Quit drinking quickly. Independent recovery from binge drinking at home. Hangovers are true and false.

28.10.2023 Psychology

The problem of alcoholism is relevant in all countries of the world. Because of this addiction, people lose touch with society, leave their families, and commit crimes. Alcoholism affects not only the patient himself, but also his relatives. This problem is a common cause of family discord. A person suffering from alcoholism gradually loses orientation in time and space and becomes an associative personality. In order to somehow help their loved one, the patient’s relatives ask themselves: how to get out of binge drinking at home? The fact is that many people who have an addiction refuse to be hospitalized and deny that they are addicted to alcohol. In addition, the patient’s relatives do not always want to publicize the delicate problem of their family.

Why do people ask the question: “How to get out of a long drinking binge?”

Ethanol alcohol has many negative effects. When an alcoholic drink enters the human body, the digestive organs, in particular the pancreas and liver, are the first to be affected. The fact is that alcohol is considered a foreign substance - a xenobiotic, the metabolism of which is very complex. Since the liver is responsible for cleansing the body of harmful agents, it suffers most quickly. Pancreatic enzymes are not designed to break down alcoholic beverages. For this reason, when alcohol enters an organ, it damages it with its toxins. In addition, ethanol alcohol has an indirect harmful effect on the heart, kidneys, stomach, esophagus, etc. Another target for alcohol is the brain. As a result of harmful effects, its structural cells - neurons - die. It follows from this that drinking alcohol must be stopped or limited by all available methods.

What diseases does alcohol lead to?

The question of how to get out of binge drinking at home is very important. After all, thanks to the effects of alcoholic drinks, the body begins to break down. The very first manifestations are considered to be symptoms of intoxication, chronic inflammation of the liver and pancreas, and gastritis. With constant consumption of alcoholic beverages, diseases progress, leading to cirrhosis, pancreatic necrosis, and gastric ulcers. As nerve cells decrease, a person begins to become more and more lost in the surrounding space, his sleep, memory, and thought processes are disturbed - all this is a manifestation of alcoholic encephalopathy (dementia). Quitting binge drinking is a necessary measure. After all, this is the only way to stop the progression of destruction of the body.

Why do you need to know how to help get out of binge drinking?

Alcoholism is a disease that occurs individually for each person. It has several stages and forms, so treatment must be chosen carefully. One of the common types of alcohol-related illness is binge drinking. It involves periodic exacerbations of addiction, followed by a decline - a time when a person does not drink alcohol. Unfortunately, this condition progresses in most cases. At the same time, the frequency and duration of binge drinking increases each time. During such periods, the patient’s relatives need to be patient and try to help in every possible way. It is possible to quit binge drinking at home only if loved ones are interested in the health of their relative.

In what ways can you influence an alcoholic?

It is known that a drunk person not only does not account for his actions, but also does not feel responsible for them. Therefore, discussing the problem of alcoholism with a drunk patient not only makes no sense, but is also dangerous for the patient and his family members. Naturally, it is much easier to cure a person from an addiction if he himself desires it. In this case, it is necessary to influence the patient psychologically as much as possible, to explain to him what the harm and danger of his habit is. This should be done at moments when the person is sober. Unfortunately, most alcoholics do not admit their addiction and do not want to stop drinking. It is much more difficult with such people, because they most often refuse to listen to their loved ones, and also do not want to receive any treatment. In such cases, it is necessary to resort to folk and medicinal interventions without the consent of the patient.

What medications can be used at home?

For patients suffering from alcoholism, drug therapy must be carried out with great caution. This is due to the fact that due to the effects of ethanol alcohol, their metabolism is severely impaired. Therefore, any mistake can aggravate the situation, even leading to the death of a person. How to quit binge drinking at home with the help of medications? First of all, you need to dilute a few drops of ammonia in a small amount of boiled water and give it to the patient to drink. The same can be repeated after 30 minutes. The next step is to use the drug Metronizadol in an amount of 500 mg, after 6 hours you need to give a second dose of the drug. After these steps, you should begin diuretic therapy (the drug Furosemide), which will help remove alcohol and its toxins from the body. In order to avoid dehydration, the patient should be given as much fluid (water) as possible.

Traditional methods of treating alcoholism

Fans of traditional medicine know how to get out of binge drinking easier. There are many ways to cleanse your body of alcohol toxins without resorting to medications. Among the popular methods of detoxification, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Give the patient as much tea as possible (can be green) with lemon. Thanks to the action of acid, ethanol toxins are eliminated.
  2. Use rosehip decoction, thyme infusion, juices with the addition of citrus fruits.
  3. Honey in combination with milk is another remedy for relieving symptoms of intoxication.
  4. You can give the patient brine.

When a person begins to come out of a drinking binge, he is tormented by a hangover. In this case, kefir diluted in water will help. This solution must be salted and drunk quickly.

Parenteral administration of drugs during binge drinking

In most cases, alcohol is removed from the body by installing systems. This ensures that medicinal solutions enter the blood as quickly as possible, as a result of which it is quickly cleared of toxins. Almost every alcoholic, as well as his relatives, knows how to get out of a binge with the help of a drip. Administering medications using the system is considered mandatory in all drug treatment hospitals. In some cases, an IV is placed at home, and the patient’s relatives must have the skill to carry out such manipulation. This method is designed to completely remove ethanol and its compounds from the body. In addition, we must not forget about maintenance therapy, especially if the patient suffers from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. The solutions needed to cleanse the blood are NaCl 0.9% or 5% glucose. In order to remove ethanol and its toxins from the body, about one and a half liters of these medications are required. In addition to them, adsorbent substances are added to the dropper, which help to quickly cleanse the blood of harmful alcohol compounds.

