Green-red discharge. Greenish, odorless discharge: causes and treatment. Green leukorrhea after childbirth

21.09.2024 Drugs

Surely every woman knows that the nature and intensity of vaginal discharge can be used to judge the state of health of the genitourinary system. The presence of accompanying symptoms helps to diagnose the development of a particular disease in the early stages. Thus, green vaginal discharge with or without odor, accompanied by itching or burning, pain or increased body temperature, may indicate various diseases of viral, bacterial, fungal etiology.

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis)

One of the most common causes of light green vaginal discharge is bacterial vaginosis. The development of the disease occurs due to a disruption of the normal microflora, with the active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms (Gardnerella) in the vaginal mucus. An increase in the number of pathogens leads to inflammation of the vulvar mucosa, hyperemia of the labia minora, itching and burning in the groin area, and greenish vaginal discharge acquires a distinct “fishy” odor. Often, a woman may feel discomfort during sexual intercourse and water procedures. Among the factors that provoke the development of the disease, it is worth highlighting:

  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • insufficient/excessive adherence to personal hygiene rules;
  • stress;
  • hormonal imbalances (taking oral contraceptives, pregnancy);
  • general/local decrease in immune defense.

Treatment of the disease occurs in stages: first, the causative agent of the disease is destroyed, and then measures are taken to restore the natural microflora of the vagina.


In the initial stages, a sexually transmitted disease often occurs in a latent form, so a woman does not always pay attention to the greenish, odorless discharge. The disease is most often detected during a routine smear test for bacteriological examination. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that if not treated in a timely manner, trichomoniasis becomes chronic, creating a fertile environment for secondary infections. In the acute stage, trichomoniasis is manifested by copious green discharge with the smell of ammonia, foamy clots, and in some cases purulent impurities can be observed in the mucus. Treatment of the disease involves complex therapy for both sexual partners.

Inflammation of the reproductive system

Abundant greenish, odorless discharge is characteristic of an acute inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system. Adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries) and salpingitis (inflammation of the uterine appendages) are manifested by pulling sensations in the lower abdomen with sharp attacks of pain in places where the pathology is localized. Often the patient experiences an increase in body temperature to 37.50C, general weakness, and loss of appetite.

Erosion processes

Greenish discharge in women that appears before menstruation may indicate erosive processes on the cervix. The pathology manifests itself as a result of thinning of the walls of the mucosa in certain areas of the canal, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to dysplasia, and in some cases, to cancerous transformations.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Curdled green discharge with foamy, purulent clots and a strong unpleasant odor usually indicate that the body is affected by sexually transmitted diseases. Gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia cause itching and burning in the groin area, which intensifies after contact with water or urine. Often there is pain during sexual intercourse. In this case, as a rule, sexually transmitted diseases develop against the background of colpitis, urethritis or cervicitis.

Thrush (candidiasis)

Disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina and the proliferation of pathogenic yeasts such as Candida in it can cause the appearance of greenish discharge in girls and women, regardless of age.

Green discharge from thrush has a sour odor and a cheesy consistency. Factors that provoke the development of the disease may be hormonal disorders, stressful situations, changes in living conditions, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. Often, green discharge provokes itching in the area of ​​the outer labia, burning during urination and sexual intercourse, and redness of the skin.

Oddly enough, greenish discharge does not always indicate pathology. Thus, green, curd-like, odorless discharge may appear after sexual intercourse. If contact took place without a condom, then such discharge is the result of the release of residual seminal fluid from the vagina. If contact took place with a condom, then a greenish cheesy discharge may be a consequence of excessive activity of the sex glands in the production of vaginal lubrication.

The main thing that every woman should understand is that vaginal discharge can be considered natural if it does not cause discomfort. Any changes in the color, consistency, smell and structure of mucus are a definite reason to seek advice from a specialist.

During the day, a woman may observe mucous discharge on her underwear. A small amount of such an odorless substance is normal and indicates that everything is in perfect order in the body. However, sometimes a woman may have green discharge, sometimes it is odorless, and sometimes it has an unpleasant aroma. This phenomenon is pathological and signals that you urgently need to see a doctor.

