How to determine iodine deficiency. Analysis for iodine in the body in clinical and home conditions - simple tests. Iodine in the human body - symptoms of deficiency and excess, tests, advice How to find out if there is enough food in the body

02.11.2023 Brain damage

This element was first isolated and studied by French chemists: Napoleon Bonaparte required truly gigantic reserves of gunpowder for his endless wars. The best scientists in France tried to establish the production of components of this explosive from algae and as a result enriched science with the discovery of iodine.

Iodine reacts very actively with a wide variety of chemical compounds, which makes its high concentration dangerous to human health. K, the amounts of this element that help the body maintain health are measured in millionths of a gram.

To find out if you have iodine deficiency, you need to do a urine test. Here is a table that will help you understand whether you urgently need to introduce additional amounts of this microelement into your diet:

Concentration of iodine in urine (mcg/liter) Adequate iodine intake (mcg/day) The body's supply of iodine
Severe shortage
20-49 30-74 Marked deficiency
50-99 75-149 a lack of
100-199 150-299 Optimal level
200-299 300-449 Consumption is higher than normal
>299 >449 Excess
  1. Dry mouth and eyes

Without sufficient amounts of iodine, the normal functioning of the lacrimal and salivary glands is disrupted. Lack of saliva and dry, itchy eyes are some of the first signs of iodine deficiency.

  1. Concentration problems

Lack of iodine is one of the leading causes of slow mental development and motor skills in children. If your child is lagging behind in mastering important knowledge and skills, in addition to other possible explanations, you also need to check the hypothesis of insufficient intake of this microelement.

  1. Decreased immunity

If the body does not receive enough iodine, harmful compounds of fluoride and perchloric acid salts accumulate in it, which weakens the immune system and leads to increased pain - and acute respiratory infections do not want to retreat.

  1. Pain and feeling of heaviness in the chest

With a condition such as iodine deficiency in a woman’s body, symptoms often include particularly soreness and a feeling of severe heaviness in the breasts on some days of the menstrual cycle. It has been hypothesized that iodine deficiency may be one of the factors that contributes to breast cancer. According to statistics, iodine deficiency is often detected when a woman has breast or ovarian cysts

What can lead to iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency– still remains a pressing problem for both developing countries and economically prosperous countries. For example, in the United States, iodine deficiency affects every seventh woman, and in the world this condition affects approximately two hundred million people. Along with the lack of this trace element in the diet, lifestyle factors are also of great importance, due to which iodine can be excreted from the body at almost the same rate as it enters.

Main risk factors for the development of iodine deficiency are:

  • Lack of nutrition of another substance important for the health of the thyroid gland -
  • Pregnancy - a woman needs to provide both herself and her child with this substance
  • Increased background radiation levels
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Use of oral contraceptives
  • Excess of iodine antagonist substances in the body: for example, calcium and lithium
  • Certain types of food that contribute to the accelerated elimination of iodine: soybeans, pine nuts, flaxseeds, pears, peaches, spinach, sweet potatoes, various types of cabbage (among them the most popular are cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower)

If you experience the symptoms described above, and are also affected by the risk factors listed above, it makes sense for you to consult a doctor to be tested for iodine deficiency.

Remember: self-medication can be dangerous to health, and home diagnostic methods (the notorious “three strips of an alcoholic solution of iodine on the skin at night”) cannot be trusted at all. An experienced doctor should prescribe tests and interpret the data obtained in the laboratory.

How to overcome iodine deficiency in the body

Dietary changes are sufficient to prevent deficiency and treat minor deviations from normal levels. Here is a list of foods that are especially rich in iodine:

Dish Quantity Iodine, microgram Percentage of the minimum daily norm, % Number of calories
Dried seaweed7 grams4 500 3 000 18
Cranberry110 grams400 267 52
Yogurt without additives250 grams154 102 154
Iodized salt1 gram77 51 0
Baked potatoOne medium sized potato60 40 161
Milk250 ml56 37 98
Cod85 grams99 66 89
Shrimps85 grams35 23 84
Prunes5 items13 9 120
Canned tuna85 grams17 11 99
Boiled eggs1 large egg12 9 78
Bananas1 medium banana3 2 12
Strawberry250 grams13 9 46
Canned corn120 grams14 9 67
Lobster100g100 67 98
Cheddar cheese30 grams12 8 452
White bread2 pieces45 30 132

Obviously, the number one dish to completely get rid of any problems with iodine intake is seaweed- no other product can even come close to it in terms of saturation with this microelement. Its low cost is also of considerable importance - this sea plant cannot cause any damage to the family budget. Although not everyone likes the taste of this product, you only need to eat it to get rid of an extremely wide range of problems.