First aid for long-term drinking

If the state of alcoholic intoxication continues for several days or even weeks, the patient's body becomes severely depleted. As a result, functional failure of all systems may develop, which can lead to death. In order not to lead to such a state, it is necessary to provide first aid for alcohol intoxication. If there is such a patient among close people, all his relatives should know how to get out of binge drinking at home. First of all, in case of severe intoxication, it is necessary to rinse the stomach. To do this, use a solution of baking soda and salt (1 teaspoon per liter of water). The next step is taking a contrast shower, which must be done at least once an hour. This will help make the nervous system work faster, which will lead to activation of the whole body.

In addition to cleansing from ethanol and its derivatives, it is necessary to constantly support the patient’s body. To do this, it is recommended to provide him with complete rest. The room where the patient is located must be constantly ventilated. At the moment of withdrawal from binge drinking, it is necessary to support the cardiovascular and nervous systems, since they are the most depleted. For this purpose, herbal medicines (motherwort, valerian) are used. Proper nutrition of the patient is also important (hot meat broths, fruits,

If a person drinks alcohol for two days or more, it is called binge drinking. It begins as a regular drinking session, the next morning the hangover is eliminated by another drink of alcohol, which leads to another drinking session, and all this is repeated n times. A person going on a binge is an obvious sign of the transition of everyday drunkenness to clinical alcoholism.

In order to get out of binge drinking correctly and as painlessly as possible, you need to turn to specialists. Narcologists can provide professional help with binge drinking and offer options on how to get out of binge drinking correctly. When trying to break out of binge drinking at home on your own, use or take the following:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Drink large amounts of liquid.
  • Sedatives.
  • Gradually reduce the dose of alcohol

You will have to give up sports, smoking and contrast showers. At the first sign of delirium tremens or other health problems, you should immediately call a doctor.

Hangover or hangover syndrome- this is feeling unwell the day after drinking. But at a certain point, a normal hangover can turn into withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal syndrome causes a condition popularly called withdrawal symptoms. If withdrawal symptoms occur after drinking alcohol once and turn into binge drinking, it means the person is suffering from alcoholism. If alcohol dependence is detected, it is necessary to completely give up alcohol for a while; in severe cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

How to quit binge drinking at home?

Quitting binge drinking at home - This is quite a difficult task, you will have to make a lot of effort. Various factors play a big role when breaking out of binge drinking at home, such as:

  • The severity of the binge, its duration in time is proportional to the difficulty of getting out of it.
  • Amount of alcohol consumed per day. The more you drank, the more the body suffered, and various complications are possible.
  • General health of the body. No one has ever died from a hangover; they die from related diseases.
  • Previous head injuries, with special emphasis on concussions.
  • The quality of alcoholic beverages consumed. If you buy unknown things from dubious distributors, then it is much easier to get health problems.

When recovering from binge drinking at home, relatives and friends must understand that now is not the time for reproaches, shaming and other educational moments. It’s already very difficult for him now, the only thing that such an attitude can lead to is embitterment and failure to get out of the binge. When a person tries to do the right thing, stop drinking and “go away” at home, but at the same time they “nag” him. He is more likely to decide to spite everyone and get drunk again. And you shouldn’t look for logic in this; in extreme conditions of coming out of a binge, when the body demands a drink, this is exactly what it will be inclined to do.

Therefore, relatives, in this case, should encourage and provide all possible assistance to the household member, at least until he completely quits the binge. Fair claims and moral teachings can be expressed later, when he is able to think sensibly.

Opinions differ on how to quit binge drinking at home - immediately or gradually. Some believe that you need to quit right away, and that reducing the amount of alcohol consumption is not very different from drinking itself. But experts still believe that it is better to reduce the dose gradually. This does not cause such torment, reduces hangover, and reduces the likelihood of complications in the form of delirium tremens or seizures.

There is no specific recipe for how to reduce the dose of alcohol; everyone does what is convenient for them. The most common options:

  • Add water to the alcoholic drink, diluting it in a 50/50 ratio.
  • Simply reduce the amount of alcoholic beverage with each use.
  • Increase the time between drinking alcohol.

The maximum period for gradual withdrawal from binge drinking at home should not exceed three days. You shouldn’t switch to other alcoholic drinks, which is what you went into the drinking binge with – that’s what you need to go out with. If, for example, you change vodka to wine, you can enter a new one - a wine binge. There are some drinks that cannot be diluted with water (for example, beer); here you will have to use alternative options.

Use activated charcoal after binge drinking, in recommended doses 1-3 tablets - it makes no sense, for it to really work, you need to take 8-10 tablets. It will most likely cause diarrhea as well. You should not take it more than 3 times, because it removes beneficial substances from the body along with toxins.

How to quickly get out of binge drinking?

For a quick way out of binge drinking to work, a person must have a very strong will. , it allows you to get out of binge drinking in 1 day.

After all these procedures, the next day the patient does not suffer from a terrible headache and an irresistible desire to drink alcohol. All that remains is cleanse the body of accumulated alcohol.

The refrigerator should have mineral water, juices, and fermented milk products; they will help restore the body’s water balance.

In the first few weeks after quitting binge drinking, it is recommended to avoid drinks that contain caffeine. It stimulates the nervous system, thereby increasing the desire to drink alcohol.

How to get rid of headaches?

Should overcome headaches 2 tablets of analgin paired with 2 tablets of no-shpa. If you chew them, they will be absorbed by the stomach and relieve pain faster, but no-spa tastes very bitter. 2-3 similar doses of analgin with no-shpa should be enough for a day.

Various warm, relaxing baths, based on salts or herbal extracts, can also help.

How to overcome insomnia?

Insomnia- one of the main problems after quitting binge drinking. In order to cope with it, you will have to use sleeping pills, ideally from natural and natural ingredients. Self-medication in this case can lead to overdose. Often people expect that sleeping pills will act instantly, and without waiting for them to take effect after 5-10 minutes, they begin to take pills one after another. An overdose of sleeping pills leads to the opposite result - a person cannot fall asleep, although he feels drowsiness and general fatigue, constantly gets out of bed and is eager to do something. If such symptoms occur, call a doctor immediately. To prescribe specific tablets and their dosages, you should consult a specialist doctor.

