Ready-made solutions for the exam in physics. Theory in physics. Unified State Exam topics in physics that will be included in the exam paper

10.09.2024 Drugs

If you are going to enroll in technical specialties, then physics is one of the main subjects for you. Not everyone is good at this discipline, so you will have to practice to cope well with all the tasks. We will tell you how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics if you have a limited amount of time at your disposal, but want to get the best possible result.

Structure and features of the Unified State Exam in Physics

In 2018, the Unified State Exam in Physics consists of 2 parts:

  1. 24 tasks in which you need to give a short answer without a solution. It can be an integer, a fraction, or a sequence of numbers. The tasks themselves are of varying levels of difficulty. There are simple ones, for example: the maximum height to which a body weighing 1 kg rises is 20 meters. Find the kinetic energy at the moment immediately after the throw. The solution does not involve a lot of action. But there are also tasks where you have to rack your brains.
  2. Tasks that need to be solved with a detailed explanation (a record of the condition, the course of the solution and the final answer). All the tasks here are of a fairly high level. For example: a cylinder containing m1 = 1 kg of nitrogen exploded at a temperature t1 = 327°C during a strength test. What mass of hydrogen m2 could be stored in such a cylinder at a temperature t2 = 27°C, having a fivefold safety margin? Molar mass of nitrogen M1 = 28 g/mol, hydrogen M2 = 2 g/mol.

Compared to last year, the number of tasks increased by one (in the first part, a task on knowledge of the basics of astrophysics was added). There are a total of 32 tasks that you need to solve within 235 minutes.

Schoolchildren will have more tasks this year

Since physics is an elective subject, the Unified State Exam in this subject is usually purposefully taken by those who are planning to go into technical specialties, which means that the graduate knows at least the basics. Based on this knowledge, you can score not only the minimum score, but also much higher. The main thing is that you prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics correctly.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with our tips for preparing for the Unified State Exam, depending on how much time you have to learn the material and solve problems. After all, some people start preparing a year before taking the exam, others several months before, while others remember the Unified State Exam in Physics only a week before taking the exam! We will tell you how to prepare in a short time, but as efficiently as possible.

How to prepare yourself a few months before day X

If you have 2-3 months to prepare for the Unified State Exam, then you can start with the theory, since you will have time to read and assimilate it. Divide the theory into 5 main parts:

  1. Mechanics;
  2. Thermodynamics and molecular physics;
  3. Magnetism;
  4. Optics;
  5. Electrostatics and direct current.

Work through each of these topics separately, learn all the formulas, first the basic ones, and then the specific ones in each of these sections. You also need to know by heart all the quantities and their correspondence to certain indicators. This will give you a theoretical basis for solving both the tasks of the first part and the problems from part No. 2.

After you learn how to solve simple problems and tests, move on to more complex tasks

After you have worked through the theory in these sections, start solving simple problems that take just a couple of steps to use the formulas in practice. Also, after a clear knowledge of the formulas, solve tests, try to solve the maximum number of them, in order not only to reinforce your theoretical knowledge, but also to understand all the features of the tasks, learn to correctly understand the questions, and apply certain formulas and laws.

After you learn how to solve simple problems and tests, move on to more complex tasks, try to build a solution as competently as possible, using rational ways. Solve as many tasks from the second part as possible, which will help you understand their specifics. It often happens that the tasks in the Unified State Exam are practically the same as last year’s, you just need to find slightly different values ​​or perform the reverse steps, so be sure to look at the Unified State Exam for previous years.

The day before taking the Unified State Exam, it is better to give up solving problems and repetition and just relax.

Start of preparation a month before the test

If your time is limited to 30 days, then you should follow these steps to successfully and quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam:

  • From the above sections you should make a summary table with basic formulas and memorize them.
  • Review typical assignments. If among them there are those that you solve well, you can refuse to work on such tasks, devoting time to “problematic” topics. This is what you should focus on in theory.
  • Learn the basic quantities and their meanings, the procedure for converting one quantity to another.
  • Try to solve as many tests as possible, which will help you understand the meaning of the tasks and understand their logic.
  • Constantly refresh your knowledge of basic formulas, this will help you score good scores in testing, even if you do not remember complex formulas and laws.
  • If you want to aim for fairly high results, then be sure to check out the past Unified State Examinations. In particular, focus on part 2, because the logic of the tasks can be repeated, and, knowing the course of the solution, you will definitely come to the right result! It is unlikely that you will be able to learn how to build the logic for solving such problems on your own, so it is advisable to be able to find commonalities between the tasks of previous years and the current task.

