Why do you dream of gypsies in the yard? If a woman or a man dreams of gypsies. Why does a Gypsy dream, dream book of a Gypsy to see in a dream what it means

26.09.2024 Drugs

Why gypsies dream is explained in the most negative way, based on the ill-fated experience of communicating with them. A proverb known from childhood - “A gypsy cannot live a day without deception” - speaks of the distrustful attitude of city and village residents towards the nomadic people.

In Rus' there were legends about the abilities of gypsies for predictions, conspiracies and the ability to talk with animals. Gypsy traditions and beliefs were not understood, which further fueled the rumors. Often, dark-skinned nomads cunningly lured money from people and stole horses, which is why the camp and its inhabitants were shunned.

Losses and losses are foreshadowed by a dream in which gypsies are present. The sleeper needs to fear for his well-being if a gypsy or gypsy woman tries to steal his wallet in a dream. It is worth thinking about cutting down on spending, postponing expensive purchases and not lending money.

Any trading business after sleep, where a person is surrounded by gypsies, will not bring profit. Competitors will triumph because they will win in reality through dishonest tactics.

Staying in a camp in a dream means a lack of harmony in the life of the sleeper, and dancing gypsies represent treacherous business partners. The brighter the gypsies' clothes, the brighter the prospects will be for their colleagues. However, they lure the dreamer into an unprofitable enterprise.

The meaning of sleep in different dream books

The interpretation of events preceded by gypsies in a dream is excellent for men and women. For the strong half of humanity, the main concern is possible problems with work and disruption of financial stability. For girls, the dream threatens them with the loss of a loved one due to mistakes made or deception on his part.

According to Freud

The founder of psychoanalysis believed that the person who sees a gypsy is in uncertainty and is not satisfied with the intimate side of life.

The man took certain steps, but there was no response from the object of his passion. The huge camp promises a quick resolution of the situation, but its outcome will not be obvious until the very end.

A gypsy's fortune telling in a dream will lead to a connection with an unreliable partner who takes advantage of the dreamer's position and money.

Kisses with a beautiful dark-skinned woman will bring disappointment in a real relationship, and many gypsies talk about the nervous overstrain of the sleeper.

According to Loff

If in a dream a person or his relatives were mistaken for gypsies, it would be possible to pull off a risky business in which the chance of success was one in a hundred. A gypsy portends stormy experiences and illogical actions in real life. Tabor actually means chaos and confusion in a person’s thoughts and judgments.

According to Hasse

The Polish dream interpreter saw the reason why gypsies dream in a dream, in relationships with their soulmate. A woman with her daughter-bride had to organize a festive ceremony for her after a hasty matchmaking.

A beautiful gypsy telling fortunes meant passionate love affairs. The vision of a crowd of gypsies spoke about the indecision and weakness of a person in the fight against troubles.

This dream book is based on a comparison of images dictated by the subconscious and the events in life that follow them. Its compiler, Elena Anopova, recommended writing down the most memorable dreams and trying to connect them with further incidents. Soon the analogy will begin to be seen, and everyone will be able to predict their future.

If a woman meets a cheerful, obsessive gypsy, it means that in reality she is dissatisfied with her relationship with her partner.

When there are a lot of gypsies singing and having fun, a person is in danger of quarreling with others because of his own idleness. Any purchase from them in a dream will lead to monetary losses.

Only if the gypsies pass by the sleeping person, the dream has a good meaning and promises a carefree life.

According to Miller

The psychologist believed that meeting gypsies in a dream for a woman is tantamount to the fulfillment of dreams of marriage, but for a man, on the contrary, it predicts losses and the collapse of hopes. This is exactly how communication and conversations with gypsies in a dream will end for the stronger sex. Fortune telling and divination promises a girl a quick marriage in reality, but it is unlikely to be happy.

The gypsy camp marks the resolution of accumulated problems, after which the situation will become clearer. It is useless to make efforts for a positive result; everything will happen by itself.

According to Vanga

The clairvoyant warned against communicating with gypsies in dreams and did not see any good from their appearance. If the dreamer watches them take things out of his house, it is possible that in reality he will receive old unpaid bills.

Many gypsies dream about the fear of going broke and becoming homeless. Swearing or being afraid of them means future failures and evil deeds of someone you know.

The murder of a gypsy will lead to an open attack by an ill-wisher, and only a dream with her funeral signifies wealth and prosperity.

Some special cases

The answer to the question of why gypsies dream differs each time depending on their mode of action in the dream. In any case, negative consequences are more likely, and caution and care must be taken to minimize failures.

Gypsy woman with children

A young gypsy woman with children portends a successful voyage or a happy marriage. An old woman, on the contrary, dreams of the theft or loss of an expensive item. A fortune-telling girl surrounded by children promises changes in life, but it is better to refuse her services in a dream. Then the sleeper will be able to actually gain control over a situation that is significant to him.

If a girl sees such a dream, and in it she herself is a gypsy, her marriage will turn out as well as possible.

Gypsy camp

Many gypsies promise an unexpected meeting with forgotten friends. Another interpretation is that a person is tired of a busy work schedule and dreams of giving up everything to leave and live a calmer life. Sigmund Freud suggested that the sleeper has a tendency to frequently change sexual partners.

Why a woman dreams of gypsies or a camp is explained by her communication with unpleasant people. She does not dare to completely break with them, and this thought haunts her even in her sleep.

Live in a camp

Living in a camp and communicating with many gypsies promises in reality an important acquaintance with a powerful but selfish person. He will help in business and demand the lion's share of the profit for this.