To relieve a hangover, it is necessary to cleanse the body of substances that poison it. First of all, it is necessary to replenish the mineral-salt balance of the body; cucumber or tomato pickle will help with this. Fermented milk products will help restore lost microelements. Mineral water will help restore the balance of minerals.

If your hangover is severe, you can drink up to 2 liters of water and induce vomiting to flush out toxins from your stomach. It would be a good idea to supplement yourself with vitamins C; juices that contain it (orange, apple, etc.) will help with this.

Some harmful substances leave the body through the skin; various water procedures, such as a shower or bath, will help here. If you have the opportunity to take a dip in a pond, that’s even better.

A proper breakfast can also significantly improve your health from a hangover and relieve its negative manifestations. The correct breakfast for hangover syndrome is considered to be chicken broth, vegetable salads, and fruits would also be useful. All this allows you to quickly collect the necessary energy for the body to function normally.

The best treatment is sleep, so if you don’t need to go to work, it’s better to get a good night’s sleep.

What not to do while drinking

To summarize all of the above, we can highlight the following points:

  • You cannot take psychoactive substances yourself, without the advice of a doctor.
  • Physically load the body.
  • Take a contrast shower.
  • Smoking a lot.

How to determine the moment when you need to surrender to the doctors?

All people sometimes make impossible promises to themselves, like “I won’t drink from tomorrow.” But the next day comes, and everything becomes much more complicated. If you drink for several weeks, drink a lot - under a liter or more strong alcoholic drinks per day, then it is almost impossible to get out of the binge yourself.

If the patient has previously had psychological problems, epileptic seizures, heart problems and other concomitant diseases, it is necessary to quit the binge under the supervision of doctors; quitting on your own can be dangerous to health.

Attention, TODAY only!

Alcoholism is a terrible disease that affects not only the person suffering from the disease, but also his entire environment, not only those close to him. Fighting a disease without seeking qualified medical help is practically useless. To quit binge drinking on your own, you need enormous willpower and good health; it is better to entrust this process to professionals. Nevertheless, many try to get rid of withdrawal symptoms on their own, becausehow to get out of binge drinkingwill not become redundant.

When medical attention is needed

First of all, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that all people dependent on alcohol tend to overestimate their capabilities, so there is no need to go too far and at the first sign of serious problems with the body, call for medical help.

We must seek qualified help if:

  • a burning and tingling sensation is felt in the chest area, radiating pain to the left arm and under the shoulder blade (this phenomenon may be accompanied by panic);
  • interruptions in the functioning of the heart of any nature;
  • abdominal pain with nausea, vomiting and change in skin color, the latter acquiring a yellow tint;
  • numbness in areas of the body, tingling and pins and needles, weakness, blurred vision and flashes or “floaters” before the eyes, difficulty swallowing and excessive salivation;
  • bad stool (sharp unpleasant odor, coffee grounds texture) blood in the urine.

Each of the described symptoms can be caused by the consequences of long-term alcohol consumption (heart attack, angina, arrhythmia, acute pancreatitis, etc.) and require emergency medical care, otherwise death is possible.

In addition, it is worth noting that a person who has been drinking alcohol-containing alcohol continuously for two weeks, while drinking more than 1 liter of strong alcohol per day, will not be able to quit on his own. Especially if epileptic seizures, psychoses and heart problems have previously occurred, then it is impossible to do without supervision by a qualified physician.

Another terrible consequence that can overtake a person when, it seems, he has already overcome the most terrible threshold is acute alcoholic psychosis. It is popularly called “delirium tremens”; symptoms appear at the end of the second day of quitting alcohol. This complication claims the lives of 15% of patients affected by this disease. A successfully tolerated complication often affects a person’s memory, dementia may set in, and the ability to function normally in society is lost.

How to get out of binge drinking: analysis of the situation from different points of view

Withdrawal syndrome, characteristic of a person’s condition after a long binge, corresponds to the withdrawal of a drug addict without another dose of the desired substance. Therefore, it should not be confused with a regular hangover, although it is impossible to draw a clear line between when an acute hangover is still felt and when it is already abstinence. Next we will consider two approaches to the question of whetherhow to get out of binge drinkingindependently, one of them is from a medical point of view, the other is based on the real experience of many alcohol dependent people.

The first thing that is of great importance and applies to both ways of getting out of an unpleasant state is that the person himself must want to stop drinking. Otherwise, even doctors will not help. Secondly, no less important, the binge must be at the completion stage; it is unrealistic to catch a person and force him to undergo treatment in the midst of the process.

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all the examples of drugs given are not indications for use and before applying all the recommendations described, you must consult a doctor.

  • Relatives.During the period of recovery from binge drinking and rehabilitation of an alcoholic, all debriefings and showdowns are excluded. Now a person needs support, help and sympathy, leave all education for later. An alcoholic is not able to adequately respond to the lectures of others in the current period of his life, and such behavior will only provoke further binge drinking.
  • Abrupt interruption or dose reduction? Some people think that you need to quit abruptly and immediately. Today, doctors still recommend a more gentle approach and a gradual reduction in the dose with complete withdrawal after at least 3 days. This will soften the hangover and reduce the likelihood of complications. In addition, you should not change drinks by lowering the degree if the patient drank vodka - it is better to continue than to go on a new binge, this time with.
  • Self-detoxification.Translated into human language, we drink a lot of water and remove alcohol from the body in the most natural way possible. You can drink still mineral water, tea with honey and lemon, fruit drinks, milk and other healthy drinks. If vomiting does not allow anything to linger in the stomach, you can try taking an antiemetic tablet with a small amount of liquid or swallowing it. If successful, you need to take the next tablet after 15 minutes.
  • Activated carbon.It will help bind and remove toxins from the intestines, but only if the person goes to the toilet two hours after taking it. Otherwise, toxins will begin to be released again. Take medications 2 hours after charcoal, otherwise it will adsorb them and there will be no effect. It is acceptable to take other similar medications.
  • Headache and aches. These signs of a severe hangover can push anyone to a breakdown. In order to smooth out their manifestations, you should take two tablets of no-shpa and two tablets of analgin. Ideally, they need to be chewed, but they are very bitter. Take medications no more than 3 times a day. Aspirin will also help solve the problem, but is not recommended during this period, as it greatly irritates the stomach.
  • Physical activity and contrast shower. It is better to postpone such approaches until the body has stabilized. At the moment of leaving the binge, they are fraught with a heart attack or stroke.
  • Insomnia.The main problem for everyone who quits drinking. A sleeping pill will help, but in doses that comply with the instructions. An overdose will have the opposite effect, and you should not expect instant action.
  • Glycerol. It can create the illusion that a person is hungover due to the fact that it itself is a polyhydric alcohol. A bottle of glycerin should be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 2 with saline and taken 50 ml 3 times a day.

