Biography of the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Elena Golunova. Biography of Elena Golunova Mother Kadoni Black Horse Battle of Psychics

13.05.2024 Psychology

Elena Golunova is a finalist in the thirteenth “Battle of Psychics,” a witch and necromancer. She did not win, but her magical talents in her hometown were known before the television project.

In the article:

Elena Golunova - Siberian witch

Elena Golunova considers herself the strongest among Siberian witches. He does not complain about the lack of clients - help is needed in his native Novosibirsk and Moscow. There are a lot of bad and good things about Elena. She positions herself as a black magician; in her witchcraft work she resorts to the help of the afterlife, and knows how to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

Elena Golunova

Contrary to stereotypes, Elena does not consider herself evil and says that in the wrong hands, any object brings evil, not just black magic. In her opinion, black is stronger than white and, perhaps, safer if you use knowledge wisely. The witch does not engage in love spells, knowing their consequences. The modern church considers it a greater sin than magic. The witch is convinced that there should be punishment in the next world for white magic.

Golunova's gift is inherited through the female and male lines. She is from an ancient line of Siberian witches. Vlad Kadoni, the son of Elena Golunova, also received it. Before she gave birth to three boys, paranormal abilities in the family were passed down only through the female line. Vlad and his brothers became the first male magicians in the dynasty.

Elena Golunova and Vlad Kadoni

Many were interested in why Elena has such pale skin. She explained that she regularly has to give part of her soul as a sacrifice to those from whom she asks for help. In her opinion, this can be considered regular killing of a person. Therefore, one who practices witchcraft begins to resemble a dead person.

Before participating in the “Battle of Psychics” project, Golunova held receptions in Novosibirsk and had many reviews. From her youth she helped those whom only a magician could help. Losing in the show did not damage his reputation, it only added fans. It is known that she does not allow clients into her house, preferring to meet in other places. Elena is sure that you can only invite a loved one to your place.

Elena Golunova in the “Battle of Psychics”

Vlad Kadoni, who repeatedly appeared in seasons 6 and 11 of the “Battle of Psychics,” called his mother Elena Golunova the most powerful witch in Siberia. He considers her dangerous and is not sure that he can really compete with her. The finalist of the thirteenth “Battle of Psychics” Golunova herself later admitted that she had no equal in the project, only she had a chance of winning.

The witch Elena Golunova considers gold jewelry to be her unchanging magical attributes. In her opinion, these are elements of power that contain certain information. For her, gold is a personal amulet that enhances her abilities.

During the filming of “The Battle of Psychics,” Golunova could not do without a special dagger for ritual bloodletting. This shocked the audience and crew, especially if she cut herself deeply. Such a case can be seen in the series where a test was carried out with the search for MMM shares at the bottom of a reservoir. Then Elena accidentally stained the entire boat with blood, deeply cutting her hand. The result was worth it - she became the only participant who passed the test.

Perhaps aware of the manner of getting carried away with the process during bloodletting, Golunova carries dead water with her in a special box - a surefire remedy for healing wounds. She also uses other specific tools of black magicians, for example, earth from a cemetery.

For a long time, Elena did not like the idea of ​​becoming the hero of the “Battle of Psychics” program. They tried to persuade her, but she replied that she did not want to become a public person. Only the eldest son Vlad Kadoni convinced his mother to participate in the project following his example. Golunova calmly reacted to a large number of skeptics and did not pay attention to the Safronovs, who laughed at her. In addition, the attitude changed after the first successfully passed test. Only Elena could cope with some tasks.

Golunova became the owner of the white envelope seven times. Only the audience vote prevented her victory. She took first place, but second place did not shake Elena’s confidence in her own abilities. Despite losing in the final, she had many fans. gave her her crystal hand, received for winning the 9th season. This act speaks volumes about Elena’s reputation among her colleagues.

After her success at the “Battle of Psychics,” Elena Golunova participated in “Psychics Are Investigating.” She was equally successful in helping the police solve hopeless cases involving missing or dead people.

Elena Golunova - biography

Lev and Dmitry Golunov

The biography of Elena Golunova is not very well known to the public. She was born on April 8, 1968 in Novosibirsk. Now he lives there, but often visits Moscow. In fact, the witch lives in two cities. After the “Battle of Psychics” she is popular, which means a large number of clients in her small homeland and in the capital.

