Prevention of sexually transmitted infections: before, during and after... How to avoid the consequences of casual sex, or emergency prevention of STDs in men and women Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases drugs

26.10.2023 Drugs

Doctors include sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS and many others. These pathologies greatly worsen a person’s life and shorten its duration. STDs are the only method of protection against the development of diseases in case of infection.

When is it necessary to carry out emergency prevention of STDs?

Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. It should be noted that a condom also does not provide one hundred percent protection against infection.

The danger of STDs is that the infection may not manifest itself for a long time. There are asymptomatic forms of the pathology.

Emergency prevention of STDs is required in the following cases:

  • intimate intimacy occurred with a stranger;
  • sex was without a condom;
  • one of the sexual partners showed signs of a sexually transmitted disease.

Urgent prevention of STDs is carried out independently or with the help of doctors. It is better to go to medical offices.

Emergency prevention measures for STDs in men and women

There are special points for the prevention of sexually transmitted pathologies in the country. Such establishments operate around the clock. They are easy to recognize by their bright sign. You can find out the address of the nearest point by calling the skin and venereal disease clinic.

As a rule, such offices are located near hotels, markets, train stations, and recreation areas. Such a prevention point is equipped with a couch, an examination chair, a separate toilet for patients and medications for assistance.

First, the client visits the toilet, empties the bladder, and washes the genitals with soap and water. Then the doctor treats the intimate areas with an antiseptic solution. For men, the urethra is washed with a special liquid based on miramistin or chlorhexidine.

Then the antiseptic is injected into the urethra in an amount of 1-2 ml. Women douche the vagina with a disinfectant. Typically a solution of silver nitrate is used. After drug prophylaxis, it is recommended to refrain from urinating for at least a couple of hours.

You can prevent the development of STDs yourself; to do this, you should take a number of steps:

  • urinate after intimacy;
  • wash the skin of the pubis, thighs, external genitalia with soap and water;
  • treat with an antiseptic. For this purpose, solutions of povidone-iodine, miramistin or chlorhexidine are used. The product is injected into the urethra and vagina, the opening is compressed for a few minutes and released. The epidermal surfaces are also wiped with an antiseptic.

You can also use suppositories and tablets with an antiseptic effect.

Such drugs are produced on the basis of chlorhexidine bigluconate and povidone-iodine. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina for women and into the urethra for men.

For emergency prevention, the following medications are indicated:

  • spermicides(Sterilin, Pharmatex, Contraceptin-T). Suppress sperm activity. Prohibited during pregnancy. May cause a burning sensation;
  • antiseptics(Gibitan, Miramistin, Betadine, Chlorhexidine). Used within the first two hours after sex;
  • antibiotics. Used in large dosages after sexual intercourse. Help prevent the spread of infection. They create a load on the organs, disrupt the microflora of the stomach and intestines, and negatively affect the immune system.

Pharmatex drug

The effectiveness of timely emergency prevention of STDs is about 70%. It all depends on how long after unprotected sex a person began to take action. It is advisable to carry out all actions immediately after sexual intercourse. If more than 2-4 hours have passed, the effectiveness of prevention will be lower.

After three days, taking medications can be harmful: it will erase the picture of sexually transmitted pathology.

Vaccinations are also carried out. Eat , . They form strong immunity. But some people have an intolerance to these.

Instructions for use of the drug Safocid

Safocid is a complex medicine. It comes in the form of four tablets. The active ingredient in pink capsules is fluconazole, white and pink capsules contain azithromycin, and white capsules contain secnidazole.

Each of the tablets has its own therapeutic effect. Fluconazole destroys fungal infections. Azithromycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Secnidazole is an antimicrobial substance.

Safocid is used to prevent the following STDs:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • candidiasis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • urethritis;
  • cervicitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • nonspecific cystitis.

Safocid should not be used in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • blood pathologies;
  • renal failure;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • hypersensitivity of components.

According to the instructions, the drug is taken 60 minutes before meals or two hours after eating.

You need to take all four Safocid tablets at a time, washing them down with plenty of water. The treatment is one-time only.

Taking tests after preventive measures

Since preventive measures do not provide a 100% guarantee that a person will not get an STD, it is necessary to undergo special tests after a while. The examination is indicated even in the absence of pathological symptoms.

