Conspiracies, customs, omens for the New Year. New Year rituals for good luck and wealth

25.08.2024 Brain Research

At the turn of the old and new years, miracles constantly happen, which is where the wonderful tradition of making a wish on New Year’s Eve originates.

You can’t measure happiness with money and luck, but let’s not lie: living with them becomes much easier. And on New Year's Eve, with the chimes ringing, anything can happen. This is a time of real miracles, when even the most inveterate skeptic believes in the power of the New Year. Your dreams will come true on New Year's Eve if you know how to make a wish correctly. But you don’t need to waste your wishes by wishing for a good year or a lot of money. There is a way to get this at the same time - these are effective conspiracies that we advise you to take into service. With their help, in the New Year, luck and money will fall into your hands, and you will be able to wish for something else.

The Power of the New Year

Conspiracies themselves are effective and powerful, so they do not need advertising. Now multiply the power of any ritual five times, and you will get a New Year's spell. And this is not an exaggeration, but a statement of facts, because in the New Year surprises and gifts await us at almost every step. There is only one explanation for this - this is a real fabulous holiday of change and new beginnings.

This is a must use. If you dream of something, then in the New Year it will certainly find its way into your life, the main thing is to attract it correctly. On January 1, everyone begins a new life, and it’s new because the whole past remains behind them. But to enter the New Year completely renewed, with new hopes and dreams, it is not enough to just sit down at the festive table. To do this, you need to know how to improve your life, or at least try to get rid of problems with luck and money.

Conquering failures on New Year's Eve

Arm yourself with a piece of paper and a pen and rewrite the text of the conspiracy:

“At the junction of two years - old and newmy failure is rushing about. The old one will leave and take everything bad with him. All my troubles, illnesses, ruins, difficulties and troubles will be carried far away and burned. Everything that was bad with me will burn in a blue flame. The new one will come and bring me only happiness, joy, luck and success in everything and always. As said, so done."

On New Year's Eve, take out a piece of paper, place a chair in the middle of the room, light a candle and read the plot exactly 7 times. After this, burn the piece of paper with the text of the conspiracy, and with it your troubles. You will be protected from failures for the entire next year.

New Year's money plot

On the night when the new year replaces the old one, the easiest way is to increase your financial flow. To avoid any difficulties, prepare for the ritual in advance. To do this, take a coin of any denomination and wash it thoroughly, because then it will shine at the bottom of your champagne glass. Don't forget to look for red velvet fabric - it is a symbol of abundance. You will wrap a coin in it, turning it into a money talisman.

As we already said, on New Year's Eve, throw a coin into the bottom of your glass, clearly indicating the desired level of your income in the new year. Then mentally read the spell (it is advisable to memorize it, otherwise one missing word will ruin the whole ritual):

“The glass with money is filled to the brim, so let wealth find its way to me in the new year. Let the money sparkle and flow like a river. I call upon myself an endless financial surf. Just as a coin sparkles in a glass, let money constantly flash before my eyes, let it fill my wallet, just as this champagne filled my glass. Everything that is said will come true.”

Drain the glass, take out the coin and wrap it in cloth. After this, your money talisman should be placed in a separate place in your wallet. Do not part with him for 12 months, then financial success will not take long to arrive.

New Year's Eve spell for good luck

Fortune is a capricious lady, and she does not smile at everyone, but there is a sure way to attract good luck and not be separated from it even for a minute. To do this, we will turn to the magical power of the New Year. On the night when the chimes die down, you will have a few minutes to call the lost luck into your life. Stand on the threshold of the house or look out the window and whisper:

“The old year is leaving, but good luck remains with me. He will give it to the New Year so that he will pass it on to me. It will be as I want.”

May the New Year bring you only new opportunities, victories and happiness. Of course, many problems cannot be avoided, but you should not take this as a defeat. Difficulties are also necessary, they help us become stronger, better and wiser. Wean yourself from the habit of making plans for the future every new day, because the future has its own plans for you. Enjoy the present without looking back to the past. We wish you a great mood, be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

On New Year's Eve, each of us awaits fulfillment. Our ancestors endowed this time with special energy and always took advantage of the opportunity to perform rituals that brought good luck, prosperity, health and love. The powerful positive energy of New Year's Eve helps to fully demonstrate the power of conspiracies. It is not for nothing that we associate this holiday with the beginning of a new period of life, when everything old and bad goes away, opening the way to new beginnings and victories. The main thing is to be able to direct a powerful cosmic charge in the right direction, conveying your deepest aspirations and hopes to higher powers.

