Fortune telling 1 card. Fortune telling about the situation using one card: get advice from the Higher Powers. Fortune telling using one Tarot card per situation

11.12.2023 Brain damage

Sometimes complex, confusing situations arise in life in which it is difficult for a person to find the right solution on his own. It seems that you need to act in one direction, but in reality it may be quite the opposite.

If you cannot understand what to do correctly, seek help from the following fortune telling on the situation, advice on 1 card. This will help you make the right choice.

Thanks to the availability of Internet technologies, we now have the opportunity to perform all fortune-telling not only in real life, but also online. However, it should be noted that the latter option may be less informative and will not provide such complete information regarding future events as the real version of the prediction.

For fortune telling, the right atmosphere is very important - dim light in the room, the absence of other people during this manipulation. The best time to find out what fate has in store for you is evening.

Before starting fortune-telling, the questioner must set the time frame that interests him, and also formulate the problem that concerns him as clearly as possible.

Then you need to shuffle the deck of cards (it is advisable to take a traditional Tarot deck created by Rider White, although other deck options will work) and remove one card from it. This will be the key to solving your difficult life situation.

Interpretation of the meaning of one card per situation

In this fortune-telling, exclusively the Major Arcana are used.


Symbolizes openness, surprise, liveliness, spontaneity, new beginnings, open-mindedness and curiosity. The Jester appearing in a fortune telling about a situation indicates that you are now following a path from which it is still impossible to turn away - after all, this is the path of fate. Continue walking along it, hoping for protection and good luck from above. Now the situation is beyond your control; unforeseen circumstances and misunderstandings may arise. It is necessary to work out the mistakes of the past, now everything is in the hands of fate, not man.


This card, unlike the previous one, indicates that the person is in control of the entire situation. He is the main character, for this reason all the changes that occur will depend only on his decision.


In situational scenarios, the Pope will indicate that you should not take any active actions now: it’s time to wait a little and things will turn in the right direction on their own. But if suddenly you still want to make changes to the current state of things, then it is important to clearly understand your goal so as not to harm yourself.


The final outcome of the situation is approaching, very soon you will be able to find out how it all ends. It is also possible that your situation involves some representative of the fair sex who is attractive to you and who patronizes you.


The lasso symbolizes the master of the situation, power, protection and strength, stability, order, clarity of goals, success, order and consistency. In personal life, the Emperor's card will tell about strong relationships, reliability, caring, which will require strength, stamina, courage and endurance from a person. Inverted, the Emperor will indicate a desire to control not only his own life, but also to control the lives of those around him.

High priest


There is some very significant heartfelt attachment in your life (usually this means feelings on your part towards another person).


In most cases, the card foreshadows the beginning of some incidents that will help a person get even closer to success. You need to challenge yourself to achieve subsequent success.


When fortune telling about the further development of a situation or events, the lasso warns that the most positive result will be achieved by the party that acts honestly.


When the Hermit appears in fortune telling about a situation based on one card, this indicates that you will now be required to be extremely careful, to control your actions as much as possible so as not to get hurt.

Wheel of Fortune

This Major Arcana of the Tarot has a dual interpretation. In most cases, it predicts very early success in some activity, unexpected luck and success.


In fortune telling about the situation, the Strength card indicates that up to this time you have been moving in the right direction. But whether you continue the correct movement further or turn to the side - this already depends on your actions. In another context, the Force represents some kind of test for you.


This lasso has an ambiguous meaning. On the one hand, it speaks of a turning point in your life when it is necessary to determine a strategy for your future behavior. And the second aspect of the card’s meaning is that you will be required to make some kind of sacrifice if you want to achieve your goals. It is advisable that the sacrifice be voluntary, because otherwise you will still be forced to lose something, but in this case the sacrifice will be more significant.


In situational scenarios, the appearance of the Death card indicates a dilemma: it is known for sure that a person is facing the time of serious changes that can change your life in a radical way. But you cannot say for sure whether these changes will be positive or negative.


