Diet if the gallbladder is removed. Recipes for dishes after removal of the gallbladder, diet after surgery. Pike cutlets

01.11.2023 Brain Research

There are no unnecessary organs and systems in the human body - nature took care of everything in advance. Therefore, any surgical intervention associated with the removal of one of the organs makes negative adjustments to the coherent system of the entire body. This is most relevant for the digestive tract, on the normal functional activity of which 70% of human health depends. After surgery to remove the gallbladder, a diet is necessary.

General description of the diet

The specialist decides to perform cholecystectomy only in a situation where there is a high risk of harm to the digestive tract. After the operation, nothing affects the functioning of the liver; it, as before, produces bile for the digestion process.

But since the gallbladder is no longer present, the produced bile is immediately transported to the intestines. As a result, inflammatory phenomena may occur in the intestinal walls and hepatic duct, as unprocessed bile enters them. In addition, the absorption of fats is impaired.

What diet is needed after removal of the gallbladder (including by laparoscopy)?

General principles of nutrition after cholecystectomy are as follows:

  • It is forbidden to eat or drink for the first 24 hours.
  • In the first days after removal of the gallbladder, the diet allows you to drink liquid: sweetened tea, jelly, compote, clean water.
  • On the third day, you can eat solid food in the form of mashed potatoes, pureed soups, and egg white omelettes. Homemade juices are allowed. Portions are moderate.
  • From the fifth day, pureed porridge and inconvenient flour products in the form of simple cookies and crackers are introduced into the diet. Light fish and meat dishes are allowed.
  • From the eighth day, meatballs, dairy dishes, and stewed vegetables are introduced.
  • Diet 5 when removing the gallbladder prohibits salty, fried and fatty foods for 1.5 months. You should also not eat foods containing chemical additives - dyes and preservatives, or any alcoholic beverages. This diet is recommended for patients for the rest of their lives.

Diet table No. 5 after removal of the gallbladder or stones in it is aimed at preventing their reappearance. In this case, it is recommended to eat fractionally. You need to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly in moderate quantities. The basis of nutrition should be protein and carbohydrate foods (complex carbohydrates - vegetables, cereals). Only vegetable fats are allowed. It is not advisable to consume sweets; you should limit them as much as possible and, if necessary, replace them with dried fruits.

How long should you diet?

It is impossible to make an accurate forecast in each specific case. Much depends on the patient’s age, his general health, the functional activity of the digestive tract, etc.

How long should you diet after gallbladder removal? In general, if a patient after cholecystectomy feels satisfactory over the next 2 years, then the doctor can remove strict dietary restrictions. Such a patient will be allowed regular food in moderation, but it will never be possible to completely remove the prohibitions and give up dietary foods after removal of the gallbladder.

The first days of nutrition after surgery

After the gallbladder is removed, a person's diet changes dramatically. And this is very important. In the first days after removal of the gallbladder, meals should be fractional, portions should be moderate, meals should be according to those recommended in the diet. Physical activity should be avoided. The diet for the first week after removal of the gallbladder must be strictly followed.

It is necessary to understand that the gallbladder has been removed from the body forever, and it will not be possible to return to your previous diet. But you can get used to these restrictions, since you need to think about your health first. In addition, any diet has its concessions, and perhaps in your case they will be possible with the permission of your doctor.

Gentle diet

The main criterion for a gentle diet is split meals. Thanks to this regime, bile does not stagnate in the hepatic ducts, but is excreted from the liver in portions, as a result of which the digestion process is normalized. It is recommended to eat six meals a day in small portions (each volume is no more than 200 grams).

The gentle diet menu after removal of the gallbladder consists of steamed dishes: meatballs, fish, pureed vegetables, cream soup, sweetened tea, etc. The fat content in this menu should be minimal.

General diet

To avoid consequences after removal of the gallbladder, the diet changes to a general or standard one a month and a half after the operation. Unlike a bland diet, its diet is more varied.

To the products listed above (in a gentle diet), doctors recommend adding boiled chicken, rabbit and beef, salads with vegetable oil dressing, vinaigrettes, and one egg per week. It is allowed to consume dairy products and soups with vegetable broth. Normally, such restrictions are easily accepted by the body, due to which the disturbed digestive mechanism is stabilized.

If all the requirements of diet number 5 are met, after removal of the gallbladder there are no problems with the digestive tract, and the person does not feel any discomfort. Giving up bad habits and eating healthy makes it easy to return to normal life.

Sample menu

It should immediately be emphasized that this approximate diet should be followed a month after removal of the gallbladder, not earlier. Until this point, strict dietary restrictions must be observed. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the diet after removal of the gallbladder with stones must be followed for a long time and continuously; alternation of individual dishes allowed in this nutrition system can be allowed. Recipes for dishes allowed by the diet after removal of the gallbladder are simple.


  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal) - 150 g;
  • a piece of day-old white bread with a thin layer of fruit jam;
  • weak tea.


  • curd mass - 150 g;
  • juice with pulp - 200 gr.


  • vegetable broth soup without spices - 250 g;
  • piece of lean meat - 150 g;
  • zucchini puree - 100 g;
  • bread;

Afternoon snack:

  • vegetable puree - 200 g;
  • bread;
  • jelly.


  • cottage cheese casserole or pudding - 200 g;
  • kefir.

Meat dishes should be replaced with steamed fish twice a week. The volume of servings depends on a person’s weight, his lifestyle and the characteristics of his work activity. In addition, it is not recommended to eat different types of protein dishes at one time - this can increase gas formation in the intestines.

