Parable “The best teacher. Psychotherapeutic parables for teachers Parables about children for teachers

04.03.2024 Brain diseases 

Psychotherapeutic parables for teachers.

Have courage - give it a try.

One day, the king decided to put all his courtiers to the test in order to find out which of them was capable of occupying an important government post in his kingdom. A crowd of strong and wise men surrounded him. “Oh, you, my subjects,” the king addressed them, “I have a difficult task for you, and I would like to know who can solve it.” He led those present to a huge door lock. “This is the largest and most complex castle in my kingdom. Which one of you can open it? Some courtiers only shook their heads negatively. Others, who were considered wise men, began to look at the lock, but soon admitted that they could not open it. Since the wise ones failed, the rest of the courtiers had no choice but to also admit that this task was beyond their strength, that it was too difficult for them.

Only one vizier approached the castle. He began to carefully examine and feel, then tried in various ways to move it from its place and, finally, pulled it with one jerk. Oh, miracle, the lock opened! It was there, just not fully latched. You just had to try to understand what was going on and act boldly.

Then the king announced: “You will receive a place at court because you do not rely on what you see and hear, but rely on your own strength and are not afraid to try.”

Symphony of life.

Life is like a symphony, and each of us is an instrument playing our own unique part in this beautiful piece of music. Neither instrument can play a melody written for another. Each is important and necessary to achieve harmony.

If we. As instruments, we play our melody, not in harmony with other instruments, and thereby we create disharmony and interfere with the euphonious performance of the Earthly Symphony. If an instrument loses the notes it's supposed to play and forgets what it's supposed to play, it's likely to play along with others. But this game will no longer be his unique game. He will not find true happiness and joy by performing parts written for others. If an instrument is out of tune, then it will not be able to play any part euphoniously. You need to tune the instrument every day and play your part on it. Do you know your party? Are you fulfilling it? Are you being false?

Bird on a branch.

One day a tired bird sat down to rest on a branch. She enjoyed her safety and the view before her. She sang and played with other birds. But before she had time to get used to this branch, to the reliable support under her feet and safety, a strong wind blew in and began to swing the branch from side to side with such force that it seemed like it was about to break. But the bird was not worried at all, because it knew two important truths. Firstly, even if there is no branch, she will be able to take off - her two wings will ensure her safety. Secondly, there are many other branches around on which she can find temporary shelter.

History - parting words.

One Persian story tells of a traveler who, with great difficulty, walked along a seemingly endless road. He was covered with all sorts of objects. A heavy sandbag hung behind his back, a thick waterskin was wrapped around his torso, and he carried a stone in his hands. An old millstone hung around his neck on an old frayed rope. Rusty chains, with which he dragged heavy weights along the dusty road, wrapped around his legs. Balancing on his head, he held a half-rotten pumpkin. Moaning, he moved forward step by step, rattling his chains, bemoaning his bitter fate and complaining of painful fatigue.

In the scorching heat of midday he met a peasant. “Oh, weary traveler, why did you immerse yourself in these fragments of rocks?” - he asked. “It’s really stupid,” the traveler replied, “but I haven’t noticed them until now.” Having said this, he threw the stones far away and immediately felt relieved. Soon he met another peasant: “Tell me, tired traveler, why are you suffering with a rotten pumpkin on your head and dragging such heavy iron weights behind you on a chain?” - he asked. “I’m very glad you brought this to my attention, I didn’t know I was bothering myself with this.” Throwing off his chains, he threw the pumpkin into a roadside ditch so that it fell apart. And again I felt relief. The peasant, returning from the field, looked at the traveler in surprise: “O tired traveler, why are you carrying sand in bags behind your back, when, look, there is so much sand in the distance. And why do you need such a large waterskin with water, because a clean river flows next to you, which will continue to accompany you on your journey!” “Thank you, kind man, only now I noticed what I was carrying with me on the way.” With these words, the traveler opened the waterskin, and rotten water poured onto the sand. Lost in thought, he stood and looked at the rising sun, the last rays of the sun sent him enlightenment: he suddenly saw a heavy millstone on his neck and realized that because of it he was walking hunched over. The traveler untied the millstone and threw it into the river as far as he could. Free from the burdens that burdened him, he continued on his way.

