Tesla - aphorisms, catchphrases, phrases, sayings, sayings, quotes, thoughts. Tesla, Nikola - quotes, sayings, aphorisms Nikola Tesla phrases

31.08.2024 Brain diseases 

They called him a dreamer, they mocked his ideas, but time put everything in its place.


Nikola Tesla was amazingly talented. He made his discoveries easily, as if jokingly. He said that technical solutions came to his mind on their own. Tesla is considered one of the most brilliant people of all time (along with Leonardo da Vinci). Tesla's work made possible the development of modern electrical engineering. His inventions were several centuries ahead of their time. Tesla knew how to use consciousness to change reality. There are still legends about him.

1. The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes throughout the Universe.

2. My brain is only a receiving device. There is a certain core in outer space from which we draw knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.

3. I don't need models, drawings, experiments. When ideas arise in my mind, I begin to build a device in my imagination, change the design, improve it, and turn it on. And it makes absolutely no difference to me whether the device is tested in my thoughts or in the workshop - the results will be the same.

4. Are you familiar with the expression “you can’t jump over your head”? This is a misconception. A person can do anything.

5. The great mysteries of our existence have yet to be solved; even death may not be the end.

6. The highest goal of human development is the complete dominance of consciousness over the material world, the use of the forces of nature to satisfy human needs.

7. Life is and will always be an equation that cannot be solved, although it contains several known factors.

8. Modern scientists think deeply instead of thinking clearly. To think clearly, you need to have a sound mind, but you can think deeply even if you are completely crazy.

9. This is the problem with many inventors: they lack patience. They lack the willpower to work something out in their minds slowly, clearly, and clearly, so that they get a feel for exactly how it will work. They want to immediately try out the first idea that comes to mind, and as a result they spend a lot of money and a lot of good material, only to experimentally determine that they are working in the wrong direction. We all make mistakes, and it's better to make them before you start doing anything.

10. Our world is immersed in a huge ocean of energy, we fly in endless space at an incomprehensible speed. Everything around rotates, moves - everything is energy. We have a huge task ahead of us - to find ways to extract this energy. Then, extracting it from this inexhaustible source, humanity will move forward with giant steps.

11. The spread of civilization can be compared to fire: at first it is a weak spark, then a flickering flame, and then a powerful flame, endowed with speed and strength.

12. How many people called me a dreamer, how our misguided myopic world mocked my ideas. Time will judge us.

13. Everyone should consider his body a priceless gift from those he loves above all, a magnificent work of art. The indescribable beauty, the mystery that lies in the design of human existence is so subtle that even a word, a breath, a look, even a thought can damage it. Untidyness, which multiplies disease and death, is not only a self-destructive habit, but also an incredibly immoral habit.

14. I cut my finger and it is bleeding: this finger is part of me. I see my friend’s pain, and this pain hurts me too: my friend and I are one. And watching a defeated enemy, even one whom I would least regret in the entire Universe, I still feel sorrow. Doesn't this prove that we are all just a part of a single whole?

15. In continuous solitude, the mind becomes sharper. You don't need a large laboratory to think and invent. Ideas are born in the absence of influence on the mind by external conditions. The secret of ingenuity is solitude.
Ideas are born in solitude.

16. There is nothing that could attract human attention to a greater extent and deserve to be the subject of study than nature. To understand its enormous mechanism, to discover its creative powers and to know the laws that govern it is the greatest goal of the human mind.

17. It will not be a great evil if a student falls into error; if great minds make mistakes, the world pays dearly for their mistakes.

18. If I had some grueling task in front of me, I would attack it again and again until I did it. So I practiced day after day, from morning to night. At first it required a strong mental effort directed against inclinations and desires, but as the years passed, this contradiction weakened, and at last my will and desire became one and the same. They are like that today, and this is the secret of all my successes.

19. Intuition is something that is ahead of exact knowledge. Our brain undoubtedly has very sensitive nerve cells, which allows us to sense truth even when it is not yet accessible to logical conclusions or other mental efforts.

20. I don’t make drawings or build models. I create a drawing in my head, and from it I mentally assemble the device, test it, and launch it. Over 20 years of work, the results of mental tests and tests of the same device in the workshop always gave the same results.

21. It is paradoxical, yet true, when they say that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in an absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become aware of our limitations.

22. When natural attraction develops into passionate desire, the approach to the goal goes by leaps and bounds.

23. Our shortcomings and our virtues are inseparable, like strength and matter. If they separate, the person no longer exists.

24. No community can exist and develop without strict discipline.

25. The brain does not keep constant records, knowledge does not accumulate. Knowledge is something akin to an echo, which requires the breaking of silence in order to be called to life.

