Prayer for a cure for neurosis. Prayer for despondency and depression. Where to start in the fight against bodily ailments

08.04.2024 Brain damage

Prayers for fear, fear and anxiety

Anxiety, night terrors, obsessive thoughts - everyone has experienced it. Even in ancient times, people knew that the most effective remedy against mental anxiety and bad thoughts was prayer.

When you are in mental confusion, it can be difficult to find words. In this case, ready-made texts are used, compiled by hermits who lived in secluded places where fears and anxiety act with particular force.

Their prayers are a sure way to get rid of phobias, anxiety, and thoughts that confuse the soul.

Fear of people

Strong prayer for fear and anxiety - David's Psalms.

King David, who lived in pre-Christian times on the land of present-day Israel, suffered persecution from his own son Absalom, who also wanted to reign. Once, while hiding from pursuit, David wrote the psalm “Lord, why do my enemies multiply?” While the king was praying, his enemies were defeated by the power of God, without the use of weapons.

The Davidic Prayer can still be heard every day in an Orthodox church during evening services.

You can pray in both Slavic and Russian.

Unfounded fears

Every person experiences dark thoughts from time to time. It seems like nothing happened, but my heart is tormented by panic and premonitions of trouble. In these cases, they turn to the Mother of God.

She spent a long time in anxious anticipation of the misfortune that was about to happen to Her Son, Christ. Her help is strong in similar situations that happen to people.

In the 8th century, there lived a Greek monk, Theosterictus, who suffered from bouts of fear and anxiety. To get rid of them, Theosterikt compiled a Canon for the Mother of God for prayerful assistance, “read in spiritual sorrow and situation.”

This is a strong prayer against obsessive thoughts that give rise to phobias, printed in any prayer book.

By reading the canon every day, believers truly get rid of fear, anxiety and worry.


The creation of Theostiriktus the monk

Irmos: Having passed through water like dry land, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israeli cried out: Let us drink to our Deliverer and our God.

Chorus: Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Contained by many misfortunes, I resort to You, seeking salvation: O Mother of the Word and the Virgin, save me from heavy and cruel things.

Passions trouble me and many despondencies fill my soul; die, O Young Lady, with the silence of Your Son and God, All-Immaculate.

Glory: Having given birth to Thee and God, I pray, O Virgin, be delivered from the cruel ones; For now, running to You, I stretch out both my soul and my thoughts.

And now: Sick in body and soul, grant the visitation of the Divine and providence from You, the only Mother of God, as the good Mother of the Good.

Irmos: Supreme Creator of the heavenly circle, Lord, and the Creator of the Church, Thou strengthen me in Thy love, the desires of the land, the faithful affirmation, the only Lover of Mankind.

I offer the intercession and protection of my life to Thee, the Virgin Mother of God: You feed me to the refuge of Thy good, guilty, faithful Affirmation, the only All-Singing One.

I pray, Virgin, to destroy the storm of my spiritual confusion and sorrow: You, O Bride of God, gave birth to Christ, the Chief of Silence, the only Most Pure One.

Glory: Having given birth to good and guilty benefactors, pour out riches of good deeds to everyone: for all you can do, as you have given birth to the mighty one in the strength of Christ, O blessed One.

And now: You are tormented by fierce ailments and painful passions, O Virgin.

Help me: for I know You’s infinite healing, Treasure, Immaculate, indescribable.

Warm prayer, and an insurmountable wall, a source of mercy, a refuge for the world, we diligently cry out to Thee: Mother of God, Lady, advance, and deliver us from troubles, the only one who will soon intercede.

Irmos I have heard, O Lord, the observation of Your mystery, I have understood Your works, and I have glorified Your Divinity.

The confusion of my passions, the helmsman who gave birth to the Lord, and the storm that calmed my sins, O Bride of God.

Grant me the abyss of Thy mercy, Who gave birth to the Blessed One, and the Savior of all who sing to Thee.

Enjoying, O Most Pure One, Your gifts, we sing in thanksgiving, Our Lady leading Thee.

Glory: On the bed of my illness and infirmity, for those who lie down, as God-loving, help the Mother of God, the only Ever-Virgin.

And now: Hope and confirmation, and salvation, the immovable wall that belongs to You, the All-Singing One, we get rid of every inconvenience.

Irmos Enlighten us with Your commandments, Lord, and with Your high arm grant us Your peace, O Lover of Mankind.

Fill, O Pure One, my heart with joy, Thy incorruptible joy that gives birth to joy, which gave birth to the Guilty One.

Deliver us from troubles, O Pure Mother of God, having given birth to eternal Deliverance and Peace, which prevails over all minds.

Glory: Resolve the darkness of my sins, Bride of God, with the enlightenment of Your Grace, Who gave birth to the Divine and Eternal Light.

And now: Heal, O Pure One, the infirmity of my soul, worthy of Thy visitation, and grant me health through Thy prayers.

Irmos: I will pour out a prayer to the Lord, and to Him I will proclaim my sorrows, for my soul is filled with evil, and my stomach is approaching hell, and I pray like Jonah: from aphids, O God, lift me up.

As if He saved death and aphids, He Himself gave birth to death, corruption and death my former nature, Virgin, pray to the Lord and Thy Son, to deliver me from the enemies of crime.

I am your representative of life, and my steadfast guardian, O Virgin, and I solve rumors of misfortunes, and drive away taxes from demons; and I always pray to deliver me from the aphids of my passions.

Glory: Like a wall of refuge for money-grubbers, and the all-perfect salvation of souls, and space in sorrow, O Youth, and with Thy enlightenment we ever rejoice: O Lady, save us now from passions and troubles.

And now: I now lie on my bed sick, and there is no healing for my flesh; but you who gave birth to the God and Savior of the world, and the Savior of ailments, I pray to You, the Good One: raise me from aphids and illnesses.

The intercession of Christians is shameless, the Intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but advance, as the Good One, to the aid of us who faithfully call Thee: hasten to prayer, and strive to entreaty, ever interceding, the Mother of God, who honor Thee.

Irmos: The youths who came from Judea, in Babylon, sometimes, by the faith of the Trinity, asked the fire of the fire, singing: God of the fathers, blessed art thou.

Just as you wanted to create our salvation, O Savior, you moved into the Virgin’s womb, and you showed the world the Representative: our father, God, blessed are you.

The Commander of mercy, Whom you gave birth to, Pure Mother, beg to be delivered from sins and spiritual impurities by faith, calling: our father, God, blessed are you.

Glory: The treasure of salvation and the source of incorruption, who gave birth to You, and the pillar of affirmation, and the door of repentance, you showed to those calling: our father, God, blessed are you.

And now: Bodily weaknesses and mental ailments, O Theotokos, with the love of those who approach Thy blood, O Virgin, vouchsafe to heal, Who gave birth to us the Savior Christ.

Irmos: Praise and extol the Heavenly King, Whom all the angels sing, praise and extol forever.

Do not despise those who demand help from You, O Virgin, who sing and extol You forever.

You heal the infirmity of my soul and bodily illnesses, O Virgin, that I may glorify You, Pure, forever.

Glory: You pour out a wealth of healings faithfully to those who sing Thee, O Virgin, and to those who extol Your ineffable Nativity.

And now: You drive away adversity, and you drive away passions, O Virgin: therefore we sing of You forever and ever.

Irmos: We truly confess You, the Mother of God, saved by You, Pure Virgin, with your disembodied faces magnifying You.

Do not turn away from the current of my tears, Even though you have taken away every tear from every face, the Virgin who gave birth to Christ.

Fill my heart with joy, O Virgin, who accepts the fulfillment of joy and consumes sinful sadness.

Be a refuge and intercession for those who come running to You, O Virgin, and an indestructible wall, a refuge and cover and joy.

Glory: Illuminate Your light with the dawns, O Virgin, driving away the darkness of ignorance, faithfully confessing Theotokos to You.

And now: In the place of the embitterment of weakness, the humbled one, Heal, Virgin, transforming from ill health into health.

It happens that anxiety is so strong that you don’t have the strength to read for a long time.

In these cases, repeated repetition of the short prayer “Most Holy Theotokos, save me” or singing “My Blessed Queen” will help:

Fear of death

Every person experiences fear of death for several reasons:

  • the unknown of the event itself;
  • fear of leaving children or loved ones without help;
  • unwillingness to lose the pleasures of life.

They all stem from lack of faith in the will of God. At such moments, prayer helps against fear and anxiety caused by the expectation of death.

Many saints experienced similar states.

The Venerable Mary of Egypt was tormented by the fear of death, living for 17 years completely alone, in the desert, until the Mother of God Herself delivered her from spiritual confusion. The martyr Boniface, who loved various pleasures during his life, undoubtedly went to death when it came to confessing faith in Christ.

You can ask these saints for help in your own words or with special petitions:

Night terrors

When the day approaches evening and the surrounding environment becomes poorly distinguishable, an impressionable person is overcome by imaginary fears. Children are especially susceptible to this: their imagination draws monsters under the bed or ghosts outside the window.

An effective prayer against night fears caused by demons is the psalms of David “May God rise again” and “Alive in the help of the Most High.”

The first of them calls on God to drive away enemies - evil spirits, and the second tells about the serene life of one who always hopes for God's help.

Short prayers for nervousness and anxiety

In moments of particular anxiety and nervous tension, it is good to read short prayers that calm the feelings:

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.
  2. Most Holy Theotokos, save me.
  3. Saint (name), pray to God for me.

At the same time, you can finger the rosary, which helps you concentrate and calms your nerves.

Prayer is not a magic spell, but a testimony of a person’s faith in God.

When asking for the help of God and the saints, you need to try and live according to God’s commandments yourself. Then mental anxieties, phobias, obsessive thoughts and fears will go away without return, and every event in life will bring joy.

Prayers for neurosis

Prayer of St. Mary of Egypt

Ask us from the Most Merciful Master and Lord of faith for immaculate observance of our cities and villages, for the affirmation of our cities and villages, for deliverance from famine and destruction, for the afflicted, for consolation, for the sick - healing, for the fallen - rebellion, for the lost - strengthening, for prosperity and blessing in good deeds, for orphans and widows - intercession and for those who have departed from this life - eternal rest, but on the day of the Last Judgment, we will all be at the right hand of the country and hear the blessed voice of My Judge: come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, and receive your abode there forever. Amen".

Prayer to the Holy Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

Now look down on us, your unworthy child, who call upon you with a tender soul and a contrite heart. Our strength has become impoverished, and the enemy’s trappings and nets have devastated us.

Help us, our intercessor!

Confirm us in the holy faith: teach us to always keep the commandments of God and all the traditions of the church, commanded from our fathers.

Be our shepherd, the archpastor, the spiritual leader of the warrior, the sick doctor, the sad comforter, the persecuted intercessor, the young mentor, the compassionate father of all and the warm prayer book for everything; for by your prayers, protected, we will unceasingly sing and glorify the All-Holy Name of the Life-Giving Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for neurosis and repentance of thoughts

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Lord forgive me for all my sins, for envy, anger, sinful thoughts, I repent, forgive me, I am trying to change, please support me in this. Help me get rid of neurosis, obsessive thoughts, panic attacks, I’m tired of living like this, but I will endure as long as you send them to me, I’m trying to come to terms. I have only hope for you, Lord, that you will send me people who will help me survive everything, just give me strength and patience. Save my soul and forgive me. Lord, give health to my daughter, and for me to raise her correctly and raise her as a good person, I’m in despair, help...

Author of the publication

Lord, please forgive me for my sins, for envy, for anger towards my husband’s mother, sinful thoughts, resentment, I repent and try to change, Lord support me in this. Help me get rid of neurosis, obsessive thoughts, misperceptions, panic attacks. I have only hope and faith in you, Lord, that you will send me healing and people who will help me heal, give me strength and patience, Lord. Help my soul to heal and be cleansed of resentment and anger. Lord give health to my son Sashenka, may he grow up healthy and strong. Amen.

Lord, forgive me for my sins, anger, and frequent strong insults. Because of strong touchiness, my relationship with my boyfriend is deteriorating, it hurts me because this serious condition gnaws at me so much, it torments me, I don’t want this, but I can’t overcome the frequent pain in my soul. Help me so that my boyfriend does not offend me and is careful in his statements. actions so that he admits guilt and protects me from this torment. I cry all the time, I get sick. I have severe neurosis and depression, he helped me recover from my illnesses, my heart can no longer withstand many years of torment. Bless and save. Amen

Lord, hear, forgive her sins and help, give health to her daughter.

World is Small

What we think about will come true...what we send into the world will come back to us...

Prayers for neurosis

Prayers for neurosis seriously help the main treatment. You take medications and undergo the necessary procedures to get better quickly. So it will be!

My dears, neurosis (vegetative vascular dystonia) now worries almost everyone.

Doctors like to call this diagnosis non-existent.

They say that your sweating, fears, dizziness and surges in blood pressure are just the notorious stress.

Please, without dismissing the course prescribed by the neurologist, read 3 strong prayers that will help you overcome this unpleasant illness.

At the most appropriate time, sit down at the table.

If there are Orthodox icons in the house, put any.

You can light 1 candle.

Looking at her peacefully, try not to worry, but to believe that the neurosis has a psychological factor.

Start reading the prayer words repeatedly and slowly.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Heal me from shaking neurosis, and save me from the rattlesnake. May your soul be healed from grief and peace reign again. Thy will be done. Amen."

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. I beg you, send grace so that you won’t see neurosis forever. Let my head clear up quickly, and nothing will happen to me. As my heart beats in my chest, it will gradually calm down. Thy will be done. Amen."

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Help me heal quickly, teach me how to pray in suffering. In a nervous breakdown, I am afraid of dying and not reaching your palaces. I beg you, have mercy, save me, take my sorrows away from my soul. Thy will be done. Amen."