Take all psychoactive drugs only as prescribed by a doctor, do not overload the body with physical activity, and also reduce smoking to a minimum and then success awaits you. If the result is positive, it is worth restoring the nervous system by taking a course of multivitamins.

A look from the inside

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand those who are addicted to alcohol, and therefore it is also impossible to assess the full complexity of the situation. Alcoholics themselves claim that the desire to quit sooner or later comes on its own, when a person no longer has the strength or desire to binge.

Real practice confirms most of the recommendations described above, especially those related to supporting loved ones. The emerging mood can be knocked down by one rude phrase.

But the main message that comes from practitioners on the question of how to get out of binge drinking is dosage. You need to find out how much a person drank during the active binge phase and reduce the dose exactly in half. Then take a glass with a volume of no more than 35 grams, this is very important, since it contains psychological deception - a person drinks a dose that is a full glass, and not a few grams at the bottom of the glass.

This amount of alcohol is enough to alleviate symptoms. If the question concerns a woman, then a single dose should not be more than 20 grams. You need to drink alcohol slowly to create the impression that you actually drank more than you drank. Immediately after waking up, you need to drink a glass, after 10 minutes another one, and then at intervals of one hour, one dose.

After about three hours, the body feels much better. A prerequisite is to have a snack. There is no need to eat fatty and heavy foods. Fruit, low-fat broth, or a very small sandwich work well. There is no need to overeat or even overeat. It's better to eat little by little. Every day the interval between glasses increases, after three days you need to give up alcohol completely. A laxative will help cleanse the body and the condition will improve faster.

Thus, the recommendations of both parties thathow to get out of binge drinkinglead to the fact that you should not suddenly stop drinking, otherwise the withdrawal syndrome will remind you of itself from the worst side. It is better to reduce the dose and after three days completely stop drinking. In any case, it is better to consult with a narcologist and take all medications only after his recommendations.

The difficult problem of binge drinking is faced not only by those who actually go on a binge, but also by members of their families, who in this case suffer no less than the alcoholic himself. Binge drinking can be considered the consumption of alcoholic beverages for two days in a row. If a person wants to have a hangover in the morning after drinking alcohol the day before, we can assume that he has gone on a binge. At this moment, the irresistible desire to drink begins. The longer a person is in this state, the more difficult it is to solve this problem.

How to get out of binge drinking in the shortest possible time? To accomplish this task, you need to decide on the most appropriate moment. From a psychological point of view, you need to set aside at least 2 days to break out of binge drinking. The most noticeable effect can be obtained only 3-4 days after stopping drinking alcohol. Already noticeable relief of a person’s condition occurs on the second day.

The question of how to get out of binge drinking is almost impossible to solve without the real desire of the alcoholic himself. A person must decide not to drink. Of course, it is very difficult to get such a decision from a drunk person, but it is still possible.

4. At lunchtime, you should drink 2 capsules of Essentiale Forte and Mezim, and eat broth or liquid soup. If arrhythmia or tachycardia occurs, you should take half a tablet of atenolol. The other half of the tablet should be taken in the evening.

5. At 7-8 pm we have dinner with thin porridge or soup. At this moment, it is important not to overeat, since by this time an acute feeling of hunger arises.

6. After dinner you need to go to bed.

8. The next morning you need to get up before hours. This morning you can drink a cup of coffee. We take medications in the same quantities as the day before, with the exception of Valocordin. A good movie or doing something you love can help you overcome depression. You should drink plenty of fluids during this time. If you have a good appetite, you should eat heavily, but without fanaticism.

When drinking alcohol excessively, a person goes into binge drinking. Some people find strength in themselves and get out of it on their own, others turn to a narcologist for help.

How to get out of binge drinking? How to do it yourself? We will answer these questions, tell you everything in detail so that your family or loved one knows on a practical level. Knowledge can become a guiding thread in solving alcohol problems, and if it is supported by practice, then there is no need to look for the right way to get out of a drunken state - all that remains is to act.

So, in order to get rid of addiction, you need to make certain preparations:

  1. The time is selected;
  2. Buy Valocordin, activated carbon and Essentiale Forte;
  3. If you have stomach problems, then you will need to purchase Mezim;
  4. You should have honey, jam, lemons, mineral water, brine from tomatoes, cucumbers or sauerkraut on hand;
  5. You will need to prepare a thick broth from lamb or beef in advance.

Getting out of the binge and getting back to life

Next, after waking up, you need to drink one and a half liters of mineral water or brine. Take medications: one capsule of Essentiale Forte, two tablets of activated carbon and twenty drops of Valocordin. You need to force yourself to eat. Broth with bread is ideal for this. Afterwards you can take a contrast shower.

After 4-5 hours, drink two tablets of activated carbon and two capsules of Essentiale Forte. Check your blood pressure. If the indicators are normal, then it is not necessary to use Valocordin.

Be sure to have lunch. Eat broth, drink tea with lemon and honey, drink as much liquid as possible. Show willpower and choose active rest, but be careful not to become overtired.

