Psychic groin holy fool biography. Psychics "battle of psychics", reviews. Work in glossy magazines

13.05.2024 Brain damage

On September 19, the 16th season of one of the highest-rated Russian reality shows, “Battle of Psychics,” started on the TNT channel. One of the new participants in the project unexpectedly became an artist, painter and master of extreme stand-up. Connoisseurs of underground Russian cinema also know him from the films “Five Bottles of Vodka”, “For Marx”, “The Head” and, of course, “The Green Elephant” - Pakhomov’s hero from this film has long become a source of endless memes on the Internet. This time, Sergei acted in a new role for himself as a psychic and instantly became the favorite of the “Battle”. Gazeta.Ru contacted the artist to find out how this metamorphosis occurred.

— How did you end up in the “Battle of Psychics”?

— On the one hand, I decided to refute the myth that exists in the mass consciousness that an ordinary person cannot attend any program. I read on the Internet how this was done, went to the qualifying meetings, filled out a form and eventually became a participant on a general basis. On the other hand, I had to apply my abilities somewhere - especially since I had been striving for this for a long time. In general, I chose the program according to my profile. A psychic goes to psychics, right?

And I’m not only a psychic, but I also love performing – so I went on television.

— But you already have a popular image thanks to your role in Svetlana Baskova’s film “The Green Elephant”, in which you use foul language a lot, eat feces...

- So “Green Elephant” is also a magical practice! If we consider social rules as reality - you can’t eat shit, you can’t talk about it - then any meaningful destruction of this reality is magic. A slap in the face to public taste is magic, a way out to other forms of perception.

“The Green Elephant” was ahead of its time and is now gradually connecting with it - like Bach’s music, which is compared to a huge aqueduct from the past to the future.

Of course, some bold projects always cause a sharp reaction from people. That is why in performances I use dirty talking and some provocative things. At the same time, I like to combine and collide this with some naive, sincere things, with beautiful music. In a sense, the same thing is happening now, when the familiar image collides with the fact that the audience discovers me in a new quality.

— It is believed that the “Battle of Psychics” is a fake, staged show. Didn't you have such suspicions when you went to the casting?

— In general, in my opinion, the viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” are usually underestimated, although they are much more attentive and energetically stronger than the ill-wishers and cliques who throw mud at the program. I believe in people, I love them, and I’m sure that they themselves will figure out whether to believe those who say, for example, that I’m actually the vile shit-eater from the “Green Elephant” and not the kind Grandpa Pakhom. They will see that both here in the “Battle” there was the same powerful kindness. As for the program, there is no set-up: I come to the tests and only at the shooting itself, when the presenter announces the task, do I find out what will be discussed.

The ritual, which in fact is the rules of the project, is valuable in itself, since it has already become part of reality.

Truthfulness is very important here; the moment of interaction with human destinies is important, which in this case is clear and close to me. Unlike, for example, hockey and football, which I don’t watch because I don’t understand them at all, although I appreciate the love of others for them. In addition, the public’s doubts about the truthfulness, in my opinion, only make the program more interesting - I am guided by this principle in my performances. I am generally an enemy of clarity.

— How long ago did you develop supernatural abilities?

- Well, it all started with childhood hallucinations, coincidences, hits, some kind of shock... Later, when people shared their troubles with me, I was imbued with their grief and gave some strange, wild advice that I myself could not explain, but nevertheless it helped to cope with problems. I tried to explain this force for a long time, but in the end I just accepted it as it is and began to work with it. My techniques involve complete dispersal, an absolute loss of will, I become absolutely indifferent - this is such an almost Buddhist state. When I fall into a trance, I can no longer explain how, what and why it comes to me, I just understand that I need to do this and that. By the way, it seems to me that this state is very much in the spirit of the times in which we live. Today, after all, the great style has gone, there are no ideologies, no values, but there are many points of view on any issue and each of them is true to one degree or another.

The division between truth and untruth has disappeared - it is quite possible to assume that the Earth stands on three pillars, and that a person dies during sleep.

In general, the worldview has become fractional. In the modern world, in my opinion, everything exists at the same time: miracles, harsh reality, and objective reality, which treats people, let’s say, detachedly. This means you just have to do what you want, irrationally. At the same time, the need for a new culture, new activity, and some kind of transformation has matured. This is what I do, I really like to integrate into reality in this way.

— You are used to being perceived as an artist, actor, performer. Is this activity also somehow connected with extrasensory perception for you?

