Why do you dream about the apartment of a deceased relative? House of the deceased - interpretation of dreams according to dream books. Talking to a dead grandmother in a dream

23.08.2024 Psychology

You can find out why you dream of a dead man’s house by remembering whose it was. You need to pay close attention to that dream if it was the house of deceased relatives. Very often, such dreams promise changes in worldview, and also indicate that it is worth remembering deceased relatives.

A dream in which your deceased grandparents were in their house is considered a bad omen. There is a high risk that you or your close relatives will develop health problems. These can be not only illnesses and depression, but also accidents. Moreover, the result of this will not always be positive.

A dead man in a coffin lying in his house indicates the need to change something in himself. Perhaps you have your priorities set incorrectly or have chosen the wrong path. It is also worth reconsidering your relationship with your lover.

A dream in which the empty house of your deceased relatives appeared means that you are still tormented by memories, and you cannot come to terms with the loss. An empty house of the dead in a dream can symbolize the devastated state of your soul, apathy and sadness. In addition, sometimes this is a sure sign that you are leading your existence completely aimlessly.

If the house you dreamed of was destroyed, then, among other things, you may suffer serious financial losses. Failure and disappointment awaits you in all matters. If it was burnt, then in real life you will face a significant loss. It is quite possible that there will be a separation. Cracks in the house serve as harbingers of mental trauma.

Deceased parents in their home portend you little joy. Most likely, the news will affect one of your relatives. There may be a visit from relatives whom you have not had the opportunity to see for a long time.

If you cleaned this house, then you will have to resolve serious conflicts. It may also be that you will have to defend your good name and make excuses to others. Get ready for the fact that your enemies may spread very unkind gossip behind your back.

If a deceased person came to life and entered his house in a dream, then you have the opportunity to become very rich in reality. This applies to cases where the deceased was not your relative.

Repairing the house of deceased relatives in a dream means that you want change. This may apply not only to work and relationships, but also to your own character.

Valuable comments from readers

    Hello, I had two dreams.
    On January 10, 2015, my two older cousins ​​and my nephew, who was one year and 5 months old, died, almost 7 months have passed since they passed away, they raised me all my life, we were always together..
    First dream: I was somewhere, in some unfamiliar village, I dreamed of a nephew, my sisters were not nearby, they were not in this dream at all, very strange, I dreamed of my nephew as my son, and not my sister’s son, my aunt and I We got distracted and my nephew ran into the forest, and there were wolves, I ran to look for him and found him dead, picked him up and he disappeared, I came back home to the village and there my nephew was alive, my aunt and I were collecting toys and she went to see us off to the train, we approached the train and my nephew disappeared, I woke up..
    Second dream: I dreamed of my sister in their apartment, but for some reason it was converted, they went in two cars, one sister had never driven or sat behind the wheel, and the second was always behind the wheel, so they went, I don’t remember where , they crashed and ended up near their house, and then in their second room, my sister, who always drives, got a new phone from somewhere, they lay dead on the sofa, as if they were just sleeping, I brought friends into the hall, to celebrate not my birthday, but a friend’s, then someone came into my sisters’ room, I kicked out all the guests, morning came, my sister woke up, talked to me, gave me the keys and left. I woke up.

    • Ksenia, the first dream shows that after some time in the future you will have an addition to your family, it is even possible to move, change your home and place of residence in general. Wolves in this case represent enemies, enemies. The second dream may concern the more immediate future, it may symbolize troubles, as well as receiving news, apparently something connected with something important to you.

    Good afternoon
    Sorry if I leave my request in the wrong place on the site...
    We are going to sell my mother’s apartment in order to buy my mother another one - a smaller one with an additional payment.
    And I have a dream: I approach the door of this apartment, for some reason it is unlocked, I get scared, but I open the door and see my dead father in the depths of the corridor - he is standing and silent. I calm down that these are not robbers, I tell him: “Oh, it’s you...”
    That's all. What does it mean?
    Maybe we shouldn’t sell this parental apartment?

    • Before making any transactions, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, because if there are no complaints about the apartment and you just want to sell it, then think about whether the property is worth the difficulties that usually arise with moving. The dream does not say not to sell the apartment, it simply gives you another opportunity to think, choose the best option, where there is no risk of buying a pig in a poke.

      • Thank you very much.
        And today I had a dream, maybe it was also about the topic of buying and selling an apartment, or maybe it was about the topic of my husband’s upcoming surgery (oncology):

        My long-dead dog is alive and I need to leave and take him with me. It’s like he’s crawling through a narrow gap towards me. I climbed through, but the tail fell off. I stroke his back - such good, pleasant fur...

        Help me figure it out again, please!

        • Olga, last time you kept silent about your husband’s serious illness, but people often dream about the dead during such a difficult stage. Drawing an analogy with a dream with a dog, we can conclude that the operation will consist in removing something, cutting it out, perhaps this is where the tail fell off, the process itself, how the dog crawls through the gap shows the operation, and the fact that he was able crawl through - the operation will go well.

          • Thank you very much!
            It's just that circumstances change every day.
            It's good that I contacted you. Let it be so.

    Hello. I often dream about my dead grandmother's house. It's empty. I'm trying to run out of it. I'm afraid that I won't have time to reach the gate. Someone will grab me. I run, but my legs don’t run... In another dream, I saw my father’s dead half-brother in him. He lay twisted on the stools... and all black. He died of cancer and drank.

    • Tatyana, an unpleasant dream that promises difficulties. The fact that you didn’t reach it indicates failure in some matter, but since you didn’t see this, then in reality everything is also in question. Much depends on you. Seeing a deceased person in such a state often means ill health or poor health.

    Good evening. My grandmother was my guardian from 2 to 16 years old. She died in 2003 and left me half of the house in her will. There were difficulties in preparing the documents. They sold their home this year and moved to another country. Today I had a dream that I was at home and it was in the same state that before the renovation and my living grandmother met me at the door and went to bed, and the lights were on everywhere and the atmosphere was like when she was alive and a childhood friend comes to see me (she has been for a long time for permanent residence in Germany) and I offer her eyelash extensions and I do them on one eye, and then I tell her: “It’s too late, let’s go to bed, and we’ll finish it tomorrow.” And I fall asleep, wake up, and my friend was sleeping on the chair, I say to her: “Why didn’t you lie down with me?”, and she answered me: “It was not convenient to crowd me.” Then she asks me to take me to the toilet (in my childhood it was at the end of the yard, later in the house), but there is none in the house and I give her a bucket. We go out into the yard, it’s a very clear morning, and the neighbors are changing the wooden fence to a concrete one using technology, and in our yard sits the deceased neighbor who lived across the yard, Uncle Sasha, and I woke up. Strange dream. Thank you for your attention. I would be grateful if you answer.

    • Shura, such a dream can indicate some difficulties, most likely, in everyday life, additional worries. A new life in a new place may have its advantages, but it also has its own disadvantages. Apparently, the dream warns that in the future you will have a chance to encounter them.

    Good day!
    I had a dream that later made me afraid to fall asleep. Help please.
    On the first day I dreamed of my grandfather, he was in his house (my grandfather was deceased), I rang the doorbell, he opened it, I saw that he was smoking in the living room, although he had never done this. Then we started getting ready for a meeting with relatives, I went out, closed the front door and saw that he went out through the window, I asked why he did that, and he said: “so that no one would see.” He didn’t lock the window and said: “If you see grandma, tell her that I did this, if anything happens.” The dream is over.
    And the next day I dream about how I got into some kind of trouble and was late home, approaching my grandparents’ house again (my grandmother is also deceased). My grandmother and her sister (she is alive) meet me, I look at my grandmother and say: “I’m so glad to see you, etc.”, but I’m afraid to approach myself. I ask her: “I can’t come closer,” she says that it’s possible. I explained that I was afraid, and she started walking towards me so quickly, I made crosses out of my fingers and said: “mind me, mind me,” and she kept walking and walking. I was so scared that I woke up.
    What is the meaning of the dream, because my grandfather warned me about meeting her?!

    • Oksana, it’s as if the images of your deceased relatives say that you have problems, but most of them are your fault. Perhaps some events in life happened recently that changed your life. Being late in a dream often leads to such moments that a person cannot find himself. This could be a relationship or a job. I think that I had a dream so that you would not despair, but would continue your search and change your life for the better.

      • Thanks a lot.
        That’s how everything is in life, I’m completely confused.

    Today I dreamed about my father; he died a long time ago. I came to his house, but they told me that he did not want to see me. I cried and woke up and in reality tears were rolling down my face. After a while I fell asleep and had this dream again, everything turned out differently: he found out that I was crying and opened the door for me. I asked him why he didn’t want to see me, he said it was necessary.

    • Perhaps something in your life is not going the way you would like. There are difficulties, as well as mistakes that are repeated more than once in your life. Be careful not to commit them.

    Hello! Today my daughter dreamed of her grandfather, that is, my dad. He died 11 days ago and not yet 40 days. And then she dreams that he is lying in a coffin at home, and her daughter sees that he opens his eyes and says to her: “WELL, HELP ME GET UP” and stretches out his hands. And she helped him get up, and he stood up. And the dream ended. Tell me, please, what could this be? And yesterday I dreamed that I was walking along the road and saw either a cat or a purebred cat, but, it seemed, without fur, and I liked her very much and I took her in my arms and stroked her, I don’t remember, really, exactly, but it seemed like she She also meowed. Then I seemed to see another one similar to her, and I wanted to take this one too. But then I woke up and don’t know whether I took it or not. Tell me, what could this dream be? Thank you very much!

    • Natalya, I sympathize with your loss, but the dreams that you had in such a period from the funeral do not need to be interpreted, since there are so many experiences, so many emotions. Here you just have to close your eyes and everything that you had to go through is before your eyes, and strange things can happen in a dream. Cats usually dream of conflict and quarrel.


    Last night I saw in a dream my grandmother’s sister (she hung out with me a lot as a child) and her son. And so, as if they found me an apartment next to them, which I would rent, that this apartment is next to their apartment, or whether it’s a house, I can’t say for sure. And I leave this apartment for a completely new job, where I meet everyone. I’m going to this work by bus, and back with one employee, it seems, also by bus, we get off with her at the bus stop and she tells me: “That’s it, I’m getting off here, and you can move on” (I don’t remember exactly. But the meaning is, they say further itself). And I find my way and come to this apartment, and there again my dear grandmother’s sister (I also called her grandmother and considered her my own) and her son, who turns out to be my uncle’s cousin (they are both already deceased), and I see that the floors are with The sides of the balcony are flooded, but the water is clean. And then I see that my grandmother is holding some huge insect in her hands and says: “What a horror! But don’t worry, granddaughter, we’ll clean everything up!”
    And I answered that I wouldn’t live in such an apartment, they say it’s scary, unpleasant, and I already spent one night with them anyway. I say: “I’ll go to my mother’s place to live better, or my husband will come for me” (I seemed to be thinking of living in this rented room with my husband, they say, first I’ll look at everything and then I’ll call him).
    And I woke up.

    And where to write such a dream? So much is mixed up. I decided that since the apartment was next to theirs, it seemed to fit into this category. But I must say that over the years I have often dreamed of all my dead relatives. Usually, I know how they are doing there, and how they feel and all that. But this grandmother, and even more so her son, rarely appears in dreams, the son is the first time.

    I would be grateful for your hint and decoding.