Elena Golunova is married to Dmitry Borisovich Golunov, this is her only marriage. The husband is in the automobile business and has nothing to do with mysticism. Elena has three sons. The eldest is Vlad Kadoni, known from seasons 6 and 11 of the “Battle of Psychics.” Now he is 25 years old. She gave birth to her first child at 18. Vlad Kadoni’s mother, Elena Golunova, was subject to considerable public pressure during her early pregnancy, especially since she gave birth without marriage. Vlad Kadoni's father died immediately after his birth.

Vlad Kadoni

The second son Dmitry and the youngest Lev are from a marriage with Dmitry Golunov. Elena was worried whether the children would receive her gift. Adding to the mother's worries was that her eldest son was planning to become a priest. After all, the church does not approve of witchcraft, especially black witchcraft, which Elena Golunova practices.

But Vlad Kadoni became a famous clairvoyant. The other sons also have the gift. The witch predicts the future of a strong clairvoyant for Dmitry, and Leo, in her opinion, has powerful energy and will also continue the family tradition. The middle son practices karate.

Some of Golunova’s preferences are also known. The Siberian witch's favorite film is "The Omen" from 1981. She prefers cloudy weather. Elena likes well-done meat without blood. She has a very complex character. One of the favorite books of the witch from Siberia is “The Master and Margarita.”

Elena Golunova's mother was a doctor, her father worked as an engineer. She first saw a ghost when she was alone at home for the first time. The future witch noticed a woman wandering around the apartment and even communicating with her. When the parents arrived, the ghost passed through them. The girl told her mother about the incident, but she did not believe it and called the story a fiction. Moreover, she did not tell me to approach my father with such ideas. But despite the mother’s ban, the souls of the dead were frequent guests of Elena.

Parents divorced when Elena Golunova was very young. She did not expose herself to the choice of who she would live with and moved to her grandmother, Lidia Ivanovna Bataeva. Even now, the witch cannot remember her childhood without tears. It seemed to her that her mother had forgotten about her. Elena hoped that she would return, but this did not happen. Parents quickly had new spouses and children.

But there was also a plus in living with my grandmother. She did not consider her granddaughter crazy, who sees something that does not exist. Grandmother explained to Elena that these were manifestations of her gift. The mother, according to Lydia Ivanovna, abandoned her abilities immediately after their manifestation. The grandmother taught the future witch witchcraft, read with her family manuscripts, passed on only by inheritance, and took her with her to the cemetery. It became a favorite place for the child, where the girl looked after abandoned graves and communicated with the dead.

Golunova in her youth

But Elena’s relationship with the living did not work out. Like most sorcerers and magicians, she was too strange for normal communication with her peers. They avoided the girl, but she was a frequent subject of discussion and gossip. Now the witch is also not very sociable. Neighbors say that the family leads a secluded life, and Elena can often be seen in the cemetery where her grandmother is buried.

When the girl turned 17, Lydia Ivanovna died. Elena dreamed of starting a family to get rid of loneliness. I got involved with an adult man - a 35-year-old racketeer, and gave birth to him. You can read about what came out of this above. Golunova doesn’t like to talk too much about her youth. It is easy to understand, because everyone knows that the fate of a single mother is difficult. Her parents did not help, her grandmother was not around, and she met her future husband a few years after the birth of her first child.

Elena managed to enter a higher education institution. She received an education as an accountant and worked in her specialty for a long time. In her youth she loved sports, preferring swimming.

Perhaps one of the most valuable pieces of advice from Elena Golunova is the one in which she does not recommend repeating the rituals seen in the show “Battle of Psychics”. Some rituals from the Siberian witch imply the presence of components that are dangerous for an unprepared person, for example, burial ground.

According to Golunova, it is better for novice magicians to pay attention to the forces of nature, which are safer to interact with. She recommends starting with recharging the energy of trees, burning leaves with lists of problems on the fire, and washing away negativity with water. The witch also advises to stay away from love spells. It is enough not to make old mistakes and use the lessons that life gives.

  • Elena Golunova considers it necessary to keep the altar for practicing magic in the eastern part of the room. There is an energy flow there that will enhance the effectiveness of the rituals.
  • Witchcraft items and components should not be given into the hands of strangers, this will harm them.
  • You cannot keep symbols of different religions in your house. If you can’t remove one thing, keep the items in different rooms.
  • The room in which witchcraft is practiced must be clean.

On August 28, 1986, at 19.06, on the outskirts of Novosibirsk, the son of the strongest witch in Siberia, Elena Golunova, was born. She gave birth to her first child at the age of 18 and gave him the name Victor. The boy never saw his father; he died almost immediately after his birth. Elena was very upset about the loss of her beloved man. She showed her father’s photographs to her son only once - on the day of his esoteric coming of age, after which she destroyed all the archives right before the boy’s eyes. From early childhood, Victor did not recognize his name. At first he simply did not respond to him, and then, barely learning to speak, he came up with fictitious names for himself, introducing himself to strangers.

