Simple and delicious pizza sauce. Tomato sauce for pizza. From tomato juice

31.05.2024 Brain Research

Do you dream of learning how to cook pizza like in a pizzeria, but don’t know where to start? Our article will introduce you to recipes for the most delicious toppings and sauces that will help make your homemade pizza perfect.

  • It is believed that the Italians invented such a dish as pizza, which is why they know how to cook it perfectly. The first pizza was made in the city of Naples and, by our standards, was quite simple, because only tomatoes, fresh basil and cheese were used for its filling
  • Over time, chefs began to add other ingredients to the filling, and after some time it transformed into a more familiar version for us. Modern pizza can be completely different. If desired, you can make meat, mushroom, cheese, lean and even vegetarian
  • But don’t forget that in addition to the toppings, the pizza must have sauce. If you like classic combinations, then add spicy tomato sauce to the dish, and if you are not afraid to experiment, then try to surprise your household with mustard or delicate creamy sauce. For those who are going to make pizza for the first time, we offer information on how toppings and sauce are prepared, just like in a real pizzeria

Delicious pizza filling with sausage, cheese and tomatoes

Pizza filling with sausage, cheese and tomato
  • It is not clear for what reasons, but our most popular filling is a combination of sausage, cheese and tomatoes. These are the ingredients that housewives most often use to make homemade pizza.
  • But in order for these components to make friends with each other correctly, they must be prepared first.
  • If this is not done, then an ingredient such as a tomato (if used raw) may release its juices to the dough during baking, and because of this it will not turn out crispy
  • Of course, if you make a thick crust, then you only need to blanch the tomatoes and remove the skin. But if you want to make a thin and tender pizza, then it will be better if you heat-treat this vegetable

First, take care of the tomatoes, plunge them into boiling water for 1 minute, and then transfer them to liquid with ice.
When you see that the skin has begun to curl, take a thin knife and remove it
Cut the tomatoes into slices and bake them either on the grill or in the oven
While they are cooking, cut the sausage into thin slices (ideally it should be dry-cured) and grate the hard cheese on a fine grater
After the tomatoes have cooled a little, you can form the pizza

Chicken pizza filling

Pizza stuffed with chicken
  • Some people don't really like chicken meat as much as they find it tasteless and dry. But it is precisely this neutral taste that allows you to make quite interesting variations for the filling from this product.
  • Breast meat is most often used to make pizza. But if you don't have it, then feel free to use other parts of the chicken.
  • Just before you start cooking the meat, be sure to remove all the bones from it as carefully as possible. This will allow you to get perfect pieces of meat, which can later be properly chopped
  • Also be sure to completely remove the skin from the chicken. It is strictly forbidden to use this component for preparing pizza as it will spoil both the appearance and taste of the finished dish.

Preparation of chicken filling:
Take the chicken breast, rinse it with clean water and dry it a little
Cut it into small pieces (preferably they are the same size and shape)
Heat a frying pan and pour vegetable oil into it
Carefully place the chicken breast in one layer and fry it on both sides
While frying, pepper and salt the meat and, if desired, add, for example, Italian herbs
Place the finished filling on a paper towel and let cool slightly.
If you want to reduce the calorie content of pizza, then simply boil the chicken breast in salted water

Pizza toppings with pickles

Pickles for pizza

Pizza with pickles will appeal to those who don’t like to bother for a long time. In this case, you may not need to pre-cook anything at all. But first, remember, to prepare the right dish, it is best to use small cucumbers, for example, gherkins. They have a particularly piquant taste and crunchiness that remains even after baking.

If you decide to use larger cucumbers, then slice them as thinly as possible and remove the core if possible. And since the filling cannot consist only of cucumbers, you need to select some other components to go with them. If you think that there is practically nothing to combine this canned vegetable with, then you are deeply mistaken.

You can easily add eggs, pickled or salted fish, ham and even meat to the cucumbers. Only in this case it is better not to use tomato sauce, as it may slightly spoil the taste of the pizza. You can try replacing it with cream or garlic. We’ll figure out how to prepare them correctly below.