    • Natalia, yes, this comment fits this article, you did everything right. The only question that arises is, if you dream relatively often about dead people, then what exactly happens in your life after such dreams? Or just some kind of information? In this dream, I would take the image of deceased people as a fact of warning you. You would pay more attention to the new apartment and job, that is, the emergence of a new non-standard situation in life, perhaps you will not know in advance how best to behave in it. It is also worth paying attention to the water with which the floors were covered - this is an experience, excitement. In general, dreams of water symbolize the manifestation of emotions. But insects can indicate unnecessary troubles, worries, in a word, unnecessary tension and stress.

    Hello! Please help me interpret my dreams. Woke up broken. First dream: I dreamed about my aunt’s late husband. The events take place in the apartment where the deceased lived with my aunt (my aunt continues to live there now). It’s as if he is alive, but came to us after death. We are sitting in their apartment with relatives. We ask him about the afterlife. Then he felt sick, his whole face became wet. And he began to die. He died in agony. He felt very bad, could barely stand, put on a sweatshirt and cap and left the apartment. I ran to see him off. We found ourselves in the afterlife and easily passed through the walls. I walked a little, then turned around and walked back and returned to the real world. Then it became clear that he had died. The second dream: like a continuation of the first. We are in the same aunt's apartment. I am with my three children (in fact), my relatives and my mother are there. A fire started. We collected the necessary things and everyone left from there. Third dream: I am braiding my ex-husband’s hair; we have not lived for a year). It’s like he has black hair, I’m sitting in a chair, he’s on the floor in front of me. I first braid his artificial hair, since mine is short, then I gather it all into a long ponytail. That's all. Thanks in advance.

    • Galina, dying in a dream can mark the arrival of stressful periods in reality, where every day there is some kind of experience and excitement. A conversation with him is an unpleasant interaction with someone that you would like to avoid. A wet face is again a manifestation of emotions, probably some kind of shame, insecurity, openness. To follow a dead person means to overcome obstacles. Fire - a quarrel or conflict with someone; dreaming of braiding your hair means an attempt at settlement, peace.

    Hello! On November 12th it will be six months since my mother died. I took her death very hard (I was also 6 months pregnant, and eventually gave birth to a daughter). I dreamed about her quite often. But this morning I got scared. In a dream, she invited me and my husband (he was not in the dream) to spend the night with her. In a dream, I understand that this is not good, and I don’t know how to evade so as not to offend. And then mom says that, most likely, she’ll go to bed now. Even in the dream, I was twirling the keys to her apartment in my hands (not surprising, because very soon I will enter into inheritance rights, although the apartment may have to be sold, since along with it I will receive my mother’s loan debts). Could you explain to me why my mother dreams of wanting us to spend the night with her, and about the episode with the keys.
    P.S. I was just in church yesterday (parents' Saturday), lit a candle for the repose of my parents, and thought a lot about them.
    Thank you in advance for your answer.

      • Thanks a lot. I would also like to ask you (not related to this topic, but others are blocked), why might I dream that my late mother is putting me on a train? This is the second time I have seen a dream with such a plot.

        • Natalya, a dream can be a warning about future problems and troubles. The dream is a warning, so if you eliminate all risks, everything will be fine.

    Hello! On January 3, 2016, I had a dream. My grandfather died 3 months ago, and today I dreamed of him in his house, and my daughter was with him, it happened that I left her to live with him for a week, and then came to pick her up. Why can such a dream occur???

    • Anastasia, it is possible that the dream indicates that the child needs to be given more attention. Often dreams with the dead warn us about this. Perhaps, in a series of some worries, you spent little time with your child, perhaps precisely in developmental terms.

    Hello. I dreamed of my grandmother who died 7 years ago, I didn’t remember her, and in the dream I didn’t remember her death and didn’t feel like she was dead. I was visiting her, in her old apartment, we were going to have dinner, I remember that I dreamed of smoked pork ribs. My grandmother and I were talking and she asked to stay with her for the night, I didn’t want to, since I had my own plans for the evening, but in the end I agreed to stay with her for the night. I only remembered that my grandmother had been dead for a long time when I woke up. What could such a dream mean?

    • Julia, probably the whole combination of these symbols indicates minor ill health, poor health, and the need to rest. The symbol of meat in a dream is often a sign of declining health, and the image of a grandmother is a warning symbol that you need to pay attention and not cause problems.

    I dream that I am in the house of my deceased grandparents. My grandmother invites me to the table to congratulate my grandfather on his birthday. I am seated at a beautifully set table next to my grandfather. My grandmother sits at the head of the table, and my brother and two cousins ​​sit opposite me. Grandma gives a speech of congratulations, and we all clink our glasses of compote. The house is clean and tidy. Only in one of the bedrooms the ceiling is cracked and leaking. Why such a dream? Thanks in advance!

    • Julia, a dream may indicate some problems, judging by the dream, they have common family roots, since the dream reflects not only your image, but also your family members. You can think about the symbol of a leaking and cracked ceiling in the house; it is possible that somewhere in life there is a slowly developing problem, the solution of which is better not to be put on the back burner.

    Hello. Please help me. I’m now thinking about whether to go to my old job (I’m about to return from maternity leave and they’re calling me there, but there’s no housing there, it’s expensive to rent), yes, and without a husband and with a son, I’ve been living with my parents for 3 years, 300 km from work. I dream that I arrived at the house of my former owner (deceased), from whom I rented a room before pregnancy, in the same city where I work. It seems that she is alive and her house is so beautiful and cozy. And I'm so glad she's alive. She offered me to live with her again for very little money and I agreed. I asked her if I could bring my son? Then I dream that I’m already working and someone has saddled me with huge debts that belong to others. Bandits come to me and begin to extort my debt, and then the main one becomes favorable to me and, on the contrary, begins to protect me. Help me decipher, because... I will soon decide whether to return to that job or quit.

    • Alena, the dream reflects your doubts and concerns about work. On the one hand, you can count on continuing your work activities there, but now you will not be alone, so there will be much more responsibility. Bandits show that there will be not only the expenses that you have planned, but also others. A double dream, which shows that the work situation will be the same as before, but new responsibilities will be added in your home life, and whether you can cope with this is already a question for you. Try to weigh everything carefully and make a decision with a cool head, don’t rush.

    Hello!! Please help me figure out what the dream was about..... I dreamed about my deceased grandfather, we talked to him and I had such warmth in my soul, such love. Then we went to the house (this is the village house of my grandparents), my grandmother was nowhere to be found, only my grandfather was present. And I decided (probably my grandfather suggested) to stay and live in this house. Words cannot describe the joy with which I received this, I began to clean and put things in order..... Meanwhile, grandfather disappeared. And I walked around every corner, cherished every building. A feeling of immense happiness. In fact, this house is long gone, it collapsed. Maybe it's my late grandfather's wish that I do something about the house? Or my relatives’ desire for me to live there? Help me figure it out!

    • Julia, I think that the dream no longer calls for matters related to material values ​​and real estate, but for you to seek harmony and balance within yourself. Problems may be observed in all areas of life after this dream, but they will be like an indicator - they will clearly show themselves so that you can clearly understand where and how to deal with them.

    Good day! Today, on the night from Fri to Sat (Parents' Saturday), I have a dream. My mother and I go to my grandmother’s house. My grandmother died in 2009 and very often comes to me in my dreams with reminders and instructions (we were very close). The three of us sit down at the table, and I ask my grandmother how she lives here, is it better than in the apartment. She replies that it’s much better, she opened the door and got fresh air. Next I ask: “Aren’t you cold in winter?” She tells me that it can be chilly. To this I tell her that if it is cold, then, as always, she will spend the winter with us. And in my dream I also see that with my son, who is small in the dream, we are examining my grandmother’s new house, and it turns out to be old, unfinished and with 6 rooms. I want to say that for more than a year our family has not had a black streak, but black streaks. And we’ve been suing over the apartment for more than a year... And the most interesting thing is that the apartment for which we are suing is at the stage of freezing. Please help me figure it out...

    • Dina, I think that in your dream some dates are indicated allegorically. It is possible that it is then that some decisive changes will occur in your difficult matter. Number 6 reflects the presence of intuition in you; when the chance comes, you will feel it and take advantage of it. The dream indicates the cold season.

    Hello! I dreamed of my late great-grandmother’s house, as if I was washing the floors there, and in the hall there was a bathroom, and my late great-grandmother was lying in it, as if she was sleeping, and fish were swimming in this bathroom, at first they swam, and then they all began to turn over one by one upside down, that is, to die.. Why this dream?

    • Nina, a dream can speak of ill health or temporary troubles. Washing the floors also reflects some kind of excitement.

    Good afternoon I dreamed that my family and I moved to another city, to the apartment of my late great-uncle. I didn’t seem to see him in this apartment, but I understood that he was there. And we didn’t just move in with him, we rented this apartment. I felt calm in my soul, as if these were good changes and a new life. This is bad?

    • Irina, I think that there will indeed be significant changes and changes in life, there will be dynamics. Regarding their nature, the final result may differ from the path itself, but one way or another the saying “no matter what is done, everything is for the better” may turn out to be true.

    Hello! I’m not going through a very good period in my life right now…..a few days after the operation, I lost my long-awaited child as a result of an ectopic pregnancy……I dream that I am in the house of my grandparents, who have long since died. It's light, warm, and there's no one there. I am alone reading the notes that my uncle wrote to me (he also died a long time ago, he loved me very much). The notes are very good, positive, I don’t remember the meaning.....his image also sometimes appears and smiles....what could this mean?

    • Julia, I think that the dream indicates hope, faith in a bright future. Despite the fact that you are now morally devastated, and everything that is happening has dealt you a serious blow, everything will definitely get better in the future, believe in it!

    I had a dream that I was at my late grandmother’s house, but this house has been gone for a long time and a new house stands in its place. I dream that I came to visit and in the dream I seemed to understand that she had died, but I didn’t show it and behaved as usual. We talk, communicate, and in the end I stay overnight in this house, in the room where my grandmother used to sleep. What could this dream portend?

    • Anastasia, I could have had a dream that something would change in life. Moreover, the changes will begin imperceptibly, gradually accelerating their progress. After a while, you may be surprised by everything that happened. The dream contains a warning that you need to adequately and wisely assess the future. The dream warns against mistakes that can be made without thinking.

    Place: The village where I spent my holidays with my late grandmother, I said goodbye to my friend and went home with the girl from my street, he stayed on another. I vaguely remember the circumstances. We almost reached the house, she lives 5 houses away, where 3 guys caught up with us - arrogant and angry. They hit that girl, she fell, and one of them kicked her in the stomach. He came up to me, but I couldn’t scream or run away. It hits me, I don’t remember how, I fall and drop the phone (the first thought is to call a friend), he sees the phone and bends down to pick it up, at that moment I run away to the house where I lived with my grandmother, I clearly remember how I open the huge and heavy gate, I even remember the creak (as before), I run into the house, shout: “Abi, Abi, give me the phone,” but she’s not there and the bed is made. And then I understand, she’s dead, I look into the other room and it’s quiet. I run out of the house out of fear, and in the hallway in the closet the door is open. I'm even more scared. I run out into the street again, waiting for passers-by, 2 women I know are walking (a junior high school teacher and I don’t remember who else), I run to them, sobbing, asking for a phone number, they don’t have one, I walk next to them, they don’t care, they go on laughing about their own things , and I was overwhelmed with fear that they would meet again, that I was scared in the house. And sure enough, in the distance I see them standing with my village friends, I hide behind my aunts and we pass by, I see a friend, I roar, I ask him to call, he, without being distracted from his communication, throws me an old phone, I start dialing a friend, and they see me those three. I hear - Ale. I started to tell my friend sobbingly, but he didn’t understand me, and said why I speak so calmly, but I simply don’t have the strength to speak. And these are catching up, and my friend is about to reach me. I have an unreal panic, again before my eyes, how that girl was beaten, then me, I, suffocating from the roar and fatigue. I don’t remember the ending, but my friend got there, and three people drove past him.