Further events will develop favorably; you just need to take your time. The situation will develop slowly, but you will not encounter any special obstacles. It is important to simply have enough patience and after a certain time you will be able to harmoniously achieve the goal you need.


The main meaning of this lasso is that you are following the wrong path or the dark beginning of your personality is taking over, which, of course, has a very negative and destructive effect on you.


The Arcanum always represents a caution or warning, the main meaning of which is that a person has overly inflated pride and confidence that only his opinion is the only correct one. As a rule, this results in severe disappointments and the collapse of all hopes.


You are now subject to a new surge of inspiration, you get the opportunity to find the keys to those doors that were previously securely closed. It becomes possible to realize long-standing plans in life. The most important condition is to be patient and do not act hastily.


A person is torn by doubts and contradictions, he is in a very unstable situation. But this is not always a reason to be upset, because in some cases such chaos can help find completely new solutions to the problem.


Now you must do as much as possible, in this period of time you will be successful in all your endeavors. The main condition is to make every effort and also maintain an optimistic attitude.


If you accept change correctly, you can get very good results. When reversed, the card indicates that the situation is getting worse and you must act decisively.


Everything you start will be completed successfully. You will be able to achieve a state of inner freedom and harmony with others, peace. In the reverse position, the Arcana World will tell you about chaos, various difficulties, stagnation, and slowdown in your affairs.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch this informative video:


Instead of exclaiming: “This is the situation! What to do?!”, let’s try to figure out the origins of the event happening to you, as well as how best to choose from the current circumstances. It will help us.

What are the reasons for the schedule?

First, let's look in the dictionary and read the meaning of the word "situation". So, this is a set of circumstances, a situation, a setting. Goes out to tell fortunes, picking up the Tarot, making a simple “Situation” layout; there are plenty of reasons.

Conditionally, situations are divided into two types: favorable and unfavorable. And they can also be ordinary and everyday, requiring little adjustment and crisis, going beyond the scope of everyday life. Usually, when life is good and fate favors you, it rarely occurs to you to use Tarot cards to tell fortunes about the situation happening to you. However, if circumstances are negative, they often seek help and advice from oracles. And when making a Tarot reading for your situation and asking how it will end and be resolved, you will have to deal mainly with the second type of situations.

Situations, given that the meaning of the word is too broad, can be considered from various areas of life.

They may be related to:

  • Human personality and its development;
  • Financial matters
  • Relationships with close circle and relatives
  • Family circumstances, as well as relationships with parents and children
  • Issues related to creativity, leisure and entertainment
  • Health sector
  • Personal relationships, partnership and marriage issues
  • Crisis incidents for you, issues of debts and loans
  • Education in all its forms
  • Career issues and professional fulfillment
  • Relationships with friends
  • Conditions you find yourself in and would like to get out of


If you are interested in everyday questions that do not require deep consideration, a layout of one Tarot card for your situation will help. In this case, one card will indicate, at your choice, advice that needs to be followed or the reason for what is happening.

Or, if one Tarot card laid out for the situation did not help and the question requires deeper consideration and goes beyond the ordinary, another Tarot fortune telling for the current situation will help you - from 5 cards.

Layout diagram

  1. The basis of the situation. What's happening at the moment
  2. Past. The roots of what is happening in the present moment.
  3. Future. Development of the situation. Potential outcome.
  4. Advice on what to do in this situation.
  5. A lesson to be learned. If the situations are recurring, then what needs to be done to prevent similar circumstances from recurring in the future. This position, like the previous ones, looks like it is combined with the rest of the cards.

Layout example

This example of Tarot reading will be about the current situation in a relationship. But this scheme can be used for any areas of life.

Maria (32 years old) has problems in the area of ​​relationships; each partner in her life loses interest in her after some time, does not ask her to marry her, and soon separates. Especially after Masha and the man begin to live together. A few months ago she met Sergei, who was unlike her other companions; at first, everything was wonderful according to Masha. After some time, Masha and Sergey (34 years old) began to live together. And recently Masha began to notice that Sergei’s interest in her began to fade away, conversations about marriage, initially initiated by Sergei, disappeared, he began to refer to the fact that now was not the time and other circumstances. This story, repeating itself again, began to depress Masha.

