Runic astrology. Runascope. Runic horoscope and description of runic talismans

25.01.2024 Brain Research

Ten years ago, just on the eve of the astrological New Year (zero degree of Aries), the thought came to me about the connection between the zodiac and the classical runic system (futhark). Do not think that I gleaned these thoughts from some book, although interesting interpretations of the runic circle in relation to the star circle (zodiac) are found in some authors. The first sensible book on runic art that I came across (Rune Magic, by Kenneth Meadows) gave me some hints. Freya Asvin was also close to solving the runic circle, but miscalculated somewhat, because... laid out the futhark runes not in relation to the equinoxes, but in relation to the days of the solstices. I also came across dubious literature, which contained a vinaigrette of thoughts that were absolutely not true and frankly absurd. In any case, all treatises on various runic arts differ, because Every author can only describe to you his point of view, his concept, his vision. In order to know the runes, you don’t need to look for the truth in books, you just need to start working with these magical tools. Although books on runes began to appear back in 1991-93, I somehow did not attach any importance to runes; for a long time it was only the language of ancient books; in the occult literature of the early twentieth century, practically nothing was said about runes. When I myself burned the first set of runes on juniper plastics in Crimea in 2000, I began to practice runemal and write down some lots. At first, of course, I resorted to the interpretations of authors known to me and realized that it was fundamentally wrong to become attached to other people’s formulations, because authors like Ralph Bloom inhibit personal perception of runic signs. And the runic systems themselves turned out to be quite a few, in addition to the classic futhark, there are a dozen more futharks not only in Europe, but even in Asia (Orkhon-Yenisei writing), as well as proto-runic symbols that are found on all five continents.

Classic Futhark is special; in its 24 signs it contains the entire universe, it is the language of the gods. And the fact that an empty rune appeared in this language is not an accident. The 25th rune is soundlessness and the inexpressible aspect of existence. This is an incomprehensible aspect - Paramatma - eternal life, you can perceive him as the Lord himself, but this is not the bloodthirsty Jehovah, and this is not the crucified Christ, this is Shiva - the creator and destroyer, the great saint, to whom even ghosts and ghosts obey. An empty rune is unknowable, just like your appearance on planet Earth.

The runic horoscope has little in common with those astrological systems that have existed or currently exist; it is esoteric in nature, because examines subtle energies (nadis), energy centers (chakras) and the circulation of energies (kundalini). This knowledge can reveal many secrets to you, about who you are, where you came from, what qualities you have, what your favorable periods of life are, how many years you are “programmed” for, what are your chances of defeating the “false ego”. King Solomon said it well: Knowledge increases sorrow. For an ordinary person in the street, it is better to really know nothing about the versatility of reality itself, and not to know anything about the other world, so he will think less and live his little life long and tediously, unnoticed and uninteresting. We come to Midgard - to this world of matter - to communicate, develop and play, to play new roles in new circumstances. That is why information about the past is erased in our minds, and information about the future is simply blocked. Here you need access codes, and futhark can reveal to you not just one, but an infinite number of codes that can remove the lock, both from the past and from the future. You just need to understand the language of the runes themselves, this will take some time, because I will provide information gradually so as not to overload your bioprocessors. Fans of black magic and witchcraft have nothing to look for in this information, because runes are science and the language of the gods. This language is not difficult to understand, the main thing is to accept knowledge not with your mind but with your heart, if your intentions are pure and you are ready to change the existing reality and open new facets of existence, then runic astrology will help you with this. For the sake of creating a miracle of unity.

® Mefisso © 20 03 2013

Nine Guardians of Time

On the Internet I have gained many supporters and opponents of runic astrology. Supporters saw the effectiveness of my theories, but opponents argued that there is no astrology in runic signs at all, and never has been. In some ways they are right, because... In the legends, tales and Eddas of the peoples of Northern Europe, nothing can be found about the planets; the Sun and the Moon are the only luminaries mentioned and revered by ancient people. But what about Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and other luminaries? Did the ancients really not monitor their movement and record the movement of the planets? There are many questions, and it is unlikely that we will be able to find answers to them.

