Seduced, but not abandoned. How did the fate of Valya Isaeva’s young mother turn out? Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov: the ugly truth about the purest love story How Valya Isaeva lives

13.05.2024 Drugs

"MK" attended the 20th anniversary of "Kapotnin's Juliet", who gave birth at the age of 11

10 years have passed since the beginning of that loud story. It was just so many years ago that 3rd-grader Valya from Kapotnya first gave herself to a migrant worker from a nearby lavash shop. The pregnancy of 11-year-old Valya Isaeva became known to the public in May 2005 - and in the blink of an eye, the love story, which had been going on for almost a year, turned into a matter of downright national scale. What they were gossiping about back then: that a junior high school student was “planted” with her Tajik tenant by her own grandmother, and that 17-year-old Khabib Patakhonov from Dushanbe is not at all who he claims to be, he is much older and came to the capital using someone else’s documents. .. And the whole world judged and ordered what to do with them. Loud public speeches and bustle in official bodies were crowned by a show trial. After which, “Kapotnin’s Romeo and Juliet,” as they were then dubbed, were just as suddenly forgotten, without drawing any organizational conclusions: who is to blame? So what should I do?

Lolita from the industrial zone

The last time I talked with the heroes of this almost Shakespearean drama, which unfolded in the 2nd quarter of Kapotnya, was in 2008: then Valya Isaeva was 15, Khabib Patakhonov was 22, and their little daughter Amina was 3 years old. At that time, the young people lived separately - this was the court decision. Three-year-old Amina looked pretty and healthy, and the notorious “granny pimp” Antonina Aleksandrovna Zenkina babysat her, since the young mother went to the 7th grade. I remember Khabib himself because he looked much younger than his stated age. Perhaps it was because he was the same height as his teenage sweetheart or because he had a slight build, but this boy barely looked 22 years old. The future of the young international cell of society, not yet registered anywhere due to the minority of the mother of the family, seemed vague. But Valya and Khabib assured me that they love each other and their daughter. The grandmother was completely on the side of the young people and actively wanted “everyone to finally get away from them.” And so it soon happened.

Another 5 years passed, and I wanted to know: how is Kapotnin’s Lolita doing? Is Shakespeare's passion alive?

Valya Isaeva opens the door - in tight jeans, a white T-shirt, slender, but with all the female forms. Smiles, big brown eyes sparkle. I remember that last time this girl, despite her Russian name and surname, seemed to me like an oriental beauty.

The apartment on the 3rd floor of the Khrushchev “panel” without an elevator, although “three rubles”, is tiny. You can’t turn around in the hallway; you have to walk straight into the kitchenette. And there, right in the wall, is a recess with a built-in shower, without a door. Only one room is visible - there is an adult one-and-a-half bed in it, a wooden children's bed - and one person can stand on the remaining space. The other two rooms are walk-through rooms. There the TV coos and the overweight, aged Antonina Aleksandrovna sits indifferently. She used to work at a local greengrocer, but is now retired. Valya invites me into the only isolated room:

Please pass! Khabib will arrive now, he is still at work. Everything is fine with us, and September is generally a holiday month for us. On September 11 I turn 20, on September 13 Khabib turns 27. We are both Virgos. Of course, when I was 10 and Khabib was 17, everyone said: oh, horror! And now, in comparison with 60-year-old men who marry 20-year-old girls, it is clear that our age difference is quite adequate - only 7 years!

Valya speaks slowly, choosing the right words and expressive images. And this despite the fact that the girl is an orphan, she did not finish school, and her adoptive grandmother is a simple woman who has been in the vegetable garden all her life. But even then, in 2008, and even more so now, Valya impressed me not as a confused child, but as a small, but confident, fully formed woman. Both then and now, all her reasoning is presented in a very intelligent, cultural form, but the bottom line boils down to the main thought: “For my Khabib and for my family, I will tear anyone apart!”

On January 23, 2013, Valya and Khabib had a son, who was named Amir. Now he sleeps in the next room under the supervision of his great-grandmother. Fearing the evil eye, Amirchik’s young parents try not to show it to anyone, and only those closest to him know about his existence. But the elder Amina is happy to talk with the guest. She turned into a tall girl for her age with big eyes and also very correct speech.

Valya, now Amina is 8 years old, what do you say if in 2 years she starts sleeping with a guy, like you did? - I can’t resist provocation.

I'll kill her! - Valya answers emotionally. - Yes, she’s a smart girl herself, she won’t do anything stupid! Although I don’t regret anything about myself,” Valya continues. - You know, it happens when Allah unites the hearts of a man and a woman, no matter how old they are. The Almighty simply knows that these two should be together all their lives and raise children. And then what difference does it make whether it happens earlier or later, since it’s fate? This is the kind of love we have with Khabib. Despite the fact that many people tried to separate us and spread rumors, we got married 3 years ago. His parents accepted me very well, I am a full member of the family.

- But Khabib’s parents live in Dushanbe. If the wedding was there, then you probably converted to Islam?

We had a wedding in Moscow, on Lubyanka, it was arranged for Khabib by his FSB friends. But I didn’t have to accept Islam: I was always a Muslim - by birth. I have Azerbaijani blood on my mother’s side, we just didn’t advertise it.

- Were Khabib’s parents at the wedding?

No, it’s expensive for them to come to Moscow. But this April we visited them in Dushanbe. We would have gone immediately after the wedding, but this was impossible - Khabib needs to get so many permits to travel outside of Moscow! As a result, we flew to Dushanbe without permission from any official authorities there. They call us the next day: “Congratulations, you are allowed to travel to Tajikistan!” And we laugh: “Thank you, of course, but we’re already there!”

