Secrets of storing kombucha. Storing Kombucha

26.08.2024 Symptoms

Tea mushroom originated in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century and became widespread in the 80s. Nowadays, it is undeservedly forgotten and is quite rare, despite the fact that the drink obtained with its support has expensive healing and preventive properties.


1. Tea mushroom- A rather unusual-looking culture. Its upper part is dense and bright, and its lower part looks like a collection of hanging threads. Biologically, it is a symbiosis of yeast mushroom ka and acetic acid bacteria. More often than each for the table of contents of tea mushroom and use 3-liter glass jars. Under no circumstances use metal utensils or containers made of polyvinyl chloride or polystyrene for this purpose.

2. Hold the tea can mushroom ohm in a shaded place away from the window, because direct clear rays and cold are equally harmful to it. The coolest thing for everyone is to place a container with mushroom in a special box. Try to ensure the box is ventilated and free from foreign odors.

3. Cover the container with a napkin or gauze to prevent dust and insects from getting in, but under no circumstances close the jar with a lid. The mushroom should.

4. Better than everyone's tea mushroom feels at a temperature of about 25 degrees. Temperatures below 17 degrees are harmful to him.

5. To prepare the tea solution, use only water that has been boiled and cooled in advance. Cannot place mushroom into water with poorly dissolved sugar or simply pour it on top. This causes burns on his body.

6. Tea mushroom need to be washed periodically, best of all in spring water. In summer this should be done every 1–2 weeks, and in winter after 3–4 weeks.

7. The fungus can get sick and disappear if the tea solution is not changed for too long. If a brown coating appears on the top layer, rinse thoroughly mushroom, remove its top layer and place it in fresh tea solution.

8. If tea mushroom for some reason it was left without your care and attention (say, during a long departure), the water evaporated from it and it dried up, do not rush to throw it away. The mushroom will come to life if you pour it with fresh tea solution

9. What to do if you decide not to use tea for a while mushroom, but want to save it? Remove part mushroom A. Place the jar in the refrigerator. Rinse frequently mushroom cool water. At low temperatures its effect is invisibly reduced.

Kombucha as a very healthy drink was bought by a special celebrity in the 80s of the last century. Currently, his celebrity is returning. How to get kombucha at home?


1. Leave the strong brew of black tea in a warm place for three days. After this time, its surface will begin to become covered with an oily film that is slimy to the touch. Let the “embryo” gain strength and get stronger. To make the process go faster, add a pinch of sugar to the brew. After a month and a half, the old mold will acquire the usual shape and dense consistency for a mushroom. Now it is allowed to place it in a 3-liter jar in a continuous place and care for the “wonderful doctor” in accordance with generally accepted traditions.

2. Use another method for purchasing kombucha. If you do not have a piece of the mushroom itself, but have water in which it has progressed, do the following: pour 2-3 tablespoons of sugar (per liter) and drunk tea into the liquid. After a week, each of this mixture will begin to peroxidize, and a thin film will form on the surface. Place the 3-liter jar of mushroom in a place where it will not interfere, but so that you do not forget about it. Cover the drink with four layers of gauze and tie it up, otherwise midges may appear. It is impossible to cover the jar with a lid, because... the mushroom must breathe.

3. Use the body of one kombucha to purchase another. Carefully remove one layer of an adult multi-layered mushroom. Rinse this part with cool boiled water, and then fill it with warm water in a three-liter jar. Cover the jar with gauze and leave the mushroom for 1-1.5 days. Do not feed the newborn mushroom with sugar or tea at this time. After a day or a little more, you should place the fungus in the prepared solution.

4. Prepare a solution for kombucha: take 2 teaspoons of black leaf tea and brew. Strain the resulting tea leaves and pour it into hot boiled water. Add sugar at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per liter of water and mix the solution well so that the sugar dissolves.

5. Gently dip the mushroom into the cooled solution. The optimal temperature for the existence of the fungus is 25°C. At low temperatures (below 17°C) the fungus does not progress.

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Kombucha is not only an appetizing drink, but also a healthy one. At the same time, he is quite capricious and requires continuous care. Kombucha not only enriches the body with vitamins, but also helps in the treatment of sore throats and colds no worse than a potent potion.

You will need

  • To grow mushroom:
  • – 3 liters of tea;
  • – 1.5 cups of sugar.
  • To prepare tea kvass:
  • – 2.5 – 3 liters of tea;
  • - sugar to taste.


1. Tea mushroom You can take it from acquaintances or friends, but you can also grow it yourself. It doesn't require many ingredients and a few months of patience. Take a jar, preferably a 3-liter one, pour into it a tea solution of medium citadel (not very strong, but not weak either).