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Elements and eight runic groups

D – DAGAZ – 16*-29* Pisces (346*-359*)

“DEG is a princely messenger, revered by people, a fabulous light that helps nobles and beggars, all without distinction” (Anglo-Saxon rune song)

O – ODAL – 1*- 14* Pisces (331*-344*)

“ETHEL willingly gives home and goodness to the living, but only to those who deserve to find that peace and goodness” (Anglo-Saxon Rune Chant)

NG – ING – 16*-29* Aquarius (316*-329*)

“ING was at first, coming along with the Danes, their speaker; then he went further through the villages along the eastern road; the warriors named the hero’s name” (Anglo-Saxon rune song)

Classic Futhark is very mathematical, because... the number of runes in the senior runes is exactly 24 pieces. The number 24 is perfectly divisible into even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8), as well as into 3 (24 = 8 x 3) and even into five, if you take into account the empty VIRD rune (5 x 5 = 25). It may well be that the ancient peoples who used runes as an alphabet also used these signs as numbers. Unfortunately, these are just guesses, of which there are countless.

But something remained in people's memory. Since ancient times, the Futhark was divided into three groups of runes, these groups were called ATTY (“att” is translated as “clan” or “family”). In Iceland, at the end of the first millennium NE, the three ATTAs of the classical Futhark were named according to the rune that begins the ATT. 1 ATT FREYA, 2 ATT HAGALA, 3 ATT TYUR (the younger Scandinavian runes were also divided into three ATTAs, the first of which had six runes, and the second and third each had five).
Each ATT of the classic futhark consists of 8 runes, respectively, three times eight. Thanks to this formula, runic shamans, skalds and erils composed runic spells; they never “mixed the holy with the sinful,” and often corrected the mistakes of laymen who tried to master runic magic without an experienced mentor. Here's what the Eril's Saga says about this:

Rune shouldn't cut
Someone who doesn't understand them.
In strange signs
Anyone can go astray.
Ten secret signs
I read it and I know
What are they the reason
This long illness.
(translation by V. Koshkin)

So do not try to experiment and make runic talismans and spells yourself; it is better to turn to the relevant reliable literature.
Classical astrology divides the zodiac signs into four elements. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius – FIRE; Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn – EARTH; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – AIR; Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - WATER. And again we get three groups of zodiac signs. Consequently, the connection of runes with astrology is obvious and the division of futhark into three ATTAs is very logical. Moreover, trinity can be traced in philosophy, and in tosophy, and even in our physical world, which is also trinitarian (meaning our three-dimensional space).
Shamans of different nations (including the Scandinavians) treated earthly existence as a temporary stay in the Middle World. Shamans tried, through various practices, to penetrate into the Upper World (superconscious world) and into the Lower World of the subconscious. The three ATTAMs include these three worlds: ATT FREYA - Upper World (the world of gods and celestials), ATT HAGAL - Middle World (earthly reality) and ATT TYRA - Lower World (world of fears and ghosts). There is another concept of futhark perception that can be applied in astrology: the zodiac signs of the first ATTA (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer) are the signs of birth, youth and growth; the signs of the second ATTA (Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio) represent maturity and maturation; signs of the third ATTA (Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) – old age, decline and death.
Scandinavian shamans and erils (rune masters) used ATTAs in the composition of runic spells, which used groups of three runes:

1 – victory runes (sig runor); 2 – beer runes (ol runor); 3 – magic runes (thurs runor); 4 – midwife runes (biarg runor); 5 – surf runes (brun runor); 6 – healing runes (lim runor); 7 – runes of speech (mal runor); 8 – runes of thought (hug runor). These eight runic groups personify certain qualities inherent in individuals born at different times of the year, who are connected by certain common goals, aspirations and, oddly enough, professional predispositions.
Let's take a closer look at all 8 runic groups in order to more fully understand the impact of ancestral runes on various individuals.
1 – RUNES OF VICTORY: FEU; HAGAL; SHOOTING SHOOT – open ATTS. People under the influence of these runes are assertive and purposeful. They have powerful potential for various endeavors and achievements. They struggle with an unfavorable environment and strive to achieve their goals by any means necessary. These people are warriors and winners, at their core. It is no wonder that representatives of the fiery zodiac signs (the first half of Aries; the first half of Leo; the first half of Sagittarius) fall under the influence of victory runes. Fire is an unpredictable element, consuming everything except water.