Parable of a Heavy Burden

One wanderer had the habit of taking some kind of souvenir from the place where misfortune happened to him. His journey was long, and the bag in which he carried all the souvenirs became increasingly heavier, and the pain in his shoulders became more and more unbearable. One day, at a crossroads, he met wandering actors. They asked the wanderer why his bag was so heavy. He took one souvenir out of the bag and told the story associated with it. The actors were inspired and immediately presented the story in a dramatic manner. Soon the wanderer himself became involved in the performance, playing himself in the drama of his life.

When all the performances associated with each of the souvenirs were performed, the traveling actors proposed to build a monument out of them to the difficulties encountered by the wanderer along the way. Soon the monument was ready, and the traveler realized that he could leave it here as a symbol of his freedom.

Having thanked the actors, the wanderer continued on his way, feeling some special light within himself, for he had thrown off a huge burden from his shoulders.


Target : bringing the content of the parable closer to the inner “I” of a person (the function of a mirror).

One day a man got lost in the forest, and although he followed several paths, each time hoping that they would lead him out of the forest, they all led him back to the same place where he started.

There were still a few paths that could be tried, and the man, tired and hungry, sat down to think about which path to take now. As he was contemplating his decision, he saw another coming towards him

traveler He shouted to him: “Can you help me? I'm lost." he sighed with relief: “I’m lost too.” when they told each other about what had happened to them, it became clear to them that they had already walked down many paths. They could help each other avoid the wrong paths that one of them had already taken. Soon they laughed at their adventures and, forgetting fatigue and hunger, walked through the forest together.

Life is like a forest; sometimes we get lost and don't know what to do. But if we share our worries and experiences, the journey through life will not be so bad and we will be able to find better ways.

The parable of the shepherd who was not afraid to try

One caliph's vizier died. Then the caliph decided to hold a competition among applicants for the vacant position. He announced that the vizier would be the one who could open the stone door in the palace garden.

Many came to this door, but as soon as they saw it, they lost all desire to try to do anything with it. After all, the door was locked with a huge lock, and besides, it was so heavy that it seemed like it had literally grown into the ground. It was completely impossible to open it. A shepherd walked past the garden. Seeing a crowd of men noisily discussing something, the shepherd decided to find out what was happening here. They explained it to him.

And the caliph appointed the shepherd vizier because he was not afraid to try.

Parable about Love

Once upon a time, there was an island on Earth where all spiritual values ​​lived. But one day they noticed how the island began to go under water. All the valuables boarded their ships and sailed away. Only Love remained on the island. She waited until the last minute, but when there was nothing left to wait, she also wanted to sail away from the island.

Then she called Wealth and asked to join him on the ship, but Wealth replied: “There are a lot of jewelry and gold on my ship, there is no place for you here.” When the ship of Sadness sailed past, she asked to come to her, but she answered her:

Sorry, Love, I'm so sad that I need to be alone.

Then Love saw the ship of Pride and asked for her help, but she said that Love would disrupt the harmony on her ship.

Joy floated nearby, but she was so busy having fun that she didn’t even hear the calls of Love.

Then Love completely despaired. But suddenly she heard a voice somewhere behind:

Let's go, Love, I'll take you with me.

Love turned around and saw the old man. He took her to land, and when the old man sailed away, Love realized that she had forgotten to ask his name. Then she turned to Knowledge:

Tell me, Knowledge, who saved me? Who was this old man?

Knowledge looked at Love:

It was Time.

Time? - asked Lyubov. - But why did it save me?

Knowledge looked at Love once again, then into the distance where the old man sailed:

Because only Time knows how important Love is in life.


Sufi Bayazid said about himself:

“When I was young, I was a revolutionary. In prayer, I asked God for only one thing:

"Lord, give me the strength to change this world."

After living for half a century, I realized that during all this time I had not been able to change a single soul. So I changed my prayer: “Lord, give me the opportunity to change at least the people close to me - my family and friends, and that will be enough for me.”

Now, when my days are already numbered, I pray like this: “Lord, give me the strength to change myself.”

If I had prayed like this from the beginning, I would not have wasted my life.

Here are some good parables about school, teachers, and teaching.
These parables are suitable not only for speeches on September 1, but also for everyday speeches. It would be nice if you, dear reader, leave a comment or suggest other parables on the topic of school, teachers, training and education.

Best regards, Bolsunov Oleg.


Parable about school

Parable about school

The parents did not know how to find the best school for their son. And they instructed the eldest in the family to do this.