2. Place the jar in a warm place and leave. Within a few days you will notice a thin film like mold on the surface of the tea. Actually, this is our mushroom, however, he still has to grow and grow. The complete process can take up to 2 months, but it can be accelerated by sweetening the solution. Sugar makes the breeding ground for bacteria even more favorable, and mushroom begins to increase right before our eyes.

3. Ready mushroom It is a fairly dense slimy substance, similar to a sea jellyfish. As soon as this happens, you can prepare the drink. First, rinse mushroom Wash the jar under cool running water, it will become a good “home” for your pet.

4. Prepare a tea solution, add sugar to taste, stir well, leave until cool. Remember that the burning liquid mushroom It is impossible to fill it, on the contrary, it will die. Also undesirable is the ingress of sugar crystals or very strong tea leaves. Pour the solution at room temperature into a jar. The mushroom will go down for a while, but then rise. As usual, in winter the preparation time for a carbonated drink is about 5 days, in summer – 2-3.

5. Pour the finished tea kvass into another container and store it in the refrigerator, and mushroom Arrange water treatments. Rinse it to remove excess mucus and fibers. If necessary, separate the “old” part, put it back in the jar and fill it with fresh solution. Also don’t forget to rinse the jar.

6. Use gauze or a special lid with holes, mushroom must "breathe". Oxygen is needed for bacteria to function. If you have separated the old part, then add it to the solution for the young mushroom and a little bit ready mushroom new insistence, so that he adapts more quickly.

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Japanese mushroom, kombucha, Japanese sponge, tea jellyfish, Fanga mushroom are different names for the same group of organisms, with the help of which you can get a slightly carbonated drink with a nice sour-sugary taste. Kombucha infusion contains a lot of biologically energetic substances, which makes it a healthy drink.

Kombucha is a symbiosis of acetic acid bacteria and yeast fungi that form a thick layered film that floats on the surface of a liquid nutrient medium. The official name of the Japanese mushroom is “medusomycete”. Its appearance resembles a jellyfish: the top of the kombucha is smooth, dense and slimy, and the bottom is hung with numerous threads. During fermentation, yeast converts sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide, and bacteria, in turn, oxidize the alcohol to acetic acid. Kombucha infusion is traditionally called tea kvass. Tea jellyfish is native to China. Kombucha was first mentioned in written sources about 250 years BC. According to these sources, the mushroom was obtained by accident: it spontaneously appeared on the surface of someone’s forgotten sugary tea. The Chinese tried the drink and appreciated its wonderful, refreshing taste. In the future, the beneficial properties of kombucha were noticed, as a result of which it began to be called the elixir of health and longevity. The Fanga mushroom came to Europe and Russia only in the 20th century. Scientists became interested in the healing properties of medusomycetes and conducted relevant research. As a result, official science has certified the benefits of kombucha.

Suitable substances contained in kombucha infusion

Tea kvass contains a variety of organic acids: acetic, oxalic, lactic, malic and citric. They maintain acid-base balance in the human body and improve the digestion process. In addition, the mushroom infusion contains gluconic acid, which stimulates metabolism and increases muscle performance. Tea kvass is rich in vitamins, including vitamin B5, vitamin C, vitamin PP, as well as enzymes, tannin and caffeine. The finished drink contains little alcohol - approximately the same amount as in ordinary kefir.

Healing properties of tea kvass

Drinking kombucha infusion normalizes the microflora of the stomach, improves the state of the nervous system, reduces cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, alleviates the symptoms of a hangover and causes a surge of vivacity. Externally, tea kvass is used to gargle for sore throat and tonsillitis, to treat burns, seborrhea and pustular rashes on the skin.

Preparation of Japanese mushroom infusion

Tea kvass is prepared in a large glass container. Most often, ordinary three-liter jars are used. To purchase 2.5 liters of mushroom infusion you will need 2 liters of boiled water, 2-3 teaspoons of black or green tea and 4-6 tablespoons of sugar. First, you need to prepare tea leaves; for this, dry tea is poured with 250-300 ml of boiling water. After this, sugar dissolves in hot boiled water. After the brew has infused, it must be strained and added to water with sugar. When the nutrient solution has cooled to room temperature, you can put the kombucha in it. It is best to place the jar with the mushroom in partial shade, because direct, clear rays are dangerous for it. In summer, tea kvass will be ready in 3-4 days, in winter - in 5-6 days. The drained infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 months.