“I liked it in Dushanbe,” the second-grader interjects very maturely. - Grandparents live in Zeravshan, this is the best area of ​​the city. Grandma doesn’t understand Russian well, when she watches TV, she asks everything again. And her grandfather scolds her for this: the village, he says, all the brothers-sons conquered Moscow, but you don’t even know Russian!

In fact, although they said that Khabib is Tajik, he is Uzbek. His family is from Uzbekistan, they just moved to Dushanbe at one time; they had some problems in their homeland. Khabib’s uncle and older brother moved to Moscow back in the 90s, although both ended up in prison. But they speak Russian well. But my husband’s mother still addressed me in her own way.

Judging by the situation in the apartment, it is clear that the young family is not in luxury. There is only a dried piece of poppy seed roll on the kitchen table for tea, but the hostess clearly keeps her face: “We don’t eat at night. We’ll feed Khabib dinner after work - and that’s it!”

How will you celebrate birthdays, Valyusha? - I carefully ask, because the guests are unlikely to fit in their living space.

I tell my husband: let’s go to a nightclub, I’m already allowed! - Valya answers joyfully. - After all, I’ll be 20 already, I already drink wine. True, rarely, on holidays, I don’t really like it. And Khabib doesn’t drink alcohol at all.

- Valya, did you finish school?

9th grade and college is not far from here - I studied to be a manager. I worked as a cashier in our store in Kapotnya. But then my husband forbade it and said: Am I really not going to feed my family? True, now he has allowed me to work again. Amirchik will be one year old, and I will go. Otherwise, Khabib is very tired, he works late every day. But we have enough for everything, we even bought a car - a new Lada, but Khabib converted it into a sports car! He drives like that, you should see! I will also go to driving school soon, my husband promised.

- Where does Khabib work?

Yes, here across the street from us - in a furniture warehouse, as a storekeeper.

Valya, Amina and Khabib Patakhonov in their kitchen.

Romeo as a labor migrant

Here the head of the family himself appears - the same “Kapotnin’s Romeo”. Just like five years ago, Khabib Patakhonov looks younger than his 27 years. He is small in stature, but fit, agile and smiling.

So, how do you like my family? - the owner of the house smiles patronizingly. - I stole them from the hospital back then, in 2005! Otherwise they wanted Valya to go to an orphanage, and Amina to a foster family! But, as you can see, everything is fine with us, a son was born...

- Congratulations! Have you received Russian citizenship, Khabib?- at the time of our previous meeting, Khabib only dreamed of becoming a citizen of Russia.

No, he only has a residence permit, - Valya is responsible for her husband, - although we have already signed for 3 years. There are a lot of papers to write, but we will definitely do everything.

- Valya said that you will tell about your wedding yourself...

Our wedding was gorgeous! - the migrant worker recalls with pride. - On Bolshaya Lubyanka, in an Arabic restaurant. We had a limousine - a golden Hummer - and 1200 guests...

- Guys, excuse me for the indiscreet question, but where did you get the funds for such a magnificent ceremony?

Firstly, I have friends in the FSB, they work there across the street, often visit that restaurant and agreed with the owner that everything would be at a friendly price. Secondly, one TV channel really wanted to film our wedding. Well, we set a condition for them - they say, then help so that everything is beautiful and looks good on the screen. There was just a golden limousine from them.

- Khabib, how did you end up in Moscow?

I first came here in 1999, I was 13 years old. My father and I came to see my uncle. My uncle was the first in our family to go to Moscow, but something didn’t work out, and he ended up in prison. He served time in Astrakhan, but did not return to Dushanbe. And when my father began to get ready to go home, I told him: “Leave me with my uncle, I’ll live with him, go for a walk, and see the Kremlin!” At first I lived with my uncle, then I found a job and began renting a separate house. I had no problems at all: in the Dushanbe school we were taught Russian very well, not like now.

- Are you drawn to your homeland?

My homeland is here in Moscow. I go to Tajikistan only because I have my father, mother and relatives there. If they weren’t there, my feet wouldn’t be there! I don't feel comfortable there, I don't feel at home there. I’m already used to it here, but the situation there is kind of unpleasant...

Shakespeare in Kapotnin's style

I have to admit that some of the things that the young people told me today contradict what was stated five years ago. However, Valya Isaeva does not hide the fact that they had to deliberately keep silent about some points, so as not to drag themselves into additional persecution.

Even before Patakhonov’s trial, the then director of children’s affairs in Moscow, Alexei Golovan, threateningly demanded “to stop interfering in the life of a minor without the permission of her guardian.” The public outcry was not long in coming: a certain deputy Chuev was immediately found, who undertook to patronize the couple, which was rapidly gaining momentum in popularity. As a result, the Russian law on the seduction of minors was respected in court nominally: the then 20-year-old Tajik-citizen lover of minors got off with two years probation, with permission to work in the capital. All that was required of the defendant was to solemnly swear in the courtroom not to touch his Moscow “Juliet” again until it was permitted by law. Khabib assured the court that as soon as Valya turns 16 and she can obtain official permission from the guardianship authorities for a legal marriage, he will honestly marry her. And the commission for the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights of the Kapotnya municipality put an end to my report from 2008:

Everything is fine in this family, finally leave them alone! Valyusha studies well, communicates with peers and generally leads a lifestyle appropriate to her age. Antonina Aleksandrovna takes care of her granddaughter: Amina is a beautiful girl, developed, well-groomed. Khabib is working. He helps the Isaev family financially. He visits them strictly at set hours, signed by him in a special agreement. The child's father strictly complies with the court's decision, we have no complaints against him. Our representative regularly visits the Isaevs’ apartment.

