Kiselev Maxim. Kiselev Maxim Maxim Kiselev triode and diode personal life

01.03.2024 Brain damage

The famous Smolensk kaveen player and comedian Maxim Kiselyov is 36 years old. He became famous for his funny and satirical images in KVN. The head of the First TV channel, Konstantin Ernst, compared Maxim Kiselyov with the famous Soviet comedy film actor Savely Kramorov.

Now Kiselev not only performs in KVN, but also stars in the TV show “Once Upon a Time in Russia” on the TNT channel. The other day it became known that Maxim is going to marry a Smolensk woman whom he has known for a long time.

The Smolensk actor spoke about this and more in a frank interview in Express Gazeta:

– I have a technical education. I worked as an engineer for seven years at an energy company and was on the honor roll there. But then, when my service was abolished and they offered me to move to another job, I decided to take up KVN again, which I became interested in during my studies. He began working as an editor on a television program, and from then on everything went well.

Recently, together with Dmitry Nagiyev, he played an episode in the film “One Left One”. The main difficulty for me was that the actors on set speak quietly, just like in real life. I’m used to expressing myself quite loudly on stage so that all the jokes get through to the audience. But I enjoyed communicating with Nagiyev.

This summer, June 10th, will be the most important day in my life. After four years of dating, my girlfriend Maria and I decided to get married. She is a wonderful, beautiful and smart person, ten years younger than me. Works in the fashion industry. Our wedding will be big, on a grand scale: a lot of food, a lot of artists, my friends will perform. And then I planned a very unusual and romantic trip, but I won’t tell you the details yet.

I met Masha in a nightclub in our Smolensk. And at first she didn’t really like me. But I can achieve my goals. We will have a wedding in our hometown, and we plan to live in Smolensk. I have an apartment there. In addition, I finally finished building a country house with a bathhouse, a garage and a beautiful gazebo on my site. So we are definitely not going to move to Moscow. To get what I have now, I saved for a long time. On travel, on restaurants, on expensive clothes. So I saved up. Masha should be erected a monument for waiting: I’m either filming, or at concerts, or on tour.

The team "Triod and Diode", whose composition is in this article, are the champions of the KVN Major League. The team, formed in Smolensk, has gone from winning student tournaments to the country's main comedy show on Channel One.

Team history

The Triode and Diode team, which initially included students from the Smolensk branch of the Moscow Energy Institute, was formed in 2004. Initially it was a student theater of variety miniatures.

Over time, the team began to attend all-Russian and international festivals. By 2005, I had visited no less than 20 such large forums. He won the main prize at the Kursk Anomaly festival, the grand prix of the Coffee Grinder competition in Cheboksary, a cup at the Eagle's Nest humor forum in Orel, and a victory at the Noisy Showcase in Bryansk.

The Triode and Diode team didn't stop there. The squad has matured and realized that it is ready to perform at the highest level. In 2004, Smolensk residents went to the KVN festival in Sochi for the first time.

Success in KVN

In 2008, the Triode and Diode team made its debut in the KVN Premier League. The composition of the Smolensk team immediately captivated the jury with their humor, extraordinary approach and cross-cutting characters. Cherep and Zhigul took part in each performance. They are called the two main troubles of the team; these are two heroes who personify the image of average gopniks for the amusement of the entire audience.

Even then, pink became the signature style of “triodes.” True, the participants themselves admitted that this had nothing to do with emo or glamor culture. Why this happened, none of them knows. Just.

Already in the 1/8 finals of KVN "Triod and Diode" won a landslide victory over opponents - the Dnepropetrovsk team, "NZ" from Nizhny Novgorod, "The Best People of Mordovia", the Chechen national team and the Moscow team "7 Hills".

It wasn’t easy in the quarter finals, where we had to lose one tenth of a point in the fight for victory to the same “7 Hills”. But second place also gave a ticket to the semi-finals. In the 1/2 finals, the Smolensk team lost throughout the entire game to “Poligraf Poligrafych” from Omsk, but did their musical homework brilliantly, received the highest score and snatched victory.