Prohibited Products

  • products with a large amount of essential oils: radish, radish, garlic, onion;
  • smoked and salted dishes;
  • canned and pickled foods;
  • broths on any basis: mushroom, fish and meat;
  • sour and spicy dishes.

It is also prohibited to eat:

  • fatty meats and fish, any sausages;
  • sweet dishes - cakes, sweets, sparkling water, they can be replaced with a moderate amount of natural honey and jam, marshmallows and marmalade without chemical additives;
  • dishes consisting of coarse vegetable fiber - peas, beans, wholemeal flour, etc.;
  • cold dishes that can cause spasms of the bile and hepatic ducts: jellied meat, ice cream, etc.;
  • refractory fats, lard;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Of course, you shouldn’t give up on delicious food. Sometimes, as a dessert, you can afford a piece of sponge cake without any cream or sour cream prepared without oils based on low-fat sour cream. The main rule: in the variety of culinary delights, choose exactly those dishes that contain a minimum amount of fat.

The gallbladder-removed diet may cause periodic bouts of diarrhea, even after several months. In this case, it is important to pay attention to which foods cause such a reaction in the body in order to include them in the list of prohibited foods.

Summarizing the information provided in this article, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • A variety of prepared dishes is not prohibited, the main thing is to alternate them within the limits allowed by the diet;
  • drinks and food eaten must be warm;
  • You can include only boiled, stewed, baked dishes in the menu;
  • you should eat at least 5 times a day, every 3 hours;
  • It is useful to organize fish days from low-fat varieties of fish - cod, pike, navaga;
  • it is allowed to eat a small amount of day-old white bread every day;
  • fruits and berries are best used for making compotes and jelly; in their raw form they can irritate the digestive tract, in particular sour and sweet varieties;
  • Salt dishes should be kept to a minimum; it is better to choose salt of sea origin;
  • You should not eat more than one egg per week; it is important to take this into account when preparing dishes (the yolk can cause pain);
  • if you have frequent diarrhea, it is forbidden to consume coffee and dairy products; most likely, you will have to give them up altogether;
  • You can’t follow weight loss diets because they are harmful to the liver;
  • Fats cannot be completely eliminated; they are necessary for the body: small amounts of butter and vegetable oil should be present in the diet.

The most important thing is not to perceive diet as a burden. Dietary nutrition after cholecystectomy should become a habitual way of life, a helping hand extended to the body. Eating as a habit will help prevent possible complications in the future.

Useful video about diet after cholecystectomy

In this article we will look at the basic rules of nutrition after gallbladder removal. It is carried out based on a number of objective factors, but the main reason is the presence of concretions (dense stones) in the cavity of this organ. After the operation, this problem was solved, but such patients must follow a diet throughout their lives.

Basic diet rules

The main goals of the diet in the absence of a gallbladder are:

  1. Creation of maximum chemical protection for the liver.
  2. Normalization of bile secretion.
  3. Stabilization of the normal functioning of the liver, bile ducts and the entire digestive tract.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 330, the diet in the absence of a gallbladder in preventive institutions corresponds to the basic principles of standard nutrition - this is treatment table No. 5. In accordance with some restrictions in treatment table No. 5, the diet must be physiologically balanced, that is, contain the required amount of minerals, vitamins and other substances.

Daily content of nutrients

  • proteins - 85-100 g, of which approximately 40-50 g are of animal origin;
  • carbohydrates - 300-350 g, with simple glucose - no more than 30-35 g;
  • fats - 80-90 g, of which up to 30% are vegetable fats.

The calorie content of the treatment table per day after cholecystectomy is 2180-2500 kilocalories.

Let's take a closer look at what a diet is like in the absence of a gallbladder.

Basic principles and diet

After organ removal, you should eat in small portions: up to six times a day in small portions. Despite the fact that the gallbladder has been removed, the bile ducts are preserved, which means that it is necessary to empty them in a timely manner so that bile does not stagnate in them. In addition, small portions of food do not burden the liver and other digestive organs, which avoids the development of the inflammatory process. It is especially important to eat at the same time every day. This is the only way to normalize the functioning of the bile ducts and liver. Small portions prevent the development of obesity symptoms, which is also very important.

A very popular dish is mashed potatoes without milk.

Food processing rules

Food can be baked, steamed or boiled. Cooking food in a microwave oven should be avoided; the use of a double boiler and multicooker is allowed. Occasionally, experts recommend stewing foods. In the first months after surgery, during the preparation process, food must be chopped and pureed. This type of cooking provides maximum mechanical protection for the liver and stomach, and also has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system.

Dishes are served on the dietary table only warm (15-30 °C). Excessively cold and hot foods can cause spasms of the bile ducts and provoke irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum.

The benefits and harms of salt

Salt consumption after cholecystectomy corresponds to physiological norms (up to 10 g per day). Excessively salty dishes are excluded, which irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause stagnation of fluid, and, consequently, bile in the body. Liquid should be consumed in a volume of up to two liters per day. 30 minutes before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of mineral alkaline water without gases, which helps stimulate the flow of bile.

But, is it possible to drink alcohol while on a diet without a gallbladder?

Alcohol intake

It is recommended to completely avoid drinking alcoholic beverages after cholecystectomy (except for rare cases of drinking weak alcohol). Ethyl alcohol provokes spasms of smooth muscles and increases the tone of the bile ducts. In addition, in the absence of a gallbladder, alcohol is broken down in the liver, which significantly increases the load on this organ. Systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages is dangerous not only due to the emergence of previous problems in the digestive system, but also the development of such a dangerous disease as cirrhosis of the liver.