In the evening you will have to repeat taking the medications. Have dinner. Spend more time in the shower and go to bed. In the morning, take Essentiale Forte and activated charcoal.

The proposed regimen is optimal when breaking out of binge drinking and makes alcohol withdrawal easier. After the first day you will have to move more, you need to choose an active rest, drink more fluids and take the indicated medications at least 3 times a day. It should be remembered that this is not all, measures must be taken to prevent him from returning.

What can't you do?

  1. Do not rush the removal of alcohol and its metabolites from the blood. This process should occur naturally;
  2. It is prohibited to consume any alcoholic beverages. To relieve tension, do not use alcoholic tinctures;
  3. Do not use potent pharmaceuticals when quitting binge drinking on your own. Independently select and administer intravenous infusions based on someone else’s advice. In this case, you will need to consult a doctor. Unjustified use of such medications can contribute to the development of dangerous complications for human health.

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Reviews left: 73 on topic - How to get out of binge drinking - tips

    From personal experience: people came out of binge drinking only with the help of someone. So that you yourself have never seen or heard. 24/7 control, and everything is as per your list.

  1. Of course, it’s difficult to get out of the binge yourself. Because there is no person nearby who will control you and, if you feel the urge to drink, will keep you from taking this step, which will return everything to its original state.

    Guys, this is a terrible thing!!! Every time I swear, but periodically I go into a tailspin!!! Nothing stops!!! And the drip doesn’t really help, and all the folk remedies... What really helps is 3 days of recovery, with sweating, taking vitamins and nightmare nights!!! And then there are hepatoprotectors. And that’s all... In general, be patient, brothers, drinking buddies))) we will need it!!!

    • Good afternoon, thank you very much for the advice, sorry I read it late. I’m on the 3rd day of coming out of a 19-day binge, the first day was just Hell, I didn’t know it could be so bad and you could still survive, I thought I’d definitely kick back. Yesterday I read some other advice, and took a slightly different set, apparently completely incomplete - Glycine, aspirin effervescence, Corvalol, charcoal, asparkam. I took everything, the flight was normal, Glycine immediately showed soporific properties. But apparently I didn’t get enough for the liver. My stomach and intestines seemed to be starting to work, I wanted to eat, I went to the potty regularly. Have you ever had another breakdown like this? Did it have an effect?

      THE CLEAREST way. At least for me. Well, except for some moments. And the most effective. I have a friend who is a narcologist and a private clinic. So, when the moment comes, he buys a box of vodka, sauerkraut, a bunch of pills, it’s easier for him with some items and goes to the country. Well, then... Also, I really need someone nearby, not in the literal sense. He has a neighbor in his dacha, house in the village, who comes on a certain day and starts talking to him about how his son doesn’t call from 10 (12,15, 20, etc.), or something like what you point to Time to bring some curdled milk and some salted tomatoes. So that’s what I’m getting at, it feels like he wrote it. Almost word for word. All honest narcologists say, no one knows how and why people go on a drinking binge.

      Micah - lemons do not acidify, but rather level out, normalize acidity. They only taste sour. Lemons are the most alkalizing product, so they should be eaten both in the form of lemon water (juice of 1/3 lemon per half glass of hot water), and and in its natural form.
      And what is this Esperal for the stomach?
      Apparently he wrote again after drinking heavily?
      Regarding vitamins... As American experts in the field of addiction recommend, vitamins should be taken as soon as you decide to quit binge drinking, and vitamin C for the first 2 days is generally a loading dose of up to 15-20,000 mg. On average, 1000 mg every hour. Then reduce gradually up to 1000 mg every 4 hours.
      B vitamins - 50 mg each, depending on their compatibility.
      Lecithin, L-glutamine, chromium picolinate are also a must. Of course, if the means allow - benfotiamine, hepa-merz and heptor. Regarding the latter and vitamin B12, learn to give yourself injections. It’s not complicated.
      Good drugs are biotredin, atarax and cerebro.
      Yes, about limontar. I make my own. homemade and cheap. Take succinic acid (4-6 rubles) a pack from the pharmacy. Take more. Take culinary citric acid (generally a penny) in any store. Pour the tip of a teaspoon into a glass, stir and wash down the succinic acid tablets. You can add a little soda - a little. But I don’t add it.
      Vasya - I agree... 10 days is not a binge. Or it is a binge for someone who is a teetotaler.
      I’ve been drinking all my life, but I haven’t gone down and drunk completely. Now I’m going out. What worries me - 2 times a day - fever, sweating. At night - mild nightmares, it’s even interesting to watch. Nothing like what they write about - convulsions, fits, headache , vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite (I have a huge appetite), etc. I have nothing. I don’t know how much and what I need to drink to have such symptoms. I drank only vodka (500-750g) and only with the right snack .No sausages, canned food or processed foods. Only natural food with plenty of vitamins and fiber)
      Although the result of reducing the dose appeared on the first night, I am still reducing the dose, right now 250
      350, everything goes fine.

    • THANKS FOR THE ADVICE. I'VE BEEN SAW FOR 5 DAYS NOW IT'S A WAY OFF, THE SECOND DAY IS JUST TERRIBLE. BUT YESTERDAY DURING THE DAY AND BEFORE BED I DRINKED 20-30 GR OF VODKA. I DON’T KNOW EXACTLY WHETHER I WAS SLEEPING OR NOT. No vodka today, I cleaned the house, but I still don’t feel the same. Sweat like hail. It's just cruel. But I think so, if I get to the computer, that means I’ll LIVE. The pressure is jumping.

  2. Good recipes and words, but when the brain is boiling from stupidity in our countries and everything else, there’s nowhere without a dose (40 Mendeleev’s). The tax office, the cops, the rest of the “organs” are nowhere without booze. I have a friend who suffered 2 strokes while solving problems, he can barely speak , and the phone rings, you can’t break the chain, they pulled you out of the other world, 2 months and again. You don’t want to drink, but you have to. That’s it. Health, good luck to everyone. By the way, for fun: one friend took a camera in the bullpen, in a tough way He warned me not to give in to persuasion, entry only for doctors, you know, it helped for half a year.