Pizza filling with mushrooms

Fried champignon pizza topping

Pizza with mushrooms- it's always simple, tasty and fast. Since mushrooms are not afraid of freezing, you can easily make preparations, freeze them and pamper your household with a delicious dish every day. The most important advantage of this filling is that you can use fresh, frozen, and salted foods to prepare it.

But, as in all previous filling variations, here you also need to be able to create the right combinations. If you plan to use fresh or frozen mushrooms, then they must be pre-fried with the addition of onions. The pickled product can be used without additional heat treatment, simply by first crushing it.

If you make pizza exclusively with mushrooms, pay special attention to the choice of cheese. In this case, it is best to refuse to use the classic version and replace it, for example, with feta. It will give the finished dish additional piquancy and a barely noticeable bitterness.

Mushrooms that can be used to prepare the filling:
Honey mushrooms

Simple pizza topping

Simple pizza topping

If you don’t really like exotic combinations and prefer to eat foods more familiar to our region, then make pizza with simple toppings. To prepare it, you can use any vegetables, eggs and cheese. Completely different variations are possible here.

Eggs can be boiled or mixed with cheese, vegetables can be stewed, boiled, fried or baked. Each person can choose for himself the option that is closer to his taste preferences. Capers, olives or anchovies can add originality to this filling.

Pizza recipe with simple toppings:
Prepare the dough according to the classic recipe
Roll it out thinly and prick it with a fork.
Spread the base with your favorite sauce
Sprinkle the dough generously with hard cheese.
Make thin ribbons of zucchini and place them evenly over the surface of the pizza.
Make 5-7 holes and break quail eggs into them
Gently drizzle the pizza with any vegetable oil and sprinkle with parsley and basil

Cheese pizza filling

Cheese filling for pizza

Pizza has long been an international food. This dish is very popular in almost all corners of the globe. But if we are more familiar with pizza with meat or sausage, then, for example, in France they really love cheese pizza. It was invented specifically for raw foodists who cannot imagine a single meal for this product.

But in order for such a filling to be tasty, it must contain at least two different varieties. The best option is considered to be a combination of four different types at once. Moreover, in this case, you can easily mix varieties of different hardness with each other. The main thing is that they complement each other correctly and create a good taste combination.

Fresh basil or arugula can help add a fresh touch to this pizza. But remember, under no circumstances should greens be baked in the oven; it will be tastier if you put it on a completely prepared dish.

Cheeses that can be used for filling:
Dor blue

How to make tomato sauce for muti pizza?

Tomato sauce muti for pizza

Italians love their tomato sauce, muti, and believe that only with it can they make real pizza. But it’s clear that not everyone can afford to buy this spicy sauce. What should people do in this case who dream of making pizza according to an Italian recipe?

Of course, try making it at home. After all, dregs sauce is nothing more than the more familiar ketchup, just with a special set of spices. Therefore, if you know the recipe, then it can be prepared at home.

Tomato muti sauce recipe:
Chop the onion and garlic (there should be quite a lot of them) and saute them a little in olive oil
When they become transparent, add pre-chopped and peeled tomatoes to them.
Boil the sauce until the tomatoes turn into mush
At the very end, add basil and oregano to the tomato mixture (can be used either fresh or dried)
Boil the sauce for another 5 minutes and turn off the stove
Grind the resulting mass through a fine sieve and add chopped olives to it
If you plan to store the sauce for some time, then be sure to boil it again

Italian pizza sauce

Italian tomato sauce for pizza

To bake proper and tasty pizza, you need to choose only high-quality and fresh ingredients. After all, if you want to prepare a tasty, but also healthy dish for your family, then, if possible, avoid using ready-made products from the food industry.

It will be better if you even prepare the tomato sauce yourself. Moreover, you are unlikely to find delicious Italian pizza sauce on supermarket shelves.

Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin and chop them fairly finely.
Place them in a saucepan and simmer over low heat until the liquid has completely evaporated.
At the very end, add salt and pepper to taste
Rub the mixture through a sieve, add lemon juice, dried basil and marjoram.
The sauce is ready to use

Cheese sauce for pizza

Cheese sauce for pizza

Cheese lovers know that cheese sauce can turn the simplest and most bland dish into a real culinary masterpiece. But the best part is that it can be used not only for making pizza, but also for greasing sandwiches. It is prepared in almost the same way as the famous béchamel sauce, only cheese is added to it at the end of cooking.

