Herniated disc symptoms and treatment. The first signs and manifestations of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine - treatment and exercises. The main reasons for the appearance

22.10.2023 Psychology

- a disease that can develop over the years almost unnoticed, but once manifested, it can turn a person’s life into hell, and then he has to suffer for a long time from severe pain and the inability to actively move. And in the final stage, if the disease is not treated, the patient becomes disabled. It is doubly offensive when this disease affects relatively young and even very young people. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to identify in time the primary signs of a spinal hernia..

Main signs of a spinal hernia

When initial minor changes begin to occur in the intervertebral disc, the amount of moisture in it may decrease and the first microcracks may appear. The disc begins to sag - lose its height and elasticity, protrude beyond the lateral surface of the vertebra. The first small one appears protrusion. In this case, a feeling of discomfort and aching pain may appear in the back. This is not yet a hernia of the spine, but rather, “ prehernial"condition, but it is during this period that the initial undesirable changes can be easily reversed without resorting to the possibilities of medicine if:

  • Start eating right while maintaining the necessary balance of essential mineral trace elements and fluids in the body
  • Perform spinal stretching exercises
  • Strengthen the muscular-ligamentous system of the spine through daily exercise and sports
  • Angina pectoris
  • Pleurisy, pneumonia
  • Stomach ulcer

With protrusion of the lumbar-sacral region:

  • Intestines
  • Gallbladder, pancreas
  • Kidneys
  • Pelvic organs, etc.

Signs of late stage hernias

If the disease is left to chance, serious complications may arise, many of which, unfortunately, cannot be eliminated without surgical intervention, and it also will no longer guarantee a 100% return to the original state.

This happens when

  • Necrosis of the spinal nerve
  • For large or with compression of the spinal cord or vertebral artery

These signs will help determine that the hernia has gone too far:

With nerve necrosis, the following occurs:

  • Weakness of the flexor muscles of the limbs - it is difficult to stand up, legs buckle when walking
  • Numbness of feet, fingers
  • Disappearance of reflexes, in particular the knee reflexes
  • Muscle atrophy and thinning of limbs
  • Paresis (partial paralysis) of the arms or legs

With compression of the spinal cord, the following are possible:

  • Complete paralysis of the limbs with loss of sensation
  • Trophic disorders in the limbs and internal organs
  • Disorders of the pelvic organs

With vertebral artery syndrome in the cervical spine, threats appear:

  • Cerebral ischemia
  • Ischemic stroke

Of course, it’s better not to let the disease start before such phenomena occur, hoping that somehow it will go away on its own or resolve.

Knowing now how to identify a spinal hernia, you will not hesitate at the first sign, but will immediately go to the doctor.

Video: First signs of a spinal hernia

According to statistics, such a misfortune most often happens to representatives of the stronger sex, due to their lifestyle. Moreover, as a rule, young men aged 25 to 45 years suffer from the disease...

To understand how this “trouble” appears, you need to remember the anatomy. Between the vertebrae there are special shock-absorbing discs that prevent the bones from hitting each other when moving. They consist of an outer strong ligament, called the annulus fibrosus, and an inner part, which has a jelly-like consistency, called the nucleus pulposus. If for some reason the disc cracks, fluid leaks out and pinches the nerve endings of the spinal cord. This is a hernia. Of course, the nerve fibers do not like this oppression at all, so they begin to actively express dissatisfaction, causing pain.

24/7 surveillance

However, the pain caused by a herniated disc is far from the worst thing that can happen. This disease can cause disruption of the functioning of internal organs, loss of sensitivity in various parts of the body and, horror of horrors, paralysis of the arms and legs. To avoid such a development of events, you need to monitor the health of your lover, then you will be able to catch the intervertebral hernia at the initial stage and stop its development. Young ladies whose macho men are at risk should be especially careful.

Don't lift the barbell

Of course, intervertebral discs do not simply crack. Most often this misfortune occurs as a result of injury. If your loved one lifts weights in the gym all day long, dreaming of building up biceps, just like the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger in his heyday, congratulations: he is at risk. One awkward movement with a barbell or dumbbells in your hands - and the intervertebral disc can move to the side or crack. Unfortunately, even experienced athletes who know all the intricacies of working with heavy sports equipment are not immune from this trouble.