    When he saw a school, the grandfather would go into the yard and wait for a break to talk to the students.

Seeing an old man in old-fashioned clothes, the children began to jump around him and make faces.

“What a funny old man,” some shouted.

“Hey, little fatty,” others shouted.

There were other children at school who were running and frolicking, not paying attention to the old man who was trying to ask them about their lessons and teachers.

Grandfather silently turned and left.

Finally, he entered the courtyard of a small school and leaned wearily against the fence. The bell rang and the children poured out into the yard.

Hello, grandfather! Maybe I should bring you some water? - voices were heard from one side.

We have a bench in our yard, would you like to sit down and relax? - suggested from the other.

Maybe you should call the teacher? - asked the other children and, seeing the nod, ran to school to get the teacher.

When the teacher left the school, the grandfather greeted him and said:

I finally found the best school for my grandson.

You are mistaken, grandfather, our school is not the best. It's small and cramped.

In the evening the boy's mother asked his grandfather:

Father, are you sure you didn't make a mistake in choosing a school? Why do you think you found the best school?

Teachers are recognized by students,” answered the grandfather.

Watch the same parable, “About the Best School,” in a slightly different version of the presentation, on video. The parable was told during a class at the Barko School of Public Speaking by Ekaterina.

  • And subscribe to our YouTube channel. There are many interesting videos there.



The teacher called his students and showed them a piece of white paper.

-What do you see here? – asked the Teacher.

“Point,” one answered.

All the other students nodded their heads as a sign that they also saw the dot.

“Take a closer look,” said the Teacher.
“There’s a black dot here,” said another student.
- No! - objected the third student, - there is a small black dot here. Right?

All the other students nodded their heads in agreement and looked at the Teacher, waiting for what he would say:

- It’s a pity that all my students saw only a small black dot, and no one noticed a clean white sheet...

“So I still have something to teach you.”

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The student wanted to tell the Teacher the gossip he heard at the market.

“Wait,” the elder stopped him. - Do you think this gossip is true?- Don't know. Maybe it's true. Or maybe not.

Then the Teacher asked:

-Will it be of any use to anyone?
- Not sure. What benefit could this have?
- She is funny?
- Slightly funny. Only, for some reason, she’s not happy.
- Here you go. Then why should I listen to her? Better keep quiet.

The student thought for a moment and said:

- You are right, Teacher. There's probably no need for you to listen to her. And no one needs to listen to this.



A warrior came to the Sage and said:

- Listen, Teacher! I am no longer young, I spent a lot of time in battles and I know that death can overtake me any day tomorrow. Tell me how I can avoid making mistakes in my life choices? Tell me, Teacher, how the gates to hell open, and how the gates to heaven open?

The old man looked at the warrior, narrowed his eyes, and then laughed:

-Are you a fighter? No! You're a dog's tail!

His warrior eyes flashed with anger. He pulled out his sword and swung at the teacher.

But the sage was not afraid. He said calmly:

- This is how, warrior, the gates of hell open!

The warrior realized that he had done something stupid. He sheathed his sword and began to apologize:

- Sorry, Teacher, I got excited, I didn’t immediately understand your wisdom.
“And this is how the gates of heaven open,” said the sage.



One no longer a young man asked the teacher to take him as his student.

To this the teacher replied:

- You can study with me along with other students. But only on this condition: do not imitate me and do not become my follower.

The man thought about it and asked:

-Who should I follow then?

- For no one. When you follow someone, you stray from your true Path.

- What about your other students?

- They are still young and are just looking for their Path. In youth it is better to imitate someone and follow someone. But they will become adults and leave me, each in their own direction, remembering me, but not imitating me. And you are no longer young. It's too late for you to imitate me.



The merchant returned home after long wanderings.

To his chagrin, he discovered that his son was completely out of control. The young man did not listen to his mother at all. Used bad language. He was rude to his neighbors. He committed various offenses. And didn't react at all for comments from the outside.

What should I do?

The father did not want to resort to violent measures. Why! It's his son!

The merchant took a large wooden pole. And he dug it in the yard, in the most visible place. And after each misdeed his son drove a large nail into this pillar.

Time has passed.

Every day more and more nails appeared on the pillar.

At first the young man pretended not to notice this pillar.

But then he felt very ashamed. And the son began to monitor his behavior. Became more polite. Became more polite.

The father was very happy. And now for every good deed he began to pull out one nail.