Green discharge is the main cause of pathology

Green discharge in women, what is it and what does it mean? Typically, unpleasant green thick discharge appears due to various infections or inflammations in the ovaries, cervix or fallopian tubes. The discharge acquires a special hue due to the large number of leukocytes that are concentrated in the area of ​​inflammation. Such an unpleasant phenomenon usually signals bacterial inflammation of the appendages.

Before and after menstruation, almost every woman experiences heavy discharge. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, this secretion can have various shades. They are usually white, but sometimes they are yellow and even slightly greenish.

Bacterial vaginosis

Greenish discharge often indicates bacterial vaginosis or vaginal dysbiosis. This disease prompts a woman to consult a gynecologist. There are many reasons for this pathology, so we can highlight the main ones:

  • long course of antibiotics;
  • infection from an infected sexual partner;
  • regular douching without medication;
  • dysfunction of the immune system;
  • suffered a stressful situation.

With bacterial vaginosis, the balance of the vaginal microflora is disrupted, and opportunistic microorganisms begin to predominate. They quickly displace lactic acid bacteria, causing itching and greenish discharge. The disease requires immediate medical treatment; it is important to consult a doctor at the first sign.

The discharge may have a greenish or gray-white tint. They may come off in filmy pieces and have an unpleasant fishy odor. The disease is accompanied by itching, burning, and sometimes the labia become slightly swollen. Some women experience pain when urinating, as well as during intimacy.


This disease often occurs without pronounced symptoms, so it is difficult to diagnose. The main sign of disturbances in the body is slight yellow-green leucorrhoea. The disease is complemented by complications such as itching, redness and slight swelling of the labia. It is important to contact a gynecologist at the first sign, even with minor symptoms. The disease can be diagnosed only after laboratory tests.

Yellow and white-green vaginal discharge is a sign of a serious inflammatory process in a woman’s body. Chronic infection provokes greenish leucorrhoea in small quantities. In the acute form, abundant greenish discharge is observed, the woman feels a dull, pulling pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, the temperature rises to 37.5° or higher. At the first symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor and begin a timely course of therapy. If the disease is neglected, the inflammation can become chronic or develop into more serious complications.

Green leukorrhea after childbirth

After childbirth, a woman’s body takes some time to recover. In the first days after the birth of the baby, the mother will observe deep red leucorrhoea, which over time will begin to lighten until it becomes white. As a rule, light green discharge should not appear; such a symptom indicates a serious inflammatory process in the body. This complication is always accompanied by itching, burning, redness and swelling. At the first unpleasant symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes serious hormonal changes. During the entire 9 months, leucorrhoea changes its consistency, quantity and shade. This condition is normal! If the expectant mother discovers greenish discharge, do not immediately sound the alarm. It is important to contact a gynecologist; the doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe laboratory tests and establish an accurate diagnosis.

During pregnancy, green mucous discharge may appear for various reasons:

  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;

Treatment at home

You can cure discharge at home. However, it is important to use complex therapy, which will include medications and traditional medicine methods. It is important to approach this issue responsibly and follow the recommendations of a specialist. How to treat the disease?

  1. Proper nutrition. High-quality nutrition and a light diet will restore all functions in the body. It is necessary to exclude fried, salty and canned foods. It is important to include fresh juices based on spinach, celery and parsley in your daily diet. Strawberries, lingonberries, barberries, blueberries and viburnum will complement your daily nutrition.
  2. High-quality intimate hygiene. Proper personal hygiene will help you avoid many problems with women's health. It is important to maintain the natural microflora of the vagina, which itself is capable of protecting the body from many infections. You are allowed to wash yourself no more than 2 times a day, using special hygiene products. You need to dry yourself with an individual towel made from natural fabrics.
  3. Douching. The procedure is beneficial if performed only when necessary. Initially, you need to prepare a decoction. For this purpose, mistletoe leaves, oak bark, eucalyptus, calendula, and St. John's wort are used. To prepare the medicine, take 1 tbsp. spoon of dry raw materials and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The decoction should steep for 30 minutes. After which everything is filtered and given time to cool.

