A parable about thanking God. Orthodox parables. A parable about yourself and loved ones

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I had a dream that I was in heaven and an Angel appeared next to me to accompany me and show me everything that was there. We walked side by side until we came to a large hall in which there were many Angels. My Angel stopped and said:

This is the Receiving Department. Here we receive all the petitions and petitions to God that people express during their prayer.
I looked around, it was very noisy and lively, and there were many Angels around me who were sorting petitions - whole piles of papers written by people from all over the world - there were scrolls, sheets of paper and just notes.

Then we walked along a long corridor until we came to the second department. And then the Angel said to me:

– And here is the Delivery and Packaging Department. Here the Grace of God that people asked for is distributed and sent to them. And I again noticed that it was very busy here. A huge number of Angels worked in this department, because people ask for so many things, and accordingly, a lot of things were being prepared for sending to earth.

And finally, at the very end of the long corridor, we stopped in front of a door that led to a small room. To my great surprise, there was only one Angel sitting there, who clearly had nothing to do.

And this is the Department of Gratitude,” my friend Angel quietly told me, slightly embarrassed.
- How did it happen that there is no work here? - I asked.
“This is very sad,” the Angel sighed. - After people receive everything they asked for, very few send thanks.
- How can you send your Gratitude and notification that you have received God’s Grace? - I asked.
“Very simple,” answered the Angel. - Just say: Thank you Creator!
- Why should people send their notifications in receiving God’s Grace? - I asked.

If you have food in the refrigerator and clothes on your body, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, then you are richer than 75% of the people in this world!
- If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet, and even change in your piggy bank, then you have already entered the 8% of wealthy people in this world!
- If you woke up this morning and felt healthy and not sick, then you are clearly happier than many who will not even survive today.
- If you have never experienced the fear of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture or the pangs of hunger... then you have absolutely surpassed 700 million people in this world.
- If you come to your church and can pray there, without fear of persecution, arrest, or mortal torture, then you are in an enviable position compared to many people in this world.
- If your parents are still alive and still married... then you are a very rare person.
- If you can walk with your head held high and smile, then you do not correspond to the norm, you are unique to all those who are in doubt and in despair...
- And if you received this message, then you are among the 1% of people in the world who are given a chance.
- Okay, what now? How do I get started?
- If you are reading this message, then you can already be grateful for the fact that you have the opportunity to read, since many people in the world cannot read at all...

March 27, 2012


let's talk O thanks. There is a popular proverb: “Debt is worth paying.” Each of us, at least once in our lives, provided help and received in return.

It doesn't matter what form gratitude takes. The main thing is that it should come from the heart. I think that real gratitude should not be confused with modern “gratitude.” Now they say: “I will thank you,” “I must thank you,” “my gratitude will know no bounds,” etc.

Unfortunately, this is forced, and most likely refers to a bribe or corruption. Such gratitude corrupts people and makes them greedy. greedy, evil.

The real one makes a person cleaner, kinder, more beautiful. True gratitude comes from the depths, passing through the heart. Let's be truly grateful to God, ourselves, life, family and friends, and the world around us. Love and goodness to you!

Parable of Gratitude

One windy evening, the dry leaf on which the ant was sitting was torn off and fell into the river. The ant's tiny heart cried out to God for help. God prompted a kite flying over the river, went down to the water and picked up a leaf with its beak, instilling in it that it was a fish or a frog. And although the bird was very disappointed, the ant was incredibly happy that he was on solid ground.

“God turned into a bird and saved me,” he thought and decided that he should thank this kite and all the other birds.

One day, during his morning jog, he saw a hunter aiming an arrow at a bird. Remembering how a bird once saved his life, the ant bit the hunter on the heel. The archer's hand trembled, and the arrow flew past the target.

Everything in the world is interconnected. and even the ant is ready to repay his debt.

People may forgive you for the good you have done for them, but they rarely forget the evil they have done to you. (Somerset Maugham)

Reviews (20) to “Gratitude”

  1. nadezhdapol
    27 March 2012 at 20:18

    Gratitude - I give thanks! To everyone and everything!
    Thank you!

  2. Alla
    March 28, 2012 at 8:24 am

    Yes, gratitude makes people more responsive, the main thing here is sincerity! And the parable is correct! Good is most often forgotten, and evil remains in the memory as a resentment for a long time, although it would be better to forget it...

  3. Vitaliy
    March 28, 2012 at 9:23 am

    Nadyusha, as always, you are right and accurate!

  4. Vitaliy
    March 28, 2012 at 9:24 am

    Allah agrees! Thank you!