— Of course, practicing art is magic. After all, I have some abilities not because I am an artist, but, on the contrary, rather, I became an artist precisely because of my abilities. In my performances I also resort to trance practices, doing the same thing as on the air of “Battle”. The logical system is turned off at these moments, I fall into a state of controlled madness, watching myself from the side. I manage my unconsciousness without reducing its degree.

I call this state the Scalded Feeling, from which I always came out completely different.

Actually, I went to television partly because I wanted to test this practice of controlled trance in some other conditions.

— That is, for you there is no fundamental difference in the type of activity between the stage and the screen?

- Yes, that's right. In general, I live like this all my life, I trust my trance. To some, my life trajectory appears to be filled with fearlessness and randomness. I do not cooperate with any institutions, I do not follow beaten paths. I have a principle that I take on any business that interests me and do it well. My popularity is also connected with this - after all, this is also a strange, wonderful phenomenon, considering that I never studied this anywhere. I believe that nothing can stop me from doing what I want. To put it bluntly, I am sure that I could become a good journalist even if I were deaf and could neither read nor speak.

Nowadays this is quite possible. It seems to me that people in general are all endowed with some kind of abilities, but they deny themselves them because a certain conceptual system, a logic, is imposed on them, with which I have never entered into friendly relations.

I have always been closer to absurdity, strangeness, trance, ecstasy. All this is characteristic of Russia, Russian culture in general; this is Russian spontaneity, which is often talked about.

Our country is governed by all these laws - strange, irrational - and not by the laws of the dollar, the market, or oil. Therefore, I am sure: in order to become a person, you need to listen to yourself, be able to hear the language coming from within and already communicate with the outside world in it. Then a special view of the world will appear and the world around will begin to move.

— Well, in conclusion, I must ask: what are you going to do next after finishing your participation in the project? Will you return to performances?

- I have no idea. Any strategy, any programming is, in my opinion, always funny. My consciousness is in a state of semi-levitation, which is why, by the way, young people, who are alien to callousness, love me. I used to sometimes dream that everything would be this way or that way, but now, ten years ago, I stopped dreaming altogether. After the “Battle of Psychics,” I might record a new album or do something else, I don’t know.

The main thing is that this will help me understand, feel what kind of world I live in, because it is so complex that it can drive me crazy.

Therefore, you must constantly act, otherwise you can wither and disappear into the damned void.

Pakhom performed at the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art with the program “Saving Cry,” and the audience who came to see it was divided into two opposing camps.

The first, larger one, is young people who know Pakhom thanks to “The Green Elephant” - a film shot in 1998 - 1999 with an amateur camera in the so-called “trash” genre and which gained incredible popularity on social networks due to its banter over taboo topics. And the second part of the audience who came to Pakhom’s performance in St. Petersburg were TNT viewers who knew the artist as a very strong psychic who participated in the 16th season of “Battle” and successfully passed all the tests, and then suddenly left the project of his own free will.

Let’s say right away that those who read on the poster “Correction of fate by screaming. The unique technique of Grandfather Pakhom” and, having bought tickets at prices ranging from 400 to 1000 rubles, came to Erarta hoping for a miracle, but were disappointed. Although, maybe the miracle did happen after all, because faith in psychics has been shaken.

Grandfather Pakhom (although, by Carlson’s standards, he is not a grandfather at all, but a man in the prime of his life - Sergei Igorevich is only 49 years old) began his speech like this:

The organizers told me that there were a lot of women of Balzac’s age in the hall. I beg you very much, give me notes, and I will answer them.

And while the audience was thinking about what to ask Pakhom, the artist, together with his stage partner Alexei Borisov, who is responsible for the musical atmosphere, began his performance. He began with the autobiographical minimalist play “Kurlyk. Start".

I made my first “kurlyk” during the filming of “The Green Elephant,” which became the film of an entire generation, which I was very surprised by. That “kurlyk” was spontaneous, born of youth, sensuality and a certain scald. And my second “kurlyk” was conscious, it happened 20 years later, where people talk with the world of secrets (we are talking about the “Battle of Psychics.” - Ed.). I made the second “kurlyk” so that people would think that I am a consistent person, and so that everyone would understand that stupidity is steadily taking over the world,” said Pakhom.

According to him, the second “kurlyk” pronounced at the “Battle of Psychics” became very public and was loved by all honest people. But for those in the know who watched “The Green Elephant,” this “kurlyk” raised a very pressing question: how can a person who ate his own feces in front of the camera be a psychic?