Don't sit at the computer

However, if your sweetheart is not at all fond of sports, spends the whole day in the office at the computer, and upon returning home, immediately runs to the laptop to launch his favorite shooting game, you should also be wary. Jumping through virtual worlds in the image of a reckless special forces soldier or a monster covered with gray-brown-crimson pimples, unfortunately, you cannot build your own muscles, and the health of the spine directly depends on their well-being. The intervertebral discs do not have a personal vascular system, so they have to be nourished by other tissues, in particular the back muscles. When the spouse sticks to the computer chair, the body does not receive the necessary load. Metabolism in the muscles slows down, and the intervertebral discs begin to starve. Without receiving the necessary nutrition, they gradually lose elasticity and eventually crack. The same misfortune can happen if your dear one is not okay with the connective tissue of the spine. Any disease is fraught with the fact that insufficient water reaches the shock-absorbing pads, and they become fragile.

Don't make a big deal

You should also worry if your loved one does not watch his posture and is constantly hunched over. This is a direct path to osteochondrosis, which many experts consider the initial stage of the development of intervertebral hernia. By the way, keep in mind that spinal diseases are often inherited. Therefore, be sure to ask your spouse if anyone in his family has had an intervertebral hernia. If precedents have happened, then your sweetheart has every chance of becoming next in line.

Without amateur performances

Unfortunately, a hernia does not resolve on its own, and it cannot be cured with miracle pills, and lost time can result in the development of serious complications. The main thing is not to place high hopes on painkillers and do not allow your spouse to take them thoughtlessly. The discomfort will disappear, but, alas, there will be no improvement. The damaged nerve will still suffer from friction and compression and send signals to the man that he will not even feel. The pain will subside, but the disease will progress. If in the early stages of development of an intervertebral hernia the problem can be solved with the help of physical therapy, massage, reflexology and wearing a soft corset, then in advanced cases you will have to lie on the operating table under the surgeon’s scalpel. Therefore, as soon as you suspect something is wrong, immediately send your man to an appointment with a therapist and neurologist.

Photo for memory

X-ray of the spine, as a rule, becomes the first stage of diagnosis. It's simple, fast, but, unfortunately, not very informative. The discs are not visible on the images, and their condition must be judged by the gap between the vertebrae. A more accurate result can be obtained using discography. In essence, this is the same radiography, only, before “photographing” the spine, a special contrast agent is injected into the discs with a suspected herniation using a needle, which “reveals” them in the image.

If you know that your loved one will have their lumbar area visible, make sure that 2-3 days before the X hour he stops eating fruits and vegetables, brown bread, milk and sweets. These foods cause fermentation and flatulence in the intestines, and the accumulated gases can make it difficult to read the x-ray.

Working with sound

Ultrasound examination allows you to obtain more complete information about the condition of the intervertebral discs and has significant advantages over x-rays. Firstly, ultrasound can be done as often as you like, since it is not accompanied by harmful radiation. Secondly, the intervertebral discs will be clearly visible on the monitor even without the use of a contrast agent. True, no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to see a hernia in the thoracic region. The spine in this area is securely hidden behind the ribs, and the bone structures are impenetrable to ultrasound. But the cervical and lumbar regions can easily be illuminated with acoustic waves and examined for the presence of an intervertebral hernia.

There is no need to specially prepare your loved one for this procedure. However, keep in mind that the picture will be clearer if you put him on a fasting diet 6 hours before the test.

Half an hour in the pipe

Magnetic resonance imaging is the most informative, accurate and, by the way, expensive method for diagnosing intervertebral discs. Your beloved will be placed in a strong magnetic field, and a special device will begin to send electromagnetic signals of a certain frequency to the intervertebral discs. The tomograph will pick up the response impulses, decipher them and build a three-dimensional image of the intervertebral discs under study. The procedure lasts about half an hour, and your man will have to spend all this time inside a special scanner tube or in a small room.

If your macho man is afraid of closed spaces, buy him a sedative and give him a drink half an hour before the “execution”. Otherwise, the beloved will begin to fidget in place out of excitement, and unnecessary movements will not have the best effect on the results of the study.