If in the morning you feel decline strength, drowsiness, you don’t want to do anything and your reflection in the mirror has not made you happy for a long time, don’t rush to blame everything on spring vitamin deficiency or depression. The reason for this feeling may be a lack of iodine in the body.

Unfortunately, in our country boast of The fact that his body is well supplied with iodine is only possible for those who live near the sea. Anyone who consumes little seafood usually does not have enough iodine in their body. Office workers and women over 45 years of age suffer most from iodine deficiency.

Iodine- the main building material of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, located on the front surface of the neck. The thyroid gland produces three types of hormones - thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyrocalcitonin. The hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine are formed only in the presence of iodine in the body, and with its deficiency, their level decreases, and serious changes begin in the body due to metabolic disorders. These two hormones are the main participants in the metabolic process.

Symptoms metabolic deterioration everyone knows - bad mood, fatigue, weakened immunity, dry skin, frequent headaches, shortness of breath, pain in the heart, constipation and insomnia. In addition, with insufficient production of hormones T3 and T4 and a slowdown in metabolism, a person becomes indifferent to everything, he is overcome by laziness and loss of strength, so he quickly gains weight and cannot lose weight.

Analysis for determination iodine content in the body is not done unless absolutely necessary, since it is quite complex and expensive. If you suspect iodine deficiency, you should contact an endocrinologist and get tested to determine the level of hormones T3 and T4 in the blood. Their quantity directly depends on the iodine content in the body.

To provide the daily requirement iodine, you need to eat 200 grams of seaweed and one tablespoon of seaweed every day. But few of us can boast that these products are present in our daily menu. The most important source of iodine for the bulk of our country's population is iodized salt. To replenish iodine deficiency, you need to consume at least 6 grams per day or one teaspoon.

Fine iodine Our body should receive at least 150-200 mcg per day, and a dose of iodine up to 500 mcg per day is considered safe for our health. Together with water, air, salt and food, we receive only 40-80 mcg of iodine, which is 2-4 times lower than normal. Throughout our lives, we should receive at least 5 grams of iodine or one level teaspoon. How to provide your body with so much iodine?

Wrong arrive those who want to replenish iodine deficiency in the body by consuming sugar, after adding a few drops of iodine, which is sold at the pharmacy. A drop of pharmaceutical iodine contains an annual dose of this substance, so using it orally or applying it to the thyroid gland can exceed the permissible iodine intake in the body and cause serious harm to the functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine easily penetrates the body through the skin, so iodine nets on the body should also be done carefully.

The most useful way To replenish iodine deficiency in the body, use foods that are rich in iodine. Most iodine:

1. Red caviar. Red caviar contains iodine in an easily digestible form; in addition, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamins A, D and E, which are abundant in the valuable protein of red caviar, contribute to the acceleration of its absorption.

2. Cod liver. Nowadays, store shelves are littered with jars of canned cod liver, but their beneficial properties are very different. The highest amount of iodine, vitamins D, C and E, Omega-3 fatty amino acids is contained in the liver of the highest grade cod produced in a plant located near the sea or ocean. If the jar of cod liver says first grade, then this indicates that it was made from the liver of frozen fish and the benefits from such a product will be minimal.

3. Sea kale. Sea kale is a champion in iodine content. Eating 100 grams of seaweed per day can compensate for iodine deficiency, but many do not like it precisely because it has an iodine smell. To remedy the situation, today all stores sell a variety of seaweed salads. It’s worth trying them, because if you find any of them tasty, you can make them yourself at home and include them in your daily menu. In addition to iodine, seaweed contains iron, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E and group B.

4. Buckwheat. It’s not for nothing that our grandparents said: “Buckwheat porridge is our mother.” Buckwheat contains a lot of iodine, as well as a large number of useful microelements and vitamins that improve its absorption.