Tea mushroom originated in Russia in the 19th century. Scientists cannot correctly name his homeland, but the largest number of versions boils down to the fact that he comes from Ceylon. In addition to the name tea mushroom many call it Japanese, sea, Indian, Manchurian, tea jellyfish, as well as leavened drink, etc. Regardless of its name, the drink has a wonderful refreshing taste and has valuable properties that allow it to be taken for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

You will need

  • – brewing black or green tea without additives;
  • – clean container;
  • – 200 g sugar;
  • – gauze or sieve;
  • – clean bottles for storage.


1. In infusion mushroom and due to acetic acid fermentation and the activity of yeast mushroom This produces a large number of natural bacteria and vitamins that the body needs, which help cope with various diseases, increase immunity, and ultimately prevent the occurrence of serious diseases and strengthen the body as a whole.

2. But it is impossible to drink the drink without measure. Like any herbal remedy, a tea drink made from mushroom but you need to drink moderately, systematically and following certain doses.

3. To prepare the drink, you need to take a clean three-liter jar, pour boiling water into it, add a tablespoon of unflavored tea leaves, 200 g of sugar, mix everything thoroughly, and cool. Rinse the mushroom under running water and dip into the prepared solution. At a temperature of 25 degrees and above, the drink will be ready in 5 days, at a lower temperature - in 7-8 days. Capacity with mushroom It must be kept away from direct bright light. You can use black or green tea as a brew.

4. After the specified time interval, the drink must be strained through a fine sieve or gauze, poured into clean bottles, and carefully sealed. Store in the refrigerator for 7 days. From longer storage mushroom may deteriorate and lose its valuable properties.

5. The tea drink should be taken 30 minutes before meals, 300 ml 3 times a day. They also drink it after meals, but not earlier than 1 hour later.

6. The tea drink is contraindicated for people with diabetes due to the sugar content, without which the fermentation process is unthinkable. And also for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity and increased secretory function.

7. Indications for use are: colds, viral infections, hypotension, hypertension, poor digestive function, poisoning, including alcohol and drugs. The drink helps the functioning of the liver and bile ducts, normalizes stool in case of dysentery and gastrointestinal disorders. They are allowed to gargle for sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and wash their eyes for conjunctivitis. For external use, the drink is used to treat wounds, ulcers, burns, including clear ones. Because tea mushroom removes toxins and improves digestion, it is wise to use it for obesity and metabolic disorders.

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Kombucha or “tea jellyfish” have been around for quite a long time. It is a thick mucous film, consisting of a symbiosis of yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria, floating on the surface of a nutrient medium (say, sugary tea, juice).

Suitable properties

The drink, which is obtained with the support of kombucha, has a nice sour-sugary taste. It improves blood circulation, nutrition of internal organs, increases immunity due to the content of B vitamins, vitamin C, PP, folic, gluconic, citric, lactic, acetic and malic acids. Drinking this tea causes a surge of vivacity, and also greatly improves a person’s performance due to the caffeine and tannins in the composition. A drink made from “tea jellyfish” is extremely suitable for diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys and, of course, intestines. The finished infusion accelerates recovery from colitis and enteritis, bacterial dysentery, fights constipation, regulates cholesterol levels in the body, which prevents the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. This strange drink is also widely used in cosmetology. Various face masks, compresses and lotions are made from it. Due to the valuable composition of kombucha, the skin is rejuvenated, turgor is improved and pores are narrowed.


Caring for kombucha is not difficult at all. It is recommended to keep it in a three-liter jar with a wide neck. The optimal temperature is 25-26 degrees. Keep the mushroom in the shade, because... clear rays are harmful to him. The infusion should be drained every 5-6 days in winter and 2-4 days in summer. It is recommended to keep the jar of the finished drink in the refrigerator.

How to brew kombucha

To brew kombucha, it is better to take young shoots from those who have been growing kombucha for a long time. Brew 100-120 g of black or green tea per 1 liter of water in a jar or bowl and add 40-70 g of granulated sugar. Place the mushroom shoot in a three-liter jar and pour in a thin stream of pre-chilled tea. Cover the neck of the jar with several layers of gauze and leave to infuse at room temperature for 2 weeks. After 14 days, you need to carefully empty the jar by pouring the finished, slightly carbonated drink into a clean bottle, and pour tea and sugar into it again. Using this method, an infusion of kombucha can be “grown” and consumed for years.

How to grow kombucha yourself

To grow kombucha yourself, you need to mix 120-200 ml of strong black tea with 1 tbsp. sugar and leave in a warm place for 2-3 days. A thin film should form, which must be poured together with the infusion into a container in which you will continue to grow the “tea jellyfish”.