Cross yourself diligently. Remove icons.

Wishing you a speedy recovery!

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How to get rid of neurosis prayer

The book by D. Avdeev is available at But that's not all. He also has books (I read them in printed form, but I no longer have them) where neuroses are described in more detail. I read that there are priests who received psychological education before ordination. For example, priest Andrei Lorgus. You can find an interview with him at and

Recommendations where you can go for psychological support can be found at (but this is 2002, and psychological consultation for address

But be careful: not everyone who calls himself Orthodox, even a priest, is always right in such a new direction. Therefore, I would recommend that you find an experienced, authoritative priest (authoritative not so much among the laity, but from the Church), who would not lead you astray from the true Christian path, read spiritual literature yourself - Scripture, the Holy Fathers, etc. But moderation is needed everywhere , of course, I wouldn’t like to urge you to shy away from everyone.

when you felt good. Yes, you yourself know that you weren’t looking for it. It is necessary to realize your guilt before God, repent and reconcile with God, restore Peace with God through the Blood of His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ. This is why the Son of God came into our world, to find and save the lost. And if you do not want to be reconciled with God, but only get rid of torment, then God is unlikely to hear you. Maybe for a while, to give you the opportunity in a calm situation to comprehend everything and think about how to continue to live, with or without God. Write, I will be glad to help.

a person who has consciously (voluntarily) renounced God (not necessarily a sorcerer) IS EXCLUDED FROM THE CHURCH UNTIL DEATH, ONLY BY DYING CAN RECEIVE COMMUNION THE LAST TIME.


I quit smoking, but before I conquered this passion, more than one year passed, and this is simpler than the problem you have. The main thing is not to despair and, through faith and prayer, ask God to enlighten you and guide yourself on the true path.

The fact that you confessed and received communion is good. But try to do this regularly, at least once a month, and if possible, twice. Prepare for communion and confession (read the order for holy communion in the evening before communion, as well as the three canons for communion, a three-day strict fast is required).

In addition, follow the morning and evening prayer rules, buy a psalter in Church Slavonic and read one kathisma at a time. Read two chapters from the Gospels and one from the Apostle every day. Do not remove the cross on your body. try to observe all four major fasts and also one-day fasts on Wednesday and Friday. Read the Holy Fathers.

If you haven’t done all this, then it will be difficult to do it all at once, but then you gradually come to this, but with the expectation that someday you will achieve it. Fighting your sins, which you yourself do not know (I speak from my own experience), is a difficult and long task, and generally speaking, endless.

Save you, Lord.

Maybe it’s a migraine due to overexertion and fatigue, maybe you need a vacation to the warm sea? If you worked and studied at the same time, then it is not surprising that your nervous system is exhausted. An exhausted person is no less a convenient target for temptation than a satiated person.

It’s better, of course, to stay away from your “black magicians”. For the most part, these people do not understand what evil spirits are circling around them. It is not at all necessary that they somehow deliberately wish you harm, but, IMHO, such a society is not useful.

The only way for all of us is to remain in contrition for our sins, even mental ones, humility before the Lord and trust in Him.


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In this chapter we will try to dwell in more detail on ways to heal nervousness, talk about a spiritual approach to this problem, talk about psychotherapy, introduce you to some techniques of psychological self-help, and provide recommendations for health benefits.

Spiritual healer

The only correct path to healing from neuroses lies through the true Orthodox faith, repentance and correction of one’s life according to the commandments of God. The main thing for a person is to understand the sinful origins of his illness, to deeply understand his weakness, to hate the demonic sins of pride, vanity, anger, despondency, lies, fornication; want to change yourself, turn to the Lord with sincere repentance.
It is absolutely necessary for the sick to attend Orthodox services, especially on Sundays and holidays, and to participate in the Sacraments of the Church - Repentance (confession) and Communion. In the prayer that the priest reads before confession, there are these words: “You came to the spiritual hospital, so that you do not leave unhealed” - that is, “You came to the spiritual hospital, so you do not leave unhealed.” One must resort to the Holy Sacraments often and with contrition of heart, deep faith and trust in the mercy of God.
It is imperative to read the Holy Scriptures, especially the Gospel, and fulfill the commandments of Christ that are contained in them. “Of all the ailments that burden human nature, there is not a single illness, either mental or physical, that could not receive healing from Scripture” (St. John Chrysostom).
Invaluable help is provided by patristic literature, which provides ideal role models, shows the true purpose of man, the greatness of moral beauty, patience and perseverance when encountering difficulties.
Spiritual life is impossible without fasting and prayer. “This generation is driven out only by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:21). It is good, with the blessing of your confessor, to memorize individual psalms and prayers. The role of prayer in finding and maintaining inner peace is very great. Elder Sampson (Sievers) argued that the peace of mind of someone who constantly prays is completely independent of the external situation.
Visiting holy places and Orthodox monasteries will strengthen the soul. Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy and prayer services will bring great benefit; regular consumption of Epiphany water with prosphora, a piece of artos; sprinkling with holy water the home, the patient himself, and his personal belongings. Frequent communications with pious Orthodox Christians will have a beneficial effect.
It is necessary to develop vigilant attention towards yourself. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) wrote: “The soul of all exercises about the Lord is attention. Without attention, these exercises are fruitless and dead.”
Constant self-control is required, including monitoring your thoughts, because every bad deed is usually preceded by a bad thought. You should resolutely cut off everything negative, sinful, abominable, not enter into any conversations with sinful thoughts, but immediately turn to the Lord in prayer for help, asking Him for help and support. In the Orthodox Church there is a whole teaching on how to fight sin at its very origin, at the level of thought.
"...The method of the formation of sin from thought into deed is defined with precision by the Holy Fathers, and the guilt of everyone in this course of action of the moment is also determined with precision. The whole course of the case is depicted as follows: first there is an excuse, then attention, then pleasure, followed by desire , from it is determination, and, finally, action (see Philotheus of Sinai. Philokalia, vol. 3, chapter 34 and further). guilt is in the case, and there is almost no pretext.
A preposition is a simple representation of a thing, whether from the action of the senses or from the action of memory and imagination, presented to our consciousness. There is no sin here when the birth of images is not in our power. Sometimes, however, guilt passes here indirectly, when, for example, a seductive image comes to mind because of the permission given to dreams. An image is often evoked spontaneously; then, according to its quality, this matter becomes a sin, for a person is obliged to keep his mind in Divine things.
Attention is the establishment of consciousness or the eye of the mind on the born image in order to examine it, as if to talk with it. This is slowness in a single or polysyllabic thought. This action is more in the power of man, for an image born against the will can be immediately expelled. That is why it is more guilty. He who inwardly looks at a criminal object exposes the bad mood of the heart. He is like one who introduces an unclean animal into a clean living quarter, or places a disgusting wicked person together with honest guests. Sometimes, it is true, an object attracts attention with its news and astoundingness, but everything, after its impurity and charm is recognized, must be driven out, for otherwise consent will be involved, and from being involuntary, this matter will become voluntary.
In general, this moment is very important in moral life. He stands at the transition to business. He who drove away thoughts extinguished all warfare and stopped all production of sin. That’s why it is advised to pay all your attention to your thoughts and fight them. All the rules of the holy ascetics are primarily directed here. From here it goes without saying what price the sins of imagination and self-willed dreams bear. Where it pleases them, there they sin. But this sin is more sinful if some external means are used, for example, reading, hearing, seeing, talking. These latter are also assessed as cases of sin.
Delight is an application to an object following the mind and heart. It comes when, as a result of attention to an object, we begin to like it, and we find pleasure in looking at it intelligently, cherishing it in thought. Delight in sinful objects is already downright sin. For if our heart must be devoted to God, then any combination of it with other objects is a violation of fidelity to Him, a break in the union, betrayal, spiritual adultery. One must keep one's heart pure, because because of it the thoughts of the mind become evil (Matthew 15:18), when, that is, it begins to delight in them lawlessly.
There are, however, delightful movements of the flesh and heart, which are in no way dependent on arbitrariness, as are all movements of needs. But even they, innocent at the beginning, immediately become not innocent, as soon as they are recognized and hide behind favor towards them, or consent to illegal satisfaction with them. At first they are natural movements, and then they become moral. Therefore, they say, if you notice them, become indignant. From here it follows naturally what we should think about aesthetic pleasures. They are criminal to the extent that their content or form is incompatible with the purity of heart and morals. The same applies to the masterful works of artisans: to approve them with the mind for their suitability for the purpose is a proper thing; and surrendering oneself to their effect, for the sake of empty momentary pleasure, is bad. And in general, when going to bed, we pray for forgiveness if we saw someone else’s kindness and were wounded in our hearts by it - so that we can thereby cleanse our hearts of all hobbies during the day. In many cases, however, pleasure bursts forth either necessarily or uncontrollably. There is one rule: do not deign, reject, be indignant.
From pleasure there is one step to desire. The difference between them is that the soul that delights remains in itself; on the contrary, the soul that desires inclines toward the object, has a desire for it, and begins to look for it. It cannot in any way be innocent, for it is accomplished by consent or is born contemporaneously with it, as if from under it; consent is always in our will.
Determination is distinguished from desire by another feature, namely in that the composition or condition of its birth includes confidence in possibility and a vision of means. The person who wishes has expressed his consent to the matter, but has not yet come up with anything and has not taken any steps to achieve his goal; For the one who has decided, everything has already been examined and decided; all that remains is to set in motion the members of the body or other forces to carry out affairs accordingly. When, finally, this too is accomplished, then all the work of sin ends and the work appears - the fruit of corruption, conceived within and giving birth to lawlessness without" (St. Theophan the Recluse).
You should definitely avoid all kinds of “far-fetched ideas,” fantasies, and sterile imagination, especially of a sensual nature. Remember the Gospel: “But let your word be: yes, yes; no, no; and anything beyond this is from the evil one” (Matthew 5:37).
Everything that happened must be accepted as a fact that happened, and not torment yourself with a useless struggle with ghosts. “What happened, happened, Lord, Thy will be done.”
We must try, with God's help, to develop meekness and humility in ourselves, for which we must never raise our voices unless absolutely necessary. “The proud, the self-praising, the narcissistic dead man and the one abandoned by God raises his voice” (Elder Sampson Sievers). You cannot allow yourself to use rude and obscene words, scream, or ridicule anyone.
You should unlearn judging and discussing others (except for cases that are useful in edifying and pedagogical terms, as well as naturally arising judgments about something or someone, which is not condemnation). If in your presence someone is reproached or condemned, then you must admit that you yourself suffer from the same shortcomings, and turn away the conversation, and if this is impossible, simply leave. The Holy Fathers allowed only righteous anger, that is, directed at their own sins and imperfections.
For everything that happens, you should blame only yourself, then balance, mental peace and tranquility will be established in your soul. “If everyone reproached themselves, then peace would prevail,” wrote Archbishop Arseny (Zhadanovsky), “self-reproach allows us to calmly endure insults and not feel them.” One must consider oneself fully worthy of mistakes, criticism, mistakes, falls, and, moreover, realize oneself is worse and more unworthy than others. In this case, any desire to be angry with anyone around you really disappears.
It is important to get rid of the habit of verbosity, arguing over trifles, and entering into word disputes. “It is always undesirable to enter into a dispute” (Metropolitan Filaret (Drozdov).
It is imperative to renounce everything false, deliberate, theatrical, all pretense, exaggeration, insincerity, that is, everything sinful, even in small things.
Archbishop John (Shakhovskoy) said that achieving true spiritual peace is unthinkable without deep metaphysical dissatisfaction with this earthly life. Indeed, the search for blessings and heavenly life on earth sooner or later leads to deep disappointments and constant fluctuations in the spiritual world.
And of course, it is necessary to improve your lifestyle as much as possible. This refers to the daily routine, reasonable fasting, abandonment of the habit of alcohol and tobacco and other excesses; liberation from TV drug addiction, political or other addictions, etc.

Can a blind man lead a blind man?