5. Persimmon. Few people know that persimmons are rich in iodine. Of course, persimmons contain much less iodine than seaweed, but they are tasty and you can eat ripe persimmons (which are not astringent!) every day with great appetite. The same cannot be said about seaweed. In addition to beneficial iodine, persimmons contain iron, magnesium, sodium, vitamins A, C and P.

Iodine is one of the most important microelements necessary to maintain the health of our body. First of all, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which have a direct effect on the functioning of the brain and the immune status of the body. In Russia, more than a third of the population has signs of iodine deficiency, but do not even realize it, since at the initial stages the changes in well-being are very minor.

Causes of iodine deficiency

Pregnant women experience an increased need for iodine, and a deficiency of this microelement is very dangerous for the fetus.

A deficiency is not always a consequence of poor nutrition, since food is not the only source of this microelement for our body. We get iodine from water and air, so the problem of iodine deficiency is relevant in areas where the soil and water are poor in this substance (the European part of Russia and European countries). The need for iodine is increased in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency primarily affects the functioning of the body, since iodine is part of the hormones it produces.

A lack of iodine is indicated by the condition of the skin: it becomes dry, loses elasticity, and acquires a waxy tint. Due to metabolic disorders, which also involve thyroid hormones, excess weight appears. There are disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, manifested in the form of constipation. With severe iodine deficiency, the cardiovascular system suffers, blood pressure decreases, and symptoms arise. In women, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted, infertility is often diagnosed, and in men - impotence.

Due to a lack of iodine, the brain also suffers, intelligence and the ability to concentrate decrease, and memory is impaired. A person whose body experiences iodine deficiency complains of fatigue, weakness, becomes lethargic, indifferent to what is happening, and sometimes even depression occurs. Over time, a lack of iodine can cause an enlargement of the thyroid gland (endemic goiter), which begins to put pressure on nearby organs, thereby causing coughing, difficulty swallowing and asthma attacks.

Signs of iodine deficiency in children

In a growing body, the need for iodine increases. Children who are deficient in this microelement often suffer from colds, their appetite is reduced, they quickly get tired from physical activity, and their school performance is poor. Iodine deficiency in children most often occurs hidden. An increase in the size of the thyroid gland and the development of a goiter indicate that the child’s body has long been experiencing iodine deficiency. With the development of severe hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency, the child begins to lag behind in physical, mental and mental development, and in the most severe cases, cretinism develops.

If the signs described above appear, you should consult a doctor. The first symptoms of iodine deficiency are nonspecific, so it is difficult to independently determine the true cause of deterioration in health.


In order to eliminate iodine deficiency in the body, it is necessary to contain this microelement. The most useful foods for iodine deficiency are seafood: seaweed, squid, shrimp, caviar, hake, pollock, cod, etc. Iodine is found in smaller quantities in river fish, eggs, beef, milk, cereals, mushrooms, vegetables (spinach, sorrel , green onions, asparagus, eggplant, beets, tomatoes, radishes, garlic, potatoes). This trace element is present in berries and fruits (bananas, oranges, lemons, melons, pineapples, persimmons). When preparing dishes, it is recommended to use iodized salt. In addition, a number of food products are produced that are additionally fortified with iodine (milk, bread, eggs, mineral water, etc.). Dry milk formulas containing iodine are produced for children.

Prevention of iodine deficiency

Iodized salt should replace regular salt for people living in regions of iodine deficiency.

To prevent iodine deficiency in the body, it is necessary to include iodine-rich foods in the diet, as well as periodically take medications containing this microelement in a prophylactic dose.

To prevent iodine deficiency during pregnancy and lactation, doctors recommend that all women take medications containing iodine in a dose of at least 200 mcg/day. Antenatal prophylaxis will help expectant mothers avoid the occurrence of a deficiency of this microelement in the body. At the planning stage of pregnancy, six months before its onset, it is recommended to take iodine preparations in a prophylactic dose. This will help prevent diseases associated with iodine deficiency in a newborn baby.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience symptoms similar to those of iodine deficiency, you should consult an endocrinologist. After studying the hormonal background, the doctor will be able to conclude that there is a lack of this microelement. An endocrinologist should tell expectant mothers about the prevention of iodine deficiency. In a child, symptoms of iodine deficiency are usually detected by an observing pediatrician. It is useful to consult a nutritionist regarding proper nutrition to prevent this condition.