The time for diagnosis depends on the incubation period of the disease. For example, to detect bacterial infections, the analysis is done after a couple of weeks, syphilis, herpes, hepatitis and after 1.5 months.

If signs of a sexually transmitted disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a series of examinations. The length of the incubation period depends on the state of human health: the stronger the immune system, the slower pathogens will develop.

To identify STDs, the following types of research are used:

  • bacterioscopy;
  • bacterial sowing;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • linked immunosorbent assay.

The most informative method is PCR examination.

Video on the topic

About drug prevention of STIs in the video:

Thus, immediate prevention of STDs is recognized as an effective method for preventing the development of sexually transmitted diseases. It should be carried out within the first two hours after sexual contact with a stranger without a condom.

Emergency drug prevention of STDs is a method that can be used to prevent infection with STDs, this acronym, familiar to many adults, stands for “Sexually Transmitted Diseases”. The list of STDs is long and includes a wide variety of diseases.

They have one thing in common: the ability to be transmitted through sex.

How can you get sick after unprotected sex?

Diseases that can be obtained in this way are divided into bacterial and viral. Prevention of bacterial diseases exists; viral - no.

Bacterial STDs include:

  • syphilis
  • gonorrhea
  • chlamydia
  • trichomoniasis
  • mycoplasmosis
  • ureaplasmosis
  • gardnerellosis

Important! Mycoplasma, ureaplasma and gardnerella are opportunistic microorganisms. Their presence in the body is often not associated with sexual life.

Why is emergency prevention of STDs needed?

A person’s intimate life is not always predictable. It may happen that the partner is not very familiar, and there is no condom at hand.

What to do if everything has already happened?

Remember - unprotected sex always leaves the possibility of infection. You can catch an infection even from the most healthy-looking person. Moreover, there are a number of STDs that, with good immunity, do not give clinical manifestations. That is, the person himself does not know that he is sick. Therefore, after unprotected sex, it makes sense to think about how to protect yourself from trouble.

Emergency prevention of STDs: what to do?

The tactics of action depend on how long ago you had unprotected sex. It is best to act in the first two hours, when emergency prevention of STDs is effective. After 4 hours there is no point in it anymore.

For the next three days, drug prophylaxis makes sense. After three days, preventive actions become impractical. The ideal option would be to contact a personal prevention center.

If there is no opportunity to contact a doctor, autoprophylaxis should be carried out.

The procedure may be as follows:

  • Empty your bladder immediately after sex
  • wash thoroughly with soap
  • use antiseptic solutions to treat the genitals
  • use solid antiseptics (suppositories, vaginal tablets)

Antiseptic solutions are used not only externally. They are also inserted into the vagina or urethra. This is done using the nozzle with which the container is equipped.

With the presence of antiseptics such as chlorhexidine or miramistin, the prevention of STDs is greatly simplified. Drug prevention of STDs comes down to taking a “shock” dose of antibiotics.

Remember! Self-medication is fraught with complications and is carried out at your own peril and risk.

The method is not ideal: the correct selection of antibiotics is possible only after testing. In order to compensate for this, combination medications are used. These include antibiotics, fungal infections and protozoa treatments.

There are also undeniable advantages - taking the pills is easy, it does not require time or effort. If you suspect that your partner has syphilis, this option will not work. The best prevention of syphilis is the intramuscular injection of a large dose of antibiotic.

The type of antibiotic and its amount in this situation is determined only by the doctor.

Important! Even after prevention and in the absence of symptoms, it is necessary to get tested.

Getting tested after emergency STD prevention

Bacterial infections are checked after 2-3 weeks, syphilis - after 1.5 months, hepatitis, herpes and HIV - after 3 weeks. If you have had unprotected sex with a casual partner, get tested at our clinic.

Even after emergency prevention of STDs, diagnosis will refute or confirm infection and allow timely treatment to begin.

Today there are a large number of sexually transmitted infections that are widespread.

Any sexual contact without the use of barrier methods of contraception can lead to infection with a serious disease. STD prevention measures are not always taken in advance. There is a need to take emergency actions aimed at preventing possible infection.

Primary prevention of STDs– activities carried out among the population, which include informing:

  • about the types and frequency of sexually transmitted infections;
  • routes of transmission of STIs and risks of infection depending on the route of entry of the pathogen into the body;
  • methods of protection against infections and innovations in the prevention of STDs;
  • the first symptoms of diseases, their clinical manifestations depending on location.