    • Vasilisa, it is likely that the dream reflects some kind of stress in communicating with your environment. Most likely, there will not be complete understanding in relationships with people, so minor quarrels and misunderstandings may arise. Avoid sharp corners in communication - then there is a chance to avoid troubles.

    Hello! Please help me figure it out! I had a dream and was left with unpleasant sensations! I dreamed that a neighbor’s birthday was being celebrated in the neighboring yard (in real life, he died less than 40 days ago, and during his lifetime we communicated very well), with his relatives at the table! At this time, our whole family is gathering at home for this birthday, but we are late! Going out into the yard, I start cutting flowers so that my eldest daughter can give them to him! At this time he calls us, asks whether we will come or not! And the voice was very sad and offended, as if no one else came except the family. And in the end I felt sorry for him and replied that we would come, we promised, we’ll just get together now! And at this place I woke up!!! And it’s so creepy in my soul, because... I'm afraid of all this... Help please! Maybe you can at least calm me down...

    • Olga, the dream could have been due to the severity of the loss. You got used to this person, he was dear to you in his own way. His departure caused sad emotions in you. And the dream reflected upcoming events related to the funeral, 9 and 40 days. All this caused a lot of stress and found a place in your disturbing dreams.

    Hello! Help me understand the dream. My mother dreamed that she and her granddaughter were in her father-in-law’s house (he died a long time ago). And the granddaughter washes her hands. Thanks for the answer!

    • Maria, perhaps some kind of excitement, stress, unpleasant thoughts. Judging by the dream, there is a desire to overcome difficulties. Washing your hands indicates overcoming, getting rid of troubles.
      The image of the deceased's house emphasizes the importance of the dream.

    Good evening, help me understand what these dreams are for, the first dream: I dreamed about my aunt, my mother’s sister, who died a little over a year ago, as if we were walking with her through a small village near the sea, and she said: “That’s it, I’m moving.” to live here, otherwise I haven’t liked it for a long time that our house is on a hillock, and the sea will be good here,” and the second dream: I dreamed about my uncle, my father’s brother, who died a little over 9 years ago, as if I came with company to him, and I ask if it is possible to live with them for a while, to which he tells me that their house is small, and that I should choose the person with whom I communicate more, and he will tell me where we can live and says that the conditions there are good, I haven’t dreamed of dead people for a long time, I’m very worried.

    • Alena, you can dream about deceased people in a difficult period of life, when you are faced with difficulties and the need to make significant decisions. Changes and trips are possible.
      Be careful about how you feel. When working, know the limits of your strength.

    Hello, today I dreamed about my late grandmother’s house. She was sitting in the yard, and I went into the house, it was dirty. I brought paint of different colors and started painting the floor with red paint.

    • Anna, a dream can warn of some risks. It is possible that you will have to become a participant in the conflict and sort out this quarrel and look for solutions.

    Hello! I had a dream about how I wanted to go visit my late grandparents in their house! What could this mean?

    • Julia, perhaps the dream should be taken as a warning about something in life.

    Good afternoon. It was not me who had the dream, but my husband. He was in the house of his long-dead grandfather. The house was very dirty, my husband washed and cleaned it, waited for the late grandfather and late work colleague (who died on a business trip) to come to this house, but without waiting, he went to the airport and did not board the plane with his living colleague and living cousin... the guys flew away... and the husband, feeling guilty for not cleaning the house, was left alone in the empty airport building and began to peel a boiled egg.
    I would like to know what this could mean, since I am planning a business trip and buying a car from a relative.
    Thanks in advance.

    • Veronica, the dream is clearly related to work issues, the business sphere. There is probably some fear, incomplete understanding of the situation and anxiety about your decisions and actions. In general, the dream indicates a difficult choice. Peeling a boiled egg - it is possible that you will have to go against your principles, contrary to your opinion, and make forced decisions.

    Hello. My husband had a dream that he and his friend were looking at a house (my husband and I want to move into this house and buy), he invites his friend to sit down, and behind his friend sits a grandmother with a cat and says: “Look! Look!”
    Shortly before this, the husband had been looking at the house through the windows, he wanted to see everything, but with whom the house was in reality, he did not see the deceased owner either. But according to the grandmother’s description, it was a deceased woman (I knew her, since she was my parents’ neighbor) and he described the house because it was really there. Why is this dream? Help.

    • Tatyana, perhaps the dream concerns concern for a friend; it is possible that a difficult, ambiguous situation will arise in his life. In terms of information, it is likely to receive news about and about each other.

    Hello! My uncle died almost a year ago, I sometimes dreamed about him after the funeral, lately I have been dreaming about the house where he lived and as if we were burying him again, but I don’t see him, but I hear him. Once I heard in a dream that he told me that he could hear me. Why do you dream about this and this house?

    • Elena, it is possible that the dream is related to property. There are still some unresolved issues.

    Hello, my uncle, who remembers me from childhood, died in February of this year. Since I live far from him, we communicated very rarely(. Today I had a dream and a month ago with his participation. I dreamed about the house where he died (the house where I grew up). In the first dream I didn’t see my uncle himself, I only saw , how his son (not his own) rebuilt his uncle’s house to suit his taste, settled in this house and killed the dogs that had lived with us for many years. I had a second dream today. I and several of my friends decided to visit the house, the house was empty, not. one soul, my friends started making noise, knocking on the fence, started laughing and having fun, I stood in a stupor and didn’t know what to do, I was afraid to go into the house. Then a close friend of my late uncle came up to us, took me by the hand and began to walk in front. , said that my friends were angering my uncle’s soul, offending the deceased (I don’t remember the details), then he said that I had to make up my mind, I was faced with a choice and I had to make the right choice (I don’t know what he meant).
    I remember that I cried in my sleep, and, naturally, I really cried when I was sleeping.
    Before my uncle’s death, for several days I kept trying to call him, but there was no time, or something else... I felt that something would happen to him, I didn’t have time to talk to him one last time(

    • Olesya, the moment with the uncle’s son and the house may indicate difficult relationships with relatives, in the family in general. Some misunderstandings and deterioration of relations are possible. Killing dogs reflects the destruction of friendly ties, a quarrel.
      The second dream may relate to your goals and aspirations. Troubles may occur in some areas, but you will always be given a chance to fix everything, the main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties.

    I dreamed that I was in the house of an acquaintance who died not so long ago, as if visiting, her children and husband were present, a pleasant atmosphere was felt in the dream, they were also sitting at the table, but the deceased was not at it, but was present somewhere... then nearby, then I asked her son to give her 700 rubles for the work done, supposedly she changed me at the salon and I gave her the money I earned from the total proceeds. This is the second time I’ve dreamed about her; I wasn’t at the funeral.

    • Natalia, it is possible that in this dream it is worth considering some kind of warning to be attentive. Sometimes such dreams indicate some imbalance in life, poor health.

    Good afternoon.
    I dreamed of a house in the village of my deceased grandmother.
    She herself did not dream.
    I dreamed that strangers were already living in this house, they had bought the house and it was as if the woman could predict. I went to her to find out my fate, she was either washing, or I just saw a trough with water in the yard, but I dreamed that I was washing my robe. Then I saw that my uncle was approaching the house, I ran into the house to hide, since our family didn’t get along with him, and then the woman began to kick me out, I hid behind the door in the corridor, there some unfamiliar man saw me and also s says: “get out of here.” Then I ran out into the yard and quickly went out the gate and left.
    The feelings remained unpleasant after sleep.
    What could such a dream mean?

    • Nastya, the dream promises unpleasant events in life, negative emotions from communication. The process of washing sometimes reflects a quarrel with someone, tension in a relationship. It is possible that the presence in a dream of a house where a now deceased person used to live emphasizes the importance of the dream; you need to listen to it.

    Good afternoon I constantly dream about my grandparents’ old house, sometimes I’m alone there, sometimes they’re there too, but everything is blurry, I don’t remember what they’re doing. Yesterday I dreamed about this house again, as if I wanted to live there, I was fussing around the house and my dead grandfather came (that is, the image is not of a living person, but he is like a dead body), he wants to enter, and I give him a burning candle and say not now, and so on several times. When the candle was already burning out, I left with my things. Please tell me why this house constantly appears in my dreams, although I don’t think about this topic at all and don’t remember it.

    • Anna, usually the repetition of a dream indicates importance. It is possible that you do not notice some signs in life, you are missing something.
      Of course, pay attention to health, this is one of the most common interpretations.

    I dreamed that my child and I moved with all our things to my grandmother - in the dream she seemed alive. In reality, she didn’t have anything like that at home, she fed me soup, a neighbor came to her, then there was a strong wind that opened the gate, and the grandmother went to close it, and the child ran into the garden, then I looked for him, first I found another child with a woman . They lived as if in a kennel on the ground, with skinned cats, and they found their child sleeping among drunken neighbors. That woman covered him with a blanket and fell asleep next to him. When I took the child, in a dream I realized that she did not have children, but she would really like a child, but I thought that since she drinks, she would never have one... The end - I took the child and it was as if I was thrown out of a dream... I felt like I had been in the afterlife. It's creepy. Please clarify the interpretation. Thank you.

    • Evgenia, the dream speaks of adversity in life. It’s as if something doesn’t allow you to relax, constantly keeps you in suspense. Lots of stressful situations.
      The image of the deceased often also indicates health problems. The wind is opposition to your endeavors.

    Good afternoon I recently dreamed about a wedding. I married a man I really liked (in real life he rejected me). In my dream I was very happy, I met his relatives and friends. But I was puzzled by the fact that we celebrated in the house of my late grandparents. I don’t remember about my grandmother, but my grandfather was definitely present at this event. Another fact that puzzled me: I spent almost the entire dream running after my fiancé with wedding rings. Either he forgot, or I wanted to wear rings early, I don’t know, but he bought very beautiful rings (mine with a blue stone, his with a green stone). I woke up after the moment we kissed.

    • Victoria, the dream really (the moment with the ring) says that you like this person.
      In general, the dream is very emotional. A wedding is a sign of changes in life. The presence of the dead emphasizes the importance of the dream. He says that the events will be of great importance for further developments.