His social life began with a series of conflicts with peers. The strange student of an ordinary Soviet school was passionate about the study of religion and conducted unique chemical experiments; he aroused envy with his abilities to foresee events and change the mood in the team. At the age of 11, the boy undergoes initiation - his mother reveals to him for the first time the features of the ancestral gift and he begins esoteric training at home. From this moment on, the personal life of the young magician turns out to be absolutely closed to others, and he himself becomes an obvious outcast among his peers.

After graduating from school, Viktor Golunov easily enters the university to study sociology. He is fascinated by the science of the structure of society, its structural elements and development. It seems to him that esotericism has given him basic knowledge about the essence of an individual person, and now he seeks to understand society as a whole. While studying philosophy and sociolinguistics, a self-confident student often argues with teachers, defending his point of view and his own beliefs on controversial issues. Now in conflict not with his peers, but with his mentors, Victor seeks expulsion from the university and leaves the walls of the higher educational institution.

As soon as Viktor Golunov turns eighteen, he officially changes his first and last name. The guy gets rid of the name Victor, hated since childhood, and becomes Vladislav. And he changes his surname Golunov to Kadoni, which he chose during his initial esoteric education: in one of the ancient languages ​​there is the word “kadoni”, which is translated as “warlock”. With a new passport, Vlad Kadoni enters medical school and gets a job. He cooperates with several construction companies and in just a couple of years goes from an intern to a senior manager with several dozen subordinates. Already at the age of 20, Vlad understands all the intricacies of the profession and receives a job offer in Moscow.

Having moved to the capital, Kadoni initially hides his life in esotericism from new acquaintances and colleagues - he continues to work in a construction company and begins to secretly practice occult sciences. But soon others become aware of his unusual abilities and people begin to turn to the young sorcerer with requests for help.

At the age of 23, Vlad Kadoni decides to go to the casting of the television project “Battle of Psychics” on the TnT channel, which he successfully passes and, having taken part in the filming of the program, is one of the five strongest psychics in Russia. However, the young ambitious participant does not reach the finals, which greatly disappoints him and hits his pride. This experience, according to Vlad, infects him with an irresistible craving for television, and within six months he goes to the most scandalous reality show in the country - “DOM2”. Having spent two and a half years on the project, Vlad pays less and less attention to personal techniques and esotericism in general, completely devoting himself to self-development in the social sphere. During his time on the television project, he becomes famous and gains fame as one of the brightest and most scandalous participants. Vlad wins the “Person of the Year” competition and is sent to the “Battle of Psychics” again. This time he reaches the final and takes third place. However, he still remains disappointed and decides to finally break with television. Kadoni leaves the TV set “House 2” immediately after filming “Battle of Psychics” ends. Hiding from the cameras in his apartment, Vlad regains his strength and rethinks his whole life. He is engaged in self-development, begins to write a novel and gets a job in a closed psychiatric clinic, where he gains unique experience in the field of psychiatry and clinical psychology. At the age of 28, having left medical practice, Vlad Kadoni returns to TnT, but not as a participant, but as a co-host of the television project “House 2”. A year later, his author’s column appears in the morning program on the NTV channel and...

The name given to him at birth is Viktor Golunov. At the age of 30, he became a recognizable media personality thanks to his participation in various television shows on popular channels.

Kadoni Vlad: biography

On August 28, 1986, in Novosibirsk, the famous witch Elena Golunova, at the age of 18, gave birth to a son, Victor. But when the boy grew up, he officially changed his name to Vlad Kadoni. He did not know his own father - he died shortly after the birth of his son. Elena remarried, and Vlad had brothers: Dmitry and Lev.

As a child, the future showman dreamed of becoming a priest, but quickly became disillusioned with religion. Therefore, I decided to become interested in black magic. His mother supported him and introduced him to the basics of the occult sciences, and also began developing the child’s gift of clairvoyance. Elena Golunova herself became the winner of the 13th edition of the “Battle of Psychics” and has the fame of the strongest Siberian witch.


Kadoni Vlad, whose biography is decorated with interesting facts, has a higher education with a degree in Psychology. His mother taught him esoteric practice very well.