    No, these are more tips on how not to make mistakes when quitting a binge than recommendations on what to do when you need to stop a heavy binge... Still, useful information and written for people, keep up the good work.

    I have this condition 3 times a year, so after that I can’t look at alcohol for a long time. Above it is written about tablets. This is nonsense. This year, 2 of my friends passed away when they took Valocordin after a binge. And when I call an ambulance, all the doctors unanimously say: no pills. Drink more tap water and induce vomiting. Don’t eat anything for 2 days, just drink and lie down. By the 3rd day it becomes easier.

  3. I liked these tips on how to get out of binge drinking. The next time such a nuisance happens to someone, I think I will be able to help effectively and in a timely manner.

  4. I’ll also tell you my story: I go on a drinking binge 3 times a year, I don’t consider binge drinking for 2-3 days that’s true... and they put an IV in and called an ambulance, they coded it for half a year, lasted and broke for 2 weeks and they closed the house and took the money and wanted to put an IV in for treatment. I think this is all useless and I think that pills won’t help you get out of binge drinking either.

    Just one fine day you say NO to yourself, of course the desire is still there, but here everyone has their own willpower. I came out on my own, also terrible nights in cold sweat for 3 days, then you leave, but no one will help you or do anything, I think so.

  5. Anyone who writes that medications are not needed probably hasn’t drank for more than two days in a row. When the pressure is under 160, you want to sleep, but you can’t... your brain explodes with a feeling of guilt before all of humanity - you can’t save yourself with mineral water alone. There are two situations here - when a person himself understands that it is time to go out, and the second - when everyone around him understands this, but he does not need it. In the second case, I think you can’t do without a doctor. And in the first case, gradually reduce the dose, before meals, activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, more mineral water. During meals, 2 tablets of Essentiale Forte. Drink more water. The first day, move less - sleep better, if that doesn’t work - just lie down. You can turn on something funny on TV that won’t weigh you down too much. If you smoke, then it’s better not to smoke at this time... if that doesn’t work, then try to smoke less. If your blood pressure is high, lower it with pills (I’m not a pharmacist – I can’t advise... there are a lot of them... it’s better to ask your doctor. In general, you need to be careful with pills 😉 Take a shower more often - toxins also come out through the skin with sweat... you need to wash them off 😉 If on the second day it became better, your blood pressure is normal - take a walk in the fresh air... or even better, buy something useful for the house, or throw away the old one 😉 in short, useful work will help you overcome the feeling of guilt before all humanity. Continue taking 2t of Essentiale with meals 3. once a day (if you’ve been drinking for a long time, it’s better to take a course... at least 2 months). Well, some advice... If you can’t stop drinking, you can’t drink in moderation anymore - at least drink pure vodka, and God forbid you from drinking alcoholic cocktails in cans. , and cocktails in general.
    p.s. It’s the second day I’m coming out of the binge, I’ve tested everything on myself. really helped.

  6. A cure is guaranteed if you go to a reputable clinic; in Moscow there are those who do not only dig up at home. In a real drug treatment hospital, a full range of everything necessary is now often provided, including rehabilitation. It’s true that my second cousin was saved from drugs, not from alcohol, but the essence is the same.

    Glycine helps quite well after a binge, but despite its safety, it will not be a universal remedy. It helps my brother, but for my best friend’s husband it’s almost “like a poultice for this very place...” I myself know that a cure is guaranteed only if the drunkard desires, but it’s not clear where this desire can come from. I’m already tired of “fighting” with my brother, although I really hope that the saying about correcting a hunchback is not about us, a friend has a similar situation...

    Brother alcoholics, when are you going to come to your senses?!

    Many people now know how to solve the problem of binge drinking at home. But for some reason, there are still no fewer people wanting to save on their health. The car has broken down, not everyone will climb inside, lest it cause harm, and volunteers are not allowed to play with their own body in experiments...

    I liked the new material better than this - http://site/lechit-zapoy-doma.html Because everyone should mind their own business and do it well. A mechanic is to repair, a doctor is to treat.

    I don’t like hangovers, but it’s really nice to sit, or go on vacation somewhere, to Germany for example, and how can you not try the local alcohol? You don’t need a hangover on the road or on vacation, it’s better to drink lemontar and wake up like a cucumber, it saves you.

    Who actually wrote the main article?
    How can one advise taking Essentiale and activated charcoal at the same time?
    What kind of Mezim is this for the stomach? Mezim is an enzyme preparation for the pancreas, and by the way, completely useless, bullshit.
    How can you advise drinking tea - with lemon, honey, or without them?
    The person already has high blood pressure. and they advise him to increase it even more?
    Amateurish article...

  7. What esperal? This is a drug that should absolutely not be taken with alcohol, you can actually discard the flippers, it is used for coding. Aspirin is dangerous for an irritated stomach; those with gastritis or ulcers should not drink it. Enterosgel is a good product; it has helped me many times. Also piracetam to restore brain activity, 4-5 tablets 3 oases a day, but not at night - you won’t sleep. Warm tea with honey and lemon, mineral water, and rest on day 1; on the second it is advisable to move to get the blood pumping. Well, yes, you can’t do without sweaty, sleepless nights, but there’s nothing you can do about it. The withdrawal period is usually 2-3 days after 4-5 days of drinking

    People are joking, but in vain.
    I’m trying to come to my senses after 2 days of holidays, it’s not like taking pills, you’ll be eating manure just to feel better.
    The most annoying thing is that we drank expensive drinks, not so much, 400 grams per 100+ kilos, but I can’t come to my senses for two days.

  8. I’m sitting here reading this... It’s hard today is the first day I’m going out, it’s terribly soon night and horror movies, I promise to quit again, but I’m not feeling well for long. I’ll just clear up the rooftop problems... and again! Everything needs to be tied up, good luck to everyone and don’t drink too much.

