The intestines cannot cope with constipation, how to make it work? Weak intestines How to make a lazy intestine work

31.10.2023 Psychology

Many people at an appointment with a gastroenterologist complain of belching, stomach pain, reflux, or simply a feeling that food is “stuck” in the digestive system. Why do the intestines not work and do constipation occur?

If a person has poor bowel function, this manifests itself as an abnormally low frequency. The frequency of emptying the distal gastrointestinal tract varies greatly among individuals.

A person suffering from poor bowel function has a frequency of bowel movements that is less than two or three times a week.

It is also often accompanied by constipation and other symptoms. According to some estimates, 15 to 30% of cases of constipation are caused by slow bowel movements. A situation where the body cannot cope with constipation can occur in any age group.

Normally, food moves through the small intestine using peristalsis, which is a series of wave-like muscle contractions. During peristalsis, the longitudinal muscles in the wall of the small intestine contract and then the circular muscles contract, pushing food down the tract. This coordinated contraction of smooth muscle holds food in place, moving it through the digestive system.

Absorbs about 90 percent of the water it receives from the small intestine. If this suspension of food material and moisture remains in the colon for too long, the excess moisture is absorbed and toxins and processed food products are absorbed into the bloodstream, simultaneously irritating the lining of the colon. That's why when people don't have a bowel movement for two or three days, they feel tired and weak. In addition, their feces are dense and dry, move with difficulty in the intestinal lumen, and can injure hemorrhoidal veins and nodes. What to do if the intestines do not work well and constipation occurs?


The main reason for poor bowel function is slow peristalsis., this can be caused by several pathological factors.

Chronic use of laxatives

Poor bowel function is often associated with chronic abuse, especially of stimulant laxatives, which lead to increased colonic contractions and bowel movements. However, this theoretical reason has been questioned in scientific studies. Data shows that Most laxatives do not lead to dependence after long-term use and are not . However, excessive use of laxatives can have a negative impact on patients who suffer from dehydration.

Eating disorders

Bowel dysfunction is most often observed in patients who have eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.

This pathology is quite difficult to treat and is often accompanied by metabolic disorders. It is not uncommon for a patient to need treatment from a psychiatrist to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hirschsprung's disease

This disease is characterized by the absence of certain nerve cells in the colon. Congenital megacolon cannot function normally to move feces to the distal intestine.

Inadequate hydration

Dehydration is also associated with constipation. However, the cause-and-effect relationship has not yet been scientifically proven, although recently doctors are increasingly saying that for normal bowel function it is necessary to drink at least 8 glasses of water.

Inadequate dietary fiber intake

Dietary fiber increases the volume of feces, which leads to dilation and subsequent contraction of the intestines. It has therefore been suggested that insufficient intake of foods containing soluble and insoluble fiber may be a contributing factor to low colonic motility and poor colon function.

Nervous system disorders

Bowel movements depend on stimulation of the intestinal muscles by the parasympathetic nervous system. It is therefore possible that a disorder in the autonomic nervous system can lead to slow bowel movements and constipation. There are neurotransmitters in the human body that regulate intestinal motility. Studies have shown that contractile responses of the colon are reduced when treated with antipsychotics and tranquilizers.

Some studies have also found a decrease in the number of colonic stimulatory cells (interstitial cells of Cajal) in patients with chronic constipation. Sometimes low colonic motility is also accompanied by low motility in other parts of the digestive tract. This supports the notion that autonomic nervous system disorders in the gut may be a cause of sluggish motility.

A sick person with poor bowel function will not be able to strain as hard as a normal person during bowel movements. The contractions of the gut to move food through the digestive tract may not be powerful enough to trigger the urge to have a bowel movement. With poor peristalsis, a person experiences bloating, an unpleasant feeling of a full stomach. It may also be accompanied by pain in the kidney area or lower back.

Basic treatment methods

How to make your intestines work and cope with constipation?

Treatment for poor gastrointestinal function aims to normalize the frequency of bowel movements as well as help with constipation. Below are some of the treatment options that are commonly prescribed.

First line Treatment is usually aimed at correcting and adequate fluid intake. The patient is advised to increase his daily intake of water and fiber. In some cases, the patient may be prescribed a stool softener (docusate sodium).

If a person is prone to constipation, one of the foods to avoid is white bread because white flour is low in fiber. Nuts, cheese, chocolate, white rice and bananas can also cause constipation.