They called him a dreamer, they mocked his ideas, but time put everything in its place. Nikola Tesla was amazingly talented. He made his discoveries easily, as if jokingly. He said that technical solutions came to his mind on their own. Tesla is considered one of the most brilliant people of all time (along with Leonardo da Vinci). Tesla's work made possible the development of modern electrical engineering. His inventions were several centuries ahead of their time. Tesla knew how to use consciousness to change reality. There are still legends about him. We offer you 25 quotes from this great inventor.

1. The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes throughout the Universe.

2. My brain is only a receiving device. There is a certain core in outer space from which we draw knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.

3. I don't need models, drawings, experiments. When ideas arise in my mind, I begin to build a device in my imagination, change the design, improve it, and turn it on. And it makes absolutely no difference to me whether the device is tested in my thoughts or in the workshop - the results will be the same.

4. Are you familiar with the expression “you can’t jump over your head”? This is a misconception. A person can do anything.

5. The great mysteries of our existence have yet to be solved; even death may not be the end.

6. The highest goal of human development is the complete dominance of consciousness over the material world, the use of the forces of nature to satisfy human needs.

7. Life is and will always be an equation that cannot be solved, although it contains several known factors.

8. Modern scientists think deeply instead of thinking clearly. To think clearly, you need to have a sound mind, but you can think deeply even if you are completely crazy.

9. This is the problem with many inventors: they lack patience. They lack the willpower to work something out in their minds slowly, clearly, and clearly, so that they get a feel for exactly how it will work. They want to immediately try out the first idea that comes to mind, and as a result they spend a lot of money and a lot of good material, only to experimentally determine that they are working in the wrong direction. We all make mistakes, and it's better to make them before you start doing anything.

10. Our world is immersed in a huge ocean of energy, we fly in endless space at an incomprehensible speed. Everything around rotates, moves - everything is energy. We have a huge task ahead of us - to find ways to extract this energy. Then, extracting it from this inexhaustible source, humanity will move forward with giant steps.

11. The spread of civilization can be compared to fire: at first it is a weak spark, then a flickering flame, and then a powerful flame, endowed with speed and strength.

12. How many people called me a dreamer, how our misguided myopic world mocked my ideas. Time will judge us.

13. Everyone should consider his body a priceless gift from those he loves above all, a magnificent work of art. The indescribable beauty, the mystery that lies in the design of human existence is so subtle that even a word, a breath, a look, even a thought can damage it. Untidyness, which multiplies disease and death, is not only a self-destructive habit, but also an incredibly immoral habit.

14. I cut my finger and it is bleeding: this finger is part of me. I see my friend’s pain, and this pain hurts me too: my friend and I are one. And watching a defeated enemy, even one whom I would least regret in the entire Universe, I still feel sorrow. Doesn't this prove that we are all just a part of a single whole?

15. In continuous solitude, the mind becomes sharper. You don't need a large laboratory to think and invent. Ideas are born in the absence of influence on the mind by external conditions. The secret of ingenuity is solitude.
Ideas are born in solitude.

16. There is nothing that could attract human attention to a greater extent and deserve to be the subject of study than nature. To understand its enormous mechanism, to discover its creative powers and to know the laws that govern it is the greatest goal of the human mind.

17. It will not be a great evil if a student falls into error; if great minds make mistakes, the world pays dearly for their mistakes.

18. If I had some grueling task in front of me, I would attack it again and again until I did it. So I practiced day after day, from morning to night. At first it required a strong mental effort directed against inclinations and desires, but as the years passed, this contradiction weakened, and at last my will and desire became one and the same. They are like that today, and this is the secret of all my successes.

19. Intuition is something that is ahead of exact knowledge. Our brain undoubtedly has very sensitive nerve cells, which allows us to sense truth even when it is not yet accessible to logical conclusions or other mental efforts.

20. I don’t make drawings or build models. I create a drawing in my head, and from it I mentally assemble the device, test it, and launch it. Over 20 years of work, the results of mental tests and tests of the same device in the workshop always gave the same results.

21. It is paradoxical, yet true, when they say that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in an absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become aware of our limitations.

22. When natural attraction develops into passionate desire, the approach to the goal goes by leaps and bounds.

23. Our shortcomings and our virtues are inseparable, like strength and matter. If they separate, the person no longer exists.

24. No community can exist and develop without strict discipline.

25. The brain does not keep constant records, knowledge does not accumulate. Knowledge is something akin to an echo, which requires the breaking of silence in order to be called to life.

Nikola Tesla was certainly an eccentric scientist, but many believe that his inventions were more remarkable than those of Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison. His electric cars, wild imagination and eccentric style became the symbol of the “mad genius”.

Tesla's research in electromagnetism helped radiologists around the world see human anatomy without having to cut open their abdomen. However, in the late 1880s this idea seemed quite crazy.