Kombucha cannot be purchased in any store or pharmacy. It is given to excellent people like a treasure when it multiplies. The infusion has a beneficial effect on the human body, helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, insomnia, etc.

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a thick mucous film on the surface of the liquid, vaguely reminiscent of jellyfish. The scientific name of this organism is medusomycete, and it is popularly called kombucha, Japanese mushroom, tea jellyfish or sea kvass. This is a symbiosis of yeast and bacteria. The body needs a special nutrient medium. Like ordinary yeast, kombucha needs sugar, which it ferments, resulting in ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. Bacteria, in turn, oxidize ethyl alcohol and convert it into acetic acid. As a result of the activity of the fungus, a nice drink is obtained that tastes like kvass.

Kombucha care

In order for kombucha to progress and grow, it must be properly cared for. For cool growth and development, the mushroom needs a sweet liquid. It can be put, basically, in any drink, say, fruit juice or berry juice, but the most delicious-tasting drink is based on tea (it’s not for nothing that this organism is called kombucha). Prepare a solution. Brew some tea. Strain the brew and add warm water to the required amount. Dissolve sugar at the rate of 100 g per liter of water. It is more convenient for everyone to make a drink in a three-liter jar, so this amount will require 300 g of sugar. You can add honey to the infusion to taste, which will give it additional antibacterial and tonic properties. Cool the liquid and put kombucha in it. Cover the jar with a napkin, gauze or any other clean cotton cloth. Place the container in a warm place (the optimal temperature for the life of the fungus is about 25 degrees, that is, ordinary room temperature). At the same time, it is better not to place the jar on the window, because kombucha does not like direct bright rays, it can get burned and disappear. A coffee-based drink is very appetizing. To do this, you need to make a sugary solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon of your favorite instant coffee and 100 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. Place kombucha on top of the drink and cover the jar with gauze. The drink will be ready in 2-4 days in summer, and in winter in about a week. Drain the liquid, immediately prepare fresh tea and dip the mushroom in it. The resulting drink is ready for use; it can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Once every 2 weeks, the kombucha must be “bathed.” After pouring the drink, remove it from the jar and rinse it under running warm water. As the fungus grows, it begins to multiply and develop layers. They can be easily separated. Keep the required number of mushrooms for yourself and give the rest as a gift. Pure kombucha will first sink to the bottom, and then gradually rise and take its usual place on the surface.

One time tea mushroom was almost in the entire kitchen and was considered a panacea for all diseases. Then many people got rid of the unusual organism floating in a jar and resembling a jellyfish. And absolutely useless - this is a community of acetic acid bacteria and yeast mushroom contains a lot of substances suitable for the human body. And it can be used with great success to solve many health problems. Of course, as a companion product.


1. Before drinking a tea drink mushroom oh, it needs to be cooked correctly. Brew tea and add sugar in the proportion of 5 tablespoons per 2.5 liters of water. When cool, carefully pour into a jar with mushroom ohm and cover the neck with gauze. The infusion will be ready in a week, when mushroom will float to the top under the influence of carbon dioxide, which itself produces.

2. If you have no health problems, but want to easily strengthen it, drink one glass of the drink on an empty stomach all day for 2 months, 15 minutes before breakfast, one after lunch and another one before bed. Then take a break for a month and repeat the course, stopping again for a month at the end.

3. For colds, sore throat and tonsillitis, infusion mushroom Heat slightly in an enamel bowl, dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and drink 2-3 glasses a day. At the same time, gargle with warm infusion and rinse your nose. It also needs to be diluted with water, but it is more powerful - 1 to 10. During a flu epidemic, take 3 glasses of the drink all day for prevention.

4. To normalize stool during constipation, drink an eight-day infusion mushroom A. The recommended dose is half a glass before all meals, approximately 30 minutes before meals. The drink will help suppress pathogenic microflora and normalize intestinal function.

5. To reduce cravings for alcohol, you can also drink an infusion mushroom A. But only during the period of abstinence from drinking alcohol. First, you need to drink at least a liter of the drink per day, and it should be more “vigorous” than usual. Add the infusion to okroshka, tea, just like that. After a month, the share can be reduced.

6. When taking extremely strong antibiotics, in order to neutralize their harmful effects on the body, take a tea drink mushroom A. Just don’t try to take medications with it - keep intervals of 2-3 hours between taking the tablets and the infusion. After the entire tablet or injection, drink half a glass of the drink.

