Plot for a new padded door lock. White magic love spell on a lock. When to expect results and how long will it last?

11.12.2023 Psychology
Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 14 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Castle plot

Castle plot

I step over the unclean spirit with God's grace.

To the old sorcerer, the heretic,

An old witch, a heretic,

An evil joker, a rival.

Prince Spiridon-solstice,

How do you turn back the red Sun and Moon,

Just turn it away, turn it away

From me, God's servant (name):

Jokes, creations, devilish destruction,

Writhing, damage, terrible death, in vain,

The disease is long and terrible.

How can this keyhole not be assigned to anyone?

Do not spoil, do not get rid of,

So you cannot destroy me, the servant of God (name):

Neither old, nor young, nor strong, nor anyone.

I'm closing you, black castle,

On the Mother of God amulet.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

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In the so-called village magic, there are simple love spell rituals that have already been tested by many generations of girls in love.

In this topic:

They are distinguished from the rituals of black magic not only by their ease of execution, but also by their relative harmlessness. An example of such an ancient ritual is a love spell on a lock.

General requirements

For any love spell on a lock, you need to buy the product itself. It should be hinged with the simplest locking mechanism. There is no need to get sophisticated and buy the coolest one. Those who have already performed a similar ritual confirm that the effect of magic, like the appearance of Herobrine, is little predictable, but certainly does not depend on fashionable “bells and whistles.” The castle is only a tool to reinforce your intention.

The second thing that will help you get maximum results is complete secrecy of what is happening. No one should know about the planned event and its results except you. Talkativeness can lead to a weakening of the effect of the love spell and possibly not the most pleasant events in the form of consequences for revealing the secret.

By the way, after a locking love spell, it is recommended to throw out all thoughts and dreams about the one who was bewitched. If you do not fulfill this mandatory condition, then you may not see results. Let's imagine three options for a love spell on a lock, depending on the complexity and power of the process.

Simple love spell ritual

To cast a love spell on a castle, you must invite your chosen one to visit. Just before his arrival, open the locking mechanism, bend the handle, and hide the lock itself so that it is at least under the edge of the rug at the front door. After the long-awaited guest crosses the threshold or steps on the rug, he must be escorted into the room and back. Unnoticed, take out the lock, lock it with the key and whisper a spell:

“Just as this castle can never be opened by anyone, so your (the name of the object of the love spell) feelings cannot be separated or quarreled by anyone. The key is at the bottom, the lock is in me, the word is locked, the deed is sealed.”

The key must be thrown into a natural reservoir, and the enchanted lock must always be carried with you. By the way, due to the fact that the key in all love spell rituals is thrown onto the lock, it is quite difficult to remove such a simple magical effect. Most likely you will have to contact a specialist who knows exactly how to remove a locking love spell. Therefore, before you bewitch a guy you know, think a hundred times. And even more so, you shouldn’t create such magic for the sake of fun or revenge. In such cases, very unpleasant consequences await you.

Love spell in photo and castle

This ritual is performed at strictly defined hours - either early in the morning (5–6 o’clock) or at noon (12–13 o’clock), but strictly during the waxing moon phase. You will also need a photo of the person and your photo. Next you should do the following:

  1. In both images, you need to make holes in the heart area.
  2. Place the photos facing each other and thread the bow through the previously made holes.
  3. While closing the lock with the key, read the spell three times:
    “Two hearts, two lives are united forever! The love between us is strong, we have the same destiny! Just as it is difficult to lift the key to this castle from the day of the river, it is so difficult to break our love union. Key. Lock, Language, Amen."
  4. As can be seen from the plot, the key must be drowned in the river, but the castle with photographs should be buried on the road leading to the house of your chosen one. Moreover, this must be done in such a way that he practically steps over it. Difficult? But reviews from girls who performed the ritual confirm that its effectiveness depends on this.

Important: during the entire day when the closing love spell was performed, it is strongly recommended not to talk to anyone, and then for another week you cannot take anything out of the house.

Closing love spell with blood

This black love spell is very powerful. Its essence is as follows: on the lock itself, in a certain way, you need to write the name of the chosen one and your own with your blood (maybe your period). Then, late at night, go into the forest and, reading the words of the conspiracy, close it on the branch of a strictly double-trunked tree.