How to recognize a hernia

In the cervical region. If a man complains of pain in the spine, lumbago in the neck and back of the head when coughing and sneezing, frequent dizziness, constant pressure surges, discomfort in the shoulder joints and numbness in the fingers, sound the alarm. These symptoms may indicate the presence of an intervertebral hernia in the cervical spine.

In the thoracic region. If the life of the faithful is poisoned by unpleasant sensations in the vertebrae between the ribs and shoulder blades, coupled with tingling of the heart and difficulty breathing, there is reason to suspect the presence of an intervertebral hernia in the thoracic region.

In the lumbar region. If your significant other suddenly has a pain in the lower back, and the next day one leg becomes weak, you can safely suspect a hernia of the lumbar spine. In this case, the inner side of the foot and the outer part of the lower leg often go numb, or, conversely, the outer side of the foot and the inner part of the lower leg. When walking, bending and turning, the pain intensifies, becoming so unbearable that the darling can fall on the bed and lie in one position for hours, afraid to move and get another lumbago.

Expert opinion

Dmitry Krylov, general practitioner:

Today there is an improved version of radiography - computed tomography. The diagnostic device in this case is a special installation that rotates around the body and takes pictures from different angles. Then the images are processed by a computer, and the required part of the spine appears before the specialist’s eyes, which can be examined in detail from all angles. But in any case, X-rays only see bone structures well. Therefore, in order to obtain reliable information about the condition of the intervertebral discs, a contrast agent will have to be injected into them first.

Bardukova Elena Anatolievna
neurologist, homeopath, work experience 22 years
✔ Article checked by a doctor

Famous Japanese rheumatologist:“IT'S MONSTERAL! Russian methods of treating joints and spine cause only bewilderment. See what doctors offer to treat your back and joints in Russia: Voltaren, Fastum gel, Diclofenac, Milgamma, Dexalgin and other similar drugs. However, these drugs DO NOT TREAT JOINTS and BACK, they only relieve the symptoms of the disease - pain, inflammation, swelling. Now imagine that...” Read the full interview"

Intervertebral herniation of the spine is a natural disease that occurs due to age-related changes in a person. By the age of 30, 80% of all people have it, and after 45 years - in 90% of the population, but only 50 people out of 1000 experience pain.

If a person develops a herniated disc, he will need serious treatment. Once you have pain in your back, lower back or neck, taking pills or rubbing in medicinal creams and ointments will not always help you with this disease.

How it manifests itself: stages of formation

Real stories from site readers:“My name is Alexandra, I’m 38 years old. I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago I got a cramp at the dacha; a sharp pain in my lower back didn’t allow me to move, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medications, but they did not help, the pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, I kept thinking about this, that I would turn out to be a burden for the family... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this! What I learned from the article literally pulled me out of my wheelchair! In recent months I have started to move more; in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis, take 5 minutes and read this article.” Read the article»

How does a hernia manifest? The very first symptom of the onset of the disease is slight pain and tension at the site of the inflammatory process. Also at this stage, in a supine position, you can easily see this protrusion and reduce it.

Depending on the location of the hernia, size and stage of the disease, the symptoms begin to manifest themselves more strongly. As the bulge gets larger, the pain gets worse.

In the middle stage of the disease, a hernia can be seen in a person in a standing position. Constant pain occurs more and more often, it becomes more acute. There may be numbness in a person's limbs. The intervertebral hernia becomes larger in size.

The next stage is the penultimate one. Most people start to see a doctor at this stage. The patient experiences numbness and tingling in the limbs, fingers and toes. The pain becomes truly unbearable, becoming aching and prolonged.

Ideally, the sooner a person goes to the clinic, regardless of the stage of development of the hernia, the fewer complications he will have with such an illness. The clinic also offers diagnostics of the spine and joints.

The last stage can be very dangerous. We can say that this is a complication, since a person may develop paralysis.

