Korean-style soy asparagus: benefits and harms, calorie content. Korean asparagus: benefits and harms, what it is made from, calorie content

29.08.2024 Brain damage

Soy asparagus is a popular semi-finished product made from soybeans. It is an integral element of East Asian cuisine. The benefits and harms of soy asparagus cause a lot of controversy between nutritionists and nutritionists, but its beneficial properties are very effective.

What is soy asparagus and what is it made from?

This is a healthy herbal product. In the Russian-speaking space, it received the erroneous name “asparagus,” although this semi-finished product has nothing to do with this type of plant grown in the ground. Its real name is fuzhu, it comes from the Chinese language. The beneficial properties of asparagus from soybeans were noted by residents of the east in ancient times. The Koreans call it yuba, and the Japanese call it doupi. In Russia, this product is also called “Chinese fern” or “Korean-style asparagus.”

To prepare dry asparagus, soybeans are used, which bring great benefits to the body due to minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron. The process consists of several stages. First, the soybeans are filtered and soaked in water. Next, the soy curd is separated from it using special devices. Soy milk is prepared from the remaining product and boiled. A fatty layer called fupi forms on the surface. It is removed, hung, and left to dry for a while. At the end of the process, long, wrinkled sheets of familiar shape are obtained. This is a ready-made product - fuzhu.

Calorie content of soy asparagus

The calorie content of dry soy asparagus per 100 grams is 260 kilocalories. Due to its relatively low calorie content and abundance of beneficial properties, it is often used in dietary nutrition. Protein content per 100 g – 42 g, carbohydrates – 23 g, fat – 14 g.

Advice! To further reduce calories, you can use special cooking methods. For example, Korean pickled asparagus is lower in calories, does less harm and is more beneficial.

What are the benefits of soy asparagus?

It is often called the “product of youth”: fuzhu has a high concentration of essential plant protein, which is absorbed by the body much faster and easier than animal protein. Soy asparagus has many health benefits, but some studies show that it can also be harmful if consumed in excess. Eating fuju in a very large amount negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas and thyroid gland, and also harms the digestive processes due to its high fiber and protein content.

This product contains bioactive substances - phytoestrogens. For women, they are of great benefit: consuming soy asparagus during PMS, menopause, or when the reproductive system is unhealthy will help reduce the risk of developing serious diseases and reduce harm from the influence of unfavorable factors. Isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogens contained in fuju, which have many beneficial properties, are excellent antioxidants, normalize hormone function, and promote anti-carcinogenic changes. Soy asparagus contains a special substance, lecithin, whose properties improve liver function and prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.

What diseases does soy asparagus help with?

The benefits of asparagus from soybeans include the prevention of certain cancer diseases, heart and vascular problems. The product has a very low cholesterol content and no lactose, so it is suitable for people with diabetes and allergies to milk sugar. This is an indispensable source of protein for athletes and simply people who do not eat animal products.

The benefits and harm of asparagus in Korean

The benefits of dried soy asparagus are undeniable, but despite this, there are several other points that prove the harm of this product in special situations.

  • By including this healthy semi-finished product in your regular diet, you can get the vitamins and beneficial elements your body needs every day: vitamins B, D, E, iron, potassium, sodium.
  • Korean asparagus is beneficial for the body of people with diseases of the cardiac system, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and chronic constipation. The product also neutralizes the harm caused by the effects of junk food on the body.
  • This product is one of the leaders in the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, so fuju soy asparagus benefits people suffering from hypertension, heart disease, and atherosclerosis.
  • For men and women who lead an active lifestyle and play sports, soy asparagus provides benefits in the form of an abundance of essential, easily digestible plant amino acids.
  • Fuzhu contains a lot of useful fiber, which improves metabolism, reduces the harm caused by fatty foods and helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Nutrition experts do not advise consuming it in excessive quantities, since its properties can harm the functioning of the endocrine and mixed secretion glands - pancreas, thyroid, and also impair the functioning of the human reproductive system.
  • Excessive consumption of fuju, like any other product, can lead to inevitable weight gain. Therefore, you need to take a rational approach to meal planning and consume all foods in moderation.

Korean soy asparagus for weight loss

Due to the low calorie content of Korean asparagus, it is often used in various weight loss programs and diet courses. Korean asparagus has a pleasant taste, so it should be included in the daily diet not only for those who want to lose weight and follow a strict diet, but also for those who want to diversify their diet.

Important! Nutritionists advise eating this semi-finished product in the afternoon - for lunch or dinner. Thus, healthy vegetable protein will be absorbed in the best possible way and will bring more benefits to the body, and carbohydrates and fats will not be deposited in the body as excess weight and will not cause any harm.