Actually, this question was asked to Pakhom in one of the notes. And the artist gave the following answer: “Why can’t a shit-eater be a psychic? On the other hand, to become a psychic, you need to be a shit eater, right?” Most of the audience, consisting of fans of The Green Elephant, who had stolen this film for Internet memes, rejoiced, while the other began to mentally prepare to leave Erarta.

Then Pakhom played music on a white piano, calling the not very harmonious sounds emitted by the instrument healing. Then he delighted the audience with quotes from the same Svetlana Baskova film “The Green Elephant”, as well as the film “Five Bottles of Vodka”, which tells about the behind-the-scenes life of a metropolitan bar.

I doubt whether I am one of the ladies of Balzac’s age, but I would like to ask. I’m interested in a question about my health, but I’ll ask another: can a person influence his own destiny or is everything in God’s hands? - Pakhom read one of the notes.

Pakhom replied that you need to take care of your health, listening to him from the age of 25, and as for fate, a person is given very little... He stated that only the collective can save people from destruction, called for uniting into “sects”, which in essence are families, talked about the insane, said that he had not drunk for four years, again remembered the “Green Elephant”, because most of the audience demanded it. And the last question from the audience who came to see the psychic, and not the arthouse artist, concerned the reasons why Pakhom voluntarily left the TNT project.

I took part in the “Battle of Psychics” consciously, because, firstly, I thought that I had something to tell, and secondly, I believed that with my subconscious script I could infiltrate the already prepared one. I realized that “The Battle of Psychics” is the only place where you can, without shame, talk about such things as kindness, love, help, compassion, forgotten in the television format. And I left the “Battle” because I had exhausted myself. And if I had stayed, I would have turned into a rag doll, which would not have suited me personally,” Pakhom said. “But I’m glad that the audience loved me.”

And then the artist began to perform his songs: “Life is a merry carnival,” something not very decent about borscht of love, and much more in the same style. Pakhom and Borisov really “pumped up” the audience who went to see the art figure, made others laugh, and puzzled others... But the show clearly did not leave anyone indifferent, judging by

Sergei Pakhomov, aka Pakhom, is a scandalous artist, a mad artist and a famous holy fool in Moscow. And now Grandfather Pakhom, as he calls himself, is the most unusual participant in the 16th “Battle of Psychics,” who made the finalist of the previous battle, Marilyn Kerro, nervously smoke on the sidelines. How did a man in slippers, circling around several dozen cars, accurately, twice in a row, find a person hidden in the trunk of one of the cars?

What do you think? Circus performances? Or does the artist really have unique psychic abilities? The skeptic Safronov, amazed by the incredible furor produced by grandfather Pakh during the tests, believed in the latter.

But if a skeptic can turn out to be an artist who maintains the ratings of the show “Battle of Psychics” with intrigue, then this is absolutely of no use to me. Therefore, let's continue the topic of psychic abilities that I started in and try to understand what is hidden inside the “foolish psychic,” as Sergei introduced himself at the battle. Besides, I admit that I clearly liked this “eccentric”.

Let's start with an analysis of the horoscope, and then see how the real life of Sergei Pakhomov confirms or refutes planetary configurations. The future artist and painter was born on November 4, 1966 in Moscow. The key element of his horoscope is the opposition of the stellium of planets from Pluto, Uranus, Mars in Virgo to Saturn, Chiron and the Black Moon in Pisces.

Saturn determines system, order, career aspirations and position in society. It is on these fundamental concepts for any socially approved personality that Sergei will have his own original view. Namely, Saturn in Pisces will give uncertainty, there may be hesitation in choosing a professional activity or a late choice; Saturn is moving in the opposite direction - it is difficult for a person to form a routine for his day, to adhere to an external schedule, especially related to other people and circumstances; Saturn in opposition to Pluto and Uranus - a person will always be faced with a dilemma - to hang out with friends or do work, do things their own way or support the team, break social orders and norms or follow them, as a result, frequent job changes, difficulties with superiors and colleagues.

Yes, somehow the image of a “foolish psychic”, a kind of naive Ivanushka the Fool, does not fit with the horoscope. Internal contradictions need access to the outside world. In the horoscope, the opposition is included in a double configuration of synthetic triangles, at the apexes of which are the Moon and Neptune, which means that the fight against generally accepted norms and standards will manifest itself in art and lifestyle artist. Since the Moon is responsible for our daily habits, and the palette of Neptune’s influences extends from drug and alcohol states to hypersensitivity and high spheres of art.