Use of tablets

Medications are prescribed comprehensively, that is, for local use (suppositories or vaginal tablets), and in advanced cases, drugs with extensive action are recommended. As a rule, gynecologists recommend the following medications:

  • Fluconazole has many analogues, which contain the same active ingredient (Mikosist, Flucostat, Mikoflucan, Diflucan, Diflazon, Ciskan);
  • Orunit, the drug has many analogues (Itraconazole, Itrazol, Irunin);
  • Ketoconazole (Mycozoral, Nizoral);
  • Pimafucin.

All these drugs are aimed at eliminating a variety of infections. Each disease requires an individual dosage, which can only be set by a doctor. During therapy, it is recommended to take vitamins; they will strengthen the body and increase immunity.

It is important to take the treatment of gynecological problems seriously and not self-medicate. At the first unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, he will tell you what to do if the diagnosis is established.

Vaginal discharge is a normal condition of a woman’s body, but if greenish, odorless discharge appears, you need to be wary.

Discharge is always present in the fairer sex, and this indicates that the body is functioning normally. The mucus and cells that are secreted from the uterine cervix protect an important organ for the woman’s body from numerous pathogenic bacteria and microbes, moisturize the vagina, and this is necessary during sexual intercourse.

Pathological signs

If a woman has greenish discharge, she must consult a gynecologist. At the hospital, the woman will be asked to undergo all the necessary tests to determine the cause of this pathology. With timely treatment, the patient’s greenish discharge, with or without odor, will stop very soon.

It is normal for a woman to have clear or white discharge that has no odor. Their number is fully determined by female hormonal levels, the menstrual cycle, and the absence or presence of sexual intercourse. The appearance of any pathological discharge cannot be ignored, but there is no need to panic either, since they do not in all cases indicate the development of serious defects.

Greenish discharge in women and its causes

Defects in the vaginal microflora can affect the consistency, smell and color of the discharge, but the presence of associated symptoms (burning, itching, pain during sexual intercourse or during urination) must be taken into account. Color by itself is a weak diagnostic criterion.

The green color of vaginal discharge may indicate that the patient has a bacterial infection: the more leukocytes the vaginal mucus contains, the darker the shade. An increased number of leukocytes in the vagina and urethra is an indicator of the process of inflammation (cervicitis, bacterial vaginosis, colpitis, urethritis, adnexitis, endometritis, inflammatory pathologies of the pelvic organs, chlamydia or gonorrhea).

The most common causes of greenish discharge will be discussed in more detail in this article.

Inflammation of a woman's organs

The most common cause of green vaginal discharge is the beginning of the process of inflammation. It can be localized in the fallopian tubes and cervix, in the ovaries or in the vagina. Due to the fact that white blood cells are contained in large numbers, the discharge appears green. Experts say that this phenomenon is called leukorrhea and indicates that a bacterial infection is developing in the body.

Other manifestations

It must be said that the inflammatory process is often accompanied not only by discharge with a certain odor. So, there may be an increase in body temperature, and aching or nagging pain is felt in the lower abdomen.

Female greenish discharge can serve as evidence that the patient is developing some kind of disease that is transmitted through sexual contact. This symptom indicates a tumor has appeared. In any case, seeing a doctor becomes the first step a woman takes on the path to a happy and healthy life without pain.


Often, greenish discharge in women appears due to the occurrence of a pathology such as trichomoniasis. The most common way of transmission is through unprotected intimate relations.

The pathology does not occur in the most pleasant form. The discharge is often accompanied by foam. In addition, the woman experiences severe redness of the external genitalia. In this case, the patient is bothered by burning, itching and pain during urination. During an illness, a woman does not even allow the thought of sexual intercourse, since this process only causes her discomfort and pain.