The ritual is indeed very powerful and must be used extremely carefully. It is only suitable for a wife who wants to tie her husband even more tightly. In other cases, it is better to use a less serious ritual or come up with a less dangerous way to win a man with your own feminine charm without the help of magical spells.

A love spell on a castle is considered the most reliable. Experienced magicians use it in combination with other additives. Let's study in more detail several love magic rituals with locks and keys, which you can carry out yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

In many magic spells the phrase “Key-lock” appears. This means the process is complete. Most often, these objects are used to dry a loved one so that the object cannot escape from the magic circle. They act like tied knots, that is, they lock a person’s defenses to make it easier to subjugate him to your will. Reviews from people who have already done such a love spell indicate that it has great power.


A love spell with a lock is done at night on the waxing moon. All attributes must be prepared in advance. Before you start working, you need to clearly define what result you want to get. Thanks to this, you will create an image of a future happy life and fill it with mystical energy.

Choice of time and place

Love spells to return your wife and other similar rituals are best done at home, away from prying eyes and ears. The love ritual will be effective if you do it at midnight on the waxing moon. But there are also rituals that are performed early in the morning or during the day.

What you will need

For the ceremony, take a lock that has never been used. It is desirable that it has a simple shape and is not painted. In addition, you will need candles, threads, photographs - yours and your chosen one. Other items may be required. It all depends on what ritual you will perform.

Learn the spells by heart so as not to get lost at a crucial moment. The most important thing is to believe in your strength and that you will succeed.

The difference between a love spell on a woman and a ritual on a man

A love spell on a man takes more strength and energy, because representatives of the stronger sex are complex objects. They are dominated by hot, impulsive energy. Managing it is not that easy. This will require strength and special experience. But, at the same time, a ritual performed for the love of a man shows brighter and faster results.

In women, the impact zones are not so pronounced. They are protected by their own sexual energy. It distracts a woman’s attention from her goal. Working with girls is easier, but it is not always possible to achieve a positive result.

Love spell options

There are many love spell options that use a lock. This item has great power. He can return his wife and husband to the family, dry up his beloved man, force a guy to pay attention to the girl who suffers for him. But they all have one result - inciting passion and love feelings.

To return the ex-wife

The wife's love spell on the lock is different in that it works regardless of what kind of relationship you had with your wife before she left the family. With this love bond, the husband is given back his soul mate. To perform the ritual, prepare:

  • 3 church candles;
  • lock;
  • key.

When midnight comes, light the candles, take the lock in your left hand and the key in your right, and say the words:

“Just as the key closes the lock, so the wife will return home and stay forever.”

Say the spell three times, then close the lock. Hide it in a secret place in the house, and at dawn throw the key into the river or bury it in the ground. This powerful ritual will help you quickly get your ex-wife back and improve your relationship with her.

Love spell with lock and photos

This ritual is performed on the waxing moon on Fridays, in the morning at 5-6 o'clock or in the afternoon at 12-13 o'clock. For the ritual you will need:

  • medium size padlock;
  • photograph of a loved one;
  • own photo.

Place the photographs face to face, open the lock and pin the photographs onto its bow in the place where the hearts are located, as if fastening them to each other. If you want to bewitch your wife in this way, take a wedding photo or any photo of you together, bend it so that you are face to face, and thread the bow through the hearts, as described above. Close the lock and read the plot:

“Connected hearts and lives forever. Between the servants of God (your name) and (the name of your beloved) love will be strong and indestructible, because they have the same destiny. Just as it is difficult to find a key at the bottom of a river, it is also difficult to remove this love spell. Amen".

Throw the key into the river or any other body of water. Bury the castle and photographs, folded with their front sides, near the road along which the chosen one often walks. It is advisable that it leads to his house and the loved one passes next to the lining. All actions are performed in one day. During this you should not talk to anyone.

Love spell with padlock

This is a love spell on a lock that cannot be removed on your own, so before performing the ceremony, think carefully about whether it is worth changing your destiny or whether it is better to leave everything as it is. If you decide to perform the ritual, prepare:

  • small padlock;
  • 3 red wax candles.