2 – BEER RUNES: UR; NAUD; BJARK - used in spells against harmful spells and physical injuries. To be honest, “beer” doesn’t correspond much to what this runic group actually carries. If the runes of victory are purely “male”, then the runes of beer are “female” runes. UR is the rune of vitality, NAUD is the rune of obstacles and sacrifices, and BJARK is the rune of motherhood. So people under the influence of the beer runes (the second half of Aries; the second half of Leo; the second half of Sagittarius) personify vitality, bearing something new and maternal care.

3 – RUNES OF MAGIC: THURS; ISS; EOH – associated with sorcery and the kingdom of trolls. People under the influence of these runes (first half of Taurus; first half of Virgo; first half of Capricorn) are excellent materializers of ideas. They have the will, patience and zeal to bring formless ideas to their logical conclusion. At the same time, TURS develops determination, ISS enhances resilience, and EOH activates partnership qualities. All people born under the influence of this group of runes are predisposed to magic, philosophy and religious views.
4 – MIDWIFE RUNES: ACC; YER; MAN - used in spells to support new beginnings (for example, during the birth of a new person). People under the influence of this group of runes (the second half of Taurus; the second half of Virgo; the second half of Capricorn) also support any endeavors and help others in word and deed. As a rule, they masterfully master any profession, be it carpentry or the art of cinematography. These people find it difficult to get along in the role of a leader, because... leadership positions and ranks corrupt their lives.

5 – SURF RUNES: RAID; EIVAZ; LAGU - used in shipbuilding. Movement is what unites this group of runes. RAID - purposeful movement, EIVAZ - complementary movement (circulation), LAGU - unpredictable turns in forward movement. People under the influence of the surf runes (first half of Gemini; first half of Libra; first half of Aquarius) must be in constant motion, the more they travel and move, the more they gain for themselves. They should not relax or stand still, but develop new ways of development.

6 – HEALING RUNES: KEN; PERTH; ING - used by Northern European shamans for healing and cleansing rituals. The dominant rune of this group, KEN, is the sign of fire; the ING rune is graphically similar to two crossed KEN runes. People born under the influence of healing runes (the second half of Gemini; the second half of Libra; the second half of Aquarius) are healers by nature, but if they do not help others, but focus only on their own “I”, then ailments immediately come to them and diseases. These people should not be selfish, but always listen to the requests of others, help them and correct the mistakes of others. The form of healing can be different: you can care for a sick person, or you can share your energy, your ideas in order to correct collective shortcomings.

7 – RUNES OF SPEECH: GIFU; OLGIZ; ODAL - used in those areas of life where the word is of great importance (for example: oratory, advocacy, etc.). These runes were usually carved on walls or on various objects where important public issues were decided. People born under the influence of this group (first half of Cancer; first half of Scorpio; first half of Pisces) have a natural gift of oratory, you just need to discover it for yourself. These people perfectly realize their potential in acting, political, judicial and social activities. These people make talented artists, clergy and politicians.

8 – RUNES OF THOUGHT: VINYA; SOL; DAGAZ - used in ancient times for mental concentration. This group is associated with mental processes, so in a negative manifestation the energy of these runes can manifest itself in the form of madness. People born under the influence of speech runes (the second half of Cancer; the second half of Scorpio; the second half of Pisces) are born philosophers and discoverers; they are able to focus their thoughts on some subject and make unexpected discoveries. Since the runes of thought complete the ATT (eight runes), they endow the individual with a fullness of sensations (some receive positive vibrations in the form of achieving success, while others perceive negativity in the form of failures and mental stress).

These eight runic groups can say a lot. For example, about an individual’s predisposition to a certain type of occupation, about behavior, about characteristic features, etc.
The runes of victory (FE, HAGAL, ​​TIR) enhance fighting qualities, so people born under the influence of this group perfectly realize their potential in political and propaganda activities; they are selfish and purposeful. People who fall under the influence of the beer runes (UR, NAUD, BJARK) are passive and changeable in their views, but they are always full of vitality, the best use of their qualities is in mediation. Magic runes (TURS, ISS, EOH) push individuals under their influence to search for something unknown; they are born mystics and utopians, so the best use of their qualities is magic and religion. Midwife runes (ASS, YER, MAN) enhance abilities in construction, design, they instill a love of nature and agriculture. The surf runes (RAID, EIVAZ, LAGU) force individuals to be in constant motion, therefore the professions of such people are very specific: sailors, pilots, drivers, machinists, etc.
For people under the influence of healing runes (KEN, PERTH, ING), it is best to connect their life path with medical or teaching professions. In medicine or pedagogy, they will feel in their place. Although medicine and teaching are not obvious, I would even say mental. That is why people, showing their creative abilities, are teachers and healers for others (remember, for example, the beneficial influence of A.S. Pushkin’s lyrics on the individual subconscious, and Pushkin was born under the KEN rune).
As already written above, the runes of speech (GIFU, OLGIZ, ODAL) are favorable for speakers, politicians, artists and public workers, and the runes of thought (VINYA, SOL, DAGAZ) are good for philosophers and scientists.