A distinctive feature of primary prevention is that it is carried out before possible infection. It is advisable to conduct it among young people. In educational institutions, gynecologists and infectious disease specialists conduct lectures and seminars. Reminders on STD prevention are distributed.

Among the measures aimed at preventing STD infection, individual prevention ranks first.

It includes:

  • Fidelity to one sexual partner, absence of “casual” sexual contacts. The carrier of an infectious disease can be a socially prosperous and decent person, in most cases not even suspecting that he has a sexually transmitted disease. The more such contacts you have in your life, the higher your risk of contracting an STI.
  • Using condoms. When used correctly (throughout sexual intercourse), they can protect you from some bacterial and protozoal infections. Barrier contraception has low protection rates against viruses.
  • The use of contraceptives that have an antiseptic effect. Such drugs include tablets, suppositories and gels containing benzalkonium chloride (Pharmatex, Erotex).

If you have not taken care of protection from infection in advance, you should not waste time on useless accusations of yourself and your partner.

There is emergency prevention of STDs in men and women. Prevention of STDs after an unprotected act involves using means that reduce the possibility of infection. Depending on their chemical composition, this protection ranges from 20 to 90%.

Drug prevention of STDs

Chlorhexidine is one of the most popular antiseptics.

You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription. The medicine is sold in glass bottles of 100, 150 and 200 ml, as well as in small plastic bottles with a dispenser.

Prevention of STDs after sex is carried out after urination. This act has two purposes: it flushes out some of the bacteria that may have entered the urinary tract. Also empties the bladder. This is necessary to refrain from urinating for 2 hours after using the medicine.

Women are recommended to use chlorhexidine for external wiping. A moistened gauze swab can be used to treat the external genitalia, inner thighs, and anal area. You can also take the solution into a syringe and do 2-3 vaginal irrigations.

Many manuals describe the technique of injecting a few milliliters of chlorhexidine into the urethra using a syringe. This procedure, if the technique and antiseptic conditions are not followed, can lead to the opposite result. Bacteria can get deep into the urethra, contributing to the development of bladder inflammation. In addition, most girls note a burning sensation when the medicine is administered into the urethra.

Men can also use chlorhexidine solution. Both external washing of the glans penis and injection of 2-3 ml of solution directly into the urethra are effective.

To consolidate the results of using an antiseptic, women are also recommended the following. For 5 days, place suppositories with chlorhexidine (Heksikon, Hexosept) in the vagina, which also refer to drug prevention of STDs.

The course of Hexicon candles can be increased to 10 days. If, a few days after sexual intercourse, unpleasant discharge or itching appears.

Miramistin is a widely used antiseptic with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. The drug is sold in bottles with a spray nozzle. Like chlorhexidine, miramistin can be used externally on the skin and mucous membranes. And also perform vaginal irrigation and injection into the urethra.

MestaMidin-sense is a modern complex drug for the prevention of STDs. It is advisable that it be used within 30 minutes after sexual intercourse. MestaMidin is effective against many bacteria, including ureaplasma and mycoplasma. It also acts on viruses and many fungi. The drug does not lead to the development of resistance in the body and can be used quite often as needed.

Tablets for drug prevention of STDs are a group of antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal agents. There is no “magic” pill or prophylactic injection that could completely protect against all possible sexually transmitted infections.

And yet there are a number of broad-spectrum drugs. Their use is advisable if you suspect that your sexual partner is a carrier of a particular infection. One of these antibiotics for drug prevention of STDs is Azithromycin.

The drug is available in tablets and capsules of 125, 250 and 500 mg. To prevent infection with most sexually transmitted infections, it is enough to take 0.25 g of antibiotic at a time (1 or 2 tablets, depending on the dosage).

After a week, taking the drug can be repeated if there are any symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection:

  • pain in the lower abdomen,
  • unpleasant discharge,
  • burning during urination and in the vagina.

A proven drug with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity is also metronidazole (Metronidazole, Trichopolum). Application regimens vary depending on the dosage. If you suspect a fungal infection, you can take 50 mg of fluconazole.

It should be remembered that there are no medications that protect against serious viral infections - HIV, HPV.

Diagnosis of STIs at home

Before going to a specialized facility, you can diagnose infections at home. An STD test can be easily purchased at a pharmacy.