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Kombucha gained its popularity in Russia back in the eighties. Nowadays it is better known as “kombucha”. If you want to make this healthy drink yourself, then you should know how to store it correctly. We will talk about this further.

Correct storage conditions

If you regularly drink kombucha, then it should be stored in a glass container, for example, in a three-liter jar. It is not advisable to close the container tightly with a lid. To prevent dust from settling on the surface of the drink, simply cover the jar with gauze. Metal containers are not suitable for storing kombucha.

It is not recommended to keep the container with the infusion in the refrigerator; in cold conditions the mushroom may deteriorate. Place the jar in a dark and ventilated place. The optimal temperature for a tea drink is from 22 to 25 degrees.

How to preserve kombucha for a long time

If you need to go on vacation or want to take a break from drinking the drink, you don't have to throw away the mushroom. You can extend his life in one of the following ways.

In solution

During the break, put the mushroom in a weak tea solution and take it to a ventilated place, for example, to a balcony, to a pantry, or place it on a windowsill during cold weather. Approximately once every 14 days, make a fresh solution, and before that, thoroughly rinse the mushroom.

In the refrigerator

If you are going on a long trip, remove the kombucha from the solution, rinse it and place it in a plastic bag. The mushroom should be placed in the refrigerator, in the fruit and vegetable compartment. Cold conditions will prevent yeast from starting their life processes. In the warmth, they will again emerge from suspended animation, and the procedure for producing the drink will begin.


By drying, you can also preserve your kombucha for when you leave. Rinse it thoroughly and place in a dry bowl, turning occasionally to prevent mold from forming. It is recommended to place the bowl in a deep pan, which must be covered with gauze or a napkin. This will protect the kombucha from dust and insects. The dried mushroom is placed in the refrigerator or put in a closet.

To revive a dried crop, prepare a tea solution by adding sugar. After the mushroom has been in its environment for a week, it will return to its previous state. The very first drink should be poured out, and the next infusion can already be consumed.

General rules for caring for kombucha

Many troubles can be avoided if you provide proper care for your kombucha:

  • Grow the crop only in glass containers, avoiding the use of metal containers.
  • It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the container, not forgetting to rinse and sterilize the jar.
  • An iron strainer should not be used to strain the drink. Use cheesecloth or a plastic sieve.
  • Oxygen is necessary for the life of kombucha, so do not seal the container with a lid.
  • Do not leave the jar in direct sunlight. They can cause algae to appear.
    Provide the required temperature. At low temperatures (17 degrees and below) the drink will mature at a very slow pace.
  • Drafts have a detrimental effect on the fungus, especially in winter.
  • Kombucha should be washed every 7 days during the warm season. In winter, this procedure must be carried out once every 3-4 weeks.
  • It is recommended to rinse kombucha only in cool water, preferably boiled. The mushroom will die in hot water.
  • When preparing a tea solution, make sure that tea leaves do not get into it. It is also necessary to stir the sugar thoroughly before placing the mushroom in the solution. Undissolved grains of sugar and tea leaves damage the surface of this organism. Therefore, it is recommended to filter the prepared solution.

Solving various problems

Sometimes kombucha can be attacked by various diseases and troubles. Let's look at the most common ones:

The culture has grown too big

This fact is evidence of good care, but an overgrown specimen takes up a lot of space in the container. In this case, you just need to remove the old layers.

The mushroom sinks to the bottom

Usually it floats on the surface, but if it begins to sink, it means that the specimen is already old and it’s time for it to rest. Remove a thin transparent layer from its surface and place it in a freshly prepared tea solution with sugar.

The drink matures very slowly

Perhaps the mushroom is too cold. Simply move the container to a warmer area.

A brown coating has appeared

Remove the top layer and rinse the mushroom. Place it in a new solution with tea, and monitor the condition of the mushroom more closely.

The mushroom is covered with small spots

The appearance of spots may indicate burns from sugar or tea leaves. Be careful when preparing the solution, strain it thoroughly and stir the sugar.

Kombucha infusion is famous for its healing properties, which largely depend on its storage. In principle, this culture, which is a symbiosis of acetic acid bacteria and yeast fungus, is unpretentious; however, it is necessary to observe certain storage conditions for kombucha, which will be described below.

What is the best container to store kombucha?

The maintenance and storage of this culture is carried out, as a rule, in three-liter glass jars. It is not recommended to store kombucha in containers made of polyvinyl chloride or metal. The jar should not be hermetically sealed, just cover its neck with gauze or a napkin to prevent dust from getting into the infused drink.