Tesla imagined that in the future, an entire race of robots could safely and efficiently do the jobs of humans. In 1898, he demonstrated a radio-controlled boat he had invented, which many consider the “birth of robotics.” He predicted that soon the world will be filled with smart machines, robots, various sensors and autonomous systems.

Let us remember the most true quotes of this great scientist.

  1. Are you familiar with the expression “you can’t jump over your head”? This is a misconception. A person can do anything.
  2. The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes throughout the universe.
  3. Modern scientists think deeply instead of thinking clearly. To think clearly, you need to have a sound mind, but you can think deeply even if you are completely crazy.
  4. The great mysteries of our existence have yet to be solved; even death may not be the end.
  5. Everything I've ever done is for humanity; for a world in which there will be no humiliation and oppression of the poor by the rich.
  6. How many people called me a dreamer, how our misguided myopic world mocked my ideas. Time will judge us.
  7. Our world is immersed in a huge ocean of energy, we fly in endless space at an incomprehensible speed. Everything around rotates, moves - everything is energy. We have a huge task ahead of us - to find ways to extract this energy. Then, extracting it from this inexhaustible source, humanity will move forward with giant steps.
  8. If no state can be successfully attacked, wars will cease.
  9. I don't need models, drawings, experiments. When ideas arise in my mind, I begin to build a device in my imagination, change the design, improve it and turn it on. And it makes absolutely no difference to me whether the device is tested in my thoughts or in the workshop - the results will be the same.
  10. Intuition is something that is ahead of exact knowledge. Our brain undoubtedly has very sensitive nerve cells, which allows us to sense truth even when it is not yet accessible to logical conclusions or other mental efforts.
  11. I'm completely exhausted, but I can't stop working. My experiments are so important, so beautiful, so amazing that I can hardly tear myself away from them to eat. And when I try to sleep, I think about them all the time. I figure I'll keep going until I drop dead.
  12. I no longer work for the present, I work for the future.
  13. What is electricity? 80 years have passed since then and I still ask myself the same question, but I am not able to answer it.
  14. I could split the globe, but I will never do it. My main goal was to point out new phenomena and disseminate ideas that would become starting points for new research.
  15. I need to complete the construction of my station. This will be a step that will move humanity forward for a century.
  16. The gift of mental ability comes from God, the Divine Being, and if we focus our minds on this great truth, we come into harmony with this great power. My mother taught me to look for all the truths in the Bible.
  17. I have finally succeeded in creating discharges whose power greatly exceeds that of lightning.
  18. The spread of civilization can be compared to fire, at first it is a weak spark, then a flickering flame, and then a powerful flame, endowed with speed and strength.

One of the greatest engineers was born 157 years ago, on July 10, 1856. During his lifetime, the glory of his inventions often went to others, but history puts everything in its place. Perhaps this was best expressed in his eulogy to the scientist by the American politician Fiorello La Guardia, who was the mayor of New York at the time of Tesla’s death: “Tesla is not really dead. Only his poor body became still. The real, most important part of Tesla lives in his achievements, which are truly great, almost incalculable and have become an integral part of our civilization, our everyday life.” On the occasion of his birthday, we have compiled a small list of his sayings about different aspects of life.

1. About future technologies

It will soon be possible to transmit messages wirelessly around the world, so easily that everyone will be able to carry and control their own device for this purpose.

2. About patience and planning

This is the problem with many inventors: they lack patience. They lack the willpower to work something out in their minds slowly, clearly, and clearly, so that they get a feel for exactly how it will work. They want to immediately try out the first idea that comes to mind, and as a result they spend a lot of money and a lot of good material, only to experimentally determine that they are working in the wrong direction. We all make mistakes, and it's better to make them before you start doing anything.

3. About your heritage

Time will tell what the result of my research will be. But whatever it may be, and whatever it may lead to, I will be more than satisfied if subsequent generations recognize that I have contributed my share, certainly a small one, to the development of science.

4. About individualism and humanity

When we talk about a person, we also represent humanity as a whole, and when applying scientific methods to an individual, this physical fact should be taken into account. But can anyone today doubt that all these millions of individuals, endless types and characters, form a single whole?

Despite free will and action, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, united by inextricable bonds. These bonds are invisible, but we can feel them. I cut my finger and it bleeds: this finger is part of me. I see my friend’s pain and this pain hurts me too: my friend and I are one. And watching a defeated enemy, even one whom I would least regret in the entire universe, I still feel sorrow. Doesn't this prove that we are all just a part of a single whole?

5. About extravagance

We build to destroy. Most of our labors and resources are wasted. Our march forward is marked by devastation. Everywhere there is just a terrible waste of time, effort and life. A bleak but true picture.

6. About neatness

Everyone should consider their body a priceless gift from those they love above all, a magnificent work of art. The indescribable beauty, the mystery that lies in the design of human existence is so subtle that even a word, a breath, a look, even a thought can damage it. Untidyness, which increases disease and death, is not only self-destructive, but also an incredibly immoral habit.