Let's see, brief comments on the layout

  1. Last Judgment. The card tells us about rebirth. In this case, it is necessary to clarify what the revival is about. Clarification - 9 of Wands. This speaks to the situation that Masha described. Fears that history from the past will repeat itself. And also about the tension of the heroine, who, based on the meaning of the 20th lasso, expects something new from the current circumstances.
  2. 8 of Wands. Masha hurried to get closer to Sergei, did not allow his feelings to grow to the fullest (echoes with position 5); when they are together, his feelings for her do not have the opportunity to grow.
  3. 6 of Cups, reversed. The development of history in the near future does not bode well. This is Masha’s romantic longing about how good it was before. To some extent, this is also being under the illusion that someday everything will turn out well, like in a fairy tale.
  4. 8 of Swords, reversed. The advice is to face reality. Look at it with an objective gaze, don’t be afraid to see your fears. When you see what is happening with an objective eye, you have the opportunity to influence life circumstances.
  5. 9 of Cups, reversed. In order to avoid repeating scenarios that happened in relationships previously, Masha is advised not to rush things (8 of Swords), not to burden a man with all her love, which in large doses becomes a heavy burden, to objectively assess the reality around her (8 of Swords), and not to fall into in illusion (6 of Cups). Masha, on the other hand, is inclined to give all of herself and all her love without a trace, not paying attention to whether the man responds to the flow of her feelings, or closes down, like Sergei. Considering the story from the past (8 of Wands), Masha should reduce the dynamics of rapprochement.

When making any layouts, including fortune telling with Tarot cards about your personal situation, you should take into account that the picture of the future is not a verdict, but a consequence of current circumstances. Therefore, you should always remember that you always have the power to change your future if you apply your will and determination to it. With this approach, Tarot cards will always be your assistant.

Good afternoon. Help me understand what the cards tell me. There was an affair, the man’s behavior was with great prospects for life together. Everything lasted 4 months. I opened my ears and believed everything. After the divorce, she didn’t open up to anyone for a long time. But after a while he said that it was better for us to separate. Having tried to figure out what and why, I realized that men need to be able to let go, and not be held by force. Now we don't communicate at all. There is faith in my soul that he will return. I would be grateful for your interpretation.

jack of swords, (8 Denariev, emperor) - what is between us now
6 Den, Ace of Cups, Hanged Man - prospects for the development of relationships
How should I behave with him further? peace (queen of swords and 3 denarii)

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Hello Viel!
Please help with the interpretation.
How does it relate? -Dama Denariev
How does it feel? -6 of Cups
Will he write? - Star
Will there be communication? - Ace of Swords
I'm married, he's single. We communicated, but there were no close relationships. At the moment we are not communicating, but I intuitively feel that this is not the end. Am I right or wrong, what do the cards say?
I hope for your answer.

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P.S. I also asked if he wants to resume communication? King of Wands
Thank you in advance for your response.

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Devil Ace of Cups and 3 of Wands

Hello. We separated. How does he feel when he remembers me?

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Dear Viel! I would be grateful for an explanation.
The relationship with the man has just begun. He's in the process of getting a divorce, I'm single.
What does he think of me? Magician, seven of swords
What does it feel like? Horseman of Wands
Who am I to him? Knight of Cups
What does he want from our relationship? Eight Denarii
What should I be careful about in a relationship with him? Ace of Swords

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Dear Viel, hello! I’m very glad that you are back, your interpretations are always not an eyebrow-raiser, but an eye-catcher! Please tell me about my situation. I like a man, but he is married. We had nothing, I don’t make plans, I just dream. But I wonder if anything could have worked out, and how he generally perceives me. According to the zodiac, I am fire, wife is earth, and martyr is water. I'm free now
How does he treat me? King of Denarii, Queen of Swords
How does he treat his wife? Horseman of Denarii, Ace of Denarii, Priestess
What to do? 9 of Swords, 4 of Cups, Queen of Wands
What will he do? Chariot, Queen of Denarii, 3 Swords
What does the future hold for us? 9 of Swords, Emperor, Queen of Cups
Please, help! Thank you in advance!