The color most often used to draw runes is bloody red, since it is known that in ancient times, in magical rituals, the blood of living people was necessarily used as a sacrifice, which supposedly made the runes energetically very strong.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

The connection between Slavic runes and astrology

Runic symbols are no longer a sealed secret: their meaning is well known, and their effectiveness has been proven by practicing masters. Considering magical signs separately from astrology is a big mistake. Runology, like astrology, helps a person change his destiny, influence key life moments and receive help from higher powers.

Each of the Slavic runes has its own twin among the zodiac signs, and their number is identical. In this article we will look at these connections in more detail.

Slavic runes and zodiac sign


Perun is comparable to the zodiac sign Aries. He is also stubborn, fair and does not tolerate false speech. The main feature of the sign is protection from the wrath of higher powers and reward to everyone for their actions.


The pair of the Rainbow is Taurus. This sign correlates with movement, global changes and staying the course. His astral brother has similar characteristics. Those born under the sign of Taurus are distinguished by their strong character and inviolability of their decisions.

Krada is a pair for the constellation Cancer. This is the fiery power of the ancient gods, capable of breaking through at any second. Its main property is the destruction of old connections and unnecessary things.

Lelya's characteristics are comparable to the sign of Leo. She is just as self-sufficient, strong and independent. Most often, this sign is associated with women endowed with a sharp mind, business acumen and an active lifestyle.


Need corresponds to Capricorn. This is a sign of compulsion, inevitability, a requirement to move along a predetermined path.


Strength corresponds to the astrological sign Virgo. It does not manifest itself until a certain moment and reveals its full power after application and formulation of the appropriate formula. Virgos have a similar character: they are people with a scrupulous character, meticulous to the smallest detail. They do not stand out from the group until their life principles are touched upon.


The Slavic rune Mir (Belobog) has a close relationship with the astrological constellation Pisces. This is a mystical sign of a person who is subject to outside influence. He has both light and dark sides. That is why this zodiac sign is represented in the form of two fish located in diametrically opposite planes.


The need corresponds to Libra. She is a sign of sacrifice and a sharp mind. The lives of people born under this sign can lean towards good or evil deeds.


Dazhdbog is similar in its characteristics to the zodiac sign Sagittarius. It brings benefits and helps to achieve all your goals. In ancient books it was depicted as a cauldron, which never runs out of valuable gifts.


The support is similar to Scorpio. This sign was considered a symbol of the universe around which our entire planet moves. Ancient shamans used the Support rune to receive a powerful energy charge.


The source protects the air element, and therefore is a brother to the constellation Aquarius. This is a little boy who controls powerful winds, terrible hurricanes and cool breezes.


There corresponds to the astrological sign of Gemini. She is the patroness of all creative personalities, which Geminis are. The rune also symbolizes magical abilities, the ability to feel the forces of nature itself, the ability to enjoy every new day of life.

Astrology of planets and ancient runes as a sign of heaven

  • Feu is patronized by Mars, a planet named after the most warlike god. This sign helps to preserve what you have accumulated and acquire something new. Warriors act the same way: they come to someone else’s land, take away wealth and give it to their ruler.