If the camp wanders from place to place, the dreamer either anticipates long trips and business trips, or experiences nostalgia for the old days. In both cases, travel will bring long-awaited harmony.

Dressing up in a gypsy outfit in a dream speaks of the sleeper’s cunning and his ability to find the right way out of controversial situations. A dream where gypsies asked a man for change, but he did not give it to them, will lead to hostility on the part of friends.

But dancing with the gypsies will allow you to actually involve in the project the people necessary for its promotion.

Seduction by a gypsy man

Such a dream is interpreted as a possible deception on the part of a close friend or even the man who proposed. If a girl sees a gypsy walking around her in a dream, some thing may be lost at home, but then it will be found.

A gypsy caring and giving gifts indicates deceitful people who are capable of betraying at any moment. You should be careful both with your surroundings and with strangers. Sometimes a dream with a gypsy lover speaks of impatient anticipation of some event and the hopes associated with it.

Fortune Teller Gypsy

Dream interpreters advise listening and trying to remember what exactly the fortune teller said in the dream. It is possible that the subconscious is in this way trying to convey to a person the information he needs. Using it, he will be able to correct a precarious situation or resolve a difficult issue.

If a gypsy predicts death by her hand, this predicts a long and comfortable existence for the sleeper. Michel Nostradamus deciphered a dream with a gypsy to financial losses if the dreamer paid her, but the prediction did not follow. For men, the dream meant a connection with a deceitful person who would eventually deceive him.


Gypsies arouse fear and, at the same time, keen curiosity among people. Some who decide to tell fortunes note their extremely accurate and often wise advice, which for some reason did not occur to them themselves.

Gypsies are able to heal people and animals with the help of herbs, but still the first feeling from their presence is wariness. For a long time, too many stories about their cunning and trickery were passed from mouth to mouth.

Whether it is worth dealing with gypsies depends on the situation, but they themselves prefer to communicate with strangers only when necessary. Eternal nomads have their own customs and closed way of life. And yet they are unlikely to respond with evil to a friendly attitude, because the honor of the Roma does not allow this.

A simple and obvious conclusion can be drawn. The meaning of a dream with gypsies will depend on the person’s attitude towards them in reality.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

The article on the topic: “Why do gypsies dream about Miller’s dream book” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

We all know about the existence of such a people as gypsies. Its representatives are mainly known for their ability to tell fortunes, as well as for their fiery songs and dances. What if we saw the gypsies in our dreams? What does such a dream promise us? For help in interpreting such visions, we suggest turning to several of the most popular and complete dream books.

According to the interpretation of this dream book, if you dreamed that you visited a gypsy camp, then in real life you will soon receive some kind of offer that in the future will help put things in order in your tangled affairs. If a gypsy told fortunes by a young woman’s hand in a dream, then a hasty marriage awaits her. For a man, a conversation with a representative of this people promises the loss of some valuable property.

Intimate dream book: gypsies in a dream - why?

If you dreamed of a whole camp, then the current situation in your personal life is very confusing, and in order to dot all the i’s, you will have to make a lot of effort. Buying something from gypsies means meeting an insidious and treacherous person who will cause you a lot of problems and troubles in the future. A dancing gypsy promises the dreamer a fatal love with a tragic ending. If a representative of the fair half of humanity dreamed that she was in love with a gypsy, then she will have to face betrayal on the part of her loved one.

Ancient French dream book: gypsies

Such a dream is considered by this source as a harbinger of future events that will require maximum endurance and virtue from you.

The most complete dream book: gypsies in a dream - why?

If you dream that representatives of this people are pestering you on the street, then in reality you lack restraint and calm in your relationships with family and friends, which leads to disagreements and quarrels. Try to control yourself a little so as not to needlessly offend your loved ones. Agreeing to have a gypsy tell your fortune will ruin your plans. Gypsy songs in a dream mean a possible loss of some property.

Russian dream book: gypsies in a dream - why?

According to the interpretation of this source, the dream of a gypsy acts as a warning to a young girl about the need to calmly consider the marriage proposal and under no circumstances rush into an answer. A whole camp promises to receive an unexpected, very tempting offer.

Why did the gypsies dream? Gypsy dream book

The interpretation of dreams in which gypsies play a major role, according to the compilers of this collection, is about a quick journey or a long trip. If you dreamed of yourself in the role of a gypsy or gypsy, then your family life will be happy. Being alone, surrounded by a camp, means a joyful meeting with a loved one after a long separation. The dream in which a gypsy tells you fortune is extremely important. Try to remember what she tells you, because what she says is destined to come true. Buying anything from representatives of this people means losing money and financial losses.

House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

Miller's Dream Book Gypsy

Miller's Dream Book of Gypsies

Why do gypsies dream in a dream?

Seeing gypsies in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, is a bad sign: such dreams foreshadow material or spiritual losses. If a woman sees in a dream that a gypsy is telling fortunes for her, in reality she will face a too hasty marriage. If a woman is already married, such a dream portends her excessive jealousy. A dream in which you buy something from gypsies is considered extremely unfavorable - such a dream foreshadows the loss of money. Talking to a gypsy woman in a dream means losing valuable property. A dream in which you visit a gypsy camp, on the contrary, is interpreted as favorable: such a dream foreshadows the appearance of a particularly important proposal in your life that will help you realize the true state of affairs and bring clarity to a confusing situation.