So, what is prohibited during the diet? Surgery to remove the gallbladder involves giving up many foods.

List of prohibited products

First of all, you need to eliminate foods high in cholesterol from your diet after surgery to remove the bladder. It is this substance that causes excessive thickening and stagnation of bile, and provokes the development of stone formation.

Secondly, since the composition of bile after cholecystectomy does not contain a large number of enzymes that break down fat, the consumption of refractory animal fats should be limited as much as possible.

In addition, it is also necessary to avoid consuming foods that increase bile formation and the production of gastric juices (extractives, marinades, spicy foods, etc.). Products that linger in the intestines for a long time, causing fermentation and rotting processes, stimulating increased gas formation, are also contraindicated.

The consumption of simple carbohydrates should also be limited: these compounds are easily broken down, increasing the level of “bad” cholesterol, and are deposited in the form of fatty layers, which causes the development of obesity.

The list of foods prohibited during the diet includes:

  • products made from premium flour, any baked goods and fried dough products (pancakes, pies, pancakes, pastries and cakes);
  • cooking fats, lard (any), margarine:
  • rich broths and soups based on them (meat, poultry, fish);
  • fatty varieties of poultry and meat (lamb, goose, pork, duck), stringy meat;
  • fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, catfish, sturgeon, burbot);
  • canned fish and meat;
  • any sausages;
  • fish caviar;
  • liver (liver, kidneys, brains);
  • bitter and sour vegetables (radish, green onion, radish, spinach, daikon, sorrel);
  • egg yolks, fried eggs;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • smoked products;
  • any spices: coriander, pepper, horseradish, mustard, vinegar and others;
  • sour fruits and berries;
  • chocolate, cream products, ice cream;
  • strong coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated sweet drinks, carbonated mineral waters;
  • dishes from public eating places (burgers, pizza);
  • legumes

Authorized Products

Those foods that are allowed to be eaten by a person who has undergone cholecystectomy should not be irritating to the digestive system or overstimulate the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

When preparing food, you should use those types of foods that are rich in pectin and lipotropic substances. They actively break down cholesterol, prevent its deposition on the walls of blood vessels (symptoms of atherosclerosis) and the accumulation of bile, which causes its thickening. Pectin, in turn, envelops the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, prevents the absorption of harmful compounds, stimulates intestinal motor functions and has healing properties.

In addition, in the patient’s therapeutic diet after removal of the bladder, there should be a large amount of plant fiber, which not only contains a large amount of vitamins, but also stimulates the processes of intestinal motility, preventing the occurrence of flatulence, constipation and food retention.

Do not forget about consuming fermented milk products, since they are sources of valuable animal proteins and calcium, they contain beneficial live bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the state of the intestinal microflora.

The list of permitted products after cholecystectomy includes:

  1. Bread, dried or yesterday's bread, crackers, crackers, biscuits.
  2. Soup with recycled or vegetable broth.
  3. Lean poultry and meat (turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal, beef).
  4. Low-fat and unsalted ham.
  5. Porridges are semi-viscous and crumbly (buckwheat, oat soup).
  6. Any seafood that is not only a source of iodine, but also neutralizes cholesterol.
  7. Protein steam omelette.
  8. Butter, vegetable oils by adding to dishes.
  9. Kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, low-fat and unsalted cheeses.
  10. Berries and fruits (sour in processed form or very sweet: jelly, jellies, mousses, compotes).
  11. Marmalade, jam.
  12. Tomatoes, fresh herbs, cucumbers, pumpkin, sweet peppers, beets, potatoes, zucchini, carrots.
  13. Tea with lemon or milk, weak coffee, alkaline mineral waters (still), fruit drinks and juices.
  14. Mashed potatoes without milk.
  15. Jellied fish, lightly salted salmon, soaked herring, vinaigrette, fresh vegetable salad.
  16. Boiled fish (recipe below).

The importance of dieting

Compliance with dietary rules after cholecystectomy helps maintain liver functionality and bile secretion in the correct mode, which helps normalize the functioning of the entire digestive tract, prevents the occurrence of such unpleasant symptoms that often occur after removal of an organ, such as flatulence, bitterness in the mouth and constipation.

In addition, therapeutic nutrition after cholecystectomy prevents the development of pathologies such as atherosclerosis, improves the appearance of patients and stabilizes their weight.

Non-compliance with diet and complications

If dietary measures are not followed in the post-cholecystectomy condition, the most common complication is postcholecystectomy syndrome, which is a collective concept and includes the exacerbation of previous pathological processes in the digestive tract and the emergence of new ones.

It should also be taken into account that people who neglect dietary rules after surgery risk their aesthetic appearance - they often develop obesity, hypovitaminosis and the health of other body systems is impaired.

Sample menu

First breakfast: egg white omelet, rice pudding, chamomile tea. The beneficial properties of this drink have been known since ancient times. It contains flavonoids (food antioxidants), free organic acids, coumarins, tannins, phytosterols, vitamins A and C, as well as carotene - and this list is far from complete. Coumarins have an antispasmodic effect, and phytosterols reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Second breakfast: low-fat yogurt, apple, banana.

Lunch: pureed vegetable soup, boiled beef, stewed vegetables, fruit or berry compote.

Afternoon snack: milk pudding.

Dinner: steamed fish meatballs without salt (the benefits and harms of salt are discussed above), stewed vegetables, berry or fruit jelly or kefir.