If you prepare according to such a plan, then you will be able to score not only the minimum points, but also much higher, it all depends on your knowledge in this discipline, the base that you had even before the start of preparation.

A couple of quick weeks to memorize

If you remembered to take physics a couple of weeks before the start of testing, then there is still hope to score good points if you have certain knowledge, and also to overcome the minimum barrier if you are a complete 0 in physics. For effective preparation, you should stick to this plan works:

  • Write down the basic formulas and try to remember them. It is advisable to study well at least a couple of topics from the main five. But you should know the basic formulas in each section!

It’s unrealistic to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics in a couple of weeks from scratch, so don’t rely on luck, but cram from the beginning of the year

  • Work with the Unified State Exam of previous years, understand the logic of the tasks, as well as typical questions.
  • Try to cooperate with classmates and friends. When solving problems, you may know one topic well, but they know another; if you simply tell each other the solution, you will have a quick and effective exchange of knowledge!
  • If you want to solve any tasks from the second part, then you better try to study last year’s Unified State Exam, as we described when preparing for testing in a month.

If you fulfill all these points responsibly, you can be sure of receiving the minimum acceptable score! As a rule, people who start preparing a week in advance don’t expect anything more.

Time management

As we already said, you have 235 minutes or almost 4 hours to complete the tasks. In order to use this time as rationally as possible, first complete all the simple tasks, those that you least doubt from the first part. If you are good with physics, then you will only have a few unsolved tasks from this part. For those who started preparation from scratch, it is on the first part that the maximum emphasis should be placed in order to gain the necessary points.

Proper distribution of your energy and time during the exam is the key to success

The second part requires a lot of time, fortunately, you have no problems with it. Read the tasks carefully, and then complete those that you understand best first. After this, proceed to solving those tasks from parts 1 and 2 that you doubt. If you don't have much knowledge in physics, the second part is also worth at least reading. It is quite possible that the logic of solving problems will be familiar to you, you will be able to solve 1-2 tasks correctly, based on the experience gained from watching last year’s Unified State Exams.

Due to the fact that there is a lot of time, you will not have to rush. Read the assignments carefully, understand the essence of the problem, and only then solve it.

This way, you can prepare well for the Unified State Exam in one of the most difficult disciplines, even if you begin your preparation when testing is literally just around the corner.


2) STRUCTURE of CIMs - 2018 and 2019 compared to 2017. Slightly CHANGED: The exam version will consist of two parts and will include 32 tasks. Part 1 will contain 24 short-answer items, including self-report items that require a number, two numbers, or a word, as well as matching and multiple choice items that require answers to be written as a sequence of numbers. Part 2 will contain 8 tasks united by a common type of activity - problem solving. Of these, 3 tasks with a short answer (25–27) and 5 tasks (28–32), for which you need to provide a detailed answer. The work will include tasks of three difficulty levels. Basic level tasks are included in part 1 of the work (18 tasks, of which 13 tasks with the answer recorded in the form of a number, two numbers or a word, and 5 matching and multiple choice tasks). Advanced-level tasks are distributed between parts 1 and 2 of the examination paper: 5 short-answer tasks in part 1, 3 short-answer tasks and 1 long-answer task in part 2. The last four tasks of part 2 are tasks of a high level of complexity. Part 1 of the examination paper will include two blocks of tasks: the first tests the mastery of the conceptual apparatus of the school physics course, and the second tests the mastery of methodological skills. The first block includes 21 tasks, which are grouped based on thematic affiliation: 7 tasks on mechanics, 5 tasks on MCT and thermodynamics, 6 tasks on electrodynamics and 3 on quantum physics.

A new task of a basic level of complexity is the last task of the first part (position 24), timed to coincide with the return of the astronomy course to the school curriculum. The task has a characteristic of the type “choosing 2 judgments out of 5.” Task 24, like other similar tasks in the examination paper, is scored a maximum of 2 points if both elements of the answer are correct, and 1 point if an error is made in one of the elements. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer does not matter. As a rule, tasks will be contextual in nature, i.e. Some of the data required to complete the task will be presented in the form of a table, diagram or graph.

In accordance with this task, the subsection “Elements of Astrophysics” of the section “Quantum Physics and Elements of Astrophysics” was added to the codifier, including the following points:

· Solar system: terrestrial planets and giant planets, small bodies of the solar system.