There were fewer and fewer nails. And the young man became friendlier, more polite. He happily took on any housework. The mother began to glow with joy for her son.

And then the solemn moment came: the father took pliers and pulled out the last nail from the pillar.

But this made a completely unexpected impression on my son. He cried bitterly.

-Why are you crying? - asked the father. “After all, there are no more nails on the post.”
- Yes, there are no nails. But I see the holes from those nails. They stayed...


Once upon a time, in one city, there lived a great sage. The fame of his wisdom spread far around his hometown, people from afar came to him for advice.

But there was a man in the city who was jealous of his glory. He once came to a meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought:

- Let me go to the sage and ask him: tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? - If he says dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. If he says alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter.

That's how it all turned out. An envious man came to the city and asked the sage: “Tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead?”

Looking intently into his eyes, the sage said: “Everything is in your hands.”



In one distant country there lived an old man who loved children very much. He constantly made toys for them.

But these toys turned out to be so fragile that they broke faster than the child had time to play with them. Having broken another toy, the children were very upset and came to the master to ask for new ones. He gladly gave them others, even more fragile ones...

Finally, the parents intervened. They came to the old man with a question:

- Tell us, O Wise One, why do you always give our children such fragile toys that the children cry inconsolably when they break them?

And then the sage said:

– Very few years will pass, and someone will give these former children their heart. Maybe, having learned not to break fragile toys, they will be more careful about someone else’s heart?..

The parents thought for a long time. And they left, thanking the Teacher.

parable about school

Parable. The result of the training.

The sage was having a conversation with his students. Suddenly, the father of one of the students burst into the hall and yelled at his daughter, not paying attention to anyone:

– And you traded the university for the fairy tales of this old idiot? What can you learn here?

The girl stood up, calmly led her father out the door and said:

– Communication with this teacher gave me something that no university could give - he taught me not to be afraid of you and not to blush for your unworthy behavior.

Dear reader!

Proverbs will still be supplemented.

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Sincerely, rhetoric teacher Oleg Bolsunov.

/ How to find a good school / Parable about a school / Parable about a teacher / The best school, parable / The best teacher, parable / Parables about school / Good parables about school / Parables about wise men / Best parables about school / Advise which parable to tell /

High in the mountains an old man was living out his life. Throughout the area and far beyond its borders lived the glory of his great wisdom. One day, three young men appeared at the elder’s door and began to ask to become his disciples:

“Teach us everything you know,” said one.
“Teach us to make the right decisions and not make mistakes,” asked the second one.
“Tell us the secret of how to know the true wisdom of life,” added a third.

The old man looked into the eyes of each of them, tugging at his long beard, and answered thoughtfully:
- Well, I will tell you everything that I know myself, but whether you will be able to comprehend the wisdom of life depends only on you.

Here's your first lesson. I give each of you an equal amount of money and I will take the same amount myself. Each of us will go to the city and buy the most valuable thing with this money.

In the evening, one young man brought a gilded brooch, another a bag of wheat, and a third the fur of a rare animal. The old man returned empty-handed and silently assessed the students’ purchases.

The next day the elder asked them to bring the happiest person. One student brought the richest man in the city, another brought a young man in love, and the third brought the father of a glorious family. In the arms of the old man, who again remained silent, was a baby.

On the third day, the sage asked the guys to tell about their cherished dream.
“As a child, I lived in terrible poverty, so I dream of prosperity,” admitted the first student.
“I dream of finding true love and becoming happy,” said the second.
“And I want to become a famous sage, so that people respect me and come to me for advice from all over the world,” responded the latter.

- What do you dream about? - Unable to bear it, the young men asked.
– Before I tell you about my dream, I’ll explain to you the meaning of the first lessons. I asked you to buy the most valuable thing, but you bought the most expensive thing. I gave money for treatment to a sick boy. This way I can at least extend its lifespan a little. This is the most valuable thing.

You brought people to me who were happy about one thing: money, love or children. I brought the baby - he is the happiest, because he still has his whole life ahead of him, all paths are open to him. He will be able to find love, wisdom, wealth, and everything he wants.

When a person has a lot, he dreams of even more. If he suddenly loses the ability to walk, see or hear, he will not dream of money or love, he will only wish for healing. I'm an old man, my life is ending. Like those blind or deaf, I dream of what I have lost, of time.

