Why does the full moon affect people? The influence of the moon on the human psyche. What to do for sensitive people during the full moon

17.09.2024 Drugs

She was always called mysterious and beautiful. Aristotle, Plutarch, and Hippocrates dedicated their philosophical works to her. Information about the influence of the Moon on people’s lives is contained in the Bible, Talmud, Koran, ancient Chinese treatises on medicine, and Tibetan sources. In Chinese mythology, the Moon is feminine, passive, dark and cold; among ancient peoples it is the mother, who provides the necessary elements for all living things.

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, we observe it constantly. And we know for sure: the Moon has its own life. Now she appears in the sky, now she disappears. What's going on?

New moon and full moon are two phases that are given special significance. Then the Moon ages and ends its cycle - it becomes flawed. And at this time, enormous changes are taking place on Earth - gigantic volumes of water begin to move, thousands of tons of earth cannot calm down, landslides and earthquakes occur. And since man is a part of living nature, he, too, cannot help but feel this influence. As soon as the phase of the Moon changes, our “water balance” also shifts, the dynamics of water in the body changes, which affects all our organs.

The Secret Influence of the Moon

Another thing can be traced: the dependence of the human nervous system on the Moon. It promotes the production of melatonin and serotonin in the body, which regulates the psyche, and, consequently, human behavior.

The new moon and full moon affect the state of sexual function and sexual activity of a person, his physical performance, brain function, the course of pregnancy and even death. The burning, hot sun is associated with the masculine principle, and the pale, beautiful moon is associated with the feminine. According to studies, the peak of conception in women falls on the full moon or the day before it, and on the new moon there are fewer of them and more menstruation. The sex of the child also depends on the Moon, or rather, on its position relative to the Sun at conception.

The male body is less susceptible to the influence of the mysterious beauty than women's and children's.

But in general, everyone can try an experiment on themselves: for a month, note your condition, mood: when you feel good, put a “+” sign on a piece of paper, say, a calendar, and a “-” sign when you feel bad. At the end, look at what phases of the moon they fell on and draw conclusions. By calculating your lunar biorhythm, you can adjust your well-being and health yourself.

It has been noticed that if a person is born on a new moon or full moon, he is friendly, grateful, and poetic. As a rule, children and parents are born in the same phase of the moon.

During the full moon, the number of patients increases, they complain of sleep disturbances, discomfort, and the number of suicides and crisis conditions increases.

But this addiction must not only be seen in a gloomy light. Your inclination towards a profession, your strong-willed qualities, your ability to overcome obstacles - all of this, in addition to the Sun, is guided by the Moon.

There is still no consensus on the explanation of sleepwalking and somnambulism. Some believe that this is a disease, others completely deny it. It has long been noticed that some people in a dream-like state with their eyes open or closed can bypass obstacles, climb walls, roofs of houses, and walk along eaves. At this time, they should not be disturbed under any circumstances, otherwise misfortune may occur. Nothing happens to them after these wanderings; they calmly return to bed or fall asleep in another place.

Some doctors view this as a sleep disorder - twilight stupefaction. Sleepwalking is considered a partial sleep, but associated not with moonlight, but with the effect of gravity; this is attributed to the consequences of head injuries, epilepsy, and parahypnotic phenomena of the moon on people of a neurotic type. The influence of the Moon on patients with epilepsy is noted. They, as a rule, experience exacerbations after the new moon (50.2 degrees) and before the new moon (48 degrees); in those suffering from schizophrenia, acute conditions appear on the full moon (on the 13-14th day).

Health by phases

Can the moon become an assistant in the treatment and prevention of diseases? Yes, say scientists. For example: once 1,500 schoolchildren were vaccinated against smallpox on a full moon. The vaccination turned out to be ineffective. Explanation - at this time, the drug rapidly disintegrates and is removed from the body.

It has been proven that 10 acute viral diseases most often begin not just in the evening, but during the new moon, and 10 infectious bacterial diseases most often begin in the morning and during the full moon.

Today everyone is worried about the cardiovascular system - pathology, high mortality. This is also the influence of the Moon - the stronger the lunar influence, the fewer cardiovascular diseases, the lower the mortality rate from them; the weaker the influence of the Moon, the more there are.

Bleeding, which cannot be ignored during operations, directly depends on the “cold luminary”. They are strongest during the full moon and minimal during the new moon. Ulcerative bleeding occurs in a similar manner. This kind of “trifle” - nosebleeds, in 90% of cases are observed in people born from December 22 to March 20, when the influence of the “blue beauty” is strong.