Paid magical services

Having moved to Moscow, the young man began to actively engage in providing services to the population. He cast love spells, got rid of the “crown of celibacy,” removed and caused damage. For the purpose of self-promotion, Kadoni decided to appear on television and decided to take part in the casting of the “Battle of Psychics”.

Hereditary sorcerer on TV

The first attempt was in 2008 during the filming of the 6th season of a TV show about sorcerers. Nobody took the inconspicuous black magician seriously. He constantly came into conflict with Sergei Safronov, the host of the show. The skeptic spoke harshly about Kadoni's actions. However, the warlock managed to become one of the five strongest and proudly walked away.

The second visit to the 11th “Battle” turned out to be more successful. Relations with the participants and presenters were strained, but the people fell in love with Kadoni. This time he took an honorable 3rd place.

"House-2": Vlad Kadoni

February 2009 was marked for the hero of the article with a new campaign for PR on television. This time he chose a scandalous TV show on the TNT channel. He knew right away that he would not build a relationship. His tactics were: self-promotion, provocation, attracting attention.

Weaving intrigues was not always successful, so Vlad decided to build a relationship. The most striking romance was with Inna Volovicheva. For his sake, she decided to radically change her appearance and rapidly lost weight. But in 2010, the young people broke up.

In 2011, Vlad Kadoni became “Person of the Year” at “House-2”. The hero’s biography was supplemented with another fact of success. On this positive note, he announced his departure from the television set.


In 2015, the black magician returned to Dom-2 as a presenter. This position allowed him to have good financial opportunities. Kadoni took out a mortgage for a townhouse in the capital. Viewers also noticed changes in appearance: Vlad cleaned up his teeth and now boasts a flawless smile.

Personal life

He was credited with having affairs with different girls, but no reliable facts were known. Today, the aura of mystery has been removed from this topic; the name of the girl with whom Vlad Kadoni has been dating for a long time is known. The magician’s personal life was settled thanks to Anna Devitskaya. They met during the warlock's participation in the "Battle of Psychics." At that time, the girl was her producer.


In addition to the activities of the presenter, Vlad has another direction of development: his own business. In 2016, he opened a luxury perfume store. In 2017, he became the owner of a beauty salon. Clients and customers leave positive reviews about products and services.

Is Vlad Kadoni doing magic now? The biography of a hero cannot lose such moments. Naturally, the practice of esotericism is present in the life of a magician. But now you can get an appointment with Kadoni only through an acquaintance.

This woman was a participant in the 13th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” Elena Golunova reached the final, but did not become the winner, losing the “blue hand” to Dmitry Volkhov. However, Elena became more famous than the winner of the 13th “Battle” and gained authority in certain circles. Fans are interested in who Elena Golunova is; the biography and personal life of the psychic raise many questions.

Elena Golunova is a Siberian witch and the winner of the 13th season of the “Battle of Psychics.”

  • This woman is the strongest witch in Siberia, that’s what she calls herself. She has enough clients, so she doesn’t help everyone. Elena Golunova runs the official website, where she writes that she does not undertake cancer treatment and urges not to waste money on useless rituals of pseudo-healers.
  • The witch does not promise quick results, she reminds that magic is work and miracles do not happen in an instant. Is psychic Elena Golunova real, the cost of admission, reviews - all this worries potential clients.
  • There are many reviews about the witch on the Internet, both positive and negative. But this happens to any magician, and only the person himself decides to believe them or not. In the end, no surgeon or lawyer can promise a 100% result either. The queue to see Elena is scheduled a year in advance and it is not a fact that you will get an appointment.

The nature of Elena's abilities

The woman considers herself a black magician - a necromancer; in her work she uses her gift of communication with the afterlife and the spirits of the dead. Contrary to the prevailing opinion about black magicians, Elena does not consider herself evil; she claims that for a person with a black heart, even harmless rituals will bring evil. According to her, white magic in inept hands can bring a lot of trouble. Elena does not engage in rituals such as love spells or spells; she knows their consequences. She has a skeptical attitude towards the official church.

Psychic Elena Golunova comes from a family of ancient Siberian magicians, their gift is passed on from generation to generation. The transfer of abilities usually occurs within one gender or across generations, but in Elena’s family, magical abilities are inherited by both women and men. The witch's family has three sons. One of them, Vlad Kadoni (Viktor Golunov), also inherited the gift of his ancestors.

Viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” have always been interested in why the witch’s skin is so pale. Elena explained this phenomenon by the fact that she constantly works with the souls of the dead. Calling on the spirit, she gives away part of her soul - this is payment for their help. Such a ritual is equivalent to killing a person, and therefore a magician who regularly works with the world of the dead becomes like a dead man himself.