I need it in order to have time to correct mistakes, ask for forgiveness from those I offended, and learn many more life lessons.

With this I say goodbye to you, since I have taught you everything that I know myself. And time will teach you the rest; it was also my teacher. It will give you experience and knowledge, and only those who walk through life with open eyes and heart will comprehend true wisdom.

Teacher's Day- This is a truly national holiday. Each of us went to school. Everyone (I really hope!) had a favorite teacher (favorite teacher).

Today we remember those who are no longer with us, and we honor those who are alive and well, dreaming that they will live and thrive for many years to come.

A teacher is a huge responsibility and boundless love. I think that a teacher is also kindness and wisdom. Well, and, of course, intelligence. It is also impossible without him.

Dear current and future teachers, educators, professors! Since the conversation has already turned to kindness and wisdom, today I give you not just anything, but parables...

Parable about the teacher and the point

One day the Teacher showed the students a blank sheet of paper with a black dot in the middle and asked: “What do you see?”

First student: “Point.”

Second: “Black dot”.

Third: “Bold point.”

Then the Teacher replied: “You all saw only a dot, and no one noticed the big white sheet!”

This is how we judge a person by his minor shortcomings.

Caille Leon Emile. The Lesson. 1887
The Parable of Teacher Hing Shi

One day a young peasant woman came to Hing Shi and asked:

Teacher, how should I raise my son: in affection or in severity? What's more important?

Look, woman, at the grapevine,” said Hing Shi, “if you don’t prune it, if you don’t tear off excess shoots and leaves out of pity, the vine will go wild, and you, having lost control over its growth, will not get good and sweet berries.” But if you protect the vine from the caress of the sun's rays and do not carefully water its roots every day, it will completely wither. And only with a reasonable combination of both, you will be able to taste the desired fruits.

Tom Lovell. Una escuela en la antigua Mesopotamia

* * *

One day the disciples asked the Teacher what his main task was. The sage, smiling, said: “Tomorrow you will learn about it.”

The next day the disciples were going to spend some time at the foot of the mountain. Early in the morning they set off. By lunchtime, tired and hungry, they reached a picturesque hillock and, stopping for a rest, decided to dine on rice and salted vegetables, which the Teacher had taken with him. It should be noted that the sage salted the vegetables very generously, and therefore after some time the disciples became thirsty. But, as luck would have it, it turned out that all the water they had taken with them had already run out. Then the disciples began to examine the surrounding area in search of a fresh source of water. Having not found him, we returned back. The sage, approaching them, said: “The source you are looking for is over that hill.” The disciples joyfully hurried there, and, having quenched their thirst, returned to the Teacher, bringing water for him.

The teacher refused the water, pointing to the vessel standing at his feet. “But why didn’t you let us drink right away if you had water?” - the students were amazed. The sage replied: “I was fulfilling my task. First, I aroused a thirst in you, which made you search for the source, just as I arouse in you a thirst for knowledge. When you despaired, I showed you which direction the source was, thereby supporting you. Well, by taking more water with me, I gave you an example that what you want can be very close, you just have to take care of it in advance.”

“So, the main task of the Teacher is to awaken thirst, support and set the right example?” - asked the students. "No. My main task is to cultivate humanity and kindness in the student,” the Teacher said and smiled. “And the water you brought for me tells me that so far I am performing my main task correctly...”

Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin.The Young Schoolmistress

Parable about the Teacher

One day a woman who lived next door came to Rumi. She brought her little son to the sage.

“I don’t know what to do, Rumi,” she said. “I’ve already tried all the ways, but the child doesn’t listen to me.” He eats too much sugar! Please tell him that this is not good. He will listen to you because he respects you very much.”

Rumi looked at the child, at the trust in his eyes, and said: “Come back in three weeks.”

The woman was completely bewildered. It's such a simple thing! Why didn't this enlightened man just tell her son not to eat so much sugar?!

It’s not clear... People came to Rumi from distant countries, and he helped solve much more serious problems at once.

But what to do - she obediently came three weeks later. Rumi looked at the child again and said, “Come back in three more weeks.”

When they came for the third time, Rumi told the boy: “Son, listen to my advice, don’t eat a lot of sugar, it’s bad for your health.”

“Since you advise me,” the boy replied, “I won’t do this anymore.”

After this, the mother asked the child to wait for her outside. When he came out, she asked Rumi why he didn’t do it the first time, because it was so simple...

And Rumi admitted to her that he himself always loved to eat sugar, and before giving such advice, he had to get rid of this weakness himself. At first he decided that three weeks would be enough, but he was wrong...

The holy man, famous for his wisdom and spiritual strength, weaned himself from eating sweets for six weeks just to have the right to tell the boy: “Son, don’t eat a lot of sugar, it’s bad for your health.”

(Angel Coitier. Golden ratio ).

Parable about the teacher and students

End of the 15th century. Discovery of a new world. Travelers bring a lot of new things to Europe. Mostly they bring gold - this is wealth, this is power over people. But it is not only the thirst for profit that attracts people to the New World. One of Christopher Columbus's sailors returns to Europe with the seeds of a never-before-seen plant - a tomato. Having tasted it and learned about its value, the sailor could not resist the temptation to grow this miracle vegetable at home. And now, a year later, the first harvest. The neighbors tried tomatoes and asked them to teach them how to grow an unknown vegetable. He gave only twelve students one seed and said: “In a year I will come and check how you learned to grow a tomato from me.” And the students went home, and a year passed, and the teacher came to look at the works of his students.

Not everyone had the same results. The teacher did not see the plant for the first student.

Where are the fruits of your labor? - asked the teacher.

I couldn’t save the seed you gave me, my teacher. The mouse ate him.

Lesson for you from now on.Guard as the apple of your eye what you are responsible for .

And the second student did not have a plant.

It’s too early, teacher, I sowed a seed, it froze.

Everything has its time, its time.Don't do anything before necessary , - answered the teacher.

And the third student turned out to be careless.

I apologize, teacher, I sowed a seed, but forgot to germinate.

A lesson for you. Awaken the seed, prepare it for growth, and only then .

And the fourth student met the teacher with his head down:

I forgot, teacher, to sow the seed.

Remember: What goes around comes around .

And the fifth student had nothing to brag about. He sowed, the seed sprouted, butThe student decided to transfer him to another place. The plant died.

- Everything must have its roots , said the teacher.

The sixth student looked sad.

My plant has sprouted, teacher, I forgot to water it. My plant has dried up.

Remember, nothing can live without food .

And the seventh student was disappointed.

A neighbor came, took a look, and the plant died, the student told the teacher.

- Keep your child safe from the evil eye .

The eighth student also had nothing to brag about.

I, the teacher, listened to other people's advice.

- Don't listen to those who don't know .

The ninth student couldn’t boast either.

Master, I planted the seed too late.

- What was good yesterday is not always good today .

The teacher saw a plant from the tenth student, but it was frail and without fruit.

I forgot to fertilize the soil, teacher.

- Don't expect fruit without fertile soil , the teacher instructed.

Only the eleventh student came to the teacher's joy. The student reaped a good harvest.

Teacher, I followed all your advice.

You are a good student, I am proud of you.

But a real miracle awaited the teacher at the twelfth student.

Oh teacher! I did everything you taught me, and I also talked to the plant every time. Early in the morning I came to wish him good morning and asked how he spent the night. During the day I came to tell how my affairs, the affairs of my wife, and my children were going. Every evening I told the plant a bedtime story, and quietly, in a whisper, wished him good night. And the number of fruits increased several times. The plant thanked me for my care. And the teacher, with tears in his eyes, thanked his student, who became his teacher.

Let the entire content of your work continue in the memory, minds and hearts of your students, and let your students change your world, making it brighter, kinder, more cheerful .

Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard Part III. The Lesson of Henry IV

Why when people quarrel do they shout?

Once the Teacher asked his students:

Why when people quarrel do they shout?

Because they lose their calm, said one.

But why shout if the other person is next to you? - asked the Teacher. - Can't you talk to him quietly? Why shout if you're angry?

The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher. Finally he explained:

When people are unhappy with each other and quarrel, their hearts grow apart. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The angrier they get, the louder they scream.

What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak quietly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? - continued the Teacher. - They don’t speak, they just whisper and become even closer in their love.

In the end, they don’t even need to whisper. They just look at each other and understand everything without words. This happens when two loving people are nearby. So, when you argue, do not allow your hearts to move away from each other, do not utter words that further increase the distance between you.

Because a day may come when the distance becomes so great that you will not find your way back.