New Year's Eve will strengthen your plot and guarantee its fulfillment

New Year's conspiracies are very diverse. The simplest of them will require only mental concentration and the right attitude from you. For more complex rituals you will have to stock up on some paraphernalia. Any ritual must be carried out, cleansed of negative thoughts - otherwise the result will not be achieved. And, of course, in no case should you wish evil and sorrows on other people! Let's figure out what rituals will help you improve your life and achieve your goals in 2017.

Spells to cleanse yourself of negativity

To leave behind the negative energy accumulated in the house in the past year, use a simple ritual. Do a grand cleaning - sort out the accumulated bills, put away your clothes, tidy up your desk drawers and throw away everything unnecessary. When it is time to wash the floors, add a few drops of holy water from the temple to the water. When the house shines with cleanliness, place a white wax candle in the center of the dining table, light it and ask from the bottom of your heart that the evil spirits will leave the house. Repeat three times:

“Burn the candle flame, there is an evil spirit in my home. Let all the spoken evil words perish in the flames! Help, fire, get rid of the bad, get rid of envy, anger and an unkind look. So be it!”

Burn all your failures and sorrows in the flame of a New Year's candle!

Do not put out the candle - while it is burning, the home is being cleansed. And if the candle crackles, it means that the ceremony was a success and all the evil that settled in the apartment goes away. Be sure to dispose of any water remaining after cleaning outside the house and yard.

You can speak to cleanse not only the house, but also yourself. Each of us can remember the insults that we, voluntarily or unwittingly, inflicted on other people. In order to cleanse your soul of bad deeds, write down on a piece of paper all your mistakes and bad deeds committed in the past year. At twelve o'clock at night, set fire to the leaf and scatter the ashes outside the window, asking everyone offended for forgiveness:

“As ashes fly away, so do evil thoughts into the night! Let resentment and sadness not linger at the beginning! God will forgive my sins, but I also ask you, good people, for forgiveness!”

New Year's spells to attract health

For the next ritual you will need seven coins of the same denomination (it is better if they are new and shiny), cotton or linen cloth, seven green candles and a piece of honeycomb. Lay out the cloth on the table, place coins, a plate of honey and candles on it in a circle. Light the candles and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I’ll collect the money, tie it in a bundle, lie down, magic, your time will come! Every penny will attract a hundred, and another five hundred! Lure your brothers with money, so that wealth will mark my everyday life. The holidays will be generous and rich, and all my actions will find payment. I’ll hide the knot, the day will come when there will be as many of them as bees have honeycombs!”

Spells for love and relationships

In order to inflame the feelings of the young man they liked, the girls performed a ritual with a ripe red apple. The core should be cut out of the fruit and a piece of paper with the name of the beloved man should be placed in the hole, and then the apple should be tied with red woolen threads. On the night of December 31 to January 1, the apple must be hidden among the spruce branches, and in the morning placed in the most secluded place in the house, saying:

“As the apple dries, so do you ‘name’ dry for me! Just as the turtledove thinks of its clear-eyed falcon, so do you, “name,” do not forget my image and strive with all your heart to be with me.”

The right plot will ensure you the love and loyalty of others

Another conspiracy will help you gain the goodwill of others, enlisting their help, love and support in the new year. To do this, you will need a bright scarf or stole to wrap around your shoulders. Take seven candles: place one of them in the center (this is you), and the rest around it. When placing candles, say:

“This candle is the love of men, this is the love of relatives, this is the kind attitude of friends, this is the goodwill of colleagues, this is the good attitude of others, and the last one is love as a feeling.”

Light the candles and read the words:

“Love wraps me like a bright blanket, whoever looks at me loves me, whoever hears me will love me, whoever takes me by the hand will never leave. The New Year begins, it is filled with light, love comes from me and descends on everyone else. Everyone will appreciate me, won’t leave me, won’t change me!”

During 2017, before an important date or work meeting, throw a charmed scarf over your shoulders for a couple of minutes.