Please note that the lock is opened with a key and not by entering a digital code. Also, grab some permanent red paint and a brush.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon, late in the evening. Seclude yourself in a room, light candles and say the words:

“I light candles, I awaken the power of witchcraft.”

Open the lock and write your name and your lover's name on it with paint. After this, you need to close the lock and say the spell:

“I’ll close the castle, let feelings into your soul. Until the lock is opened, your heart will burn like fire with love.”

Wait until the candles burn out and the paint dries. Hide the magic item under your pillow and keep it there for 3 days. Every evening before going to bed, remember your loved one, say his name tenderly. After the specified period, wrap the lock and candle stubs in a napkin and bury them under a fruit tree. Hide the key in a hiding place so that no one will find it.

Love spell at a wedding

This ritual is performed when young people are forced into marriage without their consent. Preparations for this wedding ceremony were carried out in advance. My parents ordered a lock without a key. They hid it under the rug near the front door. When the newlyweds returned from church after the wedding, entering the house, they crossed the castle. After that, the parents quietly took it out from under the rug, slammed it and said the words:

“I close the castle, I promise the newlyweds a long and happy life. Amen".

At the end of the ceremony, the spoken item was hidden away from prying eyes.

For key and lock

To cast a love spell you will need a lock. It must be bought at the market without change, without haggling. When you get home, read the spell on the purchased item 7 times:

“The sunflower reaches out to the sun, and the servant of God (name of the chosen one) towards (your name). Petals - to the rays, rays - to the petals. In the womb the seed will germinate, blossom and bear fruit. Hands to hands, heart to heart, they will not be separated, they will not be separated. I will disperse the black clouds, close the lock, turn the key 7 times and hide it under 7 stones. So be it.”

Before performing the ritual, you need to find a double tree. Most often they grow together with birch trunks. Place the lock on the thickest, strongest branch and, without closing it, cast the spell:

“I will bring the two under one lock, the rain will remove the coal into the ground, and the servant of God (name of the chosen one) will come to (your name) and stay with her. Amen".

After this, they close the lock, throw the key into a river or lake, and at the same time read the plot:

“Love is locked, and the key was eaten by a fish.”

Love spell on a man's keys

A husband's love spell on a lock can be strengthened by performing a magical ritual with keys. The ritual is also suitable for drying a girl, but in this case you need to slightly change the words of the plot.

Take 3 woolen threads of the same length, weave them into a braid and say it with the words:

“Come along three roads, three thresholds (name of your beloved). Just as a thread is twisted and twisted, so your life will be united with the servant of God (your name). Amen".

Tie your own photo and the photo of your loved one with the front sides inward using a charmed thread. Place the photos tied with thread in a box that is locked with a key. At sunset, go to a pond, draw a circle around you, turn your face to the west, bow 3 times and say the spell three times:

“I will get up, without blessing, I will go into the field, without crossing myself, to the far distance, to the expanse. There is an iron horse standing there, and Satan is on it. Become a helper, dry (name of the chosen one) like a dry tree. So that he grieves, suffers, and keeps (your name) in mind. So that his heart would rejoice and know no peace. I’ll throw the key to the castle into the sea-ocean, a pike, golden scales, copper nose will grab it. No one can catch her, no one can drive her away. Lips are the lock, tongue is the key. Amen".

Throw the key into the water and hide the box in a safe place. This ritual can be repeated if you notice that the love influence has weakened.

When to expect results and how long will it last?

During the week after the love spell, you should not borrow or give anything from home to strangers. Also, you should not see a bewitched person for 2 weeks. You can make contact with him only if your lover wants it himself. When the term expires, you must definitely meet with your chosen one, at least by chance.

Despite the simplicity of execution, in comparison with other love rituals, locking love spells are strong and effective. The binding works as long as the lock is in its hiding place and the key to it is in a safe place or thrown into the water. If someone finds the lock and tries to open it, your loved one will immediately leave you and never return.


A white love spell does not bring big problems. The worst that can happen is that the magical influence will not work. The performer will feel a loss of strength because he will lose a lot of energy, but within 2 days the person will fully recover. The object of the love spell may also feel weak, since magical forces affect his biofield.

If menstrual blood was used for the ritual to enhance the effect, the risk of negative consequences is very high. This is a black love spell. It may entail:

  • health problems;
  • difficulties in personal life;
  • financial failures:
  • problems conceiving a child;
  • nervous breakdowns.