Participation in the “Battle of Psychics”

Before participating in the show “Battle of Psychics,” Elena Golunova was known in her native Novosibirsk. From a young age, Elena helped people cope with their troubles. And the fact that the witch did not take first place did not prevent her from becoming famous throughout the country. Elena has added even more fans who follow her social life. She doesn’t let anyone home; she receives clients in different places. The witch claims that the house is a place where she should relax, not work.

Elena’s eldest son, who participated in the “Battle of Psychics” of seasons 6 and 11, claimed that his mother is the strongest witch in the country, one who has no equal, and her competitors should be afraid of her. And the witch herself later also spoke about self-confidence. By the way, viewers of the 13th season had no doubt about the victory of the black magician. And imagine their surprise that Elena took only second place. For Golunova herself, the loss also came as a surprise.

Ritual paraphernalia

Elena's constant attributes are gold jewelry; according to her, these are integral attributes of the image, like black clothing and dark lipstick on the lips. Gold gives her strength and protects her from ill-wishers. All jewelry is not simple and each has its own energy.

Another attribute of the Witch was a dagger, which Elena always carried with her for trials. She made a sacrifice to the spirits - she let herself bleed. These actions always shocked the audience and the project team. One day Golunova seriously injured herself and made the audience and the director worry about herself. In issue 4, during the filming of the task “search for MMM shares,” the witch cut her hand too deeply and stained the entire boat with blood. The incident was shocking, but it was worth it - Elena was the only one who passed the test.

To heal wounds, the witch always carries with her “living water” - a sure remedy. Also during filming, one could notice such attributes as “dead water” and soil from the cemetery. During the filming of the “Battle of Psychics” program, Elena kept all the essentials in a special box that she always carries with her. In addition to these attributes, the witch uses special candles and a black scarf with which she covers her face during rituals.

You can make an appointment with Elena Golunova through the official website of the psychic.

Reasons for participating in the show

Elena was persuaded to attend the program “Battle of Psychics” season 13 by her eldest son, who himself was a participant twice. Golunova resisted for a long time because she did not want to be a public person. There were already enough clients, but the idea of ​​​​measuring strength with other psychics did not appeal to her. But still, the son convinced his mother.

On the project, Elena was always calm, even the antics of the Safronov brothers did not bother her. She passed all the tests, not paying attention to the jokes, she just did her job. The ridicule quickly disappeared as Elena completed one task after another.

Result: second place

Golunova had every chance to win - she was often in a white envelope, the audience loved her for her straightforwardness and psychic abilities. Only one thing prevented her from winning - SMS voting by viewers, including a large number of women. Therefore, the charming Dmitry Volkhov won. The loss did not break Elena; she remained confident in her abilities. The witch was not left without a prize either - she was still given a crystal hand, although this gift was presented to her by Natalya Banteeva, the winner of season 9. This act once again proves Golunova’s authority among magicians.

After participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” Elena Valerievna became a media person. Elena participated in TNT programs - “Psychics Are Investigating” and “Battle of the Strongest”. The witch's schedule is packed to capacity - clients, tours, lectures, various interviews and participation in programs. Therefore, how to make an appointment with Elena Golunova can be very difficult.

Biography of Elena Golunova

  • A Siberian witch was born April 8, 1968, in Novosibirsk. He still lives there, although he visits Moscow very often. You could say that she lives in two cities, but this is a common thing among celebrities.
  • Elena's father was an engineer, and her mother worked as a doctor in a clinic. Even as a child, Elena encountered her first visions. The little witch saw a woman walking around her apartment and talking to her. And when the parents returned from work, the ghost passed through them.
  • At first, this frightened the girl; she shared her experiences with her parents. But her mother forbade her to talk about these topics and generally stop inventing nonsense. Elena withdrew into herself, because she didn’t stop seeing, she just didn’t talk about this topic with her mother anymore. Gradually the witch got used to such guests.
  • Soon the parents divorced, created new families, and little Lena was left of no use to anyone. The girl was taken in by her grandmother. Of course, the woman still has a feeling of resentment towards her parents, which is why Elena does not like to remember her childhood. The girl believed that her parents would come to their senses and they would live happily together again, but this never happened.
  • Life with her grandmother was good for Elena. Here no one forced her to remain silent about ghosts, visions and dreams. Golunova’s grandmother herself was also a witch, and it was she who told the girl about the gift. According to the woman, Elena’s mother could also become a witch, but she abandoned her gift.
  • The grandmother was the girl's teacher and mentor in magic. She told all the secrets, showed how to perform rituals and often took Elena to the cemetery. There they spent a lot of time together, communicating with the spirits of the departed. They looked after the graves of relatives and friends.
  • Plunging more and more into the world of magic and spirits, Elena found less and less common language with living ordinary people. For obvious reasons, she became an outcast at school. The children were afraid of her, but did not miss the opportunity to laugh or gossip about her.
  • And even now Elena cannot be called a sociable woman. She always speaks clearly, briefly, and can be rude. The witch’s neighbors say that Golunova’s family doesn’t really communicate with anyone. But Elena can often be found at the local cemetery, where her grandmother is buried.