Rituals for the fulfillment of plans

Each of us makes sure to make our deepest wishes as the chimes strike. The most popular New Year's ritual associated with wishes comes down to writing your plans on a napkin or piece of paper, setting it on fire and stirring the ashes into a glass of champagne, which you need to drink before the last strike of the clock. Let us reveal one of the secrets of this ritual, which not everyone knows. You need to write the desire in the present tense, imagining that it has already become a reality, and say the words to yourself:

“The clock strikes twelve times, this is how my tale is celebrated. Whatever I wish, let it happen, let the thought come true.”

Even champagne on New Year's Day has special mystical properties!

To fulfill your cherished desire, prepare a golden ring before New Year's Eve. With the first chime, touch the ring to your left earlobe and visualize your deepest desire. Imagine that it has already come true. If you want a new home, try to see how you walk around, cook in the kitchen or dig in the garden. If you wish, you will feel like you are sitting at a desk in an audience. If you dream of a new car, smell the leather interior and listen to the noise of the engine.

For the next plot, you will need 12 candles, which need to be lit on the table in the predawn hour of New Year's Eve. Say these words:

“January will fulfill all my wishes and drive away troubles from me. February will bring good luck, it will not deceive, but will save. Whatever I wish for in March, I won’t be denied. Whatever I want in April, I will certainly get it. If I order it in May, I get it right away. In June, desires are as simple as drinking water. My July knows no worries - desires will come to the doorstep. In August, whatever one may say, my wishes will come true. In September, insights arrive like an autumn leaf. Don’t let me down on October – call for fulfillment. In November, I will, of course, get what I want. The end of everything is in December – the deadline for your wildest thoughts!”

Spells to attract good luck

For this ritual you will need a small figurine of the Fire Rooster that you can carry with you, a small gold-colored coin and a yellow candle. At dawn on the first of January, light a candle, place the figurine on the table and cover it with your palms, forming a house. Feel how a ball of positive energy is concentrated under your palms, and a pleasant warmth gradually spreads throughout your body. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“Let good luck be with me, there will be no defeats, if I cry, it’s from happiness, because Fortune is like a mother to me. The light of good luck is in the talisman, there are no problems with the cockerel, grief, tears and deceptions are not attracted to the New Year. I go hand in hand with luck, it will be this way and not otherwise! Amen".

Then put out the candle and hide it from prying eyes. Put the coin in your wallet, and always carry the rooster figurine with you, without showing it to others.

By burning a piece of paper with a plot, you secure and guarantee its fulfillment

The following conspiracy is carried out in order to avoid misfortunes in the new year. Sit down in front of the table on the afternoon of December 31, light a candle, write and read the following words:

“Dawn and lightning, two stepsisters. Let the evening come - grief, troubles will take away! Let it take you far so that it will be easy for me. Let illness and misfortune burn away, and in return give happiness! And at dawn I should be in joy and play. A ray of sunshine will give you light, let it teach you luck!”

Read the plot seven times, and then burn the piece of paper with the magic words. The ashes need to be scattered outside the window.

If you think 2016 was a lucky year for you, you can carry your luck into the new year. To do this, stand on the threshold of a house or apartment when the chimes begin and say the following words:

“The old year is now leaving, but it is not taking away good luck. He will give happiness to the New Year, the coming year will give it to me!”

Spells for beauty and attractiveness

Since ancient times, girls have used New Year's energy to perform rituals that add beauty and attractiveness. This ritual is performed in the last hour of the old year. For it you will need three red candles, a spoon of honey and a large mirror. Light candles in front of the mirror and stand in front of it, saying the words:

“On three sides there is day, on the fourth there is dark night, just as water flows out of the earth in spring, so let all illnesses go away! As I drink a drop of honey, I will walk around the world like a white swan. From now on I will be young, I will seal my age with honey. Amen".

Afterwards, eat honey and drink it with clean water.

You can also add beauty with a miraculous bath. This should be done in the evening on the eve of the New Year, having prepared dry mint leaves, chamomile inflorescences and violet root over the summer (or bought at the pharmacy). To prepare the bath you will need a teaspoon of orris root, crushed into powder, half a spoon of chamomile and a tablespoon of mint.

You need to prepare for a beauty spell in the summer, collecting medicinal herbs

Place the herbs in a canvas bag, mix and ask nature for beauty and youth. Place the bag under your pillow at night, and before the holiday, prepare yourself a warm bath by placing the bag in water. Let the infusion gain strength for 20 minutes. Turn off the electric light and light three large candles. Lower yourself into the water and, closing your eyes, say:

“Goddess of beauty, give me smooth silky skin, youth and freshness! Let my beauty amaze every eye, but set the shutter against the envious!”