If we talk specifically about this component, it is worth noting that more expensive hard cheeses are most suitable for the sauce. They have a distinctly spicy flavor and never curdle in hot sauce. Therefore, if you do not want to transfer products, then under no circumstances skimp on cheese.

Cheese sauce recipe:
Take a deep saucepan with a thick bottom and place it on the stove
Fry the flour in it until golden brown
Salt and pepper the flour, add chopped garlic and nutmeg
Next, we begin to pour the heated milk into the saucepan in a thin stream.
Bring the mixture to a boil and while still hot, rub it through a sieve.
Leave the milk mixture aside and start heating the butter in a frying pan.
While it is heating, grate the sire and beat one egg well
Using a blender, mix all ingredients until thick and homogeneous.

White pizza sauce

White pizza sauce with fresh herbs

White sauce, like tomato sauce, is considered the base for pizza. This is due to the fact that it goes well with almost any filling. Therefore, you can safely use it to prepare meat, mushroom, fish and even vegetable pizza.

Prepare milk or meat broth in advance (it can be made from any type of meat)
Melt the butter, add flour to it and save it
Without ceasing to stir the creamy mixture, begin to add milk or broth into it
At the end, add your favorite spices, salt, pepper and turn off the stove

Creamy pizza sauce

Creamy pizza sauce made from farm cream

This sauce is prepared in almost the same way as the previous two, only cream is used as a liquid component in this version. They are the ones who make the sauce more tender and soft.

If you have the opportunity, then find real farm cream with maximum fat content. Although this sauce will turn out to be a little fatty, this small drawback can compensate for its divine taste.

Cream sauce recipe:
Sift the flour through a sieve and place it on a hot frying pan.
Stir it over low heat until it turns golden.
Melt the butter in a separate frying pan and add it to the flour
Mix the butter and flour thoroughly and begin adding the cream.
At the end, add salt, pepper, nutmeg and basil and turn off the stove

Video: How to make Pizza Sauce? (Three cooking secrets)

Pizza sauce is rarely prepared at home. This is due to the fact that pizza, as a rule, is prepared spontaneously and in a hurry, so many housewives consider it irrational to waste time on the sauce. Most often, instead of pizza sauce, they use homemade or store-bought ketchup and mayonnaise, simply by first mixing these two ingredients together.

But still, despite the lack of time and effort, some cooks take a more responsible approach not only to choosing a pizza recipe, but also to choosing one of the many sauces that would best highlight not only the taste of the crust, but also the filling.

Depending on the national cuisine, the sauces with which pizza is served vary greatly. The most versatile tomato sauce is made from tomatoes, both fresh and prepared for the winter. If you take the advice of Italian chefs and add spices, seasonings, herbs and garlic to such a sauce, the taste of the finished dish will only benefit from it.

Another popular one will, without a doubt, be white sauce, which is prepared on the basis of milk or cream. In addition to the main ingredient, it contains cheese, eggs, white wine and onions. It all depends on the culinary preferences of the particular cook. By mixing the ingredients, all that remains is to regulate the thickness of the finished sauce with the amount of flour. Having chosen the pizza sauce that will best match the pizza filling, coat the dough with it, or pour the filling on top, after which all that remains is to put the pizza in the oven and wait until it bakes.

White pizza sauce with basil

It's a pizza sauce that's versatile, making any pizza taste zesty and unique. The recipe welcomes culinary experimentation, so don’t be afraid to modify it at your discretion by adding various herbs and spices to the sauce.


  • 50 g butter
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour
  • 200 ml. milk
  • Pepper
  • Basil
  • 100 g parmesan

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the butter over low heat.
  2. We peel the garlic, divide it into cloves and pass it through a press.
  3. Add garlic to the oil, stir and keep on fire for about 1 minute.
  4. Then add flour and mix until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  5. Without ceasing to stir, pour in the milk. Don't forget to add salt and pepper.
  6. Wash the basil, dry and chop. Add to the rest of the ingredients along with the grated Parmesan.
  7. After the cheese has dissolved, let the sauce cool, then use it for its intended purpose.

Traditional tomato sauce for pizza

Tomato sauce is most often prepared for pizza. The recipe is simple and accessible, so each reader will be able to please himself and his family with a delicious dish.