Traditionally treats neuroses psychotherapy. In ancient times they said that the art of medicine rests on three “pillars”: a knife, medicinal herbs and the word. A knife is a prototype of surgery, a medicinal herb is a collective image of medicinal forms, and a word is understood as a living, emotional attitude of a doctor towards a patient.
The Holy Orthodox Church has at all times denounced various kinds of occult and witchcraft practices. In the "Book of Rules", based on the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils and the instructions of the holy fathers and which is a set of church Orthodox canons and dogmas, this activity is clearly and clearly defined as satanic, destructive. And naturally, no confessor will ever advise you to seek help from a healer, fortune teller or sorcerer. But turning to a professional psychotherapist for help might be a blessing. And here the patient often faces serious danger.
Psychotherapy is a special medical specialty associated not so much with treatment in the usual sense of the word, but with the impact on the personality of the sick person, on his soul. She sets good goals for herself, strives to console a grieving person and help him find peace of mind. However, in practice, a difficult situation has arisen due to the fact that, while being in close contact with the human soul and trying to heal it, this area of ​​medicine turns out to be spiritually bankrupt and has no moral guidelines. You cannot ease the spiritual burden of another person without having your own spiritual values. "Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will not both fall into a pit?" (Luke 6:39).
A doctor may have a doctorate, the title of professor or academician, but this does not change the essence if he is a non-Orthodox person, of an alien spirit. His efforts will not give the soul the necessary guidance; moreover, they can lead it into the abyss of grave sins, and the sorrows of the sick person will only increase. How many times have people who have suffered from grief-psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, hypnotists, etc. turned to us for help?
Spiritual uncertainty, the inconsistency of psychology and psychotherapy, based on moral “pluralism,” allowed the penetration of a huge number of occult psychotechnologies - Western, Eastern and “home-grown”, which can clearly be called morally unacceptable.
One of the principles of modern psychological practices is “the end justifies the means.” Doctors often give “advice” that, instead of benefiting the soul, brings obvious harm to the soul. More than once we have encountered situations where doctors suggested that patients have extramarital affairs - with the goal of supposedly normalizing family conflicts, that is, fornication was simply recommended. A person is advised to lie or manipulate people if it will bring him some benefit (there are many similar recommendations in Dale Carnegie’s books).
The tragedy of modern science about the soul is that it indulges a person’s sins and passions, strives in every possible way to raise his self-esteem, or focuses on meditation, mental self-regulation through states of altered consciousness. The training of future psychotherapists is carried out on an immoral basis. Thus, the computer exam test is literally replete with all sorts of obscenities. In order not to be unfounded, we will give an example. To the question: “What would you advise a patient with psychasthenia to read to revive his sluggish subcortex?” - the correct answer is: “Works by Guy de Maupassant.” Comments, as they say, are unnecessary.
We conducted an interesting and in many ways revealing study several years ago during a seminar on psychology and psychotherapy. Its participants were asked to remember and write down 10-12 events of the last five years that left the most vivid trace in their memory. These records were then distributed into four sections: health, activities, contacts, and spiritual values.
The first section consisted of events related to health, physical activity, sports, etc. The second - with professional, creative, scientific, pedagogical activities, as well as self-education, hobbies, etc. Contacts included a wide range of diverse communication, from business to personal. Spiritual values ​​included everything related to the problems of religiosity, worldview, as well as impressions of spiritual books read, spiritually beneficial meetings, etc.
A total of 205 responses were received, of which only 4 were classified in the sphere of “spiritual values”, and only in two cases was it about Orthodox spirituality.
This is such a gloomy picture. Specialists called upon to heal the soul are least interested in this very soul (their own and someone else’s). The spirituality of Holy Rus' once again turned out to be not in demand; the light of Orthodoxy did not attract the attention of pundits and most practitioners.
The doctor does not choose his patients. Most often, people who come to see us are non-believers or those who do not know the true God - infidels, neo-pagans. But there are many who are in search of the Truth. That is why the psychotherapist has great responsibility as a doctor and a person. His task is to help the patient, constrained by illness and conflicts, troubles and losses.
For a doctor who has devoted himself to psychotherapy, it is important to have his own spiritual values ​​that would determine his work with patients. Without his own, let us add, Orthodox, spiritual platform, he will not be able to distinguish situational (psychosocial) and biological causes of diseases from existential, ideological ones. If at the reception there is a person whose soul seeks to find the Lord, then the Orthodox psychotherapist should help him in this.
The doctor, of course, does not replace the priest, he only precedes him, sometimes representing a “barrier” that prevents the patient from falling into even greater temptations and sins - drunkenness, fornication, suicide.
Archpriest G. Dyachenko, in one of his theological books, published for the laity at the beginning of the century and now republished, wrote lines that can define the essence of Orthodox psychotherapy: “Confess your sins to each other,” said the holy Apostle James. What do we do from this commandment? We are told that it is enough to confess to God through the sacrament of repentance. To be forgiven - yes, without a doubt. But besides this, you will see that in the essence of a person there is a secret but urgent need to be directly in front of a person.
The Light sees only the outer and superficial side of our life, the side under which it appears in a favorable form. But there are moments when it is necessary for reality to be revealed, for the essence of this life to be revealed, so that at least one of our kind knows everything that is hidden in us by need and temptation. What pushes us to do this is not frankness, but a deep need to be understood, relieved, consoled; and don’t we know how much beneficial and saving there is in such confessions? Don’t we know that some temptations that surround us, vague and vague, lose their power and charm just by conveying them in words? Don’t we know how much strength and consolation a well-educated heart that listens and understands us can give us?..
Will he find it with you, my brother? Will he find mercy willing to listen enough to keep his confession? Will he find that serious attention that no one shies away from and which alone deserves trust?
Unfortunately, today Christians are a minority among psychiatrists and psychotherapists. This, in our opinion, is one of the reasons for the low effectiveness of help for neuroses. Psychotherapy, which tries to help a restless soul in various ways, today has about a thousand psychocorrectional techniques, but quality cannot be replaced by quantity. True healing from spiritual grief can only occur through repentance, which requires spiritual effort and is unusual for a large part of our contemporaries, including doctors. In this regard, it becomes clear why various rational and emotional therapeutic influences are far from omnipotent and bring only a temporary effect.
To summarize, we can say that only that psychotherapeutic help will be truly effective and useful, which leads to Christ and is carried out by an Orthodox doctor or psychologist who repents and corrects his life. In this case, the specialist’s word will be supported by the gracious power of God and will comfort the sick person and show the way to the One who is the Truth, the Way and the Life!
Give us, Lord, wisdom and strength to heal spiritual ailments for Your glory!

Psychological self-help

Very important on the roads psychological self-help is the patient’s correct assessment of the causes of his own falls and blunders. Often we try to justify ourselves and look for reasons in other people or external circumstances. Patristic wisdom teaches us never to engage in self-justification, for man is by nature selfish and will always find a way to distort the true state of things to please his alibi (for example: even if I got excited and was rude, but I am also a living person, but he should have... . etc., gradually becoming more and more convinced of the guilt of the other and justifying oneself).
Instead of self-justification, it is more correct to blame yourself, to sincerely try to understand the reasons for the fall, which usually lie in selfishness, vanity and especially pride. “Where the fall occurs, there pride first takes root; for pride is the harbinger of the fall” (Reverend Nicodemus the Holy Mountain).
One of the effective psychological techniques is rationalization. First of all, you need to calm down and pray; then take a blank sheet of paper, a fountain pen and carefully, soberly analyze the current difficult or conflict situation, write down the main causes of the conflict and possible ways to resolve this conflict, weigh the pros and cons, consider the needs and concerns of all participants in the current misunderstanding, find the right arguments in favor of endurance, self-control, humility.
Along the way, you can discern some previously unnoticed circumstances and significant psychological nuances. The final stage of rationalization should be the adoption of a definite decision, since the longer the vague, ambivalent attitude towards the conflict persists, the more difficult it is to resolve it, and therefore, to restore mental balance. The enemy of our salvation is always trying to deprive us of spiritual peace, confuse us, and incline us to despondency. Let us remember this and be sober.
Forethought. Despite all the diversity of life events, many of them are repeated many times and represent a kind of “cliché”. We know from experience that you can “stumble,” lose peace of mind, or fall into sin regularly, in the same situations. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself in advance for difficulties, important conversations, meetings, and important steps. Of course, it is impossible to take everything into account, but much can be foreseen. Moreover, one should prepare not only by reflection, but also by prayer, conversation with the confessor, his advice and blessing.
Saint Theophan advises: “In the morning, through prayer, sit down and figure out what you need to do during the day, where to be, what and with whom to meet, and in relation to this, determine in advance what to think where, what to say, how to hold your soul and body, etc. This means that a true Christian must control himself, be in charge of all the movements of his soul, and not allow them to happen by themselves, as if without his knowledge, he must be the ruler of everything that happens within him, the ruler of his own. strength."
Switching- a simple and effective technique. Who doesn’t know how pleasant it is to walk along a forest path, listen to birds singing, and admire meadow flowers. One person enjoys working in the country, another enjoys meeting with friends and spending an evening in cordial and soul-beneficial communication, etc. There are many similar recommendations; With careful attention to oneself, everyone can continue this list. The ability to relax for the benefit of the soul is wisdom that is worth mastering.

Medication assistance

A few words about the use of medications for neuroses (tranquilizers, antidepressants). In the case of neurotic conditions, when the symptoms of the disease directly depend on psychological causes and life circumstances, medications play a supporting role, easing internal tension and dulling the severity of complaints. They are usually prescribed for a short period. The main condition for recovery will be the search for an optimal solution to the conflict, and in spiritual terms - humility and repentance.
Helps well with neuroses and neurosis-like conditions phytotherapy, that is, the use of medicinal plants for medicinal purposes. However, we note that it does not eliminate the causes of neuroses and is only a good symptomatic (eliminating symptoms) remedy.
Traditionally, valerian root, peppermint (leaves), hops (cones), motherwort (herb), cudweed (herb), hawthorn (flowers), chamomile, caraway fruits are used. Here is an approximate list of sedatives that you can use yourself - they are available without a prescription: valerian extract (or tincture), valerianahel, persen, glycine, motherwort extract (or tincture), novo-passit, deprim, valoserdin, sedative preparations No. 2, 3 , Corvalol, Corvaldine, Adonis-bromine, Validol, Valocardine, Zelenin drops. The method of administration and dosage are indicated in the inserts for the drug or on the packaging.
Raisins, dried apricots, and honey have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Let's say a little more about medical treatment. Its effectiveness is well known; it gives very good results with neurasthenia, nervous overstrain, after performing long and psychologically difficult work.
Bulgarian scientist Stoimir Mladenov proposes the following medical treatment regimen: 100-120 g of flower bee honey per day for 2.5-3 weeks. In the morning and evening you should take 30 g of honey, and in the afternoon - 40. In the evening, honey should be diluted in a glass of cool water and drunk half an hour before bedtime. After 10-12 days from the start of treatment, patients or persons with pre-morbid disorders, as a rule, sleep well, they become more energetic, and their performance increases.
It is also worth recalling the benefits of hardening the body. Achievable physical labor plays an important role, especially for young people. Unworked flesh confuses the soul with irritability and worthless thoughts.
Let's take a closer look at insomnia, since complaints about it are found in the majority of patients suffering from neurotic disorders. Sleep is a sensitive moral barometer. It changes (worsens, improves) depending on our spiritual and mental state. I have trouble sleeping after unkind conversations and sins that torment my soul. The Lord provides good, sound sleep.
To those patients whose hearts are open to faith, we repeat well-known truths: it is necessary to pray morning and evening (it is known from experience that if for some reason you sacrifice prayers for the coming sleep, you will sacrifice sound sleep), read the Gospel, baptize before going to bed, your room and bed, drink consecrated water and sprinkle your home with it, call upon the saints and your guardian angel for help, invite a priest to the house to bless your home if it is not consecrated. And the most important thing is to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Many people who begin to do this with faith and trust in the Lord feel a significant improvement in their well-being and gain peace of mind.
Psychological advice may be like this. Firstly, allow yourself to stay awake, do not overload yourself with thoughts about sleep and its speedy onset. After all, often a person suffers more not from insomnia, but from worries about it. Late evening is a time for quiet affairs and leisurely conversations. Take a walk before going to bed, avoid a large dinner, and ventilate the room. Take a warm shower or soak your feet in the bath.
Here's another tip: brew two teaspoons of hop cones in a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain, drink a glass at night. Before going to bed, you can anoint your temples with lavender oil or place 3-5 drops of lavender oil on a piece of sugar and suck on it before going to bed. It is useful to attach a linen bag with dried valerian roots at the head of the bed. There are observations that a dark-colored bed helps calm the nervous system.
Pharmacies sell sedatives that can be used to calm and improve sleep. A medical consultation would also be useful. Sleeping pills should only be used as prescribed by a doctor; You can use decoctions and sedative infusions yourself.
Remember, mental and physical health is a gift from God, and it should be treated with care and attention.

In this chapter, we will try to dwell in more detail on ways to heal nervousness, talk about a spiritual approach to this problem, talk about psychotherapy, introduce the reader to some techniques of psychological self-help, and provide recommendations for health benefits.

Spiritual healer

The only correct path to healing from neuroses lies through the Orthodox faith, repentance and correction of one’s life according to the commandments of God. The main thing for a person is to understand the sinful origins of his illness, to deeply understand his weakness, to hate the sins of pride, vanity, anger, despondency, lies, fornication, greed and money-grubbing; want to change yourself, turn to the Lord with sincere repentance.

Of course, it is necessary for the sick to attend divine services and participate in the Sacraments of the Church - Repentance (confession) and Communion. In the prayer that the priest reads before confession, there are these words (translated into Russian): “You came to a spiritual hospital, so that you do not leave unhealed (concealing some sins).” One must resort to the Holy Sacraments often and with contrition of heart, deep faith and trust in the mercy of God.

It is imperative to read the Holy Scriptures, especially the Gospel, and fulfill the commandments of Christ that are contained in them. “Of all the ailments that burden human nature, there is not a single illness, either mental or physical, that could not receive healing from Scripture” (St. John Chrysostom).

Invaluable help is provided by patristic literature and the lives of saints, which provide role models, show the true purpose of man, the greatness of moral beauty, patience and perseverance when facing difficulties.

Spiritual life is impossible without fasting and prayer. “This generation is driven out only by prayer and fasting”(Matt. 17:21). It is good, with the blessing of your confessor, to memorize individual psalms and prayers. The role of prayer in finding and maintaining inner peace is very great. Elder Sampson (Sievers) argued that the peace of mind of one who constantly prays is protected from external disturbances.

Visiting holy places and Orthodox monasteries strengthens the soul. Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy and prayer services will bring great benefit; regular consumption of Epiphany water with prosphora, a piece of artos; sprinkling with holy water the home, the patient himself, and his personal belongings.

It is necessary to monitor the processes that occur in the soul. You must watch your thoughts, because every bad deed is usually preceded by a bad thought. You should resolutely cut off everything negative, sinful, abominable, and not enter into any sinful conversations. In the Orthodox Church there is a teaching on how to fight sin at its very origin, at the level of thought.

“...The method of formation of sin from thought into deed is defined with precision by the Holy Fathers. The whole course of the matter is depicted as follows: first it happens adjective (i.e., it is unknown where a sinful thought arises), further attention(“conversation” with a sinful thought - and this is already the beginning of accepting sin), then (sinful) pleasure, behind him wish(carry out sin), then determination, and finally case(see Philotheus of Sinai. Philokalia, vol. 3, chapter 34 ff.). The longer a person allows temptation to take hold in his soul, the closer he is to falling.