There is no need to place the jar in the refrigerator, as cold has a detrimental effect on kombucha. It is enough to place the container in a dark, well-ventilated and cool place. The temperature at which kombucha is stored should be 22-25 degrees Celsius. If the indicators are lower, this will negatively affect the healing properties of the resulting infusion.

Take care of the mushroom!

Experienced kombucha breeders recommend regularly rinsing it in running water. In summer, this procedure must be performed at least once a week, but in winter, you can limit it to once a month. You also need to remember that the solution, which is a nutrient medium for the culture, should be changed regularly so that the fungus does not get sick.

Evidence that the culture is not doing well is a brown coating on the mushroom. The plaque should be carefully cleaned off, the nutrient solution replaced with a fresh one, and then the kombucha should be placed back in the container. It is noteworthy that even after complete evaporation of the liquid medium, the mushroom can come to life if you refill it with fresh tea solution, therefore you should not part with it even if all the water from the container has evaporated for one reason or another and it seems as if the mushroom has died.

If you need to store kombucha for a long time (for example, you are going on vacation or a business trip), then there is nothing left to do but place it in the refrigerator. At low temperatures, the functioning of the fungus will slow down (it will seem to go into hibernation), but when it gets into favorable conditions, it will return to its normal state.

In conclusion, we note that the mushroom should be stored in sweetened boiled water. Sugar must be stirred until it is completely dissolved, since this product gets on

Medusomycete(this is the scientific name for kombucha) looks like a thick film of white-yellow-brown-pink color floating on the surface of the nutritious liquid - the infusion of sweet tea. The sugars in the liquid can be different (glucose, sucrose, fructose), the type of tea also does not matter.

Researchers noticed that Medusomycete practically does not consume the components of tea infusion (aromatic, tannin and other substances), but is extremely sensitive to its absence. For example, without tea, it does not synthesize ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the life of kombucha.

If favorable conditions are created for kombucha, then on the fourth or fifth day of growth it begins to produce a pleasant-tasting and very healthy drink, reminiscent of strong, highly carbonated kvass (“tea kvass” or “kombucha”). The carbon dioxide bubbles in which the drink is saturated and acetic acid are jointly produced by yeast and acetic acid bacteria. Tea and some types of yeast give the drink a specific aroma.

Instructions for making kombucha drink

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the container in which the mushroom will be located. Usually at home they use a 3-liter jar. If possible, it is advisable to take a jar with a wide neck (do not use metal containers for preparing and storing the drink).
  2. We prepare a not very strong sweet tea (approximately 5 tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of black or green tea per 1 liter of water) that tastes good. It is recommended to brew tea for at least 15 minutes.
  3. We strain the tea. The sugar should be completely dissolved and there should be no particles of tea leaves.
  4. Let the tea cool to room temperature. The culture will die if placed in a hot solution.
  5. For young mushrooms: add a little mushroom infusion to the tea from the jar where it was previously kept as a “starter starter” (the amount of infusion should be approximately 1/10 of the total volume of liquid).
  6. Place the mushroom in a jar. We close the neck of the dish with gauze or a paper napkin and secure it with braid or an elastic band so that the kombucha can breathe, but so that small flies and dust cannot penetrate into the jar. We place the jar in a dark, warm place - the ideal temperature for tea mushroom is about 25 °C.
  7. After 4-10 days of infusion, Kombucha is ready for use. The fermentation time depends on the air temperature in the room - the higher the temperature, the faster the drink will be ready.
  8. When the drink reaches the desired acidity according to your taste, remove the kombucha with clean hands, rinse it under cold running water and place it in a jar of cold sweet tea prepared in advance according to the same procedure.
  9. Pour the finished drink into a glass container with a tight lid, filling it to the brim. To get maximum pleasure from the drink, let it ripen for several more days in a cool place (at least 5 days) - bacteria stop functioning without air access, and yeast continues to work if the container is tightly closed, the gas resulting from the activity of yeast will not be able to escape and you will get a delicious fizzy drink. Before drinking, strain the drink through cheesecloth or a plastic (not metal) strainer.

At an advanced age, the mushroom reaches a thickness of several centimeters (its area depends on the area of ​​the container in which it lives) and allows you to drink the infusion every day directly from the jar that contains the mushroom (of course, you must remember to replenish the infusion with a new portion of cold, sweet tea).

It’s convenient to have two identical jars: one will hold the kombucha, and the other you’ll pour the finished drink into. In the refrigerator, hermetically sealed glass containers with tea mushroom infusion can be stored for quite a long time, maintaining their healing and taste properties.