Take a bath for 10-15 minutes, fully feel the smell of herbs and their healing power, filling every cell of your body. After the bath, do not dry yourself, but just pat your skin a little with a towel and let the water evaporate on its own.

And finally, one more important piece of advice. Remember that conspiracies and rituals will only work if you sincerely believe in their power, but at the same time you yourself make efforts to achieve what you want. Any magic and enchantment must be supplemented with real deeds, because it was not without reason that our ancestors said: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself!”

Once a year, all your spells and prayers can have much greater power - on the eve of the coming new year. At the turn of the year, all conspiracies for the new year will require a minimum of effort from you, but will provide results for a long period. Rituals for money and wealth, luck and youth, as well as for mutual love are especially effective and popular.

If you prepare in advance not only for the New Year's holiday, but also for a powerful ritual, you will be able to provide yourself with the required benefits for the next twelve months.

Ritual for health

This simple ritual will provide you with health and youth for the whole next year. It is carried out quite simply and does not require lengthy preparation from you. Just prepare the following items for New Year's Eve:

  • A large mirror, preferably full-length.
  • Three red wax candles.
  • A little natural bee honey.
  • A glass of warm clean water.
  • Tablespoon.

The ritual itself must be carried out almost before the onset of the new year, that is, from eleven at night until the first strike of the chimes. In this case, the old year will take with it all the problems and troubles that have accompanied you all year.

Stand in front of the mirror at the indicated time and light the candles. There should be no other lighting. You should take a tablespoon of honey in your hand and say the following spell:

“On three sides there is a day, on the fourth night. Water flows out of the ground. Flow away, disease, flow away the illness. Heal yourself with Mother Earth, water. I will pour a sweet drop into my mouth and walk along the ground like a swan. I will become young forever, I will seal you with sweet honey. Amen".

Immediately after this, eat honey and drink it with a sip of warm water.

A simple ritual to fulfill a wish

Almost each of us performed at least once in our lives a simple ritual to fulfill a wish during the chimes on New Year's Eve. But not everyone did it correctly: some write their dream on a napkin and then burn it, others simply mentally say what they want.

All these methods have their place, but they are far from the maximum effectiveness of magic. If you need your wish to come true for sure, then follow the recommendations below:

  • You should make your deepest wish directly in the last seconds of the outgoing year, then it will surely come true.
  • As you mentally speak out your dream, touch the precious gold ring on your finger to your left earlobe. In this case, your energy will be directed to fulfilling what is required.
  • The main rule will be to formulate the phrase of the wish in the present tense, as if your dream has already come true. You should have no doubt that New Year's magic will help you find what you want.

Follow these simple rules, and your wish will come true in the new year.

Ritual for love

If you want to leave all your personal problems behind in the outgoing year and strengthen mutual love, then perform this simple ritual, which, supported by the strength of the outgoing year, will provide you with everything you need for family happiness.

Such a conspiracy is carried out if you celebrate the New Year together, and apples are present on the festive table in the form of a treat. You should take care in advance to comply with all conventions.

Right at the very end of the outgoing year, ask your loved one to bring you one apple from the table, which you then quietly hide under the New Year's tree.

The next morning, in the new year, when you are left completely alone, carefully cut out the seeds from the apple along with the center, cutting the fruit in half.

Now you should write the full name of your loved one on a large white piece of paper and, folding it, carefully place it in the middle of the fruit. The apple halves should be joined and tied with red woolen thread. Such a charmed fruit must be placed in a warm place where it will slowly dry out. Along with the apple, your man will also come to you, his love will become stronger.

Such an apple should not be discovered by anyone in order to avoid violating the secrecy of the ritual.

New Year ritual for profit

To ensure yourself wealth and money for the next twelve months, perform this simple ritual. To do it correctly, you will need to purchase a new pot made of baked clay. The best time to do this is in the coming year, as your first purchase.

In such a pot you should put the first change that the sellers will give you in the coming new year. Such change must consist of only coins.