How to cook soy asparagus at home

It's very easy to prepare: it won't take more than 30 minutes, but some preparation is required.

  1. The dried product must be soaked in cool water for at least 4 hours. If it is not possible to leave it for such a long time, then you can simply pour boiling water over the fuju and leave it for a couple of minutes to swell. But with this method of cooking, the taste will be much less pleasant, and many of the aromas and beneficial properties of soy asparagus will not be fully revealed.
  2. After soaking in water, it needs to be washed and cut into pieces.
  3. As a supplement, you can choose any healthy vegetables: most often, these are onions, carrots, as well as legumes - beans, chickpeas.
  4. First, the vegetables are fried in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan until medium cooked and only then soy asparagus is added.
  5. Next, you need to thoroughly mix all the ingredients and leave to simmer under the lid for 7 - 10 minutes.
  6. For decoration and the final touch, you can sprinkle the dish with herbs - green onions, dill, then crush the garlic and sprinkle with pepper.

Delicious and healthy dishes made from soy asparagus

Fuzhu is used not only as an independent dish, but also as an integral element of many other healthy and tasty recipes. Basically, all dishes that include soy asparagus come from the cuisines of East Asian countries - China, Japan, Korea, India:

  • With carrots in Korean style;
  • Korean asparagus with paprika;
  • Diet Caesar with soy asparagus;
  • Oriental salad with fuju, seaweed and pickles;
  • Autumn salad with pumpkin, pear and fuju.

Korean asparagus recipe with carrots

Korean asparagus with carrots is one of the traditional dishes of oriental cuisine, which is prepared there in every home. To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • dried semi-finished product - 1 package;
  • vegetables: onions and green onions, garlic - 3 - 4 cloves, carrots - 1 kg;
  • various seasonings to taste. The main ones are black pepper and coriander;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil (linseed, olive, sunflower, pumpkin or grape seeds);
  • vinegar 70% - 1 - 1.5 tbsp.

First you need to soak the fuju.

  1. Next, start cooking carrots in Korean. To do this, all the carrots must be chopped on a fine or coarse grater (optional), add ground pepper, salt, 1 - 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and leave to infuse for 15 - 20 minutes.
  2. After this, finely chop the onion and garlic, fry them in vegetable oil in a frying pan along with coriander, add asparagus.
  3. Pour soy sauce over the entire mixture, stir, and leave to fry for another 5 - 6 minutes. until fully prepared.
  4. You need to transfer everything from the frying pan to the carrots and put the salad in the refrigerator.

The dish is usually served cold: this is how its taste properties are most noticeable.

Korean asparagus with paprika

This is another popular recipe for making Korean asparagus with your own hands.

First, you also need to soak the dried product in water for several hours.

Meanwhile, you need to prepare the marinade for soy asparagus:

  1. The base is soy sauce, in which ground black pepper, salt, 1 - 2 tbsp are mixed. l. fragrant paprika, crushed garlic and finely chopped onion.
  2. The swollen mass is placed in the resulting marinade and left in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Harm of soy asparagus

It is not recommended to eat too much fuju, as this can lead to an exacerbation of certain endocrine diseases. In young children, excessive use can lead to future problems with the reproductive system. In general, the harm of this product to the body is quite insignificant, especially if you use it no more than 4 - 5 times a week.

Who is contraindicated in soy asparagus?

People with pancreatitis, as well as those with kidney disease, problems with the endocrine glands - hypofunction of the thyroid gland should refrain from consuming fuju. However, you should not completely exclude this useful product from your diet, since in small quantities it will only bring benefits.

How to select and store soy asparagus

Soybeans were the first product on which scientists tested GMO technologies. Therefore, unfortunately, now unscrupulous manufacturers often find fuju made from low-quality, low-grade soybeans. You must always read the text on the packaging: study the composition, production methods, properties of the product.

It can be safely placed on the same shelf with pasta, cereals, and legumes. It is advisable to choose dark cabinets or shelves.


Thus, it turned out that the benefits and harms of soy asparagus depend only on the quantities in which it is consumed. Fuzhu has a lot of beneficial properties, it is rich in essential vitamins and essential elements, so this product must be constantly included in your daily diet. Video about cooking soy asparagus:

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Asparagus, or asparagus, is a short plant that has been consumed by humans for many centuries for various purposes. The perennial was originally used medicinally as a blood purifier and diuretic. The main part of asparagus species has a purely decorative function, and only some varieties are used in cooking. A very healthy and dietary plant that goes well with any food. The calorie content of various types of asparagus directly depends on the method of preparing the dish, which should be taken into account by those who want to lose weight.