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According to statistics, more than a billion people around the world have a problem such as iodine deficiency in the body. Symptoms, treatment, and prevention of this problem are very important, otherwise there is a risk of facing serious, even irreparable consequences.

Why is iodine so important?

If you are a healthy person and nothing bothers you, then your body has the required amount of this element, namely 25 mg. On the one hand, this is a small number, on the other hand, it determines how fully many processes in the body will proceed. After all, most of the iodine is contained in the thyroid gland, and it, in turn, regulates metabolism.

Also, this element from the periodic table is necessary for the synthesis of thyroxine (hormone) and the creation of phagocytes (patrol blood cells). Problems with mental and physical development, reduced immunity, impaired metabolism, the development and progression of serious diseases - this is an incomplete list of ailments and conditions that can be caused by iodine deficiency in the body. We will look at the symptoms of element deficiency right now.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

So, how does the body let a person know that it’s time to take action? What signals does it give if there is iodine deficiency? How to determine the lack of iodine in the body?

  1. Fatigue too quickly, lack of energy, lack of interest in others, in everything that happens, touchiness, irritability, depression. Do you experience such conditions in yourself? You may have a lack of iodine in your body. Symptoms, of course, can indicate other ailments, but it is still unacceptable to ignore them.
  2. Rapid weight gain.
  3. A feeling of constant chills (even in hot weather), a strong heartbeat should alert you.
  4. Poor sleep, lack of sleep, nightmares at night.
  5. Low blood pressure, high cholesterol.
  6. Loss of desire for sexual life.
  7. Decreased potency in males, and disruptions and irregularities in the menstrual cycle in females. Lack of iodine in the body, the symptoms of which we describe, can manifest itself in the most unexpected conditions and signs, the role of the element in the body is so important.
  8. Changes in voice, hearing, hoarseness.
  9. Formation of swelling on the neck (beginning of the appearance of a goiter).

The degree of deficiency varies, and accordingly, the symptoms may also differ. It should be noted that changing weather conditions and regular stress only aggravate the situation. Muscle pain, swelling around the eyes, radiculitis, arrhythmia can also be signs that you have a lack of iodine in your body. The symptoms should alert every person who is careful about their health.

Element deficiency in children

If adults do not always think about themselves and their health, then they should notice problems in a child immediately, otherwise it is fraught with the most serious consequences. If there is a deficiency of this essential element, what are the symptoms in children? Lack of iodine in the body makes itself felt in such conditions as:

  • the child gets tired quickly and has poor appetite;
  • he has complete apathy for his favorite games, studies, and entertainment;
  • slow growth, constant colds, poor performance at school;
  • brittle hair, dry skin and cold hands in a child should also alert you;
  • noticeable enlargement of the Adam's apple.

Element deficiency is much more dangerous for children than for adults. After all, the thyroid gland contributes to the growth and development of the brain and skeleton. Have you noticed the above symptoms in your child? The lack of iodine in the body will not go away on its own and will not be replenished in any way; you should immediately consult a specialist.

How to identify an element deficiency?

It turns out that this is very easy to do at home. If you suspect that you have a lack of iodine in your body, the symptoms do not give you peace, then simply apply an iodine mesh to the skin of your thigh or forearm. After two hours, check the area. Has the grid disappeared? So, hurry up and see an endocrinologist, as this indicates an acute shortage of the element. If the mesh does not disappear even after a day, then there is no reason to worry, everything is fine with the amount of iodine in your body.

Treatment of the problem

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that this condition cannot be cured only by compensating for iodine deficiency. The maximum you will achieve is to restore normal hormone synthesis. Any drug containing iodine is only a preventive supplement, but in no way the main treatment.

Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a problem, go to an endocrinologist who will conduct a comprehensive examination and prescribe competent therapy. Everything will depend on the degree of neglect, the type of illness, age, and the reasons that led to the deficiency. In some cases, the drug "Iodide" is prescribed, in others - the drug "Eutirox", in others it is no longer possible to avoid surgical intervention.

How to supplement therapy at home?

Of course, you cannot eliminate chronic iodine deficiency and the resulting diseases on your own, but if the lack of iodine has not yet led to disturbances in the body and is manifested by fatigue and fatigue, then, as they say, all is not lost. Try to make up for the deficiency with home remedies.