    Good afternoon, please help me sort out two dreams in one night.
    1 dream: I dreamed that I was in the house of my late grandmother, (but this was also the house of my great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, also deceased). At night my two small children and my husband, with whom we have been living for a year and are not married, were with me. And the children are not his. We locked ourselves in this house because of a premonition of some kind of trouble. There was a strong thunderstorm outside, with thunder. It’s as if the earth should tremble now. There were two black dogs with us, I don’t know them at all. And in the dream, my husband knew them. (In reality, we don’t even have dogs). Some young couple came to visit us, I couldn’t see them. But it feels like I knew them. Then the husband went to see them off. There was a double bed in the house (although in reality there wasn’t even one there). I spread out this bed, and we were getting ready to go to bed. But first, I put my children to bed. Then, while my husband was away. I wanted to go outside, but the black dogs wouldn’t let me pass. They were very angry and aggressive. They wanted to bite me. I didn’t have time to go outside when I started closing the doors from them, first one - they rip off the lock, then the second - they also crawl through and try to grab it. But on the third door I broke away from them. Then I was in this house and began to worry about my husband. And he came. He asks me why I closed? I answer him: that your dogs almost bit me. We wanted to go to bed in another room, but I changed my mind and decided to sleep on this double bed, where I put the children to sleep. I remembered that we need to go to the store to buy bread. I tell my husband that the store will not be open tomorrow. And today it is open until 22:00. 20 minutes left before closing. My husband and I are getting ready to go to the store, and then my mother calls. And he tells us, don’t leave the house. There is a strong thunderstorm outside, because something could happen. I tell my husband, we still won’t make it before closing. And he says to me: take me through. I tell him: I’m afraid to go out, the dogs will eat me. And then I somehow refuse in the yard and go into the house. But then I saw that the gate was open and wanted to close it. But I was afraid of something. I went into the house. My husband arrived with a loaf of bread. I tell him: you ran away so quickly in 1 minute. Then I tell him: let's go to bed. We shouted at the small ones that they were not sleeping. They just lay there with their eyes closed. And we never went to bed. I woke up from the experience.

    Dream 2: We live in a hostel, and my husband and I wanted to make love. We were lying on the bed and then my sister’s husband knocked on the door. Without waiting for our answer: come in, he opens the doors. I quickly hide my husband's dignity. But my sister’s husband turns away. And he tells us standing on the threshold of the room. That there is something wrong with my refrigerator. I ask: what is there? He tells me that the freezer is clumsy and there is lard hanging out of it. And he repeats it to us more than once. My husband says, you know, godfather. It's time for you to move out of our refrigerator and into your own. He gets offended and leaves. I shout after him, let’s look at the master on the Internet and call him. Or are you waiting for Sveta to arrive (his wife). Please tell me what these two dreams are for, and are they connected? Otherwise I’m worried, because they say that from Friday to Saturday dreams come true. Or maybe it's all connected with my weight loss. Or maybe I exposed my husband. A couple of days ago, I found his page on the Internet. With disgusting messages and looking for a new companion. Then why the house of deceased relatives and two black dogs that I don’t know? Please judge for me...

    • Natasha, the dreams are quite meaningful. It is likely that in life there will also be a whole bunch of different emotions, experiences and feelings. Usually the image of a dog is made up of friends/buddies. If they were black and, moreover, behaved so aggressively, in reality you should expect quarrels and conflicts from your close circle. Moreover, apparently, it will be other people who will start the quarrel, not you. A thunderstorm is a blow, a shock, it is likely that changes are happening in your life now. Some news can upset you literally like a lightning strike - sharply and suddenly. The remaining moments of the first dream are more related to home life, some kind of troubles. Black bread may indicate temporary financial limitations. If someone brings bread, then from this person you can get a “charge of negative energy,” so to speak.
      The second dream with the presence of meat speaks of poor health based on emotional experiences.

    Hello! I dreamed that I, with my family and deceased father, arrived at an old house that had long been sold in another country. My deceased father and some people were digging a foundation pit for the construction of a new house in the garden next to the old one. Please help me understand this dream... Thank you!

    • Natalya, the dream indicates that you will have to solve problems from the past.

    Hello. Grandmother dreamed of how two Germans broke into the house, but she ran away, but ran into the house of a neighbor who had long since died, he was alive there. Please interpret the dream. I'm incredibly worried (

    • Christina, such a night vision may indicate a stressful situation; you should be wary of dangerous influence from people who can also deceive.
      In addition, pay attention to how you feel after such dreams.

    Good day! I had a dream that I walked into some empty house, I wanted to look in the mirror, fix my makeup, but I don’t have time, because supposedly a friend of mine runs in and says that I urgently need to leave this house, that this is the house of either a sorceress or a witch deceased... and that if she appears, she will not let me out, I don’t panic, because I don’t fully understand or maybe I don’t believe the words... but suddenly a young woman appears, supposedly she is the mistress of the house and tells me that there is no need to be afraid , she’s just bored alone and no one has come to her for a long time, that she’s not going to keep me in the house, although I feel that maybe, I feel such an aura. She takes me by the fingers and slowly leads me through the door, and then through the gate, waving at me, smiling . Then I turn around again and see her looking through the window, clouded, looking at me. I woke up after that. But neither the supposed friend, nor this woman, nor the house are familiar to me... Why is this dream please explain, I’m worried

    • Lena, be careful about deception and lies from people. Also all sorts of scams, don’t be a follower.

    Hello! About 10 years ago I moved from the village to the city and visited my old granny, as she was a distant relative, she died a long time ago and now I dreamed that I came to her apartment and she forced me to clean her place, first I swept, and then she threw garbage directly with her hands, threw sand into a bucket, and she lay on the bed and told me that there was still garbage there, although in the dream the apartment was not hers, why could all this be a dream, the garbage is very frightening...

    • Svetlana, the dream most likely means worries. Garbage means additional troubles and worries, some difficult tasks.

    My husband has been dreaming about his deceased friend every night, 40 days have not passed yet. A friend drowned in the sea, being very drunk, his husband was next to him, saved him, pulled him ashore, he died in his arms. In the dream, the deceased is angry with her husband and blames him for what happened to him. A friend dreamed of a ghost in his house, there were cats around and the mother of the deceased who was now alive, the husband was also there and asked what happened then. The friend replied, “You hit me!” (the husband actually caught his husband in the sea while swimming with his feet about 10 minutes before drowning) then thunder roared, and his eyes became bloodshot with anger. What could this mean?, it’s very disturbing in my soul….

    • Nadezhda, I think the dream is entirely based on emotions. Feeling sad that this all happened. Feelings of guilt, although there is none, reproaches of conscience.
      Dreams should pass with time.

    Hello! Please help me correctly interpret my mother’s dream. She dreamed (on the night from Wednesday to Thursday) that she and I were visiting our long-dead grandmother (mother’s mother). And in the end, I take my grandmother’s hand, we laugh, rejoice, and I tell my mother that I will stay with her for the night. There is a lot of information that such a dream promises me death or serious health problems. Is this true?

    • In this case, the grandmother wants to protect you from possible misfortune. This dream is a warning about danger and trouble.

    I dreamed about the house of my deceased grandmother, I went into the house, it was very dirty, there were a lot of dry leaves on the floor, it looked like an abandoned house, my grandmother was sitting in a chair, she didn’t talk to me, she was silent, and she didn’t look happy, and I felt so ashamed , why didn’t I come earlier, didn’t clean the house, didn’t help my grandmother, although she died 11 years ago... a very strange dream, in life we ​​were very close, I always helped her and often came to her. What could such a dream mean?

    • Anastasia, a dirty floor can indicate problems in communication and gossip. It is possible that the reason will be your actions and behavior in a particular situation, the wrong reaction.

    I had a dream. We are going to buy a car, and we give the first part of the money to a woman in the office, after a while she says that no one gave her anything. I am shocked, I prove to her that I just gave her money, and she still denies. I rush around the office I’m looking for their main one, I see the door, I go in and there is a dugout and tunnels, and I meet there my late father, who died 13 years ago and shows me that he lives here, and I wasn’t scared. I left there through the same door that I came in. And again that office, and a lot of people are sitting in this office at tables and everyone is doing their own work. And again I say give me the money back, I stand on a chair and start shouting that they are cheating here and I demand the general director. All the people in the office rise up and support me , they are screaming the same as me. There is such a riot that I can’t hear myself naked, and I try to scream even louder, and I woke up. In real life, after the dream, they made the down payment for the car as in the dream. I don’t know what to expect next. Please tell me.

    • Valentina, the dream speaks of anxiety and vanity. Usually such a dream occurs before/after actually visiting various kinds of institutions. The image of a deceased person enhances the importance of the dream and suggests that this exciting period may happen in your life. Most likely, the dream is associated with the routine of buying a car, banks, loans and everything connected with it.

    Hello! My father died 3 months ago. Now I often dream about him. I am never afraid of him in my dreams; on the contrary, most often I feel him alive. And today I dreamed of his house, as if I was looking for some kind of inheritance there, but instead I find my personal belongings (even though I never lived there for a day in reality), and periodically I see my father walking around the apartment. What could this mean? Thanks in advance!

    • I'm sorry for your loss.
      This dream may mean that you have not let the person go. He is in your thoughts, there are many things in the house that literally remind you of him.
      Dreams of this kind often happen after the death of a loved one.

    Good evening. My grandfather died 3 weeks ago. I see in a dream that I’m looking for something in his house, I find some photos in my hands, I ask if I can take it, he says take it, take this, take everything. Then I immediately find it documents for the house wrapped in a towel and money, large bills, thousandths I count them as if in reality. And I put them back, The second dream is again at his house, I climbed in the closet looking for something but I don’t understand what. And I find a lot of money in 5000 bills. I find documents for the house in another place. And I try to hide them from the woman with whom he lived. But in reality, my parents cannot find the documents for the house. Why does he come to me, what does he want to say?

    • Natasha, perhaps the dream concerns pressing problems of finding documents. Photographs often point to some important events from the past, which will help to get a clue in the search for documents.
      They may also be lying somewhere, and if they are found later, then an understanding will come of why they were lying there and who put them there.

    Good afternoon.
    I dreamed about my aunt. She was cleaning her apartment and sweeping the floor. She smiled at me and said, “In order for my daughter to have a clean place, I need to put things in order.” Now a girl lives in her apartment. She didn't have any children of her own.

    • Oksana, usually cleaning, sweeping the field may indicate the presence of serious contradictions with someone. A similar dream may occur on the eve of a quarrel. It is possible that you will have to prove something to someone, make excuses.

    Hello! A year ago, on April 26, my grandmother was eating at her house. A month ago I received my driver's license. And exactly a year after my grandmother’s death, I have a dream. I’m taking a driver’s license exam with strangers, and it’s happening in my grandma’s apartment, and she’s also present there. He sits with us and talks, about what exactly I don’t remember. But my thoughts are only about the exam, I don’t understand why I’m here because I’ve already received a certificate, but for some reason I can’t leave. And water was dripping from the ceiling, no one even tried to remove the water. Although the apartment is actually good and does not require renovation. I worry, this dream does not give me peace for several days. Thanks for the answer.

    • Sasha, in general, sleep can be alarming. The image of the deceased often emphasizes the importance of sleep. It is likely that in the near future you will need to be careful, especially on the road.
      The symbol of dripping water is anxiety, anxiety. Please write later if it worked out.

    I dreamed of an old wooden house in which Zina’s grandmother lived (on her father’s side). I didn’t like this house, it always made me sad, it was still so ruined all over... In general, we go there with my mother, she starts doing something and is in some kind of bad mood. Swears at me. Then the deceased woman enters, silently. And in a dream I understand that I can’t swear, she’s unhappy. When we stopped arguing, she left. Then I go into the room and see my grandmother, who died two months ago... She’s sitting, I’m not afraid. I sit down on my knees in front of her and ask how she lives there... Her eyes are closed and she tells me that everything is not like that in the next world, here is earthly life and you can feel, support each other, but there everything is as if on their own, alone... Then I go to the kitchen and my mother again swears, attacks with her fists, and then the deceased woman enters again silently, she always came when we were arguing, showing that this should not be done. I understand that I need to leave this house as soon as possible, but my mother could not finish some of her work.
    Thank you for the interpretation!