A good fiber supplement containing ingredients such as psyllium husk powder, apple pectin, filament fiber powder, citrus pectin, rice bran and/or beet fiber can also stimulate bowel movements.

Fiber can be purchased at any pharmacy or in stores for people with diabetes. A few cereals or a tablespoon of fiber before meals can help relieve constipation.

For poor colon function and prolonged constipation You need to eat a lot of magnesium-rich foods such as black beans, halibut, pumpkin seeds, cooked spinach and peanuts. This is due to the fact that magnesium is known for its ability to stimulate intestinal movements. In addition, the patient can take magnesium supplements in tablet form (500 to 600 mg per day).

Vitamin C is another essential component that stimulates bowel function.. A patient with constipation should include it in their diet by consuming more fruits that are high in fiber and vitamin C.

If you have constipation, you need to increase your physical activity. The relationship between physical activity and bowel movements has been well studied. It is believed that poor bowel function in older people is associated with a lack of sufficient physical activity. Increasing the time spent doing physical activity, such as running or walking, may relieve symptoms of constipation and decreased bowel movements.


If the intestines are not functioning well, how to treat long-term constipation with the help of medications and traditional methods?

Medicines that increase the peristaltic movements of the colon can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Such preparations can be herbal (natural) and synthetic. Herbal remedies for constipation It is best to buy not from grandmothers in the market, but in pharmacies. Most often used: rhubarb root, buckthorn, licorice, senna leaves.

Since Ancient Times, these herbs have been used as traditional medicine recipes to treat constipation. Their main effect is aimed at increasing the tone of the colon and restoring regular bowel movements.

A drug Regulak known to most people from advertising. It is used in cases where the intestines cannot cope with constipation; it contains senna leaves and fruits, plum and fig puree, paraffin, and kafiol.

Synthetic drugs for normalizing intestinal function and treating constipation include Phenolphthalein, Bisacodyl, Guttalax. Their pharmacological action is aimed at increasing the peristalsis of the colon, and feces leave the body faster.

Traditional methods

To stimulate the intestines, you need to pass 400 grams through a meat grinder. dried apricots and prunes, add 200 grams of honey, a pack of dry senna herb and 2 tablespoons of propolis. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator and taken 2 tablespoons at night.


Women and older people are more likely to suffer from poor bowel function than men and children, this is due to hormonal characteristics and a slower metabolism.

In addition, with age, decreased muscle tone and slower nerve impulses, combined with medications and decreased physical activity, can lead to slower peristalsis, which leads to stool retention. Early prevention of poor bowel function is much more effective than treatment.

The intestines help the body get rid of processed food debris, which is released in the form of feces. Under normal conditions, an adult can defecate several times a day. But it happens that intestinal function decreases and as a result, regular or periodic constipation occurs. How, in this case, can the lazy intestines be made to work? What should you do if you don’t want to go to the doctor?

Symptoms and causes of lazy bowel syndrome

Such a delicate problem as “lazy bowel” syndrome may be familiar to many people and it often causes a lot of inconvenience and complications. This happens because harmful wastes and toxins that are formed in the sections of the large intestine and which should be excreted along with feces accumulate in the large intestine, and then enter the human circulatory system and spread throughout all human organs, poisoning them.

As a result, this appears:

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach and flatulence;
  • constipation appears;
  • general weakness, weight loss and loss of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fatigue and irritability.

What to do if you have a lazy bowel

If you have a lazy bowel, what should you do if you don’t want to rush to the hospital right away? You can try to cure this disease on your own without resorting to medications or medications.

If constipation is not accompanied by severe pain, blood and mucus, then you can normalize the process of defecation on your own. To do this you must:

Gymnastics, running, exercises on horizontal bars, cycling, swimming can help, together with regular massage, to get rid of this syndrome without drug treatment. But if this is not enough, then you can additionally resort to folk remedies.

Traditional recipes for constipation

If all of the above methods do not help within 2-3 weeks, then you should consult a gastroenterologist.

One of the disorders of intestinal function should be considered a violation of its peristalsis, or lazy intestines. This condition is associated with a slowdown in the movement of content in the specified area, which provokes certain health problems. Thus, a lazy intestine needs an adequate and as early as possible start of a recovery course.