Dream Interpretation Gypsies, why do Gypsies dream about seeing

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do Gypsies dream in a dream?

To see Gypsies for a woman - if a Gypsy tells fortunes to a woman in a dream, then she will soon get married. If this woman is already married, then such a dream means that she will be too jealous of her husband.

Why does a woman dream of gypsies - loving a gypsy in a dream - your loved one will cheat on you, you will break up with him and be lonely; for a young girl such a dream means a loved one whom her parents will not approve of.

Autumn dream book Why do Gypsies dream according to the dream book:

Gypsies - A gypsy dreams of idle talk and deception, a gypsy woman - the danger of losing money, a gypsy child - there will be some kind of damage.

Summer dream book Why do Gypsies dream according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see Gypsies in a dream? A gypsy or a gypsy woman dreams of being misled, a gypsy baby means losing property, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book A woman often dreams about a dream about Gypsies.

What does it mean to see Gypsies in a dream - A visit to a Gypsy camp in a dream foreshadows an offer of special importance that will help you sort out your complicated affairs. In a dream, buying something from gypsies means losing money. Such a dream encourages you to pay less attention to the material side of life. If a gypsy tells fortunes to you in a dream, a hasty marriage awaits you. If you are already married, you will be terribly jealous, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why Gypsies Dream:

Seeing Gypsies in a dream - Beware of deception from someone close to you. Perhaps your work colleagues will decide to deceive you in an important matter, which will result in your fiasco. If you dreamed of a young gypsy, the dream foreshadows a fleeting romantic adventure.

Erotic dream book Why do Gypsies dream:

Gypsies - A dream about a gypsy camp symbolizes the confusion of your intimate life; you will need a lot of strength to put your relationships with members of the opposite sex in order. A woman who dreams that a gypsy is telling fortunes for her will marry too hastily. And if she is already married, she will poison her existence with groundless jealousy. If you dream that you are buying something from gypsies, it means that in reality you will meet a beautiful, but insidious person, because of whom you will experience a lot of trouble. A dancing gypsy foretells you a fatal love with a tragic outcome. For a woman, love for a gypsy, experienced in a dream, foreshadows loneliness after the treacherous betrayal of her lover; for a young girl - love for a person whom her parents will not approve of.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why do Gypsies dream:

Gypsies - To deception, loss, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing Gypsies in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Gypsies - Seeing gypsies in a dream is a harbinger of events that will require endurance and virtue from you.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Gypsies according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see Gypsies in a dream - A warning about caution, about possible changes in plans. Seeing gypsies singing means fun and recklessness. If a gypsy stole your wallet - financial difficulties. (See also Wallet.)

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do Gypsies dream in a dream:

Gypsies - If in a dream you visit a gypsy camp, an offer of special importance awaits you, which will help you understand the true state of your complicated affairs. If a gypsy tells fortunes to a woman in a dream, this promises a hasty marriage. If she is already married, she will be overly jealous. If a man is having a conversation with a gypsy woman in a dream, it means that he is likely to lose valuable property. In a dream, buying something from gypsies means losing money. The dream warns you: you should not attach so much importance to the material side of life.

Spring dream book Why do Gypsies dream according to the dream book?

Seeing Gypsies in a dream means deception, betrayal in love awaits you.

Why does the Gypsy Child dream - about an unexpected loss, which will later be discovered.

Home dream book Why do Gypsies dream in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Gypsy camp - disorder in business; desire to abandon one's affairs.

Dream Interpretation Gypsies

Gypsies are cheerful, cheerful, but very unreliable people, with whom you don’t want to deal even in a dream! Having seen a dream in which you are surrounded by a camp of Gypsies or what a Gypsy is telling you, in the morning be sure to look into the Dream Books - there are many versions of what this means and what it promises you. You will find in the Dream Books promises of quick financial prosperity, and warnings that you are in danger of a major deception.

Seeing gypsies in a dream - very soon you will receive a tempting offer that will help you improve the state of your affairs; otherwise, you will have a fun time with cheerful and reckless people. In another way, perhaps you will increase your income by renting out some property (housing). Another version - a journey awaits you, a journey.

Gypsies are a nomadic people. Therefore, it is not surprising that their appearance in a dream may foreshadow an imminent journey or journey. Especially if you have such a dream on the eve of a business trip or a planned vacation. In other cases, it’s worth waiting a little - perhaps similar prospects will appear in the near future.

Seeing gypsies singing and dancing in a dream - the dream suggests that you or your loved ones are leading a wrong existence; You are characterized by frivolity and carelessness. Otherwise, you may find yourself drawn into some dubious adventure. Another version is that the Gypsies surrounding you in a dream mean that in real life your property and fortune will be under threat.

Gypsies approach life too frivolously. Their appearance in your dream may indicate that you behave in a similar way in real life. If you consider that few people respect the Gypsy lifestyle, then you should still reevaluate your attitude in life (of course, if you really have the listed qualities). And the main reason why many of us avoid Gypsies is their tendency to deceive and cheat. If in a dream you were surrounded by a camp of cheerful singing Gypsies, they were able to captivate you with them, interest you in something, then probably in the near future a group of dubious people will appear on your horizon (possibly Business Partners, Colleagues, Business Partners) . The dream should be taken seriously - do not trust unfamiliar and unverified individuals yet. Take care of your own property and your wallet!

Seeing a gypsy in a dream for a young unmarried woman- a hasty marriage awaits you, a thoughtless and frivolous marriage.