Dish recipes

Cooking while on a diet does not require special skills or a lot of time.

Let's start with something simple: how to make juice? During this diet, you can drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices (apple, pumpkin, carrot). Before drinking, it is diluted half with water (how to make juice is now known). Drinks stimulate digestion and saturate the body with beneficial vitamins and minerals.

As for other dishes, the recipes may be as follows:

  1. Cauliflower soup. You will need: cauliflower, wheat flour, butter, herbs and salt (1 tbsp). Place the cabbage in salted water, then remove, wash and boil for a few minutes. After this, it should be ground and returned to the container with water. Add a little flour, dried in a frying pan. Boil for another six minutes. Add herbs and oil.
  2. Mashed potatoes. Peel the potatoes, boil them, crush them, add butter and salt. Milk is not used in this case.
  3. Oatmeal soup. It is necessary to have in stock: secondary broth from poultry or lean beef, oatmeal, vegetable oil, salt, herbs. Oatmeal is boiled for 15 minutes in broth, after which parsley is added or you can eat oatmeal or crackers. We will also provide a recipe for boiled fish.
  4. Steamed fish. Ingredients: trout, salt, flour, butter. The fish is cleaned, thoroughly washed, and cut into pieces. After this, it must be rolled in flour or breadcrumbs and placed in a double boiler. The cooking process lasts 15-20 minutes.
  5. Turkey cutlets. You will need: turkey fillet, onion, chicken egg, bread, milk, salt. The bread is soaked in milk, after which it, along with fillet and onions, is passed through a meat grinder. An egg is driven into the minced meat, the required amount of salt is added, and mixed. Steam the formed cutlets for 40 minutes.

So, an approximate menu and diet recipes in the absence of a gallbladder have been considered, all that remains is to follow the useful advice.

Gallbladder removal or cholecystectomy- an operation that significantly affects the characteristics of digestion and requires adjustments to the diet. In a healthy person, bile is synthesized by the liver and flows through the ducts into the gallbladder. It thickens or concentrates bile. When eating, the gallbladder releases the amount of bile required to ensure normal digestion through the ducts into the duodenum.

Cholecystectomy significantly changes the digestive process. The bladder is removed, and the bile enters the duodenum directly from the liver through the intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts. As a result, bile of a different composition enters the intestinal lumen. This negatively affects peristalsis and leads to disruptions in the digestive process. Such bile is relatively liquid; it does not adequately protect the intestines from microorganisms, which leads to an increased risk of dysbiosis.

Diet rules after gallbladder removal

The main goal of a proper diet after removal of the gallbladder is to normalize bile secretion and digestion of food. To avoid the adverse consequences of the operation, it is necessary to adjust the food intake and the diet itself.

  • More frequent meals (4-5 times a day) reduces the load on the digestive system.
  • Significant reduction in fatty food intake after cholecystectomy, it is intended to prevent spasm of the pylorus and sphincter of Oddi and the development of symptoms: bitterness in the mouth, nausea, discomfort in the right hypochondrium, pain in the hypochondrium.
  • People with a gallbladder removed should eat mostly low-fat foods that are cooked without frying. Protein and vegetable foods, steamed, boiled or baked, is the basis of the diet of people who have undergone cholecystectomy. The rehabilitation of patients after cholecystectomy is based on these principles of therapeutic nutrition. Don't be alarmed: this is a healthy diet that everyone should generally follow!

Non-compliance with the diet - consequences

After removal of the gallbladder, the bile released is enough to digest a significantly smaller volume of food, so overeating can have unpleasant consequences. Failure to comply with the diet prescribed by the doctor after cholecystectomy is fraught with the addition of other problems of the gastrointestinal tract (dysfunction of the intestines, stomach, esophagus, pancreas, etc.) and various complications: colitis, cholangitis, esophagitis, duodenitis and other diseases. Nutritional therapy is especially important for patients who have undergone cholecystectomy due to calculous cholecystitis.

Poor nutrition, significant consumption of fried foods and foods rich in animal fats can lead to the re-formation of gallstones already in the ducts.

Diet in hospital

The length of hospital stay is largely determined by the technology used to perform cholecystectomy. The gold standard in the treatment of cholecystitis is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This type of operation is distinguished by minimal trauma and a short hospital stay (usually 1-3 days). After laparoscopy, the patient’s recovery is relatively quick and painless, and the diet both in the hospital and in subsequent weeks is less conservative.

Unfortunately, laparoscopic cholecystectomy cannot always be performed due to the peculiarities of the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the anatomical structure of the gallbladder and ducts. For this reason, the doctor is forced to resort to open (laparotomy) cholecystectomy. Depending on the degree of invasiveness of the operation, the length of hospital stay may increase (5-10 days or more). The increased invasiveness of this approach to gallbladder removal results in more significant dietary restrictions in the first weeks after surgery.

After laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the patient spends 2 hours in the intensive care unit recovering from anesthesia. He is then transferred to a ward environment where proper postoperative care is provided. For the first 5 hours, the patient is prohibited from getting out of bed and drinking. Starting the next morning, you are allowed to drink plain water in small portions (up to 2 sips every 15 minutes).

Starting the next day, the patient can move around the room and start eating. It is permissible to consume only liquid food (oatmeal, kefir, diet soup). Gradually, the patient returns to the usual regimen of fluid intake - this is important for diluting the bile. The first week after surgery is important completely eliminate the consumption of the following foods and drinks:

  • strong tea
  • alcohol
  • sweet drinks
  • sweets
  • chocolate
  • fried foods
  • fatty food
  • smoked, spicy, salted, pickled.