7. About those who appropriated his inventions

Let the future tell the truth and evaluate everyone in accordance with his works and achievements. The present belongs to them; the future I worked for was actually mine.

8. About the secrets of life

Life is and will always be an equation that cannot be solved, although it contains several known factors.

They called him a dreamer, they mocked his ideas, but time put everything in its place. Nikola Tesla was amazingly talented. He made his discoveries easily, as if jokingly. He said that technical solutions came to his mind on their own. Tesla is considered one of the most brilliant people of all time (along with Leonardo da Vinci). Tesla's work made possible the development of modern electrical engineering. His inventions were several centuries ahead of their time. Tesla knew how to use consciousness to change reality. There are still legends about him. We offer you 25 quotes from this great inventor.

1. The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes throughout the Universe.

2. My brain is only a receiving device. There is a certain core in outer space from which we draw knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.

3. I don't need models, drawings, experiments. When ideas arise in my mind, I begin to build a device in my imagination, change the design, improve it, and turn it on. And it makes absolutely no difference to me whether the device is tested in my thoughts or in the workshop - the results will be the same.

4. Are you familiar with the expression “you can’t jump over your head”? This is a misconception. A person can do anything.

5. The great mysteries of our existence have yet to be solved; even death may not be the end.

6. The highest goal of human development is the complete dominance of consciousness over the material world, the use of the forces of nature to satisfy human needs.

7. Life is and will always be an equation that cannot be solved, although it contains several known factors.

8. Modern scientists think deeply instead of thinking clearly. To think clearly, you need to have a sound mind, but you can think deeply even if you are completely crazy.

9. This is the problem with many inventors: they lack patience. They lack the willpower to work something out in their minds slowly, clearly, and clearly, so that they get a feel for exactly how it will work. They want to immediately try out the first idea that comes to mind, and as a result they spend a lot of money and a lot of good material, only to experimentally determine that they are working in the wrong direction. We all make mistakes, and it's better to make them before you start doing anything.

10. Our world is immersed in a huge ocean of energy, we fly in endless space at an incomprehensible speed. Everything around rotates, moves - everything is energy. We have a huge task ahead of us - to find ways to extract this energy. Then, extracting it from this inexhaustible source, humanity will move forward with giant steps.

11. The spread of civilization can be compared to fire: at first it is a weak spark, then a flickering flame, and then a powerful flame, endowed with speed and strength.

12. How many people called me a dreamer, how our misguided myopic world mocked my ideas. Time will judge us.

13. Everyone should consider his body a priceless gift from those he loves above all, a magnificent work of art. The indescribable beauty, the mystery that lies in the design of human existence is so subtle that even a word, a breath, a look, even a thought can damage it. Untidyness, which multiplies disease and death, is not only a self-destructive habit, but also an incredibly immoral habit.

14. I cut my finger and it is bleeding: this finger is part of me. I see my friend’s pain, and this pain hurts me too: my friend and I are one. And watching a defeated enemy, even one whom I would least regret in the entire Universe, I still feel sorrow. Doesn't this prove that we are all just a part of a single whole?

15. In continuous solitude, the mind becomes sharper. You don't need a large laboratory to think and invent. Ideas are born in the absence of influence on the mind by external conditions. The secret of ingenuity is solitude.
Ideas are born in solitude.

16. There is nothing that could attract human attention to a greater extent and deserve to be the subject of study than nature. To understand its enormous mechanism, to discover its creative powers and to know the laws that govern it is the greatest goal of the human mind.

17. It will not be a great evil if a student falls into error; if great minds make mistakes, the world pays dearly for their mistakes.

18. If I had some grueling task in front of me, I would attack it again and again until I did it. So I practiced day after day, from morning to night. At first it required a strong mental effort directed against inclinations and desires, but as the years passed, this contradiction weakened, and at last my will and desire became one and the same. They are like that today, and this is the secret of all my successes.

19. Intuition is something that is ahead of exact knowledge. Our brain undoubtedly has very sensitive nerve cells, which allows us to sense truth even when it is not yet accessible to logical conclusions or other mental efforts.

20. I don’t make drawings or build models. I create a drawing in my head, and from it I mentally assemble the device, test it, and launch it. Over 20 years of work, the results of mental tests and tests of the same device in the workshop always gave the same results.

21. It is paradoxical, yet true, when they say that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in an absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become aware of our limitations.

22. When natural attraction develops into passionate desire, the approach to the goal goes by leaps and bounds.

23. Our shortcomings and our virtues are inseparable, like strength and matter. If they separate, the person no longer exists.

24. No community can exist and develop without strict discipline.

25. The brain does not keep constant records, knowledge does not accumulate. Knowledge is something akin to an echo, which requires the breaking of silence in order to be called to life.