Many years ago, such studies became part of world practice. This is a classic rapid test for STDs, based on the detection of antibodies to pathogenic microorganisms. The main advantage is complete anonymity and a homely environment. But a test for STDs at home is by no means reliable. Since many factors negatively affect the result.

If it is positive, then it is necessary to contact a medical institution as soon as possible for a more accurate diagnosis.

If it is negative, this does not mean there is no infection. Because you can get to a period when antibodies have not yet had time to form.

It is not important to know exactly what the STD test is called. It is only important to have an idea of ​​the diseases that it is desirable to identify.

A hemotest for STDs examines blood obtained by finger scarification. HIV and hepatitis, as well as other viruses, are diagnosed. To assess genital infections, it is better to check genital discharge.

Even vaccination against STDs can affect the result, since antibodies will already be formed in the body.

Thus, there are quite a few ways to diagnose sexually transmitted infections. The speed of providing assistance to a person may depend on how long it takes to test for STDs. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialized dermatovenereal dispensary.

STD tests are interpreted here as quickly as possible, which allows you to reduce the examination time.

If we talk about where to get tested for STDs, then KVD has undeniable advantages.

Due to the specific focus of the medical institution, it conducts a full range of studies, which makes it possible to identify any infections. Therefore, if you have suspicious symptoms, as well as in the case of preventive diagnostics, you need to contact a dermatovenerological clinic as soon as possible. Here they will not only conduct an examination, but also outline a full course of treatment for the identified diseases.

If you are still not sure about the effectiveness of the preventive measures taken and home diagnostics, you need to contact the VD to get tested for STIs.

There are two research options - basic tests for STDs and an extended list of diseases.

In the first case, only infections characteristic of the genitourinary tract are detected. An expanded list of tests for STDs includes systemic diseases that affect not only the mucous membrane of the genital tract and urethra, but also many other organs.

It includes identifying the following diseases:

  • gonococcal infection;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • chlamydial infection;
  • syphilis;
  • HIV infections;
  • serum hepatitis;
  • genital herpes;
  • papillomatosis of the genital organs;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • gardnerellosis.

Some laboratories also include exotic infections, such as mobilincus. But in most cases, the classic list of pathogens is sufficient.

What serves as diagnostic material?

Any biological fluids of the human body are suitable for identifying pathogens of sexually transmitted infections.

However, in most cases, the following materials are used for research:

  • genital discharge;
  • blood;
  • urine;
  • sperm;
  • urethral scraping;
  • oral discharge.

Important information that needs to be clarified with a specialist in advance is how to prepare for a specific study. If certain rules are not followed, the diagnostic result is often erroneous.

Preparation includes several stages.

  • Avoid alcohol for 3 days before the test.
  • Reducing the amount of sweets in the diet and fatty foods in 48 hours.
  • The absence of viral respiratory infections - in case of a cold, it is better to postpone the diagnosis.
  • Before taking a smear, careful hygiene of the external genitalia is important.
  • It is undesirable to allow urination 3 hours before taking material from the urethra - pathogenic microorganisms can simply be washed away.
  • When donating blood, the test is carried out in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. There are restrictions on sexual intercourse. Although the presence of intimate relations will not have a significant role in the diagnosis, it is recommended to exclude intimacy 48 hours before taking material from the genital tract. This rule plays a role in excluding “transit” infection, which can remain on the genitourinary tract, but not lead directly to the disease.

Preventing STDs can save lives, as many diseases are incurable and kill millions of people every year. There are 2 types of measures: preliminary and emergency.

STDs are spreading quickly today, because due to new moral principles that encourage people to abandon hypocrisy and live for their own pleasure, the number of casual relationships is growing. In such conditions, bacteria, single-celled organisms and viruses live as if in paradise, because they constantly find a new home and multiply. Millions die every year from STDs, and just as many become infertile or chronically ill. Preventing STDs will help keep your sexual partners healthy, so it's important to remember.

As they say, you need to know your enemy by sight, so you need to become more familiar with the concept of STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases are a group of pathologies caused by bacterial or viral agents, which are transmitted through biological fluids (blood, semen) through sexual contact, and less often by other means.

Bacterial STDs

Bacteria have existed longer than humans, so they have learned to live comfortably in the body. It is beneficial for bacteria to live in the genitals of women and men, because they may not be immediately noticed there; these places are humid and warm, so they reproduce and grow normally. Bacterial STDs include:

  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • granuloma venereum;
  • chancroid;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • nonspecific urethritis.