Well, somewhere the valiant guardianship authorities were ripening to the root - indeed, he got married, however, he helped... But only today Valya adds:

Of course, all these years before the wedding he lived with my grandmother, but we hid him! Well, think for yourself, what kind of money is needed to help me with my child and rent an apartment in Moscow!

At the beginning of the story it was said that little Valya had only her grandmother among her relatives - and she was not her own, but her guardian. And, they say, this guardian named Antonina Aleksandrovna Zenkina, working as a saleswoman in a local vegetable store, made an acquaintance with a baker from a neighboring lavash shop named Khabib. A kind woman offered a hard-working Tajik guy shelter for a reasonable fee. And when the “result” of such a settlement became obvious, the granny just threw up her hands: they say, who could have thought that they would do such a thing? Like, both are just children: Valya is 11, and the boy is only 14. And when official questions rained down on the grandmother, she not only underestimated the age of 17-year-old Patakhonov, but also tried in every possible way to cover her tracks and cover up the real Khabib, presenting him as a mythical resident Astrakhan named Bakhtier.

- How did it really happen?- I ask Valya.

It’s very simple,” Valya smiles. - Now there’s nothing to hide. Antonina Aleksandrovna is my stepfather’s mother, his last name is Isaev. He lived with my mother in this very apartment. But they were not scheduled: he was either drinking or sitting, and she was walking. And then one day my mother went to St. Petersburg, and then, a couple of months later, she called and said: I’ll come back because I got pregnant. Whether it’s from you or not, I don’t know. The stepfather nevertheless demanded that she return and give birth in Moscow, promising that he would register the child in his name. And my grandmother said that she would raise and educate me. And so it happened. I have never seen my mother. She gave birth to me and disappeared again. No one knows who my real father is. My stepfather died when I was 8 years old and he was 32. I hardly remember him. And my grandmother, in order not to send me to an orphanage, formalized guardianship.

By the way, about the fact that grandma rented out an apartment to Khabib, it’s all a lie! - Valya declares. - Grandma just didn’t want to set me up then. In fact, I met Khabib myself. And she brought him to visit her, in this very room. I liked him, I fell in love!

- But you were in 2nd grade then!

So what, in 2nd grade it’s not a person, or what? At first I fell in love with his older brother Maxim, but then he went to prison. It was in a store where grandma worked at the time, and I ran to see her after school. Well, first Maxim kept sighing and walking around me, then Khabib... I immediately thought about Khabib: how handsome!

- What are your plans for the near future, guys?

Yes, they gave us maternity capital for Amirchik - 409 thousand. We want to buy a house with a plot, we are just choosing it now. So if anyone has any interesting suggestions, please let us know via MK.

“It’s a bit cramped for us here,” adds Valya. - But we still want a third child. Another girl...

Giving birth cannot be pardoned

Alas, we are unable to place punctuation marks in this sentence. Because our society, of course, is against child molestation and early pregnancies. We sincerely believe that molesters should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But we are also against abortion. What do we do? So far it turns out how the chip will fall.

Around the same time and under similar circumstances, the “Kazan Romeo”, 24 years old, was put behind bars for his love for his 14-year-old “Juliet.” Despite the fact that both families decided to continue the pregnancy of a minor girl and sent the lovers to the registry office. There the couple was tied up: having learned about the bride’s pregnancy, instead of filing an application for marriage, they filed an application with the juvenile affairs inspectorate, which transferred the case to the prosecutor’s office, and the latter opened a criminal case against the groom under the article “Intercourse with a person under 16 years of age.” And no matter how much the groom, the bride and their parents cried in court, the authorities stood their ground. “The law doesn’t care,” the officials sternly declared, “whether they love it or not. But the fact of violation of the law is obvious!” “Kazan Romeo” was sentenced to the fullest extent of the law to 1 year and 4 months in a maximum security colony and arrested right in the courtroom, and the minor “Juliet” became a single mother.

So give birth or have mercy? Of course, some fun amendments can be made to the law. For example, it is possible to molest minors, but only with the blessing of their mother and father. Or sleeping with children is allowed - but only if there is some special love, the degree of which we will measure in ppm.

Of course, determining legal norms is the domain of lawyers, not psychologists, family psychologist Denis Tokar told us. - But from the point of view of the psychological understanding of the situation by minors and their parents, the relevant authorities need to maintain consistency. The law must apply either to everyone without exception or to no one. It's no secret that sex in our country is rapidly becoming younger. If 20 years ago the average age of onset of sexual activity for girls was 17-18 years old, today this happens at 14-15. Both the general acceleration and the influence of the media on teenagers have an impact. What to do? My opinion: first of all, society itself needs to decide whether to continue to speculate on this topic, filming talk shows and filling the pages of the yellow press with “fried”, or develop some kind of effective preventive policy. Establish and strengthen sex education in schools. Maybe not in such an exaggerated form as happens in India, but at least clearly explain to children what sexual intercourse is fraught with. Not to mention the need for clear explanatory work with the younger generation regarding the risk of contracting HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.

May 17th, 2015 , 07:22 pm

I saw a post on Kolobok about guest worker-pedophile Khabib Patakhonov (in connection with yesterday’s Chechen wedding). And I became terribly curious, what happened in the end to the youngest mother in Russia, who gave birth to a daughter at the age of 11 from an 18-year-old guy from Tajikistan?

You, too, probably remember that sensational story. A year or two later, there were all kinds of rumors about the family life of the young couple, mostly bad and unflattering for Khabib!

I decided to rummage through the Internet, where, like in Space, nothing is lost. And I found what I was looking for.
So, what do we have as a result today? A couple of very pretty young people, a successful marriage and already two children. And everything that leads to the birth of healthy and desirable children is GOOD. This is my opinion, and no one will dissuade me of this.