It is better to schedule acupuncture and massage sessions in accordance with the phases of the moon. According to ancient recipes, a soothing massage should be performed during the full moon, and acupressure tonic massage should be performed during the new moon. Cauterization of the “longevity point” should be done only in the first eight days of the lunar month.

How to take selenomedicine prescriptions? Only individually. The moon speaks to each of us in its own language. A person must learn to understand it, a healer must master its secret in order to help people.

A woman came to me with a diagnosis of uterine fibroids and left-right adhesions. I received her on the waning moon at morning and evening dawn, at the end of seven sessions she went to the doctor and underwent an ultrasound. This is what she writes: “With great joy I want to inform you that after your treatment I underwent an ultrasound on October 2 and the results shocked me. An ultrasound showed that I have neither fibroids nor adhesions!”

In my younger years, not knowing the influence of the Moon on our well-being, I treated a woman with a breast tumor and the tumor moved under my arm. I went to the doctors and they shrugged - it was the first time they had seen this. In fear, I ran away from the hospital and cured myself. It turns out that I was photographing the tumor while the moon was growing.

On the full moon, I propose to speak on the cotton belt of everything that interferes, that a person wants to get rid of. Tie the belt around yourself at night. Remove in the morning. Tie a belt on the aspen, walk around it three times and say three times: “Aspen, aspen, take my torch.”

It is better not to let the full moon into the house. Close the windows with curtains, don’t let her be curious, don’t do big things during the two or one days of the full moon.

Have you ever noticed that on some days of the month you get up in the morning cheerful, full of energy and ready to move mountains, while on others you feel lethargic and tired all day in the morning, despite a full sleep? If at this time the thought has crept into your mind that some kind of disease has “started up” in your body, quietly and asymptomatically eroding your health, check the lunar calendar before visiting a doctor. Doctors can “discover” several dozen diseases, and the cause of poor health may be the banal first day of Hecate.

If you learn to heal your body in accordance with the phases of the lunar cycle, very soon many diseases will recede without expensive and harmful drugs, and your health and quality of life will significantly improve. A healthy young person may not associate changes in his health status with the position of the Moon, because he hardly notices any deviations in his health. When health problems begin with age, especially with the cardiovascular or nervous system, it is almost impossible not to notice the frequency of exacerbations.

Each phase of the lunar cycle affects a person’s health and well-being in a special way, either adding desire and energy for new achievements, or weakening the body’s already exhausted defenses. It should be remembered that the characteristics of the lunar day have a greater influence on human behavior, and the phases of the lunar cycle are responsible for the degree of our activity and vitality. Knowing how the phase of the Moon will affect the body tomorrow, you can distribute the overall physical and psychological load in advance, plan current affairs in such a way as not to harm yourself or, conversely, not to miss a favorable moment for active career achievements at the peak of vitality.

Before moving on to consider the impact of each of the four phases of the Moon on health, we note that the Moon affects women more strongly than men, due to the special “lunar” female nature. And the full moon has a particularly strong influence on women. Men react more strongly to the new moon, becoming aggressive, unbalanced and practically uncontrollable during this period. If your loved one suddenly begins to make unreasonable claims, to find fault with little things, look out the window - maybe it’s not a rival who has appeared at all, but the beautiful Moon has hidden for several days.

Let's consider the nature of the influence of different phases of the Moon on our health.

New Moon - impact on health and well-being

A new moon is the combination of the Sun and Moon on the same line from a person. Due to the increased gravity of the Sun and Moon, fluids in the human body are directed from the head area, evenly distributed throughout the body. This causes an increase in the number of mental disorders, a person is maximally exhausted, and the body’s energy resources are depleted. Blood pressure decreases, and a person’s body weight also decreases. The risk of food poisoning increases. Inexplicable phobias arise, the person becomes suggestible. At the same time, the activity of metabolic processes increases, so on new moon days it is useful to cleanse the skin, take warm baths, and replenish microelements. The liquid is well absorbed through the skin, heading to the internal organs.

You should minimize manifestations of aggression, reduce nervous tension, and engage in relaxing practices - during the new moon the risk of strokes and heart attacks increases sharply. It is advisable for men to behave especially carefully during this period. Heavy physical labor is strictly contraindicated during the new moon. It is better to replace active strength training in the gym with jogging or relaxation exercises.