Seeing a gypsy in a dream for a married woman– you are too jealous of your husband. If you have an adult daughter, then you will probably unexpectedly marry her off in the near future.

Seeing a gypsy in a dream for a man– a dream threatens the loss of material property; otherwise - a fleeting romance; in another way - travel, Wandering. Another version is that your life will change dramatically. Or - treachery against you, Fraud, Major deception.

To see in a dream what a gypsy was telling you - for young women, early marriage, for married women - distrust in the family, to betrayal. Another version - listen to what the fortune teller said, This is a prophecy. Otherwise, you will find yourself in a stupid and funny situation; financial losses, deception, fraud.

When a Gypsy appears in a dream, you should be more careful! After all, it is Gypsies who tend to deceive and mislead. If at the moment any changes are planned in your life, they should probably be postponed for now - we are also talking about business, about getting married. However, a Gypsy in a dream is not always a fateful and decisive sign! Remember, Maybe Her appearance in a dream was caused by external reasons - a vivid image of a Gypsy on TV, a personal meeting, for example, on the street.

And finally, should you believe what the Gypsy told you in a dream? Of course, you can remember or write down her “prophecy” so that you can later find out in more detail what it means. However, it is enough to remember how in reality we treat such fortune-telling - either with a grin, or without any emotions at all. Rather, such a dream should be regarded as a subconscious call - at this moment in time you are in an uncertain situation, and are looking for a hint or an answer. Perhaps you need outside advice about your actions - this is really worth paying attention to.

Dream Interpretation Gypsy, why does a Gypsy dream about seeing in a dream

Small Velesov dream book Why does a Gypsy dream in a dream:

Gypsy - They will rob you, deception, cunning, you will get a fever, illness; gypsy - love // ​​deception, betrayal; black gypsy - death, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why does the Gypsy dream?

Dream Interpretation: seeing in a dream Seeing a Gypsy in a dream - If you dreamed of a gypsy, be prepared for the fact that everything in your life will change dramatically. In this case, nothing will depend on your will. If a gypsy tells fortunes to you in a dream, this means an upcoming hasty marriage. An elderly married woman with an adult daughter will unexpectedly marry her off.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud Why does the Gypsy dream:

Gypsy - If you dreamed that a gypsy was telling you a fortune, it means that you are entrusting your destiny to the wrong person. The one on whom so many hopes are pinned is actually not at all interested in you - for him, your relationship is nothing more than another entertainment.

Adaskin's Dream Book Why does the Gypsy dream according to the dream book:

Gypsy - If you dream that a gypsy intends to predict your fate, then this dream shows how much you are in a hurry to get married. If you have already gotten married, then such a dream means exaggerated jealousy on your part.

Dream Interpretation Gypsy, why do Gypsies dream about seeing in a dream

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Gypsy what does it mean

Gypsy - Fortune telling is a stupid feeling, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Gypsy:

Gypsy - Gypsy - deception, to be deceived. Gypsy - love. If you dream about gypsies, then beware of any deception

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Gypsy in a dream

Gypsy - See - lack of endurance harms you; let yourself bewitched - your hopes will end in nothing.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Gypsy:

Gypsy - See, meet a carefree existence. The opportunity to become a rentier or live on funds from renting an apartment. Dancing, singing Ts. - your carelessness and irresponsibility complicates the lives of others. This may lead to conflict. Gypsy camp, you or your loved ones run the risk of falling into a circle of carefree but degenerate people: homeless people, hippies, etc. Communicating with Ts. (guessing, buying, etc.) will lead to financial losses due to carelessness and frivolity.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Gypsy (–ka) – Success (sometimes deception); guesses - the road; warning, luck.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Gypsies in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream of a Gypsy, a gypsy - Betrayal in love, illness - let yourself bewitched - Your hopes will end in nothing

Gypsy according to the dream book

If you dreamed of a gypsy telling fortunes, the dream means disappointed expectations. A young dreamer can get married hastily and unexpectedly for everyone, and a married woman can just as suddenly marry off her daughter. The dream does not promise that this will be a successful marriage.

When you dream that a gypsy stole something from you, the stolen item will help you understand the meaning of the dream. The theft of a wallet threatens financial difficulties; the loss of a wedding ring can result in separation.

The dream book often associates what a gypsy dreams about with the fact that there is too much intransigence and mistrust in your relationship with one of your relatives. The realities are such that you should be on guard with some of your loved ones, the dream warns.

If you dreamed of a gypsy with a child, with a high degree of probability you should expect that unusual people will soon appear in your environment. The dream does not specify who exactly, but they are definitely not from your circle.

Why you have a dream in which a gypsy woman predicts should be interpreted based on the nature of the prediction. If you remember some words or phrases, do not be surprised if in reality they suddenly acquire a sacred meaning.

If you happen to see a gypsy in a dream, the dream warns that in reality you will need all your prudence. For a man, such a dream threatens to result in losses, and for a woman there may be a reason for jealousy.

The interpretation of a dream in which the gypsy is you yourself will turn out to be completely different. Such a dream promises good luck in literally everything, especially in amorous affairs. The dream book believes that a happy marriage awaits you in the near future.

As Miller’s dream book interprets, a gypsy seen in a dream can be a harbinger of an exciting love adventure. The dream warns that the romance will end as suddenly as it breaks out, so don’t pin your hopes on it.

Why else do you dream of a gypsy in a dream?

The dream book associates everything that you dream about as a gypsy stealing something from you or from strangers with the feeling of the frailty of the material world. The dream represents your thoughts that you are missing out on something important in the pursuit of income, and what you have acquired is so easy to lose.