About lazy bowel motility and symptoms

Intestinal peristalsis is essentially a contraction of its walls. It is thanks to this that it is possible to move the contents within the intestine itself. Correct contractions of this organ guarantee the optimal duration of all processes associated with digestion, which must be carried out independently. In addition, during normal intestinal function, when it is not lazy, all useful components have time to be absorbed in a timely manner, and indigestible ones are excreted.

Maintaining conditions under which intestinal function is preserved is ensured by certain factors. We are talking about a balanced diet, regular nutrition, physical activity and the absence of diseases that would negatively affect the functioning of this organ. Violation of intestinal motor function is dangerous and has critical consequences; certain products and medications will be necessary for treatment.

With diarrhea (forced peristalsis), there is a loss of water from the body, as well as electrolytes (these are salts that are extremely important for optimal functioning of the body). In addition, it is also necessary to restore a normal state because nutritional components are removed that simply do not have time to be normally absorbed and absorbed by the body. In the vast majority of cases, a side effect of aggravated peristalsis should be considered intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in:

  • a state of weakness - the first evidence that the intestines are “lazy”;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, which can be not only temporary, but also permanent;
  • apathy and drowsiness.

Experts also draw attention to the fact that if motor skills are significantly worsened, headaches and loss of appetite will occur, as well as the so-called “coated” tongue.

In some cases, bad breath may develop. In any case, in order to make the lazy intestines work and restore all its functions, you will need special treatment, namely foods and medications.

How to restore intestinal motility?

Many people wonder how to improve intestinal motility, or, more precisely, how to make it work. Thus, special drugs are used in therapy that have a stimulating effect, and also enhance motility and increase the tone of the intestinal muscles. Of course, all medicinal components should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist and they should also be used under his guidance.

In order to enhance the contractile functions of the intestine, laxative components are used. As is known, due to their use, defecation occurs, which is further accelerated. Today, there are a significant number of different drugs with the same type of effect. The specifics of their use are based on the condition of certain areas of the intestine.

Experts conditionally divide all laxatives that prevent you from eating foods into several categories. First of all, these are components that activate the entire intestine. We are talking about Epsom and Glauber's salts, which are recognized as the fastest and most effective means. During their use, there is an increase in osmotic pressure, which enhances peristalsis and motility.

Other drugs are laxatives that act exclusively on the small intestine.

For example, castor oil, the use of which is useful because it facilitates the movement of contents inside the intestines, and also improves its motility and speeds up bowel movements. However, despite the relative safety of this product, it is advisable to consult with a specialist before starting to use it. This is what will allow you to restore peristalsis without any complications.

The third category of laxatives includes those that affect the colon. They can be either plant-based or synthetic. Speaking about the first category, you should pay attention to the fact that they include medicinal herbs and other components, namely the root part of rhubarb, buckthorn, licorice and much more. They increase intestinal tone and significantly speed up bowel movements.

Speaking about what synthetic drugs are, it should be noted that they are produced not only as tablets, but also in the form of suppositories, as well as drops. Their effect is similar to herbal remedies, but there is a certain drawback, which is that such components become addictive over time. In addition, their use can be associated with allergic reactions and even intestinal colic. Given this, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist.

In addition, as part of the rehabilitation course, the following drugs can be used:

  1. normalize the activity of the central nervous system;
  2. improve psychological state;
  3. help fight stress - these are antipsychotics, tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Read more about what foods will help speed up recovery and how you should eat so that your intestines can function normally.

Products that improve lazy bowel function

It is by adjusting your diet that you can achieve maximum results.

The fact is that various medications and drugs certainly normalize the intestinal microflora, but without a rational menu, these results will be short-lived. In general, as experts note, all products can be divided into two categories: those that aggravate and those that activate peristalsis.

The first group includes hot drinks, red wines, white bread and pastries, as well as many other products - chocolate, some cereals. In the category of those products that activate peristalsis, there are cold drinks, fresh fermented milk products, and ice cream. No less important components should be considered vegetables with an increased ratio of fiber, berries, fruits and dried fruits. In addition, this list contains vegetable oils, bran, herbs and nuts.

All these products must be consumed according to a specific, carefully thought out schedule. It is in this case that nutrition will be correct and complete, optimally influencing the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract system. In order for the effect to be 100% and the lazy intestines not to bother you, it is strongly recommended not to engage in self-medication, not to resort to any folk remedies, and also to periodically consult with a specialist.