How to determine such a love spell

A bewitched person becomes aggressive. He starts using alcohol or drugs. Often victims commit inappropriate actions, knowing in advance that they will bring them harm.

The object of the love spell becomes conflicted and gets irritated over every little thing. A person gradually loses interest in everything he did before. He gets sick, becomes depressed or begins to suffer from mental disorders. The victim of a love spell hates the performer with all his soul, but at the same time cannot leave him. If you notice such signs in one of your loved ones, urgently seek help from an experienced magician.

The video shows a method of protection using 3 locks:

How to remove a love spell on a lock

In almost all love rituals, the key is thrown away, so removing such a magical effect is not so easy. If you realize that with the help of the ritual it was not possible to awaken natural feelings in your chosen one, try to remove the remnants of the divination. To do this, go to the place where the key was thrown away and say the words:

“If it hasn’t grown together, let it open.”

Most likely, you will not be able to do this on your own, so you will have to seek help from a magician who specializes in locking love spells.

In magic, a castle or its symbol is used as part of a ritual. A lock spell has a powerful impact on love, wealth, prosperity and good luck.

A castle is a popular attribute of magical rituals

Lock spell for good luck

Drying according to photo

Take a photograph of your loved one, where he (she) is depicted from the waist up. The face should be open and not blurred. A photograph taken no earlier than a year before the ceremony is suitable.

The ritual is performed on an empty stomach. Before midnight, between 23 and 24 hours, a photograph of the ritual object is taken. It must be placed by the window. They look carefully at their loved one or loved one.

Light a candle and write the partner's name on a piece of paper. The paper is folded twice and a photo of the bewitched person is placed there. The leaf is taken with the left hand. The other one needs to be moved around the sheet in a circle. The words of the conspiracy are invented arbitrarily. The main thing is that they come from the heart and be gentle and affectionate. You can confess your love to the object of the love spell.

The photo is hidden in a secluded place, and the paper is burned, blowing the ashes out of an open window.

Love spell on a man

Love spell on hair

They get it from the head of a loved one. They are found on a comb or clothing. You can also cut them off discreetly while you sleep at night.

Prepare 2 wax candles, a red piece of thread. The first candle is wrapped with the hair of your loved one. The second is your own. The wax must be softened on the battery pipe or in your hands. Candles are intertwined with one another. The double wax light must be wrapped with red thread. The lock is opened. A candle is placed on top. They pronounce a spell on the lock, which cannot be removed, in a whisper:

“As much as I love you, you (name of the victim) cannot live without me.”

The lock is immediately closed. It is recommended to recite the text of the love spell daily until the full moon occurs. All used items must be taken to a hiding place where locks are stored, and which no one knows about. Sharing the results of the magical action performed is prohibited.

Drying on Friday

The ritual is performed on the new moon early in the morning or at noon. Choose a medium-sized amulet. First, take 2 fresh photographs: of yourself and your loved one (beloved). The photos are turned with their front sides facing each other. It is necessary to make a hole approximately where the lovers' hearts are located. The photo is threaded through a magical amulet, bonding two souls together forever. They pronounce the words of the spell, you need to read them in a whisper:

“2 hearts, 2 lives united forever. The love between us is strong, we have the same destiny! Just as it is difficult to lift the key to this castle from the bottom of the river, it is also difficult to break our love union. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!".

Keys must be thrown into the body of water closest to the house. On this day it is prohibited:

  • talk to somebody;
  • lend money;
  • taking out the trash;
  • to take a bath.

For the ceremony you will need a small castle

Ceremony for the keys to the apartment

A simple white ceremony is suitable for couples who are in a civil or registered marriage. To perform a magical act, they buy the same castle as in the house. They take the keys to the apartment or house that the husband carries with him. They hold them with two palms, slowly whispering the desired love spell:

“I will come to the sandy shore, stand on the golden sand, red dawn, call the clear sun, find me a slave (name), wherever he is, in a hut, in a barn, in a steam bath, in a dark closet, in a boat or on the water, in the saddle on a horse. Place melancholy on him, on his violent head, on his clear eyes, on his black eyebrows, on his red blood, on his zealous heart, on his forehead and lips, on his sinful places, on his whole white body. So that the slave (name) would think about me, about my beauty, so that he would not finish eating, sleep - would not fall asleep, would suffer and suffer. My words cannot be blown away by the wind, cannot be washed away with water, (name) cannot be forgotten. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

The text must be repeated 9 times, visualizing how bright feelings of love, affection, and fidelity awaken in the object.