The patient's diet in the hospital contains a variety of low-fat fermented milk products: yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. Also, buckwheat and oatmeal in water, mashed potatoes, ground boiled lean beef, chopped white chicken meat, carrot soufflé, beet dishes, lean soups, bananas and baked apples are gradually introduced into the diet.

Diet in the first week after discharge from hospital

Typically, after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the patient is discharged within 1-3 days. At home, it is necessary to organize proper nutrition, taking into account the recommendations given upon discharge. Food should be taken in small portions, 6-7 times a day. It is advisable to arrange meals on a certain schedule, this will reduce the load on the digestive tract. The last meal should be at least 2 hours before going to bed.

To normalize digestion, it is necessary to ensure that you drink plenty of fluids throughout the day (total fluid intake is 1.5 liters). The optimal drink is sterilized non-acidic juices with pulp, rosehip decoction and mineral water, the brand of which should be discussed with your doctor.

In the first week after discharge from the hospital, you must adhere to the therapeutic diet “Table No. 1” and avoid fresh vegetables and berries, rye bread, as these products increase bile secretion. The main emphasis in nutrition is on pureed meat, fish and steamed vegetable dishes. Food should not be hot or cold.

Examples of dishes that can be consumed during this period:

  • steamed chicken roll
  • milk soup
  • steamed meat soufflé
  • cottage cheese casserole
  • protein steam omelette
  • low-fat yogurt or kefir
  • buckwheat or oatmeal
  • Adyghe cheese

The first days after surgery to remove the gallbladder, the diet is as limited and conservative as possible. On days 5-7 - a smooth transition between surgical diets 1a and 1b (sometimes called 0b and 0c). A sample menu for one day for surgical diets 1a and 1b is given below.

Sample menu for one day for surgical diet 1a

  • 1st breakfast: protein omelet of 2 steamed eggs, 200 g of chopped thin oatmeal with milk and 5 g of butter and tea with lemon juice.
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese with zero fat content and 100 g of rosehip broth.
  • Lunch: 50 g steamed boiled meat soufflé, 200 g slimy semolina soup, 100 g rosehip broth and 150 g milk cream.
  • Dinner: 200 g of crushed watery buckwheat porridge with 5 g of butter, steam souffle of boiled fish and tea with lemon juice.
  • Final meal: 100 g of rosehip decoction and 150 g of fruit jelly.
  • Total daily dose: 40 g sugar, 20 g butter.

Sample menu for one day for surgical diet 1b

  • 1st breakfast: 200 g of rice milk porridge with 5 g of butter, steamed egg white omelette, sweet tea with lemon juice.
  • 2nd breakfast: 100 g of chopped baked apples, 120 g of chopped cottage cheese with added cream, 180 g of rosehip broth.
  • Lunch: 100 g steamed meat cutlets, 300 g cream soup with vegetables, 200 g mashed potatoes, 150 g fruit jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: 180 g of fruit juice, 150 g of chopped boiled chicken.
  • Dinner: 200 g of crushed milk oatmeal porridge with 5 g of butter, 100 g of steamed soufflé from boiled fish, tea with 50 g of milk.
  • Final meal: 180 g of kefir.
  • Total daily dose: 60 g sugar, 20 g butter, 100 g white crackers.

Diet in the first month (2-4 weeks after surgery)

The first month after surgery is especially important for restoring normal functioning of the patient’s digestive tract and improving overall well-being. It is this period of time that is key to normalizing the digestive functions of the body. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations prescribed by the doctor. These include not only nutritional requirements, but also a set of measures to ensure proper physical activity, drug therapy and wound care.

After laparoscopic cholecystectomy, following a diet is usually necessary for 1 month. Then, in agreement with the gastroenterologist, relaxations in the diet can be made, the range of foods consumed can be expanded, and dietary restrictions can be lifted.
With open cavity cholecystectomy, the period of severe dietary restrictions is longer than with cholecystectomy. Regardless of the type of surgery performed, during the first month it is recommended to exclude from the diet:

  • fried food
  • fatty foods
  • hot and spicy food
  • smoked meats
  • alcohol.

Also during this period, it is recommended to completely stop smoking, as it slows down the postoperative recovery of the body. Dishes should be slightly warm and cold or hot food should be avoided. Regular meals are required 4-6 times a day, it is advisable to take food at approximately the same time. The introduction of new products into the diet must be done gradually, carefully listen to the body’s reaction and, if necessary, consult a gastroenterologist.

From the second week, if there are no complications, diet 5a is used. This is a variation of diet 5, characterized by reduced chemical and mechanical effects on the digestive tract, which makes it preferable after cholecystectomy. This diet is very gentle - all foods are boiled or steamed. The 5a diet menu is based on boiled fish and meat, steamed cutlets, protein omelettes, vegetable soups, steamed puddings with cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, fruit jelly, chopped porridge with milk, and stewed vegetables.

In case of poor tolerance to diet 5a (bloating, diarrhea, pain in the hypochondrium), diet 5sh can be prescribed, which is characterized by even greater delicacy in relation to the digestive system.

Menu example:

  • First breakfast: half a portion of semolina porridge with milk, tea, 110 g of steamed omelette made from egg whites.
  • Second breakfast: rosehip broth, 100 g of fresh unleavened cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: 100 g of steamed boiled meat soufflé, half a portion of pureed soup with vegetables and oatmeal, 100 g of fruit jelly, 100 g of carrot puree.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g baked apples.
  • Dinner: half a portion of mashed potatoes, boiled fish, tea.
  • Final food: jelly or kefir.
  • Total daily dose: 200 g of white bread, 30 g of sugar.