Bacterial pathogens often leave dire consequences. In women with damage to the ovaries, fallopian tubes or uterus, infertility develops, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and fibroids or cancer appear. In men, bacteria disrupt the reproductive function of the testicles, leading to impotence and infertility.

Single-celled STDs

Unicellular - living organisms that contain a nucleus, but have a body the size of only one cell. Some of them are quite harmless; they live in puddles, soil, on food and even in the bodies of animals and humans. But among single-celled organisms there are the most dangerous pathogens of STDs:

  • chlamydia;
  • Giardia;
  • Trichomona.

The development of single-celled organisms in the genital tract of women and men leads to the appearance of inflammatory processes (acute and chronic), obstruction of the fallopian tubes and urethra, as well as infertility.

Viral STDs

  • papilloma virus;
  • hepatitis B and C;
  • genital herpes.

The first two, although sexually transmitted, have virtually no effect on the reproductive system. For example, HIV after a certain period of time turns into AIDS, and viral agents infect human immune cells. You cannot die from AIDS, it is not beneficial for the virus, patients die from infections (even from a common cold), because their immunity is very weak.

The papilloma virus causes growths on the skin, which cause inflammation and itching, and in women, the growths can be localized in the uterus or fallopian tubes, causing fibroids or infertility.

Transmission of STDs

All these diseases are transmitted through casual sex, during which the man did not wear a condom. I would like to say a few words about the last sexual attribute.

Outbreaks of STDs were often observed in the 17th-19th centuries, when orgies were held at balls or social functions; many French officials and rulers died from venereal diseases after a stormy sex life.

Back then, they didn’t even know about a thin rubber film that could protect against pregnancy and illness. But today condoms are sold in every pharmacy, they are relatively inexpensive, and people are taught from school about safety measures during sexual intercourse.

Despite all this, the rate of STD infection is not decreasing, mainly due to the fact that people are careless about themselves and their partners. Many people are embarrassed to buy condoms at pharmacies, but the embarrassment disappears before the next sexual contact with a stranger. Only after reviewing priorities and understanding responsibility for one’s life and health will humanity be able to defeat STDs.

Prevention of STDs

Prevention of viral, bacterial and single-celled STDs is divided into two types: preliminary and emergency or medicinal. You need to know about each one in order to be able to save yourself from the disease.

Preliminary prevention

Preliminary prevention of STDs is simple and safe - protected sexual contact and avoidance of casual sex. Only by “blocking” access to the reproductive system for STD pathogens can infection be eliminated.

There is another important preventive measure - a venereologist. It must be visited once every six months. He will take tests and do an examination for STDs. Most infections have an incubation period of 4-5 months, so if the doctor notices the development of the disease at an early stage, treatment will be simple and quick.

Emergency prevention

If infection could not be avoided for any reason, emergency drug prevention of STDs will come to the rescue within 1-3 days. The main condition for it is to know the type of pathogen (bacterium, virus, fungus or single-celled organism) in order to choose the right drug. You cannot prescribe medications for yourself; you should ask your sexual partner about his illness and then go to a venereologist.

Drug prevention involves taking certain drugs that will help kill at the initial stage of reproduction, when it has not yet had time to reproduce sufficiently. Antibiotics are used against bacteria and protozoa, antiviral drugs are used after infection with a virus, and antifungal drugs will help against fungi.


Emergency medical prevention of STDs caused by bacteria or single-celled organisms involves the use of antibiotics. The main difficulty in their selection is that you need to know the specific type of pathogen. To do this, you can do a culture, but it will take a long time, so it is better to find out from your sexual partner. If it was not possible to find out the exact information, a “general” antibiotic is prescribed - Azithromycin or its derivatives.

Azithromycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic with cumulative properties. Reaching a certain concentration at the site of inflammation, the active substance of the drug gives a bactericidal effect, that is, it kills bacteria. Azithromycin can be used after infection with syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, urethritis.

When taking Azithromycin, you must remember that it also affects the normal microflora of the body, so you must take prebiotics along with the antibiotic. This is especially important for women, because disruption of the vaginal flora can lead to candidiasis.

Azithromycin has contraindications that must be taken into account before treatment:

  • it is dangerous for pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  • it cannot be taken under 16 years of age;
  • The drug is prohibited for renal failure and liver diseases.