The key ceremony is suitable for couples in a relationship

Magic to return

A strong spell for sex using a lock will help return a husband or wife to the family. Man or woman Buying a new small lock. It is better that it is ordinary and unpainted. You need to use the key to open the magic amulet. In order to return your loved one, you need to read the text clearly and confidently:

“In the sea-ocean there is an island, on the island there is a stone, on the stone there is an oak, there is warmth in the oak. The island is blown by the winds, washed by the waves, and locked in the depths.Neither small nor big, neither old nor young can leave this island.And as I turn the key, so will the servant of God (name) turn to me,He'll be locked in the house, he won't go anywhere.He will only love me and live with me in love and affection.”

After completing the spell, the object is snapped, saying further:

“Like no one will open the lock now, Just like no one will separate you and me.”

The key is thrown into a running pond. This is necessary so that no one finds it and unpleasant consequences occur. Immediately after this, the object of the love spell will remember how much he loved his partner and will not forget again. Under no circumstances should they tell the bewitched person about the ritual performed.

Solomon's Defense Text

According to legend, the plot for the castle was drawn up by himself. He is able to protect from enemies, dark forces, and ward off problems and adversity from a person. It must be read during the new moon in the evening of any day except Sunday.

Take a new large lock made of durable metal. An old, broken item doesn't have enough energy, so it won't work. Such locks can be thrown away; they have no magical powers. Above the closed amulet the words of Solomon’s conspiracy are read:

“Most holy Lord, all-glorious and merciful Almighty. I, your sinful and unworthy servant (name), pray to this seal of the angels, and your life-giving cross of the Lord, and the seal of the wise king and prophet Solomon. Always and now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Conquer my hostile enemies, bind their hands and noses, their mouths and tongues with seven bonds and ten holy angelic seals, and everything that thinks evil of me, and all my opponents, my God has made more than a young sheep. Let all my enemies fall before my feet by your divine power, Christ, the sign of the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord and your holy ineffable secret wisdom and the power of the holy seals of angels and your honorable names, Father and Son and Holy Soul, and all your saints, Lord, through the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, the Lady Theotokos, and the saints angel and archangel, cherub and seraphim, Michael and Gabriel, and all the saints who have pleased You from the ages. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me. Amen. Our God. Amen. Key and lock. Amen".

In magical practice, simultaneously with the performance of any rituals, ceremonies and other actions, a special technique “lock → key” is often used, symbolizing the fact of “closing” the completed magical process.

This technique acts as a kind of semantic core of most healing and protective rituals, love and love spells. It can also be used in rituals of Black Magic, but for a slightly different purpose.

Why is the “Castle” principle used in magic?

In White conspiracies and rituals, a castle plot performs the function of protecting the magical action itself and its result. In the practice of Black Magic its functions are:

  • Hide the one who performed the ritual (no strong Magician can recognize this master).
  • Hide the object itself on which the magical action was performed (the object will also not be recognized).
  • Hide the type of magical influence used in this ritual.

In this case, another Magician who tries to scan the situation will not be able to accurately determine:

  • an object with which magical work was performed;
  • the type and specific magical ritual that was performed;
  • a master who performed magical manipulations.

Naturally, in White Magic such powerful protection is rarely used; there is no point in hiding good deeds, which cannot be said about malicious harm by Black Magicians.

The method of symbolic closure “lock → key” is almost similar in its mechanism of action to magical rituals based on tying and untying knots. Only in this case there is not one, but two structural elements at once, which sometimes act as interchangeable components.

Key and lock in magical practice

The symbolism of a key and a lock was used back in ancient times, when people could not imagine their lives without the daily performance of some rites and rituals. All of them mainly related to White Magic and were aimed at returning and preserving health, protecting property, identifying and removing enemies, and removing negative impacts on the clan and its individual representatives.

This symbolism was used not only in rituals. A small lock or key, specially enchanted and charged, was worn on the body as a talisman, amulet or talisman. The amulet was usually secretly hung at the entrance to the house in order to protect oneself from bad thoughts and actions of ill-wishers, and later it was also hidden behind the main (ancestral) icon.

It is noteworthy that in different cultures and among different peoples this symbolism was also in use, used for one purpose - protection, but used in different ways. Thus, in Ancient Egypt and Etruscans, the symbolism of the key was used exclusively as an amulet, and for sedentary peoples with pagan culture it was a symbol of wealth and increase in property.

In archaic rituals, a lock/key was used as a kind of “fastening” for spells. They can still be recognized today by their characteristic “keys”:

or these lines:

The lock is often used in modern practice

The symbol of a closed Castle was used in protective rituals to ensure strong protection and safety of the necessary item/object. Often during rituals among some peoples, the enchanted key was buried in the ground along with the corpse of an animal killed for sacrifice. Among other nations, it was customary to throw the key into the water. Some rituals involved carrying it on one's person or keeping it in a secluded place in one's own home or outside it.

There are a huge variety of rites/rituals and other magical actions with a lock and key. For an overview, some of them are briefly described in the table below:

Object Type of magic Action Target
Slavic peoples House Security Locking the house Protection from epidemic diseases, robbers and robbers, evil eye, arson, damage, etc.
Slavic peoples Alleged enemy, ill-wisher Protective Tying (gagging, sewing up) a “black” mouth Protection from negative messages, the evil eye, damage, slander, etc.
Slavic and some nomadic peoples Livestock Security To close the mouths of predators Before driving out the cattle, an open lock was placed on the ground, which was locked with a key after the entire herd had been driven out.
Slovakia Deceased Protective To seal the grave and the deceased in it The coffin was wrapped in a chain and locked (the key was thrown into a deep reservoir or mountain crevice).
Croatia Husband Consolidate the result For the husband's fidelity and preservation of his love for his wife On their wedding night, a woman locked the lock over her husband, and hid the key early in the morning in the cemetery (on an unknown grave).
Serbia and the Eastern Slavs Woman in difficult labor Protective For an easy and safe birth They opened all the locks and constipations in the house, as a symbol of the open female womb
Serbia A sick person who has twin(s) or twin(s) Protective Separation of the patient from illness/death, so that the deceased twin does not take away with him/her After the death of one of the twins, the deceased was locked in the cemetery with a padlock
Russia Groom Consolidate the result To protect the bride and groom, future wedding During the conspiracy, before the groom arrived at the bride’s house, the matchmaker hid an open lock with a key under the threshold, which was locked immediately after the groom crossed the threshold and entered the house. The key was thrown to the bottom of the river so that no one could upset the wedding
Serbia A scrap of the bride and groom's wedding dress Malicious magic To protect against the black message of infertility in women and loss of virility in men Scraps of the wedding attire of both young people were dug up to the graves of the childless dead along the floor and locked, the keys were hidden on other graves (of the unknown dead)

From the above table it can be seen that the principle of the castle is used by different peoples in various rituals and ceremonies, both White and Black Magic.

The table shows examples of rituals and conspiracies to magically secure the desired result, rituals and conspiracies to attract, bind someone (something), as well as to get rid of and protect from something negative or someone who personifies an enemy/ill-wisher . There are other uses for the magic lock mechanism, but they are most common in love and healing magic.

Healing Magic

There is also such a direction as magical medicine, aimed at producing various medicinal potions, getting rid of pain, a successful outcome of the disease, prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Physicians (previously called alchemists, sorcerers, healers, sorcerers, etc.) for many centuries tried to stop bleeding, unconsciousness, urinary incontinence, epileptic seizures and convulsive syndromes in other diseases using Lock/Key closure.

Usually, special rituals were carried out (depending on the type of illness) using the patient’s wearable item, onto which a spell was recited or a certain magical action was performed, after which the whole process was closed with a lock and key.

Love Magic

In love Magic, a lock was used to chain a loved one, to tie a friend or patron to one’s home and family. There are quite a lot of love spells using a lock; they differ in details, but their meaning and expected result are the same.