If you dreamed of a gypsy telling fortunes by hand, Freud’s dream book warns that you are not entrusting your destiny to reliable hands. The dream suggests that you are too trusting of those you should be wary of.

When a gypsy curses in a dream, it is easy to guess that such an unpleasant event does not promise anything good in reality. The dream warns in advance about sudden problems and even possible misfortunes, so that you are ready to meet them fully armed.

If you dreamed of a gypsy fortune teller, the dream suggests that you are not trying to control the situation and are happy to entrust this task to the first person you meet. It is not surprising that such irresponsibility often gets you into trouble.

The dream book explains why the old gypsy woman dreams about the upcoming changes. Whether you like it or not, the situation cannot remain as it is at the moment. The dream book promises that in future events you will discover many positive factors.

When a pregnant gypsy dreams, the dream book says that at the moment you have the opportunity to influence your own destiny. The dream means that now any changes and their consequences depend only on you. It's time to start implementing the plans that you have been nurturing for so long.

Fortune telling by a gypsy in a dream should alert you in real life. The dream book calls for vigilance, especially when communicating with the opposite sex. Attractive new acquaintances may not turn out to be who they say they are, the dream book warns.

I dreamed of a lot of gypsies around me. One was with a child and stole my phone and some other medical documents. I returned the phone during the chase, the rest seemed to be gone, and the old gypsy wondered that I would have a bright future and great love.

The gypsy stole the boy's child, but not mine, and I returned him.

I dreamed that I was walking near a large tree where huge beautiful ripe apples grew. And then I meet an old gypsy woman, she asks me to give her something because... she's hungry. And I’m all worried (both in reality and in a dream because of work). She looked at me and said, “Don’t be afraid, everything will be fine with you, don’t worry.” And I pick an apple and give it to her, then I pick another apple for myself.

I dreamed something strange. I was at the market of free things with a friend, where the sellers were gypsies. One (already older) woman was jealous of me for a young gypsy. She started saying something and I ran. She ran after me with SNAKES ON A LEASH. What the hell is this, no one can tell me?

Hello, I dreamed about how 2 gypsies (one old, the other young) give milk and water for a man. What could this mean?

I dreamed that my husband and I came to a gypsy woman and began to ask if there was damage on him, she said that there was no, and that we should leave, but I began to cry and ask her to look at him, she agreed.

You test your own fate. You were told no, what else to ask. Your marriage is falling apart at the seams.

I dreamed that I had ten rubles of a new edition and an old (paper) and a new edition, the bill flew away with the wind, I chased it for a long time, but then my little brother caught it and gave it to a young gypsy standing next to me. I tried to negotiate with her to exchange the bills, I offered her a bill from the old edition in exchange, but she did not agree, in the end she began to show all the pockets, but did not show the one in which the bill was, and I saw where she put it. I held this gypsy woman tightly and took a bill out of her pocket, but in return, as promised, I did not give anything. What could this mean?

An old gypsy woman on the trolleybus told me fortune, she said become a teacher, in the sense of teaching children, but I don’t have children... It’s strange, but I’m not a teacher, a completely different field of work.

Help, I dreamed of a gypsy woman with a boy, and he had the number 21 in his hands. Why? Help this is very important!

I dreamed of an old and a young gypsy. I hid the young one from the old one, what does this mean?!

I dreamed that a gypsy woman was telling fortunes on my boyfriend’s and me’s hands.

I dreamed that I was selling apples to a gypsy. What could this mean?

I dreamed of a gypsy wedding, driving past in a car and suddenly a gypsy woman comes up to me from this crowd and says that the next wedding is mine.

I dreamed of a father who died, he brought me into the light through a tunnel.

Hello, I dreamed that my child and my husband seemed to be at home, and some friend of mine was there, I put the child to bed and then 2 gypsies came in, my friend told me don’t talk to them and don’t look at them, but I felt uncomfortable to be silent and I said hello, but my friend again said don’t talk to them, and I fell silent, the child was turned to the wall and somehow covered with a pillow, the gypsy woman came up to look, but his face was not visible, I was worried that they would not see him, here I think my child woke up and one gypsy woman started to play with him and was throwing him up, and I immediately got nervous and started saying that I shouldn’t touch him, he might get scared and cry, that’s all... I don’t remember anything else :) If anyone knows, please write What could this dream mean?

Hello, I dreamed that I was walking my grandmother home with my daughter on the train and a gypsy woman came up to me and began waving her hand, I immediately grabbed my wallet and asked her not to steal money from me, I have two children, took out 100 rubles and gave it to me, they left and laughed, I checked the money in my wallet, everything was there.

I dreamed that a gypsy woman kissed me. She was not pleasant to me. Her lips were dry. Tell me what this is for?

My boyfriend is half gypsy. In a dream, a gypsy came to visit us and I treated her to tea and sweets. But I didn’t know that she was a gypsy by her appearance, but she herself told me when we were sitting at the table.

I dreamed of a gypsy woman with a boy, the boy stole a bag and wallet, there wasn’t a lot of money there, about 2 thousand and all sorts of cards. The bag was returned to me, the wallet too, but empty... I begged the gypsy to return the cards to me and told her myself that look, I have nothing else... She smiled and said I won’t guess for you. Later she returned the card... she asked me why I was coming home so late, I explained to her, and she said don’t be afraid of anything, no one will touch you and threw some coins into my bag and left. Why is this, I’m really having financial difficulties right now...