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    1.Can cancer be prevented?
    The occurrence of a disease such as cancer depends on many factors. No person can ensure complete safety for himself. But everyone can significantly reduce the chances of developing a malignant tumor.

    2.How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically forbid yourself from smoking. Everyone is already tired of this truth. But quitting smoking reduces the risk of developing all types of cancer. Smoking is associated with 30% of deaths from cancer. In Russia, lung tumors kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    Eliminating tobacco from your life is the best prevention. Even if you smoke not a pack a day, but only half a day, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%, as the American Medical Association found.

    3.Does excess weight affect the development of cancer?
    Look at the scales more often! Extra pounds will affect more than just your waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that obesity promotes the development of tumors of the esophagus, kidneys and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue not only serves to preserve energy reserves, it also has a secretory function: fat produces proteins that affect the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the body. And oncological diseases appear against the background of inflammation. In Russia, WHO associates 26% of all cancer cases with obesity.

    4.Do exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?
    Spend at least half an hour a week training. Sport is on the same level as proper nutrition when it comes to cancer prevention. In the United States, a third of all deaths are attributed to the fact that patients did not follow any diet or pay attention to physical exercise. The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 150 minutes a week at a moderate pace or half as much but at a vigorous pace. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 shows that even 30 minutes can reduce the risk of breast cancer (which affects one in eight women worldwide) by 35%.

    5.How does alcohol affect cancer cells?
    Less alcohol! Alcohol has been blamed for causing tumors of the mouth, larynx, liver, rectum and mammary glands. Ethyl alcohol breaks down in the body to acetaldehyde, which is then converted into acetic acid under the action of enzymes. Acetaldehyde is a strong carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful for women, as it stimulates the production of estrogens - hormones that affect the growth of breast tissue. Excess estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every extra sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6.Which cabbage helps fight cancer?
    Love broccoli. Vegetables not only contribute to a healthy diet, but they also help fight cancer. This is also why recommendations for healthy eating contain the rule: half of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits. Particularly useful are cruciferous vegetables, which contain glucosinolates - substances that, when processed, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: regular cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

    7. Red meat affects which organ cancer?
    The more vegetables you eat, the less red meat you put on your plate. Research has confirmed that people who eat more than 500g of red meat per week have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.

    8.Which of the proposed remedies protect against skin cancer?
    Stock up on sunscreen! Women aged 18–36 are especially susceptible to melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. In Russia, in just 10 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased by 26%, world statistics show an even greater increase. Both tanning equipment and sun rays are blamed for this. The danger can be minimized with a simple tube of sunscreen. A 2010 study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology confirmed that people who regularly apply a special cream have half the incidence of melanoma than those who neglect such cosmetics.
    You need to choose a cream with a protection factor of SPF 15, apply it even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as brushing your teeth), and also not expose it to the sun's rays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    9. Do you think stress affects the development of cancer?
    Stress itself does not cause cancer, but it weakens the entire body and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Research has shown that constant worry alters the activity of immune cells responsible for triggering the fight-and-flight mechanism. As a result, a large amount of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils, which are responsible for inflammatory processes, constantly circulate in the blood. And as already mentioned, chronic inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of cancer cells.


  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

    Task 1 of 9

    Can cancer be prevented?

  1. Task 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

  2. Task 3 of 9

    Does excess weight affect the development of cancer?

  3. Task 4 of 9

    Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?

  4. Task 5 of 9

    How does alcohol affect cancer cells?

  5. Task 6 of 9

    Imagine, inside us there is about 10 meters of a dense, moving tube that does all the dirty work in the body every day. The slightest problem - and problems appear: with health, with appearance, with mood.

    13:23 15.08.2014

    The intestines are the very Center of beauty and health that is always with you. Through his efforts, pores are cleaned, wrinkles are smoothed, complexion improves and hair takes on a well-groomed appearance. There is no need to say that health depends on the condition of the intestines. Each of us has experienced the consequences of thoughtless diets, heavy meals and daily stress. And serious problems with the “garbage chute” threaten to turn the body into a landfill.

    There are some features of the gastrointestinal tract that help its functioning.

    1. The process of preparing to digest food begins when you smell it.

    2. When food enters the mouth, all glands begin to work hard, but without thorough chewing, the normal digestion process is impossible.

    3. Carbohydrates begin to be digested already when processed with saliva. During the day, up to 1 liter of saliva is secreted.