Prevention of element deficiency

All the home treatments listed above are also excellent as preventive measures. Don't forget about the benefits of herring, mackerel, shrimp, and cod. Be sure to eat seaweed, millet, chokeberry, and dairy products. Don't ignore fish oil either. Despite all the negative associations and memories from childhood, the product is very rich in iodine. Moreover, today you can buy fish oil capsules at the pharmacy, which you will take with pleasure. Be healthy!

Do you complain of drowsiness and lethargy, your performance has decreased, it has become difficult to concentrate and remember new information? Perhaps the reason for this condition is a lack of iodine in the body. Unfortunately, many people do not take this problem seriously. But in vain!

After all, more than a billion people on Earth suffer from iodine deficiency.

Today we will talk about the importance of this microelement for the female body and how to deal with iodine deficiency on the women's website “Beautiful and Successful”.

Lack of iodine in the body: symptoms

The functioning of the thyroid gland depends on whether the body receives enough iodine. If there is a lack of it, the thyroid gland receives a signal: “There are not enough hormones!” It begins to increase, thus compensating for the lack of an important microelement.

A goiter of the thyroid gland appears. Also, with a lack of iodine, another thyroid disease develops - hypothyroidism.

Lack of iodine in the body affects mental and physical abilities. Here are just the most striking signs of iodine deficiency in a woman’s body:

  • General fatigue: depression, rapid fatigue and loss of strength, irritability, tearfulness, resentment.
  • Physical ailments such as chills, rapid heartbeat, headaches, poor restless sleep, low blood pressure, weight gain;
  • Noticeable external changes, such as the appearance of hoarseness in the voice, decreased sexual desire, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, the formation of swelling in the neck around the thyroid gland, brittle hair and nails.

These symptoms can, of course, accompany other diseases, but the lack of iodine in the body cannot be discounted.
If you notice these signs of iodine deficiency in the body, consult an endocrinologist, but first try to determine the amount of iodine in your body at home.

Risk group

Iodine deficiency diseases are becoming the first enemies of women's and children's health. Lack of iodine in a woman’s body is especially dangerous during pregnancy and lactation. At this time, it is necessary to consume an increased amount of iodine (250 mcg per day), because the consequences of a lack of iodine in the body are especially dangerous for the unborn child:

  • with a lack of iodine, the risk of miscarriage increases;
  • deaf and mute children may be born;
  • the formation of the child’s nervous system in the womb directly depends on whether the mother receives enough iodine during pregnancy.

In addition, iodine leaves the body with mother's breast milk, so it is very important for women to monitor the intake of iodine in the body.

Iodine is no less important for the mental and physical health of children. It affects the formation of the bones of a growing child, the absorption of calcium and fluoride in the child’s body. Schoolchildren who have iodine deficiency have difficulty concentrating and remembering new material. Children are lethargic, capricious, sleepy, get tired quickly and grow slowly.

An extreme form of iodine deficiency is mental retardation - cretinism, which in its advanced stage cannot be treated.

  • The daily intake of iodine for a person starting from 12 years old is 150 mcg.
  • Children under one year old need up to 50 mcg of iodine per day.
  • Preschoolers – 90 mcg.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years old - at least 120 mcg.

How to check for iodine deficiency in the body?

The human body does not produce iodine and does not accumulate it: as much of the trace element is taken in with food, the same amount comes out of it through sweat and urine - the very next day it is necessary to replenish its supply in the body again. How to determine the lack of iodine in the body?

We don’t know how accurately the popular folk method of determining whether your body has enough iodine helps, but it won’t be difficult to carry out such a diagnosis at home. Therefore, check yourself yourself, if it is not possible to carry out serious diagnostics in the laboratory, you will not lose anything!

Folk method

To determine whether you have enough iodine, you need to apply an iodine mesh with a cotton swab and measure how long it lasts:

  • If iodine is absorbed in less than 3 hours, you have iodine deficiency, it’s time to take serious measures;
  • If more than 3 hours have passed and only then the mesh begins to disappear, there are problems, but they are small;
  • If the mesh lasts for more than 6 hours, there is iodine in the body!