  5. Aksana
    March 28, 2012 at 9:42 am

    Unfortunately, people are vindictive, and they cannot forgive even involuntary evil for a very long time.

  6. Oksana
    March 29, 2012 at 6:43 am

    The words of Somerset Moy very well show the essence of man... Unfortunately, man is just like that

  7. Vitaliy
    March 29, 2012 at 8:48 am

    Perhaps you are right Oksana! But still a person strives to be better!

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  9. Irina
    March 30, 2012 at 10:54 am

    The ability to thank is one of the most important qualities. But from the heart! Indeed, everything in the world is interconnected.

  10. Vitaliy
    30 March 2012 at 16:50

    I agree with you Irina!

  11. mrs. interesting
    30 March 2012 at 17:10

    If you do good, it is better to never count on gratitude.
    Otherwise, you will live with the thought that everyone around you is not grateful, and good deeds have no meaning.

  12. Vitaliy
    30 March 2012 at 17:20

    Can't argue with you!

  13. Alla
    March 31, 2012 at 12:23 pm

    We just have to remember to thank the universe for everything we have. And we have a lot.

  14. Vitaliy
    31 March 2012 at 15:01

    Golden words Allah!

  15. Andrey
    31 March 2012 at 17:41

    Gratitude is a simple thing, but there is so much behind it...

  16. Vitaliy
    31 March 2012 at 17:58

    Andrey! You got the point across exactly! Thank you!

  17. Anatoly
    March 31, 2012 at 11:07 pm

    You need to do good and give thanks from the bottom of your heart!

  18. Vitaliy
    01 Apr 2012 at 13:26

    I agree with you, Anatoly!

  19. Vitaliy
    03 Apr 2012 at 21:04

    Yes, Aksana, there is such a sin!

  20. Vitaliy
    03 Apr 2012 at 21:12

    We walked side by side until we came to a large hall in which there were many Angels. My Angel stopped and said:

    This is the Receiving Department. Here we receive all the petitions and petitions to God that people express during their prayer.
    I looked around, it was very noisy and lively, and there were many Angels around me who were sorting petitions - whole piles of papers written by people from all over the world - there were scrolls, sheets of paper and just notes.
    Then we walked along a long corridor until we came to the second department. And then the Angel said to me:
    - And here is the Delivery and Packaging Department. Here the Grace of God that people asked for is distributed and sent to them.
    And I again noticed that it was very busy here. A huge number of Angels worked in this department, because people ask for so many things, and accordingly, a lot of things were being prepared for sending to earth.
    And finally, at the very end of the long corridor, we stopped in front of a door that led into a tiny room. To my great surprise, there was only one Angel sitting there, who clearly had nothing to do.
    “And this is the Department of Gratitude,” my friend Angel quietly told me, slightly embarrassed.
    - How did it happen that there is no work here? - I asked.
    “This is very sad,” the Angel sighed. - After people receive everything they asked for, very few send thanks.
    - How can you send your Gratitude and notification that you have received God’s Grace? - I asked.
    “Very simple,” answered the Angel. - Just say: Thank you, Lord!

    - Why should people send their notifications in receiving God’s Grace? - I asked.
    - If you have food in the refrigerator and clothes on your body, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, then you are richer than 75% of the people in this world!
    - If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet, and even change in your piggy bank, then you have already entered the 8% of wealthy people in this world!
    - If you woke up this morning and felt healthy and not sick, then you are clearly happier than many who will not even survive today.
    - If you have never experienced the fear of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture or the pangs of hunger... then you have absolutely surpassed 700 million people in this world.
    - If you come to your church and can pray there, without fear of persecution, arrest, or death torture, then you are in an enviable position compared to many people in this world.
    - If your parents are still alive and still married... then you are a very rare person.
    - If you can walk with your head held high and smile, then you do not correspond to the norm, you are unique to all those who are in doubt and in despair...
    - And if you received this message, then you are among the 1% of people in the world who are given a chance.
    - Okay, what now? How do I get started?
    - If you are reading this message, then you can already be grateful for the fact that you have the opportunity to read, since many people in the world cannot read at all... from the Kislovodsk Sanatorium. Rest and treatment at KMS.

    Write down grievances in sand, carve gratitude on marble.

    Pierre Buast

    Water in the desert

    There is a village in the desert. It was a small oasis with a small spring. And it goes without saying that water in this place was valued more than gold. People treasured every drop, protected it from the sun so that it did not evaporate, and used it extremely carefully.
    A traveler visited this village, who, after staying there for a while, moved on.
    Walking through the desert and thinking about the hard life in an abandoned village, he saw a luxurious palace. The traveler entered inside and was simply amazed by the decoration, a lush garden with fountains and lakes. It was an incredible contrast to what he had seen in the village.