    4. The esophageal tube, thanks to the muscle rings, begins to move food into the stomach.

    5. In the stomach, enzymes work on food (activity of gastric juice), mucus (protects the walls of the stomach) and hydrochloric acid (dissolves food), and muscles grind and mix the food mass.

    6. Food stays in the stomach for up to three hours. The activity of the glands is manifested as follows:

    The greatest activity of meat digestion occurs in the second hour;
    - when processing fatty foods - in the third hour;
    - carbohydrate - in the first hour, while activity is reduced.

    Since the release of gastric juice without food can harm the stomach, doctors do not recommend chewing gum between meals.

    Lazy bowel syndrome

    The human digestive system contains up to 7 kg of absorbed food at various stages of absorption and processing. If the intestines are “lazy,” the body begins to intensively get rid of toxins in another way: through the mucous membranes and skin, along with sweat and secretions of the sebaceous glands.

    Bad breath appears, antiperspirants do not cope with sweat, the face becomes ashy-gray and covered with acne, the hair becomes shiny and begins to fall out (due to the fact that excess waste excreted through the skin poisons the hair follicles). The whole body suffers from chronic intoxication: your head hurts, your appetite deteriorates, your sleep worsens, you constantly feel a little nausea and weakness, work tires you, you don’t want to have fun or socialize.

    Establishing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is a painstaking task, requiring strict adherence to the rules of nutritious and regular nutrition. Setting up for normal mode is as follows.

    1. Pay attention to the intake of fluid into the body (normally, you should drink up to 2.5-3 liters of drinks per day). Avoid soda, limit your coffee intake and drink half an hour before or after meals.

    2. Be sure to switch to three meals a day:

    Breakfast - 7:00 - 9:00;
    - lunch - 13:00 - 15:00;
    - dinner - 17:00 - 19:00.

    You will have to give up baked goods and snacks between meals, and fiber should be the main component of your diet. You should eat in a calm environment, avoiding reading, talking and watching TV. If you're not used to eating breakfast, start your day with fruits or vegetables.

    3. Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of warm water (you can then drink coffee). Later, you can eat some fruit or drink a glass of juice and only twenty minutes after that start breakfast.

    4. You can drink water only one and a half to two hours after eating. Twenty minutes before lunch, snack on fruit or drink juice again. For lunch, it is better to prefer a vegetable dish and porridge.

    5. Twenty minutes before dinner, eat fruit or drink juice. For dinner, it is better to choose a salad and a protein product (you can replace animal protein with vegetable protein).
    Provided that these conditions are met, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract should occur within five days. In case of severe disorders, prevention should be carried out once a month: this will make an easy transition to a healthy diet.

    Friends in a checkered pattern

    Fiber stimulates intestinal motor function. Plant fibers help the body remove toxins, mechanically cleanse the gastrointestinal mucosa and make life easier for the intestinal microflora. In order not to be lazy and work properly, the intestines need at least 35 g of fiber per day, meanwhile we get 12-15 g or even less.

    Fiber is also a carbohydrate, but not broken down. It is found in many natural products: vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, unprocessed cereal grains, etc.

    Once in the body, fiber begins to absorb moisture along with fats and waste, absorbs it all and removes it. At the same time, the digestion process accelerates: intestinal motility improves, excess sugar and cholesterol, food residues, fermentation and rotting products are eliminated. The body is actively cleansed and, of course, weight loss results.

    There is a common misconception that by replacing ordinary bread in the diet with bread with bran, you can fully provide the body with fiber. In fact, “bran” bread contains little bran, but a lot of refined flour. By consuming such foods, you do not replenish your body with enough fiber, but increase your consumption of refined flour and sugars. There is zero benefit from this.

    Leading products in fiber content:

    · figs (18.5 g)
    · dried apricots (10.1)
    · bran (10)
    · prunes (9.2)
    · nuts (7.7)
    · raspberry (7.4)
    · lentils (4)

    You can get fiber from more than just regular foods. Prepare special meals that will fill you with fiber. Attention: start consuming these dishes with small doses, otherwise the body, which is not accustomed to the abundance of fiber, will begin to “indecently” protest.

    1. Scald and rinse a handful of dried fruits, add water in the evening. In the morning, add 2 tablespoons of ground bran dried in a frying pan, a tablespoon of ground sprouted wheat and honey to taste. Eat 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach.