Medical practice

Please note that many experts do not consider the traditional testing method to be reliable, so if you have any doubts whether your body has enough iodine, it is better to get tested in a laboratory. The most accurate and reliable diagnostic methods that help determine whether there is enough iodine are the following:

  • laboratory blood tests for thyroid hormones;
  • urinalysis (iodine is excreted from the body through urine);
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Lack of iodine in the body: prevention and treatment

The problem of iodine deficiency in the body, the treatment of which boils down to the daily consumption of this microelement, can be dealt with in two ways: taking special medications, supplements and foods rich in iodine. You can’t stock up on iodine by taking a “pill.” How to replenish its reserves?

A competent solution to this problem is timely prevention. You can choose two ways - taking medications or food containing iodine.

Before we talk about how to replenish iodine deficiency in the body, let’s debunk several “iodine” myths.

  1. You can often find information that applying an iodine grid to the thyroid gland area once a week will give the body the necessary dose of an important microelement. In fact, iodine can only enter the body through food or medicine - the body's reserves are not replenished through the skin!
  2. They say that sea salt contains iodine. Not true. Salt is obtained by evaporation, and the iodine is also evaporated. This trace element is found not in sea salt, but in iodized salt.
  3. By consuming iodized salt, you can cause an excess of iodine in the blood, which is no less dangerous than a lack of iodine. Answer the question: can a person eat half a glass of iodized salt per day? This is impossible! This is exactly how much salt you need to eat per day to saturate your body with iodine.


The easiest way to get the required amount of iodine is by taking special medications - capsules and tablets that contain iodine (Iodite, Eutirox). It is important not to forget that all the vitamins and microelements that our body receives are interconnected. Together they give a person a boost of energy. If any vitamin or microelement is missing or there is an excess, then other elements cannot function fully. Therefore, when choosing ready-made preparations to replenish the body with iodine, make sure that the composition contains “associated” elements: calcium, selenium, cobalt, manganese. They will help you fully absorb iodine.

Iodine therapy

Another method of preventing iodine deficiency is also known.

  • It is necessary to undergo iodine therapy for 20 days every six months. The course begins by taking 1 drop of iodine added to half a glass of milk. Every day the dose is increased by 1 drop, when you reach 10, start counting down, daily reducing the number of drops added to the milk by 1.
  • Milk with iodine should be taken before meals. Doses of 8 drops or more should be divided into several doses per day.
  • Iodine can be added to juice.

Iodized salt

The first place in the prevention of iodine deficiency is occupied by iodized salt. At one time, in most European countries, in Belarus and Kazakhstan, a law was passed - everyone must take iodized salt! 5 - 6 g per day is enough. This solution helped to reduce the problem of iodine deficiency among the population over several years. Unfortunately, in Russia and Ukraine there is no such law. But iodized salt is available in stores, so the site advises its readers to replace it with regular kitchen salt in order to replenish the body with iodine.

It should be remembered that iodine evaporates quickly. Therefore, iodized salt is stored less than regular kitchen salt. Shelf life is up to 6 months (look at the expiration date on the packaging), after this time it loses its healing properties.

It is better to store salt containing iodine in opaque polyethylene or foil. Pour into the salt shaker only as much as you will consume in 5-6 days. After longer contact with air, the iodine will evaporate.


  • In second place is all seafood. Fish oil cannot be ignored.
  • In addition, iodine is found in beef, milk, walnuts, apple seeds, and buckwheat.
  • Black currants and persimmons, pineapples, citrus fruits, grapes, peaches are rich in iodine.

Excess iodine

Pay attention to the following information: not only a lack of iodine in the female body is no less dangerous, but also its excess. You can “oversaturate” the thyroid gland by consuming inorganic iodine, which is contained in medications and supplements.

  • If you decide to replenish your iodine reserves by eating certain foods, then an excess of iodine will not happen. The fact is that the products contain organic iodine; the liver helps it be absorbed into the body. If there is enough iodine, then the enzymes in the liver that are needed to process iodine are not produced, and the remaining microelement is excreted through sweat and urine. In a word, the body takes as much iodine as it needs.
  • Medications and dietary supplements contain inorganic iodine. His body takes it completely. Therefore, by taking iodine in medications, you can oversaturate yourself with iodine and get another thyroid disease - hyperthyroidism.

A lack of iodine in the body, as well as its excess, affects our health. The Endocrinology Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences reports that our population consumes iodine several times less than the daily requirement - hence many health problems.