    And then he asked the mistress of the palace:

    - Tell me, Mistress, you have an incredible amount of water?

    - Yes, traveler. Exactly.

    — On your land there are fountains, lakes, waterfalls and entire hangars filled with fresh water?

    - You are right. Why are you asking this? – the Mistress clarified.

    - Everything is very simple. You have such incredible wealth, and next door there are people who have practically no water. They are poor and save every drop. They value water more than gold and precious stones. Why don't you share your sources with them? Why don't you give them water? After all, you will not become poorer. Don't go broke. But you can save many lives!

    The hostess was silent for a moment, and then answered:

    - Do you know, traveler, what will happen if I give these people water? The first time they will not remember themselves from happiness. They will thank me. She will be exalted to the skies and declared the daughter of the gods. The second time they take the gift for granted. And then they will come and start demanding.

    Parable of the Angels

    I had a dream that I went to heaven and an Angel appeared next to me to accompany me and show me what was there.

    We walked side by side until we came to a large hall in which there were many Angels. My Angel Guide stopped and said:

    — This is the Receiving Department. Here we receive all the petitions to God that people express during their prayer.

    I looked around, it was very noisy and lively, and around me there were full of Angels who were sorting petitions - whole piles of papers written by people from all over the world - there were scrolls, sheets of paper and just notes. Then we walked along a long corridor until we came to the second department.
    And then the Angel said to me:
    — And here is the Delivery and Packaging Department. Here the Grace of God and the mercy of the Lord, which people asked for, is distributed and sent to them. And I again noticed that it was very busy here. A huge number of Angels worked in this department, because people were asking for so much, and, accordingly, so much was being prepared to be sent to earth.

    And finally, at the very end of the long corridor, we stopped in front of a door that led into a tiny room. To my great surprise, there was only one Angel sitting there, who clearly had nothing to do.
    “And this is the Department of Acknowledgments,” my friend Angel quietly told me, slightly embarrassed.

    - How is it that there is no work here? - I asked.
    “This is very sad,” the Angel sighed.
    - After people receive everything they asked for, very few send thanks.
    — How can you send your Gratitude and notification that you have received God’s Grace? - I asked.
    - Just say: Thank God!

    — Why should people send their notifications in receiving God’s Grace? - I asked.
    - If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your body, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, then you are richer than 75% of the people in this world!
    If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet, and even change in your piggy bank, then you have already entered the 8% of wealthy people in this world. And if you received this message, then you are among the 1% of people in the world who are given a chance.

    If you woke up this morning and felt healthy and not sick, then you are clearly happier than many who will not even survive today.
    If you have never experienced the fear of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture or the pangs of hunger, then you are absolutely ahead of the 700 million people in this world.

    If you come to your Temple and can pray there without fear of persecution, arrest, or death torture, then you are in an enviable position compared to 3 billion people.
    If your parents are still alive and still married, then you are a very rare person.
    If you can walk with your head held high and smile, then you are unique to all those who are in doubt and in despair.

    - Okay, what now? How do I get started?

    - If you are reading this message, then you have already received a double Blessing, since someone is thinking about you and considers you special.
    And you have already received more Grace than the 2 billion people in the world who cannot read at all.

    Have a nice day! Count your blessings that you have received and if you care then pass it on to others to remind one and all how loved and blessed they are.

    TO: to the Gratitude department.

    A parable about gratitude. Osho

    When your heart is full of gratitude, any door that seems closed can lead you to amazing discoveries.

    One nun was on a pilgrimage and came to the village at sunset. She asked for shelter for the night. But the villagers slammed the doors on her. They must have been of a different faith and could not keep the nun with them; they kicked her out of the village.

    The night was cold, and the woman was left hungry and without shelter. The cherry tree in the field gave her shelter. It was really cold at night, and she still couldn’t sleep...

    And it was dangerous - wild animals...

    At midnight she woke up, shivering from the cold, and saw: in the spring night sky, cherry blossoms in bloom smiling at the foggy moon. Overwhelmed by beauty, she stood up and bowed towards the village: “Thanks to them, I was left without an overnight stay, but I found myself at night under the cherry blossoms and the foggy moon!”

    With great sincerity she thanked these people who had refused her lodging for the night; because otherwise she would have slept under an ordinary roof, and would have missed these cherry blossoms, this whisper of flowers and the moon, and this silence of the night.