Jan Steen. The school teacher

Best school

The parents were looking for a good school and teacher for their son and finally they chose the best teacher for their son. In the morning, the grandfather took his grandson to school. When the grandfather and grandson entered the yard, they were surrounded by children.

What a funny old man,” one boy laughed.

Butterfly lesson.

Once a small crack appeared in the cocoon. A man who happened to be passing by stood for quite a long time and watched as a butterfly tried to crawl out through a small crack. A lot of time passed, but the gap remained small. It seemed that the butterfly had done everything it could, and it no longer had the strength to fight for freedom from the cocoon.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly and, taking a knife, cut the cocoon. The butterfly immediately crawled out of it, but its body was too weak and helpless, and its wings were transparent and motionless.

The man continued to watch, expecting that the butterfly’s wings would straighten out and get stronger, and he would fly away. But this did not happen... For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged its weak body and its unstretched wings along the ground. She never took off!

And all because the person, wanting to help, did not understand: the efforts that must be made to exit through the narrow gap of the cocoon are necessary for the butterfly so that the fluid from the body passes into the wings, and it can fly. Life forced the butterfly to effortlessly leave its shell so that it could grow and develop.

Sometimes it is effort that we need in life. If we lived without facing effort, we would not be able to become as strong as we are now. We would never be able to fly.

I asked for strength...

And life gave me difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for wisdom...

And life gave me problems to solve.

I asked for wealth...

I asked for the opportunity to fly...

And life gave me obstacles so that I could overcome them.

I asked for love...

And life gave me people whom I could help.

I asked for blessings...

And life gave me opportunities.

I didn't receive anything I asked for.

But I got everything I needed.

A parable about heaven and hell.

Once a sage asked the Lord to show him Heaven and Hell.

The Lord led the sage into a room where hungry people were fighting, crying and suffering. In the middle of the room there was a large cauldron with delicious food, people had spoons, but they were longer than people's arms, and therefore people could not get the spoon into their mouths. “Yes, this is real Hell!” - said the sage.

Then they entered the next room. All the people there were well-fed and cheerful. But when the wise man looked closer, he saw the same cauldron and the same spoons! What made their life heavenly?.. They knew how to feed each other!

That is, they knew how to interact with each other.

Parable “Everything is in your hands.”

Once upon a time there lived a wise man who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?” And he thinks: “If she’s alive, she’ll say, I’ll crush her.” If the dead woman says, I’ll let you out.”

The sage thought and said: “EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR HANDS.”


The day before birth, the child asked God:

- I don't know what I should do in this world.

God replied:

– I will give you an angel who will always be by your side.

– But I don’t understand his language!

– The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

– What is the name of my angel?

It doesn’t matter what his name is... You will call him: MOM...

Parable about the wise teacher.

One day the teacher pretended to learn the answer to a question from his student.

Why did you ask him? Couldn't you answer it yourself? - people reproached the teacher.

So far I know the answer better than my student. But by asking his advice, I gave him a taste of how a man shares his knowledge. This will encourage him to study better than anything else.

Parable of the Stars

One day God decided to create the Universe. And he was the first to create a small beautiful star.

Fly into the dark sky and light the way in the night for everyone in need! - said the Lord. The little star flew to the sky and soon became bored. She felt very lonely in the dark sky. And then she asked the Creator for a few more of the same little stars. God heard her and threw a scattering of the same small stars into the sky. But again the star in the sky became sad, she looked at the Earth from above, saw people, and she wanted to be close to them. She turned to God:

Make it so that I can stay on Earth.

Fine! - the Lord answered - I will fulfill your desire. Every person will be able to find you for themselves. You'll be there.

Now open your eyes. Now you and I will each find our own star. Take the apples and cut them crosswise with a knife. This is your star. Enjoy the apple aroma, inhale it. Taste the apple and treat it to your neighbor. And remember, you can always find your star in life, the main thing is to want to find it.


The sage told his disciples how he chose his wife. I traveled halfway around the world, saw amazing beauties of the North, South, East and West. And every time I said to myself: “This is her.” But at the last moment I stopped myself with the question: “Maybe it’s not her?”

In each he found something that was not in the other. So he returned home alone. Disappointed, he promised himself to marry the first person he liked. So he married and lived a long and happy life with her.

What is the point of my search? - he asked the students.

There are no limits to perfection, said the first student, and the sage agreed with him.

The meaning of life is happiness, and happiness is not found in finding, but in seeking, said the second student.