But in the finale a unique situation happened. Three competitions were not enough to identify the winner, so both Smolensk and Omsk were declared champions.

Victory in the Major League

In the KVN Major League, “Triod and Diode” has become one of the funniest and most recognizable teams in just a few years. A strong team has been formed - captain Maxim Kiselev, Alexander Marchenkov, Elizaveta Kazhanova, Maxim Shishkanov, Sergei Alekseev, Mikhail Maslennikov. But before the decisive victory, something or someone was always missing.

It turned out that this someone was the Belarusian showman Andrei Skorokhod. He already had experience performing in the Belarusian Comedy Club and the little-known Lost Thoughts team. But by 2010, both projects fell apart. Skorokhod was left in Minsk without work and without money.

The opportunity turned up unexpectedly. An acquaintance asked the Smolensk KVN players to help with the script. Literally a week after the joint collaboration, Triode and Diode invited Skorokhod to join them on a permanent basis.

In 2012, he became one of the main stars of the Major League season.

Along the tournament distance, the Smolensk team victoriously reached the semi-finals, where they lost to the women's team "Raisa" from Irkutsk. But only to give his best performance in the finals.

Having scored 17.7 points, the Smolensk team beat their closest pursuers by half a point, becoming champions of the KVN Major League. True, after this, according to the rules of the club, they were forced to stop their careers in this show.

Team captain

One of the main characters of the team all these years remained its captain - Maxim Kiselev.

A native of Smolensk, who worked for 7 years as an economist in the supply department, he became interested in KVN during his first year at the institute. It is he who plays in the team of Skull, who has the title of the most educated gopnik in Russia.

After the championship season in the Major League in 2014, Kiselev began his personal career. He became one of the participants in the humorous show “Once Upon a Time in Russia,” which airs on the TNT channel. The project consists of amusing and funny sketches in which yesterday's KVN stars participate. Kiselev occupies a prominent place among them.

However, he did not leave his team. They still continue to tour, perform at various festivals and international competitions.


Skull's permanent partner on stage is the actor of the KVN team "Triod and Diode" Mikhail Maslennikov.

He is another native Smolensk resident, who in 2009 graduated from the Smolensk branch of the Moscow Energy Institute, on the basis of which the team was born.

Now he is actively pursuing his own career as a showman. Organizes weddings, corporate events and holidays. One of the most popular hosts of fun celebrations in the city of Smolensk and Moscow, where team members are often invited to perform due to the geographical proximity of the two cities.

The only girl on the team

All fans of "Triod and Diode" are certainly in love with the only representative of the fair sex in the team - Elizaveta Kazhanova.

She was also born in Smolensk, graduated from the prestigious Przhevalsky gymnasium in the city.

Throughout the team's history, she remained the only girl in Triode and Diode. His main profession is as a journalist. On the TV channel "REN Smolensk", and also heads the magazine about city life "Smorodina".

At the festive game dedicated to the 55th anniversary of KVN, Elizaveta found herself in the hall next to President Vladimir Putin. Journalists tried for a long time to find some kind of secret meaning in this, but it turned out that there was none.

born in the year (38 years old) - , .

In 2004 he graduated from the Smolensk branch of the Moscow Energy Institute.

Worked for 7 years at Smolenskenergo as an economist in the supply department.

Maxim Kisilev and KVN

Since 2000 he has been playing in KVN.

Repeated champion of “KVN in Smolensk”, vice-champion of the Ryazan KVN League, champion of the 2008 KVN Premier League, best male role of the Bryansk STEM Festival in 2002.

He is the captain of the KVN team “Triod and Diode”.

In 2012, when the team became the champion of the Major League. As a brand, “Triode and Diode” turned 20 years old in 2014: this STEM was born in 1994. I have been involved in KVN since 1998, this is the second or third generation of the team, many people have already changed, but we continue. I joined KVN from the very first year. Apparently, they added something to my food, and this is what it led to

In 2014, he played the main role in the sketch ""

Maxim Kiselev Personal life

Maxim collects men's accessories. He dreams of acting in a movie, and is very glad that he finally ended up on Channel One. It is known that Maxim Kisilev is married. The wife's name and surname are not advertised.