    2. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of flaxseed with half a glass of boiled water in the evening. In the morning, add grated apple and carrots, steamed raisins, and honey to taste. Eat 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach.


    To stimulate intestinal function, try drinking a glass of kefir at night or in the morning with the addition of a spoonful of vegetable oil. Kefir has an irritating effect on the intestinal walls, and oil stimulates the outflow of bile. This double effect stimulates normal bowel function. Plus, acupressure of the palm is recommended 2-3 centimeters below the base of the middle and ring fingers. Stretch this area every morning for 1-2 minutes before you get out of bed. A light self-massage of the abdomen gives a good effect: around the navel in a clockwise direction.

    Exercise for the intestines

    One of the most important conditions for healthy intestinal activity is constant physical activity. If you are not a fan of fitness clubs, try to do simple exercises for the health of your gastrointestinal tract.

    1. While standing, raise your arms straight above your head, parallel to each other. Bend in both directions 4 times. Stretch your arms behind your body.

    2. Extend your right arm to the side at shoulder level, bend your left arm at the elbow and press it to your chest, fingertips touching the right shoulder joint. On the count of “one,” vigorously move your left arm to the side, and bend your right at the elbow, pressing your hand to the shoulder joint. Return to the starting position. Repeat vigorously 4 times in each direction.

    3. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Lunge to the right, bending your right leg and turning your foot outward. In this case, the left leg remains straight, emphasis on the inner edge of the left foot. Position your right hand, clenched into a fist, so that it rests on the right iliac region (where the lower ribs are), and place your left hand, bent at the elbow, as far behind your back as possible. Do 4 of these lunges in each direction without lifting your heels off the floor.

    Givers of life

    In 1 g of colon contents there are up to 250 billion bacteria involved in the digestion process. There are a whole quadrillion of them (or 2-2.5 kg) in one intestine! Beneficial microbes have earned the proud name “probiotics,” which means “essential for life.”

    Caring probiotics - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - work tirelessly in the field of health. They secrete essential amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, microelements that improve blood quality, suppress the activity of infectious pathogens, increase immunity and prevent intestinal cancer.

    However, intestinal bacteria are very sensitive. They cannot stand antibiotics and poor-quality food, and are “afraid” of stress, new climatic conditions and unusual cuisine. The capricious “correct microflora” can hardly tolerate your love of cigarettes, strong coffee, vacation trips and minor quarrels with household members.

    When beneficial microbes die, much less tolerant microorganisms take their place. This is how dysbiosis develops. With dysbacteriosis, a microbiological struggle occurs between the invisible inhabitants of the intestine to redistribute its territory. The result is deplorable: appetite spoils, digestion is upset, external beauty crumbles, allergies and other troubles arise.

    To compensate for what is lost, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of live kefir daily (necessarily fresh - the day before yesterday’s kefir strengthens). Alternate kefir with yogurt, fermented baked milk, and live yogurt. Their starter culture involves bacteria that increase the immunity of the intestinal mucosa. However, the healing properties of these drinks will appear only if there are no preservatives in the tasty “medicine”. Please note that the shelf life of natural yogurt is short; it cannot be frozen or heated, otherwise the beneficial bacteria will die.

    A lazy intestine is the culprit of many problems that arise in the body. Its incomplete emptying causes a buildup of toxic compounds that can cause general health problems.

    Failure symptoms

    Symptoms indicating a lazy bowel include the following::

    • Constant bloating in the abdominal area;
    • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
    • Increased gas formation;
    • Dry mouth;
    • Loss of appetite;
    • Periodic intestinal spasms;
    • Headache;
    • Unexplained allergic reactions;
    • General weakness;
    • Irritability.

    If these symptoms persist for more than 3 months, then you need to think about the health of your digestive system.

    Diagnosis of problems with the digestive system

    Lazy bowel syndrome doesn't just happen.

    It can be caused by the following diseases and conditions:

    1. Parkinsonism;
    2. Problem with blood supply to the internal organs of the abdominal and pelvic areas;
    3. Hypothyroidism;
    4. Diseases of the digestive organs;
    5. Dysbacteriosis;
    6. Taking certain medications;
    7. Hormonal changes;
    8. Functional dyspepsia;
    9. Inactive lifestyle;
    10. Lack of fluid in the body;
    11. Poor nutrition;
    12. Washing down food with drinks that are too hot;
    13. Special delay in defecation caused by necessary reasons.