The old gypsy woman stroked my head, what does this mean?

I dreamed that I approached a young gypsy woman and asked her to gild my hand, in the sense that apparently she was going to tell fortunes, in response she either spat in my hand, or poured some water, and it seems that she gave me some kind of golden object, a strange dream, any opinions?

I dreamed of a young gypsy woman.

I dreamed that I cursed an old gypsy woman because she mocked a poor kitten, threw it to a mad dog, a terrible dream, I woke up in a cold sweat and wild horror.

I dreamed about a gypsy. She stroked her cheek with two fingers and said you will have a BMW car, but I kept thinking why I needed a passenger car, and for one thing, of course, I paid her in specie.

I dreamed that a gypsy woman helped me get up, taking me by the hand - but at the same time she said “but you can’t” - in the sense of guessing. What could this mean?

I dreamed that the gypsy wanted to hypnotize me and rob me.

I stole gold items from a gypsy woman.

I dreamed of a gypsy woman leading me by the arm. My feet left the ground.

I dreamed that I was escorting two gypsy girls home, one was 12 years old and the other 8 or 7, near the entrance two men kicked the older girl because she had sworn, they dragged us into the house where the older one was raped when they fell asleep with me the youngest ran away and I tried to hide her and ran for help.

I dreamed of a young gypsy woman. I asked her a question regarding my relationship with a young man - but she refused to answer me... What was the reason?

A gypsy woman walks in and it’s her parents’ house, and I’m thinking why she’s walking straight onto the threshold, then I see a cylinder, and my name Lyudmila is written on it on the neck of the cylinder, what’s this for?

In my dream, a gypsy woman was selling ice cream and we were just talking about the taste of all types of ice cream. I wanted to choose the grape flavor, but it turned out to be green grapes, and I wanted red, so I chose the strawberry flavor, and I bought it and even tried it.

I dreamed that gypsies were stealing honey from me, and I asked for help, screamed loudly, I woke up, why?

I dreamed that a gypsy stole a key from me and I demanded this key from her, and she gives me a bunch of keys and says I don’t have this key and that I’m looking for the key I need in this bunch, but I never found it, I woke up, what is it Means?

I dreamed that I was cursed by a gypsy woman who seemed to be old, can you tell me what this means? Very urgent!! It's very important to me.

I had a dream when I was 15-20 years old, I was climbing a mountain and I met a gypsy woman and she guessed that if I live without a woman, I will be lost, that’s essentially how it is now... yesterday I dreamed of a gypsy woman, and her gypsy child began to raise his hands to me, and the gypsy woman pulled his hands away and said that you don’t need to put your hands near me, like you don’t need to touch me... whatever it is.

I dreamed that a gypsy woman was buying milk from me.

I dreamed of a gypsy woman and she told me that I needed to beg for something and why was I dreaming about it?

I dreamed of an elderly gypsy woman, we sat with her and had a nice conversation. In real life, last year I helped her and now she came into my dream to help me with advice, to repay the debt, so to speak. I didn't find anything like that in the transcript.

I dreamed that an older gypsy woman wanted to marry me to her son. There were many relatives around, we were seated next to each other, we sat in some hall with a crowd of relatives, then everyone got up and left, and I wandered lost among all these people and could not find either the groom or his mother. Only some young gypsy girl talked to me, I think it was his sister, and told me where to find them, but I didn’t find them and woke up.


I dreamed that I was walking along the planting, talking to a woman I knew, and behind a tree stood an old gypsy woman of such age, and we passed by the tree, and she jumped out at me and began to say something in an incomprehensible language, in my dream she began to choke me, I began to pray both in a dream and in Java, and when I woke up I was in shock, something ran under the bed in my room and it’s true, then I couldn’t sleep, creaks were heard everywhere, but my table never creaks.

The gypsy looked into my eyes and said, “how unhappy you are,” took my hands, and they began to burn me painfully.

I dreamed of a young gypsy woman who came with a child in her arms to ask for alms. And also with a disabled boy, it seemed like he was distracting me so that they would rob me, I began to kick me out, the gypsy attacked me with knives. What does it mean??

Hello. In my dream, a gypsy changed 500 UAH. And he gives me 2 UAH, says put it under my hair, as if for luck. What is this for?

In a dream, I was sweeping up trash in a cemetery and saw a gypsy woman who predicted an event in the future for me.

My mother dreamed that she was going to visit her relatives and a gypsy woman was walking around the station, telling fortunes to everyone, my mother was going to the gypsy woman, and the gypsy woman pointed her finger at her and said: Widow! Lord, this dream torments me, as my mother told me, I immediately look for what it is for, I’m scared for my dad and mom. Tell me what is this for?

I dreamed that I came to an old gypsy woman and wanted to tell my fortune, she replied that she didn’t tell fortunes, I saw the suits of cards on my fingers.

I dreamed of a gypsy woman, she cried and said that her husband would die.

I dreamed that a gypsy woman stole my boyfriend, but she was older than him.

Why do gypsies dream about Miller's dream book?

Gypsies or gypsies in a dream usually come as a warning. This dream is interpreted differently in different sources. To correctly answer the question “why do gypsies dream”, you need to take into account all the circumstances of the dream. Such a dream can portend both good and bad.

Eastern dream book: why does a gypsy dream?

If a sleeping person sees a gypsy telling fortunes by reading his hand, or a camp dances frantically around him, then in real life he will face financial losses, betrayal and deception.