12 symptoms and signs of herniated disc

DOCTOR'S OPINION! “I have been working as an orthopedist for many years. During this time I had to deal with various diseases of the back and joints. He recommended only the best drugs to his patients, but still the result of one of them surpassed himself. It is absolutely safe, easy to use, and most importantly, it acts on the cause. As a result of regular use of the product, the pain goes away in a few minutes, and within 7 days the disease disappears altogether. An excellent tool for quick and stable results...” Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, orthopedic doctor. Find out more"

How to recognize the disease? We list the symptoms of how a spinal hernia manifests itself:

  1. muscle atrophy in the area of ​​the lesion;
  2. pain in the back muscles;
  3. constant headaches, migraines;
  4. problems with intestinal microflora, resulting in diarrhea or constipation;
  5. difficulty urinating (urinary incontinence), the sick person finds it difficult or impossible to pee;
  6. swelling appears in the area of ​​the protrusion;
  7. increased body temperature;
  8. hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) appears in the spinal cord;
  9. difficulty walking, weakness in the limbs;
  10. nagging pain in the affected area;
  11. numbness in the fingers, loss of sensation in the limbs, tingling sensation in the area of ​​the thumb;
  12. pain when coughing, turning the body and head;
  13. an attack of acute pain when moving that cannot be overcome.

Stories from site readers:“I love working at my favorite dacha. Sometimes you work so hard that it’s impossible to straighten your back and pain appears in the lower back - no matter how much you cry. I don’t take painkillers because I have a bad stomach. A doctor I know advised me to pay attention to the newest product, which is specially produced only for the domestic foreign market. I ordered and applied it before bed. I felt a slight burning sensation, but then a warmth spread throughout my lower back. 2 days after using it, the wild pain in my back almost disappeared, and after another 2 weeks I forgot the feeling that your back was aching wildly. 4 (!) months have passed, and the result lasts, which means the product really works.” Read the article»

Photo of a scar on the back after hernia removal Picture of a lumbar hernia L4-L5 Photo of a lumbar hernia on an x-ray What does a lumbar disc hernia look like in a photo

How to relieve pain from intervertebral hernia

What to do if pain just appears? Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) primarily help relieve pain. They must be taken in the right dosage and with the right frequency. You will notice the effect of the medications after the first day of treatment.

If after two or three days the medicine does not help, the symptoms do not disappear, then you need to go to the doctor. There you may be prescribed steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Often, attending physicians prescribe them in the form of injections, which we call therapeutic drug blockade. They are administered locally, to the site of pain.

After the injections, recovery processes begin. Of course, the protrusion will not deflate after the injection, but the swelling around it will go away due to decreased compression of the nerve. After such an injection, pain and inflammation are more likely to decrease.

Perhaps doctors can prescribe muscle relaxants - these are drugs that relax the muscles and back muscles. They only work in combination with anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents.

Muscle spasm is a secondary reaction and cannot be treated separately without taking other medications. Therefore, when we gave powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy and at the same time took muscle relaxants, their effectiveness increases many times over. Using these methods you can avoid complications and get rid of the disease.

Which doctor treats intervertebral disc herniation?

When a spinal hernia appears, symptoms may occur that will indicate to us other diseases. Therefore, the initial appointment is carried out by a therapist. He must order an x-ray, take urine and blood tests, and he must perform a primary differential diagnosis. After the examination, the therapist may refer you to the following specialists:

Neuropathologist (neurologist). Spinal diseases have a direct connection with disorders in the nervous system. This doctor deals with conservative treatment of the disease. In addition, he understands methods for effectively diagnosing diseases associated with neurological disorders in the patient’s body. This diagnosis includes examination using special medical devices - a needle, a hammer and others. He should determine what treatment to prescribe for you or refer you to another doctor.

A neurologist is the first doctor you should contact for a herniated disc.

Orthopedist. This doctor treats a variety of diseases in the spine and musculoskeletal system. He finds out all the patient’s symptoms and concerns, when the pain started and after what. He must be able to accurately determine the nature of periodic or other symptoms.

An orthopedist often prescribes MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), computed tomography, ultrasound (ultrasound), and also issues a referral for tests. After diagnosing the disease, he makes a diagnosis and prescribes a treatment plan, which includes:

  • massotherapy;
  • Exercise therapy – therapeutic and health-improving physical education, which helps relieve inflammation and pain from a hernia;
  • physiotherapy;
  • medications.