A preposition is a simple representation of a thing, whether from the action of the senses or from the action of memory and imagination, presented to our consciousness. There is no sin here when the birth of images is not in our power. Sometimes, however, it gradually turns into guilt, when a seductive image is considered by the mind and a person, as it were, enters into a conversation with it.

Sometimes an object attracts attention with its novelty and astoundingness, but after its uncleanness is recognized, it must be expelled, for otherwise permission will be involved. Whoever drove away a sinful thought extinguished the internal war. Delight in sinful objects is already a sin. From pleasure there is one step to desire. From desire comes determination. The person who wishes has expressed his consent to the matter, but has not yet come up with anything and has not taken any steps to achieve his goal; For those who have decided, everything has already been considered and decided; all that remains is to get down to business.

Therefore, you should avoid all kinds of “far-fetched ideas,” fantasies, and sterile imagination, especially of a sensual nature.

You should unlearn judging others. If in your presence someone is reproached or condemned, then you need to change the conversation, and if this is impossible, leave.

For everything that happens in life, you should only blame yourself, then balance, mental peace and tranquility will be established in your soul. “If everyone reproached themselves, then peace would prevail,” wrote Archbishop Arseny (Zhadanovsky), “self-reproach allows us to calmly endure insults and not feel them.”

It is useful to get rid of the habit of talking too much and arguing over trifles. It is imperative to renounce everything false, ostentatious, theatrical, all pretense, exaggeration, duplicity - that is, everything sinful, even in small things.

Can a blind man lead a blind man?

Psychotherapy traditionally treats neuroses.

The Orthodox Church has always strongly opposed all occult and magical actions. The “Book of Rules,” based on the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils and the instructions of the holy fathers and which is a set of church laws, clearly and clearly defines this activity as harmful and satanic. Naturally, therefore, no confessor dares advise turning to a healer, fortune teller or psychic for help. But turning to a professional psychotherapist for help can be a blessing. However, here the patient is often in serious danger.

Psychotherapy is a special medical specialty associated not so much with treatment in the usual sense of the word, but with the impact on the personality of the sick person, on his soul. She sets good goals for herself, strives to console a grieving person and help him find peace of mind. However, in practice, a difficult situation has arisen due to the fact that, while being in close contact with the human soul and trying to heal it, this area of ​​medicine turns out to be spiritually bankrupt and has no moral guidelines. You cannot ease the spiritual burden of another person without having your own spiritual values. “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they both fall into the pit?”(Luke 6:39).

A doctor may have a doctorate, the title of professor or academician, but this does not change the essence if he is a materialistically inclined person or holds non-Christian views. His efforts will not give the soul the necessary direction; moreover, they can lead it into the abyss of sins, and the sorrows of the sick person will only increase. How many times have people who have suffered from grief-psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, hypnotists, etc. turned to us for help?

Spiritual uncertainty, the inconsistency of psychology and psychotherapy, based on moral “pluralism,” allowed the penetration of a huge number of occult psychotechnologies - Western, Eastern and “home-grown”, which are morally unacceptable.

One of the principles of modern psychological practices is “the end justifies the means.” Doctors often give “advice” that causes obvious harm to the soul. More than once we have encountered situations where doctors suggested that patients have extramarital affairs - with the goal of supposedly normalizing family conflicts, that is, fornication was simply recommended. A person is advised to lie or manipulate people if it will benefit him (there are many similar recommendations in Dale Carnegie’s books).

The tragedy of modern science about the soul is that it indulges a person’s passions, strives in every possible way to raise his self-esteem, or focuses on meditation, mental self-regulation through states of altered consciousness. The training of future psychotherapists is carried out on an immoral basis. Thus, the computer exam test is literally full of obscenities. In order not to be unfounded, we will give an example. To the question: “What would you advise a patient with psychasthenia to read to revive his sluggish subcortex?” – correct answer: “Works by Guy de Maupassant.” Comments, as they say, are unnecessary...

The doctor does not choose his patients. Most often, people who come to see us are non-believers or those who do not know the true God - non-believers, neo-pagans. But there are many who are in search of the Truth. That is why the psychotherapist has responsibility as a doctor and a person. His task is to help a patient who is constrained by illness and conflicts, troubles and losses.

For a doctor who has devoted himself to psychotherapy, it is important to have genuine spiritual values ​​that would determine his work with patients. Without his own, let us add, Orthodox, spiritual platform, he will not be able to distinguish situational (psychosocial) and biological causes of diseases from existential, ideological ones. If at the reception there is a person whose soul seeks to find the Lord, then the Orthodox psychotherapist should help him in this.

The doctor, of course, does not replace the priest, he only precedes him, sometimes representing a “barrier” that prevents the patient from falling into even greater temptations and sins - drunkenness, fornication, suicide.

Unfortunately, today Christians are a minority among psychiatrists and psychotherapists. This, in our opinion, is one of the reasons for the low effectiveness of help for neuroses. Psychotherapy today has thousands of psychocorrective techniques. The sheer number of them suggests that psychotherapists do not know how to cure a person. True healing from mental illnesses begins with a repentant appeal to God. And in this area, most psychotherapists are complete ignoramuses.

To summarize, we can say that only that psychotherapeutic help will be effective and useful, which leads to Christ and is carried out by an Orthodox doctor or psychologist leading a Christian lifestyle. In this case, the specialist’s word will be supported by the gracious power of God and will comfort the sick person and show the way to the One who is the Truth, the Way and the Life!

Psychological self-help.

Very important in the path of psychological self-help is the patient’s correct assessment of the reasons for his own falls and mistakes. Often we try to justify ourselves and look for reasons in other people or external circumstances. Patristic wisdom teaches us never to justify ourselves, for man is by nature selfish and will always find a way to distort the true state of things to suit his alibi (for example: I may have gotten excited and been rude, but I am also a living person, but he should have... and etc., gradually becoming more and more convinced of the guilt of the other and justifying oneself).

Instead of self-justification, it is more correct blame yourself, try to understand the reasons for the fall, which usually lie in selfishness, vanity and especially pride. “Where there is a fall, pride takes root first; for pride is the harbinger of fall” (Reverend Nicodemus the Holy Mountain).

One of the effective psychological techniques is rationalization. First of all, you need to calm down, pray; then take a blank sheet of paper, a fountain pen and carefully, soberly analyze the current conflict situation, write down the main causes of the conflict and possible ways to resolve this conflict, weigh the pros and cons, consider the needs and concerns of all participants in the current misunderstanding, find the right arguments in the benefits of endurance, self-control, humility.

Along the way, you can discern some previously unnoticed circumstances and significant psychological nuances. The final stage of rationalization should be the adoption of a definite decision, since the longer the vague, ambivalent attitude towards the conflict persists, the more difficult it is to resolve it, and therefore, to restore mental balance. The enemy of our salvation is always trying to deprive us of spiritual peace, confuse us, and incline us to despondency. Let us not give in to his suggestions.

Forethought. Despite all the variety of life events, many of them are repeated many times and represent a kind of “cliché.” We know from experience that we are capable of “stumbling,” losing peace of mind, or succumbing to temptation—in the same situations. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself in advance for difficulties... Of course, it is impossible to take everything into account, but a lot can be foreseen and tried to be prevented. You should prepare not only by reflection, but also by prayer, conversation with your confessor, his advice and blessing.

Saint Theophan advises: “In the morning, after prayer, sit down and figure out what you need to do during the day, where to be, what and with whom to meet, and in relation to this, determine in advance what to think where, what to say, how to hold your soul and body and so on This means that a true Christian must “keep himself in check,” keep control over the movements of his soul, and not allow them to creep out anywhere. He must be the master of his inner state.”

Switching is a simple and effective technique. Who doesn’t know how pleasant it is to listen to church singing, read a spiritually edifying article, walk along a forest path, listen to birds singing, admire meadow flowers... One person enjoys working in the country, another enjoys meeting with friends and an evening spent in heartfelt and soulful communication etc. There are many similar recommendations; With careful attention to oneself, everyone can continue this list. The ability to relax for the benefit of the soul is wisdom that is worth mastering.

Medication assistance.

A few words about the use of medications for neuroses (tranquilizers, antidepressants). In the case of neurotic conditions, when the symptoms of the disease directly depend on psychological causes and life circumstances, medications play a supporting role, easing internal tension and dulling the severity of complaints. They are usually prescribed for a short period. The main condition for recovery will be the search for an optimal solution to the conflict, and, in spiritual terms, humility and repentance.

Herbal medicine, that is, the use of medicinal plants for medicinal purposes, helps well with neuroses and neurosis-like conditions. However, we note that it does not eliminate the causes of neuroses and is only a symptomatic (eliminating symptoms) remedy.

Traditionally, valerian root, peppermint (leaves), hops (cones), motherwort (herb), cudweed (herb), hawthorn (flowers), chamomile, caraway fruits are used. Here is an approximate list of sedatives that you can use yourself - they are available without a prescription: valerian extract (or tincture), valerianahel, persen, glycine, motherwort extract (or tincture), novo-passit, deprim, valoserdin, sedative preparations No. 2, 3 , Corvalol, Corvaldine, Adonis-bromine, Validol, Valocardine, Zelenin drops. The method of administration and dosage are indicated in the inserts for the drug or on the packaging.

Raisins, dried apricots, honey have a beneficial effect on the nervous system...

Let's say a little more about honey treatment. Its effectiveness is well known; it gives very good results with neurasthenia, nervous overstrain, after performing long and psychologically difficult work.

Bulgarian scientist Stoimir Mladenov proposes the following honey treatment regimen: 100-120 g of flower bee honey per day for 2.5-3 weeks. In the morning and evening you should take 30 g of honey, and in the afternoon - 40. In the evening, honey should be diluted in a glass of cool water and drunk half an hour before bedtime. After 10-12 days from the start of treatment, patients or persons with pre-painful disorders, as a rule, sleep well, they become more energetic, and their performance increases.

It is also worth recalling the benefits of hardening the body. An important role is played by feasible physical labor, gardening, light running, walking, swimming. Relaxed flesh confuses the soul with irritability and unworthy thoughts.

Now let's focus on insomnia, since complaints about it are found in the majority of patients suffering from neurotic disorders. Sleep is a sensitive moral barometer. It changes (worsens, improves) depending on our spiritual and mental state. I have trouble sleeping after unkind conversations and sins that torment my soul. The Lord provides good, sound sleep.

To those patients whose hearts are open to faith, we repeat well-known truths: it is necessary to pray morning and evening (it is known from experience that if for some reason you sacrifice prayers for the coming sleep, you will sacrifice sound sleep), read the Gospel, baptize before going to bed, your room and bed, drink consecrated water and sprinkle your home with it, call upon the saints and your guardian angel for help, invite a priest to the house to bless your home if it is not consecrated. And the most important thing is to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Many people who begin to do this with faith and trust in the Lord feel a significant improvement in their well-being and gain peace of mind.

Psychological advice can be like this. Firstly, allow yourself to stay awake, do not overload yourself with thoughts about sleep and its speedy onset. After all, often a person suffers more not from insomnia, but from worries about it. Late evening is a time for quiet affairs and leisurely conversations. Take a walk before going to bed, avoid a large dinner, and ventilate the room. Take a warm shower or soak your feet in the bath.

Here's another tip: brew two teaspoons of hop cones in a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain, drink a glass at night. Before going to bed, you can anoint your temples with lavender oil or place 3-5 drops of lavender oil on a piece of sugar and suck on it before going to bed. It is useful to attach a linen bag with dried valerian roots at the head of the bed. There are observations that a dark-colored bed helps calm the nervous system.

Pharmacies sell sedatives that can be used to calm and improve sleep. A medical consultation would also be useful. Sleeping pills should only be used as prescribed by a doctor; You can use decoctions and sedative infusions yourself.

Remember, mental and physical health is a gift from God, and you should treat it with care.

Problems of age.

Doctor, tell me what to do. I am 50 years old. Until I was 50, I was a calm and balanced person. Currently, due to age-related problems, I don’t recognize myself: I’m irritable, whiny, my sleep has worsened, I have no strength. I have difficulty standing at church services. Throws you into the heat, then into the cold. I'm sweating and dizzy. I started praying less and couldn’t cope with household chores. What do i do?

Best regards, E.K.

Dear E.K.! As you yourself correctly determined, your problems are based on the well-known symptoms of a woman’s “special” age. At this time, many changes occur in her body due to hormonal changes. The complaints you listed are, unfortunately, typical.

First of all, I want to reassure you. All this will pass over time, and your health will return to normal. It just takes time and patience. You are not the first and you will not be the last. Don’t demand the same activity from yourself now. Mental conflict is precisely generated by the fact that a woman strives to remain at the same level, to be as active as before, to cope with everything, but to achieve this during this period is either difficult or impossible.

Therefore, calm down, accept the fact that now you are a little sick. Talk to your household. If you have adult children, then this is the right time for them to roll up their sleeves and help with the housework.

In the temple you should choose a place that is not crowded, where there is more air. Everything can be organized; There is no need to panic and be discouraged.

Decoctions of soothing herbs will greatly help you. It's good to take honey; eat dried apricots, raisins, take multivitamins. Let me remind you about the benefits of walking in the fresh air.

I will also say that today there are medications of various properties and effects that eliminate the painful manifestations of menopause.

From a spiritual perspective, the following observation is interesting. During this period, a woman’s previously inherent negative character traits (read: sins) may become more acute. Suppose that if previously a woman felt a tendency toward despondency or irritability, now these qualities become clearly noticeable, and she cannot control herself. Please take this into account. Grant you, Lord, health and peace of mind.

Dangerous “infection” (modern temptations).