Calorie content and its dependence on the type of preparation

Green asparagus has a nutritional value of 21 kcal per 100 grams of product. The raw materials have coarse fiber and fiber, which helps saturate the body for a long time. It is used for preparing boiled and fried dishes due to its pleasant, pronounced taste.

Pickled asparagus has a calorie content of 15 kcal per 100 grams, which makes it indispensable for dietary nutrition. This dish will not only help you maintain your figure in excellent condition, but will also have a beneficial effect on the health of your heart muscle and blood vessels.

Boiled asparagus has a higher carbohydrate content, and the calorie content is 22 kcal per 100 grams of the finished dish. To preserve its nutritional qualities, it is recommended to heat asparagus for no longer than 5 minutes.

Fried asparagus has the highest fat content and calorie content of the product - 75 kcal per 100 grams. The vegetable should also be cooked for no longer than five minutes.

Nutritional value and composition

Asparagus is a rich source of fiber. The plant has a beneficial effect on the liver, removes excess water from the body and cleanses the blood. Dietary fiber removes waste and toxins, and also helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, asparagus has high nutritional properties, which keeps you feeling full for a long time after eating the product.

The plant is indicated for use by people suffering from gout, nephritis and urinary tract diseases. When eaten regularly, asparagus has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis. Doctors have noted the ability of the vegetable to facilitate the removal of kidney stones.


Asparagine is a substance with a high antibacterial index. It is an excellent helper in the fight against colds. Asparagine also has a pronounced effect on the cardiovascular system and kidneys, and lowers blood pressure.

Folic acid helps improve metabolism and protects the body from teratogenic factors. It is especially useful for pregnant women.

Saponins have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, promoting the liquefaction and removal of sputum.

Inulin is a carbohydrate that promotes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and liver, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, promotes bone tissue renewal, improves calcium absorption, and normalizes sugar levels in the body.

The product also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E, H, PP, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and sodium.

Despite the enormous benefits of asparagus for the body, in practice there are still contraindications to the use of the product. Asparagus is a plant capable of causing a severe allergic reaction. Particularly sensitive people may develop a rash even when touching the sprouts of the plant.

Asparagus is contraindicated for consumption in the presence of gastritis and peptic ulcers due to the ability of the plant juice to irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. It is also undesirable to consume the product if there are complications of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system and urolithiasis.

Other asparagus: soy

Soy asparagus or Fuzhu (in Chinese) is a processed soybean product. The product is useful for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and oncology.

The calorie content of Fuzhu is about 234 kcal per 100 grams of raw materials.

Soy asparagus is made by boiling fresh raw material in soy milk. Then the product is dried.

This dish is often consumed by vegetarians to compensate for protein in the body. In terms of nutritional properties, it is not inferior to animal proteins and has higher digestibility.

The benefits of soy protein include its ability to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Consumption of soy product can prevent the development of osteoporosis and prostate tumors in men.

The value of soy asparagus for women lies in its ability to reduce the risk of breast cancer. With regular consumption of the plant, a decrease in the intensity of premenstrual syndrome was noted.

White asparagus is in no way inferior in properties to green asparagus. The calorie content of the product is 20 kcal per gram. White asparagus is considered the most expensive compared to other species. When grown, the plant requires special care and increased attention to maintain high quality sprouts.

Asparagus salad has a calorie content of about 113 kcal per 100 grams of product due to additional ingredients. Soy asparagus is flavored with spices, vinegar, salt and vegetable oil. Regular consumption of such a dish can increase the tone of the body, strengthen the immune system and provide protection against blood clots in the blood vessels.

What should you include in your diet for weight loss?

Due to its low calorie content, asparagus simply needs to be included in your regular menu. The only exceptions are contraindications for the use of such a valuable product. If you are overweight or have severe cellulite, it is enough to add the vegetable to your diet about three times a week. Moreover, you can choose the cooking method to suit your taste. As a result of such a diet, the “orange peel” will noticeably decrease in the shortest possible time.

  • replenishing the lack of nutrients with a limited menu;
  • stimulation of intestinal function.
  • The most important condition for a positive result when consuming asparagus is the quality of the raw materials. Fresh vegetables have the following characteristics:

    • when you press the cut, the sprout releases fresh juice with a pleasant smell;
    • the fiber does not have any external damage or signs of drying out;
    • the core of the vegetable is elastic and hard, does not break when bent;
    • the ends of the sprout have a closed appearance and no traces of flowering;
    • pleasant aroma.