Russian dream book

A gypsy in a dream means that a person should not rush to accept a marriage proposal: he will not be happy. Tabor dreams of an unexpected and very tempting offer. A gypsy in a dream means that the sleeper, through negligence, may lose property.

why do gypsies dream

Did you dream about gypsies or gypsies? This suggests that someone will try to lead you astray or After such a dream, a person needs to be careful and not agree to tempting promises of dubious origin, even if they are very tempting.

Gypsy dream book

Gypsies in a dream foreshadow a journey or wandering that awaits the sleeper in the near future. If a person sees himself as a gypsy in a dream, a successful and happy marriage awaits him. In a dream, being among gypsies is a harbinger of a meeting after separation. When a gypsy tells fortunes to a person in a dream, you need to try to listen and remember her words, as this is very important.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: Why Gypsies Dream

This dream means that the sleeper is harmed by lack of endurance. If a gypsy bewitches a person in a dream, his hopes are in vain in real life.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

When a gypsy casts a spell on a person in a dream, then in reality he will find himself in a stupid situation and will feel out of place.

Zadeki's dream book: why does a gypsy dream?

Gypsies or gypsies in a dream mean deception or fraud, the victim of which will be the sleeping person.

French dream book

If a person dreams of gypsies, this foreshadows events that will require virtue and great endurance from him.

Grishina's dream book: why do gypsies dream?

Gypsies in a dream, as a rule, mean some kind of harm or damage that a person will suffer in reality.

Modern dream book

If a person dreams that he has come to a gypsy camp, then in real life he will receive an important offer that will help him realize the unenviable state of his affairs. When a young lady sees in a dream that a gypsy is casting a spell on her, she can expect a hasty and thoughtless marriage. But if a woman is already married, then the dream foreshadows her great jealousy towards her husband. If a man dreams that he is communicating with a gypsy, this means that in real life he can expect property and monetary losses. Trading with gypsies or conducting other important business with them means losing money in the near future due to risky and dubious transactions. This dream can also be interpreted as follows: in the real life of the sleeper, the thirst for physical pleasure predominates, and clearly to the detriment of spirituality.

Dream Book of the Wanderer: why gypsies dream

This dream, as a rule, foreshadows success in business, but sometimes it promises deception. If a person dreams that gypsies are telling fortunes to him, then this may portend good luck or a quick journey, and also be a warning.

Women's dream book

When a person dreams that a gypsy wants to tell fortunes for him, this means that in real life he is in a hurry to get married.

Many people are afraid of dreams in which gypsies become guests. There is an opinion that such characters turn out to be harbingers of deception and disappointment. But this is not entirely true, because there are other interpretations. Read more about why gypsies dream about them below.

In Freud's dream book, gypsies turn out to be a harbinger of meeting an unlucky person. If a woman sees them, then she should be careful about starting new relationships with men. There is a chance that he will begin to play with the feelings of the sleeping woman and ultimately leave her with a broken heart. For a girl who recently got married, a young gypsy from a dream promises a love adventure that will literally blow her head off. If in her night dreams she promised the dreamer big changes, then in reality it will be extremely difficult to change anything in her life.

Hasse interprets the subject under discussion a little differently in his work. The gypsies from the dream, in his opinion, suggest that in real life the person is weak-willed, which is why he has many problems. Women who actually have an adult daughter, after such a dream, should expect that the girl will soon get married.

The Exoteric Dream Book notes that gypsies foretell a comfortable existence in the near future. If they sang and danced merrily in the vision, it means that in reality the woman, due to her irresponsibility and inability to keep her promises, constantly complicates the lives of those around her.

Gypsies steal a girl? In reality, she can part with a tidy sum of money. To protect yourself from such consequences, you need to abandon any thoughtless purchases and financial affairs. There is a high probability of being deceived in real life.

If the gypsies stole only a woman’s wallet or any other personal belongings, then the sleeping person will have financial problems at work. Salaries will be reduced, bonuses will be cut, etc. It will take time to deal with such troubles.

It happens that in a dream, gypsies steal the dreamer’s child. Such a plot also portends trouble for her, but you shouldn’t worry too much about this. They can be dealt with quickly without any serious negative consequences.

It happens that a representative of the fair sex dreams of a whole camp of gypsies at once.

Dreams with such a plot can have different meanings, depending on the exact plot:

  1. A fight with a gypsy camp promises a decline in business for the girl. She may become a victim of scammers or even be deceived by people whom she trusts infinitely. For this reason, confusion is possible. The betrayal of loved ones will shake the solid ground under a woman’s feet for a long time and deprive her of her previous life guidelines.
  2. If a sleeping person looks at the camp from afar, but does not approach it, then her plans in reality will not come true due to the fault of those around her. One of her relatives or friends will inadvertently become an obstacle on her way to her goal.
  3. Did the gypsies from the camp steal something from the woman? You can prepare for profit in reality. If the sleeping woman’s things are literally torn out of her hands and openly taken away, it means that there is complete confusion in her personal life. The fair sex devotes more time and attention to other people than to her other half. She is interested in gossip and rumors, and not in the experiences of her lover. You need to finally forget about those around you and start solving your own problems.

The gypsies have come home

Did the gypsies appear in the woman’s own house? This plot foreshadows a series of unfair accusations against her. It will not be easy to justify yourself and whiten your reputation. You will have to turn to influential friends for help.

If gypsies show up at the apartment of a representative of the fair sex at night, then she will soon suffer from jealousy. This feeling will periodically cover the girl in waves and deprive her of sleep. Such violent attacks of jealousy will greatly harm the relationship of the sleeping woman with her other half.