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Hello. They separated on the initiative of the man. Both had feelings. I cut him to the quick. Suddenly.
I asked the cards:
What does your soul feel for me? 6 m (devil+king of wands)
His further actions in my direction?
devil (5 cup and 8 wands)
What actions does he expect from me? death (2 swords + queen of cups)
Card advice, how should I behave towards him? 4 wands(4 cups and 10 wands)
If we hadn't separated, what would our relationship be like? lovers (3 of wands and death

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And she also asked:
In what direction should you move to find a happy long-term relationship?
8 denarii (empress and knight of cups)

Thanks a lot!

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Viel, please clarify the situation. I broke off relations with him because I did not see any manifestation of feelings on his part towards me. I don't really understand him. I thought maybe if I left, he would think about it. But it seems to me that he is calm ((
I'm Taurus, he's Aries.

What feelings does he have towards me? death - knight of cups - queen of denarii
Does he see a future with me? Ten of Swords
Does he miss me? Mage
Will he make a conciliatory gesture? Two of Wands
Is our relationship over? Emperor
Loves me? Nine of Wands
What does he think about our relationship now? Ace of Cups
Who am I to him? Three of Swords

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Dear tarologists! Please help me with the interpretation of the layout. We know each other by correspondence, but we're hooked...
How does the Queen of Wands treat me?
What does the Ace of Swords think about our relationship?
What feelings does the Queen of Wands have for me?
He is in love with me - the rider of denarii
What are his plans - three denarii
Does the King of Wands want to continue the relationship?
Thank you very much in advance!

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He is not free, he just decided to go left.

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Good afternoon, dear tarot readers! Helps with interpretation of cards. I have a fairly long relationship with a man. He changed jobs. Left for another city. For half a year everything was fine: he came, often wrote, and called. And suddenly about 3 weeks ago he became cold and irritable. He says he can't come. I asked the cards for advice on what to do to restore the former attitude? The queen of denarii, 2 of cups, 7 of cups came up. I don't understand the answer. Don’t have any illusions that there is no longer a relationship, or add some lightness and flirtation? Help me please!

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He met his love there (

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Hello. Please help. My soul has been torn apart for a month now. The man asked to stop the relationship. He gave the reason - we have different faiths. I can't put myself together. Today I saw that he updated his photo on a dating site, and he swore to me that he didn’t want to look at anyone, how much he loved him... help me clarify, is there any point in trying to get together?

what's going on between us now? chariot, (magician and devil)
the real reason for the breakup? 10 of wands (devil and 5 swords)
his attitude towards me? Queen of Cups (Death and 2 of Swords)
Would you like to renew your relationship? King of Wands (3 of Cups and Moon)
What will be done in my direction until the end of the summer? 7 of swords (death and queen of swords)
How can I behave better now? 5 denarii (3 swords, queen of cups)
What actions does he expect from me? 2 of swords, (Jack of Wands, 9 of Cups)
What's on his heart now? Queen of Wands (King of Denarii and Ace of Denarii)
he changes his photo on Tinder (dating site) to tease me? Horseman of Wands (7 cups and 8 denarii)

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The man is a sociopath with inappropriate behavior. You'd better forget it.

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Good afternoon. I asked what was the reason for the quarrel between the couple. Answer cards: 4 of wands, 10 denarii, king of cups. What will happen between them next: moderation, the devil, death. Please help me understand. Is this cheating and what will result in a break in the relationship?

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Cheating, but not with another woman. Plans just changed. Temporary break in relationship.