What is good about the new moon period for health? On these days, anyone who decides to fast or adhere to diet requirements can achieve excellent results. Cleansing procedures will bring maximum health benefits. Getting rid of bad habits that destroy health is also very good during the new moon. With the right attitude, already in the next lunar month you can live in a new way, with a new good habit to replace the old and harmful one.

Growing Moon - strengthening the body

The first phase of the lunar cycle, the waxing Moon, is characterized by an improvement in health due to the emergence of fresh strength. During this period, it is useful to strengthen the immune system, increase muscle mass and flexibility of the spine. Physical exercise will bring maximum benefit, and its strength can be calculated with a good reserve - the body will withstand increasing physical stress, which will only benefit it. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition - it should be of high quality, complete, balanced, but in no case excessive. The body absorbs everything that “gets” into it, and stores the excess in fat cells.

The second phase of the Moon begins at the moment when the lunar disk is exactly half visible. The vital forces of the body continue to grow, and the time is approaching for the active use of the inherent energy potential to achieve the planned results. Medically, this time is favorable for cleansing and healing procedures aimed at healing the liver, gallbladder and large intestine.

Full moon - take care of mental health

The full moon is a catalyst for conflict situations caused by the vulnerability of the human psyche. The body is filled with energy to the limit, and it must be spent wisely. Emotions and feelings are heightened, and many suffer from insomnia during the full moon. The number of accidents, traffic accidents, and violent robberies is increasing. During the full moon, it is necessary to drink an increased amount of liquid, excluding any alcohol - the full moon enhances the effect of alcohol on the body, greatly increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning.

In medical terms, during the full moon, symptoms of diseases manifest themselves to the maximum, and painful sensations increase. The blood becomes very thin and clots less easily, increasing the risk of heavy bleeding. Therefore, surgical interventions are highly undesirable. Surgery should be avoided at all costs because bleeding and significant blood loss cannot be avoided.

During the full moon, vigorous physical activity should also be avoided. Logically, if abstinence from excessive physical activity was recommended during the new moon, then during the full moon the pace of physical exercise should be increased to the maximum. However, during the full moon, increased stress causes the opposite effect, and instead of a surge of strength, a feeling of fatigue, pessimism, spoiled mood and futility of the efforts appears. The state of health during the full moon is largely influenced by the nature of nutrition. Refusal of meat, consumption of large quantities of vegetables and fruits, and lactic acid products will reduce the load on the digestive system.

Waning Moon – fighting chronic illnesses

The third phase of the moon is associated with the weakening of painful symptoms. The body tries to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible as if it were something foreign. By taking the necessary measures to improve your health, you can say goodbye to many chronic illnesses. During this period, such simple actions as normalizing sleep and rest patterns, developing a proper diet, walking and exercising in the fresh air, and giving up bad habits can achieve amazing results in the fight against chronic disease. In the third phase, immediately after the full moon, you can begin to restrict food in order to easily get rid of excess weight and health problems associated with extra pounds.

The third phase is favorable for solving dental problems and carrying out planned operations. Physiological procedures are especially effective, the purpose of which is to eliminate inflammatory processes and detoxify the body.

The fourth phase of the lunar cycle is the debilitated Moon. Energy levels noticeably decrease and fatigue accumulates. The body requires more time to rest, the body becomes lethargic and inactive. Immunity and biorhythms decrease. Metabolic processes slow down. Overeating during this period threatens not only an increase in body weight and volume, but also the accumulation of toxins and waste. The nature of the diet should be changed, focusing on cereals, vegetables and fruits, eating meat in minimal quantities. To remove toxins from the body, you should drink more fluids.

The most energetically and emotionally difficult days of Hecate are ahead, which will be replaced by the new moon, and the new lunar cycle will begin to affect your health. To ignore this proven fact or to deny the influence of the Moon means to deprive yourself of the opportunity to maintain excellent health practically free of charge and without additional effort. Treatment of any disease taking into account the phase of the moon allows you to achieve accelerated recovery and maintain stable health for many years.

It has been noted since ancient times that on the days of the full moon, incredible things happen to most people - one person unexpectedly creates an immortal masterpiece, and another suddenly commits a crime in a state of passion. Some are ready to conquer the whole world, while others suffer from insomnia and anxious premonitions. What is wonderful and what is dangerous about the full moon?

