What school do Navalny’s children attend? The Orphan Law gave rise to children's incriminating evidence: Navalny published information about the daughters of United Russia member Zheleznyak. Alexei Navalny now

29.02.2024 Symptoms

M No one in Russia knows what Alexei Navalny is like. A failed politician engaged in Internet investigations for the amusement of the liberal public. None of Navalny's investigations have ever been confirmed, but that doesn't stop him. He continues to release his endless “sensational revelations,” groundlessly accusing and humiliating the dignity of respected famous people who have done a lot of good things for their country, but in some way crossed the path of Navalny or his customers.

Psychologically, he acts carefully and simply, pitting some citizens against others. And in order to be more accessible and increase his ratings, Navalny maintains a video blog, designed for a completely unsophisticated audience from 14 to 20 years old. They are quite easy to manipulate: no one double-checks the lies of the newly minted video blogger for accuracy. However, Alexey pretends that his investigations are serious and painstaking work. In fact, everything is different, becauseNavalny is a pervert of facts.

As evidence here we can cite the “case” of United Russia deputy Sergei Zheleznyak and his daughters. The blogger's latest attacks are again directed at him. The deputy was one of the authors of the law on censorship on the Internet and foreign agents; he actively advocated the adoption of a law under which protesters could be fined up to 300 thousand rubles. Without a doubt, this was the main reason for Navalny’s first investigation in 2012 against Zheleznyak.

But the main accusation then was not these facts, but the fact that the deputy owned expensive cars and two apartments allegedly purchased with budget funds. Navalny, having made his accusation, as usual, “on the knee,” did not bother to check the true facts. Sergei Zheleznyak came to the Duma from the position of managing director of the News Outdoor company, where his work was decently paid. And it was with this money that all expensive purchases were made.

Realizing that the investigation did not give the expected public outcry, Navalny accused the deputy of the fact that his children are not studying in Russia and this« extremely unpatriotic» . Yes, and very expensive. But Alexey Navalny didn’t reveal anything new to anyone here either.Zheleznyak, in response to Navalny’s accusation, attached a photo of a tax return, from which it follows that in 2007 he earned about one hundred million rubles. And in addition, he explained to him what true patriotism is: “Patriotism does not consist in walking in bast shoes, weaving a vine, listening only to the balalaika and buying, with tears in your eyes, low-quality goods produced in the neighborhood. True patriotism lies in realizing oneself in the country and for the good of the country.”

Sergei Zheleznyak also spoke in detail about the education of his daughters: “I don’t see anything bad or unpatriotic in this, they will get an education, come home, and be useful to the country in the capacity in which they want.” By the way, he also noted the fact that if they and he are deprived of the right to enter the countries where they are currently studying, it will be unpleasant, but he will survive, and his daughters will return and finish their studies here.”

I am absolutely sure that Navalny’s main task in this story was only to create next dirty “information noise”. And dragging children into this scandal is generally prohibited.
The deputy himself wrote in his account in Facebook : “To Navalny: If you constantly feel like everything around you stinks, think about it, maybe you are the reason? Alexey prepared very inattentively, or rather deliberately sloppily, for the outpouring of “compromising evidence” about me and my children. He and his team didn’t find anything illegal or obscene against me, so Alexey decided to start distorting and cheating with publicly available data.”

This is the first time that Alexei Navalny received a personal response from a person against whom the blogger launched his latest persecution, because Navalny’s main goal is to denigrate a socially respected person on the Internet, creating another dirty, informational hype around it. But it didn't work out.And now this story has repeated itself.

Navalny decided to “attack” Zheleznyak again, accusing him of the fact that “his daughters never returned” to Russia, citing as evidence links to strange accounts of Anastasia (one of his daughters) on Facebook and LinkedIn. Agree, a very surprising accusation in itself. The daughters have grown up since then, one of them married a Scot, and it is quite clear that she has been making decisions on her own for a long time. Here's how I instantly reacted to the current ridiculous accusations

Vasily Vakulenko, widely known as rapper Basta, took his eldest daughter Masha, who will turn 8 in December, to school.

The daughter of the founder of the Beat Film Festival, Alena Bocharova, Alisa went to school 91 (next to Novy Arbat).

Actor Alexander Revva and his wife Anzhelika, like Basta, went to their eldest daughter’s school function.

Posted by A N G E L I K A R E V V A (@angelikarevva) Sep 1, 2017 at 2:12 PDT

Politician and blogger Alexei Navalny and his wife Yulia sent their daughter Dasha to 10th grade this year. But this school line is not the only one they had to attend - their son Zakhar is also already going to school.

Posted by Alexey Navalny (@navalny) Sep 1, 2017 at 1:59 PDT

Posted by Alexey Navalny (@navalny) Aug 31, 2017 at 11:20 PDT

Designer Masha Tsigal and her son Arseny, who studies at Moscow school No. 1239 near Barrikadnaya and Patriarch's Ponds.

Posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀MASHA TSIGAL (@masha_tsigal) Aug 31, 2017 at 11:54 PDT

Actor Andrei Merzlikin now has three schoolchildren on his hands at once - this year his youngest daughter Evdokia went to first grade.

Publication from Andrey Merzlikin 🎬 (@merzlikinandrey) Sep 1, 2017 at 1:20 PDT

“Rain” producer Anna Mongait shares a photo of her sons’ brotherly love.

The son of actress and TV presenter Evelina Bledans, Syoma, is also going to first grade for the first time.

A correspondent for the news agency “Politics Today” visited a tavern where the cream of protest is discussing the future of Russia. And I found out what was bothering bohemia.

The father of nations Stalin, the leader of the proletariat Lenin, the “demon of revolution” Trotsky and the gravedigger of capitalism Marx look from the walls. Unlike the heroes of the films, Navalny’s elite circle is not going to hide in huts. Unlike the revolutionaries of the past, they come from wealthy families.

Meeting point

"Would you like to join? There is one place...” , advised a man with Navalny posters in the Rokossovsky Boulevard metro area and did not give the address of the blogger’s headquarters.

Bar near the China Town metro station.

A friend told the poster about the establishment. I wasn't there myself. It's difficult to get there. Only the “cool guys” gather there.

“Close to the internal workings of the headquarters”, - the volunteer warned.

The young man spoke spiritually about the upper circles that were inaccessible to him, unobtrusively demonstrating his Omega watches. The brand name shimmered in gold letters on the flaking dial.

How to get

It’s really not easy to get into an establishment in the capital. There are strict security guards at the entrance. People of two categories are allowed inside: those whose names are on the list, and those who undergo face control, also known as a dress code.

The Politics Today correspondent chose the third path. One of the girls, whose name was on the list of VIP guests, helped us into the bar. She introduced the journalist as her friend and led him along.


Complying with the dress code is a delicate matter, but not in this case. The main criterion at the entrance is the presence of the brand, not taste. Young people from wealthy families wear trendy clothes here.

The area is replete with familiar names from Dolche & Gabbana to Chanel. Out of embarrassment for one’s own appearance one has to, as they say, lower one’s eyes, but this does not help. The bar's regulars walk from table to table in Balenciaga (56,300 rubles) and Alexander Mqueen (82,300 rubles) sneakers, and the fair sex wear elegant pumps from Jimmy Choo (72,400 rubles) and Dior.


The next obstacle on the way to a “closed society” is the menu. The prices are not communist: cocktails are served in cut glasses for 500 rubles. On the non-alcoholic drinks page - espresso for 380 rubles.

However, the atmosphere itself is friendly. Noticing the correspondent’s confusion, the bartender decided to support him and treated him to coffee at the establishment’s expense. At a table nearby there was a bored interlocutor. Not from Navalny's elite headquarters. The headquarters itself meets in the “secret room”.

Chamber of Secrets

This is a separate room. It is also used for banquets or small celebrations. Bohemians from the opposition are not looking for reasons to celebrate. Behind closed doors, they are frequent guests.

Inside the room there are two tables, bookshelves with the works of Marx and Engels. The interior is decorated with a “Be Prepared” pennant, a pioneer bugle and a red canvas with a hammer and sickle on it. Most often, groups of 5 to 15 people come here.

Salt of the earth

Representatives of golden youth gather for meetings. First and second year students from wealthy families. Schoolchildren, no less spoiled with pocket money, sometimes follow them.

Meetings at “headquarters” resemble a party for adult children, rather than meetings of political activists. During the evening, one table can spend from 40 to 70 thousand rubles. They have no problems with money.

What are they talking about

“Young rebels” spend their evenings drinking expensive alcohol, the degree of which is increased by conversations about the “fate of Russia.”

“All conversations are very clumsy. Some complex bill? Why understand it if you can immediately say that our government is the worst in the world. Here Navalny keeps up with the next release on YouTube,”– the interlocutor told the journalist.

They talk about volunteers and Navalny’s most prominent activists who are detained on the streets. Sympathy for supporters and abstract plans for their “salvation” remain just words. Visitors prefer to watch rallies and other illegal events indirectly, from their feeds on social networks.

“Watching TV is not in fashion these days, reading books is too lazy, and I’m already stuck in my studies. They have to cover half the sessions from their pocket money, so they can buy a new Ipnone only a month after release, and not immediately. And watching videos on the Internet where they are directly addressed with an appeal about the “terrifying situation in the country” is very fashionable. For them, this is the ambiance of high society conversations. It’s great and not difficult at all,”– he explained.