What to do?

If the first symptoms of trichomoniasis are detected, then it is necessary to begin treatment, since the disease very quickly spreads to the sexual partner. The specialist will prescribe effective therapy to the patient only after an appropriate thorough examination has been carried out. When confirming the diagnosis, it is also necessary to examine the sexual partner. The treatment course for non-advanced forms of the disease lasts only about a week.

Why does odorless greenish discharge occur?

Thrush or bacterial vaginosis

Often, patients turn to a gynecologist, complaining of discharge with or without a characteristic odor, and the doctor often diagnoses such a common disease as bacterial vaginosis. The disease is better known under another name - thrush. This pathology can appear not only due to infection through sexual contact. The main reason for its appearance in the body is insufficient compliance with hygiene standards of the external genital organs. Greenish cheesy discharge is accompanied by itching and burning.

Long-term use of antibiotics, pregnancy, or frequent stress can also cause bacterial vaginosis. This disease can lead to disturbances in the microflora of a woman’s body, which causes an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to greenish discharge, women sometimes have an unpleasant sour odor. Severe swelling and irritation of the genital organs also appear.

There are also many reasons that can cause bacterial vaginosis:

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • changes in female hormonal levels;
  • change in place of residence and, accordingly, climatic conditions;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the bladder.

Every woman needs to realize that bacterial vaginosis is a disease that requires prompt medical intervention. The sooner therapy is started, the better for the patient. If you delay the treatment process, then it is much more difficult to restore the previous microflora, which means opening the way for the emergence of various kinds of sexually transmitted diseases, and vaginosis, in principle, will be more difficult to treat.

To completely get rid of bacterial vaginosis, it is necessary to undergo therapy in two stages. The first stage is the use of medications. The second stage is the restoration of all microflora disorders in full.

Antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis

For bacterial vaginosis, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Metronidazole in the form of suppositories, gels or tablets. When using it, it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages to avoid stomach upsets, nausea and abdominal pain.
  • Clindamycin is often prescribed in the form of suppositories or creams. While using this semi-synthetic drug, it is better to avoid sexual intercourse with latex condoms, as it reduces their strength.
  • Tinidazole tablets can also cause stomach upset and nausea when combined with alcoholic beverages.

If bacterial vaginosis reoccurs within 3-12 months, a repeat course of Metronidazole may be necessary.

To quickly get rid of this disease, you need to listen to such recommendations and advice as:

  • complete refusal to drink strong tea and coffee;
  • limited consumption of smoked, salty, fatty and sweet foods;
  • refusal of alcoholic drinks and spices.

Greenish discharge during pregnancy

Pale or dark green discharge in a pregnant woman is most likely to be abnormal. This may indicate that a chronic infection has worsened or a recent infection. The main danger is that the unborn child may be infected.

It is possible that:

  • Vaginal dysbiosis.
  • Sexual infections.
  • Acute inflammatory process in the vagina.
  • Bacterial infection.
  • Inflammatory process in the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Thrushes.
  • Antibiotic therapy.
  • Chronic infections such as sluggish gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and others.
  • Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Mechanical injuries to the mucous membranes of the genital tract.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene standards.

Colpitis: what is it?

In gynecology, a disease such as colpitis is often encountered, often accompanied by greenish discharge. This disease is characterized by a significant inflammatory process in the external genital organs, and its cause is most often:

  • allergic reactions;
  • mechanical damage;
  • various infections and bacteria.

Colpitis often manifests itself in the form of strong greenish discharge in women. If the disease becomes chronic, then there is much less discharge, but it still has the same shade.

In addition to the discharge, the patient experiences very severe pain in the lower abdomen, and in some cases the temperature rises. It most often does not rise above 37 °C, but with exacerbation of the disease it can reach higher levels.

A woman needs to pay attention to the fact that chronic colpitis is more difficult to treat, which requires a lot of time and effort. In addition, additional complications may occur.

Therapy for colpitis consists of eliminating the causes that caused the disease, as well as eliminating pain. In addition, the vaginal microflora is restored.