Vertebrologist (Vertebroneurologist). His specialization is the treatment of major diseases of the spine, such as intervertebral hernia, stenosis and tumors in the spinal cord, fractures of the spinal column, degenerative changes in the spinal column.

A vertebrologist diagnoses and treats all diseases of the spine

This doctor provides rehabilitation after surgery. The duration of rehabilitation after removal of a hernia is much shorter than after a spinal fracture. Compared to a neurologist, a vertebrologist deals only with the treatment of the spine.

Chiropractor. The therapeutic massage performed by this doctor reduces and removes disease in the muscles and in the spine itself. Official medicine does not officially confirm the effectiveness of this treatment method. It is important to find a truly professional doctor to avoid serious consequences. Before the procedures, show the doctor pictures of the spine.

Manual treatment

Physiotherapist. He may prescribe the following procedures to the patient:

Neurosurgeon. They are referred to him if the results of treatment were ineffective. Hernia surgery is also indicated when there is a risk of nerve damage in the spine or when symptoms worsen. The operation is called discectomy. Surgery is an emergency treatment.

The doctor who treats the disease must have appropriate education, experience, be highly qualified and have modern equipment.

How to cure a spinal hernia and not remain disabled?

Why it’s dangerous: the consequences of a hernia

Without effective, high-quality and correct treatment in the clinic, the disease can lead to dangerous complications:

  • deterioration of heart function;
  • the emergence of a number of dangerous diseases - bronchitis, gastritis and radiculitis;
  • the likelihood of having a stroke due to cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • the appearance of chronic colitis;
  • deterioration of the pelvic organs;
  • impaired sensitivity of the limbs;
  • paralysis of legs and arms.


There are several principles that will allow you to avoid the disease:

  1. reduction of weight and heavy loads;
  2. giving up bad habits, in particular smoking;
  3. physical exercises to strengthen the muscle corset;
  4. when sitting, keep your feet on the floor and lean your back against the back of the chair;
  5. sleep on a special orthopedic mattress;
  6. start doing yoga or swimming at least 2-3 times a week;
  7. regular therapeutic back massage (2 times a year for 10 sessions);
  8. do not make sudden movements with your back;
  9. The back and chin should be straight when walking.


  • refusal of canned food, fatty and spicy foods;
  • eat more boiled dishes;
  • your diet should include porridge, dairy dishes, bran bread, vegetables;
  • You should eat poultry, cheese, milk, pork, beef. These products contain a lot of protein and strengthen cartilage and bone tissue;
  • If possible, drink more herbal teas from string, St. John's wort, mint, valerian leaves and oregano.

Video: Live healthy! Intervertebral hernia

To reduce the complications of the disease, timely diagnosis and a full course of treatment are required. There is no need to wait and hope that everything will go away by itself. When the first signs of an intervertebral hernia appear, you must immediately contact the clinic and begin treatment. Be healthy!

A person can walk upright thanks to the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, which are located between the main vertebrae.

The spine is divided into three sections, consisting of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Their total number is 24 pieces. The spine ends with the sacrum, which passes into the coccyx. A healthy intervertebral disc is a nucleus pulposus enclosed in a fibrous ring. When this disc is deformed, the nucleus ruptures and its inner part protrudes outward. This is how the process of developing an intervertebral hernia begins. At first this creates a feeling of discomfort, but later it develops into intense pain. When a hernia protrudes, nerve endings are affected, which cause pain.

When the pain becomes more severe and is felt in the arm or leg, this indicates a large prolapse of the nucleus from the disc.

Types of hernias

Since the spine consists of three parts, a hernia in these areas manifests itself differently. In medicine today, intervertebral hernias are divided into three subtypes:

  • hernia of the cervical spine. With this disorder, rupture of the fibrous ring occurs in one of the seven cervical vertebrae. Occurs in 20% of cases of the total number of people who came to the clinic with such a problem;
  • hernia of the thoracic spine. When a ring falls out in one of the twelve thoracic vertebrae, the symptoms coincide with ordinary osteochondrosis, so it can be difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis. A hernia in the thoracic region is extremely rare. Of the total amount, this figure is no more than 1%;
  • lumbosacral hernia. Seen most often. Doctors make a similar diagnosis in 79% of cases.