At the reception, a woman of about 50 and her 23-year-old daughter V. The circumstances that prompted them to seek help are as follows: the girl, in the recent past a student at one of the capital’s universities, had long been interested in the work (so to speak) of the famous Western rock band. groups. She compiled a whole collection of audio and video recordings, newspaper and magazine clippings, and photographs of these musicians. This went on for a year and a half or two.

Rock music has a strong impact on both the mental and physical state of a person. The famous rock and roll researcher Jean-Paul Regembal writes: “The power of rock lies in intermittent pulsations, rhythms that cause a biopsychic reaction in the body that can affect the functioning of various organs of the body (in particular, the beat can cause an acceleration of the heart rate and an increase in adrenaline levels, as well as sexual arousal).

If, for example, the rhythm is a multiple of one and a half beats per second and is accompanied by powerful pressure of ultra-low frequencies (15-30 hertz), it can cause strong excitement in a person. With a rhythm equal to two beats per second, and at the same frequencies, the listener falls into a dance “trance,” which is akin to a narcotic one. Modern rock bands work in the range from 80 thousand hertz to 20 and even lower. The sound intensity reaches up to 120 decibels, although human hearing is tuned to an average intensity of 55 decibels. This is already a decisive assault on the entire personality. There have been cases where an excess of high or low frequencies seriously injured the brain.

Sound shock, sound burns, hearing and memory loss are not uncommon at rock concerts. It is impossible to expose yourself to fate for a long time and not receive deep psycho-emotional trauma. In this case, there is a loss of control over the ability to concentrate; control over mental activity and will is significantly weakened; unbridled impulses lead to destruction, vandalism and rebellion, especially at large gatherings, where the psychic field of the crowd, strengthened by the above-mentioned influences of fate, practically deprives a person of individuality, turning him into part of a machine controlled by satanic principles.

As we can see, rock music has a destructive effect on a person’s personality. It is no coincidence that many rock soloists are drug addicts and even open Satanists” (from an article by N. Bogolyubov).

At the institute where V. studied, it became possible to have free access to the Internet. What started here! The girl began to skip lectures and her grades sharply decreased. All her thoughts were absorbed in rock idols. She moved from site to site, looking for new details of the personal life, tastes, and habits of her pets.

Over time, this opportunity to “wander” on the Internet was clearly not enough for her, and V. looked for any other connection options. Meanwhile, the girl’s sphere of interests expanded; she began to be occupied with many things, as she put it, “things that are embarrassing to say.” The Internet attracted me like a magnet, V. could not do without it even for a day. Time had passed in vain, she believed, if she could not plunge into this “sea of ​​fascinating information.”

V.'s behavior changed noticeably. She became very irritable and was rude to her mother. Frequent lack of sleep (Internet access is cheaper at night) resulted in headaches and worsened vision. In the Internet cafe, which she began to visit regularly, dubious acquaintances began. One day she was offered to try heroin, but “weed,” the girl admitted, she had already tried, more than once. “I thought,” she said, “that this would help cope with fatigue, overcome drowsiness.” A year later, V. was expelled from the institute for poor academic performance, but this did not sober her up. Mom sounded the alarm, realizing that the computer, or rather, passion would finally destroy her only daughter.

Mom calls herself a believer. V. says: “I believe in God, but I hardly go to church.” However, she decided to seek help only from an Orthodox psychotherapist.

Thank God, the girl realized that for the last two years she had been living not in the real, but in the “virtual” world and was captive of her passion. This passion, obviously, can be called internotomania. Looking at the image of the Most Holy Theotokos in my office, V. asked hopefully:

– Will the Lord help me?

“Of course it will help,” I answered, “nothing is impossible for God.” You must ask Him about this with all your heart, start visiting the temple, sincerely repent of your sins and have a firm determination not to return to them.

The girl listened attentively, and in her tear-stained eyes, it seemed to me, a ray of hope shone. I prescribed her sedatives, made some other recommendations, and we parted, agreeing to meet again in a week. In my practice, this is the first clinical case of Internet addiction. Alas, apparently, we should expect other similar appeals.

When the soul is shaking

At one time I came across an interesting clinical case. I had to counsel a family in which mother and son suffered from obsessive fears about their health and alternately induced each other.

The phenomenon of obsession is defined as the appearance in the mind of a thought, idea or some phenomenon that is not currently associated with the content of consciousness and is perceived by patients as emotionally unpleasant. Obsessive fear dominates the thoughts of a neurotic, generates emotional tension, and contributes to the maladjustment of a person in his environment.

During the conversation, it turned out that my patient’s mother had previously been treated by psychiatrists for obsessive fears for a long time; he himself grew up as a very impressionable, emotional boy. At the age of 18, he first developed an obsessive fear of the appearance of a malignant tumor. The patient constantly sought to examine his body, study medical literature on oncology, but was depressed and depressed. At the same time, the young man clarified that the fear arose suddenly, after his mother told him about her former illness.

Against this background, the mother again had fears for her health. She decided that she had blood cancer because she felt lethargic and apathetic. After a consultation with an oncologist, both were declared healthy and soon recovered from the imaginary illness, but then fell ill with phobias twice more. Once it was associated with a grandmother’s heart attack - and they decided that they were suffering from heart disease. And another time they were afraid to die in a car accident. Moreover, at first fear arose in one person, and then it appeared in another.

There are similar cases when, after the appearance of obsessive fears in one of the family members, other household members also fell ill. Thus, S. N. Davidenkov described a patient who suffered from tics and fear of blushing or sweating. His mother's sister suffered from an obsession with excessive sweating, one of her daughters suffered from a fear of blushing, and the patient's sister suffered from a fear of heart failure. This is what happens...

The family I counseled was not a believer. When a person has no faith, no fear of God, instead of them, others can “bloom” - painful, absurd, obsessive fears. The soul is Christian by nature, therefore, existing in a spiritless environment, it grieves and “shakes” for any reason.

Involutional melancholia (about the psychology of aging).

Mom was diagnosed with “involutional melancholia.” Please tell us about this disease.

Involutional melancholia is a disease that can occur in old age. Already by the name one can determine that the basis of this pathology is painful depressed mood. The leading symptoms of involutional melancholia are anxiety and melancholy, which occur in varying degrees of severity.

Usually this suffering develops gradually. The initial period is approximately 2-3 months, when the so-called precursors are felt: sleep deteriorates, fatigue, weakness occur, and memory decreases.

Provoking factors may be changes in social status, financial situation, typical at this age, loss of a spouse, forced relocation, conflicts with children. Many older people are alarmed by the political and economic instability of our time, characterized by local wars, the collapse of the national currency with the subsequent loss of savings, and many other circumstances.

An old French proverb says: “Everyone ages as he lived.” There is a deep meaning in these words. The body ages every year, but the soul... The soul is immaterial, and if it abides with God, then in old age it bears good fruit. Saint Theophan the Recluse, speaking about the ages of a virtuous Christian life, describes the mature age: “This is the time when the internal struggle subsides and a person begins to taste the peace and sweetness of the collected spiritual benefits. The farmer, after the harvest, eating the fruits of his labors, as well as the dough, leavened and leavened, fully formed - these are images of perfect age. The wise Sirach depicts the action of wisdom, how she first tests her favorite, then turns to him, pleases him and reveals her secrets to him (Sir. 4:18ff). This last is the character of spiritual maturity. We attribute firmness, sedateness, steadfastness, and experience to such a person.”

Priest and doctor Fr. Valentin Zhokhov writes about a mature Christian: “In front of us is not an old man, but an elder who evokes a feeling of respect. Such Christians with iconographic faces can be found precisely among the Orthodox. Kindness does not come by itself, but is a consequence of their labors and patiently endured sorrows.”

One of my old friends told me that he searched for the Truth for a long time, thought about eternity, but was finally confirmed in Orthodoxy after he met the gaze of an elderly woman returning from a church service. “There was so much simplicity, modesty, nobility in her appearance, her gait... And there was so much kindness in her eyes!” - he recalled.

Probably, many Orthodox Christians are familiar with the exciting and reverent feeling that you experience when communicating with an experienced elder, spiritual father. After such meetings, there is sweetness, peace, tranquility in the heart. However, most of today's elderly people are children of the thirties and forties. Year after year, decade after decade, an atheistic “order” was implanted in their souls. The party and the Komsomol instilled in them their “values.” Having rethought life over time, especially in recent years, some of them came to church, repented, found God, while others remain captives of the “ideals” of youth, waste time and fading energy at rallies, scold civil authorities, are full of resentment and disappointment .

Dejection becomes as natural to them as breathing. Of course, they can be understood in human terms: life has passed, but justice has not been found. Positions and merits are in the past; money has become worthless during the reforms. The soul is worried; the feeling of impending weakness, fear and bitterness of real or imagined loneliness deprive her of peace. It happens that such old people commit suicide.

The following observation is noteworthy: towards old age, the core of the personality is exposed. For example, a kind person does not change his kindness, a sensitive person can become tearfully complacent, and a stingy person can become a miser, etc.

I would recommend that your mother be regularly monitored by a psychiatrist. If she is a believer, then it is good to meet with her confessor or the priest to whom she confesses. Explain to the priest the nature of your mother’s illness so that he can build the necessary counseling strategy, ask for his prayers...

When a child doesn't sleep well.

Our child is 4 years old. He sleeps poorly at night, tosses and turns, grinds his teeth in his sleep, wakes up and moves from his crib to us. What should we do?

There can be many reasons why a child does not sleep well. You need to pay attention to the following circumstances: is your child healthy, does he spend enough time in the fresh air, does he get overexcited during games, is he not afraid of the dark, is his bed comfortable, etc. If he attends kindergarten, then it is important to find out how his relationships have developed with his peers and with the teacher. All these circumstances are very important.

It also happens that a child sleeps soundly during the day and, accordingly, sleeps worse at night. The average sleep duration for a three to four year old child is 10-11 hours. Many children at this age do without naps. If the child slept during the day, then the interval between daytime and night sleep should be at least 3-3.5 hours.

Speaking about recommendations, first of all I will point out the need to adhere to a daily routine. Your child should be put to bed at night at certain times. You need to stay next to him for some time, cross him and bless him for the coming sleep. Speak quietly, kindly, calmly. He may not want to part with you, experiencing a subconscious fear of losing his parents or being left alone. Hug him, kiss him, make him a cozy “nest,” let him take his favorite toy with him to bed. If there were any omissions during the day, if you punished a child, then you need to explain why he was punished and forgive everything. In short, by evening the situation should be resolved.

And remember: the Lord gives you healthy, sound sleep. Orthodox parents teach their children prayer, the sign of the cross, and the baby will not go to bed until he crosses himself. He knows that he is protected, that he is not alone: ​​the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos, his guardian angel are with him; a host of saints pray for him, for mom, dad and for all Orthodox Christians. The child attends services and partakes of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. His parents are married spouses; his house was consecrated in the name of the Most Holy Trinity; in his room there is a crucifix, icons, and a lamp. God's and parental blessings are with the baby; he has a cross on his chest, which he never parted with. Here is the inner and outer world of a child from an Orthodox family.

You ask what to do if a child comes to his parents at night. First of all, you need to be calm. You can offer him a potty, and then decide: either he stays with you until the morning, or you move him to your place. And in the future, act in some unique way.

As for teeth grinding, it occurs due to involuntary contraction of the jaw muscles and indicates insufficient depth of sleep and excitability of the child. In order to calm the nervous system, herbs that have a sedative (calming) effect are used. You can recommend taking glycine 1-2 tablets per day under the tongue, a spoonful of honey at night, a warm shower before bed.

In churches, audio cassettes with recordings of the lives of saints, arranged for small children, are available for sale. If you have a tape recorder at home, then it’s good to play a cassette with these heart-warming recordings for 20-30 minutes. Well, if your sleep does not improve, then come and see me or another specialist.

Anxiety syndrome.

The doctor said that I have vegetative-vascular dystonia. What kind of disease is this, what causes it and how to treat it?

Very often, people who suffer from a common illness called “neurocirculatory dystonia” (NCD) or otherwise – vegetative-vascular dystonia turn to a doctor.

This pathological condition is based on overstrain of the central nervous system, causing dysregulation of the vascular system, deterioration of blood supply to organs and tissues, trophic disorders, and deterioration of microvascular patency. Another name for this pathology is known in the specialized literature – “anxiety syndrome.”

The main cause, namely nervous tension, is often accompanied by other risk factors. Among them are chronic focal infections (tonsillitis, sinusitis, carious teeth), head injuries, the consequences of acute or chronic intoxication (primarily alcohol, and now drugs). Symptoms of the disease are associated primarily with impaired functioning of one or another vegetative process. These include headaches, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, excessive sweating, chilliness, sensitivity to weather changes, instability of blood pressure, poor sleep, etc.

The most serious complications of this disease are hypertension, atherosclerosis with coronary heart disease, dystrophy with signs of early aging.

NCD often develops in people who are “obsessed” with their health. Doctors are well aware of the term “hypochondria,” which means a person’s persistent fixation on his own well-being, sometimes overestimating the severity of his condition. So, among those suffering from this disease there are many hypochondriacs, although, of course, they cannot be put into one scheme.

Undoubtedly, you should treat yourself wisely and take care of your health, for it is a gift from God. Only everything in excess is harmful.

NCD is difficult to treat. The main emphasis is on changing a person's lifestyle. I would say that the main cure for this suffering should be the acquisition of mental peace by a person. And as you know, there is no peace in the soul without the grace of God. It is a peaceful spirit and a calm conscience, combined with reasonable fasting, physical labor, and hardening of the body that are the components of recovery.

Of course, you should seek help from a specialist, but I repeat: medications for this disease play only a supporting role.

A memorable incident.