Text: Margarita Tsarik

The moon is not an independent luminary, it just reflects the sunlight so that it is not so dark for us at night. And yet, the Moon has a huge influence on a person’s life, activity, and mood, especially for women. The full moon is the most difficult and most unpredictable phase of the moon in terms of its impact on the human body. On the one hand, this is the moment of culmination of a person’s physical and mental strength. On a full moon, it is common for us to experience extraordinary elation, to feel capable of heroic deeds, of decisive action. And at the same time, there is a high risk of nervous breakdowns and painful physical fatigue if you do not calculate the load and take on too much. For example, if a timid man, hesitating for a long time to propose to his beloved, felt a surge of mental strength during the full moon, knelt down in front of the girl and asked for her hand in marriage, but was refused, he may emotionally break down and become depressed or go on a drinking binge or commit an unmotivated offense. . But a retired gardener - he felt inspired and dug up a plot of ten acres in one day, and after that he fell ill with radiculitis for a long time. Of course, such stories are possible in any phase of the moon, but on a full moon they are most likely. Therefore, you need to know yourself, the limits of your physical and mental capabilities and correlate the expenditure of effort with the need for an immediate effect or a positive result.

Full Moon and Physiology

All processes within us are at their peak of activity during the full moon. This can be both good and problematic for our condition. For example, hypertensive patients suffer during this period, because the body accumulates maximum fluid during the lunar cycle - this provokes an increase in pressure. In this regard, if you know your tendency to pressure surges, during the full moon it is better to limit your fluid intake and try to keep it to a minimum. During the full moon, the dose of alcohol that can lead to severe intoxication is much less than on other days, so you need to not only limit yourself in the consumption of alcoholic beverages, but try not to drink them at all - this is not such a big sacrifice, given the fact that the duration There are only four days of the full moon, and drinking, as you know, is generally harmful. In addition, during the full moon the stomach is very sensitive - beware of upsets and poisoning. It is recommended to organize fasting days that coincide with the full moon phase, which is characterized by an increased, sometimes simply indomitable appetite. If you take pills, their therapeutic effect on the body is enhanced during the full moon, but the danger of side effects also increases.

Full moon and sex

For most women with a classic menstrual cycle of 28 days, the moment of ovulation coincides with the full moon. Both of these parallel phases - both lunar and physiological - provoke strong sexual desire. Ovulation is the body’s natural desire to reproduce; the full moon is a catalyst for our sexual energy and attraction to a partner. And sex under the influence of the full moon is usually as passionate and voluptuous as possible. However, such a surge of sexual and emotional energy can deplete your body. What to do? - you ask, - is it really possible to refuse sex at the moment when it is most desirable? No, you don’t have to refuse, but it’s better to postpone role-playing games, erotic surprises and sexual marathons for another time. Limit yourself to “just sex”, not very long and not too tiring - thanks to the full moon it will still be amazing, leave sex supplements for those occasions when they are needed to ignite passion.

Full moon and beauty

Different sources interpret differently the influence of the full moon on the effects of cosmetic procedures and other methods of caring for one’s appearance. However, it is clear that on a full moon, wounds are especially dangerous; bleeding, cuts and other microtraumas do not heal for a long time. Therefore, reschedule a few visits to a manicure and pedicure specialist, mechanical facial cleansing, “beauty injections” and other manipulations with subcutaneous penetration. It is not recommended to remove moles and warts during this period; in general, any surgical intervention is undesirable. Depilation, as well as peeling and massage, are best done when the moon is waning. As for cutting and coloring your hair, during the full moon it is very useful to cut only the ends of your hair, this helps to release negative energy, and you can do the rest later. If you visit a fitness center or play sports on your own, during the full moon it is better to slightly reduce your loads and save your energy - there is an excess of it now, but you cannot waste it uncontrollably! The full moon is treacherous!

If you can’t sleep at night and the round Moon shamelessly looks out your window, it means that you are influenced by its phases, and you need to more carefully regulate your emotional and physical costs.

It has long been believed that the Moon influences people. It was not for nothing that babies were put to bed so that the moonlight did not fall on them. According to legends, even werewolves turned into wolves only during the full moon. The effect of the Moon on the water masses of the Earth is well known (it causes ebbs and flows), so legends are legends, but it would be foolish to think that the Moon has no effect on a person whose body consists of 70% water.

The Full Moon has the greatest impact on the body; it is during this phase that mass crimes, road traffic accidents, minor hooligan acts, quarrels, fights, and skirmishes are observed. The number of injuries and poisonings is increasing, the general condition of the body is deteriorating, and calls to the doctor and ambulance at home are becoming more frequent. The number of crises, suicides and declarations of love is growing.