Relationship with staff

The main thing that reveals the high position of parents is the lordly manners of their children. They are used to being waited on everywhere, the interlocutor says:

“Children of rich parents, who are covered from all sides, are just starting to go on strike. Against what is the question. They have everything. Perhaps this is where the problem lies. Melancholy eats away. Youth is romance, 20-year-old young people have always been, are and will be driven by revolutionary sentiments.”

The waiters do not share the views of the young people, but visitors are welcome - they don’t skimp.

“It is clear that they treat the Navalnovites condescendingly and even with a degree of hostility. Majors irritate them with their arrogance, idleness, and narrow-mindedness. Although still, they cannot help but rejoice at their visits. Such companies leave a lot of money, and if you’re lucky, even tea,”– he remarked.

The average tea in Moscow is 10 percent of the bill. What comes out of the table is five to seven thousand rubles.

End of the feast

Conversations about Russia's troubles continue until the morning, teenagers drink a lot. By morning, official cars come to pick them up, some call a personal driver, others leave in a luxury taxi. Sometimes Navalny's supporters are unable to leave the bar on their own and have to be carried out. The staff helps drivers with this. Experienced drivers leave waiters additional bonuses for silence.

“This is the key to the safety of families: the prodigal son disgraces his father, and his adventures remain behind the tightly closed doors of the bar. In the morning everyone forgets about it,”– the interlocutor stated.

Navalny’s last rally in greater Moscow was small. In the crowds from which the correspondent watched the protest, there were ordinary guys. The most expensive shoes that met the eye were Vans sneakers for an eighth-grader.

The teenagers did not understand what was happening around them and in the crush they injured each other. They were taken away from the rally by paddy wagons, also in some ways official vehicles.

On the morning of September 24, a service bus took away the spiritual leader of the “bar protest” from the doors of the special detention center. Alexei Navalny served 30 days of administrative arrest for repeated organization of an unauthorized event in January 2018 in the center of Moscow.

The blogger was taken to the Danilovsky police station, where he was charged with yet another uncoordinated protest. This will be discussed again at a meeting of Navalny’s “elite headquarters” today or tomorrow evening.

On September 1, 2017, the daughter of FBK founder Alexei Navalny, Daria, went to tenth grade. There is, of course, nothing remarkable about this for all those outside the oppositionist’s family circle. Just like in a simple amateur photos, which captured this event, which Navalny posted on Instagram. Although... if you take a closer look, you can find something strange and very interesting, writes Life.

So what is it? Any little thing that you can't see with the naked eye? Not at all: attention should be concentrated on the facade of the building, in front of which the memorable event was recorded either for history or for a family album. So what is this interesting building? Some secret private school for superhumans? To some extent, yes: this is the elite 45th gymnasium named after L. I. Milgram.

It’s easy to verify that it’s her by comparing this photo with other photos posted by students of this institution, with one of whom the politician even took a photo ( photo 1 , photo 2 , photo 3).

And what is so special about it? - you ask. And the fact that the gymnasium has an advanced preparation program for entering Western universities under the International Baccalaureate program. The Diploma Program (IB Diploma Program) is “a unique pre-university course for high school students, which gives the opportunity at the end of their studies to receive an officially recognized diploma, which provides the right to continue their education at the best universities in the world.” Moreover, in countries such as the USA, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Norway, Sweden, Australia, applicants with an IB diploma are admitted to universities without entrance exams; only the passing grade and requirements for grades in the diploma in a certain set of subjects are stipulated .

It is clear that studying under such a program is unlikely to be free. Will not be. Its cost, according to Life sources in the Moscow Department of Education, for the 2017/2018 academic year is 700 thousand rubles. As a source close to Navalny confirmed to Life, his daughter Daria is “gnawing the granite of science” at such a paid preparatory department.

From here, a simple conclusion is drawn that the FBK leader plans to give his daughter a higher education abroad. And at some prestigious university. Which, in the context of his fierce criticism of senior officials doing the same thing, looks strange, to put it mildly. But from the father’s point of view, it is completely natural: who wouldn’t want to give their child a good education? Moreover, Navalny is not yet an official. So bribes are fine.

Perhaps this is just a backup option in case Russia becomes completely unbearable for the oppositionist. Let us remember that both Herzen and Lenin did not disdain emigration, in which, we emphasize, they lived comfortably. So why is Navalny worse? Moreover, it is clear that he is not trying for himself. But, nevertheless, this “business” should be approached with all attention regarding its financial component: education abroad is not a cheap pleasure, even if the study is free. And not everyone can afford to shell out 700 thousand rubles for the year of the 45th gymnasium. More precisely, the vast majority.