When the hernial sac falls out of the disc, the nerve ending is pinched. When the size of the intervertebral hernia becomes threatening, the spinal canal is blocked and the nerve endings passing through it are compressed. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is required. The disease is called “Cauda Equina Syndrome” and can only be cured by surgery. Failure to contact the clinic in a timely manner can result in damage to the spinal cord and complete paralysis.

Symptoms of intervertebral hernia

The main signs of the presence of intervertebral disc damage caused by a protruding hernia can manifest themselves as follows:

  • pain radiating to the leg, especially to the knee, a little lower and to the foot area;
  • a feeling of numbness in the lower or upper limb, the appearance of goosebumps on the skin;
  • reaction to changing weather. During periods of temperature changes, a nagging, persistent pain appears in the affected part of the back;
  • pain in the chest area that cannot be relieved by using heart medications;
  • “lumbago” in the lower back. This may indicate both the manifestation of radiculitis and the beginning of the development of an intervertebral hernia. A distinctive feature is persistent pain for a long period of time (sometimes more than three months), even after all the necessary manipulations for radiculitis. The pain is strong, especially when trying to make a slight movement;
  • insensitivity of the skin, peeling and dryness, decreased sensitivity in the affected nerve ending (knee, elbow, shoulder or other part of the body);
  • disturbances in urination, this can be either incontinence or blockage of the urethra due to strangulation;
  • increased pain when trying to turn around, bend over, cough, sneeze, or turn your head;
  • change in gait, weakness in the leg, trembling in the knee, pain in the foot;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • headache caused by poor circulation due to a pinched nerve in the cervical spine.

Origin of pain

The pinched nerve, depending on which part of the spine the hernia appears in, generates pain, spreading throughout the body.

If the patient’s cervical spine is affected by a hernia, the pain will radiate to the head, neck, and all parts of the arms, including the shoulders. Possible migraines, “floating” consciousness, dizziness, ringing or noise in the ears, numbness in the fingers, the tonometer shows elevated numbers, and sometimes hearing and vision disorders are observed.

If hernial breakthroughs occur in the thoracic spine, then the pain can radiate to the chest, the heart area, there is a feeling of heaviness in the side, the person cannot bend, the drooping of the shoulders causes physical suffering, and it is difficult for the patient to breathe deeply.

When the nucleus prolapses from a disc in the lumbar back, the patient experiences severe pain in the lower spine. The pain migrates to the leg, causing numbness in the limb. It is difficult for the patient to bend over or turn the body to the side.

Causes of hernias

In recent years, this disease has become significantly younger. If previously the diagnosis of intervertebral hernia was given to people over 30 years old, now a similar entry in a medical card can be found in 20-25 year old people. The most common cause of herniated discs is improper distribution of the load on the spine.

The vertebrae are connected to each other by intervertebral discs, with the help of which shock absorption occurs, returning the vertebrae to their place after stress. If the load was stronger, the fibrous ring ruptures. Through the crack, the pulpous part of the nucleus falls into the spinal canal, which, in turn, can provoke compression of the spinal cord, lead to impaired blood circulation, urination, the development of scoliosis, and paralysis of the limbs.

This disease is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, if you find any signs of an intervertebral hernia, go to the doctor immediately.

How to determine the disease

Visually, it is rarely possible to notice prolapse of the nucleus; only in exceptional cases does the hernia appear in the form of a barely noticeable pea at first, and as the disease progresses, the size of the tubercle increases and becomes the size of a nickel.

Most often, doctors determine the presence of the disease during an examination. After carefully listening to the patient’s complaints, the doctor studies the symptoms and prescribes an x-ray of the area of ​​the spinal column where the problem may be located. Neurologists use tapping with a hammer to check the reaction of nerve endings for the presence of a lesion.

The doctor may also prescribe an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or computer diagnostics. When performing an MRI, the likelihood of establishing an accurate diagnosis increases significantly, since this research method allows you to more accurately determine the condition of the back, spine, tendons, blood vessels and surrounding tissues. In addition, there is no harmful radiation inherent in radiography.