    We drink with the whole family, drink away all the money, and now the question (rather rhetorical) is what to buy these pills for, even if you don’t have enough money to cure your hangover.
    But thanks for the advice.
    I'm afraid to sleep. I'm afraid I won't wake up. About Corvalol and the problem of exploding heads Thank you. I didn’t think about strong tea either. Lemon helps. It’s doubtful that water from the tap will be enough to get an ulcer. How to stop constantly putting cigarettes in your mouth is the question.
    Hang in there guys!

    In my opinion, in 7-10 days the binge will already be a corpse, but someone writes that it will take half a year to get to the castle. Still, you shouldn’t confuse drinking alcohol every day with then going to work and the state of waking up, shuffling the stopper and passing out again.

  9. I rested for a week in the wild. I was buzzing like an adult, I drank my vodka and beer in the first two days, and since there wasn’t much to buy there, any kind of booze was used. Vacationers came periodically, so I bought from them. On the sixth day, I woke up in the morning and remembered that I had to return home tomorrow (while driving). It was not a day, but a nightmare. Of all the medications listed above, I have aspirin, and I also have validol in my car’s first aid kit. I couldn't sit or lie down. I just walked slowly with a bottle of regular water. The heart bulges, there is a veil before the eyes, there is always water in the mouth, otherwise it dries out. It's still hot. The night was no better. Wet cold sweat, practically no sleep. The shaking is terrible. At least it went away a little in the morning, but still wild weakness. I don’t know how I got there. I was walking along the highway at 60 km/h, all the trucks were overtaking me. This is the “way out” I had. I won’t hide how I parked the car in the garage and pulled 50 grams. In a minute it became as good as new

    There are so many alcoholics in our country, and I’m one of you too, everyone, stay healthy and drink less, although you yourself have sworn off so many times... and hell, no no, I’ll get drunk, you’ll waste a lot of money and work, it’s terrible. The advice is correct, but on the first day you don’t need to lie on the sofa - it’s better to force yourself to walk all day, so you’ll recover faster.

    Good afternoon, fellow alcoholics and others, I’ve read all the advice and recommendations of experienced people, thank you all, I’m on day 3 of five days of use. 1 day it was so wobbly that I couldn’t hold a mug of water, and it started to churn after the last half liter in the evening of the same day. I don’t know what my wife did for the chatterbox, but a teaspoon in half a glass of water cleared up the bubblyness for a while and even a little sleep probably made all the bubbles. pharmacy because they give you medicine, but then ladies and gentlemen it’s just willpower, I believe what it’s like to climb the wall and all that. Then ayran, etc., salty mineral water and lie down and jump up, and if your stomach hurts, then the pancreas is a pain. you can’t stand analgin for your headache, etc. Now everything hurts, in 1 day the kidneys fell off because I drank 3 liters of ayran and 3 liters of mineral water only without fanaticism so as not to get water shock I wanted a couple of sips I drank, you won’t believe it, but in a sleepless day you will drink it all, you have to eat when you want, not a single dog eats when she’s sick, she just doesn’t want to, the whole body works only on how to get rid of all the goodies that you drank before, on the 2nd day you will want to eat, here, too, without fanaticism, any broth is even cubes and drink, drink, and again I drink tea with honey on the second day and food and drink juices, but not much because they are also food, and the body needs not to be distracted by food, go to bed at night, try to sleep at night during the day, the body does not sleep, the brain does not turn off, so to fall asleep Donormil helps me 1-2 tablets and they are easily sold in the pharmacy , daredevils take out all sorts of phenazipams, etc. gentlemen, after vodka and drugs without the supervision of a doctor, you yourself understand what can happen to your body. E. forte is a good drug, but if they give you intravenous injection, it is given in one injection with blood, the capsules are complete garbage, read the course of treatment and dosage, how much of it you need to swallow, although you can do anything to maintain your spirit, act. charcoal is possible, but without fanaticism, in one go, 1t per 10 kg of weight, it is drunk like that if someone doesn’t know, and you can’t take it for a long time because it not only sucks out the dermis, but also good bacteria, so why then drink kefir and mineral water when there is no one to fight. By the evening of the 2nd day it will become a little easier, you will want to eat and eat without fanaticism, start with a light sleep at night again Donormil and persuade yourself, you won’t believe it 2nd night for six hours slept like a log in the morning I didn’t want to get up result on the third day in the morning I was driving without fanaticism before work there my wife is going to work and very carefully, betrayal is still rushing, what will happen next, I don’t know yet, day 3 my head hurts, I don’t drink less, but the gastrointestinal tract hurts in horror, as long as I endure it, then there will be a burden. To all of you, good health and good mood, you need to drink in moderation, but where can you find it, by the way, I get sick at least 100 grams from at least a liter, and since I drink 3-4 times a year, I do it this way.

    I have a huge alcoholic experience. And I always have a hard time coming out of binge drinking. There is no one nearby and there is no one to even talk to. I'm shaking, mother burp, don't worry! And after 2 days the devils come, I used to be very afraid of them... But it’s not the devils that matter. Thank you for your advice, I’ll definitely use it, otherwise I come out of the binge naturally, I drink only tap water, I’m terribly tormented by insomnia, but drugs in pharmacies are sold strictly according to the prescription of all sorts of neuropathologists, and pretending to be a fool is somehow beyond my understanding . And I want to quit this nonsense, but I can’t. The reason for drunkenness is probably hereditary; everyone in the family loved to drink, even my grandmother was a moonshiner. Maybe someone will answer me, and my friends in misfortune will read my confession. I wish you all the best!

  10. Oh guys, this is creepy. Sometimes on the weekend you drink a bottle of good beer with the fish and everything is fine, but sometimes you lose your temper, especially on some holiday and away you go. For at least a week. It's indescribable. The more you drink, the more you want. I went out myself. Coal, rehydron, valocardine, corvalol, valerian and two days of horror, especially at night. So guys, believe me “IT’S NOT WORTH IT.”