You can clearly see how to prepare kombucha on the page - Preparing the drink and caring for kombucha (+ video)

Important rules for the care and maintenance of kombucha.

  • It is necessary to keep kombucha in a glass container that is suitable in size, usually a standard 3-liter jar. It should not be kept in containers made of metals other than stainless steel, since the acids produced by the culture can react with metals.
  • It is better to keep the jar of mushroom in a dark place. You can allocate a special drawer for it in the kitchen - with ventilation and without foreign odors. Cold and direct sunlight inhibit the development of kombucha, so it is best to keep it away from the window.
  • Typically, kombucha is kept at normal room temperature. The optimal temperature for kombucha is approximately 25 °C. Temperatures below 17 °C are harmful, as they reduce the activity of the fungus and blue-green algae can develop in it.
  • The jar of kombucha should not be covered with a lid, since the mushroom must breathe; it is simply covered with a clean napkin or gauze so that dust does not get in and insects (which, by the way, are very not indifferent to it) cannot reach it.
  • Kombucha must be placed in boiled (!) water with sugar and tea leaves already dissolved in it: raw water contains a lot of soluble calcium salts (water hardness salts), which form calcium gluconate with gluconic acid, which precipitates.
  • You cannot sprinkle sugar on the kombucha and place it in a solution with undissolved sugar - this causes burns on its body in the form of brown spots.
  • You should not make tea that is too strong - excessive concentration of tea inhibits the growth of kombucha.
  • Leaves or granules of tea leaves should not be left in the tea solution for kombucha - this is very harmful to the kombucha and can cause wounds on its body.
  • It is necessary to periodically rinse the kombucha in clean water (you can use it from the tap, but if possible, use clean or spring water). In summer, this should be done every one to two weeks, and in winter - every three to four weeks.
  • Do not put the mushroom in hot tea.
  • If the top part of the kombucha begins to turn brown - this is a sign that the mushroom is beginning to die (sometimes this happens if the kombucha sits too long in the solution) - you should rinse it, separate and throw away the top layer and try to take more careful care of your pet.

It is necessary to take into account that in summer kombucha “works” faster than in winter, and accordingly the solution needs to be changed much more often.

If you pour the kombucha infusion into a free container and leave it to infuse at room temperature, then after one or two weeks a thin translucent layer will form on the surface of the liquid - a colony of microorganisms, which over time will also turn into an adult mushroom.

Storing Kombucha.

Place the kombucha on a dry plate and turn it over once a day to prevent it from becoming moldy (at this time it is important to prevent midges from accessing the kombucha, which like to lay their larvae on its body). The kombucha will dry to a thin plate, which can be stored in a cupboard or refrigerator. When you need kombucha again, you need to place it in a jar of sweet tea - it will revive there within a week and will be ready for use again.

Japanese kombucha is used in several areas of our life: cooking, medicine.

If you decide to keep a mushroom at home, you need to know how to grow kombucha and how to properly care for Japanese mushrooms at home.

How to care for kombucha?

In order for a mushroom to bring joy and benefit, it must be taken care of, since it is a living organism. It should be handled correctly, then you can be guaranteed to get a truly healing drink. Not only the taste of the infusion, but also its chemical composition and beneficial properties depends on how we care for kombucha growing at home. Research has shown that tea infusion is important for the development of the fungus. The mushroom almost does not consume its components, namely tannins, aromatics and other substances. But he is very sensitive to the lack of tea infusion. Without tea, he cannot synthesize ascorbic acid, which is necessary for his life.

If all the conditions in your home suit the kombucha, then already on the 4th to 10th day it begins to produce a healthy drink that tastes like strong, highly carbonated kvass. Gas bubbles and acetic acid are “provided” by yeast and acetic acid bacteria, and tea and some types of yeast give the infusion a specific aroma.

Where to keep kombucha?

At home, kombucha is kept only in glass containers that are suitable in size. As a rule, this is a 3-liter jar.

The mushroom should not be kept in a metal container, unless it is stainless steel, since the acids produced by the mushroom can react with metals. You can use a container made of high-quality synthetic materials, such as polyethylene or polypropylene. Containers made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polystyrene should not be used.

It’s good if the jar with the mushroom is placed in a shaded place, let it be a separate box with good ventilation and no foreign odors. Direct sunlight and cold inhibit the development of the fungus, so it is best to keep it away from the window. To properly care for kombucha, monitor the room temperature. The optimal temperature for it is approximately 20-25°C. If the temperature at home is below 17C, this is harmful for the fungus, as it reduces its activity and blue-green algae can grow in it. You should not close the jar with the mushroom because it needs to breathe. It is enough to close the jar with gauze or a clean napkin. This will not only allow the mushroom to breathe, but will also protect it from dust and insects, in particular fruit flies.