· Stars: variety of stellar characteristics and their patterns. Sources of star energy.

· Modern ideas about the origin and evolution of the Sun and stars. Our galaxy. Other galaxies. Spatial scales of the observable Universe.

· Modern views on the structure and evolution of the Universe.

You can learn more about the structure of KIM-2018 by watching the webinar with the participation of M.Yu. Demidova or in the document below.

Physics is a rather complex subject, so preparing for the Unified State Exam in Physics 2019 will take a sufficient amount of time. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the commission will test the ability to read diagrams and solve problems.

Let's look at the structure of the exam paper

It consists of 32 tasks distributed over two blocks. For understanding, it is more convenient to arrange all the information in a table.

The entire theory of the Unified State Examination in Physics by sections

  • Mechanics. This is a very large, but relatively simple section that studies the movement of bodies and the interactions that occur between them, including dynamics and kinematics, conservation laws in mechanics, statics, vibrations and waves of a mechanical nature.
  • Molecular physics. This topic emphasizes thermodynamics and molecular kinetic theory.
  • Quantum physics and components of astrophysics. These are the most difficult sections that cause difficulties both during study and during testing. But also, perhaps, one of the most interesting sections. Here, knowledge is tested on such topics as the physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus, wave-particle duality, and astrophysics.
  • Electrodynamics and special theory of relativity. Here you can’t do without studying optics, the fundamentals of SRT; you need to know how the electric and magnetic fields operate, what direct current is, what are the principles of electromagnetic induction, how electromagnetic oscillations and waves arise.

Yes, there is a lot of information, the volume is very decent. In order to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in physics, you need to have a very good command of the entire school course in the subject, and it is studied for five whole years. Therefore, it will not be possible to prepare for this exam in a few weeks or even a month. You need to start now so that you can feel calm during the tests.

Unfortunately, the subject of physics causes difficulties for many graduates, especially for those who chose it as their major for admission to university. Effective learning of this discipline has nothing to do with memorizing rules, formulas and algorithms. In addition, mastering physics ideas and reading as much theory as possible is not enough; you need to be proficient in mathematical techniques. Often, poor mathematical preparation prevents a student from passing physics well.

How to prepare?

Everything is very simple: choose a theoretical section, read it carefully, study it, trying to understand all physical concepts, principles, postulates. After this, reinforce your preparation by solving practical problems on the chosen topic. Use online tests to test your knowledge; this will allow you to immediately understand where you are making mistakes and get used to the fact that a certain amount of time is given to solve a problem. We wish you good luck!

Hello schoolchildren! So, how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics? To begin with, you should develop your preparation plan and create a general scheme for preparing for physics, which can help you write a specific plan and, after that, start preparing for the exam. You will also need books and formulas on physics and, probably, a tutor who will tell and show everything.

It is worth starting preparation for the Unified State Exam as early as possible - it will take two years to prepare, that is, tenth and eleventh grade (11th grade) is the best time for quality training. In a few months you can also be able to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics to a certain level. However, if you start your preparation a couple of months before the start of the physics exam, you should only count on 40 points.

This is especially true for the more complex exam that will be held in 2018 and 2019. However, it is recommended not to prepare for the physics exam from scratch yourself, because solving problems in physics means demonstrating the highest skill. In addition, this can be said to be a real art, which can only be learned under the influence of an experienced professional.

It is worth considering that modern physics is almost impossible to master without knowledge of the main areas of school mathematics. If you have gaps in your mathematical preparation for exams, you should start studying and eliminate them as soon as possible. But how do you know if you have these gaps in your arsenal and how to fill them? This is quite simple to understand - in the event that you are not able to independently decompose a mathematical vector into its components or express any value obtained from a mathematical formula, or you cannot solve equations correctly - therefore, it is worth doing school mathematics first.

Also, to successfully pass the physics exam, you must be able to count quickly and correctly in your head. The conversation concerns both the ability to perform mental calculations and the ability to use a standard calculator. Because solving many Unified State Exam problems in the discipline “physics” ends with the derivation of an entire numerical solution.

Therefore, for the exam you need a non-programmable standard calculator with the ability to calculate sines and perform logarithm calculations. From this we can conclude that a regular office calculator for solutions with 4 steps is not needed.