    She wasn't angry, she felt grateful.

    Life is wonderful and at every moment it comes with a thousand and one gifts for us. But we are so busy, so full of our thoughts, that we reject all these gifts.
    God comes constantly, but we continue to refuse. A person approaches Him at the moment when he accepts everything that life brings with gratitude.

    Parable of Debt

    One man felt very obliged to the Lord God, because he was happily saved from the danger that threatened his life. He asked his friend what he should do to repay God properly. In response, he told him a story.

    The man loved the woman with all his heart and asked her to marry him. But she didn't agree. One day they were walking down the street together, and at an intersection the woman was almost hit by a car. She survived only because her companion, without losing his presence of mind, sharply pulled her back.

    The woman turned to him and said: “Now I will marry you.”

    How do you think the man felt at that moment? - asked a friend.

    But instead of answering, the man only curled his mouth in displeasure.

    You see,” the friend told him, “maybe you are now arousing the same feelings in God.”

    Parable about the abbot of the monastery

    When Seisetsu was abbot of the monastery during the Kamakura era, he needed a new teaching building because the place where he taught was already too crowded. A merchant from Edo decided to donate five hundred gold coins for the construction of a new educational building,
    and brought them to the teacher.
    “Okay, I'll take them,” Seisetsu said. Having handed the teacher a bag of gold, the merchant was dissatisfied with his indifferent attitude. You can live a whole year on three coins, but they didn’t thank him for five hundred.
    “There are five hundred gold pieces in the bag,” he hinted.
    “You already said that,” Seisetsu replied.
    - But even for such a rich merchant like me, this is a lot of money.
    - Do you want me to thank you for them? - Seisetsu asked.
    “Of course, you must do this,” answered the merchant.
    - Why? - Seisetsu was surprised, - the giver should thank!

    Parable about Master Khon.

    Master Hong prayed earnestly while sitting by the road leading to the city, busy with many people. And a man walked past him without giving the old man even a passing glance. And the teacher said:
    - Thank you…
    Later, another came in great rage and cursed and hit the old man with a stick and pushed him into the dust of the road. And the teacher said:
    - Thank you…
    And then a third man approached the old man and, taking pity, picked him up, shaking off the master’s clothes and gave him clean water to drink. And the teacher said:
    - Thank you…
    Later, at the master’s house over a leisurely tea party, after listening to the story of what happened, the student asked him:
    - The last person you met, Teacher, helped you, and gratitude to him is natural. But why did you thank the other two?
    “I sat in the road dust and prayed for enlightenment. And the teacher of Indifference appeared to me - and I thanked him. And then the teacher of Wrath appeared - and I thanked him. The last to come to me was the teacher of Mercy - and I thanked him.
    - Why learn indifference and anger, Teacher?
    - To more clearly understand the coldness of the first, the destructiveness of the second, but most of all - the saving power and goodness of mercy.

    Son's gratitude

    One morning, two old hoopoe, a male and a female, felt that this time they would not fly out of the nest. A thick veil covered their eyes, although the sky was cloudless and the day promised to be sunny. But both of them saw only a cloudy haze and could no longer distinguish anything around them.

    The birds were old and weak. The feathers on the wings and tail became dull and broke like old branches. The strength was running out. The old hoopoes decided not to leave the nest anymore and together wait for the last hour, which will not be slow to appear.

    But they were mistaken - their children appeared. At first, one of the sons appeared, accidentally flying past. He noticed that his old parents were not feeling well, and flew to notify the rest of his brothers and sisters.

    When all the young hoopoes were gathered near their father’s house, one of them said:

    From our parents we received the greatest and most priceless gift - life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now, when both are blind, sick and no longer able to feed themselves, we must cure them and get them out!

    After these words, everyone got down to business together. Some immediately began building a new warm nest, others went to catch bugs and worms, and the rest flew into the forest.

    Soon a new nest was ready, where the children carefully transferred their old parents. To warm them, they covered the old people with their wings, just as a hen warms her unhatched chicks with her own warmth. Then the parents were given spring water to drink, fed, and the matted down and old brittle feathers were carefully plucked out.

    Finally, the rest of the hoopoes returned from the forest, bringing in their beaks a herb that healed blindness. Everyone began to heal the sick with the miraculous herb. But the treatment was slow, and we had to be patient, replacing each other and not leaving the parents alone for a minute.

    And then a joyful day came when the father and mother opened their eyes, looked around and recognized all their children. So the sons, gratitude and love, healed their parents, restoring their sight and strength.

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