Spicy seasonings should not be present in the diet; any smoked or spicy foods are prohibited. Food should be taken warm; cold and hot foods should be avoided.

Diet one month after surgery

People who have undergone cholecystectomy are recommended to adhere to the basic version of diet 5 for 1-1.5 years after surgery. After this, relaxation is possible, for example, switching to diet number 15, but an individual approach and consultation with a gastroenterologist are required. It is necessary to keep the consumption of sweets, animal fats, eggs, and milk under special control.

In case of malfunctions in the digestive system, a review of the diet with the help of your doctor is required. In some cases, a return to diet 5, 5a or 5sch is possible. To improve digestion processes, your doctor may recommend the use of enzyme preparations, such as Mezim-Forte or Festal.

There are a number of rules that people who have undergone cholecystectomy should adhere to throughout their lives:

  1. It is necessary to eat 4-5 times a day, avoid long breaks between meals. It is advisable to train yourself to eat food at approximately the same time.
  2. Portions should be small so that the diluted bile can cope with the incoming food.
  3. Refractory animal fats should be completely excluded: pork, beef and lamb.
  4. The main methods of cooking should be boiling, stewing and steaming.
  5. Drinking plenty of fluids (1.5-2 liters per day) is recommended.
  6. To avoid dysbiosis in the duodenum, caused by the absence of a gallbladder, regular consumption of fermented milk probiotics is advisable. Eliminating sweets also helps fight dysbiosis.
  7. If diarrhea gets worse, avoiding coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks helps.

Below are lists of foods allowed and prohibited for consumption after cholecystectomy.

List of permitted products:

  • stewed vegetables and vegetable purees
  • steamed cutlets and meatballs
  • boiled lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean beef)
  • boiled sausage
  • vegetable soups
  • low-fat cabbage soup
  • vegetable and fruit salads
  • the vinaigrette
  • whole milk
  • dairy products
  • vegetable fats
  • a little butter.

List of prohibited products:

  • fatty poultry (goose, duck)
  • lamb, pork, other fatty meats
  • spicy seasonings
  • alcohol
  • cocoa
  • marinades
  • smoked, fried and salted foods
  • baking
  • sweets
  • sweetened carbonated drinks.


We offer several recipes that can be used after 2 months from the date of cholecystectomy.

  1. Carrot salad with honey and raisins. Grate 100 g of fresh peeled raisins, grate, add 10 g of washed raisins, place in a salad bowl, pour in 15 g of honey, garnish with lemon slices.
  2. Fruit salad. Wash and peel the fruits (30 g kiwi, 50 g apple, 30 g banana, 30 g strawberries, 30 g tangerines). Chop the fruits, put them in a salad bowl, season with 20 grams of 10% sour cream.
  3. Buckwheat soup with milk. Rinse 30 g of buckwheat, add 300 ml of hot water, boil, add salt, add 250 ml of hot milk, 2 g of sugar and bring to readiness. Add 5 g butter.
  4. Boiled sea bass. Peel, wash, about 100 grams of perch, cut into small pieces and boil in salted water. Add 5 g of parsley and 10 g of chopped carrots.
  5. Steamed haddock with butter. Clean, rinse and steam approximately 100 g of haddock. Pour 5 g of melted butter and sprinkle with 5 g of dill.
  6. Low-fat cottage cheese with lingonberries and sour cream. Grind about 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, pour over 20 g of 10% sour cream and sprinkle with 30 g of lingonberries and sugar.
  7. Boiled Brussels sprouts. Wash about 250 g of Brussels sprouts ends and boil in lightly salted water. Before use, pour 10 g of butter.

Who can you contact for follow-up after cholecystectomy?

Make an appointment with a gastroenterologist

The administrator will call you back within 15 minutes and help you choose a doctor and a convenient time for your appointment.

Cholecystectomy (surgery to remove the gallbladder) has a significant impact on the functioning of the digestive system, and therefore requires the patient to follow a certain diet.

In the body of healthy adults, the liver synthesizes bile, which travels through the bile ducts to the gallbladder, where it thickens. During meals, the gallbladder releases the volume of bile through ducts into the duodenum necessary to ensure normal digestion.

After the gallbladder is removed, the digestive process changes. The penetration of bile into the duodenum is carried out directly from the liver using extra- and intrahepatic bile ducts. Thus, bile with a different composition appears in the intestinal lumen.

Bile is no longer as concentrated, which reduces its ability to protect the intestines from harmful microbes. As a result, the likelihood of developing dysbacteriosis.

To prevent undesirable consequences of cholecystectomy, adjustments to the regimen and diet are necessary. How to eat with a removed gallbladder? This is exactly what this article will discuss.

General principles

The main task of the diet prescribed after removal of the gallbladder is to improve the functioning of bile secretion and food digestion. The diet requires compliance with the following rules:

  • You need to eat small meals 4-5 times a day: this will help reduce the burden on digestion.
  • It is necessary to reduce the amount of fatty foods you eat. This will prevent the occurrence of spasms of the pylorus and sphincter of Oddi, as well as nausea, bitterness in the mouth, and pain in the hypochondrium.
  • People who have had their gallbladder removed should choose low-fat, non-frying foods. The diet should be based on protein and plant foods, boiled or baked. Without following these dietary rules, postoperative rehabilitation is impossible.