    If the product is eaten no more than once a week, it is recommended to purchase fresh vegetables before each preparation. Storing fresh raw materials in the refrigerator is possible for no longer than two days to avoid spoilage. Asparagus can also be frozen for up to six months, but subject to a number of rules.

    Asparagus goes well with almost all vegetables and fruits, which greatly simplifies the process of creating a dietary menu. The sprouts of the plant are perfect as a side dish for meat and fish, as well as as an independent dish.

    You will learn even more about the beneficial properties of asparagus in the video below.

    Calories, kcal:

    Proteins, g:

    Carbohydrates, g:

    Asparagus (lat. Asparagus) are called plants from the family Asparagus, known for over 2000 years. Of the 200 varieties of asparagus, only a few are eaten, a little more are used in pharmacy, the rest have exclusively decorative value (calorizator). Asparagus is a perennial herbaceous or shrub plant; on a long branched stem there are many small leaves - soft needles, so asparagus resembles a Christmas tree. Young shoots 15-22 cm long and no thicker than 2 cm are used for food. Asparagus has a fairly neutral taste, so it goes well with more aromatic products.

    Calorie content of asparagus

    The calorie content of asparagus is 20 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    You can learn more about asparagus, how to select, prepare and store it from the video clip of the TV show “About the Most Important Thing.”

    Especially for
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    Not so long ago, this product was a real exotic on our tables. In the post-Soviet space, few people knew about asparagus, although in Western countries asparagus has been used for thousands of years as food for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

    This wonderful plant, growing throughout almost the entire territory of Europe and the European part of Russia, has become widespread not only in cooking, but is also grown as an ornamental plant, serving as a decoration for garden plots or bouquets. Moreover, asparagus has medicinal properties and has been used since ancient times. In this case, I would like to know more about asparagus, and also find out the calorie content of Korean asparagus - a dish that has become a favorite among many gourmets.

    This amazing product - asparagus, is rich in minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, as well as vitamins A, B, C, has excellent taste and has been used in folk medicine for a long time. Asparagus is used to treat prostatitis, kidney and urinary tract diseases. It has an excellent effect on blood vessels, arteries and capillaries, making them more elastic. Asparagus decoction is used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, sedative and strong analgesic. Asparagus perfectly relieves fatigue and promotes.

    As a rule, young shoots of asparagus are used for food. It is widely used in salads, sauces, or as an independent dish. Asparagus is most beneficial in its raw form, since during heat treatment it loses some of its healing properties. I would especially like to note the benefits of this plant for those who want to lose weight, since the calorie content of asparagus is only 30 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. By the way, the calorie content of Korean asparagus is 55 kcal/100g. product.

    But here we should make a digression. The thing is that “Korean-style asparagus” or “soy asparagus” is usually called a product that has nothing to do with a plant such as asparagus. This product is also called fuju, and it is the foam from soy milk that forms after it is boiled. The milk is heated over low heat, and the foam collected from its surface is collected and dried. As a result, it stretches and wrinkles, resembling natural asparagus in appearance.

    This product is unique and no less useful than the plant with which it is usually confused. Korean asparagus is a real soy product, which is a unique source of biologically active substances, proteins and fats, as well as vitamins that help fight excess body weight, relieve cardiovascular diseases and other ailments, with regular consumption of soy asparagus.

    Korean asparagus has a spicy and original taste, but people love it not only for its gastronomic features, but also for the benefits this product brings to the body. Especially soy asparagus is rich in protein, which is an essential component of the human diet. Isoflavones, which soy asparagus is rich in, help restore estrogen levels in the body, since their composition is similar to estrogens. Korean-style asparagus should also be consumed by women during PMS or menopause, with underdevelopment of the mammary glands and ovarian dysfunction. In addition, isoflavones are excellent anticarcinogens and antioxidants, which means that consuming soy asparagus is very important for cancer.

    The use of asparagus is also prescribed for peptic ulcers. The lecithin contained in this product prevents the accumulation of fats and toxins in the liver, and also regulates the outflow of bile. Due to the low calorie content of Korean asparagus, its high dietary value, as well as its beneficial effects on the entire body, soy asparagus is an ideal product for people with obesity, gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes. Pay attention to this unique product, and perhaps eating Korean asparagus will become a good tradition in your home. Take care of your health!

    Asparagus is a common product on store shelves. Quite often, customers are offered not only fresh or frozen plants, but also canned or heat-treated ones. It is important to know that only fresh plants have beneficial properties, which will be discussed in more detail below; any heat treatment leads to the loss of vitamins or minerals.