It should be remembered that Azithromycin will only help cope with bacteria and single-celled organisms, but it is powerless against other STD pathogens.

Antiviral drugs

Drug antiviral prevention of STDs is complicated by the fact that some viruses, for example, HIV, cannot be treated even several hours after sexual intercourse; this happens because this virus “hides” in human immune cells, from where it is simply impossible to get it.

After infection with hepatitis, vaccination will help save a person from developing the disease, but it must be done within 3 days. If we are talking about herpes, then Devirs ointment or similar drugs based on ribavirin can be used against it.

You can also use immunomodulators for viral STDs, which will stimulate the immune system to fight viral agents at the initial stage of the disease.

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases still remains relevant, despite the availability of inexpensive means of protection and public awareness. You need to remember that safety depends on yourself, exclude unprotected casual sex and regularly visit a venereologist.

Introduction 3

1. Classification 5

2. Routes of transmission

2.1 Sexual transmission of STDs

2.2 Contact and household transmission of STDs

2.3 Intrauterine transmission of STDs

2.4 Parenteral route of transmission of STDs

2.5 Other ways of transmitting STDs

3. Prevention





Modern statistics on bacterial and viral STDs, no matter how hard statisticians try, do not show the true picture of morbidity. Often people don’t go to doctors because they don’t know about their illness: while syphilis and gonorrhea have been known since ancient times, have obvious symptoms, are feared and treated, then many people don’t even know about such new sexually transmitted diseases as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, mycoplasmosis. suspect. These infections are practically asymptomatic, especially in women.

Meanwhile, new sexually transmitted diseases are dangerous because not only sexual partners suffer from them - they are transmitted to the fetus in utero, and through mother's milk, and through saliva during a kiss, and through blood transfusion.

The second reason that we are unlikely to learn about all patients with STDs is the refusal of doctors in our clinics to acknowledge their existence. New sexually transmitted diseases often manifest themselves as inflammation. Doctors in government institutions treat any inflammation “the old fashioned way” with a loading dose of antibiotics. If one does not help, they will prescribe another... And a person from such criminal treatment often becomes disabled, unable to conceive or bear children, impotent...

After all, STDs did not appear suddenly and not yesterday. People in the old days lived, it should be noted, in a different ecological environment, and many of them were dealt with by the internal forces of the body.

Modern urbanization, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the proliferation of nuclear materials, acid rain - all this has a destructive effect on the cells of the immune system. Modern people have extremely reduced immunity, and sexually transmitted infections literally attacked weakened organisms. Dermatovenerologists claim that chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis and many other diseases will become the scourge of the 21st century, when humanity finally understands all the terrifying consequences of these infections.

Sexually transmitted diseases are among the most common infectious diseases in the world. For example, gonorrhea infects more than 250 million people per year worldwide.

Sexually transmitted diseases are, unfortunately, one of the MOST common diseases around the world. Not one of the most common, but the most common. Even highly developed countries are not far behind in terms of incidence, and in some indicators they can even overtake third world countries. The situation with “classical” sexually transmitted diseases in the former Soviet republics, along with the countries of Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe, can be regarded as an EPIDEMIC.

Globality and comprehensive relevance no one dares to question this question. Target This work is to show methods of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. After all, prevention is easier than cure. Main goals– reveal the concept of STDs, show the severity of the problem and describe the main preventive measures.

1. Classification of STDs

Venereal diseases- diseases united by the principle of transmission through sexual contact. A more correct term is diseases(options: infections , illnesses)sexually transmitted(abbreviated as STD , STD or STI). Some experts divide STIs into “old” and “new”, and call “old” STIs sexually transmitted, and “new” STIs urogenital.

Only results can give you one hundred percent confidence that you are healthy. tests for STDs– y sexually transmitted infections symptoms very weakly expressed. Detect and treat sexually transmitted infections it’s better in the early stages, when nothing bothers you - this will allow you to avoid serious complications and consequences of STDs. Your health is also the key to the health of your loved ones, your loved ones and even your children: many sexually transmitted infections are transmitted in everyday life, not only through sexual contact.

2. Transmission routes

2.2 Contact and household route of transmission of STDs

Sexually transmitted infections are very rare, but are transmitted through prolonged household contact. Thus, even in the absence of sexual contact, you can transmit sexually transmitted diseases, both classic and new, to your loved ones and even children.