Maxim Kiselev is a member of the KVN team “Triod and Diode”, vice-champion of the KVN league in Ryazan, champion of the KVN Premier League, participant of the “Once Upon a Time in Russia” project.

Maxim was born in Smolensk in January 1981. The ability to look at life with a sense of humor determined the future of this guy. After graduating from school, the young man entered the Moscow Energy Institute, whose branch was located in Smolensk. Maxim chose the Faculty of Energy and Electrical Engineering for himself. Here KVN overtook Kiselev. But it was not immediately possible for the game of cheerful and resourceful people to finally capture this witty guy.

In 2004, after graduating from university, Maxim Kiselev went to work in his specialty. Yesterday's graduate got a job at Smolenskenergo and established himself as a responsible and competent employee. Maxim worked in this place for 7 years. The young man worked in the supply department, as an economist. Kiselev’s portrait even appeared on the Honor Board. But restructuring broke out in the energy system, and Smolenskenergo was laid off. Then Maxim decided to concentrate his energy on playing KVN.


Maxim Kiselev’s passion for playing KVN came by chance. In his first year at university, he visited a classmate to ask for a notebook with lectures. But the girl set a condition: if you agree to speak at the student initiation, you will receive lectures. Maxim, of course, agreed. Moreover, appearing on stage as an artist did not bother the young man in any way; since childhood, Maxim felt free in public and was known as the soul of any company.

Kiselev wrote a number of jokes and came up with humorous skits that went off with a bang at the student initiation evening. The atmosphere of the holiday and the applause in which the audience bathed the performers pleased the children so much that the decision was made to continue performing. In 1998, the young man joined the Smolensk KVN team “Triod and Diode”, where he immediately took a leading position. By this time, the team had been performing for 4 years, but only with the advent of a new captain, Maxim Kiselev, the team began to win competitions.

In 2000, team captain Maxim Kiselev suggested trying to perform as a student theater of humorous miniatures. For the next 5 years, “Triod and Diode” delighted audiences in many cities across the country with its spectacular performances. The team visited more than 20 festivals that took place in Orel, Kursk, Cheboksary, Bryansk and other big cities of Russia.

Over the 23 years of existence of the creative team “Triod and Diode”, two or three generations of members have changed in the team, but the leader, Maxim Kiselev, remains unchanged.

In 2004, “Triod and Diode” took part for the first time in the 15th international KVN festival in Sochi. It is impossible to imagine this team without Kiselev. The memorable appearance of this gloomy blond, the created image of a rustic provincial gopnik with a primordially Russian prototype of behavior immediately etched itself in the memory of fans of the game in KVN.

Under the leadership of Kiselev, in 2004 the guys became vice-champions of the Ryazan League, and three years later - bronze medalists of the First KVN League. In 2008, artists from Smolensk received the title of Premier League champions, and a year later they reached the finals of the Major League. The Triod and Diod team quickly gained popularity among KVN fans; already in 2010, to the delight of the fans, they took third place in the Major League, and two years later became the club champion.

Comedians also showed themselves in musical competitions, receiving the “Small KiViN in Gold” award at the Voting KiViN 2012 festival in Jurmala in 2012. A year later, the Smolensk residents received the KVN Summer Cup as a reward, and in 2015 they became winners of the next “Voting KiViN” in Svetlogorsk.

By the way, his colleagues jokingly call the captain “the most educated gopnik in Russia.” At the same time, simplicity is the stage image of Maxim Kiselev. In fact, the comedian is an extremely erudite and thoughtful person, otherwise such sharp jokes on the topic of the day could not have been born in the captain’s head. At the same time, one cannot fail to note Maxim’s bright leadership qualities: for his colleagues in the shop he is an unconditional authority. And jokes have long been dismantled into aphorisms. For example, this one is by Kiselev: "All the will of God. Deacon Anatoly drove all winter on bald tires.”

Since 2013, Maxim Kiselev’s team has entered the international arena. The guys tour Europe and America. Smolyan residents visited Germany, England, the USA, and Israel. The ability to entertain the public, whether at a corporate party or at a performance in a large metropolitan concert hall, brought the Smolensk Kaveen players well-deserved fame. As for the “engine” of the team, Maxim Kiselev, he has many titles and awards, including vice-champion of the KVN League in Ryazan, champion of the KVN Premier League.