Mental manifestations:

  • increased anxiety;
  • mental anxiety;
  • causeless sadness and melancholy;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • overexcitement;
  • outbreaks of temper, irritability;
  • causeless rage.
  • inability to control emotions;
  • inappropriate actions;
  • unreasonable fear;
  • disturbing dreams;
  • thirst for activity;
  • increased dissatisfaction;
  • aggravation of all senses;
  • exposure to temptations and temptations;
  • mental vulnerability.
Physiological manifestations:
  • physical discomfort;
  • accumulation of fluid in tissues;
  • high blood pressure;
  • stomach problems;
  • increased sensitivity to drugs and alcohol;
  • the effect of drugs and side effects increases;
  • possible increase in appetite and weight gain;
  • increased attraction to the opposite sex;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • exacerbation of reactions;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • headaches;
  • slowing down the flow of biochemical processes in tissues;
  • increased energy;
  • desire for more physical activity;
  • bleeding;
  • the body and muscles are kept in good shape;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • manifestation of diseases due to the temporary activity of viruses and microbes.
Children are very susceptible to the influence of the Moon precisely because of their immature psyche and instability of behavior. Therefore, you need to try to protect them as much as possible from the possible negative consequences of active emotional behavior at this time.

What should children and other sensitive people do on full moon days?

  1. You cannot read detective stories, books about ghosts, vampires, werewolves, zombies and other “undead” things.
  2. Before going to bed, you need to do a calm activity and exclude active games.
  3. You can't watch blockbusters and horror films.
  4. You can't go far from home.
  5. Postpone visits to crowded places, noisy holidays, competitions, and entertainment events until better days.
  6. You need to be outside longer.
  7. It is recommended to stay only in a well-ventilated area.
  8. I really need to get enough sleep.
  9. Give up coffee and tea for a while and replace them with plain water.
  10. Do not overindulge in sweets these days.
The full moon “appears in all its glory” two days before and two days after. Women are more susceptible to lunar influence than men. Representatives of creative professions are inspired at this time and perform their best work.

On the days of the full moon, it is easiest to interest people, which is what marketers take advantage of when organizing presentations, promotions, fairs and sales, concerts and other public events. Alcohol departments of stores are filled with customers, and revenue in casinos is also increasing.

In the world, there are 2% of patients suffering from sleepwalking - sleepwalking. Such cases become more frequent during the full moon. The Moon also affects the Earth's magnetic field, causing magnetic storms, which also affects people.

These days it is recommended to walk with your head covered and not make important decisions. Physical activity, surgical operations, weddings and special events are also undesirable. Start important projects in such a way that you can finish them before the full moon. If everything is not going smoothly in your relationship with your partner, then do not aggravate the situation with quarrels these days, control yourself, try to endure a possible crisis at this time. On the days of the full moon, relaxing treatments are recommended: massage, spa, sauna.

So, does the full moon affect the condition of the human body? Some people look at this skeptically, others, on the contrary, are convinced that a number of aspects of their existence directly depend on the lunar calendar. Which one is right?

It has long been noted that during the full moon, a person’s emotions become aggravated, and sudden waves of joy or despair come over them. Statistics confirm that this time accounts for the highest percentage of suicides, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Lunar calendar

There are 4 phases of the lunar month: new moon, full moon, waxing and waning moon. The first lunar day coincides with the beginning of the new moon, the 7-8 lunar day is the first quarter of the lunar month, from the 14th to 17th lunar day is the full moon, the 22-23rd lunar day is the third quarter and, finally, the fourth quarter marks the end of the lunar month.

What happens to a person on a full moon?

First of all, the human nervous system reacts to this phase of the lunar month. There is a surge in positive and negative emotions, the emergence of phobias, the development of depression, and insomnia.

Also, since the time of Hippocrates, it has been proven that during the full moon the body’s metabolism sharply slows down and the blood picture worsens. Hence the conclusion: it is better not to perform operations these days, since massive bleeding occurs more often, and the recovery process takes much longer. But cleansing the body is most effective during the full moon.

During the full moon, the well-being of hypertensive patients and heart patients noticeably worsens, which is due to the fact that during this period the stable functioning of the heart is disrupted and the amount of fluid in the body tissues increases.

Experts also note an increased risk of poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases, which is the result of increased activity of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. In addition, at this time the effectiveness of medications decreases and the likelihood of side effects increases.

Full moon and personal life

On full moon days, the likelihood of conception increases significantly, because... During this period, the passage of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes and its entry into the uterus accelerates. All this is further reinforced by a noticeably increasing level of attraction to the opposite sex.