The fact that art will become Sergei’s professional activity is, firstly, suggested by the position of Saturn in Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune. Saturn often acts as a pointer to a person’s professional orientation. Secondly, Venus, also responsible for art, and specifically for painting, is in conjunction with the Sun, South Node and Neptune. This means that the soul has rich achievements related to art, but not everything was smooth with them in the past, therefore one of the karmic tasks of a person in the current incarnation is to clear the old and gain new experience in this area. The Black Moon in Pisces will add either distortion or originality to creativity, depending on the willingness of the owner of the horoscope to work on his shortcomings.

What about in real life?

As some media write, the future artist and painter was born into a fairly prosperous family, where the boy was instilled with a love of art from childhood. In his own words, he graduated from music school, where he entered at the age of five, studying violin. Pakhomov stopped playing this instrument when one winter his “mother slipped and fell on the violin.” Then he studied at the Moscow Kalinin Art and Industrial School, during which he was especially interested in icon painting. It is noteworthy that back in 1984, before graduating from the Moscow Art Pedagogical University, in accordance with the artist’s words, he was treated at the Kashchenko Psychiatric Hospital, where he was sent by the draft board instead of the war in Afghanistan.

In 1984-1985 he participated in apartment exhibitions, and since 1988, he took part in larger painting exhibitions - both in Russia and abroad, for example, in New York. This was followed by a long study of contemporary art in Europe and the USA. According to Pakhom, New York made the best impression on him, but Paris also “turned him on” with its snobbery.

Here is one of the artist’s most famous paintings called “382 Sins.” The painting was exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery in London. Doesn't it look like a political poster with a touch of monastic painting?

But Sergei Pakhomov’s fame was brought not by his paintings, but by his participation in the filming of Svetlana Baskova’s films “Cocky the Running Doctor,” “The Green Elephant” and “Five Bottles of Vodka.” You probably noticed that the psychic has an amulet in the shape of a green elephant hanging around his neck. The roles in these films are good are described with the words “absurdity and idiocy”, this is how the artist himself characterizes his work. These are the vibrations of Lilith, distorting everything.

Also, during his working career, Sergei managed to work as an art director in a number of such famous glossy publications as Elle Decor, Marie Claire and the Russian version of Elle magazine. Currently, he gives lectures and comic monologues in the genre of stand-up comedy, continues to participate in filming films, engages in interior design and exhibits his paintings at various exhibitions.

The artist’s opinion about himself is interesting: “Here I am, Pakhomov, a forty-year-old Muscovite without education - I sing, dance, (sorry, swearing here) show, act in banned films, use drugs, if there are any, I’m poor as a church mouse...”

As for the artist’s personal life, it is full of gossip and rumors. In one of his interviews, he admitted that he is married and has two sons, aged seventeen and eighteen, but this does not stop him from being carried away by “young women of seventeen to eighteen years old,” who “smell good of cottage cheese and sour cream, violet and lily of the valley.” But the name of Pakhomov’s wife and the very fact of her existence remain a mystery.

You see how accurately a person’s character and behavior can be described by date of birth. Now let's evaluate the natal chart for the presence of extrasensory abilities. If you remember, I mentioned that the gift of clairvoyance is a potential developed by the soul in the past and it is impossible to develop it from scratch, like all our other abilities and talents.

Pakhom's psychic abilities

Firstly, the element of water predominates in the horoscope. This means that a person is receptive to the energies of the surrounding world, having increased sensitivity. There is a pronounced emphasis on Pluto, the planet of magic and extrasensory perception. A personal planet stellium conjunct the South Node is in Scorpio, the sign ruled by Pluto. The next planet often active in people with paranormal abilities, Neptune falls into Scorpio and is in harmonious aspect with the Moon - again increased sensitivity. And, of course, the Moon’s sextile to Pluto and Uranus again emphasizes strong intuition. Well, what can I say, there is potential and even very decent!

But will this potential be manifested only in art, and will Pakhom’s participation in the “Battle of Psychics” simply attract attention to his work?

To answer these questions, you need to know the time of birth, which will allow you to determine the event picture of the psychic’s life. And so, I am inclined to believe that Pakhom’s participation in the Battle is PR for himself, his beloved.

What are the chances of winning?

Groin or Marilyn Kerro? I haven’t looked at Marilyn’s natal chart, but I can say for sure that according to accumulated psychological observations, people always, without realizing it, give preference to the most beautiful candidates. So TV viewers will choose the main finalists not by their extrasensory abilities, but by their beauty.