This story was written down by me from the patient’s words. “I was born in Moscow, baptized in infancy, but was not accustomed to church. He grew up as a healthy, active boy, at school he grasped everything on the fly, and always studied well. I entered the university, the Faculty of Economics. At the institute, having felt freedom, I sinned recklessly; it seemed quite normal.

At the end of the fourth year, I suddenly became overly talkative, animated, and could not sit in one place for even a few minutes. I slept 2-3 hours a day and lost a lot of weight. A month later, this condition somehow subsided by itself, perhaps because I took some sedatives. However, by the autumn of the same year, everything resumed, but exactly the opposite: depression arose, I did not want to live.

At the urgent request of my parents, I turned to a psychiatrist, and soon I was diagnosed with “manic-depressive psychosis.” They prescribed a lot of medications that I had to take almost continuously. I was terribly burdened by the stigma of being “crazy” and was afraid that my mental illness would become known to friends and acquaintances.

It was around this time that I first crossed the threshold of the temple. Illness brought me to God. Father, who had the opportunity to confess for the first time in his life, somehow immediately became very close to me. I started attending church services and took communion. I liked everything about the temple: the singing, the decoration, and the faces of the pilgrims... I felt as if after a long separation I had found myself in my Father’s house.

But then I “spinned”, my health became “tolerable,” and I began to go to church less often, to confession, and then completely left the Church. Finished the university. I had attacks of the disease twice more. I took pills prescribed by a psychiatrist...

And then one evening the phone rang. I pick up the phone and can’t believe my ears - the priest is calling. But how did he find out the phone number? After all, he didn’t know my last name, or my address either, but only one name! Soon the surprise gave way to a feeling of such warmth and peace in my soul that it was impossible to describe. I felt tears welling up, and thoughts flashed through my head at kaleidoscopic speed: “Lord! How could I leave You?! Why did I stop going to church?!”

I felt very ashamed. But those were just my feelings. Father asked if I was sick and if I needed his help. He said something else simple and warm, blessed me and said goodbye. Just imagine, he didn’t reproach me for anything, but, on the contrary, he was so kind and welcoming.

I didn't sleep almost all that night, I thought a lot. Looking at the icons, I prayed and cried, asking the Lord for forgiveness. In the morning the thought came to me that I should return to Church and bring deep repentance. I read somewhere that such a confession is called “general” - for your entire life. The Lord vouchsafed me to make such a confession. I will not describe my state of mind at that moment, but I will only say that I felt as if some kind of block had fallen from my soul. And... the disease subsided. For several years I was practically healthy. The doctors were surprised and perplexed: “How can this be?”

Later I resorted to the help of psychiatrists, but the severity of the painful manifestations was not there as before. Repentance is a great blessing given to us by the Lord. Thank God for everything!"

Over the years of working as a doctor, I, like many of my Orthodox colleagues, have encountered wondrous, miraculous cases of God’s help to people. The Lord, His Most Pure Mother, the holy saints of God, according to the faith of suffering people, abundantly provide healing aid. As a matter of fact, every case of healing is the great mercy of God. Only a miracle and nothing else can be called the overcoming of sinful passions when, for example, a fornicator begins to lead a chaste life, and a drunkard or drug addict comes to deep faith and becomes a church member. More than once I have witnessed how a mother’s repentance led to recovery and even the miraculous preservation of the child’s life. Over the years of medical practice, I have encountered many cases of healing from medically incurable illnesses and serious diseases. The example given is one of many similar ones. Wonderful are Your works, O Lord!

“The Great Simulator”

The term “hysteria” comes from the Greek word for “uterus.” At the time of the first descriptions of this mental illness, it was believed that only women suffered from hysteria (as it turned out later, men too).

The first mentions of hysteria go back centuries. Hippocrates and Avicenna wrote about her. In later times, hysteria was studied by such famous psychiatrists as Jacques Charcot, Pierre Janet and many others. Psychoanalysts paid especially much attention to hysteria. However, the approach to the study of hysteria has long been one-sided. There were practically no spiritual and moral comments on this matter.

So, hysteria. The spiritual assessment of this psychopathological condition can be represented as putting oneself on display. In hysterical individuals, it is not difficult to notice emotional instability, manifested by violent and vivid mood swings. The speech of these people is very figurative and is characterized by frequent exaggerations of real facts. Facial expressions are expressive, sometimes theatrical. The behavior shows posturing and narcissism. The hysteric craves attention to his person and experiences its absence hard. A hysteric is characterized by a desire to appear to be something more than he really is.

According to the famous domestic psychiatrist Professor P.B. Gannuzhkin, the behavior of hysterics is always dominated by unnaturalness and falsity. “Every action, every gesture, every movement is designed for the viewer and for the effect. They definitely want to be original and do not refuse any means to attract attention.”

“The hysteric, perceiving one thing extremely subtly and acutely, remains insensitive to the other,” wrote P.B. Gannushkin. “Kind and gentle in one case, they reveal complete indifference, selfishness in another.”

Professor G.E. Sukhareva noted that already at a young age, hysterical individuals showed educational difficulties. They are very capricious, disobedient, love to play a commanding role and show aggression if they do not succeed. There is great instability of mood.

When entering school, these children do not get along well in a group, because they do not know how to combine their interests with the interests of others and always strive to take first place, and do not tolerate anyone being praised in their presence.

With good intelligence, they do well in school, but their knowledge is superficial and their interests are fickle.

Increased irritability and a tendency to lie make these teenagers more difficult to educate. However, when it is possible to find something for them to do that matches their interests, their condition improves significantly.

Increased lability, a constant desire to advance, to be better than one actually is, a discrepancy between what is desired and what is actually done - all this is a source of conflict experiences. To any failure in life, hysterical children often give inadequate reactions, the picture of which shows characteristic signs of hysteria.

Let me give you an example. The child asks for candy (toy, etc.), and the mother denies him this request. Then the baby throws himself on the floor, screams, squirms and continues to beg for sweets. A frightened mother often gives a screaming child a handful of sweets to calm him down. It’s really true that “no matter what a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.” And the happy baby gobbles up the candy and completely forgot about his “inconsolable grief.” What did it all mean? This is a typical hysterical reaction. While childish, rather rude, frank, what did the mother do? Having satisfied the baby’s desire, she reinforced this kind of response. And there is no doubt that the child will put this reaction into action more than once, because it brought what he wanted, gave the desired result.

We, parents, sometimes ourselves unconsciously encourage demonstrative traits in children, praising the baby, allowing him to interfere in the conversations of adults, interrupt the interlocutor, etc. The child picks up on this and soon begins to do everything for show: read poetry, dance, sing, play. Adults, as a rule, are touched, smile, praise, kiss the child and do not think at all that the child’s behavior is clearly demonstrative. All this is aggravated by the fact that in today's families there is one, or at most two, children, who, naturally, become the “center of the universe” for parents. In the past, in a patriarchal Russian family, which, as a rule, had many children, no one at a meal dared to put his spoon into the pot of cabbage soup ahead of his father. Now the situation is different. Sometimes the whole family rushes around with spoons, forks, frying pans in front of their child, wanting to feed him more deliciously and plentifully and please him. And then we are surprised at the selfishness, the exorbitant pride of the “fledged chick.” There are many everyday examples similar to the ones given. They simply cannot be counted. As a matter of fact, the entire way of life of a modern person, from kindergarten to retirement, teaches a person to be hysterical. Of course, everyone perceives these “lessons” differently. It all depends on a person’s upbringing and worldview.

As already mentioned, the main feature of hysterical personalities is the constant desire to attract the attention of others. The actions reveal an accentuated affectation, unnaturalness, and insincerity. Seeking universal attention, they do not disdain any means, go to any tricks, sometimes even resort to outright lies and speculation on the feelings of others.

A striking manifestation of the properties of a hysterical personality is mental immaturity, infantilism, which are expressed in the instability of interests and attachments, and easy changes in mood. They quickly become disillusioned with friends and easily change them, despite the fact that at the beginning the friendship seems to them eternal. Hysterics have only one step from love to hate.

Fiction provides vivid examples of hysterical personalities. Gogol's Khlestakov can be considered a classic hysteric.

Among hysterical people, so-called pseudologists are often identified as a variant. In their behavior, along with demonstrativeness, there is a vigorous play of imagination, a tendency to fantasize. Moreover, in fantasies the subject himself usually turns out to be the hero.

Some psychiatric classifications also distinguish a group of “narcissistic (narcissistic) personalities.” The main feature of narcissistic personalities, as pointed out by Professor Yu.A. Aleksandrovsky, is the conviction that arose from adolescence in one’s special significance, in one’s talents, in an unusually attractive appearance, which should arouse everyone’s admiration. “The need for admiration, the desire to see oneself surrounded by fans and adorers, undoubtedly brings this type closer to the hysterical, as well as the inability of such subjects to empathize and be sympathetic towards others.

Such individuals are prone to fantasizing, and the themes of fiction concern their success, the achievement of unlimited power, power, and wealth. They love to talk about their famous friends - artists, politicians, powerful people, about their connections with secret societies or extremely important institutions. Moreover, these stories are either based on superficial, “shady” acquaintances, or (more often) are the fruit of a rich imagination. By communicating this information, narcissistic individuals not only expect special admiration from others, but also demand from them an unreasonably good attitude, submission to themselves as a person standing above “those around them,” writes the same author.

Hysterics are sometimes cunning and resourceful. There are many scammers among them. They often have subtle intuition.

Many sect founders, such as, for example, Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science teaching), certainly had a hysterical character. The same can be said about a number of other “charismatic” personalities. It is known, for example, that the future founder of Theosophy, Elena Blavatsky, was distinguished in her early childhood by amazing deceit and wild fantasies, as her close relatives write about.

The mechanism of “conditional pleasantness or desirability” of a painful symptom is specific to hysteria. It represents, as it were, a criterion for distinguishing hysteria from various non-hysterical manifestations. Various painful manifestations that promise some benefit or relieve one from some responsibilities can be pleasant and desirable for a hysteric.

A hysteric needs an audience. If, for example, Robinson Crusoe had been hysterical, he would not have developed hysterical manifestations, since there would have been no one to observe them.

They are easily suggestible. However, this suggestibility is very selective. What makes a person hysterical, as a rule, is something that is beneficial to him.

The clinical manifestations of hysteria are extremely varied. Hysterical fits and paralysis may occur. Hysterical hyperkinesis is observed, manifested by trembling of the body or its individual parts. There are sensitivity disorders (various pains, tingling, numbness, etc.) I have observed hysterical deaf-muteness and blindness. In the past, hysterics experienced what was called a “hysterical arc.” Currently, many psychiatrists point out that hysterical reactions are now increasingly found in a more subtle form.

Jacques Charcot called hysteria “the great malingerer.” Although it cannot be said that hysteria and simulation are identical concepts. The hysteric really suffers; but this suffering is caused by conditioned desirability. While the malingerer simply pretends to be ill.

The range of hysterical behavior is also very wide and multifaceted. These are young people with earrings, for example, in the nose and green-red-blue hair. Or a politician for whom self-admiration is more important than anything else.

Hysterical behavior, alas, also occurs in Orthodox circles. I have seen such “mothers” (as they call themselves) who, with their enthusiasm, instantly turned a young priest into a “miracle worker” and “seer.” A hysterical person instantly makes spiritual “diagnoses,” dividing churches and clergy into “grace-filled” and “graceless.” The criterion, in this case, is, of course, your own “gut feeling.” Sometimes it seems that such a person is really hungry for some “fried” facts, sensational information or just rumors. And then he feels in his element. Moreover, what is important for a hysteric is not the facts themselves, but their own interpretation.

A hysteric person can be distinguished not only by his extravagant appearance, theatrical facial expressions or peculiarities of speech. He may be outwardly inconspicuous, but his conversation will be replete with quotes and seem somehow scientific. In the end, he can simply always remain mysteriously silent. However, all this will be posturing. In all his behavior there will be falseness and unnaturalness.

The feelings of a hysterical person, with external warmth and softness, are always mixed with some kind of chill. His own person is what is most important for such a person.

In clinical psychiatry, a distinction is made between hysterical neurosis and hysterical psychopathy. These states differ in depth, severity and origin of hysterical manifestations. Hysterical neurosis is more characterized by self-attribution of conflict, that is, manifestations of hysteria in the form of various bodily ailments and sensations. Very often, for example, a hysterical “lump” appears in the throat. Remember examples from fiction when young ladies, worried, fainted.

Psychopathy is a personality anomaly that is characterized by disharmony of the mental structure of the individual. The criteria for psychopathy are: 1) the severity of mental disorders, leading a person to social maladjustment; 2) total changes in the entire mental appearance of a person; 3) relative stability of mental characteristics (P.B. Gannushkin).

There are constitutional psychopathy, which arises as a result of various diseases, brain injuries, infections, etc., and acquired. The second group of psychopathy is associated with educational factors, environmental and situational circumstances.

Alas, our reality is often a “supplier” of psychopathic personalities.

Psychopathy occupies an intermediate position between psychoses and neuroses. According to some characteristics, it “falls short” of psychosis (as a rule, delusions, hallucinations, etc. are absent from the clinical picture), but it also differs significantly from neurotic disorders. Also, with neurosis, there is a connection between symptoms and some emotionally significant experiences, disturbing events and circumstances of life. And a psychopath, as they say, is always a psychopath. Of course, at certain moments his behavior may decompensate, and at other periods of life, relative compensation is observed, but the general abnormal psychopathic background remains.

If a person suffering from neurosis, relatively speaking, harms himself, then a psychopath harms others with his behavior. Of course, the degree of severity of psychopathic traits in individuals who possess them varies individually. The clinical picture of individual types of psychopathic disorders also varies significantly. Thus, for example, the following types of psychopathy are distinguished: excitable, hysterical, reactive-labile, inhibitory and others. In previous classifications we could find, for example, the following varieties: eccentrics, fantasists, liars, emotionally stupid, irritable, nervous, depressive.