It’s better to buy a large non-programmable calculator for the exam and learn to use it at the level of an automatic machine

Books for preparation

They will be useful to you to prepare for the exam. Such books contain many tasks of varying levels of complexity from various areas of mechanics, molecular physics, as well as from the field of electrodynamics and other areas of school physics. Usually books are made in the form of a problem book or textbook. If these are test tasks in physics, then you can find 3 parts of the finished test. The first part consists of tasks with a short answer, followed by the second part with more complex tasks, which involves an even longer and more detailed justification for the answer. This part also includes tasks for understanding various laws and the ability to explain physical phenomena.

The books also contain difficult tasks that require explanations and analysis of processes from the field of physics and phenomena, but there may also be tasks and requirements to solve difficult problems with numerous numerical calculations. Many assignments require the student to perform calculations on paper.

For the physics exam itself, you can take with you a ruler and a small non-programmable calculator that can calculate trigonometric functions.

Formulas for preparation

There are several hundred of them and many of them are worth learning by heart. In order to know the formulas, you need to visit specialized sites and prepare for the future exam, including on these sites. You can learn formulas using the system together with solving problems, or you can do it separately. In any case, the choice is up to you.

Video tutorials aimed at knowing formulas are also suitable.

Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam in Physics

There are a huge number of courses on the Internet that are aimed at preparing for the physics exam from scratch. Recommended authors from the literature: Yakovlev, Gromtseva and Demidova.

Standard physics courses include:

  • Individual work with the student and analysis of his knowledge. Real courses in the classroom, they can also be taken as part of a small group (5-6 people).
  • The most optimal program for preparation is from zero to 80 or more points.
  • Physics classes should be held on average 2 hours per week.

Only in this way can you best understand the five-year school course in physics and come to the Unified State Exam at the maximum of your capabilities.

The courses must also include ongoing work training and methodological exams. These activities are best able to consolidate the material already covered.

Websites for accelerated preparation for the Unified State Exam in Physics can be found in the list below

1. An online group on the Unified State Exam /ege100ballov takes pride of place - it publishes the latest information about future preparation for the exam and the latest news, conducts a daily analysis of solutions and tasks for the Unified State Exam, analyzes multiple decision theory and analyzes problems.

There is also a solid database of video materials on the topic of preparing for a future exam.

2. Best channel on YouTube

This channel contains approximately 1000 video reviews of physics tasks and solutions to them. Anyone who wants to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics should go to this channel and watch the video lessons.

3. As for high-quality preparation for the Unified State Exam in physics, the famous Reshuege website from Dmitry Gushin is one of the best in preparation.
This site has an open list of available tasks with solutions and analysis on the cover of the problems.

4. Website of Alexander Larin - for intensive preparation New options and solutions to problems in physics with detailed reviews are published here. The site itself has many interesting sections and other materials with explanations.

5. hanacademy - this site contains a whole course for teaching physics lessons and physics lectures.

6. A large archive for studying physical constants and formulas, for understanding theorems and definitions, - has a more convenient and simpler search from a mobile phone.

7. A wonderful portal for studying various topics of the Unified State Exam in physics - The site presents numerous lectures and lessons on physics in a huge variety.

8. Website

Convenient and easy to use service. This port will certainly be suitable for all those students who want to be able to solve test problems - come here and you will definitely not regret your decision. Many tasks are analyzed in detail and the material is explained. Thousands of gigabytes of useful videos to watch.

Best regards, Alexey!

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Duration of the physics exam - 3 hours 55 minutes
The work consists of two parts, including 31 tasks.
Part 1: tasks 1 - 23
Part 2: tasks 24 - 31.
In tasks 1–4, 8–10, 14, 15, 20, 24–26 the answer is
whole number or finite decimal fraction.
Answer to tasks 5–7, 11, 12, 16–18, 21 and 23
is a sequence of two digits.
The answer to task 13 is a word.
The answer to tasks 19 and 22 are two numbers.
The answer to tasks 27–31 includes
a detailed description of the entire progress of the task.
Minimum test score (on a 100-point scale) - 36

Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2019 in physics (PDF):

Demo versions of the Unified State Exam 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 in physics in pdf format:

Unified State Exam

The purpose of the demonstration version of USE tasks is to enable any USE participant to get an idea of ​​the structure of the CMM, the number and form of tasks, and their level of complexity.
The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in this option, give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.
To successfully prepare for passing the Unified State Exam, I propose to analyze solutions to prototypes of real tasks from the Unified State Exam.