If you have mechanical injuries, you should not wear jeans or tight underwear. It is also necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for a while.

If a woman suffers from allergic colpitis, then it is advisable to use intimate cosmetics as little as possible. The use of a number of contraceptives can also lead to this type of colpitis.

Also, small amounts of greenish discharge may appear in a woman due to a pathology such as erosion of the uterine cervix.

The presence of greenish, odorless discharge in women may indicate the onset of the development of a serious pathology, therefore, if such signs are detected, it is advisable to immediately go for a gynecological examination. A qualified specialist will be able to determine the true cause of such discharge and choose the correct therapeutic course.

To avoid their appearance, you need to carefully observe hygiene standards for intimate organs. It is also not recommended to wear very tight clothing. It is important to know that if unpleasant symptoms appear in the form of discharge with a greenish tint, you must completely avoid sexual intercourse, as this may worsen the situation.

Discharge in women may differ in color and character depending on the cause of this discharge. Green discharge should definitely alert a woman and force her to make an appointment with a gynecologist, since they are almost always signs of disease.

Green discharge in women: causes

Green discharge in women is in most cases associated with an inflammatory process in the vagina (vaginitis) and (or) cervix (cervicitis), ovaries (adnexitis) or fallopian tubes (salpingitis). Women's discharge acquires a green color due to the large number of leukocytes it contains. This phenomenon is called leukorrhea. As a rule, green discharge in women is a sign of bacterial inflammation.

Green discharge in women also occurs with so-called bacterial vaginosis, which stands somewhat separately among gynecological diseases - let’s look at why in more detail.

Green discharge in women: bacterial vaginosis

Greenish discharge in women can be a sign of bacterial vaginal vaginosis - one of the most common reasons why women consult a gynecologist about unusual (nonspecific) vaginal discharge. Among the causes of bacterial vaginosis are not so much infection from a sexual partner, but rather insufficient or excessive hygiene measures taken in the intimate area, long-term use of antibiotics, decreased immunity, stress, and pregnancy.

With bacterial vaginosis, a disturbance in the composition of the vaginal microflora occurs. As a result, the number of opportunistic microorganisms (primarily Gardnerella) increases, and often tests reveal Gardnerellosis (predominance of Gardnerella over the normal vaginal flora). At the same time, the number of lactic acid bacteria, which normally constitute up to 90% of the normal vaginal microflora, decreases.

Normally, gardnerella may be present in small quantities in the vagina, but they do not cause any sensations (discharge, itching, irritation). If the number of gardnerella increases, they cause bacterial vaginosis, which requires treatment.

Discharge from gardnerellosis most often has a green or gray-white color. They peel off in films and have a specific pungent fishy smell. With gardnerellosis, there is often itching, irritation, and swelling of the external genitalia. There may also be pain and burning when urinating, and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

It is important to clearly understand that bacterial vaginosis must be treated, and as quickly as possible. The fact is that over time, gardnerella more and more destroys the normal flora of the vagina, which also increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and complicates the treatment of vaginosis itself.

Treatment of gardnerellosis is carried out in two stages. First, gardnerella itself is destroyed with the help of antibiotics. Then, using exclusively local means, the normal vaginal microflora is gradually restored.

Green discharge in women: trichomoniasis

The second common cause of green discharge in women is trichomoniasis. Recently, trichomoniasis has become increasingly asymptomatic, which makes its diagnosis difficult. After all, a woman with minor greenish discharge, barely noticeable itching and irritation of the external genitalia very rarely turns to a gynecologist, but concentrates on strengthening hygiene measures. Therefore, the process of identifying the disease can take a very long time. Trichomoniasis can only be confirmed through laboratory tests.

Green discharge in women: acute inflammation

Green or yellow discharge is also characteristic of acute bacterial inflammation in the vagina, ovaries or fallopian tubes. In these cases, the discharge will be abundant. If the inflammation is chronic, there will be little discharge, it will be scanty, but its color will still be greenish.