"MK" attended the 20th anniversary of "Kapotnin's Juliet", who gave birth at the age of 11

10 years have passed since the beginning of that loud story. It was just so many years ago that 3rd-grader Valya from Kapotnya first gave herself to a migrant worker from a nearby lavash shop. The pregnancy of 11-year-old Valya Isaeva became known to the public in May 2005 - and in the blink of an eye, the love story, which had been going on for almost a year, turned into a matter of downright national scale. What they were gossiping about back then: that a junior high school student was “planted” with her Tajik tenant by her own grandmother, and that 17-year-old Khabib Patakhonov from Dushanbe is not at all who he claims to be, he is much older and came to the capital using someone else’s documents. .. And the whole world judged and ordered what to do with them. Loud public speeches and bustle in official bodies were crowned by a show trial. After which, “Kapotnin’s Romeo and Juliet,” as they were then dubbed, were just as suddenly forgotten, without drawing any organizational conclusions: who is to blame? So what should I do?

Lolita from the industrial zone

The last time I communicated with the heroes of this almost Shakespearean drama, which unfolded in the 2nd quarter of Kapotnya, was in 2008: then Valya Isaeva was 15, Khabib Patakhonov was 22, and their little daughter Amina was 3 years old. At that time, the young people lived separately - this was the court decision. Three-year-old Amina looked pretty and healthy, and the notorious “granny pimp” Antonina Aleksandrovna Zenkina babysat her, since the young mother went to the 7th grade. I remember Khabib himself because he looked much younger than his stated age. Perhaps it was because he was the same height as his teenage sweetheart or because he had a slight build, but this boy barely looked 22 years old. The future of the young international cell of society, not yet registered anywhere due to the minority of the mother of the family, seemed vague. But Valya and Khabib assured me that they love each other and their daughter. The grandmother was completely on the side of the young people and actively wanted “everyone to finally get away from them.” And so it soon happened.

Another 5 years passed, and I wanted to know: how is Kapotnin’s Lolita doing? Is Shakespeare's passion alive?

* * *

Valya Isaeva opens the door - in tight jeans, a white T-shirt, slender, but with all the feminine curves. Smiles, big brown eyes sparkle. I remember that last time this girl, despite her Russian name and surname, seemed to me like an oriental beauty.

The apartment on the 3rd floor of the Khrushchev “panel” without an elevator, although a “three ruble”, is tiny. You can’t turn around in the hallway; you have to walk straight into the kitchenette. And there, right in the wall, is a recess with a built-in shower, without a door. Only one room is visible - there is an adult bed and a wooden children's bed - and one person can stand on the remaining space. The other two rooms are walk-through rooms. There the TV coos and the overweight, aged Antonina Aleksandrovna sits indifferently. She used to work at a local greengrocer, but is now retired. Valya invites me into the only isolated room:

- Please pass! Khabib will arrive now, he is still at work. Everything is fine with us, and September is generally a holiday month for us. On September 11 I turn 20, on September 13 Khabib turns 27. We are both Virgos. Of course, when I was 10 and Khabib was 17, everyone said: oh, horror! And now, in comparison with 60-year-old men who marry 20-year-old girls, it is clear that our age difference is quite adequate - only 7 years!

Valya speaks slowly, choosing the right words and expressive images. And this despite the fact that the girl is an orphan, she did not finish school, and her adoptive grandmother is a simple woman who has been in the vegetable garden all her life. But even then, in 2008, and even more so now, Valya impressed me not as a confused child, but as a small, but confident, fully formed woman. Both then and now, all her reasoning is presented in a very intelligent, cultural form, but the bottom line boils down to the main thought: “For my Khabib and for my family, I will tear anyone apart!”

On January 23, 2013, Valya and Khabib had a son, who was named Amir. Now he sleeps in the next room under the supervision of his great-grandmother. Fearing the evil eye, Amirchik’s young parents try not to show it to anyone, and only those closest to him know about his existence. But the elder Amina is happy to talk with the guest. She turned into a tall girl for her age with big eyes and also very correct speech.

- Valya, now Amina is 8 years old, what do you say if in 2 years she starts sleeping with a guy, like you did? — I can’t resist provocation.

- I'll kill her! — Valya answers emotionally. “Yes, she’s a smart girl herself, she won’t do anything stupid!” Although I don’t regret anything about myself,” Valya continues. - You know, it happens when Allah unites the hearts of a man and a woman, no matter how old they are. The Almighty simply knows that these two should be together all their lives and raise children. And then what difference does it make whether it happens earlier or later, since it’s fate? This is the kind of love we have with Khabib. Despite the fact that many people tried to separate us and spread rumors, we got married 3 years ago. His parents accepted me very well, I am a full member of the family.

— But Khabib’s parents live in Dushanbe. If the wedding was there, then you probably converted to Islam?

— We had a wedding in Moscow, on Lubyanka, it was arranged for Khabib by his FSB friends. But I didn’t have to accept Islam: I was always a Muslim - by birth. I have Azerbaijani blood on my mother’s side, we just didn’t advertise it.

— Were Khabib’s parents at the wedding?

— No, it’s expensive for them to come to Moscow. But this April we visited them in Dushanbe. We would have gone immediately after the wedding, but this was impossible - Khabib needs to get so many permits to travel outside of Moscow! As a result, we flew to Dushanbe without permission from any official authorities there. They call us the next day: “Congratulations, you are allowed to travel to Tajikistan!” And we laugh: “Thank you, of course, but we’re already there!”

“I liked it in Dushanbe,” the second-grader interjects very maturely. — My grandparents live in Zeravshan, this is the best area of ​​the city. Grandma doesn’t understand Russian well, when she watches TV, she asks everything again. And her grandfather scolds her for this: the village, he says, all the brothers-sons conquered Moscow, but you don’t even know Russian!