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Girls. Explain, please. I decided to write a friend with whom it worked out, but it didn’t work out. I don’t know, maybe he already has someone else, maybe not, but there is no communication between us. He answers 1 time out of 30. I freaked out and politely offered him sex without obligation. I read and is silent. Question: How did ** react to my SMS (offer). The Queen of Denariev fell out. There are zero interpretation options. I am in a stupor.

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I’m not a tarot reader, but I think he already has some kind of Lady Denariev). So he is silent. Or he perceives you as the Denariev Lady, but she definitely does not symbolize sexual desire. Something like this...

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Doesn't consider you in this role.

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Hello! Tell me, experienced tarot readers, nothing is clear to me at all. Then the cards 7swords, the king of swords and the high priestess fell out to me, and my question was: what will be the behavior towards me and what will be the actions towards me for the month? How do you see these three cards together? (Despite the fact that intentions and plans were cards: 9 of cups, page of wands, 3 of wands and the empress as a result...) Well, that is, in a different scenario, everything seems to be very good. And based on these cards, it seems to me that he will avoid me, and if I also make a fifth on these three cards, then it turns out to be a hermit... Maybe the Priestess is his other one? I'm really looking forward to your help! Please!

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He has big problems, he has no time for you now.

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Good afternoon Please help me interpret what will happen next in our relationship, two denarii. Thank you

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Candy-bouquet period.

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Thanks for the answer. In other interpretations, I understood the deuce as a swing in a relationship. clarify please

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Hello. Explain what happens in the relationship between husband and wife.
1. Queen of Cups
2. King of Cups
3. Tower

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They are going through a family crisis.

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Good afternoon, dear tarologists! I would be grateful for your help in understanding the answer of the cards to the question: what feeling does my husband have for me - the King of Denarii.

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The sense of responsibility and passion are long gone.

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Dear tarot readers. Please explain:
If the Devil card comes up, everything is clear (passion, lust, playing with fire, danger...) But how to understand in the context of the question “Why does he NOT want to communicate?” (blocked everywhere).

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Because NOT should be said in a question about cards. Your question, correctly worded, is why he wants to communicate? And here the answer will be more clear

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And it seems to me that the obvious answer is for the purpose of manipulation. Manipulates you for bad purposes.

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Thank you. You know, yes, it seems. But I don’t understand why and why?
Moreover, he put it in the block on WhatsApp, but reads it on Viber. He reads and is silent. I stopped writing. e2qzz9

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Well, it’s hard to say without knowing the person. It might be interesting to torture you. Another option is possible - he himself is afraid of becoming dependent on the relationship with you. But the devil is not a very good card in relationships as a rule - a painful addiction that is difficult to get rid of, dishonest material benefits, temptations. Overall an unhealthy relationship. Perhaps the card shows your dependence and sticking to it.

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You are right. Only dependence is always observed and in all cases. I have it too: he is a local police officer, and there are problem neighbors above me. He mixed personal and work. This is where the whole mess comes from. I don’t understand what he wants and whether he wants it: he will come, then he’ll run away (literally). But I can’t send him, despite the lack of everything positive, because I’m needed as a local police officer. Although... there’s no help from him either. I’m confused. I don’t know what to do and how to do it right.

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I made a layout in the Secret Pocket. If it's not too much trouble, take a look. It seems to me that he had positive intentions, but I showed myself to be cold and harsh. And he went into a new relationship. In general, it seems to me that he is married. This is his behavior. Or he’s afraid of his mother (he seems to be financially dependent on her). What do you think?

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Classic manipulator! He'll show up again. Don’t create illusions, it will be more expensive for yourself.

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Hello! Help me understand please. Does he have a woman? The priestess is a mystery, a lover. Does he want me to become his woman? Queen of Cups - my role in his life is enough for him, this is a concern

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Got it right.

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Please tell me, magician - does this always mean manipulation? If the question is how it relates - the magician and the wheel of fortune, then there are zero feelings?