  • 1.2 kg tomatoes
  • 50 ml. water
  • Fresh basil
  • 75 ml olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. oregano
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • 2 tsp. salt

Cooking method:

  1. Cut tomatoes into halves and large ones into quarters.
  2. Place the tomatoes in a saucepan, add water and add basil.
  3. Cover the pan tightly with a lid and simmer on the fire for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After 15 minutes, chop the slightly cooled tomatoes with a blender.
  5. Pour olive oil into the resulting mass, add oregano, sugar and salt.
  6. Put the sauce back on the heat and stir constantly, bringing to a boil.
  7. Grease the pizza with the prepared sauce.

Homemade Creamy Garlic Pizza Sauce

Any pizza with this sauce turns out tender in taste and with an amazing aroma. The sauce goes well with any filling: meat, mushroom, vegetable, etc. Lovers of Italian cuisine will go crazy for this recipe.


  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • 8 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour
  • 1 cup cream
  • 100 g Parmesan cheese
  • Pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Place the butter in a frying pan and melt it.
  2. Finely chop half the garlic, add to the pan and fry.
  3. Take out the garlic and add flour.
  4. Fry it lightly and add cream.
  5. Stir the sauce constantly until it begins to thicken.
  6. Pass the remaining garlic through a garlic press and add to the sauce.
  7. Add grated Parmesan to the rest of the ingredients.
  8. Add salt and pepper to taste, and after the cheese has dissolved, remove the sauce from the heat.

Now you know how to make pizza sauce. Bon appetit!

Pizza sauce is one of the main steps in making a whole pizza. Depending on the filling, you can select one of a variety of sauces, thereby changing the taste of any homemade pizza beyond recognition. Therefore, it would not be a far-sighted act on the part of readers not to stock up on three proven recipes. Finally, I want to give a couple of tips so that your pizza sauce emphasizes the best advantages of this pastry:
  • It is best to coat the pizza dough with sauce while it is still hot. Therefore, its preparation should be postponed until the last stage of cooking;
  • There is no need to add water to tomato sauce, since the vegetables themselves provide a certain amount of juice;
  • When preparing tomato sauce, add a little sugar to it, so you can drown out the “sourness”, thereby making the taste more subtle;
  • If you have enough experience, experiment with adding spices, herbs and herbs. These ingredients can make any sauce special and unique.

Lubricating a pizza base with ketchup is very simple, easy, convenient and cheap, but not tasty. It is the right sauce that makes the taste of Italian open pies simply extraordinary.

Yes, preparing it will require some time and a little effort, but the result is worth it!

Tomato sauce for pizza - general principles of preparation

For a real sauce you need fresh and ripe tomatoes. They are peeled, the seeds are often removed, then the tomatoes are crushed and boiled. An alternative is tomato paste or other similar sauces, which are often used to replace fresh vegetables.

What else do they add:

Onions, garlic, other vegetables;

Oregano, basil or a mixture of Italian herbs;

Capsicum or dried hot peppers;

Olive oil.

The sauce is usually prepared on the stovetop. To do this, you will need a small saucepan in which nothing will burn. An alternative is a frying pan. You need to remember that the tomato grounds settle to the bottom, so stir often. Garlic is almost always added to sauces, but if its quantity is confusing, you can reduce it or boil it so that the aroma is not so pronounced.

Tomato pasta pizza sauce

The easiest tomato sauce recipe for pizza. Use natural, high-quality paste, which should not be over-processed, brown or unnaturally red.


2 tbsp. l. with a heap of pasta;

Three cloves of garlic;

0.5 tsp. Provençal herbs;

1 tbsp. l. olive oils;

A pinch of pepper, salt.


1. Place the tomato paste in a small bowl, add Provençal or other dried herbs, and add salt.

2. Add chopped garlic cloves, grind everything together until the salt dissolves.

3. Add olive oil and stir. And you're done!

4. Grease the pizza base with sauce, lay out the filling, and send it to bake.

Tomato sauce for pizza made from fresh tomatoes

Ripe tomato pizza sauce recipe. Since the mass will boil down, it is advisable to use fleshy and sweet fruits. Sour tomatoes will not make the sauce very tasty.