It is not placed in a pot for preservation immediately, but on the night of the first new moon, which will occur on the fourth day of the new year. They will stay there until the first full moon of the year, which will occur on the twentieth of January, so the pot should be hidden in a secluded hiding place where it cannot be found.

Every evening, all alone, you need to take out the coins, sort them out, and put them back in the pot, accompanying your actions with the following words:

“As the month in the sky grows and waxes, so my money grows and waxes.”

The more respect you give to the coins, the better they will thank you with their growth and multiplication next year.

When the full moon occurs, the pot should be hidden so that no one will find it for the next year: as long as it stands untouched, your house will be full of money and prosperity.

Wallet spell

Also, the New Year brings you the opportunity to update your financial situation by creating a money talisman that will guard and increase all your money all year round.

To do this, you should wait until the sixth of January and purchase two completely identical wallets. You shouldn’t skimp on your purchase; the items you choose should be of good quality, and preferably made of genuine leather.

Pay for your purchase with a bill that significantly exceeds the purchase amount. Don’t take the change yourself, but ask the seller to put it in one of the wallets: you will keep that for yourself.

It is very important that a five-ruble coin remains among the change, since it will become your “unchangeable nickel,” a talisman that is designed to increase your money in your new wallet.

The second of the pair of purses purchased should be presented the next day as a gift to a relative or friend who surpasses you in material security, so that the connection established between the two wallets will draw you to greater wealth. In the gift wallet, put any bill or coin from the change from your purchase, just do not use your irredeemable nickel in this capacity.

At the moment of donation, do not forget to mentally consolidate the plot with these words:

“No matter how much I give, I receive more. As much as it comes to you, the same comes to me!”

Now the New Year's plot is considered completed and you can spend the remaining change at your own discretion: the most important thing is not to give the irredeemable nickel to anyone, since it is this that will bring you wealth in the coming year.

In order for good luck to accompany you in all your endeavors over the next twelve months, you should simply perform a ritual on the last day of the outgoing year and pray for good luck.

To perform the ritual correctly, you only need a church candle and your correct emotional state. You need to mentally let go of all the grievances of your enemies and friends, and tune in only to the good. Believe that all adversities remain in the past year, and the next year will be much better for you and your family.

When you are in the mood for the desired emotional background, light a candle and take it into your hands. Look carefully at the flame and ask God for good luck in everything. After that, read these words:

“My merciful God, be with me in the coming year. Send health and prosperity to me, me and my family. Send me gold and silver, and more various good things. Bless me with peace, bless me with peace, so that I never part with You. Holy archangels, and good angels, all the heavenly hosts, do not let me, God’s servant (name), and my family suffer in the new year. Protect us from trouble, protect us from any illness, from fire, and from water. Throughout the new year, may my God be with me. Save me, save me, and protect me from evil and misfortune. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, place the candle on the table and let it burn down on its own.

Conspiracies for the New Year have special depth and great power. Whatever such a conspiracy is aimed at, it will be stronger than at any other time of the year. When New Year's Eve is called magical or witchcraft, they usually mean its romantic festive atmosphere, but in fact, this night and the entire New Year's period can be called magical in the most literal sense.

According to the eastern calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The Red Fire Rooster ruled wisely and competently, and did not even want to part with us. But on the night of February 16, 2018, the Cockerel will flap his wings, crow goodbye, and transfer the rights to the throne to the Dog. The dog is a restless creature, and will guard our well-being all year. The dog personifies justice, she will never betray, and in the year of her reign we can calm down - everything will be clear and fair.

In 2018, you can safely take on any task, because even the Dog rushes into battle without thinking about the consequences. The element of earth is associated with laws and traditions, so in the year of the Earth Dog it is important to adhere to your principles. Despite the fact that the Dog does not like change and does not seek to move from the booth to the crystal palace, it will do everything so that the inhabitants of the earth can improve their living conditions. The main thing here is to believe in a miracle - the hostess of 2018 will happily play along with us.

Ritual with the New Year tree

When decorating a spruce or pine tree for the holiday, hang talismans and amulets on it, symbolizing wealth.

You can make decorations for the Christmas tree from coins or hang a few bills. Be sure to hang fruits and candies on the tree. This is a treat that all lovers of looking at Christmas trees will enjoy. You can place gifts under the tree, which can also have symbolic meaning.