A person interested in runic practices could not help but wonder - is it possible to compose runic horoscope? How can you create a horoscope using runes? Is it possible to compare the runic horoscope and the zodiac horoscope? Undoubtedly runic horoscope it is possible to compose - you can read about this in more detail on a separate page. Is there a concept of RUNIC ASTOLOGY, and how does it relate to classical astrology? Anyone who has ever been interested knows that the development of runic practices among the northern peoples developed in two directions, that is, the alphabet itself developed as a system for transmitting written information, and what is more interesting for us in this context is that each of the 24 runes is a carrier of one or another very powerful magical meaning - which is directly related to the subject of the article, that is, one of the subsections of rune magic - which is RUNE ASTROLOGY(runic horoscopes in particular). Now we can only speculate whether the runic tradition acquired this correspondence simultaneously with ORIGIN OF RUNES or, on the contrary, the origin of runic writing is a secondary result from the use by our ancestors of a powerful effect, and runic astrology as its component? Therefore, a disdainful attitude towards the essence of runic practices, and the compilation runic horoscope in particular, at best it will simply not allow you to get the desired result. Working with runes is not just an accessible opportunity to start fortune telling on your own. Or buy in the hope of influencing your own destiny. The potential of Rune magic is very high; it would be a great misconception to look at its possibilities as simple moments of manifestation of idle curiosity, such as drawing up a runic horoscope. Remember that, that is, an explanation of their meaning both in fortune telling and in astrological runic practices is the primary element of an ancient and powerful magical principle. After all, runes will not only tell you about future events, but will also provide an opportunity for positive changes. In runic astrological calculations there is a clearly visible correlation with the basics of classical astrology. The influence of a specific (leading) rune of a specific person is added to the influence of a specific Sign from the canonical Zodiac Circle. Runic astrology in its traditions, the most important thing, as in academic zodiac astrology, is the time of birth: the day, which has its own patron rune, year and rune-ruler of the year, as well as the rune of the hour and minute of birth. A similar trend was undoubtedly reflected in the compilation. On individual pages of our website you will find more detailed information about your runic horoscope.

This page contains information on the topic

consists of the Essence Rune, the Personality Rune and the Golden Rune. Knowledge of the individual runic code will allow you to become the Creator of your own destiny, find happiness and achieve success in life. Why is that; Yes, because a person is very often subject to doubts regarding the path he has chosen. Having calculated your individual runic code, you will be surprised at how the meaning of the protected runes coincides with your desire, which warms you. You will understand that it was not in vain that you wanted to be who you wanted to be, to do what you wanted to do. And all doubts will disappear and, I hope, you will allow yourself to be yourself (life passes, so don’t delay it).

Individual Runic Code.

Essence Rune:

The date of birth of the person is taken. For example: 04/30/1979.

The sum of the numbers of the date of birth is calculated. 3 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 = 33 = 6. This number also consists of the number of the birthday (3 + 0 = 3), the number of the month of birth (0 + 4 = 4) and the number of the year of birth (1 + 9 + 7 + 9 = 26 = 8). 3 + 4 + 8 = 15 = 6.

In numerology this is the Essence Number:

“The number of the Essence is determined by the karmas of past lives. This theory is connected with the fact that every person must go through everything prepared for him by Fate. However, knowing some moments of his life and deciphering events, a person can make his life easier, changing it for the better and making it more harmonious. Each person chooses his own path. The Essence Number influences the internal potential of each person, his abilities and talents, both inherent from birth and acquired throughout life. This number directs a person to a certain path that he needs to follow, as well as where to direct his energy. Based on this, the Essence Number has received paramount importance. A person will face serious obstacles in life if he acts against his natural capabilities.”

In other schools of numerology this number is called the Destiny Number. It reveals the main thing destined for a person in a given life. In Vedic numerology, the Destiny Number is a number obtained from adding the numbers of the date of birth, month and year. In Western numerology, this number is called the Life Path number:

“The Destiny Number is what you were sent to Earth with and what you should do. It shows what is inherent in your personality, what talents you have, and what you really are. This is your essence, your path through life. If you live with this number, having a positive, optimistic attitude towards life, you will successfully achieve your goal.”

The Fate Number determines the Runic group. For ease of calculation, I advise you to make the following table on a piece of paper:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 att
2 att
3 att

We convert decimal code to ternary code:

Now we will take the birthday number. It is equal to 3. This number in ternary code is 3. This indicates 3 att. Next, take the date of birth month. It is equal to 4. In ternary code it is 1. This indicates 1 att. And now let's take the number of the year of birth. It is equal to 8. In ternary code it is 2. This indicates 2 att. As a result, we were unable to unambiguously determine att. Therefore we take the Essence Number. It is equal to 6. In the ternary system it is 3. This indicates 3 att. Therefore, we stop at 3 atta. 6 group, 3 att. Runa Inguz. This rune is the Essence Rune in this example.