5 tomatoes;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

0.3 tsp. salt;

0.3 tsp. pepper mixtures;

0.5 tsp. basilica;

10 ml olive oil.


1. Take any saucepan, pour water into it, put it on the stove, let it boil. Pour cold water into a second pan or bowl.

2. Take one tomato and make a cross-shaped cut with a sharp knife from the side of the spout. It is needed so that the tomato does not burst in boiling water and the juice does not leak out. We cut other tomatoes in the same way.

3. Place one at a time in boiling water for a few seconds, take it out, and immediately throw it into cold water. Blanch all the tomatoes. We remove the skins.

4. Chop the peeled tomatoes very finely; it is better not to use a blender.

5. Pour olive oil into a frying pan or a thick-bottomed pan and place on the stove. As soon as it warms up, add the prepared tomatoes. Cook the tomatoes for about five minutes. Excess moisture should evaporate.

6. Add salt and pepper, remove from heat.

7. Pour in the dried basil. If you use fresh herbs, chop them finely and use twice as much. Stir.

8. Chop the garlic and add it to the warm sauce. Ready! You can grease the pizza base.

Tomato sauce for pizza with pepper

You can simply chop the bell pepper, add it to the total mass and use it to lubricate the base. But it's no good for real tomato pizza sauce. There is a much more interesting recipe!


3 tomatoes;

2 bell peppers;

A clove of garlic;

1 pinch of sharp feather;

2 tablespoons olive oil;

Basil or a mixture of Provençal herbs.


1. Rub whole bell peppers with olive oil, place them on a rack in the oven, and place a baking sheet underneath so as not to stain anything. Bake until brown at high temperature.

2. While the peppers are cooking, you need to chop the tomatoes. You can cut each tomato in half, grate the pulp, and discard the skin.

3. Combine the grated tomatoes with the remaining olive oil, place on the stove, and begin to simmer over low heat.

4. Take out the peppers, cool a little, remove the skins and core with seeds. Finely chop the baked pulp.

5. Add pepper to the boiled tomatoes, heat for a minute, remove from heat.

6. Add salt to taste, add herbs and a clove of garlic, add pepper for spiciness. Mix everything well, let the pizza sauce sit until it cools completely.

Tomato sauce for pizza with onions

Onion tomato sauce is ideal for pizza; the baked goods will be very aromatic, the filling will be juicy even with a meager filling. It is important to prepare everything correctly. Here is a recipe using fresh tomatoes.


2 onions;

4 tomatoes;

20 g olive oil;

Salt pepper;

1 tsp. Sahara;

. Provencal herbs.


1. Peel the onions, cut the prepared heads into small cubes, place in a frying pan with olive oil, and start cooking. Turn the heat to medium, sauté for a minute, then turn it to low and start simmering. The task is to make the pieces soft and steam them.

2. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop the ripe tomatoes in any convenient way, put them in a saucepan or another frying pan, and evaporate the excess water.

3. Rub the soft onion through a sieve. We need a homogeneous puree. You can beat it with a blender if you don’t want to grind it.

4. Add onion pulp to the tomatoes, mix, add a teaspoon of sugar, add a little pepper, and add some salt.

5. Once the mass reaches the desired consistency, the sauce can be removed from the heat. We throw in Provençal herbs, or just dry herbs that you can find in the house. Stir and leave on the table so that the sauce cools and the herbs reveal their flavor.

Tomato sauce for pizza with olives

You can prepare tomato sauces not only with olive oil, but also with the olives themselves. Amazing taste guaranteed! You can use black olives instead of olives.


500 g ripe tomatoes;

10 g sugar;

50 g olives;

0.5 tsp. dry Italian herbs;

1 clove of garlic;

20 ml oil.


1. Pour oil into a frying pan, and throw in a clove of garlic, cut in half. Fry it until golden brown.

2. The tomatoes need to be scalded and the thin skin removed. Then cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seeds with the watery layer. We won't need them. Cut the clean pulp into small cubes.

3. Place the prepared tomatoes in a frying pan with garlic oil. We begin to fry and simmer until completely soft, stirring constantly.

4. Cut the olives into small cubes no larger than a grain of rice, add them to the tomatoes after five minutes. Stir and cook for the same amount of time.

5. Add a little granulated sugar and add some salt.

6. Add hot pepper, add Italian herbs, heat for a minute and you can turn it off. After cooling, use to lubricate the base.

Tomato sauce for pizza, like in a pizzeria

A recipe for a popular tomato sauce that is prepared in Italian pizzerias. We use ripe, sweet red tomatoes. Pink and yellow varieties will not work.


1 head of garlic;

A kilogram of tomatoes;

3 large onions;

5 g sweet paprika;

1 tsp. with a heap of Italian herbs;

50 ml oil (olive only);



1. Wash the tomatoes, place them in a bowl, and pour boiling water over them. Leave for two minutes.

2. Drain the boiling water, rinse the tomatoes to cool faster, and remove the skin. We cut out the place where the stalk attaches to each tomato. Cut into four parts.

3. Place the tomatoes in a pan with oil.

4. Peel the garlic. Cut each clove in half. Throw in after the tomatoes.

5. Peel the onions, cut them too, the shape and size of the pieces do not matter. But you need to keep in mind that onions will take a long time to cook in acid. Therefore, we chop it thinly. Transfer to tomatoes.

6. Cut the chili pepper into small pieces. The amount depends on the desired spiciness. But you can add dry red pepper at the end if there is no pod or you are afraid to overdo it.

7. Cover the pan and cook the vegetables under the lid for 35-40 minutes. They should become completely soft. 10 minutes before the end you need to add salt and sugar.

8. Cool slightly, chop the vegetables for the sauce in a blender, add herbs. You can add a little more olive oil to enhance the flavor.

Tomato sauce for pizza made from tomatoes in their own juice

If you don’t have fresh tomatoes, you can use tomatoes in their juice for the sauce. It makes everything very easy to prepare.


300 g of tomatoes in their juice;

2 cloves of garlic;

Oregano, basil;

2-3 tablespoons of oil.


1. Grind the tomatoes along with the juice.

2. Fry the garlic cloves in oil, remove.

3. Add chopped tomatoes to the oil, immediately add a pinch of basil and the same amount of oregano.

4. Boil the mass to a thick sauce, cool. There is no need to add any more spices or salt, as tomatoes have a distinct taste.

Tomato sauce for pizza - useful tips and tricks

After cooling, the tomato sauce will be thicker than immediately after cooking. Therefore, you should not keep it on the fire for too long.

If the tomatoes are sour, you can add a little granulated sugar to the sauce. It will smooth out the taste, add a pleasant sweetness, the pizza will taste better, but it is important not to overdo it. For 200 g of tomatoes, one teaspoon is enough.

If you don't have fresh tomatoes, you can use ketchup. But it’s better to improve it: add a little water, stir, put on the stove, add sautéed onions, Italian herbs, garlic, and boil for a few minutes.

One of the most popular pizza sauces in Italy is the traditional garlic sauce. It is optionally used in a wide variety of Italian dishes, but in classic pizza its presence is mandatory.

This sauce is based on unrefined extra virgin olive oil. As for the remaining ingredients, there are many options for flavor combinations. You can add herbs, hot peppers, tomatoes (dried, sun-dried or fresh) and various spices.

However, all this is just an addition to the basic recipe, for which you will need:

Olive oil (150 g):

Fresh and juicy garlic (3 cloves);

Salt (quarter teaspoon).

We peel the garlic, chop it very finely (you can grate it or put it through a garlic press) and grind it with salt, adding a little olive oil in the process. Then put the finished mixture in a glass container (preferably dark glass) and fill it with slightly warmed olive oil. Mix thoroughly and leave to infuse (at least three hours) in a cool, shaded place. After this time, the garlic will “give up” its aroma, giving the oil a piquant taste. You can store garlic sauce in the refrigerator for about 10-14 days, shaking occasionally.

Traditionally, this sauce is spread on the edge of freshly baked pizza. However, under no circumstances should you use this garlic sauce before placing the pizza in the oven, as heat treatment will change the taste of the sauce for the worse.

This delicious garlic sauce is also served on pizza after it is cooked. It is ideal for meat and vegetable fillings, adding piquancy to the finished dish. The sauce is quite spicy, so you can reduce the amount of garlic in it if desired. It is made very quickly, and can be stored in the refrigerator for about five days.

To prepare garlic sauce with mayonnaise you will need:

Sour cream 20% (60g);

Fat mayonnaise (300 g);

Garlic (one large head);

Black pepper;

Mix sour cream and mayonnaise in a deep and not too wide bowl, add salt and pepper. Peel the garlic and pass it through a garlic press. Add the garlic mass to the sour cream and mayonnaise. Lightly beat the resulting mixture with a whisk. The sauce is ready.

This is a famous French garlic sauce, traditionally served with various meat and fish dishes, including pizza. A particularly delicate creamy garlic taste is achieved by spreading this sauce on the edges of a still hot, freshly baked pizza.

To properly prepare aioli you will need the following ingredients:

Yolk (1 pc);

Garlic (4 large cloves);

Refined vegetable oil (0.2 l);

Water (teaspoon);

Vinegar (tablespoon);

Salt (one third of a teaspoon);

Black pepper (one third of a teaspoon).

At home, the sauce is best made by hand, as it requires constant whisking and control that is difficult to achieve when using a mixer or food processor. And the motor of these devices may not withstand constant load.

So, first, grind the finely chopped garlic until it becomes mushy (to speed up the process, you can put it through a garlic press). Then add the yolk to the garlic, lightly (but not too much!) whisking it, and begin adding vegetable oil to the mixture, half a teaspoon at a time, stirring gently with a whisk. It is better not to add butter in large portions, as the sauce will simply separate and you will have to start all over again.

The result should be a thick sauce similar to mayonnaise. After this, add salt, pepper and vinegar, and at the very end - water. And immediately beat the mixture thoroughly. Aioli is ready.

To make the taste of the sauce more refined, you can add finely chopped herbs.

What gives pizza its special, unique taste? Of course, the sauce with which this dish is served. There are many recipes for different pizza sauces. The most popular of them are creamy, garlic, cheese, Italian, tomato pizza sauce, and, of course, classic. Different pizzas have their own dressing. For example, creamy sauce will complement the taste of pizza with sausage, vegetables or fish. And cheese sauce is usually served on pizza with mushrooms. Classic sauce is the most common and suitable for almost any Italian dish. So, which one to make is up to you! Now we’ll tell you how to make pizza sauce.

Creamy pizza sauce


  • cream – 300 g;
  • wheat flour – 200 g;
  • butter – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • salt.


Grind the flour with butter and salt, slowly add warm cream. Boil a little and pour in the beaten yolks with sugar. The finished creamy sauce can be safely served on pizza with any type of meat.

Tomato pizza sauce


  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • salt, red pepper - to taste.


Cut the tomatoes into cubes and put them in an enamel bowl for a day (it is better to put such a preparation in a cool place so that the tomatoes do not spoil). Then drain the juice and boil the pulp over low heat until the skin comes off. We rub the pulp through a sieve or pass it through a juicer. Place on low heat and, stirring constantly, cook until thickened. 5 minutes before readiness, add spices, salt and cook for another 3-5 minutes. Fry finely chopped onion in a frying pan and add to tomato sauce. Mix everything thoroughly and simmer over low heat for another 10 minutes.

Garlic sauce for pizza


  • milk – 200 g;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • flour – 50 g;
  • salt, pepper, garlic, parsley - to taste.


To prepare the sauce, melt the butter, add flour to it and stir until smooth. Stirring constantly, cook the mixture over low heat for 2 minutes. Add warm milk, salt, pepper, parsley in a thin stream and increase the heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.

Remove from heat and add garlic, previously fried in butter. Pour the finished mixture into a blender and beat until smooth. Then put in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

Garlic sauce is ideal for absolutely any pizza, as well as meat, vegetable or fish dishes.

Cheese sauce for pizza


  • milk – 500 ml;
  • flour – 60 g;
  • butter – 60 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • cheese – 200 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Fry the flour in butter, add salt and add hot milk. Bring the mixture to a boil, strain. Add finely grated cheese, beaten yolks, butter and pepper to the prepared pizza sauce. Mix everything well and cool slightly.

The classic sauce goes well with any pizza. It is easy to prepare, besides, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time and will not lose its taste.