But the Battle has just begun and let's hope that the future psychic will be able to captivate TV viewers with the image of a good-natured holy fool. After all, in Rus' the blessed have always been revered. I just want to note that it will be quite difficult for the artist to play this role. In Sergei's horoscope, the Sun is in conjunction with the South Node, which means that solar energy is directed inside a person, and not to the outside World, a person will not be able to glow and radiate, no matter how hard he tries. Would you like to become a participant in the new 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics”? Do you doubt your abilities? In vain, yours will definitely tell you about your talents and help you determine the best time for active action. And it doesn’t matter at all whether these are psychic abilities or not, whether you will be a participant in the Battle or realize yourself in a completely different direction..

The main thing is to go your own way in the labyrinth of life’s crossroads

Enjoy watching the 16th season of “Battle of Psychics”!

The article used materials from (Sergey Pakhomov).
P.S. (updated October 25, 2015)

If you watched the “Battle of Psychics,” you probably might have been attracted to the good-natured and eccentric psychic Sergei Pakhomov - many people want to know how to get an appointment with him. However, few people have managed to do this so far.

In the article:

How to get an appointment with Sergei Pakhomov

But, even taking into account the huge number of fans, Pakhom does not seek to follow the path of extrasensory perception and esotericism. It seems that he in no way wants to turn his gift into a source of additional income. And the strange little man has plenty of other activities - he acts in films, draws pictures and is even the art director of several modern glossy magazines. You can read more about other activities in a separate article dedicated to.

Where does Sergei Pakhomov live?

Information about where Sergei Pakhomov lives is also inaccessible to ordinary people. Despite the huge number of fans, the grandfather is in no hurry to become an overly public figure and only occasionally appears at various festivals. Many contemporary artists note that Pakhom can often be found at private and small creative parties dedicated to contemporary art.

However, the miracle grandfather Pakhom now lives in Moscow - in the city where he was born. However, he is almost always on the move, and almost no one knows his exact place of residence.

However, it is not too difficult to find him - you just need to visit any of his events, which are very loudly announced in certain circles of fans of contemporary art. It should be noted that grandfather Pakhom is a very sympathetic person who never shies away from communicating with his admirers, so instead of thinking about how to get an appointment with Sergei Pakhomov, you can simply come to any of his events - be it an exhibition, stand-up performance or music concert.

Contacts of psychic Sergei Pakhomov

It is not known whether Sergei will publish his contact information to a wider audience in the future, however, now they are not available anywhere. It is worth noting that this psychic does not have any official page not on any of the modern social networks, but other people impersonate him and impersonate him long before the show for the purpose of entertainment or, especially after Pakhom’s amazing successes, for the purpose of fraud.

It is possible to find psychic contacts in various arthouse establishments Moscow or St. Petersburg, however, it is far from a fact that you will succeed the first time, since the psychic grandfather does not really like being disturbed by people unfamiliar to him.

In general, we can say that as a psychic Pakhom has not yet declared his practice open to everyone, however, if desired, finding him and achieving a personal meeting with him will be much easier and cheaper than with most other, even less talented participants " Battles of Psychics."

In contact with

Everyone knows such a character as Sergei Pakhomov - the biography of the famous Soviet and Russian underground actor was recently supplemented with another achievement. Now Pakhom is also a psychic. It is unknown what prompted him to take part in the battle of clairvoyants.

In the article:

Sergei Pakhomov - biography

Sergei Pakhomov or simply Pakhom was born on November 4, 1966 in Moscow. Known as a screenwriter, musician, designer, artist, actor. All his life he worked in an extraordinary style, which never tired of surprising those around him. According to Sergei Igorevich himself, he went to music school at the age of five.

Sergey Pakhomov

The actor knows how to play the violin, but, as he himself says, his career as a violinist ended when one winter evening his mother tripped and fell on the musical instrument. In 1981, Pakhom completed his studies at the Krasnopresnenskaya Art School, after which in 1985 he graduated from the Moscow Kalinin Art and Industrial School.

Today it is surprising, but Sergei Igorevich in his youth, during his studies, was fond of icon painting. In 1984, Pakhomov was treated at the Kashchenko Psychiatric Clinic.

After the 80s, the man often played in musical groups and was actively involved in sports. At the moment, Pakhom is married to Elena Tokareva and continues to amaze the public with strange, shocking antics.

Creative life

In 1984 - 1985, Pakhom participated in various apartment shows, and since 1988 he began appearing at large exhibitions in Russia and abroad. From 1988 to 2000 he learned the basics of contemporary art in Europe and the USA. The man often visited New York, Berlin, Marseille, and Paris.