In fact, although they said that Khabib is Tajik, he is Uzbek. His family is from Uzbekistan, they just moved to Dushanbe at one time; they had some problems in their homeland. Khabib’s uncle and older brother moved to Moscow back in the 90s, although both ended up in prison. But they speak Russian well. But my husband’s mother still addressed me in her own way.

Judging by the situation in the apartment, it is clear that the young family is not in luxury. There is only a dried piece of poppy seed roll on the kitchen table for tea, but the hostess clearly keeps her face: “We don’t eat at night. We’ll feed Khabib dinner after work and that’s it!”

— How will you celebrate birthdays, Valyusha? — I carefully ask, because the guests are unlikely to fit in their living space.

“I tell my husband: let’s go to a nightclub, I’m already allowed!” — Valya answers joyfully. — After all, I’ll be 20 already, I already drink wine. True, rarely, on holidays, I don’t really like it. And Khabib doesn’t drink alcohol at all.

- Valya, did you finish school?

- 9th grade and college is not far from here - I studied to be a manager. I worked as a cashier in our store in Kapotnya. But then my husband forbade it and said: Am I really not going to feed my family? True, now he has allowed me to work again. Amirchik will be one year old, and I will go. Otherwise, Khabib is very tired, he works late every day. But we have enough for everything, we even bought a car - a new Lada, but Khabib converted it into a sports car! He drives like that, you should see! I will also go to driving school soon, my husband promised.

—Where does Khabib work?

- Yes, here across the road - in a furniture warehouse, as a storekeeper.

Romeo as a labor migrant

- Well, how do you like my household? — the owner of the house smiles patronizingly. “I stole them from the hospital back then, in 2005!” Otherwise they wanted Valya to go to an orphanage, and Amina to a foster family! But, as you can see, everything is fine with us, a son was born...

- Congratulations! Have you received Russian citizenship, Khabib? — at the time of our previous meeting, Khabib only dreamed of becoming a citizen of Russia.

“No, he only has a residence permit,” Valya answers for her husband, “although we have already signed for 3 years.” There are a lot of papers to write, but we will definitely do everything.

— Valya said that you will tell about your wedding yourself...

— Our wedding was gorgeous! - the migrant worker recalls with pride. — On Bolshaya Lubyanka, in an Arabic restaurant. We had a limousine - a golden Hummer - and 1200 guests...

— Guys, excuse me for the indiscreet question, but where did you get the funds for such a magnificent ceremony?

- Firstly, I have friends in the FSB, they work there across the street, they often go to that restaurant and agreed with the owner that everything would be at a friendly price. Secondly, one TV channel really wanted to film our wedding. Well, we set a condition for them - they say, then help so that everything is beautiful and looks good on the screen. It was just a golden limousine from them.

— Khabib, how did you end up in Moscow?

— I first came here in 1999, I was 13 years old. My father and I came to see my uncle. My uncle was the first in our family to go to Moscow, but something didn’t work out and he ended up in prison. He served time in Astrakhan, but did not return to Dushanbe. And when my father began to get ready to go home, I told him: “Leave me with my uncle, I’ll live with him, go for a walk, and see the Kremlin!” At first I lived with my uncle, then I found a job and began renting a separate house. I had no problems at all: in the Dushanbe school we were taught Russian very well, not like now.

- Are you drawn to your homeland?

— My homeland is here, in Moscow. I go to Tajikistan only because I have my father, mother and relatives there. If they weren’t there, my feet wouldn’t be there! I don't feel comfortable there, I don't feel at home there. I’m already used to it here, but the situation there is kind of unpleasant...

Shakespeare in Kapotnin's style

I have to admit that some of the things that the young people told me today contradict what was stated five years ago. However, Valya Isaeva does not hide the fact that they had to deliberately keep silent about some points, so as not to drag themselves into additional persecution.

Even before Patakhonov’s trial, the then director of children’s affairs in Moscow, Alexey Golovan, threateningly demanded “to stop interfering in the life of a minor without the permission of her guardian.” The public outcry was not long in coming: a certain deputy Chuev was immediately found, who undertook to patronize the couple, which was rapidly gaining momentum in popularity. As a result, the Russian law on the seduction of minors was respected in court nominally: the then 20-year-old Tajik-citizen lover of minors got off with two years probation, with permission to work in the capital. All that was required of the defendant was to solemnly swear in the courtroom not to touch his Moscow “Juliet” again until it was permitted by law. Khabib assured the court that as soon as Valya turns 16 and she can obtain official permission from the guardianship authorities for a legal marriage, he will honestly marry her. And the commission for the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights of the Kapotnya municipality put an end to my report from 2008:

“Everything is fine in this family, finally leave them alone!” Valyusha studies well, communicates with peers and generally leads a lifestyle appropriate to her age. Antonina Aleksandrovna takes care of her granddaughter: Amina is a beautiful girl, developed, well-groomed. Khabib is working. He helps the Isaev family financially. He visits them strictly at set hours, signed by him in a special agreement. The child's father strictly complies with the court's decision, we have no complaints against him. Our representative regularly visits the Isaevs’ apartment.

Well, somewhere the valiant guardianship authorities were ripening to the root - indeed, he got married, indeed, he helped... But only today Valya adds:

- Of course, all these years before the wedding he lived with my grandmother, but we hid him! Well, think for yourself, what kind of money is needed to help me with my child and rent an apartment in Moscow!