Regardless of the performance on the stage of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, two members of the team - Maxim Kiselev and - continued their careers on television, having received an invitation from the TNT television channel.

In 2014, TNT aired the humorous show “Once Upon a Time in Russia.” The sketches that are performed on stage feature the brightest players, favorites of the public, most of whom come from the KVN game. Among them, Maxim Kiselev occupies a prominent place.

Personal life

Maxim Kiselev’s free time is taken up by filming and preparing the team for a worthy performance on stage. But he has a hobby - collecting men's bracelets. The artist also dreams of acting in a movie, he says that this will be the apogee and a highlight in the creative biography of Maxim Kiselev as a person and personality. The comedian claims that at the moment he considers himself a happy person who dreamed of getting on Channel One and achieved his goal.

The personal life of Maxim Kiselev began to attract the attention of fans only four years ago, when the showman met Maria Tsygankova, who is 10 years younger than the artist. The comedian’s chosen one was a girl who has nothing to do with show business - Maria works in the fashion industry and is a native of Smolensk, Kiselev’s homeland.

Fans of the comedian are interested in Maxim's family ties with the journalist and TV presenter. Judging by the information posted on social networks, they are only namesakes.

Maxim Kiselev now

At the beginning of April 2017, Maxim Kiselev announced that he was getting married. June 7, 2017 Maxim Kiselev on Maria Tsygankova. The lovers legalized their relationship in the registry office of the city of Smolensk.

After the ceremonial events, Maxim and his young wife went on a honeymoon to the sea coast. On the personal page in " Instagram“The actor shared photos and videos from the sunny Dominican Republic with fans.

Now Maxim Kiselev continues to star in new episodes of “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, as well as perform with his own team at corporate events.


  • 1998 – KVN team “Triod and Diode”
  • 2014 – “Once Upon a Time in Russia”

Captain of the Smolensk team "Triod and Diode". The show “Once Upon a Time in Russia” brought him fame as an actor.

Biography of Maxim Kiselev

Maxim Kiselev was born in Smolensk in January 1981. After graduating from school No. 39, he entered the Smolensk branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (SF MPEI) at the Faculty of Energy and Electrical Engineering. Received his diploma in 2004.

Kiselev worked for seven years at Smolenskenergo, where he was an economist in the supply department. Then the institution was closed.

While still at the institute, Maxim Kiselev began playing in KVN and became the captain of the team “ Triode and Diode" Later, as an editor, he supervised five KVN teams from different cities of Russia.

The creative path of Maxim Kiselev

Since 2000, Maxim's team began touring as a student theater of pop miniatures. Over five years, young comedians visited more than twenty international festivals.

In 2004, the team took part for the first time in the international festival of MS KVN teams " KiViN" in Sochi.

Colleagues call Maxim Kiselev the most educated “gopnik” in Russia.

“He is a real captain: he always steers the team in the right direction,” said the members of Triod and Diod.

In 2013, the team went on tour to Europe. And in 2014, the project “Once Upon a Time in Russia” was released on the TNT channel, where Kiselev was among the first to be invited.

The film debut of the Kaveen man took place in 2015, in the film “With One Left”: Maxim Kiselev starred with Dmitry Nagiyev.

Before that, in October, Maxim Kiselev, along with other media personalities, participated in the filming of the group’s video. And in April 2019, the artist was seen in the video for the song “Wild” by the Ukrainian singer Alina Grosu.

“The main difficulty for me was that the actors on set speak quietly, just like in real life. I’m used to expressing myself quite loudly on stage so that all the jokes get through to the audience. But I enjoyed communicating with Nagiyev. Dima talked a lot about himself and his brother,” Kiselev recalled from filming “One Left One.”

Personal life of Maxim Kiselev

On June 10, 2017, Maxim married Maria Tsygankova, whom he met four years earlier at a disco. Maria is 10 years younger than her husband and worked in the fashion industry.