Photo "Kont"

How to deliberately and quickly drive away voters

Political technology is not an absolute craft. And it depends on the context and discourse. You cannot use American technology in Russia, and Russian technology is useless in America. And every person who has ever tried to apply something in his political practice knows this from his own experience.

And what does this experience tell us? This experience tells us that Russian voters do not like ostentatious wealth. A textbook example here is the election video of the SPS party, filmed in 2003. Boris Nemtsov, Anatoly Chubais and Irina Khakamada are flying in a business jet, sitting in white leather chairs and discussing the fate of Russia. Just one video led to disaster: the party's technologists quarreled, the headquarters collapsed, the party lost the elections and was never able to recover. Every Russian political strategist remembers this story and will tell it to you if you wake him up at night and ask him what not to do in the elections.

The second postulate, known to every Russian technologist, says: there is a right-wing liberal electorate, but it does not decide the elections. Therefore, any Russian right-wing liberal party always ended any of its campaigns with the pension issue - that is, with an approach to the electorate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. And after flying on a business jet in white leather seats, you won’t go to the electorate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. They won't understand you.

Now, armed with this basic knowledge, let's look at Alexei Navalny. The man who, according to him, is going to become president. The other day, observers interested in the campaign could see how Navalny’s chief of staff Leonid Volkov opened a headquarters in Sochi via Skype and... from Cyprus. Where he, according to him, was “on FBK business.” The next day, observers learned that Alexei Navalny himself and his wife flew to Paris. On the weekend. And although Mr. Volkov said that these were slander and that candidate Navalny was in Moscow and was working with documents, the ubiquitous Life provided the public with video recordings of both the departure and arrival of the tribune.

When a man takes his woman to Paris for a weekend, this evokes every approval from me as a man. I respect Navalny for taking his wife to a romantic place.

But in the current context and discourse, Alexey Navalny is not just a man. He is a presidential candidate, although unofficial, but named. Can a presidential candidate in a country whose population has lost 20 percent of its real income over the past 30 months take his wife to Paris for the weekend? Let us remember about the SPS business jet and about the electorate that we will ultimately have to reach. And who has never been to Paris at all.

It’s me, mind you, who hasn’t asked anything about money yet. But we do not know about any declared sources of income for the Navalny family, except for the Anti-Corruption Fund. And everything looks exactly as you thought - that Volkov went to Cyprus, and Navalny went to Paris with FBK money. The other day Navalny reported to all of us about the effective use of them. And in front of me too - after all, I once donated 500 rubles to him. Just to then wonder where they spent it. Now I know where they were spent - on Paris. No, as a man, I am not at all against the fact that Navalny used my 500 rubles to take his wife to drink champagne and eat oysters. But why then tell us about some other people’s corruption? After all, this is who she is.

However, let's move on to the most interesting part. Mr. Navalny’s wife, the beautiful Yulia, is not at all sitting in the kitchen waiting for her husband to take her to Paris for the day. No, she also travels. And a few days before Paris, she took her children... to the United States of America. Where they will learn English in a children's language camp.

Well, it is necessary to study English, and every parent decides for themselves where their children will do this. But what does this look like from the perspective of a potential voter? Here's how: a Russian presidential candidate takes his children to study in the United States at a time when the United States is introducing harsh and unfair sanctions against Russia. Of course, I understand that the trip was planned long before any sanctions. But if it had been canceled due to sanctions, it would have greatly increased Navalny’s voter base. Why wasn't this done? I'll explain it to you below.

Navalny told us many times about unscrupulous Russian officials whose children study abroad. He told us about their crazy, ostentatious spending. And he promised that when he comes to power, everything will be different.

But personally, I cannot afford to take my wife to Paris for the weekend. It's expensive for me. Although I work very hard. And when Navalny manages to arouse my sincere anger towards officials who send their children abroad, I immediately see that he himself sends his children abroad. So what is the difference, Alexey? Why should I vote for you if you are no different from those you are against?

And now, as I promised, I will explain. Of course, Navalny and Volkov are not fools, and everyone understands this as well as I do. They just... are not going to participate in the elections. They understand that they will not be registered. They understand that even if they are registered, they still will not win, because it is simply impossible. And if this is so, then there is no point in flirting with a large electorate. You just need to continue to deceive your small, nuclear electorate, adherents who can’t even grow grass - they will still continue to believe in the divine essence of the tribune. And they will continue to give money. Which, in fact, is what is required of them.

Therefore, headquarters will, of course, continue to open. And people will continue to bring money. And then the Central Election Commission will finally refuse registration and you can only throw up your hands: alas, we tried...

And then the volunteers will shrug their shoulders and go their separate ways. And millions will remain.