Pakhomov (photo from VKontakte)

The popularity of the extravagant figure was brought by Svetlana Baskova’s “Cocky the Running Doctor” (1998), “The Green Elephant” (1999) and “Five Bottles of Vodka” (2002). Fans of underground cinema, of course, could not remain indifferent to his role as a junior officer in the film “The Green Elephant”.

Quite often, Sergei Pakhomov can be seen in the series directed by Valeria Gai Germanika “School”, “A Short Course in a Happy Life” and “May Tapes”, in which he most often plays minor roles.

The extravagant actor has experience working as a production designer. In the film “Yes and Yes” and the TV series “May Tapes” and “Bonus” he also worked under the direction of Valeria Gai Germanica.


The man had the opportunity to work in 2000 at the publishing house “Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev”, after which he was the art director of several glossy publishing houses. For example, from 2002 to 2007 he was the art editor of Elle Decor magazine, in 2008 he worked as art director of Marie Claire, and since 2009 he took the same position in the domestic publishing house of Elle magazine.

TV shows

Pakhom himself quite often calls everything he does “a mixture of idiocy and absurdity.” As you can see, the holy fool Pakhom does not particularly monitor his statements. Quite often he can be seen in solo shows, such as:

  • "Homosexual Master";
  • "Dead House";
  • "Zhora Apezdl."

Surprisingly, his solo lecture “The School of Modern Play” created a sensation among the creative elite of Moscow.

Sergei Pakhomov is not afraid to communicate with journalists, so, in one interview for Rolling Stone Russia, he said that he simply does what he wants, acts in banned films, but never tried to line his pocket. You can often see a man on television in the program “Exploring the World with Victor Puzo,” which he himself hosts.

Pakhom's latest extravagant escapade is on TNT. But the actor decided not to fight to the end, and left the show on his own on October 24. He justified this by saying that he wanted to “do a good deed.”

How Pakhom became a psychic

In one of the interviews, Sergey Pakhomov was asked why he decided to become a psychic. To which the journalist received an answer that it all started, like most clairvoyants - in early childhood. In his distant youth, Sergei was shocked by how developed his intuition was, what hallucinations he saw and how accurately he could foresee the future.

And when his acquaintances began to share their experiences with him, the young Pakhom tried to understand the situation, became imbued with their troubles, and gave very strange advice, which sometimes was not even clear to him. But he could not do anything, since it was higher powers speaking through him.

No matter how crazy the advice given by the future psychic was, they helped people cope with various life problems.

For a long time the man tried to understand himself, explain his unique gift, overcome himself and start living like an ordinary person. But, in the end, he realized that it was useless to go against fate. Then Sergei decided to leave everything as it was and develop his gift. The man states:

My techniques involve complete dispersal, an absolute loss of will, I become absolutely indifferent - this is such an almost Buddhist state. When I fall into a trance, I can no longer explain how, what and why it comes to me, I just understand that I need to do this and that.

Sergei is sure that such a state is perfect for the time in which we find ourselves. He believes that everything in this world must be looked at from different points of view, which in any case will be true to one degree or another.

The man’s answer was rather ambiguous; most likely, it was another joke or prank with which he wanted to attract attention. But who knows, maybe the psychic Pakhom has a truly unique gift.

What will the horoscope tell you about Sergei’s extrasex abilities?

On the set of the battle of psychics 16

Since the date of birth of a popular artist is known, you can make a personal horoscope and use the natal chart to determine whether this person has any psychic abilities. If you believe this horoscope, then Sergei Pakhomov is dominated by the element of water.

This suggests that the personality is quite susceptible to various energy flows of the surrounding world. In this case, a person may indeed have good intuition and increased sensitivity. It may be noted that there is a rather pronounced emphasis on Pluto. It is known that this planet is responsible for magic and extrasensory perception.

It is worth noting that the horoscope contains a planet that is almost always active in people with supernatural abilities - Neptune. He is in harmonious aspect with the Moon. This connection is responsible for increased sensitivity and excellent intuition.

This result suggests that perhaps Sergei Pakhomov’s participation in the “Battle of Psychics” project was not only a game or a farce. This person has potential, but it is up to him to decide whether he will show it only in art or in other areas of activity, including extrasensory perception.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a more precise answer, since the exact time of birth of the clairvoyant is unknown. Otherwise, it would be possible to determine the event map of his life.

How to contact a psychic

Photo from VKontakte

Today, you can use social networks. VKontakte has