As a rule, such conspiracies and love spells are classified as rituals of medium complexity or simple rituals. Only a very powerful master can achieve complete subjugation of the will of the person being bewitched, but in practice, strong magicians usually do not practice love spells.

Examples of Castle spells

As an example, you can familiarize yourself with a couple of magical actions performed “on the castle”.

Love spell on a castle

To perform this love spell you will need:

  • small padlock with key;
  • a metal chain (its length should allow it to wrap around the tree that you choose for this love spell);
  • a few hairs from the head of each of the lovers;
  • two ribbons (pink/red and light blue/blue);
  • a narrow paper strip (can be cut from a notebook sheet or notepad) measuring 1 x 10-15 cm.

Carefully study the description of the ritual before work and mentally think through the entire sequence of actions

Having prepared everything listed according to the list, at night three days before the Full Moon, left alone in the room, spread a scarf on the table (preferably with a red or pink pattern and not on a black background), lay out your hair (yours and that of your loved one) on the scarf person), ribbons, lock and key.

Next, you should align them, connect them and weave them into a single braid, securing it at the ends of a red woolen thread. While performing these manipulations, think about your chosen one(s) and slowly pronounce the following words:

“Like Heaven and Earth,
Like Rain with Grass,
Like a flower with leaves,
So are you and I, (name of person),
together and forever linked by fate.”

After this, take the prepared ribbons, try to tie a red ribbon to one end of the braid, a blue one to the other (right on top of the woolen threads), place the braid with the ribbons on the corner of the scarf.

Now take the prepared paper strip and write your desire on it, try to write small and compact, without abbreviating the words. Next, you should pick up a lock with a key, place a strip of paper with a written wish on top of it, and on top of the strip - braided hair and read the plot again.

On the night of the Full Moon, take out the chain and what is under the pillow, put it all on a scarf spread on the table, untie the red and blue ribbons. You need to write the woman's name on the red ribbon, and the man's name on the blue ribbon.

While reading the above plot, try to carefully tuck the entire braid inside the lock through the hole in the bracket or through the keyhole, without damaging a single hair. Send a strip of paper there (twist it thinly) with your desire. Try not to accidentally close the lock, this is important.

Try to perform rituals so that other people do not see you

Now go to the place where you noticed a tree in advance, on which you should put a chain with a lock. Turning the key in the lock, say the plot again, then take out the key and, without turning around, without entering into a conversation with anyone, calmly go home and go to bed. You can’t drink, eat, or wash your face after this until the next morning.

In some conspiracies and love spells on a lock, it is recommended to throw away the key, but this is not a strict rule. You can keep the key - carry it with you or keep it in a secluded place, as the owner of the secret that it keeps. The ribbons can be left tied on the branches of the tree, or they can be tied to a castle.

The love spell plot begins to work on the day you braid your hair and leave it under your pillow. Next, analyze your dreams:

  • If over the next three days you have not dreamed of a person dear to your heart, then you will have to wait for some time until he comes to you.
  • If he dreams about you every night, you are loved by him even without a love spell.
  • If you dreamed about it only once, the love spell worked and you will soon get the expected result.
House plot (in front of the road) to lock

Before you go on a long business trip or trip, take care of the safety of your property and home, left without an owner.

  • Buy a new padlock, on the eve of departure, read the following plot over it (the lock must be open):

“My House is locked with good,
And that Castle is locked with a magic Key.
Like this Key is with me now,
So my House will be with my Good.
Seal of security on the Castle,
It will drive away the thief, it will put out the fire,
Castle and House with Good
They are waiting for Me with the Key.”

  • Leave the lock open under the threshold (or under the porch) overnight.
  • The next day, when leaving, take this lock from under the porch, lock it, pronouncing the plot a second time, leave the locked lock in the place or corner of your house that is located opposite the icons. Take the key with you.
  • After returning home, the lock should be unlocked and stored in a secret place until the next time (until your next long-term departure).

I would like to add that in Slavic magical rituals and ceremonies, magical herbs can be used, which are a kind of “master key” for magical locks of any type. For example, a special spell, ritual and the well-known “break-grass” or “break-grass” are used for this. By the way, the Serbs (“raskovnik”) and the Eastern Slavic peoples (“fern flower”) have herbs similar in purpose.