At the same time, inflammatory processes such as adnexitis and salpingitis can also be accompanied by aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen and fever. In case of acute adnexitis or salpingitis, the body temperature may increase significantly, so the woman will have to consult a doctor. Often such inflammations have to be treated even in a hospital setting.

With chronic adnexitis or salpingitis, body temperature can rise to 37°C - 37.5°C, and be accompanied by only slight weakness. But this condition can last a long time until the woman consults a doctor and begins treatment for a chronic disease, or until a complication arises that forces her to begin treatment.

Vaginal capsules ® are a reliable and gentle remedy for the treatment and prevention of bacterial and fungal vaginitis. Polygynax ® vaginal capsules are effective against vaginitis caused by more than 25 types of microorganisms that most often cause these diseases. Polygynax ® is a combination drug: it contains two antibiotics - neomycin and polymyxin B, which have the widest possible spectrum of antimicrobial action and nystatin with fungicidal action (has antifungal activity or is active against fungi of the genus Candida). Polygynax® is used 1 tablet intravaginally at night for 12 days. There is also a form of Polygynax® vaginal capsules for virgins - Polygynax® Virgo.

Greenish vaginal discharge can be a symptom of a variety of diseases, so an accurate diagnosis is not easy to make. After listening to the patient’s complaints, the doctor may assume the presence of pathologies such as:

  • allergic reactions;
  • colpitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • venereal diseases.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of greenish discharge

An odorless, yellow-green discharge may appear in pregnant women. They indicate a serious inflammatory process affecting the genitourinary system. Therefore, you cannot ignore the symptom - it is better to play it safe and talk to an experienced doctor. Other reasons include:

  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • nervous tension and stress.

Green discharge can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations - soreness, itching and burning. It is worth telling your doctor about all this - this will make it easier for him to determine the cause of the disease and select the optimal treatment regimen.

The female genital organs are susceptible to various diseases, in which women may experience greenish discharge with a bad odor. Among the most common are:

  1. transmitted through intimate intimacy.
  2. An imbalance of beneficial and harmful bacteria present in the vaginal microflora occurs due to poor hygiene, frequent douching, prolonged use of antibiotics, and genital injuries. Under the influence of these factors, bacteria from the intestines, urinary organs or skin enter the vagina.
  3. Allergic reactions, for example to laundry or detergent.

Each of the reasons has its own manifestations:

The discharge may turn greenish when a partner changes or when sexual activity begins - in this case, germs enter the woman from the man’s penis. The appearance of an odor is a clear symptom of infections transmitted through intimate intimacy. Other provoking factors include diabetes mellitus, uterine prolapse, and tumors.


One of the causes of green or yellow discharge with a bad odor in women is trichomoniasis. As a rule, they are quite rich and foam a lot. Other symptoms of the disease include unbearable itching and irritation, painful urination, and discomfort during intimacy. The pathology is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it can provoke premature birth.

Trichomoniasis is transmitted sexually

Infection occurs during sex; domestic transmission is extremely rare. Therapy involves taking antimicrobial drugs and is carried out for both partners.


Another name for the disease is vaginitis. When fungi or other infections enter the vagina, they disrupt the natural microflora, causing the mucous membrane to become inflamed. As a result, colpitis develops. Provoking factors are stress, taking certain medications, weakened immunity. At an early stage of the disease, yellow-green discharge is observed. The infection spreads quickly and leads to inflammation of the endometrium, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. The secretion contains inclusions of pus, which causes a pungent odor. If treatment is not started in time, infertility, pregnancy complications and other negative consequences are possible.

Bacterial vaginosis

This disease is not considered an inflammation and develops when the balance of normal microflora is disturbed, when pathogenic microorganisms predominate over beneficial bacteria. The main symptom of the pathology that develops in women is greenish, odorless discharge. In the acute stage they are abundant and very liquid, with an unpleasant gray tint. When the disease becomes chronic, the secretion becomes thicker and scarcer, and a fishy smell appears. Among the main reasons are:

  • improper douching;
  • use of low-quality detergents;
  • weakened immunity due to various pathologies;
  • hormonal changes during puberty;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • taking antibiotics and other medications.