    • Anna, most likely, the dream concerns family relationships. Do you have a lot of conflicts in your family?

      • No, a little... maybe they just gave me advice on life in this way... Since now I’m a little in an unstable moral state.

    I dreamed that my daughter-in-law and children came to visit our grandparents (cousins). They had already died, but in the dream they were alive. The house is full of guests, we all spent the night there. And at my grandmother’s bathhouse, I heard the voices of people who were gathering in the field... I was scared of them... and the woman saw me and said, don’t spend the night in this house, they will pinch... I asked, “Grandma or what?” she says, “no, she mentioned ghosts and her last name,” but I can’t remember the last name.
    I entered the house and began to walk and say, “Lord, stand as a wall behind me, open the doors of the house.” And they drink tea, smile, talk and clean the pantry...
    And in the dream, my grandfather became slimmer and stretched, and my grandmother rode in a wheelchair... I also thought that during your lifetime you teased your grandfather as a deaf disabled person; Now you’re riding on your own.
    And in the dream there was a constant feeling of dawn. It’s neither day nor night, dawn is breaking in the east...

    • Natalya, the dream may concern your life situation at the present time. Something may be going wrong, there are some symptoms/suspicions/thoughts - check, don’t let the problems go too far. According to the dream book:

      A dream in which your deceased grandparents were in their house is considered a bad omen. There is a high risk that you or your close relatives will develop health problems. These can be not only illnesses and depression, but also accidents.

  1. Good evening. From Monday to Tuesday I dreamed that I came to my deceased grandmother in her house. She met me there and led me inside. There was a barn lock hanging on the door. There were beds in the house and my cousins ​​brother and sister and their mother (now calm) were lying (sleeping) on ​​them. Aunt asked my brother to kiss me, which he did. The brother and sister are now alive. Grandma offered to stay, but I didn’t want to. I wandered around the house in thought. I don’t remember how it all ended... What also caught my attention was my aunt’s beautiful long hair, which I had never seen on her during her lifetime. It’s somehow so chaotic and I think there were a lot of details in the dream. What could all this mean?

    • Alena, long hair can promise a path, a path. Sometimes unexpected, they did not expect that they would have to go through it in life.
      The image of a deceased person’s house, like the deceased person himself, speaks of problems in life. An offer to stay is also negative according to the dream book; after this you can expect illness and trouble.
      However, dreams are warnings, sometimes empty ones. Listen, but don't be upset.

  2. Good afternoon. I would be very grateful if you help me interpret the dream. I dream that we (me, my daughter, mother, and nephew, all now alive) are in our village, where my mother was born and raised, and we ended up not in our house, but somewhere, in the supposed house of a deceased distant relative (at In fact, that house has not been there for many years, and we have never been there). and we are there as if we do it periodically - we maintain order. My daughter and I go to water the flowers in pots in the house - and there are a lot of them. then the daughter switches gears and goes off to play. I’m pouring water into a bottle right in the house and thinking “even the water here is probably bad, the bottle is shriveled,” and I water the flowers…. and then I hear that my mother is swearing at my daughter and also a man’s voice, I don’t see my nephew. I turn around and it’s as if half the house is gone, and then straight away is the street. and the daughter piles up the dry grass, as if it had been torn out by the roots, large layers like this, on top of each other in layers, and the man came up and said as if he was scolding and like, look what it will be like if you set it on fire. and sets it on fire. I run up and grab my daughter and take her away from the fire. the fire flares up but then does not flare up much, smoldering inside the grass. This man said something else like he’s a neighbor, if you have anything, please contact me and don’t play with gasoline. we then continue to water the flowers…. and I wake up... I don’t understand what this dream is all about. please help me figure it out!

    • By the way, the relative who supposedly belonged to this house was not on good terms with my mother, and in general was not very good... and her sons too...

      Oksana, in my opinion, a dream promises negative moments in life. The image of a deceased person speaks of the warning nature of the dream. It pays to take extra care with everything. Fire – losses, major quarrels, conflicts in the family. If you happen to see water, then this is an experience. In your context of “bad” water there is an image of rather difficult experiences.
      Dry grass indicates some favorable environment for problems. If you manage to understand what was meant by this symbol, then you will be able to avoid any troubles.
      Also, do not forget about the prophetic meaning of some dreams. It happens that a dream is understood in its literal meaning. Therefore, be careful with everything related to the element of fire.

    Good afternoon Today I dreamed that I came to visit a friend (who died long ago). She came with her ex-husband, in a real dream. The apartment was two-story, very large and beautiful, I admired it and asked my husband to find us the same one. We were drinking tea at the table, and all my friend said was that he was renting an apartment. In the dream, I didn’t understand that he was dead, although I had often dreamed about it before and when asked that he died, he answered: no, I’m not dead, I’m just in a different place.

    • Natalya, a dream can promise you drastic changes. According to some dream books - enrichment, receiving benefits.
      In everyday life, the dream hints at problems you have - family troubles, poor health.

    Hello, I’m in a panic, at the beginning of the week I dreamed that we were going on a ferry to the other side of the river, our grandfather, who died a long time ago, was taking us. And there they tell me that my daughter has to go back (she’s 5 years old). I scream, cry, protest that she won’t be able to find her way alone... I wake up. Then, after 3 days, I dream that I go down the stairs and periodically look out the window, a big angry dog ​​is waiting for me there, I think it’s red or light beige, I’m very afraid to go outside because of it, and on the first floor the door opens and my grandmother is dead she calls me to hide while she has it and I went in and together we look out the window at this dog....what should I expect? I don’t understand why I dreamed about all the dead

    • Natasha, this dream clearly warns you against problems that may happen in life. It is possible that the image of a red dog may contain some person who will become their source. It may involve deception, aggression, deceit.

    Good afternoon,
    I dreamed of a house - the dacha of my mother, who died six months ago, I am going to sell this house, I haven’t been there for a long time and in fact it is old. So I arrived there in a dream and inside it turned out to be good and reliable, I even had thoughts in the dream not to sell, my brother and dad were with me in the dream, neighbors came to look at the house and then we noticed that the stove began to burn from the inside, and we realized that there was a fire and left the house. It was a pity that it would burn, because in fact it turned out to be good and I thought it would be a good idea to sell it. I tried to call the firefighters, but they said they weren’t going out of town, so I somehow managed to get them out. But before they arrived, the house fell on its side, it just fell; by the way, the flames weren’t particularly visible, it seemed to be inside, but we knew that it was burning. There was a feeling of regret inside (in a dream) and then, well, if that’s the case, it won’t be possible to sell it profitably. My deceased mother loved this dacha very much and did not want me to sell it. So I don’t understand what this dream is for

    • Natalya, most likely, this dream foreshadows a quarrel in the family. It is possible that it is somehow connected with this house.

    Hello, I have already had similar dreams twice, about 15 years ago one of my friends died along with his child, they were choked by smoke in their house, the child was still small, and he slept drunk. And about 10 years ago, my friend’s father died, he fell asleep drunk with a cigarette and also suffocated. At first I dreamed of the first house, I walked there but it was empty and it was noticeable that no one had been there for a long time. Then, a few days later, I dreamed about the second house, but on the contrary, everything was clean and beautiful. What could this mean? Tell me please

    • Kostya, often the interpretation of dreams is very individual. In your case, the deceased in a dream promise some kind of misfortune with people you know. It is possible that this is a kind of gift, a premonition.

    Hello. My mother-in-law had a dream about the old house of her deceased parents, and in the dream she and her husband began to live with them in this house.

    • Marina, most likely, after such a dream you can expect ill health and problems. It is also possible that some unpleasant thoughts and memories haunt you.

    Good afternoon I had a dream where my mother and I find an old abandoned village and try to hide in it. We see a house overlooking the cemetery. The mistress of the house is like my great-grandmother. I tell her that I look a lot like my grandmother, but my grandmother died. And my mother and I are trying to stay overnight in this house, but I’m still afraid to look out the window, because there’s a cemetery there.

    • Lily, a dream may indicate some kind of fear of important events in life. A deceased person in a dream in reality means a warning against wrong actions and possible mistakes.

    Good afternoon, I dreamed the following. I was given a dacha plot with a house and a garage. But this plot turned out to be near the dacha road. It belonged to some deceased granny. Naturally, there were practically no noble plantings left on it, but greenery, shrubs and some non-fruit trees were. First of all, I examined this plot and was very happy that I had my own! But my relatives did not share my delight, they say there is a lot to do. But I had already planned where and what I would plant. What trees, etc. Then I went into the house and looked around, it was cozy, small with windows, it wasn’t cluttered, it was spacious, there were a lot of old things in the chests of drawers. And I even found a running wristwatch. Then a deceased relative turned up nearby and she began to draw directions on the map to my plot of land. My neighbor said that the land was very fertile. Interpret the dream, please!

    • Olesya, it’s likely that troubles await you. It is possible that many will think that you are creating problems for yourself with your plans and ideas. In part this is true.
      The presence of a deceased person may indicate a deterioration in health. The dream is of a warning nature. Try to think more about your actions.

    Hello, I recently visited the grave of my friend (he died 2 years ago). For me, he was always more than just a friend.
    I dreamed that I was visiting a friend in the kitchen, he was washing white sneakers in the sink. I found myself next to him, he was surprised (there was no anger, no joy) and asked how I ended up here. I jokingly replied that I had made a duplicate key, to which he said in his own manner, just try (without emotion). His father walked along the corridor and asked who it was there, he said it was me. To which his father asked why he didn’t warn that there would be guests? The friend replied that he didn’t know. At that moment the doorbell rang (it was my man who came for me), the friend went to open the door, and I stayed near the sink to wash his sneakers.
    In reality, I don’t have a life partner. The dream is very etched in my memory; I very rarely remember dreams. I would like to know if this is just longing for a friend and a relationship, or if this dream can tell me something else. Thanks in advance for your answer

    • I think that a dream can warn of troubles. Usually dreams have a negative meaning, where deceased people come to the living to take them somewhere, etc.
      After such dreams, there is a possibility of illnesses and other adversities. Be careful.

    Good afternoon! Yesterday I dreamed that I met my great-grandmother who had died a long time ago, I took her home so that she could prepare food for some holiday, she didn’t talk all the way, but I was glad that she was nearby, I came with joy, and today I dreamed that I I came to her house where I spent my childhood, but she was not there, and neither were her things.

    • Most often, a deceased person is dreamed of before a temporary period of difficulties and obstacles, but there is no need to be sad, since thanks to intuition it will be possible to reduce problems to a minimum.

    Hello! On August 14, my beloved and dear grandmother died. This date is the birthday of my mother, her daughter. My sister and I were on vacation abroad, I managed to visit my grandmother for the funeral, my sister came from the plane only to the grave. My grandmother loved my sister and me more than anyone else and was looking forward to meeting her; before she died, we managed to talk on the phone and agreed that we would see each other tomorrow, but we didn’t have time. My sister found out about my grandmother’s departure, did not sleep that night, and in the morning, having fallen asleep for five minutes, she had the following dream.
    She is in her grandmother’s house, on the path near the house there are flowers, uprooted, in bags of water, ready for replanting. Then strangers from the house brought out a large dish on which lay a huge fried fish half a meter long and about 40 cm wide. People carried the fish into the backyard and dropped it near the cherry tree. That's all. What could this mean?

    • Ekaterina, I'm sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose such a loved one. I think the dream is heavily based on emotion, largely due to not being able to see the person before he left.
      It may be worth finishing some of grandma’s business. It is possible that they are connected with her house or something near it.