At the beginning of the story it was said that little Valya had only her grandmother among her relatives - and she was not her own, but her guardian. And, they say, this guardian named Antonina Aleksandrovna Zenkina, working as a saleswoman in a local vegetable store, made an acquaintance with a baker from a neighboring lavash shop named Khabib. A kind woman offered a hard-working Tajik guy shelter for a reasonable fee. And when the “result” of such a settlement became obvious, the granny just threw up her hands: they say, who could have thought that they would do such a thing? Like, both are just children: Valya is 11, and the boy is only 14. And when official questions rained down on the grandmother, she not only underestimated the age of 17-year-old Patakhonov, but also tried in every possible way to cover her tracks and cover up the real Khabib, presenting him as a mythical resident Astrakhan named Bakhtier.

- How did it really happen? - I ask Valya.

“Very simple,” Valya smiles. - Now there’s nothing to hide. Antonina Aleksandrovna is my stepfather’s mother, his last name is Isaev. He lived with my mother in this very apartment. But they were not scheduled: he was either drinking or sitting, and she was walking. And then one day my mother went to St. Petersburg, and then, a couple of months later, she called and said: I’ll come back because I got pregnant. Whether it’s from you or not, I don’t know. The stepfather nevertheless demanded that she return and give birth in Moscow, and promised that he would register the child in his name. And my grandmother said that she would raise and educate me. That's how it happened. I have never seen my mother. She gave birth to me and disappeared again. No one knows who my real father is. My stepfather died when I was 8 years old and he was 32. I hardly remember him. And my grandmother, in order not to send me to an orphanage, formalized guardianship.

— By the way, about the fact that grandma rented out an apartment to Khabib, it’s all a lie! - Valya declares. “My grandmother just didn’t want to set me up then.” In fact, I met Khabib myself. And she herself brought him to visit her, in this very room. I liked him, I fell in love!

- But you were in 2nd grade then!

- So what, in 2nd grade this is not a person, or what? At first I fell in love with his older brother Maxim, but then he went to prison. It was in the store where grandma worked at the time, and I ran to see her after school. Well, first Maxim kept sighing and walking around me, then Khabib... I immediately thought about Khabib: how handsome!

— What are your plans for the near future, guys?

- Yes, they gave us maternity capital for Amirchik - 409 thousand. We want to buy a house with a plot, we are just choosing it now. So if anyone has any interesting suggestions, please let us know via MK.

“It’s a bit cramped for us here,” adds Valya. - But we still want a third child. Another girl...

Valya Isaeva is the youngest mother in Russia. The girl was born on September 11 (Virgo according to the horoscope) 1993 in the industrial part of Moscow - Kapotnya.

The girl’s childhood was very difficult, since after her birth her mother immediately abandoned her in the care of her lover, who was not Valya’s biological father. True, this man was not with little Valya for long. His favorite hobby was alcohol, which he drank quite often and in large quantities. Thus, the man’s health could not withstand such toxic effects and after a few years he dies. So, Valya goes into the care of his mother, Antonina Zenkina. It was at this time, when the girl was only 11 years old, that she met her lover in the person of a Tajik guest worker, Khabib Patakhonov.

A young man came to Moscow to earn money and, while looking for some housing, he finds out that an elderly lady is renting out a room. Having agreed with Antonina Zinkina, Khabib begins living with a small family. True, all this in the future turned into a real scandal, which to this day does not lose its relevance.


No matter how aesthetically pleasing it may sound, Valya was able to get her share of fame in 2005, when it was learned that an 11-year-old girl from Moscow became pregnant by 18-year-old migrant worker Khabib Patakhonov. According to Valya’s grandmother herself, she was completely unaware of their connection, since she disappeared all day at work, and she simply did not have time to look after the girl, and she could not even think that everything could turn out this way.

For a long time, Valya did not want to admit that she was pregnant, but when she began asking adults about the possibility of pregnancy at the age of 11, some rumors began to circulate, and her belly, which became rounder over time, only confirmed them. Thus, Khabib is summoned to court and sentenced to probation for three years. Khabib himself vowed to marry Valya, because he loves her madly. In 2006, she gave birth to her first child, daughter Amina.

Further proceedings

So, the couple began their life together, however, after a while, another shocking article appeared that Khabib was beating his wife, Vali’s grandmother herself spoke about this. But after they were invited to the TV show, Valya was in tears and insisted that this was not so. It was there that young Khabib proposed to the girl, however, this action was paid for by the television people, and they say that the banquet in the restaurant was also paid for by them.

Next, Valya finishes 9th grade and goes to college to become a manager. In 2013, she gives birth to a son, Amir. And everything seemed to be going well, until in 2018 it became known that Valya had been having an affair on the side for 2 years. Their couple was again in the spotlight, as Valya wanted a divorce, but Khabib did not, threatening to kidnap the children, which he eventually did, taking away his son Amir for a week. But due to the threat of trial, he still changed his mind about transporting the child to his homeland.

Hello again

If anyone thought that this would be the end of their story, it would be wrong. Many claim that their divorce in the past was an ordinary performance in order to earn money, since they were both given 250 thousand rubles for participating in the show. And now the flame of love lights up again, though only for Valya. On the popular show “Actually”, the girl says that she wants her husband back, but, unfortunately, she was a little late with this statement, since already in Tajikistan, Khabib is marrying, according to Islamic laws, his fellow countrywoman Zarina. During the program, the girl seriously quarreled with his new wife and even got into a fight with her. And in the next issue it became known that Khabib was leaving Zarina for a long-term relationship with Valya.

Zarina was extremely upset by this turn of events and did not even suspect that she could be betrayed like that. Many viewers truly empathized with Zarina’s grief, because the girl was actually in love with her husband, and at that time he maintained contact with Valya Isaeva and repeatedly beat Zarina, even when she was pregnant. It was because of the beatings that she eventually lost her child.

Khabib and Valya truly deserve each other, because such a chaotic and most abnormal romance has never happened in history.


The Muscovite became popular in 2005, when she gave birth to a child at the age of 11. Valya Isaeva married Khabib Patakhonov, but many difficulties awaited them ahead. It turned out that Valya...