Treatment of psychopathy is a long, complex and not always effective process. The same can be said about the spiritual rehabilitation of psychopathic individuals! However, what is impossible for man is possible for God.

Psychopathy of the corresponding type is characterized by behavioral disturbances and a decrease in socio-ethical level.

A serious illness is a powerful psychotraumatic factor. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to be sick like a Christian. An adequate, courageous reaction to illnesses is rare; much more often, people in such situations experience neurotic reactions. Thus, Professor V.P. Zaitsev identifies five types of similar reactions to myocardial infarction, among them a hysterical reaction is described. It is characterized by egocentrism, demonstrativeness, and the desire to attract the attention of others and evoke sympathy.

I repeat once again that in order for hysteria to manifest itself in full, two conditions are needed: benefit and a viewer; nothing hurts hysteria more than a lack of attention to one’s person. In this case, life fades for him and loses its attractiveness.

The Reverend Varnava (Belyaev) has this expression - “a lie with life.” So the hysteric, in its extreme manifestations, lies with its entire life.

Many hysterical people are regulars at various manifestations and demonstrations. Moreover, for them it is not particularly important what or whom to protect, whose rights to defend. The opportunity to be visible is attractive. In the last decade, with the advent of democracy, in the wake of the crisis of moral values, as a result of the lack of spirituality that has reigned in society for more than seventy years, various kinds of magicians, sorcerers, psychics, sorcerers are attacking the souls of people on a broad front, bringing so much trouble to the people who turn to them . Without going into details of the description of this occult destruction, I will only say that in terms of their personal make-up, the overwhelming majority of these “healers” are hysterics, thirsting for fame and recognition. Of course, among them there are also conscious servants of evil, with varying degrees of dedication. But there are also quite a few simply scammers who have no idea about any kind of occultism, but simply rob spiritually ignorant fellow citizens, siphoning a lot of money out of their pockets. Of course, this circumstance does not relieve responsibility from the person who turned for such “help,” even to a fraudster. This is a grave sin.

The desire to be visible and in the spotlight is often associated with lustful passion. The hysterical person, especially in his youth, is always in love and lives in an “ocean” of erotic fantasies. Hysterical women cannot resist flirting and coquetry for a short time. Often hysterical people, especially psychopaths, are completely enslaved by prodigal passion and lead a corresponding lifestyle.

Orthodox psychologist Archpriest Boris Nichiporov rightly writes: “The ideals that are cultivated by public consciousness today are the following. The first common ideal is a girl as a fashion model. What is required is good appearance and figure, white teeth, external skills, etc. In general, the starting point of everything is not the heart or mind, but the hip. Everything should be from the hip and not above the hip - thoughts, desires, and feelings.


Dr. V.K. Nevyarovich correctly points out that “since the end of the 19th century, atheistically oriented scientists tried to prove that there is no obsession or demonic possession, and all these are just manifestations of hysteria. Unfortunately, V.M. also held a similar view. Bekhterev (1857-1927), a major Russian scientist who worked in psychiatry, neurology, and psychology. However, he based his research on a purely materialistic position, which could not but affect his scientific research. Thus, in one of his works he even tried to assert (oh horror!) that all the Gospel miracles of the Savior - healings and resurrections from the dead - are explained by the hysterical suffering of people who believed in Christ.

Unfortunately, even today official medicine, to the delight of the entire demonic world, does not distinguish mental illnesses from spiritual ones and tries to treat many possessed people with insulin, hypnosis, chemicals, and recently also with occult methods (meditation, method Stanislav Grof and so on).”

The same author writes that “hysteria and demonization are not the same thing, but hysteria perfectly prepares the ground for demonization, for the devil is the “father of lies,” and all hysterical people are deceitful; the devil, according to the holy fathers, is a “painter” and a “monkey,” and hysteria is characterized by imitation, acting and a morbid artistic imagination. The fall of the devil occurred because of vanity and pride - and here the similarities are obvious..."

About this mental illness, priest Alexander Elchaninov wrote: “Hysteria is the decomposition of the personality, and it releases enormous amounts of energy, destructive in its destructive power, as in a disintegrating atom.”

Pride and vanity, deceit and posturing - this is the spiritual essence of hysteria.

So what is hysteria: sin or disease? It seems to me that hysteria is a sinful disposition of the soul, which often leads to painful suffering.

For what purpose am I writing these lines? Then, as they say, “to know the enemy by sight” and fight him, uprooting the weeds of hysteria in your own soul. And at the same time, to better see this sinful illness in the reality around us.

How to respond to hysterical behavior? First of all, you should not follow the hysterical lead. Maintain dignity and calm, and if necessary, reasonable severity. Let me remind you once again that without an audience, the hysteria stops. Therefore, the same mother discussed above should not notice the “convulsions” of the angry baby and calmly continue to go about her business.

Depression, despair, despondency are conditions that are not just a bad mood that will pass in a few hours, but a much worse health disorder. Sometimes prolonged depression is put on a par with complex diseases, which are treated by professional doctors.

It is worth noting that in Orthodoxy such mental states were equated with mortal sins. However, during their lifetime, some saints also suffered from such complex mental disorders. Therefore, prayers for despondency and depression have come down to our time, which help a believer overcome this difficulty in his life.

Who should you pray to in case of depression and despair?

Today, there are a sufficient number of different prayers that can help a believer get rid of such an unpleasant moral state. The first step is to choose a sacred text that will have a beneficial effect on the person asking for help from the saints.

It is worth noting that every Orthodox Christian can independently distinguish which prayer is from depression and despair, and which is from melancholy and despondency. To do this, you just need to read the prayer service; from its text it becomes clear, and the believer himself must feel that this sacred text is intended specifically for his condition.

Moreover, you should choose a saint who will hear your request, understand it and, by necessity, be able to fulfill it. This is not so easy to do; you need to think about your situation and find the miracle worker whose story fits the specific situation.

It is also worth considering what type of people this or that strong prayer for depression is suitable for. That is, a person can be in a state of oppression for various reasons; there are prayers of this kind for people:

  • who are sad and depressed because they are in prison and lack spiritual strength;
  • sometimes despondency occurs due to a person’s separation from people close to him;
  • in some cases, a believer cannot cope with depression due to constant failures in various endeavors.

Saints helping Christians from laziness, despondency, despair, depression

Depending on the specific conditions, every believer must choose a miracle worker who can hear his requests and help in difficult times. Every Orthodox Christian can ask for help from the following saints:

  • Mother of God.
  • Matrona of Moscow.
  • John of Kronstadt.
  • Nikolai Ugodnik.
  • Saint Tikhon.
  • Martyr Tryphon.
  • Reverend Ephraim.

It is worth noting that prayers in churches in front of the icons of all these saints worked incredible miracles. It has been repeatedly noted that people who asked them for help actually received it. Sometimes situations were seemingly hopeless, but suddenly a way out appeared precisely after reading a prayer for depression. To decide on the choice of a miracle worker, you should briefly know the history of each of them.

mother of God

The Mother of God has a special meaning among Orthodox Christians. An incredible number of different icons were painted with her image, some of which are miraculous. It is believed that a person who asks the Mother of God for help will definitely receive it, she hears everyone and never refuses help, but only when it is really needed.

As for this situation, it would be correct for a Christian to read the sacred text in front of the “Unexpected Joy” icon. In the case of reading a sincere prayer in front of this icon, a person returns to his normal existence, he acquires inner spiritual strength and mental balance. The Orthodox gets rid of the depressive state and continues a normal life.

Matrona of Moscow

She is also considered one of the strongest saints who helps everyone in need. Matrona was born completely blind, and she has never seen this world. But almost from childhood she had the gift of foresight and healing. Matrona devoted her entire earthly life to helping other people, she did not refuse anyone and did everything in her power.

You can pray in front of the icon of the Matrona of Moscow directly at home or in church. If possible, it is highly recommended to come to the relics of Matrona. Hundreds of Orthodox Christians come to this place every day and ask her for help to this day. But, if this is not possible, then you can read a prayer for despondency, depression, melancholy and despair at home in front of the icon.

John of Kronstadt

John was born in the Far North of Russia into the family of a poor rural worker. From an early age, the future saint was able to experience all the harsh conditions of life. Living in a poor family, the young man fully learned what a life full of poverty, tears and despair is. Such living conditions made John a rather withdrawn person, but at the same time he had a compassionate love for the poor.

Due to the lack of material wealth, he did not play toys and other children's games that were available to his peers. However, he never carried God in his heart. John loved nature; it gave him spiritual strength and inner balance.

His poverty, and he began to learn to read and write. After some time, John enters the academy and a little later becomes a priest. Throughout the rest of his life, he helped all the people who asked him for help, he did everything in his power.

That is why a powerful prayer for depression to this saint helps people who have lost vital energy due to financial failures.

Nikolai Ugodnik

Even from infancy, Nikolai was a very religious person; he observed fasting from childhood. At the age of 10, he began to study the Divine Scripture, he could spend whole days in the temple without leaving it, there he prayed all the time.

At a very young age he became a priest, and for some time the fame of the young but very wise priest spread throughout the country. A large number of Orthodox Christians came to the church where Nicholas served and asked for his blessing. He spoke rather long and competent speeches, which were more suitable not for a young man, but for a wise old man. He read a very large number of books - both religious and scientific, and therefore differed from a large number of people in his incredible education.

Then throughout his life he helped various people. He gave instructions in difficult moments, and when necessary, he helped them financially. There is a well-known story when one man was ready to send his daughters to a brothel because of terrible financial problems. When Nikolai found out about this, he threw money at them, thereby saving the girls from a bitter fate. The saint also helped people who were illegally convicted and performed many different good deeds.

Therefore, every Orthodox Christian, when reading a prayer for melancholy and depression, can do this before. It is worth noting that the sacred text is best read in church, in peace and quiet.

Saint Tikhon

A very powerful prayer for despair and depression is read to Saint Tikhon, who delivers those in need from such mental illness. A distinctive feature of such prayer is its privacy. It is necessary to read the sacred text at home in front of the icon, and it is advisable to ask for help in complete silence.

How to pray correctly?

After you have chosen which saint to read a prayer for depression, you need to know how to pronounce it correctly so that your requests are heard. Ideally, it is necessary to visit the relics of a saint and ask for help directly at the burial site. But, unfortunately, not every person has such an opportunity.

However, almost every person can visit the temple; for this it is necessary to pray directly in front of the icon of the saint and ask him to give spiritual strength that will help overcome this moral illness. Before reading a prayer for depression, you should light a candle and only then begin to communicate with the saints.

At home, prayer will also be heard; the main thing is to light a candle in front of the icon, put a glass of holy water and read the prayer. You need to read with understanding and with pure intentions, and upon completion you need to drink a sip of holy water and cross yourself.

Another important factor is sincerity. When a Christian demands help and tells him indicatively what he needs, then in this case there is no need to expect a miracle. It is extremely important to read the sacred test sincerely, with a pure soul and heart. Also, you should not hope that after the first reading a miracle will happen immediately. The Lord knows better than us when and at what time a person really needs help.

What to do if prayer doesn't help?

Do not despair when you have been reading a prayer for depression for a long time, and your moral state does not improve. First of all, you need to think about how you read the prayer, whether it really flows from your lips sincerely or whether there are notes of demand in the text.

It is also worth remembering what your lifestyle was like before you started asking the Saints. Moreover, if a person has never read daily prayers or visited temples, one should not hope that a miracle will happen the first time. You need to thank the Lord every day for everything he gives, and then a person, even without knowing it, will receive more vital energy.


When a person is in prolonged depression and professional psychologists cannot help in this situation, a significant part of the population resorts to prayer. It is worth noting that such a remedy is quite effective, because there are quite a large number of examples of physical and moral healing only from the fact that a Christian has become a truly religious person who has begun to carry God in his heart.

Give thanks to the Lord for everything you have, and periodically, when you really need it, ask for help.

Mental disorders are, in a broad sense, diseases of the soul, meaning a state of mental activity that is different from healthy. Their opposite is mental health. Individuals who have the ability to adapt to daily changing life conditions and solve everyday problems are generally considered mentally healthy individuals. When this ability is limited, the subject does not master the current tasks of professional activity or the intimate-personal sphere, and is also unable to achieve the designated tasks, plans, and goals. In a situation of this kind, one may suspect the presence of a mental abnormality. Thus, neuropsychiatric disorders are a group of disorders that affect the nervous system and behavioral response of an individual. The described pathologies may appear due to abnormalities in metabolic processes in the brain. For prevention and treatment, you can use the following presented conspiracies:

For intercostal neuralgia

Amphibian knotweed root - 2 tbsp. spoons
Northern breaker - 2 tbsp. spoons
Sabelnik - 2 tbsp. spoons
Brew everything with boiling water (0.5 l) and leave for half an hour. Drink half a glass 4 times a day. Soon you will forget about your illness.