“You are right,” said the sage, but now you are not my student.

What caused your anger? – the student was surprised.

I have nothing more to teach you, now you are the teacher yourself.



Once upon a time there lived a carpenter who once had very bad luck. He blew a tire on his car, his saw blade broke, and then the engine of his old pickup truck wouldn’t start. The poor guy was just seething inside with anger, but he didn’t show it. The man invited a mechanic to repair the car and decided to introduce him to his family. On the way home, the carpenter stopped for a moment near a large pine tree and touched it with both hands.

Having crossed the threshold of the house, the carpenter seemed to change. A smile appeared on his tanned face. The man hugged his children and then hugged and kissed his wife. After that, he led the master to the broken car. When they passed near a pine tree, the master could not stand it and asked the carpenter what kind of ritual he was performing here.

Material: audio recording of calm instrumental music; tree-shaped flowerpot.

The presenter turns on the audio recording. Asks participants to sit in a circle and relax. Holding a flowerpot-tree in his hand, he reads or tells the story “The Tree of Difficulties” from the book “The Ring of King Solomon” by Brian Cavanaugh.

Then he asks the participants to pass the “tree” in a circle to each other and give it all the difficulties of the day, imagining that during this they are gaining new strength. When the last participant “gives up the difficulties,” the leader pretends to remove all the difficulties from the tree and throw them into the trash bin.

Full jar

Modern parable

A philosophy professor, standing in front of his audience, took a five-liter glass jar and filled it with stones, each at least three centimeters in diameter.

At the end he asked the students if the jar was full?

They answered: yes, it’s full.

Then he opened a can of peas and poured its contents into a large jar, shaking it a little. The peas took up the free space between the stones. Once again the professor asked the students if the jar was full?

They answered: yes, it’s full.

Then he took a box filled with sand and poured it into a jar. Naturally, the sand completely occupied the existing free space and covered everything.

Once again the professor asked the students if the jar was full? They answered: yes, and this time definitely, it is full.

Then from under the table he took out a mug of water and poured it into the jar to the last drop, soaking the sand.

The students laughed.

And now I want you to understand that the jar is your life. Stones are the most important things in your life: family, health, friends, your children - everything that is necessary for your life to still remain complete even if everything else is lost. Polka dots are things that have become important to you personally: work, home, car. Sand is everything else, little things.

If you fill the jar with sand first, there will be no room left for the peas and rocks to fit. And also in your life, if you spend all your time and energy on little things, there is no room left for the most important things. Do what makes you happy: play with your children, spend time with your spouse, meet with friends. There will always be more time to work, clean the house, fix and wash the car. Deal first of all with stones, that is, the most important things in life; define your priorities: the rest is just sand.

Then the student raised her hand and asked the professor, what is the significance of water?

The professor smiled.

I'm glad you asked me about this. I did this simply to prove to you that no matter how busy your life is, there is always a little room for idleness.

Wind and sun

Parable from Konstantin Ushinsky

One day the Sun and the angry North Wind started a dispute about which of them was stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength against the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along the high road.

Look, - said the Wind, - how I will fly at him: I will instantly tear off his cloak.

He said - and began to blow as hard as he could. But the more the Wind tried, the tighter the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled about the bad weather, but rode further and further. The wind became angry, fierce, and showered the poor traveler with rain and snow; Cursing the Wind, the traveler put his cloak into the sleeves and tied it with a belt. At this point the Wind himself became convinced that he could not pull off his cloak.

The sun, seeing the powerlessness of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler. Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he perked up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle.

You see,” the meek Sun then said to the angry Wind, “you can do much more with affection and kindness than with anger.”

Not a big difference

Eastern parable

One eastern ruler had a terrible dream that all his teeth fell out one after another. In great excitement, he called the dream interpreter to him. He listened to him with concern and said:

Lord, I must tell you sad news. You will lose all your loved ones one by one.

These words aroused the anger of the ruler. He ordered the unfortunate man to be thrown into prison and to call another interpreter, who, after listening to the dream, said:

I am happy to tell you the good news - you will outlive all your relatives.

The ruler was delighted and generously rewarded him for this prediction. The courtiers were very surprised.

After all, you told him the same thing as your poor predecessor, so why was he punished and you rewarded? - they asked.

To which came the answer:

We both interpreted the dream in the same way. But it all depends not on what to say, but how to say it.