    Useful properties of asparagus

    The healing properties of this plant are known not only in folk medicine, but also beyond its borders. It is known that many centuries ago, namely in Ancient Rome, the healing properties of asparagus were first established. From an inaccessible delicacy, this product has turned into a valuable product that is now found everywhere.

    It has been established that asparagus is one of the main sources of vitamins and minerals. The low calorie content of the product is due to the popularity of the product among vegetarians and those who care about their nutrition.

    This product has a diuretic effect, which allows you to get rid of excess fluid in the body, which accordingly helps to get rid of extra pounds.

    It has been proven that systematic consumption of asparagus guarantees an improvement in general condition and normalization of the metabolic process; in addition, the available vitamins ensure healthy hair and skin. Among the important positive factors include preventing the development of cancer, as well as relieving nervous tension.

    Our ancestors also recognized the healing properties of asparagus, aimed at treating the respiratory system, as well as cardiovascular diseases. Asparagus is a natural tonic and soothing product; its constant use will prevent the formation of blood clots, and will also significantly reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions in the body.

    In modern medicine, precedents have been noted for the beneficial effects of the product on the vital functions of the body, including those affecting the cleansing of tissues, the level of blood acidity and as a natural laxative. The effect of asparagus on increasing male strength and increasing female libido has been practically established; this could not but affect the functioning of the genitourinary system, freeing the body from the content of phosphates, chlorides or urea.

    Asparagus is a natural product that contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that contribute to the normal functioning of the body. Being one of the sources of vitamins B and A, this product has a wide variety of beneficial microelements, such as:

    Enriched with fiber, asparagus has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It has a vasodilating property that can guarantee the normalization of blood pressure. The genitourinary system is carefully cleansed, the heart muscle is strengthened, and the antibacterial and antiviral properties of the product are also revealed.

    After long-term use of asparagus, there was a noticeable improvement in the health of hair, skin and nails, and general well-being. Many people note an increase in male potency and female libido. Scientific data does not provide accurate data about this positive property, but its unique properties have been noted by highly qualified specialists.

    Calorie content

    The calorie content of the product directly depends on the method of its preparation, but one way or another, asparagus is a very low-calorie product that is effective not only in losing weight, but also in adhering to a healthy diet. Consider the number of calories in asparagus, depending on the method of its preparation:

    Based on the data presented, you should know that the product is one of the key ones in losing weight, the main thing is to adhere to a strict diet and established daily routine. The enrichment of asparagus in the daily diet is manifested in the functioning of vital systems of the body. The properties of a product can be purely individual, but in general, the overall picture cannot be spoiled. Indications for use of the product many times exceed the level of expected results. A fresh plant retains a maximum of useful substances in its composition.


    You should be aware that eating asparagus in some cases can cause harm to the body. The use of this plant can provoke an allergic reaction, of course, based on the individual characteristics of the body. Also, asparagus is not recommended for people suffering from cystitis, prostatitis or ulcers, not only during exacerbation of the disease, but also during chronic conditions.

    There have been recorded cases where excessive consumption of the plant contributed to the development of pancreatic diseases. Therefore, it is very important to skillfully balance between benefit and harm.

    In the fight against extra pounds, asparagus can provide invaluable help. Dietary practice involves strict control in calorie counting. There are certain standards that limit consumption of more than 900-1000 calories per day. Under this condition, in order not to harm the body, you should stick not only to snacks, but also try to enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals.

    As mentioned earlier, asparagus has a very low calorie content, but is a source of many vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the full functioning of all vital systems.

    Calorie content is not the main advantage of this product in the process of losing weight; the unique property that promotes the rapid burning of fat tissue is much more significant. Many people know firsthand that sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of fat deposits in some places of the body. Physical activity does not always bring the expected effect; it often takes a lot of time to correct one or another part of the body. Asparagus makes an invaluable contribution to accelerating the process, promoting intense fat burning.

    You will find a recipe with asparagus that is suitable for losing weight in the following video:

    Undoubtedly, asparagus should diversify the daily diet, only in the absence of certain diseases in order to avoid their exacerbation. A product enriched with vitamins and minerals will not only improve your well-being, but also strengthen the immune system, significantly increasing the body’s protective functions.

    Asparagus helps normalize the functioning of important life support systems, and also significantly corrects the figure, reducing adipose tissue. The use of the plant is recommended not only by traditional medicine, but by qualified specialists who were able to recognize this plant as a storehouse of vitamin-mineral complex.