The Muscovite became popular in 2005, when she gave birth to a child at the age of 11. Valya Isaeva married Khabib Patakhonov, but many difficulties awaited them ahead. It turned out that Valya and Khabib are together again, and the information about Isaeva’s lover is just an invention of the talk show organizers.

the whole country. Valentina was an orphan; the girl was raised by her grandmother. Valya's life changed dramatically when she met a native of Tajikistan, Habib Patakhonov. At that time the guy was 19 years old. The couple began a relationship, as a result of which Valya became pregnant. Soon the whole country learned about her situation and began to call the unusual couple “Romeo and Juliet” behind their backs.

At first, some assured that Khabib should go to jail for having sex with a minor, while others prayed to give the future parents a chance to build a family. As a result, Valya and Khabib built a family, but failed to save it. More recently, the couple publicly sorted out their relationship and attended various talk shows. Patakhonov even managed to get married a second time, but soon filed for divorce. Isaeva was also not single for long; she had a young man who, as it turned out later, turned out to be a fake.
“We had nothing at all with him. It was a show. I was forced to say so. This “lover” was found by television crews. The guy is our neighbor. The TV people made up this story, and we had to play it. They introduced him as my lover, although this guy has a wife and child. The TV people first signed an agreement with us, but didn’t talk about the script until the last minute. I didn't know they would come up with this. And when I found out, I couldn’t refuse, because then I would have to pay a penalty - 500 thousand rubles,” admitted Isaeva.

Now Valya and Khabib are together, they will soon have a third child. “Khabib and I made peace. We are fine! We decided to save the family for the sake of the children. Moreover, we are expecting our third child. I’m five months pregnant,” said Isaeva. Moreover, she admitted that she did not have love interests, which the public had recently attributed to her.

Valya forgave her husband for many things, even the fact that he once raised his hand against her. Isaeva is not afraid to talk about it openly. “He beat me back in 2015. I thought I wouldn't forgive you. But I forgave, because Khabib promised to control himself and would not allow any more assault,” noted the young mother. By the way, the couple’s eldest daughter Amina is 13 years old. At this age, Valya was already a mother with two years of experience. Now she is doing everything to prevent the heiress from repeating her mistakes.

“We tell her everything openly and ask her not to repeat our mistakes. Khabib tells her: “When you study, finish school, I’ll find you a groom. If you don’t want to get married, you will continue to study.” The teachers, of course, looked closely at her, maybe they were afraid at first, as if of something... But she is modest, a home child. Sometimes he plays with his brother, sometimes he teaches English, sometimes he helps with the housework. She is completely busy with her studies and plans to go to college. He doesn’t even sit on social networks, doesn’t correspond,” Valya continued.

Amina is already making plans for the future. The girl dreams of finishing school and flying to Tajikistan. Amina’s parents approve of her choice and are themselves considering moving from the capital, since, in their opinion, it is difficult to live here.

This news once shocked the whole country. In 2005, it became known: an 11-year-old schoolgirl from the Moscow industrial district of Kapotnya, Valya Isaeva, was pregnant by a 19-year-old guest worker from Tajikistan, Khabib Patakhonov.

The youngest mother in Russia

Let us remind you: Khabib came to Moscow to earn money. He began to rent a room in the apartment of Valya’s grandmother, 50-year-old Antonina Aleksandrovna Zenkina. The grandmother, however, is not her own; she is the mother of Valya’s stepfather. The girl grew up an orphan: Valya’s mother abandoned the child shortly after her birth and disappeared. My stepfather became an alcoholic and died. When the first man, a guest worker, appeared in the house, the third-grader reached out to him.

The grandmother insisted that she had no idea what Khabib and the young schoolgirl were doing when they locked themselves in the room. But one day the girl began to find out from adults: is it possible to get pregnant at 11 years old? And soon Vali’s rounded tummy eloquently explained the reason for her curiosity.

The gynecologists who examined the girl were shocked. Valya insisted that she wanted a child and loved her “Vladik,” as she called Khabib. The story caused a storm in society, dividing it into two camps. Some condemned Khabib. Others came to the couple's defense.

Valya had a caesarean section. The girl was born 50 centimeters tall and weighing 2900 grams, she was named Amina.

Antonina Zenkina took care of the baby: the 11-year-old mother had to return to school. And the baby’s father was awaiting trial for having sex with a minor. Khabib swore that he was ready to get married. As a result, under enormous public pressure, the court gave him only three years probation. And he decided that Patakhonov should live separately from Valya until she reaches adulthood.

Later, Valya admitted that she and her grandmother hid Khabib in their apartment. And she and Patakhonov continued to live as wife and husband.

Fist fights

In 2007, it became clear: “Romeo” is beating his “Juliet”! A friend of Valya’s grandmother claimed that she once saw Habib destroy a sink with the girl’s body. And another time he kicked his beloved, and she writhed on the floor.

There was no one to protect Valya (she was 14 years old at the time). The grandmother waved it off, saying, don’t interfere: the young people will sort it out on their own, if they quarrel, they will make up. And when the young mother was invited to television, in the studio she nervously hugged Khabib and shouted: “No, he doesn’t beat me, it’s not true! We love each other!"

On a talk show, the groom got down on his knee: “Valya, become my wife.” They say that the TV crew paid him separately for this beautiful gesture.

The wedding was noisy. Khabib boasted that one of the TV channels paid for their celebration in a restaurant...

After graduating from ninth grade, the youngest mother in Russia went to college and received a degree in management. In 2013, she gave birth to her second child, son Amir, from her husband.