In a dream, are gypsies setting up a camp next to the dreamer’s house? In reality, the plot foreshadows significant damage to her reputation due to rash actions. In the near future, every decision you make will need to be carefully weighed.

If a woman herself decides to leave home and settle in a gypsy camp in a dream, this is a great sign for her. The dream promises success in study or work. You can expect an excellent exam or promotion up the career ladder.

Gypsy woman with child, pregnant

A gypsy with children simply passing by a sleeping woman does not foretell anything negative for her. Most likely, in reality the girl will have a long journey ahead of her. For example, travel or a business trip. Regardless of the purpose, the trip will be pleasant and successful.

If gypsies throw a child to a woman and then disappear in an unknown direction, you should prepare for life changes. They will turn out to be so dramatic and unexpected that at first they will even greatly frighten the sleeping woman.

A very beautiful gypsy child in his mother’s arms foreshadows the girl’s sudden wealth. Money will appear from the side where the dreamer least expected it.

A pregnant fortune teller from a dream suggests that for some reason a woman will be uncomfortable in her own home. An irresistible desire to leave it and find a new place of residence appears. But you shouldn’t do this; soon everything will fall into place even without such drastic changes.

Singing, fortune telling gypsies in a dream

Seeing a gypsy telling fortunes to someone else in a dream is news. They will concern other people, but will also arouse interest in the sleeping woman herself. If the dreamer herself is told about her future by fortune tellers, it means that the girl’s fate is in unreliable hands. It is worth taking a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Some of the people around the sleeping woman cannot be trusted.

Does a beautiful gypsy sing and dance loudly in her sleep? A lady should doubt the fidelity of her own husband. Of course, you don’t need to immediately attack your husband with accusations, but it’s definitely worth quietly checking his honesty.

Gypsies are perceived subconsciously as unreliable people who can steal. However, the image of a gypsy is also associated with fortune telling, as well as the evil eye and funny songs. The interpretation of the dream is ambiguous and depends on the features of the dream plot. Why do gypsies appear in dreams?

General interpretation

The details of the dream plot may vary:

  • you buy goods from gypsies;
  • you see a gypsy camp;
  • hear the gypsies singing;
  • A gypsy tells your fortune.

Buy goods from a gypsy- to large losses or loss of a significant amount of money. Seeing that gypsies have stolen money or a wallet also means losing and wasting large sums of money. It also warns of the onset of problems in the material sphere.

Listen to singing- do reckless things. The symbolism of gypsy songs and dances is associated with a demonstration of prowess and emphasized carelessness in the perception of life. Therefore, the subconscious mind warns the dreamer to become smarter and not cause trouble to loved ones.

Gypsy dreams of deception. The pestering of a gypsy in a dream promises discord with loved ones: you need to be patient in order to be lenient with the antics of your family and friends. The dancing of the gypsies warns the dreamer of a passionate and ardent love that will end in complete disappointment.

Gypsy fortune telling

Everyone knows that gypsies know how to predict events. However, in dreams this plot has its own interpretation.

  • Contact a fortune teller with a question about the future- commit a rash, unreasonable act that you will regret in the future. Also, this plot foreshadows the failure to fulfill desires.
  • Married woman this dream predicts the insincerity of the spouse and possible betrayal on his part.
  • If a girl in a relationship sees a dream, this plot warns her about the hypocrisy and insincerity of the young man.
  • However, for an unmarried girl turning to a fortune teller promises a quick marriage.

Interpretation from dream books

Dream book for the whole family warns to beware of deception from those close to you. This could be work colleagues, business partners. A vision of a young gypsy woman dancing to a guitar predicts a fleeting romantic adventure without continuation.

Erotic dream book interprets this plot as confusion in intimate life, especially if you dreamed of a camp. Making a purchase from a gypsy means meeting an insidious person who will cause a lot of problems. The dancing gypsy foreshadows a fatal love with a sad ending. Falling in love with a gypsy in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will experience a break in relations with her beloved because of his betrayal. If a young girl sees this plot, her parents will not approve of her chosen one.

Miller's Dream Book interprets the vision of the camp as a chance to understand a difficult life situation. If a man dreams of a conversation with a gypsy, he may soon lose something valuable to him or lose a significant part of his income. Buying goods from gypsies means losing money. Psychologist Miller believes that dreams with gypsies warn not to attach too much importance to material values.

Spring dream book warns of deception in love and betrayal of a loved one. The vision of a gypsy child prophesies the loss of property, which will soon be found.

Dream Interpretation of Medea warns to be careful in business. You may soon have to change all your plans. Songs in the camp - to cheerful recklessness. If gypsies stole a wallet, the dream foreshadows problems with finances.

Esoteric dream book interprets this dream as the beginning of a carefree life. Perhaps soon you will have an additional stable source of income, and you will live on interest from renting a home or bank account. Seeing gypsy dances and songs - reconsider your behavior: are you a source of problems for your loved ones?

Dream Interpretation Sonarium invites the dreamer to reconsider his plans. Perhaps someone wants to use you for their own purposes. Do not trust strangers, do not sign contracts without carefully studying the subject of the agreement, do not lend money, and ignore the advice of dubious persons. Performing gypsy songs with a guitar means becoming a victim of reckless passion.

Gypsies dream of changes in fate, however, the nature of the changes must be determined by the details and surroundings accompanying the plot of the dream.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: