The whey pancakes are fluffy. Whey pancakes: recipe and calorie content. Pancakes with eggs on whey

30.05.2024 Brain damage

I made this without eggs for breakfast today. I’m not exaggerating - the pancakes actually turn out fluffy, rise well in the pan and are delicious! I don’t like pancakes, neither eating nor frying, nor according to any recipe. But the children ask from time to time, so I cook. After making homemade cheese, I had some whey left over, and the recipe for whey pancakes came in very handy. I wanted to try whether the pancakes are really as good as they promise or not. I can say that the whey-based pancakes turned out delicious; when completely cooled, they were also good. The recipe makes quite a lot of pancakes, so if you don’t have enough to eat, divide all the ingredients in half.


  • – 400ml
  • – 400g.
  • – 2 tbsp
  • Salt – 1 tsp
  • Soda – 1 tsp without a slide

Quantity: 25 pieces

Lush pancakes with whey - recipe for how to cook

1. To prepare pancakes, take whey, flour, salt, sugar, soda.

2. Pour the whey into a metal cup and heat until slightly hot. We try it with our finger - the serum should not burn, but not warm either.

3. Pour salt and sugar into the hot whey and stir.

4. Mix flour with soda.

5. Pour the flour into a cup with hot whey and knead the dough with a spoon. Knead the dough quickly and thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.

6. Pour some oil into the frying pan. Heat the frying pan with oil, but do not heat it! Use a spoon to scoop out the dough and place the pancakes in the pan.

Fry the pancakes on both sides, add more oil if necessary. The heat should be medium, or even a little less, otherwise the pancakes will burn and remain raw in the middle.

Delicious, fluffy and unforgettable pancakes will win the heart of everyone who tries them, especially if they are made with whey. The recipe for this dish is very simple, and even a novice housewife can handle it.

What kind of pancakes can be delicious and the most unrealistic? Naturally, those that are made strictly according to the recipe, as well as those that contain filling.

In fact, making a lot of pancakes is easy, even if they are made with filling.

What could it be? It all depends on personal taste and preference.

Can be used:

  1. Ham;
  2. Jam;
  3. Fresh berries;
  4. Fruits;
  5. Candied fruit;
  6. Chocolate;
  7. Raisin;
  8. Potato;
  9. Greenery;
  10. Boiled egg;
  11. Tofu;
  12. Meat.

As for the sauce, depending on the filling, you should choose sweet or salty or spicy.

How to make fluffy whey pancakes

You shouldn’t confuse pancakes and pancakes at all.

The second ones are different:

  1. Pomp;
  2. Small size;
  3. Speed ​​of preparation.

Pancakes have always been a simple, satisfying and tasty dish. They can be suitable for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even just for a snack. They can be prepared with yeast, however, yeast is made if the base is water. To add fluffiness to pancakes, it is best to use kefir, yogurt or whey. The peculiarity of these liquids is that they have an acidic environment, in which, when soda is added, a reaction immediately begins. In other words, carbon dioxide begins to be released, due to which that very necessary splendor appears.

  1. The dough should be thick so that it does not spread.
  2. If cooking will be carried out in the oven on parchment or in a multicooker, Teflon frying pan, then it is advisable to make the pancakes thin.
  3. Be sure to add soda, otherwise all the splendor will go away.

It is worth adding citric acid at the end of preparing the dough, but after this component, the flour is no longer poured in, otherwise the reaction will be completely different, and the flour will turn into lumps.


  1. Whey, you can use milk or curd – 0.5 l.
  2. Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Salt – 0.5 tsp.
  4. Flour – 3.5 tbsp.
  5. Vanilla sugar – 1 pack.
  6. Soda.
  7. Powdered sugar.

Making whey pancakes: recipe step by step

It is worth noting that this pancake recipe is prepared without eggs.


  1. You should choose a whey that is not sour or, in other words, not old. The whey does not have too much acidity, and therefore, before adding soda to it, it is first quenched with vinegar.
  2. Before use, the serum is heated to a temperature that is tolerable for the skin. The composition must not boil. Sugar and salt are added.
  3. Flour must be of the highest quality and sifted through sieves. If the flour is wheat, then you can add rye.
  4. Everything is mixed using a whisk. It is the whisk that helps saturate the dough with oxygen, which will make the pancakes airy.
  5. Adding vanilla sugar or just vanilla adds flavor to the dish. The consistency of the dough should be similar to sour cream with a fat content of 15%. Next, soda slaked with vinegar is added. This will make the dough a little thinner.
  6. The contents of the container must be infused. The flour will swell, the dough will be saturated with oxygen, and the pancakes will be fluffy and tender when frying.
  7. Before frying, you need to pour oil into the frying pan, heat it to maximum, and reduce the heat to halfway. Place a bowl of cold, preferably ice-cold water nearby to dip the spoon before each batch of dough.
  8. The spoon is wetted, the dough is scooped up, and placed in the oil. The dough should be homogeneous. Place the cakes at one point, without forming them along the edges; they themselves will become oval. Cooking is carried out on both sides until a golden brown crust forms. As a rule, a couple of minutes of frying is enough on each side. There is no need to be afraid that the inside of the pancakes will not be baked, since the dough is thin, albeit fluffy. The pancakes will rise immediately after being placed on the frying pan.
  9. After frying, the pancakes are laid out on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Just blot or leave for a couple of minutes.

It is advisable to serve the pancakes hot and with tea, coffee or hot chocolate and similar drinks.

Whey pancakes (video)

It is worth noting that whey can be used to make pancakes, both sweet and savory, depending on personal preferences. In addition, it is permissible to add various types of fillings, if desired. As for adding sauce, again, it depends on whether they are salty or sweet. The first is suitable for sour cream, garlic or mayonnaise sauce. For sweets, the choice of additives is simply unlimited - it can be jam, preserves, syrup, condensed milk, jam, yogurt and similar products.

Lush pancakes with whey: recipe (photo)

I know that many housewives, when frying beautiful thin pancakes, are afraid or do not dare to cook pancakes. But pancakes are a wonderful Sunday breakfast for your family. Children will be delighted with it, and adults too. You can serve the pancakes with whatever your heart desires. Condensed milk, jam, honey with sour cream, and just like that with milk they look appetizing. You can make pancakes from the simplest and most affordable products. We will prepare fluffy pancakes using whey.

- serum – 200 ml,
- flour – 180 g,
- sugar – 2 tbsp. l.,
- soda – 0.5 tsp,
- vanilla sugar – 1 tsp. (I use vanilla extract - 1 tsp).

How to cook with photos step by step

To prepare fluffy pancakes, we take the most ordinary flour (it is not necessary to take the highest grade, bread flour will do), whey, sugar, vanilla, soda and, as usual, a pinch of salt.
First, let's take the serum. To make the pancakes fluffy, the whey must be warm, so we heat it in the microwave or on the stove, whichever is easier. The main thing is not to overdo it - the whey should not boil. Now that the whey is warm, you can add sugar, vanilla (in any form) and a pinch of salt. Take a whisk and stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves.

Sift the flour (this is not necessary, but it is advisable) and add to the whey.

Now the most important thing is to mix everything well, lumps in the dough are not welcome. The consistency of the dough is moderately thick and lazily slides off the spoon.
Add soda to the dough at the very end.

Mix vigorously - the soda should be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the dough.

The whey dough is ready - our pancakes can be fried. Heat the frying pan (preferably cast iron) well.

Fry our fluffy pancakes mixed with whey in vegetable oil on each side until golden brown.

Let us remind you that last time we prepared

Not every housewife succeeds with serum. In fact, everything is very simple. A few secret tricks and original recipes for this dish will add another quick and tasty breakfast to your menu.

Simple classic recipes

To prepare whey pancakes you will need:

  • serum 120 ml;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour 150 g;
  • salt and vanilla to taste;
  • oil for frying, 1 tbsp. l. into the dough.

Add quicklime soda to the sifted flour with salt and sugar (the necessary reaction will occur with the acidic whey). The liquid is poured in gradually, kneading until the consistency of sour cream is thick. Fry in a heated frying pan on both sides.

Advice. To make the pancakes rise better, you can close the lid of the pan for 30–40 seconds.

Making pancakes without eggs. A set of products for 1 glass of liquid:

  • flour 1.5 tbsp;
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tsp. soda, salt, oil for frying.

Knead the dough, gradually combine the liquid with flour. This way the mass turns out homogeneous and without lumps. If time permits, you can “forget” the dough for 10–15 minutes in a warm place. In the frying pan, the mass should not spread, but should be laid out evenly and plastically. If you overdo it with flour, you will end up with heavy, unbaked pancakes. The finished pancakes are topped with condensed milk, sweet syrup, jam or preserves.

An old recipe with yeast

Instead of soda, you can use yeast, as our grandmothers did. The pancakes will turn out tasty and aromatic. However, you will have to tinker a little longer. Ingredients: whey 1 tbsp., sugar 2 tbsp. l., 1 egg, yeast 20 g (dry), flour 2 tbsp. Oil for frying, salt, vanillin to taste.

Advice. You will need three times more live yeast.

We carry out everything according to the instructions:

  • Preparing sourdough. Salt, sugar and yeast are added to the heated liquid. The mixture is carefully kneaded with a wooden spatula.

  • The dough is placed in a warm place for 20–25 minutes. Cover the top with transparent film or a kitchen towel.

Advice. There should be no drafts in the room where the yeast is growing.

  • When the dough is ready, add the sifted flour. Stir until smooth and free of lumps. The dough is left to rise for another 1 hour.
  • After an hour, the pancake dough is kneaded, thereby removing carbon dioxide bubbles. They are taken away to rise again. When the volume has doubled, the yeast pancake dough is ready.
  • Heat a frying pan with oil. Spread the mixture with a spatula and bake evenly on each side. Place the pancakes on a paper towel to remove unnecessary fat.

Pancakes with various additives

You can put various fillings in whey pancakes. All products are kneaded and pancakes are baked in the traditional way.

Pancakes with cottage cheese. For the test:

  • whey ¾ tbsp.;
  • eggs 2 pcs.;
  • 200 g cottage cheese;
  • 150 g flour (sifted);
  • 3 tbsp. l. sugar, salt, lemon zest (1 tbsp), soda.

Eggs are foamed with sugar and salt. Separately combine the cottage cheese and heated whey. Both mixtures are combined, grated zest is added. Then they hide it in a warm place for 0.5 hours. Before baking, do not stir the mass, but carefully scoop it up with a spoon and place it in a frying pan.

Pancakes with apples. For a test for 0.5 cups of liquid:

  • flour 3 tbsp;
  • 500 ml. acid whey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 medium apple;
  • salt, soda.

Attention! Soda is quenched with vinegar if using fresh fermented milk product.

The warm liquid is combined with beaten eggs and sugar. Add flour, mix and place in a warm place for 15–20 minutes. Add soda, stir the dough gently until bubbles appear on the surface. Bake in well-heated oil.

Pancakes in a frying pan can be prepared using and whey and kefir. For this recipe you will need 1 glass of both liquids. In addition, they take:

  • flour 3 tbsp;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • salt, vanilla, soda.

A teaspoon of soda is diluted in kefir and left for 10–15 minutes. in the warmth. Meanwhile, sugar is dissolved in warm whey, the resulting mixture is combined with kefir and soda. Stir in flour and vanilla. Bake in oil until golden brown as in the photo.

Choux pastry

Delicious fluffy pancakes are easy to prepare using choux pastry. To do this, acid whey (1 tbsp) is heated to 60–70 °C. Add granulated sugar (90 g), mix well with a whisk. Separately dilute flour (350 g) and baking soda, slowly make a viscous dough. Add 1 egg, salt, then knead the mixture again. Allow to settle and bake over low heat in plenty of butter.

Advice. For those who like something savory, spices are added to the pancakes: ground ginger, hot pepper, cardamom, cinnamon.

Sweet berry sauce can be served with pancakes for guests. Cherry sauce:

  • 300 g cherries;
  • sugar 50 g;
  • water 250 ml;
  • starch 1 tbsp. l.

Combine sugar with cherries, pour in 1 tbsp. water, boil for 2–3 minutes. Starch is diluted in water and added to the cherries. Bring the sauce to a boil and remove from the stove. Instead of cherries, you can use any frozen or fresh berries. Hot whey pancakes are flavored with sauce and brought to the table.

You can surprise your guests with an original design of the dish: for example, place it in piles on a flat plate, add herbs and whipped cream. Such “scenery” will appeal to adults and children.

What's your favorite pancake recipe?

How to make whey pancakes: video