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He wants something new (with you), someone new... renewal, he needs the novelty of the relationship

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You are a new object for him in his endless game of ladies' man.

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Does he treat me like a friend? Chariot, priest
Will we have a relationship? 10 swords, 6 wands
Does he see me as a woman for himself? Lovers, Strength
Will they have communication with this girl? Peace, Court

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He has a life with this girl. She is destined for him. Yours is different. It’s not a fact that it’s worse.. who knows))

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Good afternoon. Please help me understand the drawn cards correctly. To the question:
“How does it relate?” - 4 cups.
“What feelings does he have for me?” - 7 denarii.
“What will be the future relationship between us?” - 6 of Wands
Thank you!

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Let me clarify - the man is not free.

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Hello! At the moment he is experiencing a feeling of disappointment and resentment towards you. He got tired and decided to wait. Perhaps after rethinking there will be a bright streak in the relationship. Natalia, [email protected]

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Thank you very much for the answer!

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Hello! I asked how my husband felt about me: 6 cups. Please tell me how to understand the answer from the cards?

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Pages: 1

The worst thing is when there are unanswered questions in life - questions to which we have not received a clear answer. The uncertainty of the situation sometimes weighs more heavily than the situation itself. The unknown lies like a heavy burden, threatening to one day fall on your head. In order to prevent anything bad from happening, such situations in which unresolved issues remain must be stopped, it is important to dot the i’s in a timely manner. This should also be done when everything that was supposed to happen has already happened. All that remains is to find out what caused it and what conclusions need to be drawn from this. Alternatively, you can always:

  • Seek advice from an outsider who is ready to express his opinion from the outside. But do you need the recommendations of such a well-wisher?
  • Make a Tarot reading for an unclear situation. In the process of fortune telling, a lot will become clearer. The main thing is to correctly interpret the symbols of the cards. The main card (significator) will be the situation that you need to find out.

So, it is possible and necessary to find out what is unclear, even if we are talking about clarifying relationships. You should always know how the people around you treat you. And if you have doubts about the sincerity of the person standing next to you, be sure to turn to the wisdom of Tarot cards. They won't let you down.

Features of the layout of cards for an unclear situation

The power of any deck of Tarot cards lies in its ability to see the hidden capabilities or reserves of a person. The first card of the layout will reveal all the possible causes of the problem, which quite often lie on the surface, and which we simply do not want to notice. In addition, the interpretation of fortune telling will not only clarify, but also indicate what exactly you should pay the most attention to. If there are things that can be ignored and not taken into account, then in the Tarot layout they will definitely be pointed out so that you do not waste your energy in vain. The final card summarizes the experience gained, which may be useful later.

The situation that comes out of each Tarot layout is different. It describes in detail what conclusion should be drawn, a lesson to be learned.

Tarot spread for one day

Take advantage of the present day. The past cannot be returned, the future has not yet arrived. You can make your Today special, the way you dream. Look around, this day is worth living. Inside you there is still anticipation of the new, expectation of a miracle, hope for the best. Today is a huge mysterious world that invites you to go on a journey and discover it.

Affirmation Card

How to interpret

The card of the day with affirmation helps you recognize the features, opportunities and tasks of today and fill it with your colors, shapes, sound and mood. You can create your day! It's just one day. You can do it. The 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot, involved in fortune-telling, will guide you along fabulous paths, secret paths and wide roads of a new day.

Pay attention to the plots of the cards, which ones you like, which ones evoke different feelings. How might they relate to what you expect or are in the mood for today? How will this help you change, learn, overcome something? Does the map show more than you can imagine? The repetition of cards is not accidental. Perhaps some experience needs your attention or participation.

Imagine that the map of the day is just a map of the incredibly large, colorful, not fully explored territory of your Life - the Wonderland of which you are the Master. Take a look at what is nearby, which already exists. Life is valuable, beautiful and multifaceted. Light and darkness, activity and rest, peace and struggle are necessary parts of a single whole. Seize this day! He is unique!

New project coming soon!

Red Book of Love