    I wanted to decipher my dream. I saw a neighbor, an old woman, who died at the age of 105. Not a relative. It was as if I was lying on her other bed, and under the mattress I found a large shiny knife. AND THEN MY DEAD MOTHER SAYS TO THIS WOMAN. THAT IF YOU ARE LEAVING, THEN LET HAZIA NOT WASH YOU THERE, THEY WILL CARE YOU THERE. WHAT WOULD ALL THIS BE. THEN THE NEIGHBORS CAME IN IN YELLOW CLOTHES (THEY ARE ALIVE) AND A CAT PUPED AT THEM, AND I WAS NORMAL ACCEPTED

    • Khazia, it’s possible that it’s going to lead to some kind of quarrel. There will be some reason for it. Be careful not to quarrel with someone.

    Today, 09/20/18, I had a dream in which I bought a house from an acquaintance of mine who died some time ago - a very solid new large house. In a dream, I walk around the yard, look at everything and think: “Recently he was buried from this house, and now - I’m the mistress here - who would have thought.” In fact, now his wife, my very good friend, lives in this house, and I never had any thoughts about this house in reality, but nevertheless, such a dream. If you can help me explain, I will be very grateful.

    • Olga, it is likely that in a dream you can look for some clue about the property affairs of the deceased. Was everything normal with his property, were there any inconsistencies?
      If the dream had occurred a long time after the death of a friend, then it would be more likely to apply to you and promise ill health and other adversities. Just in case, keep this in mind.

    I had a dream today. In August, my childhood friend died. A young guy. Now I often have dreams with his participation. Today I had a dream that I was at their house and took his watch as a souvenir; it was turned off. Two combs and a photo. Where was Me and a friend I don’t have. I said I’ll take a photo of me. A sports bag appeared from somewhere, I open it, and there is his wristwatch and two massage combs. That’s a dream. I’m very afraid what does it mean? Thank you!

    • Aigul, since the tragic event happened relatively recently, it is possible that you are having dreams based on an emotional basis. A clock can talk about the passage of time, things that need to be done on time.
      A comb can dream of melancholy.

    Hello! I was very disturbed by the dream! My father died when I was a couple of months old! His parents refused to communicate with me and my mother! As if they blamed us for his death! They lived all their lives next to us on the street a few houses away! I saw them while they were alive, but we didn’t communicate! I never entered their house! They died many years ago, their house was left sort of like their father’s sister, with whom they also didn’t communicate! And then I had a dream that my grandmother was calling me to her house! It’s as if they don’t know who I am! And they ask about my health! It’s like they’re doctors! Although they weren’t! My grandmother introduces me to my grandfather, that I came to the right address, that he’s an experienced surgeon and that he knows how to cure my back! Then the conversation comes and His aunt is present! She is alive! They admit that they are my relatives! They show me old photos! My grandmother cries that they did this and didn’t admit it! There was a father and a small child in the photo! Most likely like my sister from my first marriage! The end of the dream was such that they saw me off, putting me a bag of food, telling me that they would miss me, cry and continue to make something happen to me! And I woke up all in tears! And I cried in my dream !Now I’m very worried! I’m pregnant! Does this dream promise trouble? I will be very grateful for your answer!

    • Margarita, perhaps, promises some health difficulties, but in your situation you may well feel unwell. Packing bags and a moment with your back can be a dream of going to the doctor, a very tiring sitting in some institution. Take care of yourself!

    Hello! I am my husband’s second wife and, accordingly, his relatives did not accept me. We worry, but we try not to think or talk about it. And, recently, I had a dream that my husband and I and our daughter went to see his long-dead grandmother. We went into the house, she was lying on the bed and when she sees us she gets up, but doesn’t talk to me. A woman is helping her. I tell my husband that I don’t want to live here, but since I have to be here, I started washing the floors. I rinsed the rag under running water. His grandmother went to the sink and exposed her belly and began to wash herself. This is where I woke up.

    • Anastasia, a dream with similar elements (mopping floors, water, rags) plus the dead indicates that there may be quarrels and conflicts. It is possible that you need to think about improving your relationship with them, or minimizing it, since they do not want to behave appropriately with you. You are not to blame for anything and do not deserve injustice to yourself.

    Hello! When I got together with the guy, I dreamed about my late grandmother that same day and said, “Can I stay the night?” And according to the dream, I lived with her in her old house, where she had lived for a long time. And I’m thinking where to put her - on the bed she’s cramped, but soft, and the sofa is large, but hard. And I had a second dream yesterday, I was just sick, and my boyfriend and I weren’t very sad... I was sad in my soul... I dreamed that I was cleaning my grandmother’s apartment and she didn’t like the way I cleaned, in a word, she was very dissatisfied picks it up and cleans it up herself. And my brother’s wife cooked meat for herself and my grandmother. What my grandmother wants to convey to me. She always helped me during her life. I remembered her the other day and went to see her.

    • Tatyana, dead people and meat in a dream are frequent symbols of illness.

    14.11. Mom died. There were three of us living in an apartment: she, me, my daughter. Now we are staying in this apartment together with our daughter (she is 20 years old). Mom periodically dreams, explicitly and implicitly. There is a fear that she might take us away. I fear for my daughter in my sleep and when I wake up too. I often see the three of us in my dreams. I see my daughter either as a small child or as an adult in my dreams. The other day I had a dream that the three of us were in my bedroom, my daughter was sitting on the bed, in a light shirt with her hair down, Mom was standing and looking out the window, I was standing a little to the side, I saw my mother’s back, then I looked in the mirror on the dresser, crying, I say “we lived normally, joyfully, but now what’s wrong,” I cry and for some reason I start squeezing the pimples on my face. I see myself and my daughter in black, then I look for her in the rooms, then I dream that Mom walked with her as a little girl and then brought her home. I can’t calm down from fears and dreams, I’m often afraid to fall asleep, lest I dream about something frightening again, I’m exhausted, I take sedatives. And today I dreamed that my daughter was putting her things in a closet in her mother’s room. The room is clean and bright. And I help her, tell her what’s best, hand her things (when she puts them on the top shelves). Then I return to my room, open my closet (some of my daughter’s things are folded in my closet in everyday life), there is either a black or dark blue box, there is a drawing on it (a pink and blue pony), from there is a song (it seems to me that children's room, but the voice sings either low female or male, it’s not very clear). It seemed like it wasn’t a gloomy dream (the house was clean, it was light in the dream), but there was no peace. When I woke up I thought, what if my daughter decided to take over her mother’s room in her sleep and got scared (what if it’s bad)… Another point: my brother and I are the direct heirs, I’ve already allocated part of my share to my daughter (the four of us are homeowners) and I’m giving my part of my mother’s share brother, to maintain justice. And my daughter recently started a conversation that she wants to take her share as soon as the opportunity arises, buy herself a home and live separately (maybe this detail is also important for interpretation). Help me understand what dreams mean, should I be afraid of bad things? Thank you in advance

    • Oksana, I sympathize with you, losing your mother is difficult. It is possible that it is worth paying attention to your dreams and trying to connect them with events from reality, however, a little time has passed since the death of your mother, you are still completely in it all. Everything around reminds you of your mother, since you also lived together. Therefore, various images can be born in dreams during this period. Most of them are twisted by our inner world, the subconscious, so whether to worry about them or not is up to the dreamer. It may be that you should take a vacation or relieve yourself a little. Often the reason may be simple stress, but you have been through a lot lately. Rest, and about your daughter...if she wants to live alone, then that’s her right, her life. It’s better to accept this and somehow resolve it peacefully so as not to lose your relationship with her. After all, quarrels often arise over real estate, when brothers and sisters, fathers and children stop communicating due to quarrels over square meters.

    Hello. Please help me understand why I have the same dream from time to time. More precisely, the dreams are different in content; it’s just that everything happens in the house of the late grandfather. For many years now, I have periodically dreamed about this house. Grandfather himself was present there in the house in a dream once or twice. The dreams are varied in content, but after waking up I don’t remember the details, only the house and some of the actions, but mixed feelings remain in my soul. But not bad for sure, more like some kind of pleasant sadness. It’s just strange for me, I didn’t grow up in that house and I can’t say that I loved it.

    And I’ve also had another dream periodically for many years. That in a dream I fly. I don’t have wings, but I fly by flapping my arms) And this is not such a flight with a feeling of ease, but in order to fly I need to make an effort and I can never fly high in a dream.

    • Sima, some people have dreams about deceased people during periods of difficulties and troubles in life. It is possible that in your life this is also some kind of indicator that difficulties are approaching.
      Regarding the flight, it is possible that any dreams, or rather their implementation, require investments of both effort and money. Nothing is given for nothing.

    I dreamed that the mother of a dead man (my ex)
    She invited me to visit, she was very kind and said that I had the right to be there! There were many children in the house, I was also with my daughter!
    While there I cried, I missed the deceased!
    Why do you dream about this?
    During our lives, we had a lot in common and we had a hard time living without each other.

    • It is possible that sleep is not easy. Most often, the image of a deceased person in a dream warns of illness or malaise.

Did you see the apartment of the deceased? In a dream they want to warn you about something. Perhaps an important event is approaching, a difficult period in life, or it’s simply time to take a good look at yourself. The dream book will help you clearly determine what this non-trivial image is about in your dreams.

Go for it!

Why do you dream about the bright apartment of a deceased friend? This literally means: you have been dreaming about something for a long time and now you can make your dream come true. It’s just important not to miss any chance.

Did you dream that you could hear creepy laughter coming from the house of an unknown dead person? The dream book guarantees difficult communication with an extremely superstitious person.

If you happen to see that the deceased’s home is visited by strange people in a dream, then in reality you will lose contact or completely quarrel with your friends.

Miller's Hint

If you dreamed of an old apartment of the deceased, in which his relatives and friends are doing renovations, then Mr. Miller suggests: you are not sure of what you want, and therefore you will not be able to solve the pressing problem.

Take action!

Why do you dream about the apartment of the deceased, in which there are some people, animals or unprecedented creatures? You are extremely worried and depressed, and this state has been going on for a very long time. The only advice from the dream book: understand your own soul, otherwise you will never crawl out of this swamp.

Did you dream that tenants moved into the house of the deceased without permission? You will learn someone else's secret and will be bound by a promise not to disclose it. If the tenants left without paying in a dream, then get ready for disagreements with a loved one.

Do you remember?

Why do you dream about the apartment of a deceased person you know well, for example, a deceased grandmother? Carefully remember everything that happened that night. A competent interpretation of the dream will allow you to understand: they are warning you or want to help you with something.

The dream book reminds you: sometimes you can see the home of a deceased grandmother or grandfather before the death of a relative. In a dream, did you inherit the house of an unknown grandmother?

You will soon meet a person who will help you solve your financial difficulties. Perhaps this will be a new business partner.

Decoding features

The dream book advises you to take a good look around in your dream and note the characteristic features of the room.

  • The apartment of the deceased with expensive renovations - a confusing situation will be resolved.
  • Old, but clean, residential - quiet life.
  • Dirty with shabby wallpaper - illness, family scandal.
  • Abandoned with collapsed walls, uninhabited - loss of hope, misfortune.
  • Burnt out - a serious illness, loss.
  • After the flood, the danger was over.

Did you dream that there was a real spring flowing in the room? If in reality things are not going well, then you will receive comfort and support. If everything goes well, then expect joy. The river that flows from the apartment of the deceased symbolizes abundance.