First and second husbands

At the age of 17, the witch loses her only loving person - her grandmother dies. In search of care and love, a girl meets a handsome 35-year-old racketeer. Elena falls in love and gives birth to his child - the eldest son Victor (Vlad Kadoni). But, unfortunately, her happiness was short-lived. No matter how she didn’t warn her husband, she didn’t protect her, she didn’t save him. For which he still blames himself.

Elena was left alone, an 18-year-old girl with a child in her arms. Of course, it was hard - my parents didn’t support or help, and my grandmother was no longer there. The public condemned the young mother as best they could. But the witch managed to go to college and study to become an accountant. She worked in this position for a long time.

Elena met her current husband a few years later. Now the witch is married to Dmitry Borisovich Golunov, they have two common sons - Lev and Dmitry. The husband is far from magic and works with cars.

Three sons of Helen

  • The gift of Siberian ancestors was passed on to Vlad Kadoni. He is now a famous clairvoyant. Participant in the “Battle of Psychics” and the television project “House 2”.
  • The middle son, Dmitry, is reputed to be a witch and also has the strongest gift of clairvoyance. Elena predicts a great future for him.
  • The youngest son, Leo, is still learning about the world, but already has powerful energy.

Hobbies and preferences

  • The Siberian witch's favorite film is "The Omen" from 1981;
  • She prefers cloudy weather and does not like sunny weather too much;
  • Elena's favorite dish is well-fried meat without blood;
  • It is known that she has a very difficult and complex character;
  • One of the favorite books of the witch from Siberia is “The Master and Margarita.”

The most valuable advice from Elena can be considered the one in which she urges you not to repeat everything that you saw at the “Battle of Psychics.” Firstly, this can be dangerous for an incompetent magician, and secondly, the entire rituals are never shown in the program. Black magic is no joke, you can harm others and yourself.

About magical practice

  • Golunova advises starting with simpler types of magic; turn your attention to the powers of the four elements, which are simpler and safer. For example, spend more time in nature - recharge yourself with the energy of plants. The energy of fire will help with problems - write your trouble on a piece of paper and burn it. The element of water will help you wash away the negativity accumulated during the day; just take an evening shower.
  • Elena urges to drive away thoughts of love spells and damage. The witch reminds that such rituals have great consequences - you have to pay for everything.
  • The witch advises storing all paraphernalia for practicing magic in the eastern part of the rooms; there are always energy flows there that help in performing rituals and strengthen them.
  • To practice magic there must be a separate non-residential room. You cannot keep things of different religions together - this contributes to the mixing of energies. Under no circumstances give your magical tools to strangers, even just to hold them. Magicians know that things carry the energy of their owner and the one who touches them.
  • The room must be cleaned after each ritual, because... remnants of magical energy can accumulate and interfere with the further work of the psychic. In addition, black energy can harm the residents of the apartment.
  • During the rituals, animals must be removed from the premises, because... they can interfere with the calling of spirits. The protection from the apartment also needs to be removed, because this interferes with the work of psychics.

About money and well-being

  • To improve your financial situation, the Siberian witch advises removing all plants and mirrors from the bedroom;
  • And in other rooms there must be money plants: fern, cactus or indoor bamboo. They will not only attract money into the house, but will also contribute to its accumulation.
  • The easiest way to remove negativity is to take a shower. Elena also advises never standing with your back to your enemies, because evil words spoken behind them harm your energy. And after such situations you may get sick.


In general, the Siberian witch gives the impression of a strong woman. She is straightforward and confident. Elena Golunova claims that every person is most often able to help himself. There is no need to run to clairvoyants and sorcerers at every trouble. It is worth contacting a psychic for important problems, when you cannot do without a higher power. Elena is confident that people themselves can build their own path in life, which will lead them to success.

Video “Interview with Elena Golunova”