    I didn’t notice how alcohol got into my life. I drank to the point of diabetes, after the hospital I didn’t drink for 5 months, and then I snapped, I drank 1-1.5 liters of different strong alcohol per day for 20 days, day and night. I read a bunch of different tips and what helped me was reducing the daily dose by 50-100 g every day. Strong alcohol and no beer or cocktails. On the 20th day, I reduced the dose to 200 g. And the next day I didn’t drink anything, I held on for 2 months until I couldn’t drink anymore. For medications, I used activated charcoal, concor for blood pressure and heart palpitations, and motherwort and glycine for sleep. I have diabetes, I definitely need to eat, I ate through force, various cereals with water and milk, various soups, yoghurts and other fermented milk products. As soon as I was able to move, I went for a walk for 30-40 minutes, which, by the way, is also good for sleep. Thank you all for your good advice, maybe mine will help someone too.

    And again I fell into a binge, I’m too lazy to lie in an embrace with basins, now I’ve let go a little, when I drank vodka, the first one didn’t go, but the second one is holding on for now. It’s night now, there’s no sleep, there’s a haunting melody in my ears, so to distract myself I went to this site to write a comment and read tips. Yesterday I drank Almagel A, nothing helped, I had to drink a little vodka and it went away a little, but in the morning it was all over again. And there is no one to send to the pharmacy. And I didn’t buy any medicine, I thought I wouldn’t need it, since it’s Lent. And then I snapped and away I went, now I feel guilty.

  11. Guys, I’m 38 and an Alkan with 22 years of experience. Binge drinking has become a hobby. This is not bragging. At first I came out through doctors, then on my own. Remember. ... there will be withdrawal no matter what. But we take two 1.5-liter mineral water with gas and two lemons in each bottle, stir and drink. Put away the booze altogether, don’t leave the house, turn off your phones. .You will have an appetite in the evening. Don't push too hard. .all this accompanied by mineral water with lemon. WE DRINK one tablet of Donormil and go to bed, no need to think about the bad. Turn on the TV or radio with a channel where there is just a conversation, turn it on quietly and voila, we sleep like babies. ..We repeat everything in the morning. And so on until it finally gets better.

    I wrote this post for beginners. Alkonov with experience can no longer be saved.

    I’m almost 35, I’m a drunk, I can go without drinking for months, then when I break down, it’s for 5 days, then I say goodbye to everyone, they say I’m dying! Everyone pisses me off, I don’t want to see anyone, let alone my wife and son. I don’t want to see my mother when I’m recovering. There’s a terrible apathy for everyone, so I started drinking again and I’m suffering. Yesterday I called a narcologist to my house, I dunno, I don’t know, it didn’t really help!
    My neighbor has probably been on a drinking binge for a year and it’s a damn thing, but I feel so bad that I don’t know what to do with myself

    I am writing on the 3rd day of recovery after a two-week libation. There was everything there: water, beer, moonshine, and mumbling between them (which is port 777). The problem, as usual, was with the snack, but this is probably the case for many. I began to treat myself with a large amount of boiled water with linden honey, in the process I felt a little better, and then I started shaking again, vomited several times, began to prepare for nightmares, but I found Donormil and the night passed simply in heavy sleep for ~ 5 hours, there were no dreams. The next day I started trying to throw something light into the firebox (a little chicken broth with crackers came through, again against the background of the liquid with honey, and the vomiting stopped). Donormil again at night, slept for 8 hours already. Well, today I’m almost back in action, only weakness and staggering (where would I be without them). All that’s left is to eat up for day 4-5 and move on to the next peak (just kidding). It’s just like this for me: I can drink, I can not touch at all, but that’s also what my grandmother said in two, as they say. And all sorts of “healers”, “coders”, and even drug therapists are just money down the drain. I can give only one piece of advice: go out on your own, but it is very desirable to have the support of an understanding person(!) Good luck to everyone in this difficult matter “DO NOT DRINK!!!”

  12. It is important not only to stop AS, but also to support the body, mainly the brain, after stopping AS. I was brought out of the binge in the hospital, then, already at home, my wife put me on Cerebrolysin and an IV. The proportion is as follows: 60 ml/day IV, 5 days a week, 4 weeks. I put on an IV once a year, and also inject vitamins into the muscle. I am completely indifferent to alcohol.

    15 years of experience, binges and otkhodniks from 7-15 days, up to 25 years landed in a day, by 35 you can lie down for three. In order not to embarrass yourself and go out on Monday with a normal face - Water in liters and if there is effervescent Aspirin - Aspirin breaks down Acytyl breakdown products, and water so that you can go to the toilet more often or vomit... as a rule, when you are lying down, going to the Pharmacy is not an option (it’s scary and it’s bad for your health no, what a day after the festival week). Everything at hand will go, cabbage, cucumbers, we forcefully shove everything into the firebox... The drip is ineffective for urgent exits - yes, it gives calm and sleep, but unfortunately you won’t be driving for two days after it - the tremor remains...

    Now I haven’t drunk for 4 years. I'll tell you this, brothers by luck))):

    The beginning and only the beginning, if withdrawal symptoms begin, this is alcoholism in a serious stage. Either death will overtake you with the next retreat, or the squirrel (consider yourself an idiot forever).

    So sobriety.
    Well, if you can’t: patience and everything described above also went through Donormil and droppers and Glycine, etc.

    Booze is evil! I drank for 7 days without stopping. I am a binge drunk. On the seventh day I went to a friend’s house, drank a Bottle of Five Lakes and passed out. He probably lit a cigarette in bed. Suddenly I heard him yelling and burning!

    In short, the apartment is on fire and he has polyneuropathy and his legs can’t walk. I jump up and I drag him out onto the platform by the collar. In short, I lost... a new jacket, a phone, and so on down the list!!! That's what binge drinking is. Now I’m lying in the most severe recovery. I'm thinking about coding. But I won’t drink until the end of my days.