New Year's spell for money and wealth

On the evening of December 31, pour rye and wheat grains into a saucer and place them on the table. At the stroke of midnight, when the chimes begin to strike, make your deepest wish related to prosperity and wealth, and place a few new coins among the grains.

Let the magic saucer stand on the table all night. In the morning, take your wealth into your hands - put the coins in a separate pocket of your wallet, and pour the grains into a linen bag. In spring, these grains must be sown in the ground. If you do everything and the grains sprout, then you will live in abundance.

Magic letter with money for the new year

This ritual is performed on New Year's Eve. It will bring success in the financial sector in the new year. Prepare an envelope in advance and draw runes or hieroglyphs of wealth on it inside.

Then put a few bills in good condition in it and mail them to your home address.

Time it so that you receive the letter in early January. This start to the new year will set you up to attract money. Keep the received banknotes as a talisman until next year.

New Year ritual with banknote

If you want to get rich, then treat money with respect. Pay attention to what bills come into your hands. You need to find a bill on which the letter designation of the series matches your initials, and the numbers match your date of birth. If you find such a bill, it means good luck has come into your life. It is with this bill that you perform the ceremony.

On one Friday or Sunday during the new moon, sit at the table and light candles. Place a bill in front of you and write the desired amount of money on it. Look at the bill in the light of the candle flames and imagine that you have already received the money. Give the candles a chance to burn out, and at this time thank the banknote for fulfilling your wish and hide it in a secluded place.

Every time you have difficulties with money, take out this bill and turn to it for help. Keep it as a talisman and your dream will come true.

What color should you wear to celebrate 2018? Year of the dog.

The Yellow Earth Dog likes shades that are as close as possible to the natural color palette and evoke associations with nature, so a woman wearing a brown or yellow dress is guaranteed to gain the support and sympathy of the mistress of 2018.

For girls who find the yellow-brown color scheme banal, stylists suggest paying attention to brighter shades: raspberry, orange, mustard or pastel muted pink, soft blue. The trend is burgundy.

Traditional colors – black and white – would also be appropriate. Well, the lady in a luxurious golden outfit will become the queen of the New Year's party. But what you shouldn’t celebrate 2018 in is outfits in bright acid shades.

Dogs are not friends with cats, so on New Year's Eve you must avoid any hints of the cat family: leopard print; clothes with pictures of cats, even funny and harmless ones; hats with cat ears; fur vests; decorative finishing using fur.

A very simple New Year's spell

On January 3 or 4, you need to go to church and put fifty rubles in the donation box with your left hand. At the same time, mentally say: To whom the Church is not a Mother, God is not a Father.

Then go home. Money will be much easier in the new year than in the previous year.

New Year's Prayer

On the first day of the New Year, we should turn to God with a prayer, so that the Lord will bless us next year with mental and physical health, prosperity, peaceful and joyful days and His Heavenly grace, which would lead us along the right path of life!

Help us, Lord, to spend the whole coming year without any temptations!

Lord God, of all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Creator, who created times and years, Himself bless the New Year that begins today, which we count from Your incarnation for our salvation.
Let us spend this year and many years after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; Strengthen and spread the Holy Universal Church, which You Yourself founded and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood.

Raise, preserve and glorify our Fatherland; give us long life, health, an abundance of earthly fruits and the goodness of the air; save me, Your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true Supreme Shepherd, protect and establish me on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Heavenly Kingdom and were worthy of eternal bliss with Thy saints. Amen.

New Year's signs for 2018

A favorable sign on New Year's Eve is when there is at least a small amount of money available - this will attract finance in the coming 2018 of the Dog.
Empty pockets on a holiday night are a bad harbinger - you will spend the coming year in need and poverty.

Before the New Year, you need to pay off all your debts in order to protect yourself from them in the future.

Just don’t be scared when you hear the word conspiracy. Conspiracies for the New Year 2019 do not carry anything negative; on the contrary, they are aimed at ensuring that everything bad remains in the outgoing year, and you enter the new year 2019 only with positive baggage.

We will definitely take with us luck and love, prosperity and health. And you will learn how to do all this by reading this material.

Of course, there is simply no better time to make your wishes come true than the New Year. Let's tune in to the festive wave and prepare your most cherished wishes. They will definitely come true.

How does New Year's time differ from all others and why conspiracies bring results at this time of year. It's all about the accumulation of powerful, bright energy, thanks to a single spirit and people's faith in magic.