Consequences of non-compliance with the diet after cholecystectomy

After a person has had their gallbladder removed, the bile generated is enough to digest significantly less food. For this reason, overeating can provoke undesirable consequences.

Neglecting the diet prescribed by the doctor after removal of the gallbladder threatens the appearance of other pathologies of the digestive system and their complications. So, duodenitis, colitis, esophagitis, cholangitis, etc. may appear. It is especially important to eat properly for patients who have had their gallbladder removed due to calculous cholecystitis.

Failure to comply with the diet can cause the reappearance of gallstones already in the ducts.

Nutrition in the postoperative period

The length of hospital stay depends on the method of performing cholecystectomy. In the treatment of cholecystitis, preference is given to laparoscopy. The advantages of this type of cholecystectomy are minimal trauma and a short hospital stay (from 1 to 3 days).

Rehabilitation of a patient after laparoscopy is short and relatively painless. The diet after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy is not as conservative as with open cholecystectomy. This applies to diet both in a hospital setting and after the patient is discharged.

However, in some people, due to the anatomy of the gallbladder and ducts, only an open (laparotomy) cholecystectomy can be performed. In this case, the time spent in hospital depends on the level of invasiveness and can range from 5 to 10 days or more. The high invasiveness of this method requires more stringent dietary restrictions in the first 30 days after surgery.

  1. After open cholecystectomy, the patient is left in the intensive care unit for 2 hours. This is done to restore the patient after anesthesia.
  2. Then the patient is transferred to the ward, where the necessary postoperative treatment is carried out. For the first 5 hours, the patient should not get out of bed or drink. You can get out of bed 5 hours after the operation, but only if there is no dizziness or weakness.
  3. You are allowed to drink for the first time only the next morning after surgery. The drink offered is plain water, which should be taken in small sips (maximum 2 sips every 15 minutes).
  4. From the next day, the patient is allowed to move around the ward and begin to eat. You can only eat liquid food (kefir, diet soups, oatmeal).

Little by little, the patient returns to taking fluids as usual, which contributes to the necessary dilution of bile.

Below is a list of foods and drinks that you should absolutely avoid in the first 7 days after cholecystectomy:

  • pickled, smoked, salted, spicy foods;
  • strong teas;
  • fatty foods;
  • coffee;
  • fried foods;
  • alcohol;
  • chocolate;
  • sweet drinks;
  • sweets.

In a hospital setting, the patient’s diet includes various low-fat fermented milk products: yogurt, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. Over time, the following dishes are added:

  • bananas and baked apples;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat porridge with water;
  • lean soups;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • beet dishes;
  • ground lean boiled beef;
  • carrot soufflé;
  • shredded white chicken meat.

Diet in the first week after gallbladder removal

As a rule, after laparoscopy, the patient is sent home within 1-3 days, where he needs to eat in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. You need to eat 6-7 times a day in small portions. It is best to eat on a schedule: this helps reduce the load on the digestive system. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

During the day you need to consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid. When choosing drinks, preference is given to rosehip decoction, sterilized non-acidic juices with pulp and mineral water (it is recommended to discuss the brand with your doctor).

What can you eat after gallbladder removal in the first 7 days after discharge? During this period, patients are prescribed a diet "Table No. 1."

Preference is given to pureed fish, steamed vegetable and meat dishes. Food should not be cold or hot. It is necessary to avoid rye bread, fresh berries and vegetables, as these products increase bile secretion.

The following are foods that you can eat in the first week after discharge from the hospital:

  1. Adyghe cheese;
  2. steamed chicken roll;
  3. oatmeal or buckwheat porridge;
  4. milk soups;
  5. kefir or low-fat yogurt;
  6. steamed meat soufflé;
  7. steamed egg white omelette;
  8. cheese casserole.

In the first days after cholecystectomy, nutrition should be as conservative and limited as possible. On days 5-7, a gradual transition from surgical diet 1a to diet 1b is shown. The following are examples of one-day menus for these diets.

Sample menu for one day for diet 1a:

  • First breakfast: omelette of two egg whites, steamed, 200 g of chopped liquid oatmeal with a small amount of milk and butter (5 g), tea with lemon juice.
  • Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese and 100 g of rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner: slimy semolina soup (200 g), steamed meat soufflé (50 g), milk cream (150 g), 100 g rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner: steamed fish soufflé, 200 g of crushed liquid buckwheat porridge with butter (5 g), tea with lemon juice.
  • Last supper: 150 g fruit jelly, 100 g rosehip decoction.
  • Total daily dose: 20 g butter, 40 g sugar.

Sample menu for one day for diet 1b:

  • First breakfast: steamed protein omelette, rice milk porridge (200 g) with the addition of 5 g of butter, sweet tea with lemon juice.
  • Lunch: 120 g of crushed cottage cheese with cream, 100 g of chopped baked apples, 180 g of rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner: creamy vegetable soup (300 g), steamed meat cutlets (100 g), 200 g mashed potatoes, 150 g fruit jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: 150 g chopped boiled chicken, 180 g fruit juice.
  • Dinner: 100 g of steamed fish soufflé, 200 g of crushed oatmeal porridge in milk with the addition of 5 g of butter, tea with the addition of 50 g of milk.
  • Last supper: 180 g kefir.
  • Total daily dose: 20 g butter, 60 g sugar, 100 g white crackers.

Nutrition in the first 30 days after cholecystectomy

The first weeks after cholecystectomy are especially important for normalizing digestion and the patient’s general condition. During this period, it is imperative to follow all medical instructions regarding nutrition and physical therapy.