Rune of Personality:

The digital correspondences of the letters of the First Name, Patronymic and Last Name are added up.

In numerology this is the Personality Number:

“With the help of the Personality Number, a person perceives the world around him and determines his goals, which he will bring to life. Usually goals help to reveal a person’s inner potential and capabilities. Only in this case is internal harmony possible. To determine the Personality Number, you need to add the numerical values ​​of the letters of the First Name, Patronymic and Last Name.”

Numeric values ​​of letters

For example: Weidenhamer Viktor Viktorovich.

Weidenhamer: 3 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 9 = 48 (4 + 8) = 12 = 3 (surname number)

Victor: 3 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 25 = 7 (name number)

Viktorovich: 3 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 43 = 7 (patronymic number)

3 + 7 + 7 = 17 = 8 (Personality number)

This number determines the runic group.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 att
2 att
3 att

Now we will take the number of the surname. It is equal to 3. This number in ternary code is 3. This indicates 3 att. Next we take the number of the name. It is equal to 7. In ternary code it is 1. This indicates 1 att. And now let's take the number of the patronymic. It is equal to 7. In ternary code it is 1. This indicates 1 att. If we could not unambiguously determine att, we would use the Personality Number. It is equal to 8. In the ternary system it is 2. This would indicate 2 att. But in this example att is defined. This is 1 att and we do not use a Personality Number. So, 1 att, 8 group - Runa Vunyo. This rune is the Personality Rune in this example.

Golden Rune:

Golden Rune matches Golden Alchemical Number. This number is determined by the sum of the Essence Number and the Personality Number. The vibrations of this number allow a person to influence the world and correct his destiny:

"Golden" number(it is called so by analogy with the symbol of alchemical transformation; in addition, it is known as the Real Number, or the Number of Power) - one of the most important numbers in human life. It determines the meaning of our entire existence, shows the motivation of our life embodiment. This number, as it were, reveals the Divine plan, and if you try to live in accordance with it, then life will be filled with meaning, become useful and happy. Even if a person does not suspect the existence of the “Golden” (Real) number, it still has an impact on our lives. People often wonder why they make certain choices in life that cause them to act in a certain way. Everyone is familiar with the concept of the so-called inner voice. This voice is the vibration of the “Golden” number. Our goal is to learn how to correctly define it according to our likes and dislikes. The vibrations of a real number are felt throughout life. If you live in accordance with them, then you simply save your time, there will be no useless days in your life, your time and vitality will not be wasted. The “golden” number is the key that reveals our life purpose. Remember his constant presence, and then you will realize yourself and achieve success. The “golden” number is a source of energy of the highest order. Even if at all lower levels (first name number, patronymic number, last name number) the energy is destructive, the energy of the planet corresponding to the “Golden” number will be protection and support for us. This is a magical symbol of our life. Human karma is associated with it.

This completely coincides with the rules of Runic numerology in the formulas: The first and second runes are active forces. The third rune is the result of the addition (application) of both forces.

In the example given, 6 + 8 = 14 = 5. This will be the Golden Alchemical Number. And this will be the runic group for the third rune.

We will convert decimal code to ternary code according to the table below.

Now we will take the sum of the birthday number and the name number. In our example: 3 + 7 = 10 = 1. This number in ternary code is 1. This indicates 1 att. Next, take the sum of the day of the month and the number of the patronymic. In our example: 4 + 7 = 11 = 2. In ternary code – 2. This indicates 2 att. And now let’s take the sum of the number of the year and the number of the surname. In our example: 8 + 3 = 11 = 2. In ternary code – 2. This indicates 2 att. If we could not unambiguously determine att, we would use the Golden Alchemical Number. It is equal to 5. In the ternary system it is 2. This would indicate 2 att. But in this example att is defined. It's (still) 2 att, and we're not using the Golden Alchemical Number. So, 2 att, 5 group. Runa Eyvaz. This rune is the Golden Fleece in this example.

And so, in this example Individual Runic Code This:

But how to compose an Individual Runic Code if the Essence Rune, Personality Rune and Golden Rune belong to the 9th runic group? The Individual Runic Code is compiled only from runes 1 – 8 runic groups. If any of the above three runes (Essence Rune, Personality Rune and Golden Rune) belongs to the 9th runic group, then an “empty” rune is placed in place of the above rune, then There is rune of Odin.