Khabib was happy about the birth of an heir. Meanwhile, Amina’s daughter went to school. Helped my mother manage her little brother. Over the years, the hype around Romeo and Juliet has died down. And suddenly…

New lover

Recently, the same “Juliet” - Valya Isaeva - appeared on the television screen again. No longer a skinny girl, but a 24-year-old woman with appetizing curves. But Khabib - the same "Romeo" - has hardly changed, he looks much younger than his age.

At the show, Valya introduced the audience... to her lover. A tall, red-haired young man (a head taller than Khabib) entered the studio with a bouquet of flowers for Valya. Khabib naturally freaked out - not in public. "I am Muslim! I can’t do this!” He boiled over and attacked his opponent from behind - jumping up and hitting him on the back of the head.

— After recording the program behind the scenes, Khabib was very aggressive and threatened. We warned him that it was in his interests to behave quietly.

As it turned out, the couple made money from the divorce: the heroes did not come to the studio for free. Everyone received their fee. In total - 250 thousand rubles.

“We haven’t had a family for two years now”

We called Valya for clarification: is what the audience saw true?

— Valentina, have you and Khabib not lived together for a long time?

- Yes, two years. I have had another man for a year and a half now.

- Why haven’t you confessed to your husband all this time?

- There was no point. And he wasn't very interested in me. Lately, each of us has been living our own lives. All Khabib needed from me was for me to give him Russian citizenship... He either disappeared, or sometimes came only to spend the night. And I realized that I needed to finally put the dots in order. What happened, happened.

— For some time you hid from Khabib’s revenge with your girlfriend. Where do you live now?

- At home, with grandma. But we will soon leave - to my boyfriend in Kabardino-Balkaria (Valentina’s new chosen one, Viktor Popov, is a mechanic from Nalchik. - Ed.). He only comes to Moscow to work. We will leave with the children, at least for a while, so as not to escalate the situation. I filed for divorce. Khabib doesn’t want to give it to me, but the lawyers said that we would still be divorced in court.

— Are the relatives of your chosen one, Victor, ready to receive you?

- Yes. He is a simple Russian guy, and his parents are very nice people. They also speak very highly of me.

- Doesn’t Victor offend you?

- Let him just try! (Laughs.) I don’t think this will happen. I didn’t hear a single rude word addressed to me from him. He loves my children very much. I am definitely confident in this person. And in general, I learned to protect myself. This number won’t work like it did with Khabib!

“You won’t tolerate any more beatings?”

- Of course not!

— Did you tolerate Khabib for a long time?

- All 12 years! He beat me for no reason. She said it wrong, she looked wrong. I was jealous. Although I didn’t give a reason. I didn't cheat on him. At the same time, I was told, he ran after the girls...

"Stole a child"

— They say that Khabib, having learned about the other, threatened you with violence and even kidnapped your son? And he told the boy that his mother died...

- Yes. He took his son away and did not allow him to see him for a week. This is what it has come to - kidnapping a child! I wanted to take my son to Tajikistan. But the lawyers said: if, God forbid, you take Amir away, we will put you in jail.

- And now Khabib is threatening you?

- Not now. I got scared. He comes to the children and communicates. But where he lives, what he does, I don’t know and am not interested. I only allow him to come during the day.

-Can’t forgive Khabib?

- No. Only divorce. He is still trying to persuade me to give him Russian citizenship. But I won't do anything to him. Meaning? He will take the apartment and that’s it...

Valentina herself does not work anywhere yet. At school, her daughter is praised: Amina studies well, it’s clear that her mother works with her a lot.

“My marriage was unsuccessful, it was a rash step,” Valya sums up. - The only good thing Khabib gave me were children. They are the meaning of my life. But only with the birth of my second child did I fully feel what a joy it is to be a mother.

As it turned out, her new chosen one, Viktor Popov, when he met Valya, knew nothing about her past. And when she revealed the truth to him, he was already head over heels in love and did not back down.

“I will take care of Valya and her children,” Victor promised on the Channel One talk show “Let Them Talk.” - I want to pick her up with the children and leave here...


“He beat me in the car for three hours”

Valya remembers her past with horror.

“In 2015, I got a job in a store and once asked to leave work early,” says Valentina. — Khabib met me at the metro in a car. At this time, my boss called me on my mobile. The question was purely about work. But Khabib heard a man’s voice on the phone and flew up with rage. In attacks of jealousy, he cannot control himself. He beat me in the car for three hours! I was losing consciousness. It seemed like an eternity had passed. I was covered in bruises. And then he locked me at home and didn’t let me out for a week. It became clear: we had to part with him. My “oriental fairy tale” has come to an end...


Khabib PATAKHONOV: I will get citizenship and let my wife go

“KP” called Khabib Patakhonov for comments.

— Khabib, they say you are divorcing your wife Valya?

- Already separated.

- Officially?

- No, they are not officially divorced. We separated, but we remain married for now. We agreed with her (Valya - Ed.) that I would completely finish my affairs - I would receive Russian citizenship, and then we would divorce. She gives the go-ahead about this. No problem. Since 2007, I renounced my citizenship - I was a citizen of Tajikistan, although I was Uzbek by nationality.

— Are you living illegally in Moscow now?

— No, it’s legal, I have a residence permit.

— Why couldn’t you get Russian citizenship before?

— There was no official income. I drive a taxi, I have a rental car. And to obtain citizenship, in addition to the Russian language exam, you need a certificate of income. And now I will have a simplified form of obtaining citizenship.

I have been married for over five years. My wife is Russian, and two children are registered in my last name...

— Is Valya living with another man now?

- No. She is at home with the children.

— After the divorce, will the children stay with their mother?

- Maybe…

- How did you feel about the fact that she had someone else?

- I don’t want to discuss this.

- Did you beat Valya?

- Please don't bother me anymore!