Life is getting better!

Why do you dream of a completely empty apartment of the deceased? You have made a grave mistake, and you will have to answer for it.

Did you happen to see that furniture and the last things were taken out of the house in a dream? The dream book is convinced: buy what you have dreamed of for a long time. This is also a sign of prosperity and high income.

Think about it...

Did you dream of a completely empty, and also dirty, apartment? According to the dream book, this is a sign of spiritual laziness, stagnation in development and loss of vital guidelines.

Dreams about home should not be ignored. They indicate future changes and a person’s emotional state. Why do you dream about an old house? What does such a dream mean? Seeing your old house means repeating the mistakes of the past. If the housing is someone else’s, quick changes will come in the life of the sleeper. Whether these changes will be happy or unhappy depends directly on the appearance of the house.

Why do you dream about a house?

Dreams about a house, according to various sources, personify the inner state of a person - his joys and sorrows, problems and relationships. Therefore, dreams about a cozy, clean home characterize a harmonious, balanced person. And vice versa - a dirty, neglected shack indicates that sadness and sadness have settled in the dreamer’s soul.

If you dream of a beautiful new house, then it promises the dreamer beneficial changes in life. Rich interior decoration means that the sleeper will find hidden spiritual resources within himself. He will be able to overcome obstacles and will soon arrange his life in the best possible way: he will achieve success or improve his health, meet love or gain financial well-being.

Moving to a new beautiful home means moving up the career ladder. This is a big responsibility, but also a successful change in life.

Why do you dream of an old house? A dilapidated building with broken windows or rotten boards symbolizes upcoming unfavorable events. Destroyed old housing indicates chaos in the thoughts and heart. These could be unfulfilled ambitions, lost health, unhappy love. The dream warns that the time has come to take care of yourself, sort out your life, improve your work affairs, make peace or forgive your offenders.

Wooden housing

Why do you dream of an old wooden house? What is the interpretation of this dream? A structure made of wood indicates a surge of energy. Everything will work out, a creative breakthrough or diligence will definitely be rewarded.

A wooden house, according to some dream books, foreshadows an imminent wedding. But an old hut with black smoke from the chimney will bring temporary difficulties and troubles in the family.

If there are breakdowns in an old wooden building and they need to be repaired, then such a dream indicates that there are problems in relationships with loved ones. To avoid difficulties in the future, it is necessary to improve relationships.

If you dreamed of an unfinished house, then the dreamer should take care of pending matters. Otherwise, upcoming changes may complicate the situation.

Stone housing

Why do you dream of an old house that looks more like a castle? If you see a stone, ruined building with gloomy towers, it means that a person should take care of his inner growth. Stone cult castles are a symbol of secret knowledge, hidden information. Such a dream means that the sleeper should sort out his internal conflicts and come to terms with himself.

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems.

Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will be extended.

A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin.

Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich.

If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it.

Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce.

If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar.

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world.

The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended.

If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect.

And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him.

Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased will achieve what he has long lost hope for.

Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors.

Seeing a dead person silent in a dream means that he from the other world treats the person who saw this dream favorably.

Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the side from which he did not expect.

And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future.

Seeing a deceased person rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world.

Greeting a deceased person in a dream means receiving favor from Allah.

If a deceased person is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life.

If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then he will really die soon.

The blackened face of a deceased person in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah.

The Koran says: “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106).

Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved.

Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with a deceased person means longevity.

Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died.

Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in a dream in the place where he usually performed it during life means that he is not doing well in the afterlife.

Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds.

A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security.

If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person.

If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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It’s rare that anyone can ignore a dream in which a deceased relative or loved one visited. These visions serve as warnings, predictions of future events. In order to find out as accurately as possible what the deceased is dreaming about, you need not only to remember all the details of the vision, but also to analyze it, taking into account the smallest details. When you wake up, restore in your memory the chronology of dream events, actions, words, your emotions and feelings. Then take a dream book and find options for interpreting your night images.

A dream when you gave the deceased your belongings, food, clothing and other items is considered a bad prognosis; it predicts troubles, illnesses for us or our family and friends. However, taking something from a dead person, on the contrary, is considered a good sign and brings pleasant events in real life.

Conversation with the deceased

Most often in our night dreams we manage to communicate with people who have passed on to another world. Sometimes this conversation seems almost meaningless, or filled with illogical phrases, but the dream book warns that the most “stupid” maxims heard in a dream are of great importance. If you want to understand why you dream of talking to a dead person, then first, try to recall in your memory each of the words of your unusual interlocutor.

It happens that in a dream your interlocutor is your deceased mother and she expresses herself quite logically and clearly asks you to do something. The dream book recommends fulfilling the request of the deceased - then serious, noticeable changes will occur in your destiny. A dream in which you had to talk to the deceased sometimes occurs on the eve of important events. In this case, the significance of such a vision only increases. After all, from the lips of the deceased, it can contain valuable advice, an answer to an important question, in a word, everything that will help in the future matter.

It also happens that the next morning you cannot recall in your memory any significant information that came from the lips of a guest in a dream. Then such a vision indicates that the dreamer misses you in another world. It’s not bad if you go to the temple, remember him, or visit the grave.

An invitation to another world

You may find yourself on the verge of life and death as a result of an accident, traffic accident, or catastrophe; this is what the deceased person dreams of, persistently inviting you to follow him. The dream book also warns that a very serious disease may be diagnosed. Will you be able to defeat him and get back on your feet? Much depends on how you acted in the dream - accepted the invitation of the deceased or refused him.

A person from the other world who visits you in a dream shows persistence, invites you to come to him, promising wealth and other benefits. Unfortunately, this is evidence that the sleeper has an extremely strong craving for money. Even in his dreams he dreams of getting rich. But he will have to answer for the sin of love of money. So that everything does not end sadly for him, the dream book recommends being more modest and learning to be content with less.

Seeing in a dream how you call the deceased is a reflection of your thoughts and mood in reality. You are probably in a difficult situation and cannot find a way out of it. Hence your subconscious call to the deceased, from whom you still hope to receive advice.

Consequences of caring for the deceased

The most terrible interpretation given by the dream book is death. It is this tragic event that is prophesied to the one who could not resist and followed the dead man calling to him in a dream. However, there is an opportunity to fix everything and prevent the dream from coming true. You need to immediately remember how and what the dead man attracted you to? If he begged you to follow him and asked for help, then think about which of your comrades may turn out to be two-faced and vile. It is this person who may become the cause of a fatal event in your life.

Why do you dream of a dead man whom you rushed after, believing in the promises of immortality? According to interpretations, this dream suggests that it is necessary to consult a doctor because a dangerous disease is developing in the body. While it occurs without symptoms, it can be fatal. In night sins, the dead manage to invite the sleeping person with them, tempting him with the revelation of some secret or interesting information. Why dream about such a plot? Moreover, in reality he needs to avoid buffet tables, banquets and friendly parties with a wide range of alcoholic drinks. A large dose of alcohol taken by the dreamer or a participant in such a feast can provoke a tragic incident.

Did you dream that you left with a dead person? Don't worry, this dream does not have any terrible consequences. True, you will be disappointed and will have to be a little sad. And all because the long-awaited trip was cancelled, and you will be unpacking your suitcases with frustration.

Wash the body

Preparing the body of the deceased for the funeral, changing clothes, washing it, why do you dream about such a procedure? Sometimes the role of the deceased is played by a living relative. Such a dream does not promise anything positive. On the contrary, it threatens trouble.

To dream of bathing with a deceased person in a bubble bath means for the dreamer an improvement in well-being in reality. It is especially good if this dream falls on a sick person. The dream book explains that this is a chance for successful healing. Moreover, it is necessary to use methods of alternative medicine.

Did you dream that you were washing an inanimate person from a ladle or mug? This dream precedes the loss of some thing that is of great value to you. Unfortunately, it will be impossible or very difficult to find it. Therefore, try to be more careful and collected.

There is a long journey ahead, this is what the dream book promises for someone who washed the feet of a deceased person in a dream. When in a dream it was not possible to wash your feet, then the future path will be long and difficult, fraught with dangers.

Help the dead

The dream book interprets visions in which the deceased had to be helped to dress as preceding the dreamer’s serious illness. The important thing is that illnesses will be difficult to treat, and hence associated troubles in business and in the family are likely. There is a different explanation for the plot, during which the sleeper helps the deceased change clothes.

Why dream of stroking the dead? This is a reflection that you have certain problems in your personal relationships. The current partner does not provide enough warmth, affection, or the fullness of tactile sensations the dreamer needs.

The dream book has an explanation for the situation in which the sleeper, with disgust and apprehension, touches the body of a dead person. The dream anticipates a discovery or an unusual act that will allow you to get rid of fears and prejudices in reality.

Haircut of the deceased

Complete, final recovery - this is what you dream of cutting the hair of the deceased. But the dream book prophesies such an explanation only if you have coped with the role of a hairdresser successfully, and the hairstyle has turned out neat without curls sticking out to the sides. When you mercilessly cut his strands, then in reality financial well-being awaits you. But this will be achieved at the cost of betraying people dear to you.

According to the dream book, it is not bad when the sleeper sees himself cutting the nails of a deceased person. The interpretation is especially favorable if the nails are trimmed evenly and deftly. Why do you dream about such a procedure? First of all, for love, which will receive a new impetus even after years of family life together. Secondly, if there is a misunderstanding between fathers and children, then it will come to an end, you will be able to establish contact with the child.

Repeated death

From the point of view of a psychoanalyst, experiencing the death of a loved one again even during sleep is stressful. But it is possible to explain why or why such a test is dreamed of. This confirms a deep loss that the sleeping person cannot come to terms with; even in his dreams, he is not ready to accept the fact that a dear person is gone forever.

According to Miller, such a plot means that perhaps one of your friends or relatives with the same name as the dreamed deceased will soon die.

When you see in a dream how a person dies, who was actually buried quite a long time ago, the dream book recommends that when you wake up, you must visit his grave. Isn't there such a possibility? Then remember him in the temple, light a candle at home with prayer. This must be done, because such a vision is a reflection of the dissatisfaction of the deceased, who from the other world watches the living, realizing that they have completely forgotten about him.

Why do you dream that you are killing the deceased?

A terrible plot, especially in the case when you adored and respected the deceased during his lifetime, psychologists easily explain. In their opinion, you have not forgiven your loved one for leaving you. You are not ready to understand, to accept the fact that he left you. His “murder” in a dream is despair in reality. By opening the dream book, you will find out what it means to see a vision in which an already buried person repeatedly struggles in agony. Its essence is that the dreamer will experience deep disappointment. The reason will be the behavior or words that come out of the mouth of the spouse.

However, if you dreamed that you were killing a long-dead enemy, then all your problems will be resolved successfully. This is the interpretation of Miller’s dream book.

Meal of the Dead

Why do you dream about how a dead man eats dinner with appetite, and at the same time does not pay attention to the dreamer? What will actually surprise you a lot is that your relatives will ignore your requests and not listen to your opinions. At the same time, your loved ones will be confident that you have done something wrong and are worthy of such behavior.

But the plot, in which a guest from another world, sitting at the table, is also having a conversation, should warn that one should not get involved in dubious activities and agree to adventurous offers that mean easy profit. As a result, as the dream book says, without acquiring anything, you will lose everything you have acquired, and you will still owe money.