The diet after removal of the gallbladder, as a rule, is scheduled by month, although during laparoscopy strict dietary rules must be followed only for the first 30 days. Next, the gastroenterologist, as a rule, increases the list of permitted products and removes many dietary restrictions.

With open abdominal surgery, the time of strict dietary restrictions is longer than with laparoscopy. What food should be excluded from the diet? Regardless of the method of cholecystectomy, during the first 30 days you should avoid:

  • alcohol;
  • fried food;
  • smoked food;
  • fatty foods;
  • hot and spicy dishes.

You also need to stop smoking.

All food should be consumed warm. Eating 4-6 times a day is considered optimal. It is recommended to eat at the same time every day. New foods are introduced into the diet gradually. In this case, the patient should pay attention to the body’s reaction and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

From the second week, if there are no complications, it is indicated diet 5a, characterized by minimal mechanical and chemical effects on the intestines. This diet is extremely gentle - all products are boiled or steamed. The diet includes:

  1. vegetable stew;
  2. boiled meat and fish;
  3. crushed milk porridge;
  4. steamed cutlets;
  5. fruit jelly;
  6. egg white omelettes;
  7. mashed potatoes;
  8. vegetable soups;
  9. steamed puddings with cottage cheese.

If diet 5a is poorly tolerated by the patient, then it can be replaced with diet 5sch, which is even more gentle in relation to digestion. What can you eat on this diet? Below is a sample menu:

  • First breakfast:½ serving of semolina porridge with milk, steamed protein omelette (110 g), tea.
  • Lunch: unleavened fresh cottage cheese (100 g), rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner:½ serving of vegetable soup with the addition of pureed oatmeal, 100 g of steamed meat soufflé, 100 g of fruit jelly, 100 g of carrot puree.
  • Afternoon snack: baked apples (100 g).
  • Dinner:½ serving of mashed potatoes, tea, boiled fish.
  • Last supper: kefir or jelly.
  • Total daily dose: 30 g sugar, 200 g white bread.

It is necessary to exclude hot seasonings and any spicy and smoked foods from the diet. Food is consumed only warm.

Diet one month after cholecystectomy

How long should you follow a diet after cholecystectomy? People who have undergone this operation should adhere to the 5a diet for 1-1.5 years after it. After a year and a half, with the permission of the gastroenterologist, relief is possible.

Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of milk, sweets, eggs, and animal fats.

If problems arise in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nutritional adjustments with the participation of the attending physician are necessary. Sometimes it is better to return to diets 5, 5a or 5sch. In addition, the doctor may prescribe enzyme medications (Festal, Mezim-Forte) to improve digestion.

  1. Eat 4-5 times a day in small portions, avoiding long pauses between meals. It's better to eat at the same time every day.
  2. Avoid pork, beef and lamb fats.
  3. When processing food at temperatures, preference should be given to boiling, stewing and steaming.
  4. You need to drink 1.5–2 liters of liquid per day.
  5. To prevent the development of dysbiosis in the duodenum caused by the absence of the gallbladder, systematic intake of fermented milk probiotics is necessary. For the same purpose, it is better to give up sweets.
  6. Avoiding tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks will help fight diarrhea.
  7. In the first 3 months it is forbidden to eat seeds. Then you can return them to the diet.

Can be eaten:

  • small amount of butter;
  • vegetable purees and stewed vegetables;
  • vegetable fats;
  • steamed meatballs and cutlets;
  • juices;
  • lean boiled meat (lean beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit);
  • dairy products;
  • boiled sausage;
  • whole milk;
  • fish;
  • the vinaigrette;
  • vegetable soups;
  • vegetable and fruit salads;
  • low-fat cabbage soup.

You can't eat:

  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • fatty types of poultry (duck, goose);
  • sweets;
  • fatty meat (lamb, pork, etc.);
  • baked goods;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • fried, smoked and salted foods;
  • alcohol;
  • marinades;
  • cocoa.


Below are recipes for dishes that can be eaten at least 2 months after cholecystectomy:

  • Salad of carrots, honey and raisins. Grate 100 g of fresh peeled carrots, add 10 g of pure raisins, pour over 15 g of honey. You can put lemon slices on top as a decoration.
  • Fruit salad. You will need 30 g of tangerines, 30 g of kiwi, 30 g of strawberries, 50 g of apple, 30 g of banana. Peel clean fruits, cut them into pieces and pour in 20 g of ten percent sour cream.
  • Buckwheat milk soup. Pour 30 g of washed buckwheat into 300 ml of hot salted water and bring everything to a boil. Then add 250 ml of hot milk, 2 g of sugar and cook everything until tender. Put 5 g of butter in the finished dish.
  • Boiled sea bass. Peel, rinse, cut 100 g of perch into small pieces and boil in salted water. The finished dish can be decorated with 5 g of parsley and 10 g of chopped carrots.
  • Steamed haddock with butter. Peel, wash and steam 100 g haddock. Pour 5 g of melted butter over the finished dish and garnish with 5 g of dill.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream and lingonberries. Grind cottage cheese (100 g), pour in 20 g of ten percent sour cream and garnish with 30 g of lingonberries and sugar.
  • Boiled Brussels sprouts. Wash the ends of Brussels sprouts (250 g) and cook in salted water. Pour 10 g of butter over the finished dish.

After cholecystectomy, it is necessary to constantly eat properly. If the prescribed diet is neglected, postcholecystectomy syndrome may occur.