Thus, STIs can be transmitted through kisses, close hugs, or through shared objects (this is the reason why slippers, towels, washcloths and underwear should be individual for each family member). That’s why you can’t sit/lie down on a bare shelf in a shared bathhouse. That’s why previously swimming pools required a certificate from a dermatovenerologist. Rarely, some STDs infect the eyes in particular in public places, such as swimming pools. This is how chlamydia, in particular, can be transmitted, causing basin conjunctivitis. Even if hygiene is maintained in the pool, water is changed and disinfection is carried out, but visitors are not monitored, diseases are still observed.

But this route of infection is quite rare - children and adults with weakened immune systems are mainly exposed to contact and household infection through prolonged close household contact.

Contact and household transmission of sexually transmitted infections includes infection with unsterilized medical instruments. That is why at our Euromedprestige medical center we use only disposable, absolutely sterile materials.

2.3 Intrauterine transmission of STDs

STDs can also be transmitted in utero, through placental blood from mother to fetus. Another way of transmitting an STI from a mother to a newborn is its infection during childbirth: when passing through the mother’s birth canal, the baby can become infected with all the sexually transmitted infections that the mother suffers from. The result is numerous inflammatory and infectious diseases, starting within a few days of life.

2.4 Parenteral route of transmission of STDs

Some STDs are transmitted by the so-called parenteral route, when the infection enters directly into the blood, onto the mucous membrane, etc., bypassing the body's defense mechanisms. The most common parenteral route is intravenous injection with a non-sterile syringe (a syringe that has already been used by another person), or blood transfusion.

This route also includes transmission of infection through wounds (for example, through knife cuts, which happens quite rarely).

The parenteral route of transmission is one of the main routes of transmission of HIV infection (AIDS), syphilis and hepatitis B, C. Also through these routes there is the possibility of becoming infected with new sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and gardnerellosis.

2.5 Other ways of transmitting STDs

The main routes of transmission of infection are listed above. But there are other ways in which only a few STDs can be transmitted (in particular, HIV, cytomegalovirus, etc.). In an infected person, this infection is found in saliva, urine, vaginal secretions, semen, breast milk, tears, blood and many internal organs. Through secretions, it can be transmitted to a sexual partner and child, penetrate cell barriers, enter the blood, affect various tissues, taking over the body completely.

3. Prevention

Prevention from STIs is through safe behavior during sexual intercourse. In particular, this is the use of a condom, a latex wipe, or non-penetrative sex. Washing with water or antiseptics and interrupted sexual intercourse are ineffective.

Many people believe that you can get infected from a person who does not have obvious signs of inflammation in the area. genitals, impossible. However, many infections occur without symptoms at all, so the absence of symptoms is not yet a reason to trust a person with their health. In addition, sexually transmitted infections are transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through blood ( AIDS , syphilis , Hepatitis B- during transfusion, when using shared non-sterile needles). At some stages, syphilis can even be transmitted through a wet kiss.

The main fact that should convince even skeptics that the risk of infection is very likely if preventive measures are not followed is the fact that, unfortunately, the number of cases venereal diseases growing progressively everywhere. In Russia, the situation with sexually transmitted diseases is epidemic.

There are several simple rules and tips, how to reduce the risk and even avoid the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections, which you need to think about BEFORE sexual intercourse:

· Refrain from “casual” relationships. No one can guarantee that even the most “decent” men and women are healthy. Neither a person’s appearance, nor his level of education, nor his social status and marital status – NOTHING can indicate the presence or absence of sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time, the person himself can be completely sure that he is healthy, and have absolutely no suspicion that he is sick. Most sexually transmitted diseases are often asymptomatic.

· The most dangerous types of sex are vaginal or anal intercourse without a condom.

· Use condom. The condom is a classic means of preventing STDs. However, the effectiveness of a condom as a means of preventing sexually transmitted infections is not 100%. It is not uncommon for a condom to slip off. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions before use.

· (In addition, few people know that there are special condoms and tongue films for cunnilingus. And sexually transmitted infections, as already mentioned, are also transmitted through orogenital sexual intercourse.)

To summarize all that has been said, we emphasize: it is absolutely necessary to use a condom for short-term relationships. Meanwhile, a condom is not suitable for regular sexual activity: according to the observations of venereologists, if one partner is sick, even in a condom, sooner or later the infection becomes “common.”