Possible cause may be bacterial vaginosis

The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the root cause of dysbiosis and restore the vaginal microflora.

In expectant mothers, this phenomenon is not considered a pathology, but only if it is not accompanied by burning, redness and discomfort when urinating. The main reason is temporary hormonal disorders, sometimes – irritation that occurs on the genitals after a gynecological examination.

During pregnancy, the color of discharge and structure may change

Appearing during pregnancy can be a symptom of vaginal dysbiosis or dangerous infections that often occur without any symptoms. In this case, they have a bad odor, and a greenish color indicates the presence of pus. Similar symptoms are characteristic of the first stage of trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Usually the disease is detected at the first examination and treated immediately so that it does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Normally, white secretion appears in girls about a year before their first menstruation. Green discharge observed in a child under eight years of age indicates inflammation. It appears when tiny particles of sand accidentally enter the vagina or are injured by too tight underwear. At this age, the uterus is still developing, and the glands do not function, and the lack of protective mucus allows infection to occur.

A year before your first menstruation, green discharge may indicate inflammation

An unpleasant symptom can be relieved with anti-inflammatory drugs intended for external use or vaginal suppositories. These drugs can be found at any pharmacy, but you should first talk to your gynecologist.

If the greenish discharge has no odor and is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, sometimes it is enough to adjust your usual lifestyle.

Local drugs - vaginal suppositories - have a good effect. If complications occur, the doctor will prescribe more serious medications:

  1. Fluconazole.
  2. Mikosist.
  3. Diflucan
  4. Diflazon.
  5. Ketoconazole.
  6. Nizoral.
  7. Pimafucin.

The success of therapy largely depends on the correct selection of medications. Therefore, treatment of green discharge in women should only be carried out by a specialist. Copious secretion, accompanied by itching, causes irritability, so the doctor may prescribe sedatives.

Medicines should be selected by the attending physician

The daily diet plays an important role in the treatment of pathology. Greenish discharge is a reason to give up seeds, fatty foods and canned foods. It is advisable to include carrots, parsley and spinach, blueberries or viburnum in the menu.

To quickly solve the problem, the patient must maintain hygiene - it maintains the natural microflora of the vagina and prevents the penetration of fungi and bacteria. You should wash yourself twice a day, using specialized products for this. The best option is cosmetics created on the basis of lactic acid. If you follow all the recommendations, the yellow-green discharge will stop smelling and will soon return to normal color. Treatment of the pathology should be carried out immediately after the first symptoms are detected. At the same time, it must be comprehensive - this is the only way to get rid of discomfort in the shortest possible time.

Folk remedies

Sometimes treatment is carried out using alternative medicine recipes. They are effective and safe, so they are suitable for almost all women. To eliminate pathology, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice made from spinach, carrots, celery, and herbs. Plain water with lemon juice, as well as nettle juice, are no less useful. The patient is also shown a therapeutic shower, which involves rinsing the genitals. To do this, you need to fill a basin with cool water and sit in it for about fifteen minutes. You can take warm baths with the addition of pine extracts.

When yellow-green discharge appears, you can douche. For this, healing decoctions prepared from oak bark, eucalyptus, calendula and other herbs are used. The procedure is carried out using a bulb with a rubber tip. First you need to keep it in boiling water, and then take the prepared solution.


To prevent the appearance of greenish vaginal discharge, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Maintain hygiene.
  2. Avoid casual sex.
  3. Use condoms during sex.
  4. Treat any diseases in a timely manner.
  5. Avoid hypothermia.
  6. Visit your gynecologist regularly.

Yellow-green discharge is observed in a variety of diseases of the genital organs. Therefore, you should not self-medicate - it is better to consult a qualified doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. In addition, such a symptom cannot be ignored, otherwise the disease will become chronic and it will be more difficult to get rid of it.