Manifestations of intervertebral hernia can be confused with radiculitis, coronary heart disease, inflammation of the pancreas, arthrosis, pneumonia and other serious diseases. Therefore, you should not self-medicate; if symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a specialist.

In the early stages, the disease can be completely cured, therefore, it is possible to do without the intervention of a surgeon.

The symptoms of a herniated disc are very insidious. Even doctors often make mistakes when diagnosing this disease. As a rule, at an early stage, when patients do not notice or try not to notice the alarming “bells” of their own body, hernias can be treated with virtually no problems. However, patients often come to see a doctor when therapy without surgery no longer bears fruit.

Intervertebral hernia: more about the disease

A herniated disc often occurs as a result of spinal injuries or osteochondrosis. As a result, fragments of the intervertebral disc protrude (fall out) into the cavity of the spinal column, and a hernia is formed. It is worth noting that the disease is quite serious and can lead to disastrous consequences. A hernia can put severe pressure on nerve structures near the spine.

According to surgeons, the disease is “getting younger” every year.

Most often, intervertebral hernia is diagnosed in people under the age of 45.

This disease is extremely rare in children, but it can be congenital. Elderly people also extremely rarely suffer from intervertebral hernias, because as a result of age-related changes, the motor activity of the vertebral discs is significantly reduced.

Causes of the disease

A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of many ailments, including intervertebral hernia. Physical activity is necessary for the normal functioning of all organ systems in the human body. Even a little morning exercise is quite enough for this.

As for the issues of playing sports, you shouldn’t overdo it here either. Too much constant physical activity is also often the cause of intervertebral hernias. Excess body weight is another reason for the development of the disease. Powerful pressure on the spinal column has a negative impact on health.

It would seem that half the country suffers from such ailments as incorrect posture, curvature of the spine, and osteochondrosis. However, not everyone’s disease progresses and develops complications such as intervertebral hernia. This fact once again proves that your health is in your hands. Don't put off treatment for too long!

Congenital disorders of the development of the spinal column, as well as degenerative changes in the vertebrae, can cause a herniated disc. Loads on the intervertebral discs increase due to the irregular shape of the vertebrae themselves. This is how hernial protrusions are formed.

First of all, those at risk for this disease are:

  • athletes;
  • persons whose work involves heavy physical labor;
  • persons with reduced physical activity and excess body weight;
  • persons working in “harmful” enterprises;
  • office employees (persons who spend most of their time working at a computer).

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Different people may experience completely different symptoms of a herniated disc. The most common symptom is pain. It can be of a different nature and radiate to different parts of the body. Mild swelling, increased/decreased sweating, changes in the temperature of the extremities, increased dryness of the skin... In a word, vegetative changes should also alert you and become a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Numbness, weakness and slight tingling in the limbs are more noticeable signs. They arise due to the fact that the hernial process puts pressure on the spinal column, muscles and roots of the spinal cord. Disorders of the pelvic organs can also be caused by an intervertebral hernia. Many patients also report dizziness and sudden increases in blood pressure.


It is important to note that making this diagnosis without special studies, i.e. based on inspection and conversation is impossible! Undoubtedly, the first step in determining the disease is a conversation with a doctor. You need to tell in as much detail as possible about all the symptoms, the time of onset of their manifestations, etc. Symptoms of a vertebral hernia can easily be confused with signs of other diseases, so the next step is to examine and palpate the supposedly affected areas.

After this, the doctor can give a referral to another specialist or independently conduct a series of tests, evaluate the functioning of muscles, reflexes, and skin sensitivity. Only after this will the specialist give you a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe an examination (X-ray, CT, MRI) to confirm/refute it.


There are traditional and non-traditional methods of treating intervertebral hernia. We will tell you about conservative therapy, which, when strictly following all the doctor’s instructions, gives good results. All movements are recommended to be performed with caution, without sudden turns. Patients are prescribed massage, exercise therapy, and spinal stretching.

Physio- and thermal procedures are also used in the treatment of intervertebral hernias. Patients are advised to wear a soft corset. As for drug therapy, taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic (muscle relaxing) drugs also helps patients overcome the disease.