Heal your nerves

With this prayer you can calm your nervous system. A person gradually begins to be less nervous, becomes kinder, has a lighter character, and treats others more calmly. It has long been known: the less nervous a person is, the less sick Melt the church candles in an iron mug so that there is about half a half-liter mug of wax.
Place the patient so that the wax mug and cup are above his head.
Turn his face towards the door. Pour wax into the water and say: Just as wax pours from a candle in Mother Church, so the soul of God’s servant (name) is not given to demonic evil. Just as the throne stands in the church, does not shake, does not cry, does not swear, does not rush at people, so you, servant of God (name), be quiet and calm. The Lord is great. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From nervous breakdowns

If a wife or mother or someone is suffering from the scandals of psychos and asks for help, then wet the patient’s shirt with holy water, tell him and hang it outside to dry, and when it dries, let him put it on so that the patient becomes calm.
The plot is this: The river does not splash, the star does not shine, the moon does not sway, the servant of God (name) does not eat away. Doesn't grumble, doesn't scream, doesn't wave his arms. His soul is at rest and knows no malice. Sleep, sleep, in the doors, in the windows, in the walls, sleep quietly, there is no dashing and crazy. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For seizures in adults and children

Take the smoldering coals in the ash pit. Throw them into the water, they will hiss, and you whisper:
Lord, help, Lord, bless. Bless, God, my prayer for the help and healing of God’s servant (name). I, God’s servant (name of the healer), speak to this soul and body: from beating, stabbing, shaking, demonic dancing. From the eyes, hands, legs, elbows, nails, blood, breasts, under-breasts, from the brain, stomach, all joints and semi-joints, go away without returning to the body, without looking back, demonic seizures, stabbing, shaking, devilish dances. I'll flog you with a knife. I draw you out with the cross, I whisper, I speak, I reprimand you on hot coals. There is an old oak tree by the sea, go there, have a fit, live there on an old oak tree, and leave the soul and body of the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


They lay a sheet on the floor, two more on it and a towel on which the coffin was lowered into the grave, and then they lay the patient down. They place as many candles on the table as the patient is old, and light the candles. If at least one candle goes out while others are being lit, then they do not treat that day, but put it off until the next time. While the candles are burning, read: Verb your speech, your thoughts flow. The river of blood and brain is flowing, the brain is alive and well, and not mux and not dashing, and not bad, but flowing. Not one, not two, but three. Most Holy Trinity, wipe away all sickness from the head, from the brain, from the crown of the head, from the back of the head, from the temples, from the sick bodies. The thought flows, but the Lord heals. Amen.
This method always gives good results. The patient's head is wiped with a sheet and towel. Rags are burned in the evening after sunset.

For weak nerves (calming words)

They slander the water, give it to drink, or wash the patient with it. They do this when there are stars in the sky (at least one). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. You, water, you wash and wash away, you, water, are everywhere: in the lake and in the river, in the ocean and in a bucket. Calm the servant of God (name): from shouting and anger, from rude words, from vain tears, from a thousand angry thoughts. He wouldn't suffer, he wouldn't scream. Cool his anger, calm his anger. Wash, drain, rinse off his wild head. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be you, my words, strong, be you, my words, sculpted. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Soothing words

It happens that a person starts a scandal and will not calm down, not giving peace to others. It's not far from trouble here. Who knows how such a scandal could end. Whisper words into the water and give it to that person to drink. He will calm down immediately.
Calm down, walk away from the dead man quietly, take him away dashingly. The tongue is angry - the lock, and the key - under the threshold Amen.

For diseases of the nervous system

Speak water and sprinkle it on all the corners in your son’s room and his bed. They chant the water like this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, God's servant (name), reprimand my son. I gave birth to him, I gave him a name. I breastfed him, I baptized him in Mother Church. I reprimand him: nerves from the bones, nerves from all the strength, from the ruddy body, so that not a single nerve vein hurts. I will get up, blessing myself, I will go out, crossing myself, I will walk along a green meadow, along a steep bank. There a willow tree grows on the sand, and a golden hut stands under it. There the Mother of God reads the Bible, corrects the nerves of the servant of God (name), takes away everything that is bad and throws it into holy water. His anger melts like a candle, his anger disappears. Christ reigns, Christ commands. Christ saves, Christ heals. Christ himself takes away the anger from the servant of God (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Relieve nervous fever

Sprinkle the charmed water on the patient. They chant the water like this: The Lord raised Lazarus, the Lord helped the suffering. My God, God, help me too. On the sea, on the sand, at great depths, a gray stone lies, on that stone Adonai himself stands, waving an iron rod, knocking the crap out of (name)’s head. My words, my lips, and the help of Jesus Christ. I say those words, and the Lord God helps. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Relieve trembling hands

If a person’s hands are shaking, he needs to wipe the dust in the church. And do this for three days in a declining month. Such people should not count money, spin, knit or sew after sunset. Another way helps. Take gloves or mittens and, turning them inside out, hang them on a tree in a thunderstorm, let them dry and wear them without washing them.

From trembling hands

If the patient's hands are shaking, then you need to trace his hand on paper with a pencil. Light the stove in the bathhouse, throw this paper in there and, looking through the open door at the fire, say three times: In the green valley, in the gray smoke, the devil's finger is growing. Whoever touches my smoke will have his hand shake. Go, shaking, seventh devil, to the gray smoke, to the bathhouse shelf, to the damp mother, shaking shaking. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For stuttering

Speak into the water, let the patient drink, and you lightly hit him on the back with your right palm and read what you said into the water, again, but to yourself. The Lord’s speech is pure, the Lord’s lips do not falter, the words are not interrupted, so you, servant of God (name), speak, do not falter and do not be interrupted by hiccups or tossing. Amen.

Stuttering from fear

Read the “Our Father” with water, and then these words: For the first time, at good o’clock, the Mother of God walks across the golden bridge. “Where are you, Mother of God, going?” - “I’m going to the servant of God (name) to utter my fear, to speak my tongue.” - “Most Pure Mother of God, help me. I ask You, I pronounce from the crown, from the forehead, from the neck, from the eyes, from the ears, from the tongue, from the subtongue, spine, from the lungs, liver, kidneys, from the chest, from the dewlap, from the heart, from the stomach, from the hands, from legs, of 77 joints. You can’t stand here, you can’t have blue veins, you can’t burst yellow bones, you can’t rage with red blood. What kind of fear are you? Please stop, don't be scared anymore. Lord, help me, Most Pure Mother of God. Amen".

For stuttering

Read on the young, newly born month. A total of 12 times. At this time, no bread, no money, nothing at all is given from home. An old forest man walks through the forest, he doesn’t stumble, the servant of God (name) doesn’t stutter, he doesn’t get tired of talking, to our joy, to the grief of our enemies. Speak, don’t stutter, don’t stumble in words, just like the old forest man doesn’t stutter, doesn’t stumble. Amen.

Anti-stuttering for men

From a man’s letter: “I don’t want to live. I stutter very badly and avoid everyone. The girl I love will never marry me because to her I’m just a stutterer.”
I give three strong spells against stuttering: for a man, for a woman and for a child. I remind you that all slander is read for a declining month. If a master is treating, then it is necessary that his patronymic does not coincide with the patronymic of the patient. If a person heals himself, then all mirrors should be turned to the east.
Take a rod from a man’s tree, draw a Solomon’s star on the ground with it, circle it, move the patient around in a circle and say: Six, not five, five, not four, four, not three, damn, wipe it off your tongue. Did you take it from the servant of God (name)? I took it. Did you take it on yours? Amen.

Anti-stuttering for women

Read on Women's Day. Neither the master nor the patient should have debts, as well as menstruation. They read at noon, tying knots on the ribbon: 12 devils, brothers, tie and take away from the tongue of the servant of God (name) what she stuttered with, with which she parted. Each devil, his tongue has one knot. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Anti-stuttering for a child

The child is given warm milk to drink by the spoonful. A spell is read on each of the spoons. For a child, treatment day for stuttering is Wednesday. The dog was lying there, the cat came running and licked everything off. You, dog, don’t whine, but you, cat, take it, and you, (name), speak clearly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From obsessive thoughts

If a person constantly thinks about the same thing (about danger, betrayal, suicide, etc.), he should do this. They tie three branches together, while saying a conspiracy. Then they leave and never return. King Solomon, cunning and wise, take away from the servant of God (name) that about which his thoughts burn, his brains hurt, his thoughts drive him, the devils dance around him. Take him off the black cross. Put everything in its place. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From apathy

They say morning water and use it to wash the person suffering from apathy. This must be done on Epiphany Sunday. Cover the crown of Christ the Savior, the deliverer of all suffering, with your robe, wash with holy baptismal water. Show the servant of God (name) your salvation. Amen.

From constant melancholy

Melancholic people find it difficult to live not only because they are constantly depressed, but also because such people are usually avoided. They get rid of them in teams because they are difficult to work with. The eternally sad expression on their face brings loneliness upon them. Nobody wants to live with such a person. On Bright Friday (Easter week) you need to wash the melancholic person with water into which three painted Easter eggs, previously blessed in the church, are dipped. They say this: Strengthen my faithful words, Lord, strengthen, Christ, the servant of God (name). Just as people rejoice at the bright Easter, so let the servant of God (name) rejoice in life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From angry outbursts

If a person is angry, picky, constantly irritated and makes scandals, you should give him a decoction of the following plants:
Licorice root -100 g
Elm bark - 50 g
Violet root - 50 g
Boil everything and give it to the patient to drink. The inflamed brain and nerves will gradually become stronger. The person will be more friendly, cheerful, and compliant.

From psychosis

Three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening), open and close the hook on the door (latch) and say in one breath the spell: My cross, my strength. The cross is God's symbol. My Baptist is with me. My great cross. The angel held him in his hands, drove out the evil of the demon from the servant of God (name), and subdued him with God’s Word.

From aggressiveness

So, if, for example, you have a son or husband who has an aggressive character, take a tablespoon and bring it close to your lips, read the plot against aggressiveness three times. Give this spoon to the person you read for at dinner.
This conspiracy is ancient. It was used to ensure that there were no quarrels and scandals in the house. Time has shown that he always helped. The plot should be read like this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Truly I tell you: no matter how much people eat food from a spoon, they still want to eat again. Just as it is true that people will eat and drink all their lives, so it is true that the servant of God (name) will no longer beat the servant of God (name). Now, forever and endlessly. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against hysteria

For treatment you will need a completely fresh chicken egg, laid on Wednesday.
Place a patient with a hysterical attack facing east. The healer must take the egg in his hand and roll it over the patient’s body from the feet to the head. At the same time you need to whisper:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, the servant of God (name of the healer), will get up in the morning and reach the Apostolic Church in the evening. In this holy church there is a Throne, around that Throne there is a mirror floor, in that floor the whole wondrous sky is reflected, the stars, the Moon, and the Sun are refracted in it. The Mother of God sits on the Throne and smiles. I, God’s servant (name), will come closer to the Throne and bow down to the mirror floor below. I will bow, submit and pray: Mother of God, accept my Jesus Prayer. For all monthly days, for all daily hours. And how, according to God’s will, the small will grow, and the great will be reduced to the small, so that the illness of the servant of God (name) will be reduced and will not return forever and ever. Amen.

From hysterics

If a person is hysterical, then from time to time you can give him charmed water to drink. He also needs to dry himself with a towel on which a live fish has fallen asleep.
The character of a person changes greatly after this. Do this three times a year.
Just as a fish is silent, so the servant of God (name) does not scream. Saint Sava, help the servant of God (name), tie your tongue. Amen.

From a burning tear

If your eyes are constantly watering and tears flow in the wind, this spell will help you. It is read in windy weather at sunset. These days must necessarily be the last days of the month - 29, 30, 31, not earlier. Pay special attention to the fact that when your eyes get better, don’t brag about it to anyone, you could go blind.
They slander the water, pour it into their palms and rinse their eyes. Read like this: Through the sucker, through the moss, stalote, wind, pendulum, unquenchable crying. I’ll go to the Lord’s forest, there is a willow tree there. Just as a willow tree drinks the juice of the earth, so it would drink from the servant of God (name) a hot, weeping tear. From now on and forever. Amen.

Relieve melancholy

Read, sprinkling three sunsets on the patient: The dawn does not cry, the dawn does not grieve for the evening, the fog for the Sun, the rain for the drought, the light at night. So the servant of God (name) does not yearn or grieve, does not shed tears, does not suffer for anyone. Amen.

Out of melancholy

Read on the water: Water from the sand, take away my melancholy. She came from the wind, go to the wind, she came from the people, go to the people. Amen.
Then, having blessed yourself with the cross by hand, wash yourself with this water early in the morning before sunrise.

If a person is tormented and sad, you need to cut off the ends of your hair while reading the plot:
Old age and pain, melancholy and sadness, bad thoughts, bad thoughts I will burn with fire and release with smoke. To the forest, to the wild wind. Amen.
Burn the hair, throw it into the water, look into this water day and night. In the morning, pour the water over the threshold.

Speak sadness on the test

The servant of God (name) made an ear of grain, made of wheat from an ear of wheat, made flour from wheat, made dough from flour, made bread from dough. There was bread on the table and it was gone. So that the servant of God (name) will disappear. Amen.

Bring a person out of stupor

Speak water after sunset, lower the cross into it and sprinkle it on the patient.
Cross, cross cross. Man was born, the cross was erected, Satan got involved, God was glorified. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Allay the suffering

If something happened to you and you cannot listen to reason or the words of your family and friends, the world is not dear to you, tears and suffering plague you, then do this: wash your face with the enchanted water in the morning and evening. Read with the curtains closed and your feet bare.
The Lord suffered on the Cross, his legs ached, his hands ached, there was hellish torment. The holy blood ran, the soul of Jesus suffered. I will pray for his deliverance. Take away, Lord, the torment from me. Bless me with peace of mind. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Relieve the effects of stress

The state of the nervous system varies among people. One will get nervous and forget, and the other will end up in the hospital. If you see a person losing his temper in anger, spit over his left shoulder and say quietly: There is no storm that does not subside. Calm down too, servant of God (name), in the name of the meekness of King Solomon. Amen. But first you need to read the prayer to the holy great martyr Barbara, which helps in despondency and sadness, serves as consolation in sadness: Holy, glorious and all-validated great martyr of Christ Barbara! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Martyr Christ himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also those who suffered for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, known desires of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, God who prays from His mercy, may He mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the forgiveness needed for salvation and life, and grant the Christian death of our life a painless, shameless peace of participation in the Divine Mysteries ; and to everyone in every place, in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, soul and body, always in abiding health, we glorify the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw help Its own from us, always, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.