If you are sure that constant use of a condom will immediately solve all problems with sexually transmitted diseases, unfortunately, this is not always the case.

· Avoid any sexual contact with people who are at risk of contracting STDs.

So, it is imperative to use a condom if your potential sexual partner comes into contact with blood. These are nurses, laboratory assistants, laboratory workers, doctors (dentists are also doctors), people who have undergone blood transfusions, blood purification using an artificial kidney (hemodialysis for patients with kidney failure), etc.

A condom is also required in cases where your partner injects drugs intravenously (marks from a syringe on the forearm), if he/she practices group sex (including swinging), perhaps prefers “one-time” sexual contacts with different people (venerologists call such behavior is a tendency to random contacts).

You yourself can include any person who does not inspire confidence in you as a risk group. Even if he/she shows you the results of examinations for infections: some very dangerous infections, in particular hepatitis and HIV, may be present in the human body and cannot be detected by laboratory diagnostic methods.

· Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene in your intimate life. Demand the same from your partner.

· Never, under any circumstances, use other people’s personal hygiene items. Personal hygiene items include towels, washcloths, underwear, slippers, combs, etc.

· Change your sexual behavior to safer ones. Limit the number of sexual partners. This advice applies to people of absolutely any sexual orientation.

When contacting a casual sexual partner, safe sexual behavior is:

o Body massage of the partner;

o Contact of bodies (excluding contact of mucous membranes and genital organs);

o Dry kisses;

o Kissing and caressing the body with the tongue (in the absence of oral contact with the genitals);

o Self-masturbation in the presence of a partner.

· Relatively safe types of sex, in which the risk of contracting an STD is minimal, are wet kisses, mutual caress of the genitals with hands, sexual intercourse (orogenital, vaginal, anal) with a condom.

· Orogenital sexual contact without a condom with a non-regular partner is considered potentially dangerous. Even the human immunodeficiency virus can be transmitted through oral sex.

· This advice follows on from the previous ones - use a condom. A condom is put on immediately before sexual intercourse, so before using a condom, make sure that your partner’s genitals, secretions from them, saliva and, possibly, blood do not come into contact with your mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, genitals). The safest type of sex with a non-regular partner today is considered to be oral, vaginal or anal sex using a condom.

· Before sexual intercourse (if possible, of course), make sure that your partner does not have external signs of sexually transmitted diseases. If there are any, the date is postponed, because even a condom is not 100% effective.

· Because sexual transmission of STDs is not the only way. Sexually transmitted infections are transmitted through blood (AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B). Syphilis in some of its stages can be transmitted even by kissing. Thus, the risk of infection always exists. And your task is to reduce it. Use all the tips listed above and, of course, don’t be shy to ask your future partner a few questions.

However, it is unrealistic to follow all these recommendations when communicating with a real, living person. Therefore, a condom is today the best way to protect against sexually transmitted diseases. However, it is not 100% secure. A condom is not a panacea! By using it, you reduce, but do not eliminate the possibility of infection!

So how can you be sure to avoid contracting STDs? Nobody will tell you about this. The most effective remedy, alas, still remains complete sexual abstinence - abstinence.

Any type of sexual activity (except only self-masturbation) is more or less associated with the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. This is probably how nature works, that we will never be able to protect ourselves 100%, no matter what we do. However, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of infection – and quite significantly. This is your permanent partner, whom you thoroughly trust, and have regular sex life with him.

Very often we are reminded that we need to see a dentist every six months. The same recommendation applies to visiting urologist/gynecologist. Let your doctor look at your absolute health with a fresh and professional eye. Only these measures, combined with your competent behavior, will protect you from infection.

And... Stop smoking. Smoking seriously compromises the immune system.


“Love is a magical land, only there can be happiness.” As you know, lovers are patronized by the most beautiful of goddesses, the goddess of love, Venus. Unfortunately, now lovers are often accompanied by sexually transmitted diseases.

Untreated STDs that have been present in the body for a long time can cause complications: male and female infertility, prostatitis, inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, epididymitis, neoplasms of the genital organs.

It is much easier to be more attentive and responsible to yourself, your loved ones and loved ones. It is much easier to prevent our mistakes than to cure them. But sometimes mistakes are fatal.

Be careful, take care of your health and don’t take risks. Irresponsibility will not only hurt your pocket but also your health.


