    It is impossible to solve the problem of how to make a sick, lazy intestine work without the help of a doctor. To establish an accurate diagnosis, which may not be related to the digestive system, it is often necessary to spend time on a complete examination of the body.

    Once a diagnosis has been made and appropriate medications have been prescribed, you may not have to work on eliminating lazy bowel syndrome – it will begin to bowel movement on its own.

    In some cases, they try to force the intestines to work using folk remedies, but at the same time they regularly take medications that cause stool retention.

    This cannot be done without consulting a doctor! Traditional medicines may not be combined with medications, cause unwanted side effects or aggravate the problem. Natural preparations should be combined with medications only under the supervision of a doctor.

    Acceleration of the metabolic process

    How to treat lazy bowel syndrome if it is established that it was caused not by chronic diseases of the body or diseases of the digestive system, but by an unbalanced daily routine and poor nutrition?

    In this case, treatment can be carried out independently by adjusting your lifestyle and changing your diet.

    It will be necessary to introduce products that improve peristalsis and accelerate metabolism:

    • The daily menu requires the introduction of porridge, fresh fruits and vegetables - they have a high content of fiber, which cleanses the intestines;
    • Increase the amount of water entering the body. An adult needs at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day, excluding that contained in soups, raw vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to drink the first glass of cool water on an empty stomach;
    • You can take a tablespoon of any vegetable oil on an empty stomach;
    • It is necessary to intensify your lifestyle, be sure to do exercises in the morning. This increases muscle tone not only throughout the body, but also in the intestines,

    There are special exercises to stimulate a lazy intestine.

    Treatment complex for constipation

    These movements should be performed before you get out of bed:

    1. First you need to make an asterisk - spread your arms and legs wide. Then pull your knees as close to your chest as possible, wrap your arms around them, and try to touch them with your forehead. You return to the starting position;
    2. Next, relax, lying on your back. Then - without moving your legs - lift your body with an inclination towards each leg;
    3. Immediately in bed you need to roll over on your stomach, get on all fours, and alternately swing your legs.

    After leaving bed, you need to slowly (necessarily slowly!) squat at least 15 times.

    Last exercise: stand straight, extend your arms to the sides. Rotates the body using the muscles of the lower back and abs.

    These exercises will help start your intestines in the morning.

    Traditional medicine to speed up metabolism

    In the case of a lazy intestine, treatment with folk remedies can be quite effective.

    Every day before bed you need to drink a glass of kefir with a teaspoon of vegetable oil dissolved in it.

    A mild laxative that can help relieve constipation in children is freshly squeezed carrot juice.

    Green tea, taken before meals during the day in powder form, will help “start” the digestion process. For 1 dose, half a teaspoon of tea powder is required.

    Medicine for constipation can be prepared from:

    • In the evening, pour 3 tablespoons of seeds with boiling water into a half-liter thermos. Drink the infusion a day, dividing into 5 servings;
    • A tablespoon of seeds is infused for 30 minutes in a water bath. Take in 2 doses, 15 minutes before meals;
    • Grind the seed into powder, eat a tablespoon at night, wash it down with cool water - 200-250 ml. After 3 days, the intestines begin to work like clockwork.

    Infusions of herbs such as hay, nettle, chamomile or yarrow help eliminate congestion in the intestines.

    Fresh aloe juice accelerates intestinal contractions. The medicine will be no less effective, and it will be more pleasant to drink if aloe juice is mixed with honey.

    Relieving constipation using medical methods

    What to do if the lazy intestines do not want to accelerate under the influence of folk remedies? You will have to turn to medical methods to combat constipation.

    1. You can cleanse the intestines using an enema: dissolve 2 tablespoons of ordinary table salt or a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a glass of cold water.
    2. To stimulate bowel movements, you can do chamomile microenema, insert a glycerin suppository, a suppository with belladonna or sea buckthorn oil into the rectum.
    3. Many medical products are made based on natural herbs, which are optimally combined, as a result of which they activate peristalsis - when administered orally - within 15 minutes.
    4. You can stimulate regular bowel movements drugs that increase bile secretion, for example, by taking sorbitol dissolved in mineral water on an empty stomach.

    You cannot abuse medications, otherwise the intestines will forget how to function independently. As soon as bowel movements become regular, the use of tablets and aids should be stopped.