A series of a wide variety of holidays takes place during this period and covers all countries and continents, all religions and denominations. On New Year's Eve, all humanity demonstrates amazing unanimity. Naturally, people’s main hopes are connected with the future: their own health and that of their loved ones, financial well-being, and, of course, love. Don't miss the chance to seize the moment, this happens only once a year, use New Year's conspiracies!

New Year's spell for health and youth

Everyone dreams of eternal youth and health. Perform all actions strictly as described in the instructions for this health plot.

On December 31, after the clock hands begin counting the last hour of the year, go to the mirror with three lit candles. It is better if they are consecrated, right in the church. Take a spoonful of honey in your right hand and repeat the magic spell for health and youth:

Day comes from three sides, and only night from the fourth, the water runs away and slips away. Let illness and illness also begin and flow away, like water, from my body and soul. Mother earth helps me, and the water is raw. I will quench my thirst with fresh water and float above the earth like a swan. I will be young for a century."

After finishing the spell, you need to immediately eat honey and drink it with water. Try it, perhaps this ritual will help you maintain health and youth.

Good luck spell for the New Year

This plot also needs to be done on New Year's Eve. Try to properly collect your thoughts, remember all those who were not so kind to you in the past year, maybe you even have enemies or enemies. Forgive them all, leave all grievances in the past, thank God for a great year and ask for his support in the coming year. And most importantly, ask him to support all the people who need it.

Take a lit candle in your hands and read the spell for good luck:

Dear God, do not leave me in the New Year, I ask for well-being to all my relatives, those in need, and a little to me. Gold, silver, various goods, I ask for God’s blessing and your patience. Heavenly angels, please give the servant of God (here you need to indicate your own name) strength in the coming year. To my relatives, to everyone in need, and a little to me. Lord Almighty, I ask for your protection from illness, illness, from cold water and burning fire. God be with me throughout the New Year, and with all people too. Protect from misfortunes and disasters, from evil and dashing eyes. Let it be so, everything is your will.

Conspiracy to make wishes come true

As everyone who has undergone this ritual says, it works flawlessly! To do this you need to do the simplest manipulations. Take a gold or silver ring in one hand. On the New Year itself, cast a spell to make your wishes come true, when the chimes begin to count down the new year 2019, touch the ring to the edge of your left ear and try to imagine what you would like to receive in the future. For the best effect, imagine that you already have it, believe in it as a fact that has happened. Have no doubt, when the New Year comes, it will be so.

Conspiracy for mutual love for the New Year

It often happens that we celebrate the New Year in the company of a person for whom we have feelings. But, as the dramatic plot requires, he does not pay any attention to you. Sitting at the table, as if by chance, ask this very person to simply pass you an apple. Just take your time, don’t bite him right away. Hide it somewhere, just do it discreetly, and then put it right under the Christmas tree. When you wake up in the morning, take this apple, cut out the core from it and put a note in the resulting wasteland with the name of your loved one written on it.

And then tie the fruit with a thick red thread and hide it in a secluded place. And then watch carefully. The magic will begin to work, and that same person will definitely pay attention to you, or, most definitely, call you. Just don’t talk about what you are going to do, otherwise the magic will lose its power.

New Year's spell for wealth

The Russian people, for the most part, are all, like Emelya, lying on the stove and waiting for wealth to come into their hands. Let's also turn into New Year's Emelya for a second and try to earn money without leaving the stove. Moreover, on New Year’s Day the power of magic doubles. The second most popular New Year's conspiracy after love is money. It seems to many that it is very unfair that yachts, mansions and cars belong to some other people, so on New Year’s Eve they urgently ask, and some even demand from higher powers, to submit a living.

So, let's say on January 1st you went to the store to replenish your groceries. Although there are probably still plenty of salads on the table and in the refrigerator. Basically, you went into the store, bought what you wanted, and they gave you change. These smallest amounts of money will be useful to us for our financial ritual. Throw pennies into a clay pot, hide it in a secluded place and cast magic spells over it every night:

The moon has grown in the night sky, which means my money will grow too. The moon is calling in the night sky, filling my pocket with money. This method works especially effectively when the future oligarch stamps his right foot on the word “month” and at the same time pours a little more change into the pot. After the ceremony, bury the money where no one will definitely find it. And wait, soon the money will flow like a river.