodybuilding, the dose can increase to 1.5 g. After 65 years, the stronger sex needs 1.3 - 1. 5 g. The same amount is consumed by representatives of both sexes who have reached the age of 70.

How is calcium absorbed?

The macroelement forms bonds with other nutrients. With increased intake of calcium, pay attention to its compatibility with the following nutrients:

  1. Vitamin D is a prohormone and the main driving force for the absorption of the macronutrient under study. Exposure to the sun for 30 minutes every day with your face and arms exposed helps replenish the vitamin in the body. Products include fish oil, cod liver, salmon. Egg yolk contains 10.4 mcg, which corresponds to 69% of the daily intake.
  2. Magnesium is a competitor of calcium for breakdown by bile acids. Lack of Mg causes the deposition of calcium salts in the form of atherosclerotic plaques and bone destruction. Excess - negatively affects the absorption of calcium. The optimal ratio of Ca and Mg is 1:0.5. The chemical composition of products approximately corresponds to it: Atlantic herring, eggplant, pears, apples, green beans, raspberries.
  3. Phosphorus is a macroelement that affects the efficiency of bone tissue construction. With its deficiency, Ca is not able to form the skeleton normally. Excess leads to leaching of calcium from bones. For 2 parts of incoming Ca, 1.2 – 1.8 parts of phosphorus are needed. 100 grams of cottage cheese contain 150 mg of Ca and 220 mg of P, which corresponds to these coefficients. The most optimal content of Mg, P, Ca is in garlic, grapes and cucumbers.
  4. Fats are participants in the absorption of macronutrients. But at their high concentration, calcium is excreted in excrement due to a lack of bile acids. If the lipid content is insufficient, Ca is poorly absorbed. To absorb 10–15 mg of mineral, 1 g of fat is required, taking into account saturated acids. Therefore, margarine containing 150 mg of Ca is useless for replenishing this mineral. The content is high, and digestibility due to lipids is zero. This applies to all animal fats. But meat products cannot be excluded from the menu.
  5. Proteins are necessary for the absorption of calcium, but their intake also needs to be strictly controlled. With a small amount of amino acids, Ca does not form soluble compounds, and with an excess amount, it is excreted from the body in the urine. The average protein intake is 80–90 g per day. An excess of 50 g leads to a loss of 60 mg of calcium.
  6. Vitamins A, C, E, K, iron, manganese, copper, strong - have a positive effect on the absorption and functioning of calcium compounds.

Since calcium salts from milk are better absorbed, lactose deserves special attention. When it enters the body, it is fermented, which prevents the formation of insoluble compounds of the mineral and amino acids.

The only alternative to milk sugar in calcium metabolism is cabbage. But during sterilization, almost all vitamins and macroelements are lost. Some of the products entering stores are made from reconstituted milk, where the nutrient content is questionable. Therefore, it is better to give preference to farm goods.

Foods that impair absorption


  1. Fiber - coarse nutrients reduce digestibility and promote the excretion of calcium. The richest foods are buckwheat, corn, oats, dried mushrooms, and wheat bran.
  2. Phytic acid is part of plants and, entering the body with them, prevents the formation of soluble Ca bonds. The danger remains even after heat treatment. So, from oatmeal milk porridge, where all the ingredients contain Ca, the body will not absorb this mineral due to the influence of the antinutrient. In addition to rolled oats, wheat and rye are also high in acid content.
  3. Oxalic acid - forms compounds with Ca, which are deposited in the kidneys. It is found in large quantities in rhubarb, beets, sorrel, and spinach. A low proportion of the substance is found in broccoli, turnips and white cabbage.

Removing these foods from the diet, even if calcium levels are low, is not recommended. Fiber cleanses the stomach, and along with harmful acids, plant foods contain beneficial flavonoids.

What flushes calcium from the body

Two liters of water daily are beneficial if calcium metabolism is normal. If it is violated, the amount of liquid you drink must be reduced.
Washing is promoted by:

  1. Sodium phosphate - creates an acidic environment that interferes with the absorption of beneficial macronutrients. It is found in carbonated drinks such as Cola, Fanta, and fast food products. The body neutralizes the activity of phosphate, but directs Ca from the bones for this.
  2. Foods that encourage you to drink heavily or contain a lot of water. The useful element is mainly excreted from the body in urine. Control over the consumption of drinks, watermelons, and salty foods will help reduce losses to a minimum. It is better to exclude alcohol from the diet.
  3. Sweet products. The body uses reserves of Ca and B vitamins to absorb sugar.
  4. Salts and esters of oxalic acid - oxalates interfere with absorption and contribute to the leaching of calcium from bones. Their high concentration is in cocoa beans, black tea, coffee. Chocolate also belongs to this group, but its negative effect on the mineral has not been proven. Doctors recommend reducing chocolate consumption for older people.

Age is another factor in attrition. Over the years, the need for a macronutrient increases due to a decrease in the production of bile acids in the body. And all the products from this list continue to enter the stomach, which leads to unnecessary calcium consumption. Supplements with vitamins and minerals help maintain health.
Calcium is an active participant in the body’s life support processes. This macronutrient makes up 1.5% of the human body. 99% of the mineral is found in bones, teeth and nails.
It forms the skeleton and maintains the healthy state of bone tissue. But a deficiency or excess and improper use of a macronutrient lead to life-threatening diseases. To prevent this, it is important to know what foods contain calcium and how it behaves in combination with other nutrients. It is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms in time and try to restore metabolism.

Calcium deficiency in the body affects the health of hair, nails, skin, and teeth. It is important to take your diet seriously from childhood, maintaining a balance of important microelements. Everyone understands that calcium is a necessary building material for human bone tissue. Let's try to figure out which foods contain calcium. You can find a list of products below.

Daily dose of calcium

What is calcium used for in our body? All cells of the body need it. It stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle and circulatory system, participating in the process of narrowing and dilating blood vessels. Thanks to calcium, blood clotting processes are regulated and the functioning of the immune system is supported. To understand how much calcium a person needs to consume per day, you need to know the correct dosage for different categories of people.

  • An adult needs 1000 mg per day.
  • Pregnant and lactating women - 2000 mg.
  • Teenagers - 1200 mg.
  • Children under 10 years old - 800 mg.
  • Children under 3 years old - only 600 mg.

How is calcium absorbed in the body?

If you eat foods high in calcium, many people think that deficiency can be avoided. In fact, it is only absorbed in the presence of other healthy foods. In order for calcium to be absorbed in sufficient quantities, vitamin D is required. It is formed in the human body under the influence of the sun, but is also present in foods. These are egg yolk, butter, fish oil.

Pediatricians prescribe vitamin D drops for children under 3 years of age during autumn and winter bad weather, when walks have to be avoided. In summer, additional vitamins are not needed, since the child receives them from walks in the sun.

The abundance of unrefined sugar and excessive amounts of salt in the adult diet harm the absorption of calcium. The mineral is also washed out of the body when drinking alcoholic beverages, sweet soda and strong coffee. Its shortage must be compensated. Where is there a lot of calcium, in what foods?

Calcium rich foods

Many people think that it is in dairy products with a high percentage of fat that the content of the beneficial element is at the highest level, but this is not so. However, calcium in such products is absorbed better thanks to lactose. Products grown in garden beds often contain more calcium. Let's look at what foods contain calcium. The list of products is as follows.

Dairy and fermented milk products:

  • Milk.
  • Kefir.
  • Yogurt.
  • Ryazhenka.
  • Cottage cheese from 2% fat content.
  • Cheese (especially hard varieties).

Vegetables and greens:

  • Cabbage.
  • Garlic.
  • Broccoli.
  • Sorrel.
  • Oregano.
  • Parsley.
  • Nettle.

Where else is there a lot of calcium? In meat, fish, seafood.

Canned fish (sardines, salmon, pink salmon) contain a lot of calcium, and it is well absorbed because they contain fish bones, which are the source of this mineral. It is recommended to include fish in the diet 2 times a week. Even in kindergartens, steamed fish and fish cakes are always on the menu.

  • Dried fish (up to 3000 mg of calcium per 100 g).
  • Salmon.
  • Shrimps.
  • Beef.

Seeds, nuts:

  • Sesame seed.
  • Pistachios.
  • Almond.
  • Hazelnut.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Peanut.
  • Pumpkin seeds.

Calcium in dairy products

To know how much cottage cheese or cheese to eat to ensure the daily dose of calcium, you need to understand this issue. When planning a diet, we will determine how much calcium is in cottage cheese using the research already conducted. 100 g of cottage cheese (not low-fat) contains up to 200 grams of the mineral.

To answer the question of how much calcium is in milk, let’s determine its quality. Goat's milk contains on average 20% more of it than cow's milk. A glass of skim cow's milk contains 244 mg of calcium, and a glass of whole milk contains 236 mg.

Many people are interested in the question of how much calcium is in cheese and how to determine cheese rich in calcium. The variety of types of cheese on store shelves is increasing every day. However, hard Parmesan cheese has the highest concentration of calcium: 1200 mg of the mineral per 100 grams of product. Russian cheese contains 900 mg per 100 g, and mozzarella contains 515 mg. Soft cheese has the lowest concentration of calcium.

How is calcium absorbed in infants?

When breastfeeding, the baby absorbs the mineral by 70%. When artificially feeding formulas, the calcium contained in them is absorbed by only 30%. Artificial children are more often susceptible to diseases associated with a lack of calcium. And all because the heat treatment of products converts this element into an inorganic compound that is poorly absorbed by the human body.

Replacing milk as a source of calcium

Vegetarians do not consume dairy products. In addition, there are people who are lactose intolerant. How can they get that very necessary element for their body? A plant-based milk fat substitute is suitable for them. Almond milk, which contains a lot of calcium, is most suitable in this regard. Its content in this product is 90 mg per glass. Calcium is also absorbed well from plant foods, so cow's milk is not necessary for everyone.

Fact or myth: salt leaches calcium

The kidneys are responsible for both sodium and calcium. When they remove salt from the body, calcium is lost along with it. Many nutritionists agree: to keep your bones stronger and to prevent fluid from accumulating in the cells of your body, you need to limit your salt intake.

For fractures and after complicated operations, patients are prescribed a salt-free diet and easily digestible foods, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Boiled rice, oatmeal porridge and jellied meat are the main companions for those who care about their health and want the fastest fusion of bones.

A complete menu of products with calcium for the day

What do you need to eat so that calcium is absorbed by the body and completely satisfies the need for this element for a day? Assuming that you are not intolerant to dairy products, you can develop the following menu:

First option

Breakfast: 100 grams of hard cheese, for a sandwich with butter. Egg.

Lunch: fresh vegetable salad with beans, yogurt. (during the day you can eat nuts: cashews, almonds, peanuts)

Dinner: a glass of kefir or yogurt.

Second option

Breakfast: cottage cheese 2% with yogurt; tea with milk.

Lunch: salmon steak, grilled vegetables.

Dinner: fermented baked milk or a glass of milk.

Third option

Breakfast: cheesecakes with yogurt.

Lunch: seafood pasta, salad with vegetables and herbs.

Dinner: a glass of milk.

Options are discussed here solely for maintaining calcium intake. You can add other products at your own discretion.

Calcium supplements and vitamins

Not everyone is comfortable remembering how much food to eat to provide the required dose of calcium per day. It is more convenient to take vitamins or minerals in the form of food supplements. Don't trust new products from the pharmacy industry. Read the ingredients of the drugs you are going to purchase.

Calcium carbonate should be taken after meals, so it is absorbed better. The mineral is best absorbed in preparations with vitamin D. The most prescribed drugs in this regard are: “Calcium D3 Nycomed”, “Complivit Calcium D3”.

Remember that without eating vitamins C, D, E, group B, calcium will simply turn into insoluble compounds and settle in the muscles and joints.

How to treat calcium deficiency

If you still cannot wean yourself from bad habits and cannot eat foods rich in calcium, then medications containing this element come to the rescue. Don't forget about traditional methods. Scientists have proven that calcium carbonate in eggshells is absorbed by the human body by 90%. In addition, this affordable remedy is healthier than any pharmacy supplement.

Eggshells are also recommended for children under 6 years of age, because their skeleton is actively developing. Elderly people are prescribed calcium supplements due to brittle bones, but they can easily be replaced with natural eggshells.

Anyone can prepare such a preparation at home, but always from homemade eggs. The shells need to be dried, crushed into a fine powder using a coffee grinder and taken 1 tsp. on an empty stomach for 10 days. Then you need to take a break for a month. After the expiration of the period, the course can be repeated.

The importance of calcium for human health

The role of calcium in the human body is certainly important. It does not work on its own, but together with other vitamins and minerals it brings undoubted benefits. In the active growth and development of the child’s body, it supports and supports bones and joints, the formation of the skeleton and teeth. For women, its lack during pregnancy and lactation can bring noticeable negative consequences - brittle teeth and nails, pain in the lumbar spine, and lack of milk during feeding. It is also important in men's health - to prevent osteoporosis, stooped posture, vascular diseases, and allergies. It plays a role in fertilization, so calcium deficiency can be a cause of male infertility.

It is advisable to constantly take care of your health and the health of your loved ones. Even if there are no health problems, it is recommended to have your blood tested once a year. An increased level of calcium in the blood can already indicate that there is a deficiency in the body.

For preventive purposes, you can take calcium supplements if you have increased physical and mental stress, dry and brittle hair, insomnia, irritability, caries prevention. Take vitamins and minerals in the right quantities and be healthy!

The chemical table of elements is replete with useful substances for the development of the human body, but calcium occupies a special place in it. This unique “building” material is necessary for the skeletal system, since it takes part in physiological and biochemical processes inside cells. Calcium stabilizes the functioning of the heart, immune system and nervous system, strengthens blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

The amount of this macroelement in the body is 1.5-2% of human weight. About 99% is present in bones, teeth, hair and nails and only 1% in muscles and intercellular fluid. With calcium deficiency, a whole range of dysfunctions of various systems appears. That is why it is important to consume foods containing calcium, the table of which will be given below.

The body's daily requirement for calcium

According to information provided by WHO, the daily requirement of calcium differs depending on the person’s age:

  • up to 3 years - 0.6 g;
  • 4-9 years - 0.8 g;
  • 10-13 years - 1 g;
  • 14-24 years - 1.2 g;
  • 25-55 years - 1 g;
  • from 56 years old - 1.2 g.

Women during menopause need to receive at least 1400 mg of calcium per day. The daily dose for young mothers and pregnant women is 1800-2000 mg per day.

If calcium enters the body in sufficient quantities, teeth and bones will be in healthy condition.. The useful element takes part in metabolic processes, helps coordinate movements and optimizes muscle activity. In addition, it reduces blood clotting, supports the nervous system and relieves inflammation.

If the diet is unbalanced, in the presence of diseases the body will begin to extract Ca from the bones. This happens when you are dehydrated. As a result, osteoporosis forms and bones undergo frequent fractures.

If there is a sufficient supply of foods enriched with calcium, the body’s resistance to infection, climate change and decreased vascular permeability increases. In addition, the risk of high blood pressure is minimized. This element helps cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. When lime deposits appear, they often talk about an excess of foods high in calcium in the diet (the table will help to better understand the issue).

With daily consumption of foods enriched with calcium, only 1/3 of the element enters the body, and the rest is excreted naturally. The daily intake is enough for beautiful posture, maintaining healthy teeth and thick hair. If you combine foods with calcium and vitamin D, your body will receive a unique combination of beneficial macroelements.

Want to know how much calcium is in different food groups? Let's figure it out.

Nuts, legumes and seeds

Plant-based foods top the list. As an addition to meat dishes and soups, you can eat lentils, beans, soybeans, green peas, and beans every day. Almonds, sesame and poppy seeds are a high macronutrient food category.

Fruits, vegetables, cereals, herbs and berries

The amount of calcium in this group is not so high. The fact that a person consumes a lot of these products every day guarantees the supply of the required amount of the element. To fill your body with calcium, you can eat lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, dill, celery, basil and fruits daily.

Approximate content of the element in the leading products of this group:

  • rosehip - 257 mg;
  • watercress - 215 mg;
  • young nettle - 715 mg.

The daily presence of calcium in the diet accelerates bone recovery from fractures.

Fish, eggs and meat

A well-chosen diet, including meat, fish and eggs, can maintain stable performance of the body. Food of animal origin is characterized by low levels of calcium, however, there are exceptions. Meat contains a lot of protein, but Ca is 50 mg per 100 g of product. Seafood and fish are enriched with phosphorus, with the exception of sardines. This type of fish contains 100 g of pure calcium per 300 g of product.

Make original sardine sandwiches for an afternoon snack to feel healthy!

Milk products

Although this category of products does not belong to the leaders in Ca content per 100 g, kefir, milk, sourdough, yogurt and cheese should be included in the daily diet. Even those who are on a diet can consume them. If fruits and greens need to be pre-processed, then kefir and yogurt can be eaten immediately. Dairy products do not burden the stomach, and therefore can be consumed around the clock.

Tabular data on products with Ca

So, where the most calcium is in foods is easy to understand from the table. Let's look at this in detail:

ProductCalcium content per 100 g of product
leaf salad37
green onions86
dried apricots80
sunflower seeds100

It's not enough to know, where calcium is most present in foods. It is necessary to properly combine it with food enriched with vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium. This will help the body fight viruses and colds. Vitamin D controls the amount of phosphorus and calcium in the blood and speeds up the recovery process for bone fractures. A sufficient amount of vitamin D is present in fatty fish and dairy products and is synthesized by the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

The body also needs to receive other foods that improve its condition - vegetables, meat and beans. They contain vitamins E, A, C, B and saturate the organs with calcium.

The simultaneous intake of magnesium allows you to balance Ca. As it decreases, calcium is absorbed more slowly. Magnesium is present in sufficient quantities in bran and wholemeal bread and nuts.

Important! There are foods that help remove calcium from the body - caffeine, sugar, excess salt, nicotine and fat. Those who decide to eat healthy need to exclude them from the diet or leave a minimum amount.

What prevents absorption?

The key reasons for problematic learning are:

  • Failure to comply with the drinking regime (you should drink more than 6 glasses of water per day, you can add a little lemon juice).
  • Lack of macro- and microelements.
  • Constant consumption of foods after heat treatment.

Factors causing element deficiency:

In addition, the cause of the shortage is the impaired absorption process in the intestines due to candidiasis, dysbacteriosis and allergies.

Causes and symptoms of excess Ca in the body

Doctors determine hypercalcemia if the level of concentration of the element in the blood exceeds the permissible 2.6 mmol/l. The causes of the pathology can be called:

  • disrupted metabolic process;
  • excess when coming from foods, dietary supplements and medications;
  • excess vitamin D;
  • the presence of oncology, which provokes the destruction of bone tissue and increased release of the element into the blood;
  • elderly age;
  • receiving radiation therapy to treat neck problems;
  • long-term immobilization of the body.

Symptoms indicating hypercalcemia are:

In the case of a mild form of the disease, the body can be restored by eliminating the root cause of the pathology. If calcium concentration is high, you should seek qualified help.

Calcium tablets or eggshells

Due to the lack of the element, the hair becomes dull and thinner. Nail plates often break, caries forms and tooth enamel deteriorates, heart rate increases, and convulsions occur. When these signs do not relate to the symptoms of the disease, calcium deficiency can be stated.

The category of people who need to consume large amounts of macronutrients include pregnant and lactating women, athletes and women in menopause. At the age of over 55, the body restructures its functioning, and women are at risk of developing osteoporosis.

In this case, it is appropriate to use additional sources of calcium in the form of tablets, but only if they are prescribed by doctors. In pursuit of expensive drugs, do not forget about natural sources of macronutrients. Eggshells are a unique source of calcium and other trace elements.

Calcium is present in almost every product, but in different quantities. A well-balanced diet and an active lifestyle will improve its absorption. If you want to add this mineral to your diet, you must first consult with a specialist.