Place kombucha only in boiled water with sugar and tea leaves already dissolved in it. Raw water contains many soluble calcium salts, which form calcium gluconate with gluconic acid, which precipitates. Under no circumstances should you sprinkle sugar directly on the mushroom or place it in a solution with insoluble sugar. This will cause burns in the form of brown spots on the body of the fungus. The tea solution for the mushroom should not be too strong, because too concentrated tea will inhibit its growth. Leaves or tea leaves should not remain in the tea solution; this is very harmful to the fungus and can injure it.

How to rinse kombucha?

Periodically, kombucha grown at home must be washed in clean water - from the tap or, if possible, spring water. In summer this is done once every 1-2 weeks, in winter - once every 3-4 weeks. Do not place the mushroom in hot tea infusion, it will die.

If the top of the kombucha begins to turn brown, it means it is beginning to die. This usually happens because the mushroom has been left in the infusion for too long.

To prevent it from completely dying, it is washed, the top layer is separated and placed in a new tea infusion. Keep in mind that in summer kombucha “works” more intensely than in winter, which means the solution is changed more often. If you forget about the mushroom and stop caring for it, then all the liquid will evaporate. You can bring it back to life by filling it again with sweet water or tea infusion. It turns out that kombucha can be stored for some time in dried form.

Kombucha propagation

If the kombucha infusion is poured into a separate container and left at room temperature, after 7-14 days a thin translucent layer will appear on its surface - a colony of microorganisms, which after some time will become an adult mushroom.

Sometimes kombucha grown at home is “reborn.” This happens as follows. The mushroom sinks to the bottom of the jar and separates a new, clean, transparent film from itself. This film is a daughter of kombucha. In this case, the old mushroom can either be thrown away or used further, after transplanting the daughter mushroom into a new container. If the old mushroom is already very thick, it is perfect for making vinegar, as it begins to produce a lot of acid.

If the kombucha has become too thick, has accumulated many layers and is inconvenient to care for, and the drink turns out sour, remove part of the mushroom and transplant it into another container or give it as a gift to relatives and friends, telling about its beneficial properties.

Kombucha at home

For optimal growth and development of the fungus, a 10% sugar solution with the addition of black or green tea infusion is required.

Method for preparing Japanese kombucha

So, to prepare an infusion of kombucha you will need: kombucha (sourdough), about 100 g of white refined sugar (5 level tablespoons), 2 teaspoons of green or black tea, 1 liter of water, 3-liter glass jar, elastic band or rubber band, gauze.

A not very strong infusion is prepared from sugar and tea. It is best to brew tea for at least 15 minutes. The sugar should be completely dissolved, and there should be no pieces of tea leaves. Loose leaf tea can be replaced with tea from bags. Fill the mushroom placed in a jar with only the cooled infusion, otherwise the mushroom will die. If the mushroom is young, then add a little infusion from the jar where it was previously contained to the tea. The amount of infusion should be approximately 1/10 of the total volume of liquid.

After the mushroom has been placed in a jar and filled with infusion, the neck of the container is covered with gauze and secured with an elastic band. Gauze is needed so that the mushroom can breathe, and dust, plant spores, and small midges do not get into the jar. The jar is placed in a dark, warm place at home. It is recommended to infuse the mushroom for 4-10 days, after which it is ready for consumption. Fermentation time depends on air temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster it will infuse.

When the drink reaches (to taste) the desired acidity, the mushroom is removed with clean hands and washed under cold running water. Then they are put back into a jar with infusion prepared according to the same scheme.

How and where to store Japanese kombucha infusion?

The finished drink is poured into another container to the brim and closed with a tight lid. To make the infusion even better, it is allowed to ripen for several more days (optimally 5 days) in a cool place. Without air access, bacteria cease to perform their function, and yeast continues to work, producing gas. The result is an excellent carbonated drink. Before drinking, filter the infusion through cheesecloth or a strainer.

If the mushroom is already old and has reached a thickness of several centimeters, then its infusion can be drunk every day directly from the jar, while not forgetting to replenish the loss of liquid with a new portion of cold sweet tea.

The area of ​​the mushroom depends on the area of ​​the container in which it “lives”.

It is very convenient to have two jars, in one of which the mushroom will “live”, and the finished drink will be poured into the other. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for quite a long time. At the same time, its healing and taste properties will not change at all.

The benefits of kombucha for the body: video