The dream book specifies: when you yourself treat the deceased and the food is tasty and aromatic, you will not be able to achieve the desired goal in reality. Breaks in good relationships with partners and colleagues are possible. You won't be able to count on the support of your friends.

When in a dream you treated a strange guest to food of dubious quality, then in reality you will make an unforgivable mistake by insulting a person extremely important to you. The trouble is that for the time being you don’t even realize the power and authority of this person. About what role he will play in your destiny.

You will successfully complete the projects you have started, and things will go smoothly in your endeavors designed for the future - this is what you dream about, how the deceased himself treats you to food. It’s even better when your deceased mother feeds you in your sleep.

Joy and grief of the dead

The dream book ambiguously interprets the vision in which the deceased is crying. Thus, the not yet lost connection between the dreamer and the deceased is revealed. A different interpretation warns that you will have to experience the bitterness of losses and disappointments.

Why do you dream of a smiling dead man? Do not be afraid of a strange dream, it has a very good meaning, promising you a reason for fun and joy. In addition, a positive mood will serve as an incentive to achieve an important goal or demonstrate record results.

Now about why an evil dead man dreams. If you trust the dream book, then you need to remember your recent actions and think about which of them is unseemly and sneaky? Hurry up to correct your disgusting deed, and otherwise you will pay bitterly!

Quarreling with a dead man

Have you ever had a strange streak of constant quarrels and scandals in your family that arise literally out of the blue? If yes, then you can guess why you dream of a conflict with a dead person. In such situations, the dream book will give the only advice: endurance and calm.

But if you dreamed that you were vigorously sorting out your relationship with a deceased relative, for example, a father or grandfather, then according to the dream book, you need to remember: did you commit some act the day before that you yourself do not think is impeccable?

Running away from a raging dead man in a dream means that in reality you feel out of place due to constant quarrels with relatives. Reconciliation with your family is only possible if you take the first step towards it. In your night dreams, you quarrel with the dead man, and then drive him away. If the person you are in a hurry to get rid of is unfamiliar to you, then the dream book promises you a long and happy life. And if you are a relative, do the wrong thing.

Brawl with a Dead Man

The dream book is in a hurry to reassure you that if while you were sleeping, you fought with an unknown dead man, and you beat him mercilessly, then you will actually wake up and realize that you are about to solve some difficult problem, or an insight will descend on you, you will come up with something ingenious or creatively unique!

True, there is another explanation for why you dream of a fight with the deceased. It is not tragic, but it does not portend anything positive. While you were sleeping, did you beat up your dead relative? Then a quarrel is likely. Or misunderstandings and conflicts with comrades will arise.

If you brutally beat the deceased in a dream, but he did not try to fight back, then the dream book classifies this as a psychological problem. Your nervous system is exhausted and exhausted, and that is why you react so painfully to the slightest misunderstanding and indifference on the part of others. Why do you dream about such a plot? Perhaps it should serve as a good reason to take a short vacation and restore inner harmony.

It's not a good sign to hit a dead person in the face. This also indicates mental problems. But more serious ones. The dreamer may be dissatisfied with his fate, his position in society, and therefore takes his frustration out on his dearest people. He is probably able to raise his hand against them in reality. This is a dead end path leading to collapse and loneliness. Stop and think about the mistakes you made. Don't rush, correct them gradually, and everything will work out for you!

It happens that night dreams turn into midnight nightmares. Why, for example, do you dream of a dead man attacking you? Moreover, the dreamer has renounced his relatives and does not honor family traditions. For now, this suits him, but time will pass and he will cruelly regret that he broke away from his roots.

Love and sex

Why do you dream of intimacy with a dead person? For young girls, this dream foreshadows the appearance on the horizon of insidious rivals who will do everything possible to take away the dreamers’ standing groom. Therefore, she needs to be on guard and literally attract his attention. This same plot does not predict anything good for a man either. A deal that would help develop the business in the future may fail.

There are other interpretations of dreams about carnal pleasures with the dead. In one case, a gift awaits the dreamer; in the other, the sleeping person, especially if it is a young girl, will discover the unknown joys of sex. It is curious that to see in a dream how simply you are lying in bed with a deceased person is a good sign, which, according to the dream book, anticipates great successes in love and business.

Kissing the Dead

Very soon things will go uphill, income will increase and new orders will appear that will expand the business, this is what dreams of when a deceased relative kisses him. But the dream book promises a similar development of events for men and women.

Sometimes dreams in which you kissed a deceased person are a reflection of your feelings for the person who has passed on to another world. You are sad, confused, dreaming of returning to the past. But the dream book recommends giving up such thoughts and living for today, without torturing yourself and the people around you. But if you happened to be kissed by a dead stranger, then in reality fortune will turn to face you. You are simply fantastically lucky with money!

There is an important detail to note. The dream carries a positive interpretation if in the dream you kissed a dead person. Then pleasant events await you in reality. However, if you kiss, there may be illness and trouble ahead.

Bury a dead person

Are you pleased when people pay off debts that you have already forgotten about? There is a chance to get your money, once borrowed from you, this is why you dream of burying a dead person. The dream book prophesies that the debtor will not only awaken his conscience, he will also thank him, adding compensation to the amount previously lent.

The dream book interprets farewell to the deceased in a dream as an unkind symbol. It stands for this: you will almost achieve your desired goal, but suddenly, something will seriously adjust your plans, and you will be forced to retreat, feeling a sense of frustration.

Why does a dead person dream during the sacrament of funeral service in a church? One must think that while watching such a dream, a person experienced melancholy and sadness, and so upon awakening he will have a reason for the blues and melancholy. Due to current circumstances, one of your faithful comrades will leave you, or you will lose a valuable thing.

Traveling with a dead person

You will succeed in your job because you will be able to demonstrate your talents and skills in the most favorable light. This is what you dream of about a trip with the deceased, during which you nicely shared your opinions. Did you have to walk arm in arm with a dead man in a dream? Don’t be alarmed, this vision also has a very good meaning, which predetermines the appearance of an unusual person in your life. Thanks to her, you will discover new talents in yourself and understand what or who you should live for.

The dream book also calms those who, perhaps waking up, were frightened, remembering how in a dream they walked with a dead person whispering kind words. Such a plot confirms the correctness of your life principles, if during your lifetime you treated the deceased person in a dream with sympathy.

Do you remember how you walked in a dream and met a deceased relative? The dream book gives an exact recommendation - visit your loved ones, and try to treat your relatives with great respect and attention in the future. If you fulfill this simple condition, you will receive enormous support and change your life for the better.

Dead man cleans up

What kinds of scenes can you see while you sleep? Why did you see a dead man doing wet cleaning? It turns out that this is a good omen, promising an increase in the authority of the sleeper. If a strange cleaner washed the floors, then it will be possible to restore a reputation that was fairly damaged as a result of an awkward incident.

But the dream book interprets the washing of windows by a deceased person in different ways. There is a possibility of learning about a friend’s betrayal. But at the same time, the dreamer will have enough wisdom and intelligence to understand and forgive this person. Anyone who has had such a dream will generally feel like a different person upon awakening, as if he has become more mature, more tolerant.

Wedding with the dead

The dream book promises that if you dreamed about walking down the aisle with a once-loved person who is no longer alive, then in reality you will definitely meet an equally worthy candidate for the role of your betrothed. He will be able to revive your former passion and will treat your old feelings with delicacy. But why dream of a wedding with a deceased person who never evoked pleasant, let alone romantic, feelings?

If you officially formalize a marriage with your enemy (living or deceased) in a dream, then pay attention to your health. It is possible that you are experiencing the first signs of a dangerous disease, and the sooner you start fighting it, the higher the chances of recovery.

Have you heard in a dream how a dead man mournfully hummed a sad song? If it was intended for you, then the dream book draws your attention to the risk of loss. Moreover, losses can be both material and physical.

But when a deceased citizen in a dream joyfully sang funny hits with all his heart, then problems that you thought had already been resolved will arise again. But this time you will have to put in even more effort and patience to solve them.

Why dream of dancing with a dead person? There is no unambiguous interpretation of the dream in which I had to dance with the deceased. If he was your family member, then he is trying to warn you that quarrels and disagreements will soon begin in your family. But a dancing dead man whose face you did not see is a very bad sign. You should prepare for difficult times.

Close relationship with the deceased

In a dream, you were sincerely happy to meet the deceased and firmly shook his hand, but why do you dream of a greeting? It turns out that it will not bring anything good. On the contrary, the dream book disappoints the dreamer, informing him that his dreams and goals are deceptive, and even having achieved them, he will not have to experience anything but disappointment.

While asleep, did you see yourself clinking glasses and drinking wine with the deceased? Oddly enough, these alcoholic libations in a strange company will turn into a pleasant surprise in reality if you are the one treating them. But if you drink the alcoholic drinks of a dead man, then such a plot promises troubles and losses.

Another explanation for this vision is the need to remember the deceased more often.

The deceased is angry

It is very important to remember why you dream that a dead person is angry and complaining. According to the dream book, in this case the dreamer needs to go to the temple and order the necessary rituals, in accordance with the religion of the deceased. Probably during the funeral, something was missed or forgotten, and until the soul of the deceased finds peace and shelter in another world. By the way, it will be useful to consult with a clergyman who will tell you what exactly can be done.

If you dreamed that a dead man was screaming and destroying everything, then this is an alarming sign, prophesying to the dreamer a lot of problems that will literally fall on him at once. And when a buried person in a dream only shows you a dissatisfied expression on his face, but remains silent, then calm down - your behavior is beyond criticism.

Aggressive dead man

While you were sleeping, you were ambushed by a monster that had crawled out of the grave and bitten you until you bled. Why dream of such a terrible story? It seems that upon awakening you will have serious quarrels with your relatives, which, under unfavorable circumstances, will be followed by a complete cessation of relations and mutual hatred.

The deceased bit, but not to the point of drawing blood; such a plot, as the dream book explains, precedes an aggravation of relations in the service. It is possible that you will be paid less than promised, or a layoff will be announced.

Why do you dream that a dead man is strangling you, grabbing you by the throat? Nothing good, except that such a nightmare was provoked by real problems with the heart and blood vessels. You need to make an appointment with a cardiologist as soon as possible.

And the last creepy plot in which an inanimate person is chasing you in your sleep! The interpretation of such a “horror” film should alert you - the villains are “warmed up” next to the dreamer, cleverly hiding under the masks of friends. If you think carefully, you can easily expose these evil deceivers.

Search for a dead man

You have not come to terms with the death of a loved one, this is why you dream of a dead person calling and talking to you on the phone. But living in a state of permanent stress, and this is exactly what you can call your torment, the suffering of someone who has passed on to another world. This is very harmful to physical and mental health.

The dream book characterizes a person who had to search for the deceased in a dream as confident, purposeful, and positive. He has already gone through many trials, gained invaluable experience and knowledge, which allowed him to overcome many shortcomings and now the time has come for self-improvement.

But hiding a dead person while you are in a dream is not good. This promises in reality a terrible disappointment, which will not only deprive one of illusions, but destroy faith in the sincerity and kindness of others.

Guest from another world

Meeting a stranger from the grave in a dream means taking on an extremely large burden in real life. It's difficult, but that's your plan! After some time, you will realize that the habit of taking responsibility has helped you achieve success in life.

Why do you dream about a dead person knocking on a window? The dream book offers two explanations: if it is pleasant to see someone standing at the window, then soon there will be an opportunity to engage in self-development. But if the one tapping on the glass is scary, then get ready for a challenge.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 11/25/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...